HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 3/12/2009 . .", (0 , ", II 1111111 III~ RflURN TO CASCADE Tm - -= CASCADe ''\'TT1..EI ca_.. mLE NO, 0255889 ~-re> ESCROW NO. . EU07,2957 TAX ACCT. NO. MAPITAX LOT NO. 180203 #507 /" D.lvlsion 0" Chi.' Deputy Clerk 2MO_j'''1'~' Lan. County Deeds.and Recorda ~Vg-u~ ~ m~~~lmmWlWJJW~lW"IIIIIII" $36,00 06/16/2008 03:24:53 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=4 CASH1ER 02 $15.00 $11.00 $10.00 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM HLM, INC., Grantor, conveyS and warrants to HAYDtN HOME~ LLC, an"Oregon Lll"nlted Liability Company, Grant~ the following described real property free of encu~branees except as specifically set forth herein: SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, TIlE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD JNQUITtE A BOUT mE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY. UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 19S..3J6 AND SECflONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424. OREGON LAWS Ul07.THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLiCABLE LAND USE LAWS AN-n REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR A,-,-.e.r I ..~{j THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CllY OR COUNlY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY TnA T THE UNIT OF LAND DEING TRANSFERRED lS A LA WJ!ULL Y ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN OKS 92.010 OR 2IS.010, TO VERIFY mE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL. TO DETERMINE_ ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERIT OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 19S.301 AND 195.J05 TO 195.3~ AND SECTIONS 5 TO II, CHAPTER 424, O'REGON LAWS :Z007. Except the <Following eocumbrnnces: SUBJECT TO: SEE EXHIBIT "B" The true consideration for this conveyance is $1',414,800.00 AS PAID BY rro AN ACCOMMODATOR PURSUANT TO IRC 1031. Dated this -:r", ~L. .,.,.,i, -' day of II fILM, INC. BY: ,.-:( ----? , SHAWN HOLM, VICE,PRESIDENT OF FINANCE State of Oregon County of O~~h~ This instrument was8:cknowledged bef~reme on :1'\"I1)-r'1' \ l.lc:.n LM,INC., on behalf of the grantor. .2008 by' SHAWN HOLM, VT OE-PRESIDENT OF FINANCE OF BLH, INC. C l !A 1<IMBERL Y GUTHRIE. ~OTARV PUBLtC~ OREGON . C !4!41SS10N NO. 418529 MYCOH IS5JON~XPIRfS JUL 18. 201i ;.. - - - -. ""'-""= 1I".~..O'l (;!I~1> ~ a.. (Notary Publi~for Oregon) M~ commission expires '1 ~ \ ~ . ~l \ HLMr INC. 963 SW SIMPSON, STE 110 BEND OR 91702 . GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the followin~ address: ".SAME AS GRANTEE... HAYDEN HOMES, LLC 2464 sw GLACIER PLACE. STE 110 REDMOND. OR 97756 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS ,,~ After recording return to: CASCADE TITLE CO. 811 W1LLAMEITE EUGENE, OR 97401 Date Received: " MAR 1 2 2009 WJUl.IlX Ori.ginal Submittal' I I II II II ~ I .. , EJCHIBlT IIA" . . Situated in Lane county, state of Oregon in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 3 and the Southeaat 1/4. of Se.ction 4, Township 113 Bout.~. Range 2 West c.f the willamette Meridian and described as follows: Being a portion of Parael 1 of Land Partition Plat No. 99-P1279 8S pla~ted and filed August 17, 1999 in Lane County"Oregon Land Partition plat Records and filed as county Survey File No. 36134 in the office of the Lane county surveyor. Said portion being more particularly described as_follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of lot 226 of JASPER MEADOWS SIXTH ADDITION as platted and recorded October 4, 2007 in the plat Recerds of Lane County, State of Oregon, which point liea on the West margin. of tbe Bob Straub Parkway (a 2oo.l4-foot wide right-of-way) au ade! right~of-way was dedicated to Lane county by that certain dedication of public road easement that was recorded July 18,1~007 at Recorder's Number 2007-048812 in the Official Records of Lane County, Istate of Oregon; thence, leaving said point of beginning and along said West n!argin, the following one (1) numbered coursel (1) -South oS .... 13' 07. East 540.00 feet to a point; thence, leaving said future West margin along the'following siX (6) numbered courses: (2) South.al a 45' 21n West 118.24 feet; (3) South 51 0100' 24" East 10.00 feet to a point of non-tangent curvature to the right; (4) along said non~tangent curvature to the right having a radius center that lies North 47 a 43" 37n West 151.22 feet,' a central angle 'of 47 Q 10' 25n and a long chord of South 65051' 36n West 121.02 feet, an arc length of 124.50 feet to a 'point of tangent 1in~; (5) along said tangent line, South S9 0 26' 49" West 324.52 feet; (6) leaving said t8:ngent line, South 00033' 11" East-S9.92 feet; and (7) South 89026' 49" West.190.62 feet to the Southerly terminus of that certain Southeast line of "tract a" of said JAsPER MEADOWS SIXTH ADDITION that has a bearing and distance of North 29 0 09' 4a.... East 72.10 feet; thence, along said Southeast line and the general Southerly lines of said JASPER MEADOWS SIXTH ADDITION, the following seventeen (17) numbered courses: (S) North 28 0 09' 4B" East 72.10 feet; (9)" North 48 a SO' 20" East 90.00 feet to a point of non-tangent..curvature to the right;. (10) along said non-tangent curvature to the right, having a radius center that lies North 48050' 20n East 120.00 feet, a central angle of 23 Q 25' 09n and 'a long chord of North 29 0 27' 05n West 4B.71 feet, an arc length of 49.05 feet to a po~nt of non~tangent line; (11) along said non~tang~nt; line, North 72 0 15' 29" East 40.00 feet to a point of non-tangent curv~ture to the righti(12) along said non-tangent curyature to the right, having a radius center that lies North 72 a 15 I 29n East 80.00 feet, a, central angle of 17 a 11' 19n" and a long chord of North 09 0 081 51" West 23.91 feet, an arc length of '24.00 feet to'a point of tangent line; (13) along said tangent line, North 00 a 33' IP West 10.00 'teet; (l4) leaving said tangent line, North 89 0 26' 49" East 66.90 feet; (15) North ~9 0 33' IP West 130.00 feet; (16) South 89 0 26' 49" West 7.1B feet:. 1 (17) North 00 Q 33' 11" West 1ao.oo feeti (18) North 89 0.26' 49n East 5.29 feet, (19) North 00 0 33' 11" West 150.00 feet; (20) North B9 0 26' 49" East 333.16 feet; (21) North 81 0 451 27" East 50;00 feet; (22) South OB 0 14' 33n Bast 15.10 feet to a point of tangent curvature to'the right; (23) along said tangent curvature to the right, having. a radius center that lies South 81 Q 45' 27" West 125.00 feet, a central angle of . 0 16' 21" and 'a long chord of South 06 0 0&' :22~ East JL32 feet, an arc lengtb of 9.32 feet to a poirit of non-tangent line; and (24) along said non-tangent line North Bl 0 45' 27n Bast 99.6B ,feet returning to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. LEGAL , Date Received: MAR 1 2 2009 Original Submittal EXHIBIT IIS" 1. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted Mountain-States Power Company, by instrument. recorded September 19, 1945,' in Book.29', Page 2a5, Lane COUDtyOregon Deed Records. 2. Easement, including the terms and ptovisions thereof, granted Mountai~ States Power Company, by instrument recorded September 18, 1947,'in Book 343, Page 615, Lane _ County Oregon Deed Records. 3. Easement agreement. including the terms and provisions thereof, between Joseph D. Bando and J, D. Dando Corporation, and Gordon W. Tripp, recorded September 4, 1981, Reel No. 1155, Reception No. 813B188, Lane County Official Records. 4. Easements, notes and restrictions shown, set for~ or delineated on the recorded partition Plat. 5. Resolution'Initiating Annexation; 'including the terms and provisions thereof, by the City of Springfield, recorded'September 23, 2003, Reception No. 2003-093155, Lane County Deeds and Records, and Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded October 6, 2003, Reception No. 2003-097367, Lane county Deeds and Records. 6. Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements (Jasper Road Extension)'and for Dedication of Right of Way to Lane County, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded June 25, 2004, Reception No. 2004-048548, Lane Councy Offici,al Records. . , 7. Annexation Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City ~f Springfield And the Crossroads Development, LtC, recorded March 2, 2005, Reception No. 2005-014545, Lane County Official Re~ords. 8. Easement, including the terms arid provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, recorded May 23, 2006, Reception No. 2006-035146, Lane County Official Records. 9. Dedication of Public Road Easement to Lane County, a political subdivision.of the State of oregon, recorded July 18, 2007, Reception No, 2007-049B12, ~~e County Official Rocorda. 10. Right of way within' the future Plat of -Jasper Meadows Seventh Addition,' as granted to the City of Springfield, recorded January 25, 2008, Reception No. 2008-004608, Lane County Of~icial fteco~ds. 11. Public Utility Easements, including the terms arid provisions ther~of, granted the City ot" Springfield, recorded January 25,' 2008,. Reception No. 2008-004609 Lane County Deeds and Records;' , 12. Public Sidewalk Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, recorded January 25, 2008, Reception No. 2008-004610, Lane County Official Records. . Date Received: MAR 1 2 2009 Original Submitta,' ,i . ".s. ",,.'.. After recordin ~urn to: Rex Betz, Bran~ ~ngineering, Inc. 310 Fifth Street ~pringfield~ OR 97477 ~r'1 ./ CONCURRENCE for JASPER MEADOWS SEVENT.H ADDITION Whereas U.S. BaokNational ksociation, is the beneficiary ofa Deed of Trust dated June 6, 2.0.08 held against the lands described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof; which Deed of Trust was recorded in Lane County Oregon Official Records Jrine 16, 2.0.08 at Recorder's Number 2.0.08- .033736 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon. Whereas Hayden Homes, LLC, desires to record.~ Subdivision Plat creating 46 buildable lots. Knowall men oythese presents that U.S. Bank. National Association, hereby concurs with the platting and .recording of sai? Plat as said pl';Yrdi~ides sai~s. Dated this ;Z ~?- day of~ .2.0.08. u.s~;2~al A~socia~ . B(y/'l i/iJP-:fl-r:1 ".-- Prin;N~/!\;~ ()jtM/fu , .i/f. y~ Title: V. I ~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT Slate oddf/1mf~1'-{ Counwof r 1I1~} 1" On,' _N fJ v,:t1 ' J.6, 2.o.o~ r!:erspj'ally '1~ed the above named , k 'Ii J('( who is the t/(f~~JyIJ!I!ttL11.1r of U.s. Bank National ASsociation, and who is Imown to meta be the identic?l individual who executed the foregoing instrument and who does hereby acknowledge said instrument to be his/her voluntary act and deed and that said f said association. Date Received: MAR 1 2 2009 Original Submittal JASPERMEADOWS SEVENTH ADDITION CONCURRENCE TO PLA TIING ' . Page I of2'. . .~ EXHIBIT "A" ,I JASPER MEADOWS SEVENTH ADDITION LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Tax Map 18,02,03,33 Tax Lot 101) SITUATED IN LANE COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON IN THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 3 AND THE SOUTIfEAST 114 OF SECTION 4, TOWNSHIP 18 SOUTH, RANGE 2 .WEST OF TIfE WlLLAMEITE MERIDIAN AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEING A PORTION OF PARCEL I OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 99.P1279 AS PLATTED AND FILED AUGUST 17, 1999 IN LANE COUNTY OREGON LAND PARTITION PLAT RECORDS AND FILED AS COUNTY SURVEY FILE NO. 36134 IN THE OFFICE OF THE LANE COUNTY SURVEYOR. SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ATTIfE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 226 OF "JASPER MEADOWS SIXTH. ADDITION" AS PLATTED AND RECORDED OCTOBER 4, 2007 IN THE PLAT RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON, WHICH POINTLIES ON THE WEST MARGIN OFTIfE BOB STRAUB P ARKW A Y (A 200.14,FOOT WIDE RlGHT-OF- WAY) AS SAID RIGHT-OF, WAY WAS DEDICATED TO LANE COUNTY BY THAT CERTAIN DEDICATION OF PUBLIC . ROAD EASEMENT THAT WAS RECORDED JULY 18,2007 AT RECORDER'S NUMBER2007, 048812 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS,OF LANE COUNTY, STATE OF ,OREGON; TIfENCE, LEAVING SAID POINT OF' BEGINNING AND ALONG SAID WEST MARGIN, THE 'FOLLOWING ONE (I) NUMBERED COURSE: (I) SOUTH 08' 13' 07" EAST S40.00 FEET TO A POINT; TIfENCE, LEAVING SAID WEST MARGIN ALONG THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) NUMBERED COURSES: (2) SOUTH 81' 4S' 27"'WEST 11824 FEET; (3) SOUTH SI' 00' 24" EAST 10.00 FEET TO A POINT OF NON, T ANGENTCURV ATURE TOTIfE.RIGHT; (4) ALONG SAID NON, TANGENT CURVATURE TO THERlGHTHA V1NG A RADIUS CENTER THATLlES NORTH 47' 43' 37" WEST ISI.22 FEET,A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 47' 10' 2S" AND A LONG CHORD OF SOUTH6S' SI'36" WEST 121.02 FEET,AN.ARC LENGTH OF 124.50 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT LINE; (S) ALONG SAID TANGENT LINE, SOUTH 89' 26' 49" WEST 324.52 FEET; (6) LEAVING SAID TANGENT LINE, SOUTH 00' 33'. 11" EAST S9.92 FEET; AND (7) SOUTH 89' 26' 49" WEST 190.62 FEET TO TIfESOUTIfERLY TERMINUS OF THAT CERTAIN SOUTl-IEAST LINE OF "TRACT A" OF SAID "JASPER MEADOWS SIXTH ADDITION" THAT HAS A BEARING AND DISTANCE OF NORTH 28' 09' 48" EAST 72.10 FEET; THENCE, ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTLINEAND THE GENERAL SOUTHERLY LINES OF SAID "JASPER MEADOWS SIXTH ADDITION", THE FOLLOWING SEVENTEEN (17)' NUMBERED COURSES: (8) NORTH28' 09' 48" EAST 72.1 0 FEET; (9) NORTH 48' SO' 20" EAST 90.00 FEET TO A POINT OF NON-TANGENT CURVATURE TO THE RIGHT; (10) ALONG SAID NON, TANGENT CDRV A TURE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS CENTER THAT LIESNORTH48' SO'20" EAST 120.00 FEET, A CENTRALANGLEOF23'2S' 09" AND A LONG CHORD OF NORTH 29' 27' OS" WEST 48.71 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 49.0S'FEET TO A POINT OF NON,TANGENT LINE; (I I) ALONG SAID NON-TANGENT LINE, NORTH 72' IS' 29" EAST 40.00 FEET TO A POINT OF NON,TANGENT CURVATURE TO THE RlGHT;(12) ALONG SAID NON- T ANGENTCURV ATURE TO THE RIGHT, HA VINGA RADIUS CENTER THATLIESNORTH72'IS'29"EAST80.00FEET,ACENTRALANGLEOF 17'11'19" AND A LONG CHORD OF NORTH 09' 08' SI" WEST23,91 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 24.00 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT LINE; (13) ALONG SAID TANGENT LINE, NORTH 00" 33' 11" WEST 1 0.00 FEET; (14) LEAVING SAID TANGENTLlNE, NORTH 89' 26' 49" EAST 66.90 FEET; (IS) NORTH 00' 33' II" WEST 130.00 FEET; (16) SOUTH 89' 26' 49" WEST 7.18 FEET; (17) NORTH 00' 33' I I" WEST 180.00 FEET; (18) NORTH 89' 26'49" EASTS28 FEET; (19) NORTH. 00' 33' II" WEST ISO.OOFEET; (20) NORTH 89' 26'49" EAST333.I6 FEET; (21)NORTH81' 4S' 27"EAST SO,OO FEET; (22) SOUTH 08' 14' 33" EAST IS. 1 o FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENT CURVATURE TO THE RIGHT; (23)ALONG SAID TANGENT CURVATURE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS CENTERTHA TLIES SOUTH 81' 4S' 27" WEST 12S.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4' 16'21" ANDALONG CHORD OF SOUTH 06' 06'22" EAST 9.32 FEET,AN ARC LENGTH OF 9.32 FEET TO A POINT OF NON-TANGENT LINE; AND (24) ALONG SAID NON,TANGENTLINENORTH 81' 4S'27" EAST 99.68 FEET RETURNING TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. '" EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY PORTION THAT' LIES WITHIN MINERAL WAY, MiCA STREET, ORCHARD WAY, SOUTH S7TH PLACE, AND SOUTH S8TH STREET AS SAID STREETS CONTAIN 87,S84 SQUARE FEET (2.01 ACRES) MORE OR LESS AND WERE DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FOR' PUBLIC ROAD PURPOSES IN THAT CERTAIN BARGAIN AND SALE DEED THAT WAS RECORDED JANUARY 2S, 2008 AT RECORDER'S NUMBER 2008-004608 IN THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON. ' JASPER MEADOWS SEVENTH ADDITION CONCURRENCE TO PLATTING Page 2 of2 . Date Received: MAR 1'2 2009 Original5ubmitlal