HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 2/17/2009
. FES 1 7 2009
CountY of Lane )
i, Karen LaFieur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows:
1, i state that i am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the
Deveiopment Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon.
2. I state that in my capacity as, Program T~chnician, lprepared and cau~e<.l to be , ~.+-
mailed copies of ?1<L2nn<! -nnr'j1Y2- ~ - SuJwkd:l71L oJz.u..LL.;J - ~ PlW\.
(See attachment "A") on 2..117 , 2009 addressed to (see E.~ Suh /
Attachment B"), by causing said . ietters to be piaced in a U.S. maii box with ' J)w t.j.UL
postage fully prepaid thereon. ()
STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane
(. .If )yvMA<.Y /2 , 2009. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFieur,
Program T'el:hnician, who acknowiedged the foregoing instrument to be their voiuntary
act. Before me:
My Commission Expires:
!City of Springfield .
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Project Name: Eureka Subdivision
Project Proposai: Subdivide one parcel into five individual lots
Case Number: PRE2009-00002
Project Address: S560 High Banks Road
'Assessors Map and Tax Lot Numbe~(s): 17-02-28 TL 303
Zoning: Low Density Residential (LOR)
Overiay District(s): N/A
Applicabie Refinement Pian: N/a
Refinement Pian Designation: N/A
Metro Pian Designation: Low Density Residential (LOR)
Tentative Decision Date: January 20, 2009
Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: January 20, 2009
Appiication Submittal Deadline: July 20,.2009
Associated Applications: SUB2008-00022
I Project Planners Land Use Planning Lissa C?avis
I Engineer Transportation . Jon Driscoll
I Engineer Utilities Eric Walter
I Engineer Sanitary & Storm Sewer Eric Walter
I Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety I Gilbert Gordon
I Community Services Manager I Building I Dave Puent
m. _~" _~,_~ ,/4--
726-3632 , I
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. A.ppiicantJOwner . Engineer .
'Bill Dwyer Tom Poage
Eureka Development Poage Engineering & Survey
5558 Thurston Road 990 Obie Street
Springfield OR 97478 Eugene OR 97402
The items needed to make the appiication compiete for review are incorporated beiow.
. Conditions of Approval - taken from Notice of Decision dated: 6/2612008
. Applicant Response - taken from: Written statem'ent for Final Subdivision Plat Application.
Condition # i : Prior to plat approval. the applicant shall plant six trees of at least 2 inches in caliper along the High Banks
frontage of lots I and 5. The street trees shall be selected from .the Ust of Acceptable Street Trees for planter striPs with overhead
power lines as specified in the EDSPM. Spe~ifically, street trees shall be planted at least five feet behind the curbside side~alk but
not more than ten feet behind the sidewalk as specified in EDSPM 6.02.2. All tree nursery tags identifying the type of street tree
shall remain on the street trees until plat approval.
Apt>licant Response: Four street trees have been planted along the frontage of High Banks Road, two on Lot S and two
on Lot I per a discussion with Greg of the City of Springfield and the applicant. The new street trees were planted
approximately six feet behind the sidewalk. The trees are Norwegian Maple which were selected from the List of
Applicable Street Trees and are at least two inches in caliper.
Fini:ling: Correspondence from Greg Ferschweiler on November 13, 2008 indicates his concurrence that due to
the driveway, utilities and storm system, only four street trees are required:
Finding: The applicant has .verified the Norway Maple subspecies "Globe" was used. This selection is on the list
of Applicable Street Trees for planter strips with overhead power lines.
Conclusion: This condition has been met.
Condition #2: Prior to plat approval, Lots I through 4 shall be serviced with private sanitary sewer laterals from the 12-inch
sanitary sewer main in the PUE along the High Banks frontage of the subject properly as depicted an the Tentative Plan. NOTE:
Plumbing permits are required to install these private sanitary sewer laterols.
Applicant Response: :The applicant applied for and obtained a building permit to connect four new sanitary sewer
laterals to the existing 12" sanitary sewer which falls within the existing public utility easement along the frontage of the
aforementioned property. These new sanitary sewer connections were constructed under building permit number .
COM2008-1329 to serve lots I through 4 of the proposed Eureka subdivision. The existing structure on lot S is served
by an existing sanitary sewer lateral which connects at the east side of lot S to the same 12" sanitary sewer main
mentioned above. The newly constructed sanitary sewer improvements are adequate to meet the requirements of SDC
Finding: The Public Works Department has determined that the public sanitary sewer system has adequate capacity to
accept the anticipated flow from the proposed development. .
Finding: Building Permit number COM2008-1329 was finaled on January 23, 2009.
Conclusion: This condition has been met and complies with SDC 4.3-1 OS.A.
Condition #3: Prior 10 plat approval. the applicant shall update the utility plan set for the propo~ed land division to reflect an
approved stormwater management system for roof run-off for Lots I through 4. In addition, future development on Lots 1-4 shall
direct the rooftop run-off to an approved discharge location on-site, such as a rain garden or flow-through planter.
Apt>licant Response: The applicant has constructed a conveyance swale adjacent to the porous pavement driveway.
The conveyance swale is sloped in a manner to direct any surface drainage or roof run-off to the rain garden
constructed on the south portion of lot I adjacent to High Banks Road. Roof top run-off from future buildings
constructed under separate permits will be hard piped to the newly constructed conveyance swale and travel overland
to the rain garden. The rain garden was sized per the method shown on City standard drawings 4-19 and 4-22. The
utility plan has been revised to reflect this condition.
PRE. 2009-00002
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Finding: Stormwater run-off from the new driveway will be managed by a conveyance swale'to a rain garden in the PUE
along the frontage of .Lot I withoverilow conveyed to the public stormwater system in the right-of-way south of the
subject property.
Conclusion: This condition has been met and complies with SDC 4.3-110.
Condition #4: Prior to plat approval, the applicant, shall install the rain garden as proposed on the Tentati,ve Plan.
Applicant Response: The applicant has constructed the rain garden shown on the Tentative Plan and seeded it with
tufted grass.
. Finding: The Public Works Department is satisfied with the choice of vegetation.
Conclusion: This condition has been met and complies with SDC 4.3-110.
Condition #5: Prior to plat approval, the propos~d rain.gardens shall be fully vegetated with all plant species established to
ensure a fully functioning water quality system. Alternatively, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion
control I water quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the rain gardens,
became fully established.
Applicant Response: The applicant has planted the rain garden with several species of plants, perennials, and tufted
grass from the list of suggested plants shown on the City of Springfield standard detail 4.22. Furthermore, the applicant
has. installed a landscape catch basin one inch below the back of the sidewalk to serve as an overilow during a large
storm event. The catch basin currently has .silt fabric over the grate to prevent silt from entering the storm system until
the rain garden is fully established.
Finding: The Public Works Department is satisfied with the method of interim erosion controll water quality measures
Condition #6: Prior to plat appraval, the applicant shall update the utility plan set for the proposed land division to show the
proposed catch basin outside of the PUE. Alternatively, the applicant may obtain approval from the affeaed utilities for the
placement of the privote catch basin within the PUE.
Applicant Response: The applicant has obtained permission from all affected utilities and the city prior to placing the'
new landscape catch basin in the PUE along High .Banks Road.
Finding: The applicant indicated that they have obtained concurrence letters from all affected utilities; however Public
Works Engineering has only received and has on file only one utility concurrence from SUB Electric. Once Public Works
Engineering receives the remaining concurrence letters, the plat application can be approved.
Condition #7: Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall coordinate the provision of power service to the subdivision with SUB,
and the City. In addition, prior to plat appraval. the applicant shall update the utility plan on file for this development to show die
aaual proposed location for all utility service lines to the site. Finally, prior to plat approval, the applicant shall provide, at a
minimum. power service to Lots I through 4, and all utility lines to serve the site shall be underground, including service lines to the
existing dwelling unit
Applicant Response: The location of the underground wire utilities for lots I - 4 Were installed per the utility plan and
the existing utilities to the dwelling unit on lot 5 were relocated underground. ' '
This 'condition has been met.
Condition #8: Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall coordinate the provision of water service to the subdivision with SUB
and the City. In addition, prior to plat appraval, the applicant shall update the utility plan on file for this development to show the
aaual proposed location for water lines to the site. Finally, prior to plat approval, Lots I through 4 shall be served with private
water laterals and water meters located as per SUB Water standards.. NOTE: Plumbing permits are required to install these
privote water laterals.
PRE 2009-00002
At>1>licant Response: The water taps and meter base boxes were installed by SUB per plan. The service laterals were
installed by the applicant to serve lots I - 4 per the utility plan set. Actual water meters will be installed by SUB as new
dwelling units are built under a separate permit,
This condition. has been met.
Condition #9: Prior to plat opprovol. the applicant shall install a sight-obscuring vegetative screen or wood fence along the west
property line. Such a vegetative screen or wood fenc~ shall conform to the development standards outlined in SDC 4.4-110 and
At>1>licant Response: The applicant has'installed a six foot site obscuring wood fence along the west property per the
specifications outlined on SDC 4.4-110 and 4.4-115.
. Finding: The fence has been constructea; this condition has been met.
Condition # i 0: All fences installed in association with this development shall comply with the development standards of SDC
4.4-1/0 and 4.4-115.
At>1>licant Response: Existing conditions as well as the newly constructed 6 foot fence are adequate to meet the
requirements of 4.4-' 00.
This 'condition has beeri met.
Condition #i i: Prior to occupancy of any new dwelling units on Lots I through 4, vehicle parking shall be provided in
accordance with SDC 4.6-/25.
At>1>licant Response:. Parking will be provided for new dwelling units under a separate building permits obtained for
the construction of any new dwelling unit. .
Finding: This condition will be met at time of construction of any new dwelling unit.
Condition #i2: Future development on Lots I through 4 shall abide by the base solar developmenfstandards as per SDC 3.2-
At>1>licant Response: The application meets SDC 5.' 2-125.D.
Finding: This condition will be' met at time of construction of any new dwelling unit.
Condition #13: Prior to plat approval, the applicant shall remove the existing western curb cut to th~ subject property, as well
as restoring the curb and sidewalk along that portion of the property's High Banks frontage.
At>1>licant Response: As required by this condition the existing curb cut on the western side of the property has bee~
removed and replaced with standard curb, gutter and sidewalk as well as.a new 26-foot wide driveway apron per city
sta.ndard drawing 3-19 for the newly constructed'20-foot wise porous pavement driveway.
Finding: This condition has been met.
Condition #i 4: Prior to plat approval. the applicant shall install a driveway to serve Lots. 1 through 4. This driveway shall
provide 20 feet of clear width and thineen feet, six inches of clear height The driveway shall be paved with pervious pavement
I B feet wide from the edge of pavement of High Banks Road to the pan of Lot 3 as depicted on the T entotive Plan. The driveway
shall be designed and installed to suppon an 80,000 lb. load and shall have "No Parking-Fire Lane" signage in compliance with the
standards of SFC 503.3 and D I 03.6. Prior to construction, the applicant shall submit a public and private utility plan showing ali
utilities and easemen!,.
PRE 2009-00002
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Applicant Response: The applicant has depicted a 26 wide by 147.52 foot long easement on the Final Plat in the center
of the property to cover the newly constructed 20-foot wide driveway and all utilities to serve lots I through 4. A "Fire
Lane ~ No Parking" sign has been placed within the Joint Use, Access, Utility and Maintenance Easement.
Finding: This condition has been met.
Condition #i 5: Prior to plot opprovol, the applicant shall record and document on the Plat a 26-foot wide irrevocable joint use,
access, utility, and maintenance easement to benefit Lots I through 4.
Applicant Response: The applicant has depicted a 26 wide by 147.52 foot long Irrevocable Joint Use, Access, Utility and
Maintenance Easement on the Final Plat in the ce'nter of the property to cover the newly constructed 20-foot wide
driveway and all those utilities required in this land use application to serve lots I through 4.
Finding: This condition has been met.
Condition #i 6: Vision clearance areas shall be maintained at each access to a public street as per SDC 4.2-130.
Applicant Response: As conditioned above, the application meets the requirements of SDC 4.2-130.
Finding: The Plat does not indicate that vision clearance areas shall be maintained at each access. This must be
indicated as a note on the Plat.
SDC 5.12-140.A states that for subdivisions, the applicant shall submit the mylars and application fee within 180 days of
the pre-submittal meetings. If, however, the applicant has not submitted the plat application within these time frames, '.
the tentative plan approval becomes null and void and re-submittal is required. Please refer to the 'plat application packet
available at the Development Services Department, as well as 5.12-135 through 5.12-150 for more detailed information
on the platting process.
Please note that the plat, as well as the installation of public and private improvements, must conform to the approved tentative
plan or as conditioned herein. In addition, please note that no individual parcels may be transferred and no building permits will
be issued until the plat has been recorded at Lane County and the applicant has submitted five (5) recorded, rolled paper c~pies
of the plat and three (3) copies of the required documents to the Development Services Department
The application, all documents, and supporting' evidence are available for free inspection (copies are available for a fee) at
the Development Services Department.
This decision is considered a Director's Type II decision and as such, may be appealed to the Planning Commission. SDC
5.3-115 states that only the property owner, applicant, if different, and those persons who submitted written comments
within the 14-day comment period have standing to appeal this decision.
For questions regarding this application and decision, please contact Lissa Davis, Planner 2 at (541) 726-3632 or byemail
at Idavis(ij)ci.sorinOfield.or.us. .
PRE 2009-00002
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ilfi'Il~,);rI."1:i;I/l!lt'l;J'Il!IJiI(IJ:r"'~'li'~ .~..
Bill Dwyer
Eureka Development
5558 Thurston Road
Springfield, OR 97478
'. ,..'
Tom Poage
Poage Engineering & Survey
990 Obie Steet
Eugene, OR 97402