HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 1/12/2009 . . k~~~:~~~,"="~.':'''E=~''''~~~:~~~~:, . -'~.",~~~~~~~-;...rn'fh;:-_:-"''':'';~-'''_':'~~.'_f''~X~'=::.~;:-~~~;~~._'~-"~ \1; -~~~"E!t~~~ VX~----_._-,-~_c=-_..__'n:~~.=,~!6.~.~'i'r;;>'l~-=''J!W'';if'~~ ~4~,}, ( (""" Shu<.D ;'\"/ ~ I ?!11l ~j;:~ ..~", i ~ "''i I' ~ "1 / . tv/ r . 9115843 "Iii-I SPRINGFIELD UTILIry BOARD . RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT KNOW ALL HEN BY' THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, JunCl f. Relyea I for a good and'valuable consideration,. tho receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doss hereby grant unto the_ City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, 4cting by and through its SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD, and unto its Buccessara and assigns I the right, to enter upon the lands of the undersigned situated in the City of Springfield, State of Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: 1 SEC'rION 201', 17S, R, 2\"1. Ii !1 HAP f7 02' 28 00 Tax lot JOJ 'Said "overhang only" right-of-way to be 5 feet wide' and parallel the south property line as more particularly shown on "Exhibit A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, 22Q2APR.OS'9HIOlREC', 20.00 . ~~~APR.Oa'91lID7PFUNO 10.00 And ,to place, construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate, and replace therein an overhead' electric distribution line, including poles, gUY wires and other necessary facilities; to remove and replace fences and lawns to the extent necessary to construct, maintaln, and protect said lines, to cut and tri~ trees and shrubbery, Bnd to ;trim. and remove all dead, weak, leaning, or dangerous branches or entire trees that are high' enough, to strike wires in falling, . No part of any building or permanerit structure will be placed upon this easement, other than asphaltic pave~ent, curbs, sidewalks, and driveway aprons. This easement does not restrict the installation of facilities of U,S. West, Communications Inc, and Tel provided installations meet 6UB"s app~oval. :?1i >t"~:] ~ .iJi'J lll! :~ '~ ~ ~~E ~ ~ l.lIJi! ~ .~ 7""" ~ Ii ~ I I ~ J$l I ~~ ~i1i Ii ~ .1 I." . , ~ I I The undersigned covenants that he is the owner of property and that Buch property is free and clear liens of whatsoever character except: t1.....-tL t. .1f'd..J./.Uv v 1/ the above described of encumbrances and ;;J/~. 9# Dlite I STATE Or OREGON, Date os. county of Lane BE IT REMEMBERED, that on thb /,,11 day of f1J..17Af'..l.l 19~, before me, tho undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and Sta~e, personally appeared the within named 0,J-" (/ ,P /P./.. '-J / known to me to"be the identical individual(s) described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged tome that he/she/they executed the same freely and voluntarily, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto 'set my hand and affixed my Official seal the day and year last written above. ....JL,.,;/ iN> .1.. h-,/ Notary PUbl{;~gonl ,:..'~: :,:,,:..:;,{:~Z>~. My commission expires: n2/~ /7f de/OH:~?W(E~_Elf.G \~ \ .:: ;1/. l~, '. :'1:' > '., . . '~\!'/: "",..,":~;-~,. J PRE-SUBMITTAL ~EC'D JAN 1 2rr09 L .J ;. (i "-~~~~~~:de?)~ I' "1 ~l5~)\?-~~~~:,~{ 8931929 " 9115843 D~(IM!ni II . polnl OJ! 1M Ko'lhorly '!r~l.."t-""r' IInl 01 COW'lty ROld Ihlm"". HD. Illd paInt ~~I"lI 1.41',11 fut HO'lh fl' iI' ~D~ If..t of tho toUlhtUI com.. of S~ellon 11, ToWft$hl~ IT S~Ulh, RlIli" Z Wo.' of lh~ WIUlm.lll'Mlr1dl~r fllMlnr lh~n~o .1001 tho Ko,lho.ty .llhl-of....7 Un~ 01 Cnn'y RQld "umbor 140 North n" Ji' I'/e.<< 116.0 f.ol; lMllel lu"ln.( )lId rli:M-oC''''f llno Ho,lh U' JI' &011 101.I1.Cu,; lhon.' ~..Il.r 10 ul<l.I,i'Il..t....ly Iln~ Soulh 11" Ji' Eoll 17'.0 ('~Il lMnt., SQu'lI 11' 21' 'WI" t02.H fo~1 U lhe. \lIIM of ~~IIMlnl, ton,.lnln( 0.1t .e...mO'~ orllu In Yn"CounlY, Orl(on. . 1 ',ill\',1 i~ ,~ &t i :;l.-';;ii ~ ~ ~ ~~, =~ ~ 0.1.:3;;; .,.,...; "'" ~;.;;; ~ "';; ~. ~, rib'i ~tJ 7iiffi -:;;,~} ~ ~ ~.' ~ ~ !i!1j ;t~ ~j2j ~'# .<IS ~ 1h! iJ,~ J!;; If~. . , ~ :1 'I~."". ' " , . , 1:- & " L 11 j';1~lt:1"<1r.i ~:m ith~;g ~1i1; ',~~ .1''''.: '~;';~~~ ~,~,~jI . II 11~ '1' ,j, ~. , ,;fu ~~,~~ II '""'-.. ALSO, lJoilnnlni..l I poln( In 1M Jlolllt IIn.'.f III. Ab..lllfJl !.Ind.. and WU. donlllen l.nd dolm numbo' POliTY r'VE 1I0lHloltlon 1'{0. ,a" In 'fa.ruMp Sl!VEHTEEH SOytll, nlni~ TIIREE W.]t of Wtulmlltl Mer!dlan 1,1' cltllro toll of th. KOtr~....f oo.no. aCnlddllm, lnd.uMI"lIlhtne. toll Ilona IItd Horlh\lnl a Unk.Ilalhl l1C'llrl1 Iln~ ~/ the ltolltOld .rIM of "oy, IlIenu SI~III.llt"ly,.lonr Un. ot told rI.hl 0/ "'oylUl ~hlln.. IhMCI W..tpulllcl ..nh Horlh Itnt of uld dolm 7." olt.ln.lnd'IMnuI'fOrlhe,OOCholnIIOlh.plluofbellonlll.i,..nl.lnl"i,.Ueler.l, . mo,"" ~r 10". III bllnl pori 01 ..Id dlnlllnnhnd dllfll No. H IlUIln LoJII Counly, O'Olon. ALSO" DOilonln.IIIM.n"lh"'''1 oorner of In. ElIJlhW. Rhel Dlnlll.n LondClllm No. H In Tp, 11 Soulh 0/ llonro T!l... Well' or 1111 Wllllmlll. MtddJan NMInr Ih~nel EIII II.n. 1M South IInl of .lld Rh" D.L.C. Illl (el oh.lru Illd uflnlY 'foi. IHlllnklln.no. lou'h ,l,hl (I) ~hllns, lltonel ....1.11 (el ehllnlt.lld ,,,"nlylln U~l Unkl '0. polnl In tn' tul Unl of Ill' 0'0. Il. ArmIUI' Donttlon J.&M C1llm. "'tnno'lh,"lon...ld""llllll.lihl(l)lhOI",'lot.h.plluotberflll\1hr~utnlni fI....tr... m~tl.otl.ulnl.ln'C"IlIIIY, Qr~ron. . EXCEP'f puool eanl.tnlnr fJ,n le.n doocllo Uot ~lltl ot Ore(1lll, riewdtd u 111.1\.. IIU1I.null~l'.57D.D..dlt.00rClQt...nIColllll)'.Orrion. . , i I I ! I r , i , .1 I i I ,. i '" " ~ iri OJ Jl. "j pJ tl H! ; d dl ~ f ~ !! :2JJ I JJ I~ t , I c, OJ< CO IJ) ., ., "" " ...:E '~;i ;; 1!.1!.1! ~: ~ -E L ~~~ ] 1" ~~"Z ,.J '." ~ a: < w, ~t c~~ N en g~ ~c Oh =Ice 015 d~ f~~ (;: CD if ~tei-E !i~.8B '" ~8 ~Ji (0 ~ ~! j; r:~~";;f:I . 'f~~c<~"#.~~n-.f<~~ll~~1iJl&~ L J l PRE-SUBMllTAlREdO JAN 1 2 2009 .J '~. ~ " /' / :, .-./ \'- 9101787 1'.7-02-28-0,0-303 :.; ;'" ~ ~ PU3L!C GTILITY ~ASEM~NT T;-;IS I:mE:i',;TL:~:: ;.',';J:: dnd 2inered into this 5th between JUNE E,R~LYEA as the Grantors, 2nd T:-;~ CITY"OF S?::;:EiGFiELu~ a Or200n, herei~after referred' to as the ~rantee~. day of NOVEMBER , 1990 by and . " herei na f1:er re'fe rred to corporati.on. in Lane .County, muni.ci pa 1 ~.ll r:!. I ~ ~ I I Ii In consideration of the acceptance by Grantee and the us'e or holding of said easement for present or future publ ic use by Grantee, Grantors hereby grant, bargain, sell an,d convey unto the Grantee, aperpetua'l easeri:ent 10 feet in wi,dth, together with the' right to go UDon soideaseC1ent area hereinafter descriDed for the purpose of constructing, reconstruct, ing,' maintaining and using public util,ities which may hereafter be installed on the follow- i.ng described prooertj, to,wi t: ' The Southerly 10.0 feet of the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a point on the Northerly right'of-way line of County Road Number 440, said point bei,ng 1,485.17 feet North 770Il'20" West of'the Southeast corner of. Section 28. Township 17South, Range,2WesLof the Willamette Meri'di,.;n; running thenceal'on'g the ',~orther]/:right'of'wayrine'bf Courity Road NumDer'440 North '77036'West 176.0 feet. thence leaving said r;ght~of~way line North12024' East 202.52 feet;' thence parallel to said righ't'of'wa:Y line South 77036' East 176.0 feet; thence South lZ024' West 202.52 feet to the Pointof Beginning, in Lane 'County, Oregon'.' 9i62JAN.14'91~07REC 5.00 Q"~J~.l4'91~07PFUND 10.00 TO HAVE AND TO HOl:D"the dbove easer;;ent to the sai d Grantee, its hei rs and assi gns forever:', - '. '.' l)j.1,..'IT>ESS \~'nE?EOF. t;:-':_e. G(~.ntGrs above noi;;ed hav~ hereunto set their nands and. seals this~. 5T~ day of NOVEM8ER, 119~ ~n-< {"': If, P'.J'-<"'- ' '~ ' :J (StAL) (SEAl) (SEAL) ....,....."".. ".. ~,~""~~~~~.,~p ~ $.~'..' t.~<, ....,..,. .",.- 2"'_" "118 X':,,,-- ?en:"; , , f}' ofl B;::lT KE!~E!.'BERt:O, chat on tnis 'Sl}{. CdY of ,"J'iI~~"!iR . 19 90 ,.b!for~'I'.E!':..&he<Y , , ..nderslgned, a 'latar} Public ln and ror said County and State. personally,,~~~.L,<:\l~ ;,~ ( ;;ithin na"'ed .JI/I'~ e, 1,2~\...r.;;r,4 known to'l!~Q be.th~, : identical individual descrlbed 1n and who executed the within instrument ar(rt.,'-<<'ci;)lf'J~d to r;;e'that Skc& executed the sarre freely and voluntarlly. :. """ ,,:/ . 'f",......,.' (SEAL) STATE OF OREGON ss Co un ty of LMJ:Z. IN 'Tt:SU:':O!!'! !"Ht:RoCi', na'/e hereunto set my hand and affixe'd my official seal the day and Year last ab0ve written. J - f- -9<- ~1y COrT:Ii1.issioll EXP1t"eS -- ,/f NOaTe PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO JAN 1 2 2009 . CIS EC ~54-1 B' '~" ,'" 91.01:187 , ~~{~ ~i(ii;.i ' . St4lle ol"QregQn, County of ~,!e.,...ss. J. thl:' CIIUilir Clt.'rk, in J.nd ior Ih~' s.liJ County. do IWTl'by (Ntiiv flu! Ow within in~\run....~nl'w.,~'rn-eIVt'd'ftlr rt",ord: i1t r..: r"" C r"" ~ IJ) ~ '.; 14 .I1H9r Hi: 55 R,d 1:673 R ~ , 1..1rI~"'CdlH\t\' OfT1CIAI J.kt:ord~' Llnl' CJunt;. Clt:r\.. (.laLi'.' 1-. ~ By .',,-,-/Ii;;u;;-c,cr,,Ji"L----- ~ .\J '. . ;1-.:, ,.;r. liiii " II " 1 , XS ~ ; rn ''- . -j ,<- en )>' c: .... j, :z CCJ ~im ..... :s:::: ,- :-,'~;l s;! ,.- ..:., N ;,:.: ~ ''''~' ..., r- '"" = = ;:;0 c.o rn c (") d .J ,:. . ' After recording return to: Bill Dwyer ' 5558 Thursto'n Road , Springfield"Oregon 97478 PRIVATE JOINT ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: Eureka Development LLC is the owner of a ~ertairi tract of real property located in the . Southeast one-quarter of Section 28'in Township 17 South, Range 2 \Vest ofthe Willamette Meridian, The legal description of the real property is as follows:, 'BegiIining at ~ 1/2" iron pipe being of record North 77011'20',' West 1485,'r7 feet and measured North 77055'34" West 1305.48 feet frorii the. brass cap trtonun:\ent mar~g the southeast corner bf Section 28 in Township i 7 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said iron pipe being on,the north, , . margin of High Banks Road 30 feet from; when measured at right angles to the centerIirie of High Banks Road; thence along the north margin of High Banks ' Road North 77036'00" West 176,00 feet to a 1/2'; iron pipe; thence leavirig.said north margiri and rurinirig North 12013'43" East 201.36 feet to a 1/2" iron'pipe; thence South 77043'40" East 176,60 feet to a 1/2" iron pipe; thence South 12023'49" West 201.75 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane Cbunty' Oregon, " The owner i~ subdividing said real property into 5 lots as approved under City of Spririgfield Planning File No, SUB2008,00022, This easement is being created to provide a joint access_ arid utility easement with mairitenance provisions across Lots I through 5 inclusive of Eureka Subdivision as platted and recorded' , 2009, Ins!: No, , Lane County Oregon Officiai Records' for the mutual benefit of said Lots 1-5 iriclusive" DECLARA nON OF EASEMENT: I. Easement Created, Eureka Development LLC does hereby create a perpetual easement as described iri Exhibit "A",attached, for the mutual and exclusive use of Lot I through Lot 5 inc'lusive of the aforementioned Eureka Subdivision, as recorded iri the Lane County Oregon Official Records. '. " c 2. . Purnose. The easement is created to provide for irigj-ess and egress and emergency vehicle access to LoU through Lot 5 inclusive said Eureka Subdivision Plat. That portion ofthe acCess easemimt not encumbered by an underlying public utility easement may also be used by the aforementioned Lots' for the installation of private utilities, irieluding, bilt not limited to water service, electrical.service, teleconimnnication services, storm water drairia~ and , sarutary sewer servIce., . ' . Pl<t-SUBMllTAl RECIO JAN 12 2009 / AccessEasement and MaintenanceAgreement - Page 1 , 3, Use of Burderied Prouerty, The owners br occupiers of the parcels affected by the easement shall have the right to use their property, including the area , described as the easement, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers db not interfere with the use of the easement as granted by this instrument. However, no parkirig wili be allowed within the easement area, ' 4. Private Grant The easement' created by this instrument does not constitute a dedication or. grant for public use unless requested at a later time, by a public , agency to dedicate the easement as a public road, ' , 5, Maintenance and Reuairs, The owners or occupiers of Lots L- 5 of Eureka Subdivision shall at all times hereafter, join in the maintenance of the easement _ property arid roadway in a condition as good as its preserit paved condition proportionate to each parties use of the roadway. The cost for the repair and maintenance will be proportionate to use as described in ORS 1.05,107, to 105.185; as maybe amended from time to time, However, any'repairs" necessitated by the negligence or the misuse of the Easement area and rights granted herein by one individual party or that individual party's agents or invitees against the other parties associated with this easement shall be the sole, responsibility ofthe damaging party. 6. 'Prouertv Taxes, The affected lots 'shall each pay the real property taxes for that portionofthe easement area located withintheir iridividuallots. 7, Successors iri Interest. Recordation, The provisions of this instrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of Lots 1-5, inclusive of Eureka Subdivisiol1 and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land, This document shall therefore, be recorded in the Deeds Records of Lane CountY, Oregon, 9, Indemnity, Users of the roadway for access or maintenance ('~Users") shall assilme all risks arising out of their use of the Easement or otherWise related to this Easement. Specifically, but without limitation, Lot Owners shall have i10 liability to Users' or their agents and employees, or any independent contractor' hired,by Users solely based on their status as a Lot Owner. Users agree to indernillfy arid hold harmless Lot Owners from any claim, cost, damage or expense of any kind or nature arising but of or related to any negligent or wrongful act or omission of Users arising out of their use of the Easement. 10, Binding: Effect The terms and conditions of this Easement shall run with the land and shall extend to and be binding upon and rnure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties II, Waiver, No waiver of any right arising out of a breach of any covenant, term or condition of this Easement shall be a waiver of any right arising out of any other or subsequent breach of the same or any other covenant, term or condition of the Covenant, tern or condition thereof. PRE.SUBMIITAl RECID JAN I 22009, , ' Access Easeme;'; and Mah.tenance Agreement - Page 2 p 'L, 12. Lenl Proceedine:s If any legal proceeding isco=enced for the purpose of interpreting or enforcing anyprovision of this Agreement, the prevailing PartY in such proceeding shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney's fees in such proceeding, or any appeal thereof, in addition to the costs and diS1:JUrsements allowed by iaw, ' 13. Arbitration Any claim, controversy or dispute arising out of this Easement shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association, and judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Any such arbitration shall be conducted in Lane County, Oregon, All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits 'and burdens, are binding and enure to . the heirs, successors; assigns, transferees, and personal representatives of all parties who own any of the aforementioned parcels. ' Dated this day of ,2009 Bill Dwyer, Member Eureka Development LLC STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss ) , County of Lane On this day of , 2009 there appeared before me,a NotaryPublic'for the State of Oregon, County of Lane the hereon named Bill Dwyer being mown to me, or proved to me by a satisfactory evidence, to be the same person who executed the foregoing instrUment in his authorized capacity as a member of Eureka Developmerit LLC 3l1d acla10wJedged the same to be his voluntary act and deed. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal. ." , Notary Public for Oregon . My commission expires: PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 1'22009 , , Access Easement'a~d 'Maintenance Agreem'ent, Page 3 . r l, Exhibit "A" Easement Area Beginning at a 1/2" iron pipe being ofrecord North ,77011'20" West 1485,17 feet and measured North 77055'34" West 1305.48 feet from the brass cap monument marking the southeast comer , , of Section 28 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, said iron pipe being on the north margin of High Banks Road 30 feet from, when measured at right angles to the centerline of High BaillcsRoad; thence along the north inargin of High Banks Road North '77036'00" West 73,10 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence leaving said northm'argin and running North 12023'49" East i47,52 feet; thence North 77036'00" West 26,00 feet; thence 'South.12023'49"West 14752 feet to a point in the north margin of High Biinks Road,said' point being 30,0 feet froin, when measured at right angles to the centerline of High Banks Road;, thence along the north -margin 'of High Banks Road South 77036'00" East 26,00 feett() ,the True Point of Begirnling, all in Lane County Oregon . .:-~ . 'I [' r :- " PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 1 2 2009 c Access Ease~ent a"nd .Maiittenanc~ Agreem~nt - .Page 4'