HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-12-16 .. RESIO'-IAL" APPLICATION!PERI1IT 225 No~th 5th Street SpringfieZd, O~egon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Loootion: 34S \~4' pl~ A.oo.sor= Map # j If 0 '3 2 '3 3 L/ It is tho responaibility of the permit holder to see that; all. inspections are made at the proper time, that ~ch :;ddress is rca.:::a.;:e from the Btreet, and that the permit card is located at the f1'071t of the property. ~Bui!di~.g Divit:io'!': approved pLan sr~Zl remain on thz Buil.din9 sit:: at all times. '?I?OCEDURE FOR IllSPE[:1'IO!l RE'pUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City Jesign.:1.ted job nur.:bel', job ad.i:rcss, type of ir:3pec-;icn ~equcstcd a~~ w~en you ~i,l. bc ready for ir:spaction, Contractors or Owners ncme end phone nu~6r. Reques~s received bej~l'e 7:09 ~ ,,'a~ b. made th< same dey, requests mGde after 7:00 am wiU bo made the nc:r:t :.!Orkin,; dei!. / gh~Cf()//" \' Your City- DeGigr.atcd Job Number In: '1 IY1 INSU~TION/VAPO.G' 'BARRIER IH5PECTION: l.{J To be made after all. insul..:;ti:m (X".d . required vapo~ barriers are in place but before any z.a.th~ gypsum board 01' wU covering is app1..ied~ and before . any inauZation 1.3 conceaZed. i\ DRYWALL IllSPECTION: To be made after aU d:ryuall is in pLace~ but prior to any taping. AlL project conditions~ suc~ as the instaLLation of s=reet trees, c~~Leti~n of the required z.a.ndscc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied bejore the BUILDn.'C FINAL can be rzquest.zd. Subdivision: fAJner: OJ VN1\"OS Address:~ ~J.,\..\d~_ City: S~ n n n II lI,,:,1 Addi ticm Remodel ,'fobi le Home Date of Application Plwnbir.g 4- f:lectrical Me~har.icaZ. Construction l.ender ~"qJi~~1 T~nn~~tir.~~ ] SITE Il.'SP2CTIO;'!: To be made excavation, but prior to set forms. ] . UllDERSLAB PLU/BIlIG. ELECTRICAL & NECHA,','ICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. ~ . FOOitNG :1 FO~D,1;ION: To be rrade ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouri!:f concret.;. ~ 17I UNDERtR~.'.'D PLW.fBING, SEriER. f.,'.1TER. LJ DRAIllI.CE: To be made prior to fiZ- .7..ir.g r;renches. \71 V!lDERFLOOR pd;r~I"lG & MECHANICAL: ~ To be ~~e prior to instaLLation of floor insulation or decking.. after up of Xl POST Ar:D BEA.M: To be made prior to instaLLation of fZo~ ~~lation or decki"!;. ...., \ ROUGH P?CP.~BI.'.'G. ELECT.r?!CAI. & /R:CH- AOICAL: No ~rk is to DC covered ur.ti~ these insoectior.s have been made and approv~d. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir~ ~acing materials and before framing ~n8pec- tior:. \. FRA.'~I!lG: flJu:;t be r-equc3ted after- approv~Z of rough plumbing, eZectri- caZ & mechanical. An roofin.g bracir~ & chimneys, et~. nr~st be . comoZeted. No wrk is to be con- ... ceG'Zed untiL thi~ insoection has "been made and approved. :R1 ] ~ ]I .xl !l ] :)~ FIflAL PLW.:BIIIG "'''' FltrJiL gr:HA:lICAL \~ <K> FIllAL BUILDING: The Fin.al Buil.ding In.spection must be r-equested c.!~er the Pinal Plumbina EZcctricaZ, and Mechanical Inspectiona have been made and approvad. ,-\" FINAL E!.E~-:-.::ICI.L SPRINGFIELD "0 Tc.:r: Lot II {)s 3.rJ () Rccc::Jt !' _ {i fa /7 U? ( [) Phone: Zip: '114-i7 . U6& lrif tiJd ~ (l.~ ~ /2-/1'- /-Ud,~ {IS/' __ '1\1) It,vQ" ' * Iiorie n ej ~ bt~-<h--r fPrtl.Wvl--- VaZue f IS; fJM) Sipr.ed: ~ I-S-x'7 Add.....es3 rn o MASONRY: Stee L beam:;, grou ting accordance l.Ji th 2415. location, boiul or vertica Zs in V.B.C. Section Date: Li3C. ,if =.=rit.Z";:!s i-i;or.c D WOODSTOVE: ccmpZeted. After installation is 7'17- f:'9 77 " I DEnDLITIO!/ OR gOVE~ E'...JILDI;:GS ~ Sanitar; SC'.JCr' ~apped ::.t rr:.opcrty l.ir.e ~ Sept~ tank p:..:"?cd and fitle~ vith Grc:;eZ --, Pina.Z - mIen above ite~8 are cc::r::JZetea ~ ar.d when i~olitior. is compZete or st~~. ture moved ar~ premises cZeaned up. I Nobile Hemes :::J Blocking and Set-up :::J PZumbir~ connections s~er ard water :::J Electr-ical Conr.ection - BZockir~, set-u~ and plumbing ccnr:ections rr..:.st t~ apPZ"::J::cc before request~ng eZec=ricaZ ir:spec~io~ =.J Accessory BuiZc.~ng 'I FiruZ - Aft;;r p:JrcJ:e$~ skirting, decks~ ~ etc. are campZe=;;d. o -ALL NA!.'HCLrS A!.'D CLEAl/OUTS 1fVST BE ACCES$IBLE, ADJUST.':2:iT TO BE 1.~1[)E t.T /:0 C:'ST TO CITY I P:::~e :1 of 2 D CURB & APPROACH AP.o/JN: AfteT' forms are crected but prior to pouring c01U!rete. 8IDgIIALK & DRIIrerIAY: For aU con- cr-ete paving within street right- of-wcy~ to be made after all. exca- vating compZete & fo~ work & ~ub- base TTKlterial in pl.a:!e. D D !'ENCE: r..'her. compl.;te -- Provide gates or movabZe sections through P.U.E, ' D - -;- I JOB NO, !(;V C;Otj SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- ! ZO'le: L V,;f? _ Oe,,"pane" Grc:.P-"'3 I Lot Sq, Ft;;. LCT TYPE I Lot Faces - , I 1: ~f l:;t C:JlJeragc: Ir.tericr I P.L. ,;; of Stories COl"ner INorth . Total Height Panhandle lEast ISoutn IWest I I ::z;;z.~1 I I 2';?".Si=> I- L{ I _ -'70 I 1<3". 0/'0 I, I I I I I I I I~....o I- \,.. .601 I.>~', I I I I I I I 1 I j I i I ..;ToPoQrchu I ,. ~ . ... .Cul-de-sac "i 'I':'E:! I SQ.FTG x ~'aluc Main ~a,::;,~ Car:::'~!'= I jpp7'/t:?';:J TOTA[, Access.?!';.! I 1-<:~ I -I I j, VALUE S.D.C. 11.X;:.t.ucJ 1,5 = I .AI//- I 11/.o.So -,;;;I. "I. r~ lit; .?,;;z. ['''' I --- I C'~' --- I ~ 11::;'-' ?;:? I I BuiLdir:g Permit State Su.rchJrpe Total Cha:oges !TE.',: :i=~e[; Residential (1 bath) Sc:r.it::T"J se'....c!' ~;ate!' Plu:~b-:.r.g Perr.:i t :f?;5t:> ~-~ .t. tiO I I '?7. C>C:-I ' Stao;c Su:rcr.arge T~'tc!. cr.c:raes ",-:>=-,. i:;,':.1 (,..;;...,.,v.::. Res. So. ft=. I I ::?..j.;.~ ~~/Z=ter~ Ci!'~~its Temporary SC~Jice Ele~t!'ical Pe~it Stc.te SUJ"chaPae Total C"narces _72'.! .J:;odsto"Je liD., Fe / I z r- 1 t{.;?t> 6.600 CHARC~ =urr..:zc~ ETU'S :.::r.aus t Hoo.::. lent Fan Perr.7'~t ISSU:mC2 Mecr..:zr.icc.l Pernrit ~//jI. State Surcharac Tc'tcl C'r.a!"af"!!"; -- i:ilCR::JACHI..'E,'.".i' -- .CC:-..I.M. tu DZ:'03it ":oraae '::intencr.~r. 'crmit Tete l C'ncr,?cs ;ao:'C"..I.t ide'..Jalk ,:r.~r: Zcctric::.Z Labd Jbile H::Jme J7AL A..'-!:JU.':: I /'?Z, 'Y2 L-COC"" &, I 1 En2ra:1 So:,r~p.s I I .!-I'cao; I I Wrote!' Yr.t:~....!" I i Ha~lpe I I Firentact? I I WGoa:; tot:e II T"J:"c 'J',::pe/Cor_'1t: Be::.roor.:s: Setback" , nou,'" I Caraae I I Il'.cCCSS. I i I Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the s~id.construction shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zonina Crd-:.nance, regulating the ccnst1""..I..cticn and use of buildings, and mc.y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upor. vie. lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. ,- IPlan Check Fee: .'7/,1':'3 12-11/ -71.... 'J;f /1 e;- 1-' f fJ:'- Permit , I Date Paid: I Rec.ipt H: I Signed: Plumbing No percon shall construct, instelZ, a!;er or char~e any r.ew c!' c=istir.g plumbir4 or drainage syst~ in ~hoZe or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid pluT.oer's license, exce~o; trAt a pe~son r.:a~ do pluT.bing work to property which is ok~ed, leased or operated by the a~pli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Law reauires tr~t the elecrrical work be done bu an Elc~tric~Z Contractor, the elect~~eal portion of this permit sr~ll r.ot~be vaZid ur.:iZ the ~el has D~en signed by the Electrical ~ontr=ator. Mechanical Permit ' ". ~ ~ ~~". .P:l ~xam'ner 77 '-/ /::< -:z;;~ ua,c I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA."1INED t,w completed applicati011 for permitJ end do hereby certify that all i~fo~~tion hereon is true ar-d correct, cr~ I further certify that any ar~ all work performed s;~ll be do~e in acaor- dance :.rith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and t}lo; Lc;...;s of the . State of Dreg;;n p=rt~ining to the work described herein, end 'tr~t NO CCC~- Pt.NCY will be made of any structure without p~rmis3ion of the 3uiZdir.g Lr~- vision. I further certify that only contractors m:d c-:rpl;;yecs d:o are in e~pliance with ORS 701.05S will be used on this proj~ct ~ ~' I'dl ~ 17 it fu:te