HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-12-22 , .. RESID~T1AL" - APPLICATlfll/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: 34.c) \~,4AriJ AODeSGOr= Nap H j f{ 0 ~ ::z '3 3 L/ J2-n -&'0 -~:::::~=o;~LfAA-' /~~.J If -7-Ald fi;/~C' 1~~'1-vlJ1 A.. <;/1 /? ,. ../ Subdiuision: ,CA.mer: (\,\ Vril \ ,'0-S _A~eGs: ~\ \RM~\Q.\cL C<ty: S~ . n ~ ~ :I N"',J Additicn Remodel "!o~-:.lR. Roma Date of Application ~Pl.wnbir,,! 4 - J:1.ectrica1. NecJun.:ic.::.1. Construction. Lender SPRINGFIELD TGX Lot H ()S3()f) 4t, Reee"t · U6& j/~dd LW~ t1y iL rftt/l?Ut- /-2-/1- J-U?d,~ , ,~, Si~cd: Date: Li::;c. .If i::;;)t.rcs Pi:or.:; PJ:OTJe: Zip: t114- (7 ej~ fi;~K-';i--- ctJ;flwn bf..' c!/M-P <h-{ Value f /5 J !JM) Addres3 7'17- f;'9 77 It is the l"esponoibiLity of the permit holder to see that all int;pections are r:tade at the proper tim~, tJ:at c::;ch .:=ddr888 is rea.::a.?~(, 'rom the street, and that the permit cani is located at the fl'Ont of the property. lEui!di~ Divi=io~ appl"ot:ed plan s1u;lZ. remain on th.s Buil.ding 5it$ at all tUn€s. :.,?OCEDU,r:!E FOR I/1SPE(;1'I0l1 R::OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (r>ccorderJ state your City .:iesign.a.ted job mD:':ber.. job accrcss.. type of ir.:;pec-::icn ....aquasr;cd a...."a w.~en you will De reaay for ir:spcction.. Contractors 01" Ownez--s ncme c.nd phor:e numbcr. Requt;s;;.s received cefcre 7 :00 .:::-: .'az bs made the. same dc.y.. requests mc.de after 7: ao am lJill bO! made the next :JOrking day. i'''1:l'n:'''.r.ri T':.<:'Jt'....tir.,.,.q ] SITE I1:SP~C'I'Io:.r: To be maae after c.:ccaV.:::l:tioll.. but prior tc se: up of forms. ] . UllDERSLA.!3 PLUl.9I.'IC. ELECTRIC,1L & "~CHA::iC':;'i..: To be made before c.ny work is covered. ~ FCOTItlC ~ FOUND,1TICN: To be made after trencnes are excavated and forms are erected.. but prior to pourirog ccncreto. U:.'DSRG.~OU;'.'D P[.Uf.{IJINC. SSf{ER. r..'.17'F.r-? DRAlllJ..G=: To be made prior to fil- . "Lir.g trenches. ~ ,~ E1 U!lm:.~FLOOR PLUr'-:F!I,'JC & NEC,f{4NrCA,~: To be made prior to inGtaL~tion of 11001" insuZation 01' decking. POST At':D BeAM: To be made prior to instaLi~~ion of floor ins~latior. or deckinq. ROUCH PL(P.~Rrr.'G. ELEC'n?!CAL & l.fF:CR- AHICAL: No work is to be covered until these inspectior.s have beer. made and approve~. FI.~EPLACE: Prier to plc.cir.lJ facing mar;el'ials and before framing in spec:- tior.. FRA.'!IlIG: Nuct be reque:;ted after approv~L of rough plumbing, ~lcctri- ca1. & mechanicaL. Al.!. roofiag bracing ~ chimneys, etc. nr~st ~e . completed. :10 wrk is to be con- -- cec.led ur:til this inspection has . b6~n made and approved. Xl ] ::J Your City Desigr4ted Job Numb€r Is: ~ IN5ULATION/V/lPO.q RM?RIER I.'lSPE:CTIOll: To be made after all. insul.::ti:m CT".d required vapor barriers are in place but cefore any lath.. gypswn bcard or IJall covering is applied.. and before any innulation is concealed. 5hOCfotj I DEnOLITIO!! OR ;'.:ov:;; E:':ILDI;:r:;S ~ Sanitary Bf!'..)er capped :::t p~op;;rt:'d l.ir.e =:J Septic tank p:...-:...;u;d a:1d fille~ t.ri.th ;31"a:Jd ::J Final - n~en abcve ite~s are cc~Letcd a~d when d~olitior: is c~~iete ~r s:~:- ture moved and prcmaes cLeaned Up_ . MoDi Le Hcmes ::J BLocking and Set-~p ::J PLum~ing connections s~er and Ua:er ::J Electrical Ccnr.ection - Blockina, set-u= and plumbing ccr:r:e~tions nr.:.st t~ CIppr:J:':cc. before requesting electrical inspec:io~ ~ Accessory Bui ld:.ng ::J Final - I.ftcr F:Jrc1:es.. skirting.. decks.. etc. are completed. o All project conditions, suc~ as the installation of street trees, cc~lction of trte required landsccpir.g.. etc... must be satisjied before the BUILDING FI~AL can be r~questad. El FIlIAL PLU!-!BIllG Xl FIl;;'L Nr~HA:1ICAL ~ FI....AL E!.E:~-:.~IC/'L ] (g) FIVAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final PlumbirlJ Electrical, and Mechar.icaZ Inspectiona have been made and approved. DRYWALL INSp~Cr[QN: To be made after aU drywall is in pw.ce.. but prior to any taping. O ~MSONRY: Steel location.. bond beam3.. grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 24lS. O WOODSTOVE..: After instalw.tion is ccmp~etcd. rn D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftez-- forms are erected but prior to pouring con.::rete. .AJ..L nUmCLES AND CLEANOUTE !WET BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST.'Z:.'T TO BE 1.~~CE 1'.:- ':0 C'2ST TO CI'I'r I P:1f.'e ! of 2 o SIDEf{ALJ< & DRII'EfII,Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y.. to be made after all- exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub- base material in pla.::e. o ?ENCE: ~~er. compl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . D . ~ '9".s": 0', I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I -- POl-JE12 POLE - . -----, I I I 1------. _______J._ I . I :' I --___-.1 , APPf20)(. I U:x::'AT10H 01= _ _ _ _ _ _I .:'E"Pi.1C rAI-J~ ( D~''-lFfllT:> - - - -& -- _ -;:-.,..,-,\tJ..e f''''''~ - .' ~ - -,/ii) v I I I I I '" l<J @ ~ \.: , '" I '" "" I I I t .6 "V It5'.0" ~ ~ 'P / o "") ('1- T b- o -... ~~'_Oll [ /' [> , o :9 0--- ...--...------.----. y.....T~~_~':~l",~C.D/~~:~_J(>f.l ~I~.~~!"" -_.._~~-_. ....:.:._~ '-.._.,,~----?::.~ U.n'. ("'.:;:-,,, "":... LC'O --....--.--.- _ ~:.~fl~~.__I_. u__ :::r::.::~;~' :T:.-5"':tY'___ _,'c~__~':'.'~''7,',C,'/~5.-".:?~~'"'' _:,,''':''.~_~S!S":_~5.8L~ ,-- -':',~'~ ._~__nL~.-2,-------,- "._ "":l"''';~ ".,.,~ r:.~ 1:":~ "'!" '.;:-'".':I~n_ v-,:" .'.' !r.~TO~"; ,,,:.0.:_11:; '" u:: ,..-"" ..,':~"'.::'. .::,.. :., , ~ ("" ",-'L"'.,::'"'' ",_'r.1 ".n'" ",,-. '.-'L":'" '''''''L ..~ ..r~,,<."'~D D" H'.l (lu;~n,,: 1 G.-nel"L. err! OF Sr!~~I';Gr-::':LD. OREGCN _~,,';)vnJD~.:' ,~_ .-,u/:2.."27,S:;:" :> (> () Ul