HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2009-2-26 City of Springfield Electrical Authorization To Begin Work E-mailedTo:sdempsey@cherrycityelectric.com Receipt # EC547440 q, Y 2126/20093:39:20 PM ).- 0../ . l Check on status of permit By Phone: (541)726-3753 or Email: permitcentcr@ci.springlield.or.us I 0 New construction lliJ Addition/alteration/replacement 11,000 sq ft. or less [4J / Ea. addl 500 sq. ft, or poIJion ~D 1 or 2 fEimity dwelling \ D Multi7family [Xl Commercial I Industrial I B~?;ljjj"jOB1sTfETiNFORMATjON'IAND{If6cJ.TI6r:r~!~i\!!-~~~fll ._,_.(~f!rim::-"_",k,,,,,.....,,,,,.=i.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,",.,_.,,W,,;c..,-~,,= ,~,,~s.m~~1!~~~~~ IJob no.: S20932~0886 IJob address: 555 INTERNATIONAL WAY I I City/State/ZIP: SPRlNGFIELD, OR 97477-1098 I I Suitl'/bldg./apt.no.: I I Project nllme: Symantec I Upon review and approval by your Jocal jurisdiction, your permit will ,be e-mailed or faxed within one business day, with instructions on how to schedule yo.ur inspection. 6: \.~ '15,# ~~ - Limited en~rgy, residential (with above SQ. ft.) - Limited energy, multifamily residential (with above SQ. ft.) I-Limited energy, commercial ..... d I' h." d' . nOI,ollere on me at t IS JUriS IctlOn (with above sq. [1.) I - Stand:alone)imited energy, residential I : Starid~alone limited energy, multi-family I ~ Stand~alone limited energy; ,commercial 1[~g[~~~!~r~~l~!![t~~n~R~~~~JMi?:~!.€!f1r~~~~1 r 200 amps or less [2] I 201 ,amps to 400 amps [2] I I 40 I amps to 599 amps [2] l~tEM~.j()~R.~~.'rcede~'.rS".iniil.liliiji~ral.feratiOn~.' ~\i4f~.,~..,~tJ1 ~1:~E2g!itrItrr~~;s~~W~1t~~iU.1fii~ 1200 amps or less [2] 20] amps to 400 amps [2j I 401 amps to 599 amps [2] I l'lBrancIlICf;CUI~~~EW.4aner'imO'ii;\OR:e:tiens[on;Yp'r:panelIDfifl'fi:~~~I 1>"'_""""~'0=",="",__"",.,_""~>=~"\","","""""""",~,",,,...,,,<~~~;'~.i}Ai:;,",., I A. Fee for~~j'l'JlilI.'t'j'brdgon law equires \ 'ou to I servIce o~bde\-fel e<lt'H~. ::1 -, . branch cie.llow rules ado~ ted bV th l OreQor Utility I I B. Fee N&ti>/if!t."it9!~>Centel, Those U lleSSl5f1l1et foBtDo I I ~ilhO";i\:'I'i<;';~Ii'!'dz!CilS1_0(.1 0 throw Ih OAR 9 2-001- tlrst bnMch'trrc tT21 _ _ " . _ . _ II 11\:a1"~::"IIM~~{t,,;~i':~~~l~~1,~~~itX~~.!~':1~~~;~~:;~.~ ,n lSce 8.noous,.:u;c , ,-cp,,:6j ~*'6"On~El~lli4:'~'~I'O~.".'="*"'';l<>,~.,.... ='~_''''''''''''',''''''I"l':O;;' ','.,y , " "~" " ", "l'H~'Sh"'~ II service'recorine~t~YJY&:l~&:lr i~ 'I-R()()-~:1 '_9~.1.4)' - ~..-._- I 1 Each ma.nufactured or modular I I dwelling, service'and!or feeder I r21' '. I I Pump or irrigation circle [2) . I I I I I Sign or o",line lighting [2J I I I I Signa. I circuit(s) or Iimited- I I energy panel, alteration, or extension J2~ "'1!"'''l'l';,'}'W~ffi!i~E1fEofRicAi}P.ERM{i.FEES~--, ~~m-i-;~;~~-rq~~""""""~,,,,,._~..,,,..,,,,,,.,..,,,,..,,~~~,,,,~~~-q;;} I Subtotal $67.00 I I State Surcharge (12% of permit fee) $8.041 I City Of Springfield fees. $3.35 I I TOTAL PERMIT FEE, $78.39 i '" City Of Springfield fees: 5% Technology Fee [Default nUf/!ber ofin~pections allowed] C9- 2.82. 1& 2..\2,\D9 Cross streetldirections to job site: ILot no,: Add circuits for duct heaters ill Building A h.. :\A~ 1\;') . Gl1nn\-~C; I Nmnc: Paul Abdon IPhonc: I Fax: [El.lk.no,: 3l1!'ffF!CE:. ICCB!;,.no.: 91668 I Busine" Na"l"f,j~mCn+ Ro"t:;1;NC IC '. ;VlII v.rALL::X~IFTiici.;vU-wl\ ontaCI:ste~, II IAddrc,,: 15?o!'i,. lJ}i{J~F; THI3 P_EHMII 1::1 NO r ICity/stat'/Z~~N:~~ ,frt 1.5 ~um:u rU/i /Phono: (503j5665600 n ERIJu. IFax: (503)5408147 I Enmil: sdempsey@chcnycityelectric.com I Metro lie. no.: -2633 I Supcnising electrici:lII'S lie. no.:' 3640S !Supt'rvising electrician's D;tmc:DOUGLAS S HAYCOCK ICily lie, no.: NOTE: This Authorization To Begin Work expires within 180 days if a permit is not obtained. The local building department may determine that an Authorization To Begin Work ;s null and void if it does not meet applicable land. use laws and local ordinances. This Authorization To Begin Work must be posted at the job site until replaced bya Permit. -'" "SiF;l~~~,'i~m;f~a:r_"t~~~~~. .~ ,. ,,' ~'~',.' .4; .,~ . ~~ Q.;:f A t'l r"'C) . 31,-/J~"I7_ (Y'PJY- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00282 ISSUED: 02/27/2009 APPLIED: 02/27/2009 EXPIRES: 08/2712009 VALUE: "",,:' Status Issued 125 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 5<11-726-3753 Pholle 5<11-726-3676 Fax 5<11-726-3769 IlIspeetion Line ~ITE AOORESS: 555 INTERNATIONAL WA Y ,\'SSESSOR'S PARCr::L NO,: 1703154000700 Springlield TYPE OF WORK: Heating System TYPE OF USE: New ;'IW,n:CT DESCIUPTlON: Add circuits for duct heaters in East bnilding ~ommercial O\l'lIer: SYMANTEC CORPORATION Address: 2030U STEVENS CREEK BLVD CUPERTINO CA 95014 L.<:'ONTRA~:OI~ .INFORMATION , Contractor TYlle I :1L~l'1 rieal Contractor CIlr::RRY CITY ELECTRIC License 91668 Expiration Date 07/20/2009 Phone sdempsey@cher L ,.~~..'.~.E~.::'.~ ~~FORMA !ION' ,II nl'Units: IJrimill')' Occllpallc~1 Group: .':-iL'l'OIHlal')' OCl'II\L!l1l'Y Group: 1lriJllllry Conslrllt,(ioll Type S('condarY,CollSll'udioll Type: iJ or Bedrooms: # of Stories: Height of Strncture T~p" of Heat: Water Type: J{mlgt.' Type; Energy Path: Sprinklcd Bllilding: Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Occnpant Load: n/a . I !:EVELOP~~E.NT INF.oRMATlO~' Frolllyard Setbal'k: ..,id(' I S('lhacl<:. _'ide 2 Sl'lhack: !{(';Irvnrd Srtb:lclc :01:": SctOOt:!CE: TI :tS-f'ERMff-Stt.\:":" ::H:'I:lE If TilE '.\lGRK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS P.ER~'Q1\IPR?VEMENTS' SIIcel Im!j)OM!'rilrNI.SEDOR IS ABANDONED FOR Slonn Se\\.tt\YA~Q:Ji\jW PERIOD. ' Overlay Dist: . # Street Trees Rqd: I'averl Drive Rqd: (% of Lot Coverage: REQUIRED PARKING Total: Handicapped: Compact: :~p('dal Insl rllclioll: ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to 1nlln'''' '''I,..... "''''.........''"........ I;-^. U "'\. ratification Cent~r. 'Th~~e ;~I;~ ~~~~e~f~;rh n OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- Oo~eYOO~llbtain copies of the rules b Cf)~\Qli'stOO,&Iffj\qri",iNote: the te'ephone Y number for"the Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1-800-332-2344). \.;olCS: 1 Valuation DesEEW.tion I l)l'scriplion 'I'YIH' of Cunstruction $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier Square Footage or Bid Amount Value Date Calculated Pa~e I of2 , 'i' ._.._=ml" ~~, - SI"MlIs ISSlIl'tI 22:' Fil'l!J Sired, Springfield, OR 541-726-.1 753 Plllll.IC :',11-726-3676 F,,, 5".1-726-3769 Inspl'cti{)u Line Tolal Value of Project U~ees Paid I l\:C Dcscrintinll 12(~1 Slnlc Surtharge -I- ;:;r~) Tt'l'hnology Fcc .\dd. Allor. ExI('IHI Circ :\dd, Aller, E,lo"d Ci"e Ea Add Amonnt Paid Date Paid. $8.04 $3.35 $55.00 $12.00 2/27/09 2/27/09 2/27/09 2/27/09 Tolal Amount Paid $78.39 I Plall Revil'ws , CITY OF SPRINlj1<mLD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2009-00282 ISSUED: 02/27/2009 APPLIED: 02/27/2009 EXPIRES: 08/27/2009 VALUE: Receipt Numbcr 1200900000000000140 1200900000000000140 1200900000000000140 1200900000000000140 .'il !(eqlles( an inspection call the 24 hour recortling at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 :,.111. will be mnde the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be matle the following 1I'0rl; (by. I Reo}! i retl I nS'l.ections , :I~ollgh Electric: Prior to Cover Final Electric Whcn all elel'trical work is complete. 1\.,' ,ignalurc, I statc and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all . IfOrlllrllion hen'(}n-is true :lnd conect, andJ furllwl' t'crtify (h.lt any and all work performed shall be done inaccord.ance with ,t!~. Oi"din:IlH'('s or tht' City of Springfield and thl..' Laws orthcState or Oregon pertaining to th,c WO,.,( described herein, and 111;li NO OCCUPANCY will be made orallY strudllJ'(' without permission of the Community Service~ Division, Building Safety. I J'llrlltn (.'ernf)' llwl ullly contractors and employet's who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. r 1'1l1.lhl~1' i1gn'{'lo {'nslIrl..',that all required inspecliolls nre requested at the proper time, ~hat each address is readable from the strl'l'l\ lh:lllhc pt'J"mit t'f1rd is located at the front of,the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the, site at all I'rllles during constrllclion. ' ()\\'f1('1" or COlllrn{'(or.s Signature Pat!:c 2of2 Date 225 Fifth Strcct " Springfield, Oregon 97477 54.1-726-3759Phonc City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department .Job/,Journal Number CO!v12009-00282 COM2009-00282 COM2009-00282 COM2009-00282 RECEIPT #: 1200900000000000140 Date: 02/27/2009 Description Add, Alter. Extend Circ Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add + 5% Technology Fee . + 12% State Surcharge P,I)'lllClltS: T~'p(' or PaYI1H'lIt .Paid By Item Total: Check Number - Authorization l{cccivcd By Batch Number Number How Received m'UNE CrlGS ci(cccintl ONLINE PERMIT CHGS' ONLINE Cherry City Online Payment Total: KR Page I of I 9:01:IOAM Amount Due 55.00 12.00.. 335 8.04 $78.39 Amount Paid $78.39 $78.39 2/27/2009