HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/4/2009 ( - .)! ,/ City of Springfield Development Service,s Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Date Received: MAR 04 2009' Original Submittal - Site Plan Review,Pre-Submittal: D Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: D [Site Plan Review Submittal: IZI Major Site Plan Modification Submittal: cr- ." t!Wl' . -. . . . (503) 986-4445 (503) 986-4469 Applicant Name: Icompany:' Geoff Crook' Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) 680 NE, Salem OR 97301-2412 IAPPlican't's Rep.: Icompany: IAddress: Colin McArthur, AICP , I Phone: I Fax: (541) 485-7385 (54]) 485-7389 Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe 160 East OR 97401 Property Owner: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)' Phone: (503) 986-4445 680 Street NE, Salem OR 97301-2412 MAP NO: Multiple (see Table 2-1) ITAX LOT NOeS): Multiple(see Table 2-1) I I _4'J.1 I Company: IAddress: Major Proiects Branch Fax: (503) 986-4469 . Property Address: Interstate 5 (Pacific Highway I); Milepost 192.18 ..193.00 Size of Property: 20.2 rvI en Acres tAl Sauare Feet Proposed Name of Project: Willamette River Phase I I Description of I(you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Phase I staging and constiuction for the 1-5 W'illamette River Bridge Project I Existing Use: ODOT 1-5 ROW; Parks and Open Space New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 6,526 sf Si natures:- Please sl nand' rint your name and date in the appropriate box ~n the next paqe.1 . - . . ., . . ~ a - , . '7, ) _Slffl:l&~- 2. Cj;fi'l/J (.~ ~ Q,~\-\;V 9i<k.... Associated Applications: )<J'h 4'1 ~ - L%~'~1V>rH) ~ (\!Jb) Signs: 'r'y(~~ -t." <2s~ ~ 1\\9 r4.<v Pre-Sub ,Case No.: R.c ~{G 60/.,- (Xtl=tf Date: Reviewed by: Icase No.: 'De.c..7~......;-6nr Date:' "?7/Lf/OQ Reviewed by: ~YL- IAPPlication Fee: ~ ti.( .7); 1- ITechnical Fee: $' ~ rf .'/ /) Ipostage Fee: $ f0..) \ TOTAL FEES: $ ILl PROJECT NUMBER: fK~ omS0 ~ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian " , 1 of 10 ( '. Owner Signatures This appljcation form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages inthe application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal . The undersigned' acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application Is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: ,~~ Signature . G,,;: CJ F" F' 7'3 _ C!l...o 0 I<.. Date: :2- /z.e=. /0 9 . . Print ". Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian '2 of 10 ~ Site Plan Review ApplicationProcess 1. Applicant Submits a Site Plan Review Application for Pre-Submittal . The application must conform to the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-7 of this application packet. j , , \ . A pre-submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, and pre-submittal meetings are co.nducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 am - noon. . Planning Division staff strives to conduct pre-submittal meetings within five to seven wo~king days of receiving an application. ' , 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting . The applicant, .owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre- submittal meeting.) , . The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and TransP.ortation,. Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning , Divisi.on.and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. ' . , The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre-Submittal Checklist specifying the items required'to make the application complete if it is not already complete, and the applican'f has 180 days submit a complete application to the City. ' 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application, City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision . A complete application must conf.orm to the Site Plan Review Submittal Rlf!quirements . Checklist .on pages 4-7 .of this applicati.on ,packet. . A Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a pUblic hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal ofa complete application. ' . Mailed notice is provided to pr.operty owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. . There is a 14-day public comment [?eriod, starting on the date notice is mailed. . Applications are distributed t.o the Development Review C.ommittee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or 'development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. . Applications maybe approved, appr.oved with conditions, or denied. . At the applicant's request, the Planner can provide a copy of the draft land use decision prior to issuing the final land use decision. . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. . The decision issued is the final decision ofthe City but may be appealed within 15 cal~ndar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. / '1 '. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 10 /' " Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist' NOTE: I . ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and Submittal. . If yo'u feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. IZI Application Fee ~ refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. [g] Site Plan Review Application Form, IZI Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the pro'perty, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees and future expansion plans, if known. fl [g] Copy of the Deed ~ (I IZI Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting owne'rship and listing all encumbrances. ' , IZI Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailed as part; of the required neighboring property notification packet. D Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility.. . IZI Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Storm water Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. ' IZI Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 AA. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's ' transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain hO\N the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. IZI Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal IZI All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of ttie plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation: IZI All plan sets must be folded to 8112' by 11" and bound by rubber bands. ,a. Site,Assessment of Existing Conditions IZI Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer IZI Vicinity Map Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 10 d.' , IZI The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what, is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines,'a'rld distance"iletween buildings., ' IZI The name, location, dimensions,' direction of flow and top of bank of all watercoutses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse , Map on file,in the Development Services Department IZI The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revisi9n ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department IZI Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ' ~ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted , concurrently if the Soils Survey indicate? the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table ' b.. Site Plan IZI Prepared 'by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer ~ Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings IZI Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs IZI Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping IZI Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and , . other impervious surfaces o Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the appficable zoning district D On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation . . D Access to streets, alleys,' and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed D Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces IZI Location of existing and proposed transit facilities D Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses , D Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer., stormwater Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 10 , management; water, and electricity. The applicant must indicate which phases apply to the Site Plan application being submitted. . ',' c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan IZI Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer IZI Location and width of all existing and proposed .easements ~ Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-vvays within or adjacent to the, proposed development, including ownership and maintenance status, if applicable. IZI Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting IZI Location of existing and required traffic control devices" fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities ~ Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, , sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails ~ Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including . sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and 'cable TV. . Indicate the proposed connection points d. Grading, Paving, & Stormwater Management Plan ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer IZI Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are' proposed as part of the stormwater management system D Roof drainage patterns and discharge los:;ations ~ Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns IZI The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormiNater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained IZI Existing 'and, proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent. the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) IZI Amount of proposed cut and fill e. Landscape Plan IZI Drawn by a Landscape Architect IZI Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage IZI Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 D Written description, including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system ) , IZI Location and type of street trees ). . . IZI List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart'genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting , f. Architectural Plans , I IZI Exterior elevations of all buildings and structures proposed for the development site, including height Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 10 .. D Conceptual floor plans' g. On-Site Lighting Plan IZI Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached IZI Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area ' IZI Photometric testreportfor each light source [gJ Additional Materials That May be Required . " IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/ APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: D IZI D IZI EJ IZI IZI IZI IZI >i D Where a multi-family development is proposed, ariy additional materials to demonstrate compliance with ~DC 3.2-240 Ripa'rian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank:of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the , top ~f bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present Where the,development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 ' A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property . , Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review. ' Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land' and [)rainage Alteration permit must be sUbmitted prior to dev'elopment , , Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be s'erved by sanitary sewer ' ( I Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 I~ CAMERON McCARTHY GILBERT SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS LLP " (I' ......... 160 East Broadway Eugene Oregon 9740] Tel 54J.485,7385 Fax 541.485.7389 www.cmgsla.com Prooosal (staoled) Site Plan Review Application Fo'rm Response Letter Written Explanation of the Proposal Exhibits C. Reduced (II" x 17") Plan Set E. Stormwater Report and Scoping Sheets G. Traffic Management Plan and Traffic Analysis Studies H. FEMA Cross Sections Plan TO: Mark Metzger City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: 1.5 Willamette Bridge Project- Phase I; Site Plan Review (SPR) Application , TRANSMITTED: Herewith Separate Cover By 'Carrier Other II COPIES: ITEM: 4 18 Full-size Plan Sets REMARKS: Dear Mark: ., , TRANSMITTAL DATE: March 4, 2009 PROJECT: B220 WRB , PROJECT No: 0819 M DISPOSITION: Signed For Information For Reply For Approval II DATED: No PAGES: -,' 12/30/08 12/30/08 2/25/09 2/25/09 5 3 75 43 10 40 I 1/26/09 43 " The enclosed application materials are hereby submitted for final Site Plan Review. As the Applicant's Representative I am available to answer any questions or provide additional information as needed. Thank you for you. consideration. COPIES TO: . IJ Owner D Engineer II File Electrical Civil Contractor Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submitt;:>1 / Byr~ . Colin G. McArthur, AICP I 225 Fifth Str~et Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone RECEIPT #: c~eceintl . ~~",,.'llU> ~.iij.,',., ~1Ii<1I',~", ,,:T' ',,', ' _fi' ~ity of Springfield Official Receipt OevelopmenfScrvices Department Public Works Department 3200900000000000140 Date: 03/04/2009 ,Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submit!;>! Page I of I I :20:44PM Amount Due 4,222,00 211.10 160.00 $4,593.10 Amount Paid $4,222.00 $371.10 $4,593.10 Amount Due 4,222,00 211.10 160,00 $4,593.10 Amount Paid $4,222,00 $371.10 $4,593.10 3/4/2009 , .r"-i I..---;r-! //::1 ~r/ tb r", '-1 ,r\UjJ,llJ~~:'" f , 'U,l" >-'c'iT> ::-~- i,,_st,_EAs.!~~!EwociOIAN",) r)D{n;": ',.I,~,l h,~~nr;::' L.~L,),": ., ,r-" -+7. I \ x i ''''ulJl=i--r--i.+-1 'iD:'7:: - "-~ -," 'i--i. i !'DA:"R~MANENrASPHAbT--EAf!LJ..~ :~)'- ;.;; / 't \' l1 Jl J I!cUfillLU r r r r r'~f~ ri-~-'/ , ..-..--'" - - ,I - _.L ,_ L -, - ".......-...-...""j -~ \\l\.\ ........_1 l I '---' ~ ~1 - ,... - FEMA FLooOWAY -,,,-,,,- FEMA 100-YR FLOODPlAIN _.G_",,_ WlllAMETTEGREENWAY BOUNDARY -,----- GOAL.5R1PARlANCORRlOOR BOUNDARY (M'R) ) (E) TREES Approximate ama EUGENElSPRlNGFIB.O BOUNDARY I !P..""...... ._.,--'-: r--'iIlfrliTI I r OREGONOEPAR1IlEHTOFI1lANSPORTATION iI!l.J.,t> ~......O~. ...cAlli" I &'M ~::".'~':"~ 1,5, WILLAMETTE AIYER BRIDGE. BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC HICHWAY lANECOLtlIT _z 1000' I .m' os~.o 0' 125'250' SOD' 1-- OVERALL SITE PUN .filS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBOP - Wlllomette Riller 8rld,.e\CAO\ 21-JAN-2009 5,00 p.M. (;'-110. Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal " SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I ;~';...;.1~:~:~' .,.:t'. .-- :_.~o!.~._~... _ '-._' '~. -"':~ ~"L.-w-.~ . ,.,,, 0,;,.... ~ ~ r"'f:... ..1-..>: ..... '- -- ...::i:" -~ ,----, ::~ . ~~ !.' II"""':!..- .~ r_. Conceptual Rendering of 1-5 Bridges February 25, 2009 Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 I~ Sls Original Submjttal t 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION INDEX SITE PLAN REVIEW FORM ...................................................................................................- WRiTTEN STATEMENT .........;.....................................:.........i.............................................._ Index.......................................................................................................................................- 1.0 Project Information.~................................................................................................ I 2.0 Description of Proposal .....~............:........................................................................ 3 3.0 Project Background.........................................................~........................................7 4.0 Detailed Project Description ..................................................:.....:....................... II 5.0 Existing Conditions, Project Impacts, & Proposed Mitigation Measures......... 21 6.0, Submittal Requirements........................................................................................33 7.0 App,roval Criteria and Standards.......~....................................................~............. 43 EXH I BITS ..............................................................................................................................~..- Exhibit A - Deeds ............................................................................................................;.. A Exhibit B - Preliminary Title Reports .............................................................;................. B Exhibit C - Plan Set.....................................................................:...................................... c I Exhibit D - Conceptual Site Restoration "and Mitigation Plans..................................... D , , Exhibit E - Stormwater Report ..................................................,....................................... E Exhibit F - Riparian Area Protection Report.........................;................:...........,............F Exhibit G - Traffic,Management Plan and Traffic Analysis Studies..................;...........G Exhibit H - FEMA Cross Sections Plan .........:................;................................................. H Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submitt~1 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 16. 2009 INDEX " t '1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ' 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION Applicant's Request: Phase I staging and construction for the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Project Property Owner: ' Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) 680 Cottage St. NE Salem, OR 97301-2412 503.986.4445 Willamalane Park and Recreation District 250 5. 32nd St. Springfield, OR 97478 541.736.4544 Applicant: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) 680 Cottage St. NE Salem, OR 97301-2412 503.986.4445 Applicant's Representative: Colin McArthur, AICP Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe 160 E Broadway, Eugene OR 9740 I 541.485.7385 . colin{a)cmesla.com Project Name: Subject Property: 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Project - Phase ,I ODOT 1-5 right-of-way Multiple Tax Lots (see Table 2-1) Interstate 5 (Pacific Highway I) . . Milepost 192.18 - 193,00 20.2 acres (878,449 square feet) ODOT 1-5 right-of-way Parks and Open Space Location: Development Area: Plan Designation: Zoning: ODOT 1-5 right-of-way PLO - Public Land & Open Space ",,' Overlay Zoning: N/A N/A MA 07-3; LRP 2003-0012; PRE2008-00U77t R . d ua e ecelve: Refinement Plan: , Associated Applications: MAR 0 4 2009 CMGS Original ::lUOmlllal FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 f, I I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION This page intentionally left blank. ,/ CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February.2S, 2009 2 t Date Received: 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I.~"')I. SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ' , ~.^,p. 9 It 2~9 2.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL Original Submittal 2.1 Introduction \ The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) ("the Applicant") requests approval to commence Phase I staging and construction for the Interstate 5 (1-5) Willamette River Bridge Project (Project, Proposal). The Project replaces the decommissioned Willamette River and Canoe Canal bridges and detour bridges with -new bridges. The existing I-5'Willamette River Bridge is located within both the cities of Eugene and Springfield, with the decommissioned bridge center line constituting the boundary line separating the two cities. The Applicant proposes to locate the replacement bridge in essentially the same location as the existing 1-5 bridge. Demonstration of compliance with applicable land use regulations of both jurisdictions is required. The Phase I Project site is comprised of state-owned right-of-way (ROW), state-owned property, and city-owned property. The majority of the Project site. is within state-owned ROW associated with 1-5, the Willamette River corridor, and Franklin Boulevard. Parcels within the Phase I Project site (discussed below) and within Springfield jurisdiction are identified in Table 2-1. Within Springfield jurisdiction, temporary and permanent Phase I work is proposed on three parcels; Tax Lot No. 101 (Map No. 17-03-33-41) and Tax Lot No. 100 and 2600 (Map No. 17,.03- 33-44). Temporary or permanent Phase I improvements are not proposed on any of the remaining parcels identified below within Springfield jurisdiction. These parcels are included for reference purposes because they will be. utilized for construction access during the Project. Table 2-1. Phase I Project,Site Parcels within Springfield ~fu;;;;I~:~ti\: b~;'ol.~~;."'li_~lfi$ii<;;ll 1'...1."1'0...'3""3' "3' ".'A. T'A'J!&,'" II';!!!(W'.. . ',""!lII,.*',!I'O" '0' ",'1.0'0.,...,11_, !-' .,:N.""" 'I'S..m'~,'::t.. .....ld..'!4<"..'!fl!i!.!1I1fI.!..,!1 ;f'c .: ...-~7t1Jt0th~f!!(l!!tt~~1 .'.' .>,'dr~;mv1f?f~ .Dnnf,l~ . fp<f!h/<"'" 1':fi:~~:;~':~~-:~~~~~l\.'~.I~:~::~::~~11i.' "': The Proposal complies with all applicable Springfield Development Code (SDC) criteria listed in SDC 5.1 'l-125 and the submittal requirements listed on the Type II Site Plan Review application form. The attached materials and enclosed findings demonstrate that the proposal is also consistent with applicable policies contained in the Metro Plan and other relevant refinement plans. I' . 2.2 Purpose and Need " The purpose of the Pn!,ject is to improve safety and maintain connectivity and mobility for all users of 1-5 over the Willam~tte River in the Eugene/Springfield Metropolitan Area. 1-5 is a major transportation artery ~nd the only'freeway that traverses the entire length of the west coast from Mexico to Canada. Regional economies depend on the reliable use of it in the Eugene/Springfield area. The Project replaces the decommissioned Willamette River and Canoe Canal bridges and , , , substandard detour' bridges with permanent bridges to accommodate current and future traffic volumes. The Project proposes two new bridges that will carry traffic in one direction each, northbound (NB) and southbound (SB). CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL February 25, 2009 3 I 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLANREVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION The Project is part of the Oregon Transportation Investment Act (OTIA), III State Bridge Delivery Program. which involves the repair and replacement of more than 300 bridges statewide over a ten year period. The Project is the largest in the $1.3 billion OTIA III Program. The current estimated completion date for the Project is December 12. 2012. 2.3 Summary of Proposal The proposed Project consists of the following main components: . Demolition of the decommissioned Willamette River Bridges. Canoe Canal Bridge. and detour bridges (salvaged portions of the bridges will be recycled or reused as much as feasible); . - Construction of replacement bridges; . Reconstruction of the roadway near the bridges including the Franklin Blvd. on- and off-' ramps; and . Construction of park bicycle and pedestrian path improvements to preserve and enhance public access along the river. The new bridges will be constructed in essentially the same location as the existing bridges; i~c1uding relatively minor shifts of alignment. as well as minor changes to the Franklin Boulevard ramps. The new bridges will beJdesigned with enough width to eventually carry,up to six lanes of traffic (three in each direction) to meet the projected traffic needs for the next 20 years. However. upon Project completion. the new bridges will be striped to carry two lanes in each direction. matching the current 1-5 configuration in this 'area. The proposed Project will be constructed. scheduled, and permitted in two phases (Phase I and Phase II) to allow for adequate time to finalize project components including final design of the replacement bridges. final design of compensatory mitigation and site restoration plans (including final landscaping plans). final design of negotiated park improvements. and final stormwater design. In addition. proposed work will occur within and outside of ODOT right-of-way (ROW). This Site Plan Review (5PR) application involves Phase I work only. which includes temporary improvements within city-owned property and permanent imp(rovements within state-owned ROW. Proposed work occurring within ODOT (state-owned) ROW is provided f6r informational purposes to allow the reader a comprehensive understanding of the Proposal and work planned. 2.4 Overview of Project Phases Phase I actiYities. the subject of this application. involves the following components: Outside of ODOT ROW . Development of temporary construction staging areas and access routes Construction of temporary bicycle/pedestrian paths' in the Whilamut Natural Area and Eastgate Woodlands . Temporary reconfiguration of bicycle/pedestrian paths in the Eastgate Woodlands, . Construction of a temporary bicycle/pedestrian path along the south side of the Willamette River CMGS FINAL 5UBMITT AL I February 25, 2009 4 rl ~ r - t "., ," \ ';. ,"!- ,.. '--.:l.f"" -, . , 1-5 WlLLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASEI'l)'\1i SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION \' Associated site utilities and stormwater .treatment facilities . Temporary landscaping and revegetation Within ODOT ROW . Construction of temporary work bridges.(in-water)' Installation of cofferdams to enClose the new bridge sub-structure (in-water) . Demolition of the decommissioned Willamette .River Bridge (in-water) . Construction of new bridge sub:structures (in-water) . Construction of temporary and permanent bicycle/pedestrian paths . Reconstruction of the Franklin Blvd. SB 1-5 on-ramp . 1-5 mainline work including temporary widening, erosion control measures, earthwork, and paving Phase II actiyities will involye the following components and will be permitted separately from Phase I: . Demolition of detour bridges (in-water) . Construction of new bridges (in-water) . Remoyal of temporary work bridges (in-water) . Canoe Canal enhancement and bicycle/pedestrian Pilth improvements . Glenwood Slough restoration and enhancement Mill Race and Glenwood Slough interpretive center . Permanent park, bicycle/pedestrian path, and pedestrian bridge improvements . Landscaping, revegetation, restoration, and mitigation r . . Stormwater treatment facilities Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original SubmittaL____ CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL. 1 February 25, 2009 5 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT -PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION This page intentionally left blank. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25. 2009 , , '. t / / 6 <, I-SWILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE 1,<;<;; SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION \, Date Received: MAR u:; tn03 . 3.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND Original Submittal 3.1 Project Origin In 20.0.2, during a bridge inspection of the existing 1-5 Willamette Riyer Bridge, it was found to have major structural problems that threatened the stability and safety of the bridge, including cracks in the supporting structures.' , Based on the inspection analysis, weight limits were placed on the bridge that required a 20.0.-mile detour for heavy haul trucks. ' r To eliminate the 20.0.-mile detour for heavy haul trucks and improve traffic mobility, a temporary detour bridge was built in 20.0.4 and the existing Willamette River and Canoe Canal bridges were taken out,of service (decommissioned). The detour bridges over the Willamette River and Canoe Canal carry both the NB and SB lanes on a single bridge. All traffic is now using the temporary detour bridge. The detour bridge does not meet current seismic standards and the construction methods used to build the bridge only met environmental requirements as they apply to temporary, not permanent, bridges. The detour bridge has,a design life of approximately 10. years. The decommissioned Willamette River Bridge (constructed in 1962) cannot feasibly be repaired or widened to accommodate the traffic flow and vehicle capacity demands that'are projected 20. years in the future. ODOT estimates that it would cost roughly $50. million to repair the decommissioned bridge to keep it in service for 20. more years. Those repairs would not widen the bridge. The decommissioned bridge also does not meet current design standards. It was designed using bridge standards that are no longer appropriate for the size of longer and heavier, modern freight trucks. In addition, the bridge has substandard shoulders that do not provide enough room for disabled vehicles to move completely out of the travel lanes, creating a safety problem. 3.2 Budget and Funding Source The 1-5 Willamette River Bridge project is part of the Oregon Transportation OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program, which involves the repair and replacement of more than 30.0. bridges statewide over a 10. year period. The 1-5 Willamette River Bridge project is the largest in the $1.3 billion OTIA III program. The project is funded at $180. million, which includes preliminary engineering and design, ROW acquisition (if needed), demolition, road work, structures, ties to the existing transportation system, and all ,construction and inspection. ' Of the overall budget, approximately $70. million is designated just for the bridge structures crossing the river; railroad, and Franklin Boulevard, and Canoe Canal. This includes approximately $10. million designated for additional bridge aesthetics. The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient, Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users, a federal transportation funding, package. will proYide $30. million for this Project supplementing the $150. million from state sources. The OTIA III program emphasizes using local subcontractors and material suppliers; therefore, a substantial portion ofthe project cost is expected to be spent in the Eugene/Springfield 'area over a four year period. I The inspection resulted in a sufficiency rating of 20 en a.1 00 point scale. A bridge qualifies for replacement funding from the Federal Highway Bridge Replacement and Rehabilitation Funding Program if it has a sufficiency rating below 50. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 7 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (5PR) APPLICATION 3.3 Planning Context In 2003, Lane,County and the Cities of Eugene and Springfield approved a Metro Plan amendment and an exception to Statewide Planning Goal 15 (Willamette River Greenway) authorizing construction of the temporary detour bridge and its removal following completion of the permanent replacement bridges. The exception was adopted to Metro Plan text, Policy No. 13, Chapter III, Section D.' The detour bridge is located entirely within the jurisdictional boundaries of , the City of Springfield. . In 2008, Laf)e County and the Cities of Eugene and Springfi'eM approved a Metro Plan amendment and an exception to Goal IS,authorizing the construction of the permanent replacement bridges and removal of the decommissioned and detour bridges. The exception was adopted to Metro Plan text, Policy No. II, Chapter II, Section D.' The Eugene ordinance aiso amended the Willakenzie Area Plan text for portions of paragraph one in the Willamette Greenway section to provide an exception for. H[r]eplacement or expansion of,the 1-5 Willamette'River Bridge and its approaches.'" The City of Springfield requires a pre-submittal meeting held in advance of Site Plan Review . application submittals. On January 13. 2009, the Applicant conducted a pre-submittal meeting with City of Springfield staff. . , 3.4 r- Public Involvement Efforts The Applicant recognizes the need for citizen participation in all phases of this project. Public outreach and involvement for the Project have included: project information provided to the public through newsletters and project website; public open house meetings to provide project information and solicit public input; briefings to neighborhood and civic groups and local elected bodies; and meetings of the project's Citizens Advisory Group (CAG). The CAG functions in an advisory role and provides recommendations to the Project Development Team (PDT). The,PDT consists of ten members that include representatives from ODOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHW A). the Cities of Eugene and Springfield, Lane County, and the CAG. Public opportunities to ask questions and proYide input on the Project have been provided by the Applicant through the project website, at open houses, by mail, and by direct contact with ODOT staff. Public involvement activities to date are summarized below; . Environmental Assessment (EA) open houses held Jan. 31. 2008, in Eugene and Springfield CAG meeting June 17, 2008 . CAG meeting July 15. 2008 . Stakeholder newsletter mailed week of July 21, 2008 - ' I , Design Kickoff/Type Selection public meeting af)d self-guided tour event held July 26, 2008 CAG meeting Aug. 5, 2008 2 Springfield File LRP 2003-0012. ( ] Eugene Ordinance No. 20414 and 20415; Springfield Ordinance No. 6227; and Lane County Ordinance No. PA 1247. 4 Eugene File MA 07-3 and RA OB-I. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25. 2009 8 '~, ,)~,~'-'li'l\t\~'~.." '.'~'l~.'l,l;.'~, .;.; .,' "-t~.~. 1-5 WlLLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE hlil!i+' SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ,,' . ODOT outreach to local public officials and media to announce type selection: week of Sept. 8,2008 . Joint CAG and PDT meeting Oct. 14, 2008 . Joint CAG and PDT meeting Oct. 30, 2008 . Joint CAG and PDT design theme discussion workshop Nov. 20, 2008 . CAG meeting Dec. 2, 2008 . PDT meeting Dee. 5, 2008 CAG meeting Jan. 28, 2009 , PDT meeting Jan. 30, 2009 . Public open houses in Eugene and Springfield Feb. 9, 2009 . Design Workshop scheduled Feb. 21, 2009 . Design Workshop scheduled Feb. 22, 2009 ~ Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 9 ( , 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION This ~age intentionally left blank. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25. 2009 J - 10 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I,.", SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . Date Received: MAR n 4 2009 4.0 DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION The 1-5 Willamette Riyer Bridge Project proposes to replace both the decommissioned bridge and the temporary detour bridge across the Willamette River, Franklin Boulevard, and the Union , ' Pacific railroad tracks with two new parallel bridges (one NB and one SB). In addition, the existing bridges across the Canoe Canal will be remoyed and replaced with new bridges. Original Submittal At this time, OBEC Consulting Engineers (OBEC) and its subconsultants have developed preliminary design plans for the new 1-5 bridges and associated site work, but haye not completed final design plans. Final designs for the 1-5 bridges and associated site work will be the subject of a Phase II Willamette Greenway permit application, tentatively scheduled for submittal during summer 2009. As noted aboye! the Applicant requests approval for Phase I development as described herein. Please refer to Sheets T 1.0 Cover and OS 1.0 Overall Site Plan for an overview of Phase I activities. Design elements related to Phase II work described in this application are based on preliminary , design plans; therefore, information presented in this application not included in Phase I should be considered preliminary and subject to change during the final design process. 4.1 Project Overview The new crossing will be composed of two bridges over the Willamette River: one dedicated to carrying NB traffic and the other carrying SB traffic. Together, the new bridges will be wider than the decommissioned bridge to accommodate additional travel lanes in the future. Additional travel lanes are not proposed as part of this Project and the new bridge will be'striped to match the existing trayellanes at both the north and south ends (I.e., two lanes in each direction). There would be a slight shift in the alignment of 1-5; however the vast majority of all roadway and bridge improve.ments will remain within the existing ODOT ROW. The shift in alignment for the new Willamette River bridges will require the replacement of the decommissionel and temporary detour Canoe Canal bridges. Therefore, the existing 1-5,crossing of the Canoe Canal north of the Willamette River will also be replaced by a pair of new bridges. , For the purpos,e of this request and subsequent applications, the new bridges over the Willamette River and the Canoe Canal will be consideredthe same facility. These bridges will meet current safety and design standards for all travel needs typical on this section of 1-5. Traffic volumes will not change as a result of the proposed bridge replacement. No additional lanes or speeq zone changes are planned, although the new bridges will be designed to accommodate future traffic needs. , " The new bridges will be constructed in the same general location as the existing bridges. As noted above, the new bridge location will require some minor shifts of alignment, as well as reconstruction of portions of the NB and SB on/off ramps to Franklin Boulevard. The new bridges will be higher than the'decommissioned bridge to provide more clearance over Franklin Boulevard. which will provide flexibility to local juri.sdictions for future improvements to the Franklin Boulevard corridor, as well as meet current yertical clearance requirements for state highways and railroads. Although there are no specific plans for future improvements to Franklin Bouleyard, the proposed c1eara"nces would allow the addition of turning or through lanes, sidewalks or bicycle/pedestrian paths, transit lanes, aesthetic treatments, or other improvements. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 II 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION Piers for the new bridges will be located on the north and south riverbank within the Willamette ' Greenway. The estimated size of these pier foundations is 64 feet by 17 feet. Each new bridge will have one pier located in the middle of the Willamette River, one pier on the north bank. and one pier on or near the south bank, which is a substantial reduction from the five piers for the decommissioned bridge and six piers for the detour bridge currently in the river. The Canoe Canal will be spanned completely and these bridges will be perched on fill associated with the roadway. 4.2 Temporary Phase I Work The Proposal involves temporary construction activities in Phase I, as described below, and identified by applicable jurisdiction (Eugene or Springfield). The use of temporary construction facilities is a necessary part of the proposed Project and the Applicant will implement mitigation and conservation measures developed during the environmental permitting process and restoration measures developed during the Willamette Greenway Phase II permitting process to limit and offset temporary impacts. Construction and Demolition Staging Areas , As with any significant bridge construction. the Project will require temporary construction facilities, including contractor staging areas. Two contractor staging areas are proposed: one located on the north side of the river in the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park (Eugene); and one located on the south side of the river on state-owned property south of Franklin Boulevard (Springfield). All contractor work trailers will be located within ODOT ROW or within designated staging areas previously used for construction of the detour bridge. Staging areas will be restored to original conditions post construction. Construction and demolition staging areas are illustrated on Sheets LO.2. L2.0-L2.4, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Construction Access Routes The Project site will be served by two primary construction access routes, one on each side of the river. Access to construction areas on the north side of the riyer will be provided by North ' Walnut Road, an existing paved road, beginning at Leo Harris Parkway and extending through Alton Baker Park and the Whilamut Natural Area to the Project site (Eugene). This is the same route that was used for access during construction of the detour bridge in 2004.' Access to construction areas on the south side of the river will be provided from Jenkins Drive, located south of Franklin Boulevard (Springfield). A temporary construction access road will be constructed under the detour bridge, decommissioned bridge. and Franklin Boulevard extending west from Jenkins Drive (Eugene and Springfield). On the Eugene side, the temporary road will be constructed above a channelized, concrete lined, waterway associated with the Glenwood Slough.' The waterway will be piped and protected through the duration of construction. Following bridge construction, the waterway will be restored and enhanced, including the removal of existing concrete channel along its banks. Construction access routes are illustrated on Sheets LO,2, L2.0- L2.4, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Temporary Work Bridges Temporary work bridges will be constructed to facilitate demolition of the old bridges and construction of the new bridges. The work bridges will be supported with driven piles to create a 5 This waterway is identified as an unnamed tributary CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 12 I"':;' ,-.' - r. '~ 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE 1.,-<.; SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION --: st~ble and temporary work platform across the river.' The use of this technique will not require any significant m'1 to construct the work bridges. During Phase I, temporary work bridges will be , used for. demolition of the decommissioned bridge, construction of cofferaams to enclose the new bridge sub-structures, and construction of the sub-structures themselv!'ls. The work bridges, including all pili rigs, will be removed after the project is complete during Phase II. The temporary work bridges will be located within both Springfield and Eugene jurisdiction. Bicycle and Pedestrian Paths . Construction activities and staging locations will impact the existing network of multi-use (bicycle and pedestrian) paths extending along the north and south sides of the Willamette River. In order to provide for public access along the river between the communities of Eugene and Springfield during construction, the Applicant will construct both temporary paved and soft paths' to route traffic around and through the Project site (Eugene). Proposed temporary bicycle and pedestrian . paths ar,e illustrated on Sheets LO,2, L2.0-L2.4, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Within the Project site on the north side of the river, the North Bank Trail wi" be closed during demolition of the existing bridges and construction of the new bridges. Bicycle and pedestrian traffic will be routed from the North Bank Trail to the Canoe Canal Path, an existing path along Canoe Canal that extends through the Project site to the Eastgate Woodlands. A portion of the existing 'Pre's T rail located under the existing bridges will also be temporarily reconfigured during construction to facilitate through traffic and address potential safety concerns (Eugene). Following construction, the paths will be restored to their original locations prior to construction or reconfigured to locations agreed upon by Eugene POS and Willamalane Park and Recreation District. Proposed bicycle and pedestrian paths are illustrated on Sheets LO.2; L2.0-L2.4, & L2.7 , ., Site Plan (Exhibit C). . '. , . . Within the Project site on the south 'side of the river, an existing path extends from the Knickerbocker Bridge area (Eugene), under the decommissioned bridge and detour bridge, to the approximate extent of the eastern Project limits at Franklin Boulevard (Springfield). The existing path will be affected .by construction access and bridge'demolition activities. The path will be reconfigured to' avoid construction activities and a temporary path will be constructed, with minor shifts in the alignment: This proposed path will remain open during construction and .facilitate pedestrian and bicycle traffic along the south side of the river between Eugene and Springfield. The proposed path will be illuminated with temporary lighting, as illustrated on Sheets EO, I, E 1.0, ELI, & E 1.3 Lighting Plan (Exhibit C}. Following bridge construction, the path will be reconstructed to a location agreed upon by Eugene POS arid WPRD. " Site Utilities and Stormwater Treatment Facilities Construction staging and demolition areas may require rilinimi extension of ~ite utilities, .'specifically power, for operations. Temporary. paved bicycle and pedestrian paths and construction access routes require associated stormwater treatment facilities. Propo.sed stormwater treatment facilities are described in the Stormwater Report (Exhibit E) and are illustrated on Sheets CO.2, C2.0-C2.4, & C2.7 Sto~mwater and Utiliti.es Plan (Exhibit C). Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 , ( original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL February 25, 2009 13 1-$ WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECt"- PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION , 4.3 Permanent'Phase I Work The Proposal involves permanent construction activities in Phase I, as described below, and identified by applicable jurisdiction (Eugene or Springfield). Refer to Sheets L2.0 - L2.5, E 1.0 - E 1.3 and C2.0 - C2.6 (Exhibit C) for locations of existing and proposed infrastructure. Demolition of the Decommissioned ~illamette River Bridge The primary component of Phase I work is demolition of the decommissioned Willamette River Bridge. As noted above, work bridges will be constructed to facilitate these activities. Salvaged portions of the bridge will be recycled or reused as, much as feasible. Construction of New Bridge Sub-structures Another critical component of Phase I work is construction of the new bridge sub-structures. As noted above, piers for the new bridges will be located on the north and south riverbank within the Willamette River Greenway. The estimated size ,of these pier foundations is 64 feet by 17 feet. 'Each new bridge will have one pier located in the middle of the Willamette River, one pier on the north bank, and one pier on or near the south bank. The locations of proposed bridge sub- structures are shown on Sheets, LO.2, L2.0-L2.4, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Reconfiguration of Bicycle/Pedestrian Paths in'Eastgate Woodlands The Proposal includes minor reconfiguration, including demolition and reconstruction, of Pre's Trail and the Woodlands Trail within the Eastgate Woodlands portion ofthe Whilamut Natural Area (Springfield). Because the existing North Bank Trail will be closed to public access during construction (within the Project site) and through traffic will be routed to the existing Canoe Canal Path, minor reco'nfiguration of the connecting path system in Eastgate Woodlands is necessary to accommoda~e bicycle and 'pedestrian traffic along Pre's Trail and the Woodlands Trail safeiy and efficiently. Proposed path reconfigurations are illustrated on Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2.4, & L2.7 Site Plans (Exhibit C). Stormwater Treatment Facilities ,,' Stormwater treatment'is addressed for Phase I through the use of filter strips along proposed permanent bike path reconfigurations. North of the river, in the Eastgate Woodlands, path reconfigurations will be treated by overland flow' and infiltration using existing' vegetation and soil adjacent the path (Springfield). South of the river and East of 1-5, path reconfigurations will be . , treated through the construction of a 5-foot vegetated filter strip (Springfield). South of the river and West of 1~5, path reconfirmations will be treated through a combination of proposed filter strips and offsetting areas (Eugene). Proposed stormwater treatment facilities are illustrated on Sheets CO,2, C2.0-C2.4, & C2.7 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). ' Utility Relocation . The Proposal involves minor reconfiguration of existing utility lines along the south side of the Willamette River. Phase I of the Project will affect a 16 inch Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) water line, an 8 inch Springfield Utility Board (SUB) water line, and a Qwest underground telephone line. The 16 inch EWEB water line and the Qwest telephone line will be relocated in roughly the same location and the 8 inch SUB water line will be abandoned pending approval by SUB, as illustrated on Sheets CO.2, C2.0 - C2.4, & C2.7 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). CMGS FINAL 5UBMITT AL I February 25. 2009 14 I _".-/ . 1-5 WlLLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE 1,''''1- SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ' Date ReceIved: , ' MAR 0 4 2009 4.4' Duration and Sequence of Construction- Original Submittal Construction is planned ~o take up to four years. Construction will begin in 2009 and continue through20 12. The Applicant requests ,\pproval for Phase I workdescribed herein through December 12, 20 12. ~ Demolition of the existing bridges and construction of the new facilities will require four summers of in-water work, which is only allowed from April I to/April 30 and June I to October 31.6 The actual sequence of construction for Phase II work has not been determined, but a likely sequence is as follows: . Construction of temporarY work access, staging areas, and work bridges (Phase I) I ~ I . Removal of decommissioned bridges (Phase I) . Construction of new SB bridges and connecting roadway (Phase II) . T empora'rily route both directions of I-S traffic on the new SB bridges (Phase II) . Removal of the detour bridges and construction of temporary work bridge (Phase II) . Construction of n~w NB bridges and connecting roadway (Phase II) . Constructio'n of stormwater facilities (Phase II) . Remoyal of work bridges, staging, and access areas, and restoration and "enhancement of the , Project area (Phase II) , , Traffic will be maintained on 1-5, Franklin Bouleyard, the railroad, and die bicycle/pedestrian ' paths throughout\construction. Some short term road closures may be required; but these would be limited to a'few hours. The Applicant is currently in ongoing negotiation to permit long-term (6 to 8 week) closures of the NB and SB ramps at the Franklin Boulevard interchange and rerouting traffic to' the Glenwo.od interchange via Glenwood Boulevard. 'A continuous route across ODOT ROW for' the bicycle/pedestrian pathways will be maintained on both the ,north side and south side of the river during construction.', " , ,~ 4.5 Overview of Proposed Mitigation Measures The Applicant seeks to preserve scenic, aesthetic. historic, and environmental resources throughout the proposed project. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental assessment (EA) prepared for the Project identifies proposed measures that avoid, minimize, , and/or mitigate environmental impacts.' In response to the EA. FHWA issued a "finding of no significant effect" (FONSI) letter for the proposed project on November 25, 2008. Construction activities will follow the best management practices 'designed to minimize impacts to resources. Such practices include, but are not limited to, dust, noise. and erosion control. To avoid, minimize, and/or mitigate the impacts of this Project, the Applicant proposes the following general measures, among others: r " In-water work periods (IWWP),for the Project are as follows: pile driving activities are allowed from April I to April , 30 and from July I to October 31; non-pile driving activities are allowed from June I to October 31, 7 1-5 Willa;"ette River Bridge Environmental Assessment," Federal "Highw~y Admi~istration and ODOT. January 2008, 0' CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL February 25, 2009 15 " 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT:' PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATiON " Meet OTIA III Enyironmental Performance Standards (EPS) in order to meet the requirements of the programmatic environmental permits that apply to the statewide bridge program.' . Continue public involvement through design and construction Plan traffic .management to keep all travel modes open and safe duri"ng construction . Limit work hours , . Limit project noise . Restore and enhance affected areas Specific mitigation measures are described in Section S and illustrated in the attached Plan Set (Exhibit C). 4.6 OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program Environmental Performance Standards . . .. OTIA III Environmental Performance Standards (EPS) define the level of effect that a project may have upon the environment, thereby limiting or avoiding impacts to the enyironment through the, use of proper planning, design, and construction activities. This section outlines applicable OTIA III EPS followed through planning and design actiyities and applicable OTIA III EPS that will be followed during construction (Phase I and Phase II). The complete OTIA III EPS are included for reference as Exhibit F. The standards are identified in bulleted text below, followed with notes describing how the Project addresses each standard. / Species Avoidance and Adverse Effect Minimization . Fish Avoidance: Minimize incidental take of listed fish and adverse effects to fish species from in- water work activities. ' o Timing of In-water Work. Complete work below the Ordinary High Water (OtlW) elevation during the preferred in-water work period. . , In-water work periods (IWWP) for the Project are'defined as: pile driving activities are allowed from April I to April 30 and from July I' to October 31; non-pile driving activiti~s are allowed from June I to October 31. o Cessation of Work: Cease project operations wider high (low conditions that may result in inundation of the project area, except for efforts to avoid or minimize resource damage. Project operations will be suspended during high flow conditions that may result in inundation of the project area. o Fish Passage: Provide passage for any adult or juvenile fish species present in the project area , during and after construction and for the life of the project, unless otherwise approved in writing by the appropriate Regulatory Agency. The Applicant will provide for fish passage during and after construction and prepare a Fish Passage Plan for .submittal and approval from ODFW " , ! These performance s~andards define the level of effect that a project may have upon the environment, thereby limiting or avoiding impacts to the environment through the Lise of proper planning, design. and construction activities. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 16 ',( '-"''''''"F ,~,.-~"",. "'.: ;-~..' ," .r-'~ ( " 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER -BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE.I., ,', 'SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ":I,~. a Hydro-Acoustic: Prepare and imPlement a Noise Attenuation Plan (NAP) f~r steel piles driven with an impaa pile driving hammer through water when listed fish may be present. The Applicant will prepare and implement a NAP for steel'piles driven through water. . ., a Isolation of In-water Work Area: If adult or juvenile fish are reosonobly certain to be present, or if " the work area is within 300 feet upstream of reasonably likely spawning habitots, completely isolate the work area from the aaive flowing stream using inflatable bags, sandbags, sheet pilings, or, similar materials, unless otherwise approved in writing by'the appropriate Regulatory Agency. Proposed in-water work will require work area isolation with the use of cofferdams or similar measures designed to isolate work areas from the riyer. , a Capture and Release: Before, intermittently during, and immediately after isolation and dewatering to isolate an in-water work area, attempt to capture and release fish from the isolated \ area. Work area isolation will require fish capture and release op~rations in the Willamette River, which would affect both listed and non-listed fish species. All fish capture and releas'e operations will be conducted by experienced biologists following guidelines established by ODFW and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). ' . Wildlife Avoidance (Bridge Demolition): Minimize injury and death to wildlife species from bridge disturbance aaivities. a Migratory Birds: Avoid destruaion of occuPied 'nests (i.e., containing eggs or young) an adult birds proteaed by the Migratory Bird Treaty Aa (M~TA). The Project will incorporate timing restrictions-under the MBT A, including no remoyal of trees \ being used for nesting during the breeding season and apply exclusionary methods to prevent nesting activities before March IS. J v a Bats: Avoid, destruaion of bat maternity colonies. The Project will incorporate bat habitat into the design of the' new bridge. . Wildlife Passage and Migration. Maintain existing and re-establish conneaivity between aquatic _ / habitats that were severed during the' previous or current placement of roadway prism fills. . .. "- The Project will maintain existing and re-establish connectiYity between 'upland habitats for wildlife moyement. " . Plant Avoidance: Avoid disturbance to State and Federally-listed plants and their occupied habitat , T No federal or state 'Endangered Species Act (ESA)-Iisted plant species or plant habitats have been '\ ' ' , . identified within the project area. ' ~ ~ Habitat Avoidance and Removal Minimization I Streambank Protection , ' . Streambank Protection: Ayoid and minimize adverse effects to natural stream and floodplain funaion by limiting stream bank proteaion aaions to those that are not expeaed to have long-term adverse effects on aquatic habitats. The Applicant has prepared conceptual site restoration plans (Exhibit C) for upland, wetland, and , streambank areas to be restored at the completion of the project. Furthermoi;l\, effects to natural . 'Date I"(scelvea: MAR 0 4 2009 , CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25. 2009 Original Submittal 17 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . stream and floodplain area will be minimized by keeping the work area within the smallest footprint needed. ' . Habitat Removal: Avoid or minimize habitat modification that will impair the ability of threatened, endangered, proposed, or selected sensitive species to complete essential biological behaviors, such as breeding, spawning, rearing, migrating, feeding, and sheltering. The Applicant will flag boundaries of clearing limits and sensitive areas to be avoided during construction and coordinate with WPRD, Eugene POS, and the CPC regarding sensitive areas in the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park, which should be avoided during construction. Water Quality . Pollution & Erosion Control Plan: Prevent delivery of contaminants to soils and waters of the U.S. caused by surveying and construction operations. Prepare and carry out a Pollution and Erosion Control Plan that contains the elements outlined in Sections 280.00 and 29030 ofODOT's Standard' Specifications for Construction (2002): r , , A Pollution Control Plan (PCP) will be developed for this' project prior to construction by the CM/GC to minimize or avoid project effects to water quality. . Erosion Control Measures: The following erosion control measures (and other as appropriate) shall be observed: a Ensure erosion control devices are properly installed to minimize impacts to the environment ) , a Schedule excavation, grading, and paving activities for dry weather periods, if possible. a Comply with the requirements of the ODOT Regional 1200CA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for all construction runoff. An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) will be developed before construction by the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC)' and will detail erosion and sediment control measures to be used during construction. A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) 1200-series permit will need to be obtained prior to ground disturbing activities and will incorporate the OTIA III EPS, ESCP, and PCP components developed for the project and will be implemented during construction. Stormwater,Management Ayoid or minimize adverse effeCts resulting from changes to the quality . and quantity of stormwater runoff for the life of the project by improving or maintaining natural . runoff conditions within project watersheds. Stormwater management for the Project will be implemented through construction of BMPs, which will include bioslopes, grassy swale with amended soils, bio-infiltration swales. and dry detention pO!:lds. All of the selected BMPs provide a high effectiyeness for the removal of sediments, nutrients, and heavy metals both dissolved and particulates; and provide moderate eff7ctiveness for removal of hydrocarbons and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Site Restoration . Renew habitat access, water quality, production of habitat elements, channel conditions, flows, watershed conditions, ond other ecosystem processes that form and maintain productive habitats. . Prepare and carry out a site restoration plan as necessary to ensure that ail habitats and accesses (e.g., streambanks, soils, large woody material, and yegetation) disturbed by the project are cleaned up and restored. j CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 2S. 2009 18 . ~ ..'......- ;'"; r- , -, 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I r~- SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ' The Applicant has prepared Conceptual Site Restoration and Mitigation Plans (Exhibit C) for upland, wetland, and streambank areas to be restored at the completion of the project. / - " , Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original &ubmittal CMGS FINALSUBMITT AL I February 25, 2009 19 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION This page intentiana/ly left blpnk. ,J r CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL' I February 25, 2009 ( ,,~ ( '\ r '- , , \ '\ 20 ....- 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE,I ''''. SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION " 5.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS, PROJECT IMPACTS, & PROPOSED MITIGATION MEASURES Interstate 5 (1-5) is an Urban Interstate and a controiled access freeway that has two NB travel lanes and two SB travel lanes separated by a paved median varying in width from 8.4 feet to 16 feet. 'Most of the land within the project area is within the Eugene or Springfield city limits. There are unincorporated areas within the project area, but they are within urban growth boundaries (UGB) of Eugene or Springfield. .' . The Project will not result in chahges to existing land uses (i.e., change in zoning) but will result iri temporary impacts to the use of project area by pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle moyement. The proposed Project will not, of itself, increase the capacity of 1-5, nor facilitate deyelopment in the project area. The new bridge will be part of the transportation system needed to support planned growth. During Phase I construction, temporary and permanent impacts to site features including parks, open space, and road~ays (interstate and local) are unavoidable. Temporary and permanent impacts that will occur include: . o Temporary occupancy of portions of Eastgate Woodlands and the Whilamut Natural Area during construction (for staging, material storage, and transportation of materials and equipment). The occupancy will occur during the term of construction and park uses will be . preserved during construction. During construction,the Applicaht will keep park facilities open and functioning to the maximum extent practicable. o Temporary detours and alignment modifications to paths and trails through the Whilamut Natural Area to provide safe pedestrian and bike movement around and through the construction site. . . o . Temporary and permanent path realignments underneath the Canoe Canal bridge to connect with the paths and trails in Eastgate Woodlands. Pedestrian and bike traffic will be detoured to the west of constructi.on site work area immediately adjacent 1-5 and along the Willamette River and rerouted on new soft and hard surface paths built to facilitate the detour route. . - Temporary realignment of pedestrian/bike paths on the south side of the Willamette River. o Permanent realignment of pedestrian/bike paths in Eastgate Woodlands. Intermittent staging/closures on local roadways during construction. Closures and tralfic control will be required to provide movement of construction equipment and traffic in/out construction sites. Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal , , CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 21 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT-- PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ,- 5.1 . Pa~ks and Open Space The parks and open spaces in the project area include theWhilamut Natural Area <;:>f Alton Baker Park, Franklin Park, and Prefontaine Memorial Park. Within the project area, the North Bank Trail extends along the northern border of the Willamette Riyer though theWhilamut Natural Area and the Eastgate Woodlands. The southeast loop of Pre's Trail is located within the Whilamut Natural Area with an extension to the Eastgate Woodlands. There are additional connecting paths throughout the Whilamut Natural Area, on the Knickerbocker Bridge, and along Franklin Boulevard. ' , Temporary occupanc)' of the Whilamut Natural Area in Eugene is pro'posed for staging and construction access. The construction contractor will occupy approximately two acres adjacent to the project area for staging, and will use a paved path (North Walnut Road) as a haul route through the park to access the staging area and project site. The proposed use is temporary and no portion of the park will be permanently impacted. The temporary occupancy will last for the duration of construction, approximately four years. Use of the paved path as a haul route will disrupt-access to and through the park. However, there are two other payed paths in this area that also provide east-west access.' To minimize disruptions, , the Applicant will develop a traffic control plan for paths and trails; will coordinate with Eugene pas on path and trail closures; and will provide advance public notice of path and trail closures. The path used for the haul route will be fully restored at the conclusion of the project during Phase II. I Eugene pas identified the natural area as a source of solace for users and also categorized it as a noise sensitive resource. The Applicant conducted a noise analysis for use of the haul route using the S5 dBA criteria for noise sensitive recreation activities. That analysis determined that activities within 83 feet of the route centerline will be noise impacted. However, areas of the park within 1860 feet of 1-5 are already noise impacted. After subtracting-areas that are already noise impacted, approximately 12.0 acres will be impacted by noise from the haul route. Noise impacts will occur during working hours, generally Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 5;30 PM, with longer work weeks and hours probable during summer months. As part of the project, the Applicant proposes to conduct minor reconstruction and improvement of the trail system in the Eastgate Woodlands. The improvements are proposed to facilitate bicycle and pedestrian movements through the project area during and following construction. The improvements have been developed in coordination with Willamalane Park and Recreation District (WPRD). ' / The Applicant has coordinated extensively with Eugene pas and WPRD regarding potential impacts and mitigation measures within Alton Baker Park: Whilamut Natural Area, and Eastgate / Woodlands. Based on this coordination, a comprehensive program of mitigation measures has been proposed by the Applicant: Eugene POS and WPRD have indicated their general concurrence with the following mitigation measures: The Applicant shall require its contractor to control access to North Walnut Road at all times. The gate at the entrance to the ro'ad will be locked when road is not in use. An onsite security person shall be stationed at the gate at all times during work activities to ensure only authorized vehicles are admitted. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL February 2S. 2009 22 r 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE"., " '1,-',';-<v. SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ';. . The Applicant shall have the. bridge on North Walnut Road checked to ensure its load capacity prior to commencing contractor activities on the property. . The Applicant's contractor shall minimize the areas used for material storage and staging to the extent practicable. . The Applicant shall instruct its 'contractor to design any necessary nighttime work lighting so as to minimize impacts outside the construction area zone. ' . Trails will, to the maximum extent 'practicable, be kept open, safe, and useable during construction. A continuous route across state-owned ROW for the bicycle/pedestrian pathways will be kept open and accessible at all times on both the north side, and to the extent practicable, the south side of the river during construction. The contractor will, in coordination with ODOT, Eugene POS, and WPRD, prepare a traffic control plan for the . park trail system in the Project area. The Applicant will provide as much advance notice as possible of proposed trail closures. . The Applicant shall coordinate with Eugene POS and WPRD park offic~als and the Citizen . Planning Committee (CPC) for the Whilamut Natural Area on temporary closures or detours of trails of more than one day in duration. . In consideration for the Applicant's use of the Whilamut Natural Area, the following mitigation measures will be implemented in Phase II: o The Applicant shall, 'in coordination with Eugene POS, plant native vegetation to initiate establishment of a riparian forest corridor-west of 1-5, outside of ODOT ROW, between the existing forested areas along ,the Willamette River and south of the Canoe Canal, . extending to the forested area southward toward' the Willamette River. The,Applicant will coordinate with the Eugene POS to develop the planting plan and define the specific areas to be planted. The Applicant will monitor the plantings for two years. o The Applicant shall, in coordination with Eugene POS, remoye invasive plants from and plant native understory plants in the existing riparian forest area west of 1-5 and south of the Canoe Canal. The Applicant will coordinate with the City to develop the planting plan / ,for the re-establishment of native understory plants, and define the specific area where the invasive plants will be removed. The Applicant will monitor the plantings for two years. o The Applicant shall fund the creation and placement of up to five additional "talking stones" for placement within the Whilamut Natural Area (within the combined areas under the jurisdiction of the City of Springfield and Willamalane Park and Recreation District). The final placement of the stones will be determined by Eugene POS, WPRD, and the cpe for the Whilamut Natural Area. The talking stones will be similar in size and designed to those previously placed in the park. ) 0' The Applicant will restore areas within ~he Whilamut Natural Area affected by the Project to the same' or better condition as prior to the start of Project. Affected sites will be restored in accordance with the OTIA III Site Management and Maintenance requirements. ,\Restoration plans will be provided to Eugene POS ,for review, comment, and approval. In accordance with the OTIA III EPS. ODOT or designate, will monitor and maintain restored areas within the Projecr limits. for' a period of five years qfi;ertin~IIation to.... ensure they are established. ' ua e KeCelVe,u. MAR 0 4 2009, CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25. 2009 Original Submittal )i , 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . , Any reconstruction or realignment of trails will be done in accordance with applicable design standards. . Remoyal of mature vegetation outside the State's permanent ROW will be limited to the minimum area necessary for construction and staging activities, park trail repairs, trail enhancement, noxious weed abatement, 'and restoration, and will be reviewed by, and subject to City approval; which will not be unreasonably withheld. 5.2 ,Mobility, and Movement (Vehicle, Bicycle, Pedes~rian and Boat) Intermittent staging/closures will be required on 1-5 and local roadways during construction. Closures and traffic control will be required to provide movement of construction equipment and traffic in/out of construction sites, as well as during demolition of several of the existing bridge spans. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic will be detoured around the construction site work areas immediately adjacent to 1-5 and along the Willamette Riyer and rerouted on new temporary and permanent alignments. Signs will be placed adjacent to existing boat launches in Alton Baker Park, Eastgate Woodlands, Island Park, and Clearwater Park noting the bridge construction. Boaters will be instructed to use marked channels for navigation through the project area. A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) will be prepared to provide the details behind the development of Traffic Control Plan (TCP) and other measures that will be put in place for the construction of the project, as well as to minimize disruptions to motorists, the freight industry and communities, without compromising public or worker safety, or the quality of work being performed. The TMP is intended to be ',lsed as a tool used by the Applicant to document and track critical decisions made throughout the course,of project development, as well as a method for referring. back to those decisions during the administration and construction of the project. 5.3 Floodway/Floodplain Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood profiles for the Willamette River for the 500-, 100-, 50-, and I O-year flood events exist for the' projeCt location. These water surface elevations for the above mentioned recurrence intervals are 432.0, 428.5, 427.3, and 425.0 feet, respectively. The Project site is within the limits of a detailed Flood Insurance Study (FIS). The community panel number of the map for the site is 41 039C 1141 F with an effective date of June 2, 1999. The.FIS indicates that the bridge is in a Zone AE designation. Zone AE designated areas , correspond to special flood hazard areas inundated by the I OO-year flood. The applicant notes that floodway encroachments proposed in Phase I will result in a minor temporary expansion of the floodplain'during construction. Exhibit H, 1-5 Willamette River Bridge ' FEMA Cross Sections, shows the temporary expanded floodplain area resulting from the proposed encroachments. As illustrated, the expanded floodplain area will not impact any existing structures. Tax lots with notable impacts from the expanded floodplain area inclu'de:' . Assessor's Map 17 -03-34-23, Tax Lot 800; this parcel is owned by the Metropolitan , Wastewater Management Commission. . Assessor's Map 17 -03-33-41; Tax Lot 101; this parcel is owned by Willamalane' Park and Recreation District. Assessor's Map 17-03-33-14, Tax Lot 600; this parcel is owned by Willamalane.Park and Recreation District. CMGS . FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 24 ...'i ,':;; , .~' ,Date t<ecelvea: MAR 0 4 2009 ~ 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE.,kr<!i! . SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . " Original ~Ubmltt~1 .. Assessor's Map 17 -03-34-23, Tax Lot 1001; this parcel is owned by Northwest Pipe Corporation. All of the above properties are in publi<: or quasi-public ownership. Floodway and Floodplain impacts are fully addressed in the applicant's Floodplain Overlay District Development application.' During Phase II; the proposed Willamette River Bridge would replace the. existing decommissioned bridge in its presentioc~tion. The proposed new bridges-each have two piers in the main channel of the river. One pier is located at the center of the span. and one pier is located just inside ordinary high water on the south bank of the river. By comparison, the decommissioned bridge has five piers in the water,-and the detour bridge has six. The new bridges will provide a substantial net reduction in piers. The configuration .of proposed piers and the arch ribs they support has been developed with consideration given to hydraulic efficiency. The hydraulic opening will be improved by reducing the pier area in the stream cross section under the I OO-year water surface elevation. This reduced area will result in a reduction of friction losses through the bridge opening, thus tending to lower the water surface elevations: 5.4 Water Quality The Willamette River is the receiving water for the project area. The Willamette River in the vicinity ofthe project is listed on the DEQ 303(d) List (Section 303[d] ofthe Clean Water Act [CW A]) of water bodies that do not meet water quality standards. The Willamette River is listed for temperature, arsenic, chlorophyll a, dioxin, dissolved oxygen, E. coli, fecal coliform, manganese, mercury, and iron. Phase I construction activities will include yegetation remoyal and soil disturbance, which CQuld lead t.o erosion and increased sedimentation to wetlands and waterways" resulting in water quality impacts. Additionally, there is the potential for releases of hazardous materials and wastes such as oil, grease, and fuels used for construction equipment or releases of products (concrete, silicants, 'etc.), which if they entered wetlands or waterways, would result in decreased water quality. Phase I construction activities will require in-water work Direct impacts associated with in-water work include construction of temporary work/containment bridges, removal of existing piers and construction of the proposed bridge piers, which involves site preparation, pile,driying, dewatering and isolation, and re-watering once work is complete. There is also the potential for materials to drop into the waterway during demolition and new' construction. Increased turbiditY associated with in-water work should be minimal because the new and temporary piers for the work bridges would be drilled or driven into bedrock. There maybe a slight increase ofturbidity during rewatering ofthe isolation area from pulling isolation structure(s). This slight increase would be expected to be within allpwable limits, which is an increase of up to I 0 percent over natural background turbidity 100 feet downstream ofthe fill 'point. Potential temporary impacts to water quality during construction will be mitigated through use of standard Best Management P~actices (BMPs) and erosion control measures. These measures will follow the ODOT .Erosion Control Manual (ODOT 2005) and ODOT Special Proyisions Specifications (ODOT 2008). An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) will be deyeloped , before construction by the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) and will detail erosion and sediment control measUres to be used during construction. A Pollution Control Plan' (PCP) will be developed for this project prior to construction by the CM/GC to. minim~ze or avoid ,CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL February 2S, 2009 2S 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION , project effects to water quality. A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination'System (NPDES) 1200- series permit will need to be obtained prior to ground disturbing actiyities and will incorporate the OTIA III EPS" ESCP; and PCP components developed for the project and will be implemented during construction. The project will also need to adhere to the conditions of the CW A 40 I Water Quality Certification issued for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 permit. 5.5Stormwater Management Currently stormwater flows from the 1-5 roadway and. either infiltrates into the groundwater system or drains overland into the Willamette River, Canoe Canal, and other project area / waterways. Stormwater management for the Project is designed to meet the OTIA III EPS,and City of Eugene and Springfield standards. ' Phase I stormwater impacts will be minimal due to the nature and location of the proposed improvements. All permanent and temporary impervious multi-use pathways will be designed to sheet flow across filtration strips and infiltrate directly into the surroundinglandscape in accordance with local design standards. The temporary work bridge will be constructed beneath the existing 1-5 bridges and will therefore have little impact ~n stormwater collection and runoff. All other potential stormwater generating facilities: whether temporary or permanent, will be managed at the source. Stormwater management facilities included in Phase I work are discussed further in the attached'Stormwater Report (Exhibit E) included herein by reference. Phase II stormwater impacts will'include both the replacement of existing impervious surface with new impervious surface, as well as the removal of impervious surfaces associated with the existing temporary 1-5 Bridge. In addition, all permanent impervious multi-use pathways and interpretive areas will be designed to 'sheet flow across filtration strips and' infiltrate directly into the surrounding landscape in accordance with local design standards. Impacts associated with implementation of stormwater management for the replacement bridge will be mitigated during Phase II through construction of BMPs selected for stormwater management 'on this project, 'which will include bioslopes, grassy swale with amended soils, bio-infiltration swales, and dry detention ponds. All of the BMPs selected provide a high effectiveness for the removal of sediments, nutrients, and heavy metals both dissolved and particulates; and provide moderate effectiveness for removal of hydrocarbons and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. 5.~ Vegetation and Habitat Type~ Vegetation and habitat types within the project area are generally associated with urban development or natural/open space areas. The urban aeveloped areas include residential, , , commercial, and transportation (roadways and railroads) that have been planted with landscaping. The open space areas include a combination of forested and emergent wetlands, upland forest ' (mixed deciduous-coniferous type), mixed deciduous-coniferous riparian, and grassland type habitats that are predominantly managed grass areas within the 1-5 corridor. These natural/open space areas are vegetated with a predominance of native species, although disturbance has allowed encroachment of invasive species. Some of the most common identified invasive species known to occur within the project area include: Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus); Scotch broom ' (Cytisus scoparius); Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium); Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea); Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum); English ivy (Hedera helix); Reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea); European birch (BetulapenduJa); and False brome (Brachypodium sylvaticum). , ~ ' r CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 2~ I r .'". .P;" '.'_ .~~.l.- ~, 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASEItj;.,. SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION : 11~ ....~. No federal or state Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed plant species or plant habitats haye been identified within the project area. The proj~ct area includes 13 bodies of water: the Willamette River (and Mill Race), Canoe Canal (Patterson Slough), Augusta Creek/Laurel Valley Creek, and several unnamed streams and roadside ditches; eight of which are located within .the pty of Eugene limits and tHree of the waterways connect/flow to waterways within City of Springfield limits. Fourteen wetlands have been identified and delineated within the project area. Wetland delineation .rep~rts for the project area are included as Exhibit E. A total of II wetlands have been / located within the City of Eugene (one of which is located in both the Cities of Eugene and Springfield). The remaining three wetlands are located within the city limits of Springfield. The wetlands include emergent, shrub-scrub, and forested wetland types. The proposed project wilt have temporary impacts on wetland and water resources within the project site from the construction of temporary work bridges, the removal of the existing decommissioned bridge and existing temporary detour bridge, plus associated ,construction activities such ,as clearing, grading, excavation, and the construction and use of staging areas, and hauling routes. . Construction activities will require in-water work. Direct impacts associated with in-water work include construction of temporary work/containment bridges, removal of existing piers and construction of the proposed bridge piers, which involves site preparation, pile driving, dewatering and isolation, and re-watering once work is complete. Approximately 0.03 acre of wetlands and 0.08 acre of waters will be temporarily disturbed during construction activities. Temporary. disturbances will include vegetation removal, excavation/fill associated with temporary work bridges, removal of the decommissio!1ed bridge, and creation and use of construction staging areas. Approximately 0.04 acre of wetlands and 0.45 acre of waters will be permane'ntly impacted with implementation of the proposed Project. Wetland impacts described herein are based on the entire project (Phase I and Phase II). After the project is comple~ed disturbed wetland vegetation and hydrology will, be reestablished. Wetlands temporarily impacted during construction (including areas occupied by temporary work bridges, staging areas, andthe, decommissioned and detour bridge iocations) will be restored to pre-existing conditions folJoW'ingthe completion of work. It is anticipated the wetlands will return to a functioning state within five years, Vegetation plantings associated with site restoration will increase the number of ~ative plant and tree seed banks. which could improve localized genetic diversity and minimize distances necessary for plant pollination. The project may eradicate some noxious weeds through vegetatiye and seed bank removal. ' To minirT)ize the impacts to vegetation alJd habitat during construction and operational actiyities the proje'ct will continue coordination with resource agencies (federal, state, and local) and implementOTIA III EPS, obtain regulatory permits (Oregon Department of State Lands [DSL] Removal-Fill and USACE Section 404), provide site restoration and compensatory ~itigation, and f identify additional opportunities to minimize disturbances to vegetation and habitat. The Applicant will coordinate with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (OPFW) through the final design process to identify. opportunities to minimize habi~at disturbance. To av2)$~$j'(eil,\ipacts, . . MAR 0 4 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I, February 25, 2009 27 Original SubmittaL' J 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJEC(- PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION additional mitigation measures will be implemented to reduce the extent of direct and indirect impacts to habitat. These include: . Minimize effects to natural stream and floodplain by keeping the work area within the smallest footprint needed. . Prepare. and implement a plan to prevent construction debris from dropping into the Willamette Riyer and to remove materials thai may drop with a minimum disturbance to aquatic habitat. J " . Prepare site restoration plans for upland, wetland, and streambank areas to include native plant species and noxious weed ~batement techniques, and use large wood and rock as components of streambed protection treatments. . Flag boundaries of clearing limits and sensitive areas to be avoided during construction. Coordinate with WPRD, Eugene POS, and the CPC regarding sensitive areas in the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park, which should be avoided during construction. . Restore and revegetate disturbed areas using native plant species and noxious weed abatement techniques. .Disturbed areas will be restored to the same or better condition than before construction. \ . Where practical, revegetate riparian areas beneath new bridges with native plants appropriate for limited light conditions. . Employ a five-year monitoring and maintenance plan for site restoration areas. . The Applicant will provide training for the contractor staff and construction inspectors regarding sensitiye species in the project area. If Northwestern pond turtles or other sensitive species are encountered during construction, they will be relocated by qualified personnel to an appropriate area outside of the project construction area. . . The contractor will implement the Noxious Weed Management Plan and clean vehicles and, equipment to prevent tracking and spread of noxious weed seeds. The Applicant has entered into formal agreements with the WPRD and'Eugene pas regarding the mitigation and conservation measures that will be executed during and following construction: In addition to the above noted mitigation measures, the Applicant proposes.the following measures: Plant the area immediately west of 1-5 in the Whilamut Natural Area with native vegetation to extend the riparian forest to the area between the Willamette River and the Canoe CanaL . Remove invasive p'lant species from the riparian forest area immediately west of 1-5 and south of the Canoe CanaL Plan and implement the above enhancement measures in coordination with Eugene pas and the CPC for the Whilamut Natural Area. These areas will be monitored and maintained by the Applicant for one year. , CMGS , FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 28 ... I {""-, ,i;";':;",I' -' .',(\".'1- I:? WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT':' PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ' 5.7 Fish " Two salmonid populations listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) are documented as occurring within the reach of the Willamette River that flows throug,h the project area: . Upper Willamette River spring Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and Critical Habitat- federally threatened (FT) . Columbia River bull trout (Salvelinus con~uentus) Distinct Population Segment (DPS) and Critical Habitat - FT The Willamette River supports resident populations of numerous native and introduced species that are not" threatened or endangered. It supports two anadromous salmon ids that are not listed or proposed for listing within the project area. Specifically. i~ provides spawning and rearing habitat for fall Chinook and a migration route for steelhead. Resident native fish that are likely to be present in the project area include: Rainbow trout (0. mykiss); Cutthroat trout (0. clarkii); Sculpins (Cottus spp.); Leopard dace (Rhinichthys ~acatus); Longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataraaae); Redside shiner (Richardsonius bafteatus); Northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis); and Largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus). The width of the Willamette River varies from '600 feet to 800 feet in the vicinity of the bridge crossing. Through the project area, the Willamette River is generally confined by a bedrock channel. Near the existing bridges, the Willamette River consists of shallow riffle habitat. Along this reach of the Willamette River. the ODFW designated in-water work window is June I to October 31. This is the time period when construction activities may occur within the active waterway. North of the Willamette River. the Canoe Canal (Patterson Slough) begins upstream from the, project area through a culvert connected to the Willamette River and flows'through the project area and reconnects with the Willamette River about 2.5 miles downstream: The Canoe Canal is unlikely to provide salmonid 'spawning habitat,due to the lack of suitable spawning gravel. but likely serves as off-channel rearing habitat for steelhead and resident trout as well as Chinook salmon. This water body also provides potential Oregon chub habitat. In the southern portion of the project area there is a small, unnamed stream associated with Glenwood Slough that flows to the Willamette River. It is'generally low quality fish habitat and there is little cover or riparian vegetation. This stream connects to the Willamette Riyer through a . culvert underneath Franklin Bouleyard that drops about one foot onto riprap with no pool at the _ J , outlet. which makes this culvert a fish passage barrier. The stream provides no habitat for salmon. steelhead, or other anadromous species; however. resident cutthroat trout have been observed in the stream. " . ' Augusta Creek/Laurel Valley Creek is conveyed from the west under 1-5 through a box culvert near the terminus of Judkins Road. This stream flows through a corrugated metal arch culvert and through a culvert urider the railroad grade to conyerge with the unnamed tributary (discussed above) upstream of the Franklin Boulevard culyert. Upstream of 1-5. Augusta Creek/Laurel Valley Creek is likely to provide habitat for species such as sculpins (Cottus spp.) and resident cutthroat, trout. Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 CMGS , FINAL SUBMITTAL February 2S. 2009 Original Submittal 29 1-5 WlLLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT-- PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION , ' , . , Construction activities will require in-water work and are anticipated to require four in-water work periods. Temporary effects from in,water work will include construction of temporary , work/containment bridges, construction or removal of piling/piers, which involves site preparation. pile driYing, dewatering and isolation, and rewatering once work is complete. Proposed in-water work will require work area isolation with the use qf cofferdams or similar measures designed to isolate work areas from the.river. Work area isolation will require fish capture and release operations in the Willamette Riyer, which would affect both listed and non-listed fish species. All fish capture and release operations will be conducted by experienced biologists following guidelines established by ODFW and National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). There will be permanent direct effects to fish or aquatic resources, such as loss of habitat or habitat alteration by the placement of, piers within the ordinary high water (OHW) of the, Willamette. The project involves pile driving into bedrock substrate for construction of temporary , work bridges and construction of the replacement bridges. Direct impacts to fish species could include temporary disorientation or possible m'ortality from the shock wave of piles being driven into bedrock. Although this would be a direct impact to fish habitat within the Willamette River, it would represent a benefit when compared to the existing conditions and the number of piers currently below the OHW and within wetlands (a total of 29 piers). The proposed project will have a smaller footprint within the Willamette River, allowing increased opportunities for fish and aquatic resources to utilize the project area. ' -, No direct permanent impacts would occur to fish or aquatic resources from the loss of habitat or habitat alteration over the Canoe Canal. . , The proposed project during construction and when operational will not obstruct fish passage in the Willamette River, Canoe Canal (Patterson Slough), or adjacent unnamed waterways where residendish are present. The proposed project will not have a direct impact to existing hydraulic . and f1uyial conditions that would cause changes to the aquatic environment. '; , The project does have the potential to impact fish species during construction activities. To avoid' fish and wildlife species and minimize temporary impacts from construction activities, all applicable OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program EPS will be implemented to reduce the extent of direct and indirect impacts. These include (but are not limited to): . 'Fish avoidance, including in-water work timing . Cessation of work under high flow conditions Fish screens for water in-takes or diversions . Providing for fish passage during and after construction and preparation of a Fish Passage Plan for submittal and approval from ODFW . Isolation of the work area and release of fish species captured during isolation . Maintain existing and re-establish connectivity between aquatic habitats for fish movement Follow the terms and conditions of ODOT's most recent Drilling Programmatic Biological Opinion In addition to the measures o,utlined in the OTIA III. State Bridge Delivery Program EPS. the following meas~res will be implemented to further avoid or minimize the impacts of the project: , CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 30 .',:.;-< :'. "'~"i>'." '..;, '.,' t ( " ~~if,_ \ l' d' . . . .-',j. "'. .. 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE~~' SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . ' ,-, , , . The contractor will minimize lighting during construction to only the areas necessary for ,safety, security, and operations. The Applicant will encourage directional lighting for areas where lighting is required for construction, safety, or security, to minimize intrusion into the surrounding natural area. ' 5.8 Wildlife A species list provided by Oregon Natural Heritage Information Center (ORNHIC) indicated that there are no federal- or state-listed ESA terrestrial wildlife species known to reside within the project area. There are reports of sensitive or species of concern terrestrial wildlife within two miles of the project area; however there is habitat that would support only one of these sensitive species in the project area (i.e., the northwestern pond turtle). . , The project area provides potential habitat for bird species protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty , Act (MBT A): Cliff swallows (Hirundo pyrrhonota). These birds may use the existing bridges for nesting locations, although none were present during field investigations. Human-tolerant wildlife species such as raccoons (Procyon lotor), coyote (Canis latrans)', and various perching birds occur within the project area. Beavers (Castor canadensis), bats (Myotis spp.), osprey , (Pandion haliaetus), great horned owl (Bubo virginianus), western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta), western gray squirrel (Sciurus griseus), northwestern pond turtle (Actinemys marmorata), river otters (Lutra canadensis), great blue heron (Ardea herodias), and raptors may also be present. The existing bridges in the area may provide roosting habitat for bats such as the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus), big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus), and yuma myotis (Myotis yumanensis). Townsend's big- eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii) are known to occur on the 1-5 bridge over the McKenzie River located about four miles. north of the project area. '.. Northwestern pond turtles (Actinemys marmorata) have been reported in Canoe Canal within the project area (ORNHIC, 2006). Howeyer, much of the Canoe Canal within the project area is a concrete channel with steep banks and lack of suitable nesting habitat, which is likely to reduce the frequency of pond turtle occurrence. The northwestern pond turtle also uses the Willamette River, isolated ephemeral ponds adjacent to hiking trails within the 'project area, and, upland habitat are~s for nesting and overwintering. There 'is a great blue heron rookery (which may have become inactive) along the Canoe Canal located about 800 feet east ofthe project area. Eugene POS and WPRD staff have noted the ephemeral ponds located throughout the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park proYide habitat for amphibian species. Western meadowlark nesting habitat has been documented in the vicinity of the meadow immediately northwest of the project area. . For wildlife, temporary effects from vegetation/habitat removal would result i'n fragmentation of habitat during soil disturbance activities and would displace species and may potentially kill some , individuals (including amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals) that are not able to move out of the area. Although already partially impeded by existing development, wildlife passage through riparian, wetland, and 'upland habitat areas would be further impeded with the clearing of vegetation and use of heavy equipment (i.e., movement and use of equipment on haul roads through Whilamut Natural Area, and equipment use along the banks of the Willamette River, and wetland areas located within the project area), which provides perching and nesting habitat for birds and cover for other , Date Received:' , FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 Original Submilt~1 ~AI) ~ II ~~nQ CMGS 31 ' - 1-5 WlLLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION animals. The Applicant will coordinate )Vith ODFW through the final design process to,identify opportunities to minimize habitat disturbance. Construction of the project wO,uld result in permanent vegetation removal, thereby removing habitat for local wildlife species. The ground surface below the bridge spans should receive enough light to allow existing and replanted native vegetation to grow maintaining habitat similar to existing conditions. . Although there would be some changes to existing habitats onsite, there would be no permanent impacts to wildlife movement because there is enough clearance at the site to allow continued wildlife moyement beneath the bridges.. Temporary effects on resident wildlife may be caused by noise associated with construction J , . activities and construction equipment moving to and from the project site. Noise levels from operation of machinery during certain construction activities would cause temporary, short-term, or localized noise increases. There would be no impacts anticipated to wildlife from increased noise levels during operation of the proposed facility. i Construction lighting used at night may disturb wildlife, particularly nocturnal birds and mammals. Impacts from lighting could extend outside of the established staging and construction limits; however, the light would be more diffuse moving away from the construction limits and would affect the areas immediately adjacent to the freeway corridor, Franklin Boulevard, and Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) tracks. Visual changes that would result from the project would not affect wildlife. The project does have the potential to impact fish and wildlife species during construction activities. To avoid and minimize temporary impacts to wildlife species from construction activities, all applicable OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program EPS will be implemented to reduce the extent of direct and indirect impacts. These include (but are not limited to): o Wildlife ayoidance to minimize injury and death to wildlife species by incorporating timing restrictions under the MBT A. including no removal of trees being used for nesting during the bre~ding season. Apply exclusionary methods to prevent nesting activities before March 15. o Maintain existing and re-establish connectiYity between upland habitats for wildlife movement, Incorporate bat,habitat into the design of ttie new bridge. In addition to the measures outlined in the OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program EPS, the following measures will be implemented to further ayoid or minimize the impacts of the project: o ODOT will coordinate with WPRD during design and construction regarding the status of the great blue heron rookery located in the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park. If the rookery is active, pile driving will be restricted during the great blue heron nesting period (February I - May 31). , The contractor will minimize lighting during construction to only the areas necessary for safety, security, and operations. ODOT will encourage directional lighting for areas where lighting is required for construction, safety, or security, to minimize intrusion into the surrounding natural area. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL February 25, 2009 32 .!f"r~r(;"'PP"-:;'~~.~~'f..,.' ~>.7t.~.1.'..:f': ~.I , . r _-.~ , \" '~:.:../:: 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHAsE,lii\Jil,1" SITE PLAN REVIEW (sPR) APPLICATION " " , , 6.0 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements . . , / I) Application Fee The required final submittal filing fee of $4593.10 is enclosed herein. 2) Site Plan Review Application' Form This Site Plan Review application form i; included in the submittal. 3) Narrative Written narrative explaining the proposal is provided as part of initial application submittal. Findings of compliance with applicable criteria in SDC 5.16-125 are provided in Section 7. 4) Deed Deeds are included as Exhibit A 5) Preliminary Title Report Preliminary title reports are included as Exhibit B. 6) Reduced Copy of the Site Plan (8Y2" x II~') A reduced copy of the Site Plan is included in the submittal. 7) Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application The Project does not involve new access onto a state highway. The standard does not apply. , 8) Stormwater Management System Study and Scoping Sheets. The Stormwater Report and completed scoping sheets are included as Exhibit E, 9) Traffic Impact Study The Project does not involve a Variance request or proposed uses that would generate 500 or more vehicle trips per day, as specified in SDC 4.2-105 A(4.)(a.) and (b-). A Traffic Management Plan (TMP)'that describes measures that will be put in place for the construction of the project, as well as to minimize disruptions to motorists. the freight industrY and communities. without compromising public or worker safety, or the quality of work being performed in included in Exhibit G. Traffic Impact Studies for Franklin Bouleyard and the 1-5 Ramps are also included in Exhibit G. Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 " 'CMGS Original Submittal FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25. 2009 33 '. 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION , I O)Plan Set The Plan Set for the Project is included as Exhibit C. (a) Site Assessment of Existing Conditions I. Prepared by an ,Oregon's Licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer Existing conditions are illustrated on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G lA, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). The sheets are prepared by Landscape Architect's with Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe (CMGS) and Engineer's with OBEC Consulting Engineers. 2. Vicinity Map A Project Vicinity Map is included on Sheet T 1.0 Coyer (Exhibit C). 3. Name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas. For existing structures to remain, indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings Name, location, and'dimensions of existing site features is illustrated on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G lA, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). The only existing structures within the project site are the detour bridge, decommissioned bridge, and canoe canal bridge. The decommissioned bridge is proposed to be removed in Phase I. The detour bridge and canoe canal bridge are proposed to be removed in Phase II. 4. Name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services, Department J Within the project site, the Willamette River is listed as a WQLW. The required ,riparian setback is shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G lA, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Name, location, dimensions, and direction of flow of the Willamette River are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G lA, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C): S. I OO-year floodplain and f100dway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision The I OO-year floodplain and f100dway boundaries are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G lA, & G 1'.7 ' Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). 6. The Time of Travel Zones, as, specified in SDC 3.3-200 arid delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 34 . i."....... ~ r . ~. ;-."......". .~'" r-' , Date Recelvea: 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I,,,,,., SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION "",,: . " Original SubmlttF'1 The project site is not within a designated Time of Travel Zone, as specified in SDC 33-200. standard does not apply. MAR 0 4 2009 This 7. Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcrop pings Physical features, including clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, and wetlands are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G lA, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing C;onditions (Exhibit C). Trees 5" in diameter or greater 'are shown on Sheets LO.I, LI.0-LI.4,.& LI.7 Tree Preservation and Removal , Plan (Exhibit C). The Phase I project site does not contain any rock outcroppings. Within the vicinity of the Project, Judkins Point is a significant Metro-wide rock outcropping; however this physical feature is located outside the project area and entirely within Eugene jurisdiction. 8. Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane COU!1ty. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed developme'1t area has unstable soils and/or a high water' table , Soil types and water table information are noted on Sheet GO.I Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Preliminary geotechnical analysis for the Project has been prepared and is available upon reques~, The project site is not known to be affected by unstable soils and/or a high water table. (b) Site Plan I. Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or E'ngineer The Site plan is included as Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2A, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). The sheets are prepared by Landscape Architect's with Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe (CMGS). 2. Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks fro~ property lines, and distance between buildings. No buildings are proposed. This standard does riot apply. 3. Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs '- Existing fences, walls, trash receptacles, and signs are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G lA, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Phase I does not propose new permanent fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, or signs. A temporary wall is proposed along the temporary path reconfiguration at 'Canoe Canal within Springfi,eld jurisdiction. The proposed contractor staging area includes temporary fencing and storage areas. Temporary facilities are shown on Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2A, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Permanent pedestrian , CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25; 2009 35 1-5WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION' fencing/railing may be needed along the relocated south bank bike path due to steep side slopes adjacent to the path. This fencing is not shown on the attached Plan Set (Exhibit C) but will be included in the Applicant's revised submi~tal materials as design conditions warrant. .Phase II will include permanent sound walls; plans and specifications will be submitted as part of the .Phase II application. 4. Location, 'dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces including aisles! wheel bumpers, directional signs,and striping The project site does not contain any existing parking spaces. No parking spaces are proposed. This standard does not apply. 5. Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces Dimensions of the development area are shown on Sheets T 1.0 Cover (Exhibit C). A tabulation of site coverage, including structu'res, vehicular areas, and other impervious surfaces is included on Sheet T 1.0 Cover (Exhibit C). 6. Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district Phase I of the Project does not involve fences or structures that would otherwise affect solar access requirements. This standard does not apply. 7. On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation The proposed contractor staging area will be utilized for loading and un-loading of materials necessary for construction, as illustrated on Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2A, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). ( Vehicular and pedestrian circulation is shown on Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2A, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit q 8. Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed Access routes to the project site are shown on Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2A, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Existing curb cuts along Franklin Boulevard in the vicinity of the project area are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G lA, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Exiting Conditions (Exhibit C). No new curb cuts or curb cuts to be closed are proposed. 9. Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces The project site does not contain any existing bicycle parking spaces and no new bicycle parking spaces are proposed. This standard does not apply. 10. Location of existing and proposed transit facilities CMGS . FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 2S, 2009 36 / ......,..y~~..~ .11" .:\~,:, ,~.l:-i"', ...'/.-~"'~ r , ' .. ; J" , , 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE [",;"" ' SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION -'" Existing transit facilities along Franklin Boulevard are ,shown on Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2.4, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). No transit facilities are proposed. II. Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses The Project does not involve the conveyance, dedication, or reservation of common open spaces, recreation areas, or other similar uses.' This standard does not apply, 12. Phased Development Plan - where applicable The, Project Phasing Plan is illustrated on Sheet OS 1.0 Overall Site Plan '(Exhibit C). (c) Improvement and Public Utilities Plan L Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer Improvements and utilities are shown on Sheets CO.2 & C2.0-C2.4 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). The sheets are prepared by Engineer's with OBEC Consulting Engineers. 2. Location and width of all existing and proposed easements Existing and proposed easements are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.4, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). .I 3. Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or o~her right-of- ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including ownership and'maintenance status, if applicable. Location, width, and names of existing streets and other right-of-ways are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.4, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). The Project involves the acquisition of additional right-of-way from Lane County Waste Management. The project does not involve new',streets: 4. Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting Existing street lighting 'along Franklin Boulevard is shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.4, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). No new street lighting is proposed in Phase I. Proposed lighting along the south path reconfiguration is shown on Sheets L2.0 - L2.5 Site Plan (Exhibit C). , , 5. Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units; and similar public facilities ' Existingpublic facilities are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.4, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Proposed public facilities are shown on Sheets LO.2, l2.0-L2.4, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C).' " Date Received: MA~ n 4. 'nn~ FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25. 2009 37 ' CMGS Original Submitta' , 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION 6. Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ~amps, pedestrian access ways, and trails The location, width, and construction material of existing sidewalks, paths, and trails are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.4, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions. Proposed temporary and permanent paths and trails are shown on Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2.4, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). 7. Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points Existing and proposed utilities are shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 104, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). Phase I of the Proje~t involves the extension of power to supply lighting along the south bank path relocation. (d) Grading, Paving, & Stormwater Management Plan I. Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer The Grading Plan is included as Sheets CO. I , C 1.0-C 1.4, & C 1.7 Grading Plan (Exhibit C). Paving is shown on Sheets LO.2, L2.0-L2.4, & L2.7 Site Plan (Exhibit C). Stormwater management facilities are shown on Sheets CO.2 & C2.0-C2.4 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C). The sheets are prepared by Engineer's with OBEC Consulting Engineers. 2. ,'Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect The Planting Plan is included as Sheet L3.0 .Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). The sheet is prepared by a Landscape Architect with CMGS. 3. Roof drainage patterns .and discharge locations , . The project site does notcontain any buildings and no buildings are proposed. This standard does not apply. 4. Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns , Pervious and impervious are drainage patterns are shown on Sheets CO. I , C I.O-C 1.4, & C 1.7 Grading Plan (Exhibit C) and described in the Stormwater Report (Exhibit E). ' 5. The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained , Size and location of existing and proposed stormwater management systems are shown on Sheets' CO.2 & C2.0-C2.4 Stormwater and Utilities Plan (Exhibit C) and described in the Stormwater Report (Exhibit E). CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I F.ebruary 25. 2009 38 It '~'~.r.\,<""'''''~,,,,,~, ,. r ..;-: . . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASEJ,,,,,:%",, SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . , 6. 'Existing and propo'sed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at I foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) ) Existing and proposes spot elevations and contour lines are shown on Sheets CO. I , C I.O.C 1.4, '& C 1.7 Grading Plan (Ex~ibit C). , ' 7. Amount of proposed cut and fill The amount of proposed cut and fill is noted on Sheet CO. I Grading Plan (Exhibit C). (e) Landscape Plan , I. Drawn by a Landscape Architect ~ The Landscape Plan is included as Sheet L3.0 Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). The sheet is prepared by Landscape Architect's with Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe (CMGS). 2. Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage , . Location and dimensions of proposed landscape areas are shown on Sheet L3.0 Landscape Plan (Exhibit C). A calculation of existing and proposed landscape coverage in included on Sheet T 1.0 Cover (Exhibit C). 3; Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 Landscape screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 is not required or proposed. This standard does n~t apply. 4. Written description, including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system, . The Project does not include a permanent irrigation system. This standard does not apply: 5. Lo~ation and type of street trees The location and type"of existing street trees is shown on.Sheets GO.I, G 1.0-G 1.4, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions (Exhibit C). No new street trees are proposed.' , , r 6. List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, , shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting .J Proposed types of landscape materials, including genus, species, common name, quantity, size, ' spacing, and method of planting, is shown in chart form the Conceptual Site Restoration' -and Mitigation Plans (Exhibit D). , '- (f) Architectural Plans \ Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 ~ CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL C";giMI ~llhmittal February 25, 2009 39 - 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION I. Exterior elevations of all' buildings and structures proposed for the development site, including height . , , , , . No buildings are proposed. Elevations of the temporary work bridges, including height, are shown on Sheets A 1.0 - A 1.1 Elevations (Exhibit C). 2. Conceptual floor plans No buildings are proposed. This standard does not apply. , " (g) On-Site Lighting Plan I. Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and atta~hed Location, orientation, and height of proposed lighting is shown on Sheets EO.I, E 1.0, E 1.1, & E 1.3 Lighting Plan (Exhibit C). 2. Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination,. wattage, and luminous area' Type and extent qf s~ieiding is indicated on Sheets EO.I, E 1.0, E 1.1, & E I j Lighting Plan (Exhibit C). , 3. Photometric test report for each light source Photometric test reports for liglit sources are shown on Sheets EO.I" E 1.0, E 1.1, & E 1.3 Lighting Plan (Exhibit C). Il)Additional Materials That May be Required (a) Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 The Project does not involve multi-family development. This standard does not apply. , , (b) Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 .feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or:within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW The project site is located within 150 of the top of bank of the Willamette,River, a WQLW. A Riparian Area Protection Report is included as Exhibit F. (c) A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are ';Instable soils and/or a high water table present Preliminary geotechnical analysis for the Project has been prepared and is ayailable upon request. The project site is not known to be affected by unstable soils a~d/or a high water table. (d) Wh~re the development area is within an overlay district, address the additiorial standards of the overlay district ' '\, CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 40' r ..:. . ~ ~ l . 1-5 WlLLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT.,. PHASE h,., . SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION \. ~ " The project site is within the Willamette Greenway Overlay District. 'Applicable standards in the oyerlay district are addressed in the Applicant's separate Type III Willamette Greenway Development District (WG) Permit and Discretionary Use (DU) Application (filed December 3, 2008) for the Project. ' (e) Iffive or more trees are proposed to be:removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDe 5.19-100 ' Phase I of the Project involves the removal of one tree 'within Springfield jurisdiction. A Tree Felling Permit is not required. This standard does not apply. (f) A wetland delineation approved by the Or~gon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Wetland Delineation Reports and letter of concurrence from ODSL are included in the separate Type III Willamette Greenway Deyelopment District (WG) Permit and Discretionary Use (DU) Application (filed December 3. 2008) for the Project. (g) Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review: Phase I of the Project requires ODSL and ACOE'removal-fill permits for impacts to waters of the state. These permit applications haye been submitted to the agencies for formal approval. In ,addition, the Project is subject to the OTIA III Bridge Program programmatic permitting Pre- construction Assessment (PCA) process for state and federal permitting. The PCA identifies how a project meets the Environmental Performance Standards (EPS) of the program and shows how, through construction specifications, design sheets and reports; the project meets EPS for the program. The PCA is scheduled for submission to the agenciesin February/March 2009. Copies of state and federal permit applications are available upon request. (h) Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development The Applicant will submit a Land and Drainage Alternation permit (LDAP) application prior to development, ' (i) . Where applicable, any Discre~ionary Use or Variance as specified in SDe 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 The Project is subject to Discretionary Use criteria, which are addressed in the separate Type III Willamette Greenway Development District (WG) Permit and Discretionary Use (DU) Application' (filed December 30, 2008) for the Project. 0) An Annexation application, as specified in SDe 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban seniice area and can be served by sanitary se~e Received: MAR 0 4 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 Original Submittal 41 , , 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION The Project does not involye annexation. This standard does not apply. \ CMGS , m '.FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 42 ,-' , I-S WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE .1:... ,. SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION 7.0 APPROVAL CRITERIA AND STANDARDS 7.1 Site PI~n Review Approval Criteria (SDC 5.17-125) " The enclosed findings apply only to Phase I work associated with the Project and described herein. Phase II work will be detailed in a subsequent application and assessed for compliance' as part of the reyiew of that application. A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan.' , r The Eugene~Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (M~tro Plan) diagram shows the area impacted by this Proposal as being within the Parks and Open Space, Willamette River Greenway and Heavy Industrial plan designations. To the extent that the p~oposed activities are for transportation facilities and are located within existing public rights-of-way, the proposed activities are',consistent with the land use diagram as ancillary transportation facilities and uses. The project site is not located within the boundaries of any applicable Refinement Plan, Plan Districts, or Conceptual Development Plans. , The following findings of compliance address applicable Metro Plan Policies. Economic Element Policy B.18: Encourage the development of trdnsportatiQn facilities, which would improve access to industrial and commercial areas and improve freight movement capabilities by implementing the policies and projects in. the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan (TransPlan) and the Eugene Airport Master Plan. Replacing the decommissioned 1-5 Willamette River Bridge with two new bridges will maintain access, mobility, and freight movement capabilities that the decommissioned bridge and temporary detour bridge have provided. By ensuring that mobility is maintained along the Interstate highway system through Eugene and Springfield, the replacement bridges will help provide convenient access to industrial and commercial areas on connecting roads. Reconstructing the bridges to modern design standards is identified as Project 150 in T ransPlan. Environmental Resources Element Metro Plan policies C.I 5, C.16 and C.17 identify the applicable wetland, significant wildlife habitat ,.and significant riparian corridor maps that shall be used to identify said resources for notice and protection. The Applicant is submitting applications for Floodplain Development approval and Willamette Greenway Permit and Discretionary Use approval. Both applications address and detail reso,urce protection. In addition, wetlands permanently impacted by the Project, as part of Phase II development, will be mitigated through the pu,rchase of credits in an approved off-site wetland mitigation bank. No permanent wetland impacts are proposed in Phase I. Wetlands temporarily impacted by the Project will be restored and enhanced, as illustrated on the Conceptual Site Restoration and Mitigation Plans (Exhibit D). Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 CMGS G" I C' I., 'tta' FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 2S, 2009 II~II":I....U 1111 " 43 , 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . Metro Plan policies C.22, C.23 and C.24 address noise and appropriate noise mitigation measures for the design of new highway facilities. For the Proje,ct it is predicted that changes in noise levels will range from a reduction of I dBA to an increase of 3 dBA over existing conditions. Changes in noise levels are anticipated due to minor changes in roadway alignment. changes in shielding of noise from receptors and increases in traffic not associated with'the Project. The January 2008 Environmental Assessment concluded that no substantial noise leyel increases (Le" an increase of 1 0 dBA over existing levels) would result from the Project. These findings demonst~ate that no noise mitigation measures are needed as part of this application request. The Applicant notes that two soundwalls were identified in the original project requirements and are defined withi'n the Agency report titled '-5 Willamette River Bridge Project Bundle 220, Noise Technical Report, dated January 2008 (copy available on request). Both soundwalls are located outside the limits of Phase I work and will be included in the Phase II Site Plan Review application , for the project. Policy C.30: Except as otherwise allowed according to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regulations, development shall be prohibited in roodways fit could result in an increased, rood level. The roodway is the channel of a river or other water course and the adjacent land area , that must be reserved to discharge a one-percent-chance rood in any given year. The 1-5 Willamette River Bridge is located within a FEMA designated regulatory f100dway and floodplain. Therefore, the design of the replacement bridge must satisfy the regulations set forth in ' the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP requires that any modifications that cause a rise in the Base Flood Elevations (BFEs, which corresponds to water surface elevations associated with the I OO-year flood event) must be approved by FEMA. The proposed structure satisfies the requirements of the NFIP. The no-rise condition is also a requirement of ODOT for any bridge replacement project. In planning the Project, two pier location scenarios were considered (Proposed Option A and Proposed Option B) as shown in the Environmental Assessment for the project. Based on the modeling, Option A would result in an increase of 0,02 feet over existing conditions for the 100- year flood event. Option B would result in a decrease of 0.54 feet for the I OO-year flood event. Phase I involves'the construction bridge sub-structures (piers) which conform to Option A. For the Environmental Assessment (EA), the hydraulic conditions of the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Project were analyzed using the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers' HEC-RAS model. Natural, , existing, and proposed conditions (with pier locations Options A and B) were modeled. Conservative assumptions regarding pier size were used for this modeling. The Applicant has conducted detailed hydraulic analysis for the Project confirming that at the conclusion of Phase II construction activities the proposed project will result in no permanent rise of the base flood elevation. The hydraulic analysis i~ a component of the Applicant's Floodplain Overlay District Development application, which is subject to review and approval by the City of Springfield. Acting as the local authority to implement FEMA regula~ions, the City of Springfield's review of the Project for compliance with the development standards at SDC 3.3-420 will provide assurance that the above criterion is satisfied. As discussed in the applicant's Floodplain Overl~y District Development permit application, f100dway encroachments proposed in Phase I will result in a minor temporary expansion of the 'CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 44 . ~"i' "'''''~"\''''''-'.1", ~ ,.,~-,,,,<;..,,;.) ~l'~.' ".-. . , , 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASEI!~,1i . SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION floodplain during construction. Exhibit H~'1-5 Willamette River Bridge FEMA Cross Sections, shows the temporary expanded floodplain area resulting from the proposed encroachments. As. illustrated, the expanded floodplain area will not'impact any existing structures. T~ lots with notable impacts from the expanded floodplain area include; . Assessor's Map 17-03-34-23, Tax Lot 800; this parcel is owned by the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission. . Assessor's Map 17-03-33-41, Tax Lot 10 I; this parcel is owned by Willamalane Park and Recreation District. . Assessor's Map 17-03-33-14, Tax Lot 600; this parcel is owned by Willamalane Park and Recreation District: . Assessor's Map 17 -03-34-23, Tax Lot 100 I; this parcel is owned by Northwest Pipe Corporation. , /" All of the aboye properties are in public or quasi-public ownership. Floodway impacts are more fully addressed in the applicant's Floodplain Application. Given (I) the temporary nature of the Phase I floodplain impacts, (2) that the Phase I impacts are necessary in order to achieve the net decrease in floodplain elevation resulting from Phase II construction actiyities, and (3) that the project engineer has demonstrated and certified that Phase I encroachments will not result in impacts on existing structures within public or private ownership, the Project meets the intent of Policy C.30: / Policy C31: When development is allowed to occur in the floodway or floodway fringe, local regulations shall control such development in ,order to minimize the potential danger to life and property. Within the UGB, development should result in in-filling of partially developed land. Outside , the UGB, areas affected by the floodway and floodway fringe shall be protected for their agricultural and sand and gravel resource values, their open space and recreational potential, arid their value to water resources. The proposed replacement bridges are located within the Urban Growth Boundaries of Eugene and Springfield. Portions of the project area consist of developed urban lands and portions of the project area consist of non-urban areas. Both Eugene and Springfield have adopted ordinances regulating construction within floodplains and f1oodways. The following permits will be obtained under the Springfield ordinance to allow development in the.f1oodway or floodplain. . A Type I Floodplain Overlay District Development permit will be obtained from the City of Springfield to allow any construction in the floodplains or f100dways within Springfield. Deyelopment in relation to the project is in the nature of a replacement 1-5 bridge over the Willamette River. The project will comply with approval conditions imposed during the permitting process. Willamette River Greenwav, River Corridors, and WaterWavs Element Policy 0.5: New development that locates along river corridors and waterways shall be limited to uses that are compatible with the natural, scenic, and enyironmental qualities of those water features.' Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL 'I February 25, 2009 Original Submittal 45 . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION This policy has limited applicability to this proposal. Technically speaking, the proposed project is new 'development' due to the magnitude and duration of construction activities necessary to carry out the work. The Project is not a change of 'use' .In essence the Project proposes to replace the existing decommissioned bridge and detour bridge with new bridges in roughly the same location, The new bridges will be slightly wider and built to modern construction and safety standards. The Project may correctly be categorized as 'replacement' rather than new 'development'. Demonstration that the proposed use is compatible with the natural, scenic, and environmental qualities of the Willamette River is found in the current use. On July 21, 2008, the Springfield City Council, together with the City of Eugene and Lane County, adopted Ordinance No 6227 amending the Metro Plan text including an exception to Goal 15 for the 1-5 Willamette Bridge Project. The Ordinance specifically amended the text of Policy D.II of the Metro Plan for the "purposes of removing and replacing the decommissioned 1-5 bridge, the temporary detour bridge and the Canoe Canal bridge with two new parallel bridges * * *." This exception was found to co,!,ply with the statutory requirements governing!the Greenway. In regards to the above policy, the Applicant has conducted extensive environmental investigation and documentation to plan, design, and execute the Project in a manner that is compatible with the natural, scenic. and environmental qualities of the Willamette River. As described elsewhere in this application, the proposed use has been designed and sited to minimize impacts on resources to the greatest extent possible. The mitigation strategies and findings from the 'Applicant's Environmental Assessment are incorporated by reference herein. Policy D. II: The toking of on exception shall be required if a nonwater-dependent transportation facility requires placing of fill within the Willamette Riyer Greenway setback. As noted above, on July 21, 2008, the Springfield City Council, together with the City of Eugene and Lane County, adopted Ordinance No 6227 amending the Metro Plan text including an ' exception to Goal 15 for the 1-5 Willamette Bridge Project. The Ordinance specifically amended the text of Policy D.II of the Metro Plan as follows: "An exception to Statewide Planning Goal 15 Willamette River Greenway was approved for Oregon . Department'ofTransportation (ODOT) for purposes of removing and replacing the decommissioned 1-5 bridge, the temporary detour bridge and the Canoe Canal bridge with two new parallel bridges (one southbound and one northbound) within the 1-5 right-or-way crossing the Willamette River and Canoe Canal and within the Willamette Riyer Greenway Setback line. The exception authorizes construction and la~er removal of one or more temporary work bridges, demolition of the decommissioned 1-5 Willamette River Bridge, Canoe Canal Bridge, and detour bridges; construction of the two replacement bridges; reconstruction of the roadway approaches to the bridges (1-5 and ramps); rehabilitation of the project area; and completion of any required mitigation of project impacts. In association with these tasks, the exception further authorizes within the W,illamette River Greenway Setback line the addition and removal of fill within ODOT right-or-way and removal of fill within a temporary slope easement east of '-5. This exception satisfies the criteria of Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-004-0022(6), Willamette Greenway, and the exception requirements of OAR 660-004-0020 Goal 2 Part lI(c) for a 'reasons' exception and pursuant to OAR 660-004-0015, is hereby adopted as an amendment to the Metro Plan text, Policy 0./1, Chapter III, Section D." . ;'-'. ,," CMGS FINAL SUBMlTTAli I February 25, 2009 46 '.,'" ",. Y~"";~ ;p",'~",:;,- . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE !:,.. \. SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION '.'""" The adopted metro.plan text allows; , I',';. I. The intensi(lcation of use and development proposed by the bridge replacement project and l asspciated multi-use path and park facility improyements; 2. The siting of non water-dependent or water-related uses within the Greenway setback line; and 3. The placing of (III for a non water-dependent transportation facility within the Greenway setback line. , As a whole the proposal is consistent with the applicable Willamette Greenway policies set out in the Metro Plan. This criterion is satisfied Environmental Desis:rn Element Policy E4: Public and private facilities shall be designed and located in a manner that preserves and enhances desirable features of local and neighborhood areas and promotes their sense of identity. The Applicant notes that public participation and involvement has occurred throughout that planning, design and development process in accordance with Statewide Planning Goal I and ODOT administrative rules. As part of the Project, ODOT established a Community Advisory Group (CAG) composed of representatives of local neighborhooq associations, parks departments (Eugene and Willamalane), the Citizen Planning Committee for .the Whilamut Natural Area,. chambers of commerce, and the University of Oregon that has been involved in the development of the project with continued involvement during selection of the bridge type, its design, and ' construction. In addition to the aesthetic elements of the bridge itself. the Project also includes a number of riparian area; pedestrian and bicycle path, and alternative mode infrastructure enhancements as well as natural and historic restoration activities including but not limited to; . Restoration and enhancement of the unnamed tributary associated with Glenwood Slough on the south side of the Willamette River (Phase II) . Development of a Millrace Interpretive Area including an informational kiosk describing Millrace history (Phase II) "\ . Permanent extensions of the multi-use paths. including the Canoe Canal Path; on the north and sO!Jth sides of the river (Phase II) , . Extensive landscaping and riparian area restoration within the greenway (Phase II) These proposed projects will preserve and enhance the existing features.of the ,enyironment immediately surrounding the 1-5 Bridge. These improvements. together with the 1-5 Bridge itself will contribute to and promote the area's identity as a primary gateway between Eugene and Springfield. , F.IO: Protect and '!lanage existing and future transportation infrastructure. The 1-5 Willamette River Bridge Project replaces a structurally deficient bridge with two new permanent bridges built to accommodate anticipated future traffic volumi:}t[l@: f~e~~: This MAR 0 4 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 2S, 2009 47 Original Submittpl . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (sPR) APPLICATION bridge replacement reflects an effort to manage and protect 1-5, which is an essential part of the region and state's existing transportation infrastructure. Policy F.14: Address the mobility and safety needs of motorists, transportation users, bicyclists, pedestrians, and the needs of emergency vehicles when planning and construaing roadway system improvements. 1-5, across the Willamette Riyer, is an existing transportation facility identified in T ransPlan and the Oregon Highway Plan (OHP). Because the original 1-5 bridge is structurally deficient and had to be decommissioned, a new permanent bridge is needed to address the safety and mobility needs of motorists and facilitate E;fficient movement of emergency vehicles between the north and south sections of Eugene and Springfield, The new permanent replacement bridges can and will be designed to meet applicable state and federal safety and mobility standards. The temporary detour bridge cannot accommodate the safety needs of motorists because it does not meet current seismic standards and the construction methods used to build it only met environmental, requirements as they applied to temporary, not permanent, structur.es. Policy F.15: Motor vehicle level of selVice policy: a) Use motor vehicle level of selVice standards to maintain acceptable and reliable performance on the roadway system. These standards shall be used for: ( I) IdentifYing capacity deftciencies on the roadway system. (2) Evaluating the impacts on roadways of amendments to transportation plans, acknowledged comprehensiye plans and land-use regulations, pursuant to the TPR (OAR 660-012-0060). ' (3) Evaluating development applications for consistency with the land~use regulations of the applicable local government jurisdiaion. b) Acceptable and reliable performance is deftned by the following levels of selVice under peak hour traffic conditions: LOS E within Eugene's Central Area Transportation Study (CATS) area and LOS D elsewhere. ' c) Performance standards from the OHP shall be applied on state facilities in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area. ~ The 1-5 Willamette River replacement bridges will be striped to provide two travel lanes in each direction, consistent with current striping patterns. The bridges will be built to accommodate , future restriping to three t~avellanes in each direction in the event that adjacent sections of 1-5 are widened to three lanes in each direction in the future. TransPlan projects 150 and 260 provide for the future widening of 1-5 from four to six travel lanes north and south of the Willamette River. Through separate local processes, local land use regulations and permitting will apply if and when I- S is widened to accommodate future traffic volumes and the bridge is restriped. Because the 1-5 . Willamette River bridge is already recognized in TransPlan, there is no need to amend the plan. The required exceptions are not taken to meet requirements of Statewide Planning Goal 12 or the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR), but to comply with Willamette River greenway requirements in Goal 15 and.the Metro Plan. These findings address the consistency of the needed plan amendments with applicable Metro Plan requirements and land use regulations. Other applicable land use regulations are addressed in the findings contained herein, the Applicant's Willamette CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 2S. 2009 48 ,.- -"'""""l'."~ .,.'tv"'''''.....:...''.::-..,..-_ r- . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE ,I,~",.,.. ' SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ' . Greenway Overlay District Development (WG) and. Discretionary Use (DU) application, and the Applicant's Floodplain Overlay District Development (FD) application. F. 16: Promote or develop a regional roadway system that meets the combined needs for travel through, within and outside the region. ' 1-5 is astate facility that serves both statewide and regional transportation needs as defined in the TPR, I.e., needs for movement of peopl.e and goods (I) between and through regions of the state and between state~ (state need), and (2) between and through communities and accessibility to regional destinations within a metropolitan area (regional need). As such, it is an integral element of the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area',s regional roadway system. Indeed, it is likely the principal arterial serving the combined needs for travel through, within, and outside the region. Replacing a structurally deficient bridge with two new bridges promotes the maintenance and continuation of the regional r~adway system serving the combined needs for travel through, within, and outside the region. F.29: Support reasonable and.reliable travel times for freight/goods movement in the Eugene- Springfield region. Connecting 1-5 north and south of the Willamette River via a new, structurally safe bridge crossing is essential to ensuring that reasonable and reliable trayel times for moving freight and goods in the region are maintained. Without the connection, tens of thousands of vehicles daily would be required to seek alternative means (or crossing the river, clogging capacity and causing congestion and delay throughout Eugene and Springfield. Existing road:-vays lack sufficient capacity to' accommodate the existing 49,000 daily vehicle trips or the 73,000 daily vehicle trips anticipated on the 1-5 Willamette River Bridge by 2030. These findings together with the ,Plan Set and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that the proposed Project is consistent with the Metro Plan. B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine , . . capacity Issues. The proposed Project is needed to address significant structural problems with the existing 1-5 Bridge. The exiiting bridge was decommissioned in 2004 after ODOT found substantial structural problems including cracks in the supporting structures. Built in 1962, the existing bridge was designed using bridge standards that are no longer sufficient for the size of modern freight trucks. Replacement of the 1-5' Willamette River Bridge is needed to meet state and federal safety and mobility policies and to ensure that future vehicle and freight capacity along the 1-5 corridor is not compromised. The overall goal of the project is to replace the existing bridge over the Willamette 'River, Franklin Boulevard, UPRR tracks, 1-5 NB exit to Franklin Boulevard, and bicycle/pedestrian facilities such that freight mobility is unrestricted, the Oregon economy ~ s~!!1t&:ted a,nd If:e project delivery philosophy of Context Sensitiye and Sustainable SolutioM~~S3J"~~~~e~e'nted. MAR 0 4 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL' I February 25, 2009 Original Submittal 49 i' / 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT:" PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . With respect to capacity concerns at the local level, the City of Springfield will be impacted primarily by traffic sontrol and mobility constraints during construction of the project. Specifically, periodic closure to Franklin Boulevard will occasionally eliminate all public and private . transportation movements between Springfield and Eugene through the project area. Said closures 'will be needed to facilitate the deconstruction of the existing bridge spans and movement of equipment into and out of the area. It is assumed at this time that only short-term closures will be needed on Franklin Boulevard, the NB off-ramp to Franklin Boulevard, and SB on-ramp to 1-5. The removal of the existing bridges will require two-day closures of Franklin Boulevard and the NB off- ramp. The NB off-ramp and SB on-ranip is a partial interchange serving to connect 1-5 traffic south of the Willamette River to and from Franklin Boulevard west 'of 1-5. Access for all other movements is better served by the full movement interchange at Glenwood Boulevard. The Franklin and Glenwood ramps are spac~d about 1,200 feet apart, and are connected with a continuous auxiliary lane in each direction. The Project does not involve a Variance request or proposed uses that would generate 500 or more vehicle trips per day, as specified in SDC 4.2-105 A.(4.)(a.) and (b.). The Applicant's design team is currently evaluating detour routes for ramp closures and the potential for longer-term ' closures on the ramps to reduce construction cost and time as additional traffic count information becomes available. The Applicant will prepare a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to provide the details behind the development of Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) and other measures that will be put in place for the construction of the project, as well as to minimize disruptions to motorists, the freight industry and communities, without compromising public or worker safety, or the quality of work being performed. Local roadway capacity will be impacted by the Project, but only on a periodic and temporary basis. Further, the TMP and TCPs will demonstrate that all adverse impacts on the local transportation network will be mitigated to the extent possible through advance notice of the closures, signage and local detour routes around the construction area. In addition to the bridge facility, local bike and pedestrian capacity will be increased throu'gh this project. Specifically, permanent reconfigured multi-purpose paths are proposed on both the north and south sides of the river, These paths will remain open during the duration of construction and , improve existing and/or increase alternative mode access in the vicinity of the 1-5 Bridge. These findings together with the Plan Set and supporting documentation suomitted herewith demonstrate that this criterion is satisfied. C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. r , SDC 4.2-105 Public'Streets No new streets are proposed and no existing local streets will be impacted by the proposed deyelopment. The Project will conform to the ODOT Highway Design Manual, 2003 (English) and AASHTO 2002 Roadside Design Guide. All construction plans and associated documents will be , prepared in accordance with the ODOT Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction, 2008; and the ODOT Bridge Design and Drafting Manual (BDDM). '\ \ CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 50 t' . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE !,,'... SITE PLAN REVIEW (5PR) APPLICATION Because all public automobile transportation facilities will be constructed within ODOT ROW, local street standards do not apply. These findings together with the Plan Set and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. SDC 4.2-110 Private Streets The Project does not involve private streets as part of Phase I development. This standard does not apply. . SDC 4.2-115 Block Length Date Received: No new local streets are proposed. This standard does not apply. SDC 4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal No new lots or parcels are proposed. As a result, no new permanent access points or driyeways are needed or proposed. The Applicant notes that any improvements to existing Interstate access ramps occurring in Phase II shall be designed and constructed in accordance with ODOT policies. procedures and design guidelines. These findings demonstrate that this standard does not apply, . . SDC 4.2-125 Intersections No newlocal'streets will be constructed as part of Phase Idevelopment. This standard does not apply. SDC 4.2-1 30 Vision Clearance No new local streets will be constructed as part of Phase I development. This standard does not apply. SDC 4.2~ 135 Sidewalks No new sidewalks will be constructed as part of Phase I development. This standard does not apply. SDC 4.2-140 Street Trees No new local streets will be' constructed as part of Phase I development. This standard does not apply. SDC 4.2-145 Street Lighting No new streets will be constructed as part of Phase I development. Therefore, this standard does not apply. The Applicant notes that the existing lighting along both ramps between Franklin Boulevard and Riverview Street will not be impacted by Phase I development. A segment of the existing lighting along these ramps will be removed in Phase II, as part of the proposed redesign and reconfiguration of the ramps to connect with the new bridge approaches. Proposed replacement lighting will be included in the Phase lI.permit applications for the Project. Demolition of the decommissioned bridge will impact several existing light pole locations along Franklin Boulevard. Phase I inyo/ves minor repositioning of these light poles to avoid construction CMGS' FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 51 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHA5E I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . impacts. Further, temporary multi-use path and construction lighting will be installed where necessary to ensure public safety and provide secure contractor mobilization and staging areas. Standards review of proposed temporary lighting is provided in SDC 4.5 below. SDC 4.2-150 Bikeways Within'the project area, the North Bank Trail extends along the northern border of the Willamette River though the Whilamut Natural Area and the Eastgate Woodlands. The southeast loop of Pre's T rail.is located within the Whilamut Natural Area with an extension to the Eastgate Woodlands. There are additional connecting paths throughout the Whilaritut Natural Area, on the Knickerbocker Bridge, and along Franklin Boulevard. Phase I construction activities and staging locations will impact the existing network of multi-use (bicycle and pedestrian) paths extending along the north side of the Willamette River. In order to provide for public access along the river between the communities of Eugene and Springfield during Phase I construction, the Applicant will construct both temporary paved and soft paths to route traffic around and through the Project site. The North Bank Trail will be closed during demolition .. . , of the existing bridges and construction of ,the new bridges. Bicycle and pedestrian traffic will be routed from the North Bank Trail to the Canoe Canal Path, an existing path along Canoe Canal that extends through the Project site to the Eastgate Woodlands. A portion of the existing Pre's T rail located under the existing bridges will also be temporarily reconfigured during construction to facilitate through traffic and address potential safety concerns. Following construction, the paths will be restored to their original locations prior to construction or reconfigured to locations agreed upon by the City of Eugene and the City of Springfield. Phase I construction actiyities also include construction of a reconfigured, temporary bicycle/pedestrian path along the south side of the Willamette River. An existing path extends from the Knickerbocker Bridge area (Eugene), under the decommissioned bridge and detour bridge, to the approximate extent of the eastern Project limits at Franklin Boulevard (Springfield). The existing path will be affected by construction access and bridge demolition activities. The path will be reconfigured to avoid construction activities and a temporary path will be constructed, with minor shifts in the alignment. This proposed path will remain open during construction and facilitate pedestrian and bicycle traffic along the south side of the river between Eugene and Springfield. The proposed path will be illuminated with temporary lighting, as illustrated on Sheets EO.I. E 1.0, E 1.1, E 1.3 Lighting Plan (Exhibit C). Following bridge construction, the path will be reconstructed to a location agreed upon by Eugene POS and ,WPRD. Paths and trails will, to the maximum extent practicable, be kept open, safe, and useable during Phase I construction. A continuous route across state-owned right of way for the bicycle/pedestrian pathways will be kept open and accessible at all times on both the north side, and to, the extent practicable, the south side of the river during construction. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic will be detoured around the construction site work areas immediately adjacent 1-5 and along the Willamette River and ,rerouted on new temporary and permanent alignments. To minimize disruptions, the Applicant will develop a traffic control plan for paths and trails; will coordinate with WPRD and the CPC on path and trail closures; and will provide advance public notice of path and trail closures. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 52 . ..."....T ..;~:nft<y.,."". .. "'~"'" WElle rH";,,.<;;IVI:IU. , . I 1-5 WlLLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE 1 . SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ;.i~I" MAR 0 4 i009 . , ungmal ;)UUmILlClI , The Applica~t notes that ultimately local bike and pedestrian capacity will be increased as a result of this Project. All bicycle and pedestrian facilities will be designed using EPOS typical sections, per direction from EPOS and WPRD. As noted above, the Applicant is in ongoing coordination with representatives from WPRD, CPC, City of Springfield Public Works, and other affected jurisdictions to ensure that all local, regional and statewide transportation policies, procedures and standards are being satisfied. ' On the north side of the river, the existing asphalt bicycle and pedestrian path located east of the Canoe Canal bridge will be converted to bark and a new permanent paved path will be improved to the south. The reconfigured paved path will improve path alignments where they intersect and will increase bicycle and pedestrian ,mobility through the area. Temporary paths will also be constructed to maintain access to and through the construction zone throughout the duration of the project. All temporary paths will be removed at the conclusion of construction; all existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities will be restored to their pre-construction condition at the ,conclusion of construction. These findings together with the Plan Set and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this criterion has been satisfied. SDC 4.2-155 Pedestrian Trails To the extent that pedestrian trails include multi use paths, Phase I construction activities and .staging locations will impact the existing network of multi-use (bicycle and pedestrian) paths within the project boundary. The findings contained in SC4.2-ISO above 'pertain to multi-use (bicycle and pedestrian) paths. Said findings are incorporated herein by reference as proof that this criterion is met. To the extent that the existing and proposed multi-use path impacts are located on or within city owned parks property, no new public trail easements or rights-of-way are required. These findings together with the Plan Set and supporting documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. SDC 4.2-160 Accessways Because no new parcels or lot will be developed as part 'of this Proposal, no new accessways will be constructed or required as part of Phase I constr!Jcticin activities. Therefore, this standard does not'apply. ' . SDC 4.3-105 Sanitary Sewers The proposed Phase I improvements are non-occupied transportation structures and associated ' facilities. The Project does not involve the extension, expansion or connection to existing public sanitary sewer facilities. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.3-110 Stormwater Management Phase I stormwater treatment will be addressed through the use of filter' strips along proposed permanent bike path reconfigurations (in accordance with the City of Springfield's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual), as illustrated on Sheets CO.2 & C2.0-C2.4 Stormwater and Utility Plan (Exhibit C) as described in the Stormwater Report (Exhibit E). North of the river, CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 53 ) . 1-5 WILLAMETrE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION in the Eastgate Woodlands..path reconfigurations will be treated by overland flow and infiltration using existing vegetation and soil adjacent to the path (Springfield). All stormwater management for this project (Phase I and Phase II) will be designed to meet the aTIA III Environmental Performance Standards (EPS). To meet the goals of the EPS, water quality and quantity facilities will follow the guidelines established in the 2008 ODaT Stormwater Management Initiatiye supplemented with the guidelines from the local jurisdictions of the Cities of Eugene and Springfield, which the project will also need to satisfy. aDaT stormwater standards are described further below. The 2008 aDar Stormwater Management Initiative guidelines require all stormwater runoff to be treated for water quality and water quantity only when the incr~ased runoff from th'e new impervious surface increases flow by 0.5 cfs. The .oDaT Stormwater Management Initiative divides the state into nine climate zones for stormwater treatment. The WRB site is in climate zone 2, which requires 50 percent of the two-year, 24-hour duration storm to be treated for water quality. For water quantity treatment, the aDOT Stormwater Management Initiative guidelines provide an exception for water quantity treatment ifthe discharge directly outfalls ,into a large body of water, in this case the Willamette River, or it is shown by hydraulic calculations that the geomorphic channel conditions are not changed by the net effects of the increased runoff. The City of Springfield has adopted, in the interim, the stormwater management guidelines from the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services and Washington County Clean Water Services. The City of Springfield accepts stormwater management plans to be designed using either guideline. The City of Springfield also uses 0.5 cfs as the threshold for water quantity flow control. The new aDaT and DEQ requirements for contributing drainage' area will be followed for the amount of stormwater runoff to be treated. The new guidelines apply to stormwater flowing into ,the project from aDOT right-of-way that is hydraulically connected to the project. The additional contributing drainage areas that are required to meet the new directive include 1-5 from the end of the defined project up to the Glenwood overpass; Franklin Boulevard from the crest vertical curve just west of the Franklin Boulevard overpass, bridge to the end of the bridge; and the 1-5 NB off- ' ramp from the intersection of Riverview Drive to the Eugene city limits. The Best Management Practices (BMPs) selected for stormwater management on this project include bios lopes, grassy swale with amended soils. bio-infiltration swales, and dry detention ponds. All of the BMPs selected provide a high effectiyeness for the removal of sediments, nutrients, and heavy metals both dissolved and particulates; and provide moderate effectiveness for removal of hydrocarbons and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. The Applicant's Stormwater Report (Exhibit E) illustrates the location and the type of BMP selected to meet the EPS. Stormwater management facilities included in Phase I work are also discussed in the Stormwater Report (Exhibit E). In the northernmost 900 feet of the project, there is 1')0 increase in impervious area; therefore, only water quality is required to meet the EPS. Bioslopes on both the NB and SB lanes were chosen for this area because of the limited right-of-way. The next 700 feet, up to and including the Canoe Canal Bridge, will utilize bio-infiltration swales to proYide water quality and quantity. The bio-infiltration swales will haye an oyerflow system that will discharge into Canoe Canal. \ CMGS ~ FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 54 "!7,.-"'I'-".-..r....".~ .. Date Received: . 1-5 W1LLAMETTE,RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I " SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . . , MAR 0 4 2009 These findings together with the Plan Set'and documentation submitte!j)liieffiWi~!1~Ib~strate-tnar this standard is met. SDC 4.3-115 Water Quality Protection The Willamette River is the receiving water for the project area. The Willamette River in the vicinity ofthe Project is listed on the DEQ 303(d) List (Section 30nd] ofthe CW A) of water bodies that do not meet water quality standards. The Willamette River is listed for temperature, arsenic, chlorophyll a, dioxin, dissolved oxygen, E. coli, fecal coliform, manganese, mercury, and iron. I Phase I construction ~ctivities will inciude vegetation removal and soil disturbance, which could lead to erosion and increased sedimentation to wetlands and waterways, resulting in water quality impacts. Additionally, there is the potential for releases. of hazardous materials and wastes such as oil, grease, and fuels used for construction equipment or releases of products (concrete, silicants, etc.)' which, if entered wetlands or waterways, would result in decreased water quality. Construction activities will require in-water work. Direct impacts associated with in-water work inciude construction or removal of piers which inyolves site preparation, pile driving, dewatering , and isolation, and rewateringonce work is complete. There is also the potential for materials to drop into waterway during demolition and new construction. Increased turbidity associated with in-water work should be minimal because the new and temporary piers for the work bridges would be drilled or driven into bedrock. There may be a slight increase of turbidity during rewatering of the isolation area from pulling isolation structure(s). This slight increase would be expected to be within allowable limits, which is an increase of up to 10 percent over natural ba~kground turbidity 100 feet downstream ofthe fill point. Potential temporary impacts to water quality during construction will be mitigated through use of standard Best Management Practices (BMPs) and erosion control measures. These measures will follow the ODOT Erosion Control Manual (ODOT 2005) and Oregon Standard Specifications (ODOT 2008). An' Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) will be developed before construction by the CMGC and will detail erosion and sediment control measures to be used during construction. A Pollution Control Plan (PCP) will be developed for this project prior to. construction by the CMGC to minimize or avoid project effects to water quality. A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) 1200-series permit will need to be obtained prior to ground disturbing activities and will incorporate the OTIA III EPS, ESCP, and PCP components developed for the project and will be implemented during construction. The Project will also need to adhere to the conditions of the CW A 40 I Water Quality Certification issued for the USACE Section 404 permit. . These findings together with the Plan Set and docu!J1entation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. . SDC 4.3-117 Natural Resour,ce Protection Areas During Phase I construction, temporary and permanent impacts to site features inciuding parks, open space and natural resource protection areas are unavoidable. The uses proposed in Phase I are allowed in natural resource areas per SC 4.3-117(E)(2) subsections (m),(n)and (0). In CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 SS ~ . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION accordance with SC 4.3-117(K), the proposed transportation facilities and 'structures will replace existing facilities and, will be located within existing ODOT rights-,of-way (ROW) to the greatest extent practicable. North of the Willamette River, Springfield has designated the Whilamut Natural Area as a significant Goal 5 resource. On the south side of the river, Springfield has established 75 foot riparian setbacks along the Willamette River to comply with federal the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act. The Metro Plan Natural Assets and Constraints Working Paper identifies the Willamette River Greenway in Figure'J I and identifies the Willamette River as a fish spawning river. Endangered Species According to ODFW, two salmonid populations listed under ~he Endangered Species Act (ESA) are documented as occurring within the reach of the Willamette River that flows through the project ' area: . Upper Willamette River spring Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and critical habitat- federally threatened (FT) . Columbia River bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) Distinct Population Segment (DPS) and critical habitat - FT ) Construction activities will require in-water work and are anticipated to require four in-water work periods. Temporary effects from in-water work will include construction or removal of piling/piers, which involves site preparation, pile driYing, dewatering and isolation, and rewateririg once work is complete. Work area isolation will require fish capture and release operations in the Willamette Riyer, which would affect both listed and non, listed fish species. All fish capture and release operations will be conducted by experienced biologists following guidelines established by ODFW and NMFS. A species list provided by ORNHIC indicated that there are no federal- or state-listed ESA terrestrial wildlife species known to reside within the project area. There are reports of sensitive or species of concern terrestrial wildlife within two miles of the project area; however there is habitat that would support only one of these sensitive species in the project area (i.e., the northwestern pond turtle). / There is a great blue heron rookery (which may have become inactiye) along the Canoe Canal located about 800 feet east of the project area. Eugene POS and WPRD staff have noted the , , ephemeral ponds located throughout th~ Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park provide habitat for amphibian species. Western meadowlark nesting habitat has been documented in'the vicinity of the meadow immediately northwest of the project area. To avoid fish and wildlife species and minimize temporary. impacts from construction activities, all applicable OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program EPS will be implemented to reduce the extent of direct and indirect impacts to'fish and wildlife species. To minimize the impacts to riparian vegetation during construction and operational actiyities the project will continue coordination with resource agencies (federal, state, and local) and implement OTIA III EPS, obtain regulatory , permits (DSL Removal-Fill, USACE Section 404), provide site restoration and compensatory CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25. 2009 56 . .' :" ",lr"'>""~'''''' .::>-~. ,.... Ui::Ht:: ,,1:;1,,'0, '{\;1\... . MAR 0 4 2009 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE 1 SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION 01Iyill"; 3ubmittal mitigation, and identify additional opportunities to minimize disturbances. The applicant's Willamette Greenway Permit and Discretionary Use application sections Section 5.6, 5.7, and 5,8 propose additional mitigation measures which are incorporated herein by reference, ( Vegetation and Habitat Vegetation and habitat types within the projeh area are generally associated with urban development or natural/open space areas. The urban developed areas include residential, commercial, and transportation (roadways and railroads) that haye been planted with landscaping. The open space areas include a combination of forested and emergent wetlands, upland forest (mixed deciduous-coniferous type), mixed deciduous-coniferous riparian, and grassland type habitats that are predominan!ly managed grass areas within the 1-5 corridor. These natural/open space areas are vegetated with a predominance of natiye species, although disturbance has allowed encroachment of inyasive species. Some of the most common identified inyasive species known to occur within the project area include: Himalayan blackberry (Rubus armeniacus); Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius); Pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium); Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea); Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiporum); English ivy (Hedera helix); Reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea); European birch (Betula pendula); and False brome (Brachypodi~m sylvaticum). . No federal or state Endangered Species Act (ESA)-Iisted plant species or plant' habitats have been identified within the project area. Water Bodies, The project area includes 13 bodies of water: the Willamette Riyer (and Mill Race), Canoe Canal (Patterson Slough), Augusta Creek/Laurel Valley Creek, and several unnamed streams and roadside ditches; eight of which are located within the City of Eugene limits and three of the waterways connect/flow to waterways within City of Springfield limits. The findings contained under SDC 4.3- 115 aboye are incorporated herein by reference as further proof that this standard is met. Wetlands Fourteen wetlands have been identified and delineated within the project area. Wetland delineation reports for the project area are provided as part of the Willamette Greenway Permit and Discretionary Use application for the Project. A total of II wetlands have been located within the City of Eugene (one of which is located in both the Cities of Eugene and Springfield). The remaining three wetlands are located within the city limits of Springfield. The wetlands include emergent, shrub-scrub, and forested wetland types. The proposed Phase I activities will have impacts on wetland and water resources within the , project site from the construction of temporary work bridges, the removal of the existing decommissioned bridge and existing temporary detour bridge, plus associated construction actiyities such as clearing, grading, excavation, and the construction and use of staging areas, and hauling routes. . ' Approximately 0.03 acre of wetlands and 0.08 acre of.waters will be temporarily disturbed during construction activitieS. Temporary disturbances will include vegetation,remoyal, excayation/fill associated with temporary work bridges, removal of the decommissioned bridge, and creation and use of construction staging ~reas. Approximately 0.04 acre of wetlands and 0.45 acre of waters will CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 57 . 1-5 W1LLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION be permanently impacted with implementation of the proposed Project. Wetland impacts described herein are based on the entire project (Phase I and Phase II). , After the project is completed disturbed wetland vegetation and hydrology will be reestablished. Wetlands temporarily impacted during construction (including areas occupied by temporary work bridges: staging areas, and the decommissioned and detour bridge locations) will be restored to pre-existing conditions following the completion of work. It is anticipated the wetlands wili return tc> a functioning state within five years. Vegetation plantings associated with site restoration will be made in accordance with SDC 4.3-117(M) and will increase the number of native plant and tree seed banks, which could improve localized genetic diversity and minimize distances necessary for plant pollination. The project may eradicate some noxious weeds through vegetative and seed bank removal. Additional Mitigation Activities To minimize the impacts to vegetation and habitat during construction and operational activities the project will continue coordination with resource agencies (federal, state. and local) and implement OTIA III EPS, obtain regulatory permits (DSL Removal-Fill. USACE Section 404). provide site restoration and compensatory mitigation, and identify additional opportunities to minimize disturbances to vegetation and habitat. The Applicant will coordinate with ODFW through the final design process to identify opportunities to minimize habitat disturbance. To avoid and minimize impacts of vegetation removal and replacement, in accordance with SC 4.3-117(M). additional mitigation measures will be implemented to reduce the extent of direct and indirect impacts to habitat. These include: . Minimize effects to natural stream and floodplain by keeping the work area within the smallest footprint needed. Prepare and implement a plan to prevent construction debris from dropping into the Willamette River and to remove materials that may drop with a minimum disturbance to aquatic habitat. . Prepare site restoration plans for upland, wetland. and stream bank areas to include native plant species and noxious weed abatement techniques, and use large wood and rock as components of streambed protection treatments. Flag boundaries of clearing limits and sensitive areas to be avoided during construction. Coordinate with WPRD, Eugene POS. and the Citizen Planning Committee (CPC) regarding sensitive areas in the Whilamut Natural Area of Alton Baker Park, which should be avoided during construction. Restore and revegetate disturoed areas using native plant species and noxious weed abatement techniques. Disturbed areas will be restored to the same or better condition than before construction. . Where practical, revegetate riparian areas beneath new bridges with native plants appropriate for limited light conditions. Employ a five-year monitoring and maintenance plan for site restoration areas. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 2S, 2009 58 . . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . The Applicant will provide training for the contr~ctor staff and construction inspectors regarding sensitive species in the project area. If Northwestern pond turtles or other sensitive species are encountered during construction, they will be relocated by qualified personnel to an appropriate area outside of the project construction area. ' . The contractor will implement the Noxious Weed Management Plan and clean vehicles and equipment to prevent tracking and spread of noxious weed seeds. . The Applicant has entered into formal agreements with the WPRD and Eugene POS regarding the mitigation and conservation measures that will be executed during and following construction. In addition to the above noted mitigation measures, the Applicant proposes the following measures: . . Plant the area immediately west of 1-5 in the Whilamut Natural Area with native vegetation to extend the riparian forest to the area between the Willamette River and the Canoe Canal. . Remove'invasive plant species from the riparian forest area immediateiy West of 1-5 and south of the Canoe Canal. . Plan and implement the above enhancement measures in coordination with Eugene POS and the Citizen Planning Committee for the Whilamut Natural Area. These areas will be monitored and maintained by the Applicant for one year. These findings together with the Plan, Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. SDC 4.3-120 Utility Provider Coordination No above ground utilities are proposea as part of Phase I development. Therefore, this standard does not apply., The Applicant notes thaf the location and flow line eleyations of e~isting public water, wastewater, stormwater and electrical lines are shown on Sheets CO.2 & C2.0-C2.4 . " Stormwater and Utilities Plan. The Applicant's contractor will coordinate with utility providers regarding any utility extension and relocation (above or below ground). SDC 4.3-125 Underground Placement of Utilities Phase I development involyes the extension of an underground power line along the existing south bank bicycle and pedestrian path to provide power to proposed lighting along the reconfigured path, as illustrated 'on Sheets EO.I, E 1.0, E 1.1, E 1.3 Lighting Plan. Power will be extended from an existing source and the line will be constructed in accordance with applicable Springfield design standards and practices. Phase I development may require relocation of underground water lines to be impacted by the Proposal. The scope and nature of this work has not been 'determined at this point and is not described herein or reflected in the attached Plan Set (Exhibit C). Information concerning potential "';ater line relocation will be provided by the Applicant during the completeness reyiew period. , These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. Date Received: SDC 4.4-130 Water Service and Fire Protection MAR 0 4 2009 CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 Oriainal Submittal 59 " 1-5 WlLLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROjECT- PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION The proposed Phase I improvements are for non-occupied transportation structures and associated facilities. Existing fire hydrants are shown on Sheets CO.2 & C2.0-C2.4 Stormwater and Utilities Plan. The Project does not involye the development or construction of any new facilities requiring new water service or fire protection. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.3-135 Major Electrical Power Transmission Lines The proposed Phase I improvements are for non-occupied transportation structures and associated facilities. The Project does not require increased electrical power capacity or new major electrical power'transmission lines. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.3-140 Public Easements No new public utility easements are proposed or required as part of Phase I construction activities as no new public utilities are proposed. All water courses, and riparian areas included in the Phase I construction boundary are located on public lands or are otherwise covered by existing public easement. None of the proposed improvements will limit the City of Springfield's ability to maintain existing watercourse or riparian areas. This standard is met. SDC 4.3-145 Wireless Telecommunications Systems Facilities No new wireless telecommunications system facilities will be constructed as part, Phase I development: Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.4-105 Landscaping Location, species and size of existing vegetation is indicted on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.4, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions. Riparian vegetation is also shown on Sheets GO.I, G I.O-G 1.4, & G 1.7 Site Assessment of Existing Conditions. Proposed landscaping for Phase I is shown on Sheet LJ.O Landscape Plan. Conceptual landscape design for Phase II is shown on the Conceptual Site Restoration and Mitigation Plans (Exhibit C). Conceptual Site Restoration and Mitigation Plans are included as Exhibit D. The applicant notes that the proposed landscaping is necessary to address habitat restoration and mitigation standards not as a result of the specific uses proposed. Regardless, Phase I landscaping, as shown on the Landscape Plan, meets all City of Springfield Planting Standards contained in SC 4.4-105(1). These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this standard is met. SDC 4.4-110 Screening None ofthe uses proposed in Phase I require screening per SC 4.4-11 O(a). Therefore, this standard'does not apply. SDC 4.4-115 .fences No permanent fences are proposed as part of Phase I development. Therefore: this standard does not apply. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 2S, 2009 .- , .. , 60 ',It .. \ . 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION Permanent pedestrian fencing/railing maY' be needed along the relocated south bank bike path due to steep side slopes adjacent to the path. This f~ncing is not shown on the ,attached Plan Set (Exhibit C) or described herein but will be included in the Applicant's revised submittal materials, as design conditions warrant. This finding will be revised accordingly. SDC 4.5 11,0 Illumination and Height Phase I construction activities inyolve temporary public ,multi-use path and construction staging area lighting as needed to ensure the safety and security of the public. All proposed lighting meets the exception criteria contained in SC 4.5-1 05(C)(3). All proposed illumination is illustrated on Sheets EO.I, E 1.0, E 1.1 ,& E 1.3 Lighting Plan. SDC 4.6-100 Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking Standards No permanent vehicle or bicycle parking or loading areas are proposed as part of Phase I construction activities. Therefore, this standard does not apply. SDC 4.7-100 Specific Development Standards None ofthe uses/activities lis.ted in SC 4.7-100 are applicable to the subject application. To the extent that SC 4.7-200 and SC 4.7-203 relate to public parks, public land and open space, specific findings demonstrating that said code sections are [lot applicable are presented below. SDC 4.7-200 Public and Private Parks While the, Project will impact existing public parkland, no new parks or open space areas are proposed. Therefore, this standard does not apply. ; SDC 4.7-203 Public Land and Open Space None of the uses described in subsections (A) through (H) apply to the construction activities proposed in Phase I. Therefore, this criterion, does not apply. These findings together with the Plan Set and documentation submitted. herewith demonstrate that this standard is satisfied. . D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate ' vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within' tile development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, 'and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this .code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. ' As discussed under SC 4.6-100 above and incorporated herein by reference, no permanent vehicle or bicycle parking.or loading areas are proposed as part of Phase I construction activities. ,Therefore, this criterion does not apply: Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 CMGS Orillinal Submittal FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 61 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PRofECT - PHASE I , ,SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION ., I I i ',Ilr E. Physical features, including, but no~ limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; other riparian arei,ls and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905- 955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. The Phase I project site does not include any areas of steep slopes, unstable soil, or rock outcroppings. The project area has been surveyed for significant archaeological sites and none , were found within the area affected by, the Project. The project area does contain one site of potential historic significance, the Eugene Millrace and Dam (Millrace), which is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Eleven Millrace features have been identified within the project area, including, but not limited to; a diversion dam, weir-intake bay, channel remnants, log- crib, intake gate, and pump house. Many of the remnant Millrace features have been impacted by prior 1-5 bridge construction activities. Elements of the diversion dam and intake have remained, for the most part in their original positions and retain a substantial degree of preservation. A study of possible project impacts to the Millrace was prepared as part of the EA for the Project by Heritage Research Associates (HRA) and submitted to the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).' The SHPO concurred with the HRA study finding that the proposed project would have no adverse effects on the Millrace. Said findings are incorporated by reference herein. A copy of both the HRA study and SHPO's response is available on request. To the exte.nt that flood zones, vegetation, watercourses, riparian areas, wetlands and open spaces are impacted, the applicable findings contained under Criterion C above are incorpotated herein by reference as proof that the referenced physical features will be protected to the greatest extent practicabie as sp'ecified in the Springfield Development Code or State or Federal law. In addition, , the Project is subject to both Willamette Greenway Permit and Discretionary Use approval. The Willamette Greenway (WG)' Oyerlay District is estabiished to protect,and preserve natural scenic, historic and recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette River and is subject to Type III Review by the. Planning Commission. Therefore, the Applicant's Willamette Greenway Permit and Discretionary Use appiication is incorporated herein by reference as further proof that this criterion is met. These findings together with the applicant's written statement, Plan Set and documentation submitted herewith demonstrate that this criterion is met. , Heritage Research Associates. 2007. An Archeological Assessment o(the Eugene Mil/race Oiversion.oam and Intake (or the 1-5 Wil/omette River Bridge Project. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I Februarx 25. 2009 62 \\. 1. ..': 1.5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION , EXHIBIT C \,,/ PLAN SET '. Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL [, February 2S, 2009 Exhibit C , \ 1-5: Willamette River Bridge i DEPARTMENT / .~~~ ~..:;'T_ur.'__ , i i , i \ \ \ I '" ) .....-.-.... ~z ..:: VICINITY MAP H_TS 9RAWING LIST (Sprinllfield Permits) Cover Sheet OveralSttePlen n.o 051.0 Site Assesament d Existing CondItiOrtI: GO,' G1.0-1....G1.1 f-~-~----~-~.... ,-- , \ T......_'...... .~J \ , . , Tree Preservation and Removal PWt: La.1 L1.(~L1.... L1.7-1.8C T......'_'_ Site Plan; lO.2 l2.0-l2.4,12.7 GraclngP1an: CO" C1.O-C1.4.C1.7 Stormwater and UtiUties Plan: CO.2 C2.O-Z." TAX LOT MAP Ughting Plan: EO.1 El.0. E1.1, E1.3 landscape Plan: OWNER PARTNERS LJ,. Elevations: Oregon Department or Transportalion Highway DIvlalon 680 Cottage St NE Salem, OR 97301.24'2 P: 503-986-3477 F: 503-986-4469 Conled: Richatd Upton, PE Oregon Bridge Deliv8fy Partners (OBOP) ,,65 Union St. NE Salem, OR 97301 P: 503.581.2900 F: 503.587.2929 A,1.o-A1.1 E>d'1ing - p- Total Amount ''''"''''''' SITE COVERAGE E>d"", R_ T""""""" Permanent After Improwmenl:l _.... E~lmpervtous !508,112sf ''',08311f 13,47051 12,197 sf 519,696 sf 2.3 % lnaeese Eugene Open Space 768,476 sf 11,58451 ." ." 776,892 sf 1.5 % Decrease . Landacape N1A N1A N1A N1A NJA Springfieldlrnperv10us 345.788 sf 12,166af 4,271 sf 9,720 sf 347,613 sf .5 % lna"ease Spl1ngh!d Open Space 520,227 sf '625" N1A N1A 518,402 sf .4%0ecnIrese . landscape N1A N1A N1A 12,434af' t2,434 sf "Proposed landscape pantinga ntpIace ~ open apace and do not COl'1atituta additlomll permanent open .""" PLANNER Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Sct'Iaiblt landscape Architltcts UP 160 East Broadway Eugene, OR 97401 P: 541-4~7385 F: 541~7389 Contact: Colin McAI'thI.I, AlCP LIGHTING ENGINEER DKSAssocilItltlI 1400 SW Fifth, SUte 500 Portland, OR 97201 P: 503-24J..35QO Contad; Brian CopeLn:l ENGINEER OBEC Conaulting ~ 920 Country Club Road, SUIIa 100B Eugene, OR 97401 P: 541-683-6090 F: 541-683-8576 Contact: Lany Fox, P.E. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Cameron McCarthy Gibart & Scheiba landllCllp8 Architecb UP '60 East Broadway Eugane, OR 97401 P: 541-485-7385 F: 541-485-7389 Contact: Lany Gilbert, ASlA Juatin Lanphea'", ASLA ARBORIST Sperry Tree Care Company 605 Howard Avenua Eugene, OR 97404 P: 541....61.1737 Contact: Nathariel Sperry I' '/ )' " A Z----.oilI ~ Date Received: ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST MAR 0 4 2009 Mason, Broce & Giran;I, lnc. 707 SW Washlng1on, Sutt8 1300 PoftIand, OR 97205 P: &13-22....3445 F: 503-224-6524 Contact: Stuart Meyet'S/KriStin Currens T Or~lnal ::;uomlIli:ll OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~.. CAM~KU!'l . M<<:AKTii'i OlLaSJ.T .'CHEnE L".rn.~".. ".~.IT.rTl LL' ToI "Ius.n&J ..__ ..."1....,.,. --...- . 1-5' WlllAIIETTE RIYER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC HIGHWAv LANE COUNTY SHEET N.. COYER SHEET Tl.0 FilS No. \, " , ! i-; 1\1JjJ IlJ/-=,----.:" J.' 1 L I I' I !-', 'l" 1'-7'-j '~' i ~. STGATEWOOOLAND)? - r-,' , ' /T r l'r-r- .' '~"-: l L 'l' -- ' -"-L-"~ t ~ "' )~9 r70~:=R~l,n:;;r1-:~~/:7Irh [~LL~~~ - ~,r"~'~ 7',,". +~~~ .,>--(-.) , I 1,__/,PEIt~NE~T AS~I:iALT PA1f-!-'-.!,)/_~.\,,~', ;.. 'ff !' 't \\ Tub l,,_ ,'1, il /1;(j.11 T r f-J-cu'r rrr r\,,'r)~i ~"'-fC,<~.,' '~('~"T\ , - " (I.LI 1 J . L J.A11 ,f,T '/' '",-' y, (.----u-r' -, - J!' ~I'-:-'!'I:--r:ll':- ,c..~~ i'".'-~'-.'-f~L--,-! ' / ~ --1 I' I., -- I ~ I - ( ---...1, I' ' -'-. ,-~,,-,~I ~_ ',\ raLcUl7ll33311(1011CXl _~-...-! T~-i- ~-:-( '~=U r; ~: r...l.c:C.170333410011l1 ,-!~~ ' , .~\ "c_)_L..J~ l!i. c . __ \" , L' II'D~ . , II' ~-- c-- - --==--'" L ~r . -SPRINGFIELD ,,=- ~n.C' . ('-'~.<l ~VG '"=,oL=- - ~--""r' 'Ie.-.... Ii ------.. "';,'.. I' ~ ,,~EUGENE~--",-'."''''''-''''-~, " ' Hi "W'~.. ......::::::;-+~~.__....- -'--~~'~-" ~""''''''~~, ' ~~mm~;;-''=r~,(' ~ ~ ,~~ El1j;;\lJ~~k~, ~JJ/I ";~"'::;.:!t f-'-'-'r-E[}- I"" --...,J.., 1-';1 II? -..L.,/' ~" ~ \_J : j J ! T1 I i I ""w ' ?' ....- '-'~",,p__!'_~,_L r--, ,'-...,- - - --- h-L-___'_L.. ! : .i J ~I'.Y ! : r/ i /'./;;.. : '1 r"TEMPORARYASPHALTPATHAND r'. ; h';t: :>( )..J TEMPORARY BARK PATH /: l..1./ i, ^" ..J<'.,--; H J : I~ ... ,"~"row,=, .....,...-.'0>-x/.,1, \, >'r--L~\ I I~ / . ; ~)-l ,..,,-LLy. . _--1 L) r~ j , : -.z :'~ ;~~r'yl.>',F =--(L--l1 'JL -. (.- '-, -, -, i r --i l .F r \ ' I I ': ---j '~,=f, I i '"~,,-,~: r :{K'l" .... ).,l, Ll-''- -' ~ri o? I , : ,-: I ....... '> .',' , I--=R-- 'I r- IJ WHILAMUT, ~ i-I i //'v--.J I S NATURALAREAj! ------ I: Y/'-, / ,I :. ~ ' r--: ,//:...,V-----...I:..............',r J~ ! I H -, J.-'.. v----..-j \....', ~ I ' p: \' f"T.);~;"J:3 Ri: Vi------- '- -, -, -, - / / r-\ \{/~/:;>: 15" " F- ~>l II / -------\ \///v....../ ' ' " 1./ '~"t " 1 ;' I' I ......:.....-'\ ,~//., /-.. ./ . 'i? '"~,,_'oo /1"". '/ I '-.:.:. '/\.x<)/'/ ..:x...., I,f--..... !.j ;'.... ,.'- .1 / , f:cr~ ~:{\</<.;\>\/~I'--...r/:. /" /,J-""-',y-~-o.; /I,~-'/ ~I / ) -:.o:-i__'~v/\/\' .//..,,/ ..;,! ! ~-""l~/ If ./' / -, -.... ,-> /,' ".... ~ <::' '" '-'-'---CONTRACTOR ACCESS ~1 ',s /' " /'~ ,t' , ..1' ) , ~\ ,-, - \ ' I, . r . :-::~~' .,y\::f,.~ ; i ~ _~ / ! /' I- o,Ju_",G-""\ ~~ f....'?rJ'~tJ \' \I/~'F"~'- ~ / } ,/ ~"c.-....- f\...._fLl.,--;~....~ ',' ~ \~. I.;.; ~f~;;::i--!;M4 II I I \..... ./" r ,/ ,.jJifiJ. lif\/ _______~. _ ~; dtt_d1J_dLl b"~ I I . ~P--' C___--- _'_ '__ \ J ... ,/ ,-~~~:--;:---t1----J--~i---------- ---- J / /"~ / ..~'''_'';..._'''':::.\ "'^HM) y,/' / lD'c!.' , '"~.,,- t -"_'-u-",,// Ii . -, ~ ?> , ,t-.& ~ 0;,;. ',I < If 'i~ ,'"'1 t2 I!A' I TH!S [S THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willome7te River Bridge\CAD\ lR 1H jLJ l- -Ll , , ~ // ..- / ""...... ,f~_'/ T..1ol.180303OOOl ,,,",, - "., - FEMA FLOODWAY 1~'lST... . -",-",- 'FEMA 100-YRFLOODPLAIN i - ~- .,- WILLAMETIE GREENWAY BOUNDARY, -N~'.~ GOAL 5 RIPARIAN CORRIDOR ~ BOUNOARY,(IWR) ! ) (E) TREES ' L . Approximate:area EUGENE/SPRINGFIELD BOUNDARY' 'il 1/r' OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ ~ CAMt-RUN . McCARTHY GILBERT "'SCHEIBE L..NDI(:...P.....CIlIT.CTlLL. r., Jolon.llU lllil__ '..J<lI....,UI ~oa_l .11.__..... 1---TlrI'IllT'f SHEET NO, 1'5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE . BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE (DUNTY udlt:: Receivect. ~~ ~ MAR a 4 20C3 OVERALL SITE PLAN Original ,Submittal 0' 125' 250' ~ 500' I 1000' I OS1. 0 21-JAN-2009 5,00 P.M. File No. .... " ), LEGEND , ------- ------- _ rll\ofY_rIl'JY'_ fllYV_ _ru>.FLP.F1J>.Fl.P_I'LP_ ......G.....G.YG.....G.YG. --I....~/~/Y~/....~/~ _eSB _CSB _CSB_CSB_CSB_ ---445--_ -AE -!:Ly-DllJ-lJL\I-OLY-OL.....- 0*" o . = . . ~ ~ ~ (E) f""";"~~""\"~l ,,,~~~,'$.,, ...:<"~~~,,,;.';:..'; PHASE 1 LIMITS PHASE 2 LIMITS See Note 12 (E) ODOT R/W FEMA FLOODWA Y FEMA 1OD-YEAR FLOODPLAIN GENERAL NOTES 1. Survey information from survey developed in 2008, by: OBEC Consulting Engineers 920 Country Club Rd., Su~e 100B Eugene, OR .97401 T: 541-683-6090 F: 541-683-6576 Survey: August - November 2008 2. Willamette Greenway Bou'~dary information derived from GIS data provided by OBDP/HDR ~ GOAL 5 RIPARIAN CORRIDOR BOUNDARY (/WR)' WILlAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY 3. City of Eugene Goal 5 Riparian Boundary derived from GIS data provided by OBDP/HDR f\NR CONSERVATION SET f' BACK BOUNDARY ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) TOP OF BANK (E) CONTOURS See Note #9. 4. FEMA Floodway/Flood Plain information provided by OBEC Consulting Engineers. 5. Top of High Bank derived. from combinalion of survey contours and aerial photography. 6. Soil types on the site are classified in the Lane County Soil Survey: Fluvents, nearly level; hydrlclhydrlc inclusions. Camas gravely sandy loam, occasionally fiooded, Newberg - Urban Landscape, Pengra - Urban Land Complex. (E) OVERHEAO ELECTRIC 7. Protect trunks, limbs, roots, and 'root zones of existing trees to remain. See Tree Preservation and Removal Plan ORDINARY LOW WATER MARK (OLW) for temporary exisling tree protection. (E) TREES Trees 5" DBH or greater shown. See Tree Presef\lation and Removal Plan for tree removal infonnation (E) UTILITY TOWER (E) WETlAND ACOE/DSL concurred Not a listed Goal 5 Resource . (E) TREE CLUSTER (E) SHRUB CLUSTER Outside Phase 1 Limits See Note 11. . (E) VEGETATION ' Inside Phase 1 Limits See Note 11. ABBREVIATION FOR EXISTING (E) MEADOW To be removed (E) PATH To be removed CITY OF EUGENE/CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BOUNDARY " 8. The properly lies outside the Zone of Conlribulion (9g-yr TOT), as delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map~ 9. For graphic legibility, only existing 5-ft contours shown. For existing 1-ft contour infonnation, refer to Grading . Plans. 10. All vegetation within Phase 1 Limits to be removed except where noted "To remain," . 11. Where continuous groups of existing vegetation extend beyond Phase 1 limits, they are identified as (E) Vegetation. See Legend. / 12. It is the intent for the Contractor to begin noxious weed management for entire project (Phase 2 limits) at the onset of Phase 1. Phase 2 limits shown to, indicate areas outside Phase 1 where Contractor noxious weed management may occur. 13. At areas within ODOT RIW, 'north ofWillamette Greenway Boundary I some noxious weed removal and construction activities may occur. . 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. :z THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\08DP - Willamette River Bri,d~e\CAD\ - 0' 25' 50' ~ 100' I " 200' ',:' Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal "' \ r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ g~tt:r~~ 4 r~~A:m LANDICAnA.CHlUCTSLLP T.''''I41I.'''' "0__ ....,41....".. _01l""1 ..._____ 1-5', WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Te(1m Leader - Justin Lanphear Oesigned By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kelly Densmore, Lauren Worland. Jason KaCh SHEET NO. .- EXISTING LANDSCAPE CONDITIONS PLAN File NO. GO.1 \, " '\~ (~. '-- / KEY PLAN i fG'., - t-~-----~~_.... -. f-:----' - /\,.... r.l.- GI.5 'NOT USED NUT USED EUGENE LAND ,EUGENE LAND USE ,oNW-_ 1,,,,USE ONLY / I /II THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP Willomette Rive, Bridge\CAD\ , . ~ . o > WILLAMETTE -. GREENWAY ~ . ~ . ...G.\(C;.....G.IIG.....G.....G. ~ " . " . . c FEMA 1 DO-YEAR ---! FLOODPLAIN ." . c " . c " i ~ . . ,0 I ,/ PHASE 2 LIMITS See Note 12, Sheet GO.1 . . c " . " " . c " . (E) SIGNS To remain T ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ Sympliorlcarpos albus, <4' To remi'n ~ . ~ . " OREGON DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTA110N , "i\!tt~ ~I.ileejved: , :11 '~ /;f~ ;;..il ;7','J .'\'1 1 r ~ CAMER.ON . McCARTHY GILBERT ASCHEIBE LAJ<D'CAPlAI.CHITHcn LLP T.IJ4I"'.7]" UO_......., ""''''uPJ'' H_OI~l .w..._ 1:5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE ' BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HiGHWAY LAN[ COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designee By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kolly Dons more. Lauren Worland, Joson Koch SHEET NO, MAR 0 4 2009 Original SLlbmltlal ... :z - 0' 25',50' 100' ~ 200' I / EXISTING LANDSCAPE CONDITIONS PLAN 21-JAN"2009 12,30 P.M. r File No. Gl.0 / ), " \ l \ \l '\ \l \\ '1- a\ . ~ \ \ a\ "" . ~ ,'\\ " ~ a' . ? \ '\ ,,-.... T ? \ e , ' \ .. \ 1- " , . ,\ <; , , \ . , ~ I I' 'I <; I, I ..-..../~ ~-- , ~ " . /- .' <I);' 'GW '<t." / ~ _"l";.dlJ.<n~.d' I i i i , \ i , I ! ~, ( TOP OF BANK \ ~ \ ~ \ -l \ ~ , I ..I. ~ FEMA 100- YEAR FLOODPLAIN, " I ~ I (1" .I' I s l! I' ,s. l! I ! , KEY PLAN GI;O FEMA FLOODWAY ~ <:, TOP OF BANK a: ul , \: ~ ;;,! ~ \ r , \".2 . . .. ~: l-=i---.l f-----', 'r\'~i:' ~'e .,r 'rL Gl 5 ~ y~ '!.l Gl.6 "'NOT USED '.~ NOT USED EUGENE (AND I; EUGENE LAND USE IJNLY I "'I USE ONLY /! 11/ TH1S IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River- Bridge\CAD\ (E) GRAVEL LOT To Remain (E) ASPHALT PATH To be removed OHW (E) LIGHT To remain (E) LIGHT To remain \ ~\ \ < \ ,. \ \ \ (\ < \ ~ \ ,. ~ \ .\ \\ \. ==' ~Xr1 ~~ ' ~ va ) ~7e. \, I> \ > . i ~ \ > 5 ,J ,- cl \ >, Jurisdictional Weijand A Dominant species indude: . Alnus rubra, . Geranium molle Other species include: . Salix lucida' var. lasiandra, . Populus balsamifera, . Camus serieea I . Carex obnupta, and . Rubus armeniacus. To remain (E)ODOT RIW - Dominant species include: . Rubus armeniacus To be removed . PHASE 1 LIMITS Dominant species include: ~. Rubus armeniacus To be removed /~ ( r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION r Date Received: , MAR 0 4 2009' Original Submittal ~ &~tti:~~ 4 r~<jt:nn U.MDtCAU AJ.CHIT!CTI LL' T,l"""f.1IU ,...._ ...,..,4.,.111' ~ 01.".1 .m...____ 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 22D PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY ) Design Team Leade, - Justin Lanphear Designed "Sy - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - K.olI)! Donsmore, Lauren Worland, Jason Koch SHEET NO. ,..-- :z: '0' 2S' SO' 100' ~ I 200' EXISTING LANDSCAPE CDNDITIONS PLAN \ G1.l - 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. Fife No. s ~ . 'f . 'f --' . ---- 'f ~( I . \ I 'f -.),. j " ~l~"m)- / ,~~ "~.. I E +--t-+- ~z. ,~ /', I ~, A E "~4 '" ....G "'G._ '\.~~" ---- . ~ . I! ~\~ , '6i~J~-z,~ \\\\ .4;;~~"-- It"'- .3_. .~\\.,_:; _ ,-----1, t1 liP f7 - ~ . rr~~J.:,t.. ~IJ Gl.6 \, ..... IL Gl.5 :; NOT USED NOT USED -1. EUGENE LAND EUGENE LAND;I USE ONLY USE .{JNL r 17 II I . " 'd e\CAO\ Will-amette River Sri 9 E LOCATION Z,\OBOP - THIS IS THE FILE NAM \, " . Ii ,!'; KEY PLAN .., , \ Dominant species indude: . Rubus annerJiacus, \ o ~ T ~ FEMA 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN OHW -- r ~---. / / "- ~\~- r @ / " E o u/ r ,.--- L,--, ,-"" A E- ~~~$; - '- -~~i (E) ODOT TEMPORARY I rj o diJ OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Date Received: G CAMERON .l t'i;'it:nn. P"~~I~~P~ T.....CKlTBCTl LLP T.'",.....,," ::'~ ~~t: Gl.0 GI.l 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER, BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal. , T om Leade, - Justin Lanphear DeSign e Desig~ed By ~0JU~;~~e~on::r~:~d, Joson Koch Drafted By - Kelly Densmo , SHEET NO, . O' 25' 50' ~ Gl.2 100' I 200' I EXISTING LANDSCAPE CONDITIONS PLAN - :z: 21 -JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. File No. " \, , ~ " \f\ d I --- ~ I ~ I Dominant species include: .' Rubus armeniacus, . Conium maculaturn. To remain 'FEMA FLOODWAY Jurisdictional Wetland A Dominant species include: . Alnus rubra I . Geranium molle Other species include: . Salix lucida var. Jasiandra, . Populus balsamifera, . Camus serieea, . Carex obnupta, . Rubus arrneniacus To remain , \: A E ' ~ --____L~ , /' N-- --r=, - (E) ASPHALT PATH to be removed " I 7 ,- > e 1 , > e / 'v " . / , (E) UTILITY TOWER OHW To remain -" . Conium maculaturn, <4' \ r , Lathyrus laOfolius, <4' " r ( , (E) OVERHEAD _ Senecio jacobaea, <4' '7 ' . , r UTILITY LINES To be removed >. \ . 1 "Taremaln cl I \ _ _ ~ _ _ _ A E \....-r A E A E -A E-t is. ~ I d- ' ---------- -- I ~ 3E\ 'II -AE AE-' AE AE AE'-- ~__-1' I' _______~____..,.---------------\. ~ ~ ::pf' III t1-- M---- ~m1nanispecleslnclu(je: (J \ JT r ~- ~ ~ "-\' (1) - Rubu.s an71~niacus, >4' . \ . l ~ Camus sencea, >4' "\ .~\ <)<; - 5; Hedera helIx, <4' 'J 1-5 DETOUR I To be removed , ~ ~ ~ ~' Foeniculum vulgare, <4' BRIDGE I Rubus armen/acus, >4' ' t ,'" I ~ . To be removed ---!:1.. To remain ~; Hedera helix, <4' t\ ~ (~ ~ Rubus anneniacus, >4' .---:; "" -l To be removed \ \ ,-- . Hedera helix, <4' \, ) L / /.' (E) H. ISTORIC MILLRAC, E WALLS - . a _.l Foeniculum vulgare, <4' u ,- CysOsscoparius, <4' "~~~~~~~~1~~~~~JL~~ Partially-preserved/modified by constructio~ >' To be Temoved I () ~-l Comussericea, >4' --~----==~;c:::'=:=;==,=- __~~~::~;:~~:E~~:R~~::~~~___~'; ~~/~:;:4' 'c, ~d ;.,O~~;~E BIKE PATH - - - --*:~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~(111 ____________________________ \ I .~ " " / ~~. , y,:'J7 ~A~/ I. 1-'/" I / " " // / // .... // j//.... " "/' / // / /t/ " " " / j " /, ~. //'iIA ~ / ~ ~~ / ~~/ / c8" , -:---------- ------ ------ OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,KEY PLAN ~ CAMUON . McCAllTHY GILBERT. SCHEIBE LANDlc..n....CKlTECTlLL. t., "'''J.7I~ ,,,__ ~..s.l141J.7IU B_OI.fflID, oNl........__ at! ./~~~''".f:ff..;:! ;r -:ff/ ...P;;::,:-- Ir- MAR 0 4 2009 1,5, WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE. BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Date Received: Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - JUSTin Lanphear Drafted By - Kolly Densmore. Lauren Worland, Joson Koch SHEET NO. Gl.O Gl.3 (;1.2 Original Submittal '-------4' - 1- /~\. ._. 1._ Gl.5 NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE iJNU /1 0' 25' 50' 100' ~ I 200' I, EXISTING LANDSCAPE CONDITIONS PLAN - :z: I HIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ File No. 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. t ~" . ? . .' /~~ ~I / -; a) ,. ~ '~ ..I ~I I ! ~ ,,~ I 'f I .fVR_/Vlit_/Vlit_rwR_ ....v"'_....v, -llotR.... , 'j / , "'"- \AucB~sTA ST. - I ,-- -.;:"- - - - ( . '- -=-_ \ ,--=, "'-'L-<::' Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 / Original Submittal r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION KEY PLAN :z: O' 25' 50' -= _---.J ~ , 100' H CAMBRON 0 McCARTHY OILBBRT ""SCHEIBE L"'''D'ICUIAJ.CIIIYICTlLL' Yol..\....nu 111"'_ ,.,"'I'll-nlt . _0-.....1, iA G'.' [:,.2 lJ., ~ ~ ;J"i-: \--~---:::'-;--J. ,-----'. /;y fi, ..-. I'.J_ GI.5 j! ~i.l GI.G NOT USED . -I NOT USED EUGENE LAND ~EUGENE LAND USE fJiY 7"uUSE ONLY ,/ /If THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION 'Z:\OBDP - WillClmette R(vsr- Bridge\CAD\ GI.O ,/ -V 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY 200' , I Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - JusTin Lanphear Drafted By - Kelly Densmoro. Lauren Worland; Jason KO~Ch SHEET NO. ... EXISTING LANDSCAPE CONDITIONS PLAN Gl.4 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. Fife No. '.-- I " ;,'1 r- -- ,.' /' ./'" / -/.. --- /' /' /' /' .....:-; /'./'" /' ./'" 1- /' /'" /' /' /'" /' /'/,/' ---- -------- --/'/' I / ~ / / "- / / / ------- / / -.... / -.... / / / ./ Rubus armeniacus, <4' Hedera helix, ,4' v / , '-- Date Received: ~. , MAR 0 4 2009 i' 'oj' Original Submittal. Co ,""O~.~"G,'" , !#~ , j$ \c:i!.z ~.3 ~ . 1'-~-----i_--.l r-----' t/;%' ". ,"" *'~ fI Gl's1 J.' ~i.l Gl.6 ,/.., -NOT USED, NaT USED EUGENE LAND I EUGENE LAND USE iJNLY lilt/USE ONLY - /1 /11 . i/ ~ I r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION F KEY PLAN ~:z: = 0' 2S' SO' ~ 100' ~c ~ttt::~~ .t rtC::m. LANDIC..,.....CBITICTlLU T.I"I"I.1)U 1"""_ fu UI 411.m' _O..fl4Il afftooo___ 1.5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE. BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE GOUNTY 200' t , Design Team Leader - JUG tin Lanphear Designed By - Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kelly Dons~ore. Lauren Worland, Jason Koch SHEET "0. EXISTING LANDSCAPE CONDITIONS PLAN Gl.7 THIS IS THE FiLE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willomette River ~ridge\CAD\ 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. File No. " LEGEND _rovr_F1l\iY_f"IIV1_ .VG.VG....G.VG.VG. --/V~/V~/V~/V~/V~ -eSll-en -CSS -CSt -CS8- / -OLV-OLV-lILV-CLV- ~ ~ ~ I-~ I I I' , \./ J ~- I{&&~\' ,m<~.? __._____ '::;,:iI" I:i!~~~~~~~i~m~i!~~~i~~ :';~Il:;i:i:li~lrr~m!:~w';I' :~:i~~ii~U~ii~m:~!!~J!!i : (E) PHASE 1 LIMITS (El ODOT R/W FEMA FLOODWAY WILlAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY GOAL 5 RIPARIAN CORRIDOR BOUNDARY (IWR) TOP OF HIGH BANK See Note 5. WATER RESOURCE CONSERVATION SETBACK BOUNDARY ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) ORDINARY LOW WATER MARK (OLW) (El TREES Outside Phase 1 (El TREES TO BE REMOVED (E) TREES TO BE PRESERVED PROTECTION FENCING f1\ See Note 7. ~ CRITICAl ROOT ZONE (CRZ) Eugene only See Note 10. (E) WETlAND ACOE/DSL concurred Not listed Goal 5 resources IWR CONSERVATION AREA ABBREVIATION FOR EXISTING Phase 1 GRADING LIMITS See Note 9 THIS'IS' THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette Ri'ver Bridge\CAD\ TREE PRESERVATION NOTES 1. Survey information from survey developed in 2008, by: ./ OBEC Consulting Engineers 920 Country Club Rd., Suite 100B Eugene, OR 97401 T: 541~683-6090 F: 541-683-6576 Survey: A~gust - November 2008 2. vVillamette Greenway Boundary informalion derived from GIS data provided by OBDP/HDR. 3. City 01 Eugene Goal 5 Riparian Boundary derived from GIS data provided by OBDP/HDR. 4. FEMA Floodway/Flood Piain information provided by OBEC Consulting Engineers. 5. Top of High Bank derived from combination of survey contours and aerial photography. 6. All existing trees 5" OBH or greater have been shown. 7. Protection fencing will be provided as means to protect existing vegetation to remain, existing trees to remain, and proposed landscape. See Detail lIL 1.8A. 8., See Sheets L 1.8A-L 1.8C for Tree lriventory. 9. Grading iimits for path work and contractor staging/access provided, All trees wnhin Phase 1 Limits are su.bject to significant disturbance and may warrant removals beyond grading limits impacts. All anticipated tree removals within Phase 1 Limits provided. '. 10., Crilical Root Zone (CRZ)- The CRZ for trees 5" DBH or greater shall be an area 1'6" from the trunk for every 1" DBH size. Within this zone, only trenches boring at pre-authorized depths, "air-spade" trenching, or hand-digging allowed. 11. CRZ shown only for trees within City of Eugene that are outside ODOT R/W or are wilhin Goal 5 resource areas within ODOT R/W. 12. At areas north of Willamette Greenway, within ODOt R1W, Phase 1 work may include some incidental construction access and noxious wee~ management. 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. 1 ., I > / Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION '18& ~tr::~~ A r-CCH^lrn U.NOICAPHA"ClllTHCTll.l.' T.IJ41...."" 1M _ -...- 'IK J41..,.".. E_O..fMIlolno.._ 1"5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE-BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Teom Leader - ,Justin Lanphear Designed By - Lauren Warlend, Justin Lanphear DrQiiec1 By - leureil Worlend SHEET NO. TREE PRESERVATION, AND REMOVAL PLAN LO.! File No. > " ( KEY PLAN ~ \ ~\ /.'LP -~d#: ',' \'\\~lI" . ': '...--: -... 1(\ ~--"'l"-=-----' ,-----1 UjP';" ~ ~, 1I.' J "..... . ~~yq/ ..I NOT USED NOT USED EUGENE LAND EUGENE LANO .uSE .pNLY r/IlE ONL Y 1I.6, ..!:.1.5 I , / / /I THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willomette River Brid.Qe\CAO\ . > . ...G.....G.vc;.1JCi....G. ~ ~ WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY / , , ) - PROTECTION FENCING See Note 7 Sheet LO.1 ~. '~ '" ~ ~~~ ~, ~ ..r->...~~ ' O-l. '\, o \'\, o ' 9t - PHASE 1 LIMITS ...-.-- z: O' 25' 50' -: ~ 100' 200' 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. ) Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION H CAMERON' MCCARTiiY OILBBR.T AoSCHEIBB L""DIC"U ...cHITBCTI LLP T,I,.I..,.,... 1"__ ... J.l1 4tH'., _oat'l4llom..._ 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 22D PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Teom Leader - Justin Lanphear Desio;;:ned By - Lauren Worland. Just!:l Lanphear Drafted By - Lour en Worland TREE PRESERVATIDN, AND REMOVAL PLAN Ll.0 File No. . / SHEET NO. \ \~ ( '\ h \\ \l ,\ \'t \V \\ \ \ , \ \, T i\ i ~ , \ IT t '- 1 f ) ,/'" , /" /'/" / , I , \ , \ , \ , \ , .1 \~ I' '~.A1 ,,~~j (' \\ \@.O '_'\.. J t "" ,!f;t, I KEY PLAN , ~ \ 't FEMA FLOODWAY ~ TOP OF BANK - ~ \ e I OHW ~ I E , .' " , .' " I s ~ I . ," I . ~ I 0::: UJ > 0::: UJ ~- UJ ::2: ::s .....J ~ OLW ,~ u.o \ \ \---' - '0;. \ \ \ " -' , , , , , l , p ~\ e \ ", '0;. ~\ \ \1 't: t') .,~ e \\ \ ,~__~\ 0 \iJ.Pe , ~h\ \e~~ \ ~\)\, oC\~ '. .,,\\(\'~ .\1..-J-~ \ .~ ~"B ~,\ ,I \ \. , le\ ~ ~~~. ~ ~ \~/' ~ \ ' \ :> ~ . ~(_ ~,j 1 \\ \~ ~\ \\ 'I "'-';. -', , " \ , ;. , c;. \ > ;. ,J "- ;. I > " \ -z: 0' 25' '50' - ~ '- 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. . 'VILlAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY ODOT RfW PROTECTION FENCIN See Note 7 Sheet LO.1 PHASE 1 LIMITS Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal / 'v 1t= OREGON DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATlON 100' I 200' Ji \ '\ \' {~L ~~~,., ~' \lI., _ -=l _~(N ,':.\ .--F~: ,- 1.__---.= __'.. _.._____.. ,t&- , l...-'":"-----~ ~ I \ I'; V ~ L1.4 , .t----.J~, - ~~. _' - ... - , .,... NOT USED NOT USED EUGENE LAND' EUGENE LAND USEjJN~Y //USE ONLY lI.' ,l1.5 tll /1 II . T\-115 IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:'\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ ~ ij~t"::~~ . ~c'i.^:r~~ LANDICAP! U,CHITRCTI LLP T.IHI"HlU 1110 _ -..., P.. ..I <1J.71U ~_".t'l"'I..ffIoo._ I 1-5' WILLA METTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ',HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY DeSign Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designod By - Lauren Worland, Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Lauren Worland SHEET NO. TREE PRESERVATION AND REMOVAL PLAN Ll.l File No. \, r' .. 'J .c 'J . 'J . :{. :{. ** ~ -A E A E.~-~<:L-_A~ :{. :!,.,~:{. ~ 7 :: ~.,^iitj~~ - ~!L-A E -/1 -~~~G 0'1i."'''.':> . _~3____________ --. 'J . .1,1<3.",,,.5 ~~-="--=---.-~--:'::"~_~_~_~_...-__ __ 'J SPRINGFIELD _-------- 0 -V- EUGENE - ------- I ~~ " , --------------------- ~ - - 4 -~:=:~~~~g~~~~AY ,~-,-~-:-,-=~~~~~~"-~~-,-:-~=,~_:_c-"'~"-==~~~-~-~~~~~ed-____-~- -, -----1-- --_J!f BOUNDARY, . _______ _ - , - - " - ---::--o-..".~--o-~~--= :::;=-_-_--:--_ ---- ] _~ ',"'!~~ote11,SheetLO.1 '~---T-- - __ ______ -+ iil'J ' ~,.~,Y8,,;;:....__ m~_ "', . . ...--* -.-!~,~, ~.,~4~' ~cs . "- "it:lJIiz-, ~ 650" a.....CS '-- \,'\ Cl / ~ 8" 1 .:. "0"" ,,,) . ......_____ ~ - -/ - - -,~~' --- -__~T4='=-==-:;..~='=-=--====-==-,-,-,-,-,-,- 1m!! .:> . /~ .,,, .... ----.fJ ------ .:.;.-~--=-.;;,=.;-.-_.!m-- · J'":> "-'It..,... ~- 1---. . ~~m ;: <J \f ; .A E~ _ A.1::1I-- .....---Qr.}-A E _ A E- 6!IJ75c: ./,' 1.,,/,/.3 /1- l~lE. - ~~~::c-- A E A: E 'A: E- 3:E." ,..,1 /. fl' ~ ~ I ! / $ :> " / f ~ $ :J, " I I ~.:> il Iv / /" , '<" ~ .::.q. ",4> / f 1\ $' 1'1 i / if f "..,' ~ ~ F ! " c: ~ ~ lj I 'I \ l!!l ~ r <.; l \ I I ~ k " / ",' ~ ----1 -.-----.-.- -.-.-.- WIUAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY TOP OF BANK See Note 5 Sheet LQ.1 OHV' Q .~ . g -.- OLW -A E A [- A [ , c E -'--(E) ODOT R/W , PHASE 1 LIMITS " E. ~-A ------- ~ -~rr- ----- -A E A ~-AE A [, PHASE 1 GRADING LIMITS, Typical \: - (E) TREES ' - r/ /:, _-- __-,..._~:~-~~ed---- ~ __ __ . \~ --~=====-=L -----~~- _L _~~_~~_:~---------- - ---.,;----:;;:~ ~~m . 651J_ _ ~ggr, 65'':' ~ - :~~ '511" I - -H;:r-==nm~~~- ~ ~ l:lt!9. . !!:~ Hl~f ~m~ .. .S1Q" ~gm '511~- r&":~J - -----u E:J r 1 --u-iJ - --------------=---'---~~_.- ----~----_. KEY PLAN 11.0 .dJ1 11.' .~" ~ If ' ~--- NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE CfLf ILI.S /1 u LJ '" " .. ./ " .. I;' i' . l .< , ; j ,'" .^ ".,~ , _'t-f\'- .,.",_t.r.! ~l!r.I_l!"'I-l!~/-'d"'I.-l!IV-l!"'I-l!""I-l!I'I/-l!""_l!I'I/_lll'l/_l!IV_l>I'\I- ,^' ~... ,.... "52O'l,*-SS22D ~~~~ ' "0190 6521] 65215. ",,7'" ~~ ,=":::::""'20,:5 fiSWO--___ 0""0 ."'" ~~~i~~ :;~:!~ ~ \~~'!'"~. " ~5:~::=~ _ ,,,,ga 0 ---:~lH~ g< ."90...... ~ - _ .651" .......... ',""'~,'~ ,651110 ..... .5,.7 o 8 o /' r OREGON DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTA1l0N i , Date Received: ~ CAMERON. McCAIlTKY GILBERT "'SCHEIBE .U.MD''''oPB A"CHlT~CTl LLP Tol14IOlI.llU 1"_1_ ~u.J4IO".lJn 1_"""'''1,,_0_ MAR 0 4 2009 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE. - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Original Submittal Ll.4 Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By Lauren Warl and. Justin Lanphear Drafted By Lauren Worland NOT USED EUGENE LAND lirE ONLY L1.'_ f/ SHEET NO. 100' I 200' 0' 25' 50' - ~ TRE,E PRESERVATION, AND REMOVAL PLAN . :z: L1.2 , TH1S 15 lHE.F1LE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ . 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. File No. / " , \0, , \ > " j',X"'i .\1 ~)\~ ~\ \ TEMPORARY ASHPAL T PATH Phase 1 \ .\ \ \ \ ll/ E-\ , (E) UNION PACIFIC RJW--- _/11--__ (E) ODOT RN\I _ _ _ _ PERMANENT BRIDG SUBSTRUCTURE WILLAMETTE GREENWAY . BOUNOARY i , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .... FEMA FLOODWA Y TOP OF BANK ,*-552,. *.5"" / / / / / / ( ~ KEY PLAN OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION '_~ l1.1 &;~ I _ =~ l'-------s l '''---''. - /' NOT USED NOT USED EUGENE LAND' EUGENE LAND USE jJNV /!~;E ONL Y 1I.S / I !II .' i / ~ CAM~ . McCAJ\THY GILBERT ASCHEIBI! LANDICA.I""CRITICT.LL. T.1SolIOlH1U 1"''''_ 'ul41411.nn "_0111'" ofn.......-..- Date Received: ,~ U;O Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed By - Lauron Worlcnd, Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Lauren Worland MAR 0 4 2009 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE. BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY / fLl.2 Original Submittal 1I.4 SHEET NO. 200' I 100' I O' 25' 50' ~ U.6. TREE PRESERVATION, AND REMOVAL PLAN -: :z: I Ll.3 TH,IS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD~ 21-JAN'2009 12,30 P.M. '1 File No. ~ ......:;;;;- ~.-,- ~;., .--;:;;::;:;;-~ -$"/ ~~... 'v <'"" .-<'_'" Co' _ -;e:> _--_-- _~\lG '.,,. ~ J --- ---;;:- --- .--"' ~ y mi4 /- li / ; / '0: ",O=~ --~-" \Ifc:;~~~\-_::>"/_-~~:>-- /.-0- " 4.. ij /~" ~(E)UNION;ACIFIC~""'~_-- /- -\\- _- D;t,,;~_ _~_ ~ r'';' '/1' ~ -PHA~SE1L1MITS"" 0 __----::- _ _~~:---- _ ,,/,,' / \ pO, ~---::--- __ -_0"'" \\ _--- _~.-;?" r' {' , -, ~ ' _ __ ~ \ _ ...... / :~ ~ ./ ,r: I ek -' ,-_- ~____ @ .-_- r ~ \ "'. '.~_______/'-- , _-- __ .- r, \ "::.---- ~--- ~ _ - 7/ I ~;-, 1/...... rmJ - - -,..,-: /:.':.':.':.'/ 9_/:~Ci> -----=" --'"' PHASE 1 GRADING LIMITS ._' _/r r / j f...........- ~ ;:'/.- - Typical _..-~__-\\ ,c. 1 '-/ ;1 ,,/' / __~... \\ I r' ~~/ rO:P' _ _--;:-....... , //:---- / 6~'S/ _' ,-1-/',-1' ./ Y __' f/ // ,/ :.. /' <;~ // ,,::0' n "e,----' / 1/ / ~///. /;::Z- 0 ~-7f'~ / / ~/ r ., / ~ r ,;____0 , S;RINGFIELO__ \ / ,;'/- -~-EUcfENE- LO o!I-- // ,/ V' """"''Y r /\ ,/ r " --- , Date Received: ) MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal r 0' 25' 50' 100' 200' -: ~ I I . Z 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. l, --'"'- -- :~~d l.~~*- '". I~ / , , , , / / , , / , r r , r , .' r-' """'. a,"o-A ~'-~I~.~M~--:-~~I- /'~ 1/ i I \ -.... I ~~'""- ,__,.,;\-,_,,_ - -t w *-"""'^ " ~ IGE ,~ @.'771 @.'77J I L_, l' --, I I I @...-- I r KEY PLAN \ ,JI 11.1 \~ 7:;~~< ~ ~7 . \ S ~,.3 __ '"__ LU.2 !:..~_~ ------l-'--------'l I r-----' U Itfr - ,1---~ . )};.l \..1- NOT USED .' NOT USED EUGENE LAND EUGENE LAND USE '7N r 1/IllE ONLY 1l.6, 11.5 . / /1 / LO' CATION-Z'.\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ THIS 15 THE FILE NAME 11.0 ';/0/// r / r , , A?".--/, /, ~~~~ w I__~~ --toS' / / " .~ I / ~ .~ ~ -@/-/~ ,.,/ ~.;' ____? '/ 0 ~"'" tJ>V r-' / I;' ...~ /.:,q.. // ,.J> fl. ..J ~ 9c"...."'~ ~ I ,:.: .....-VI?\ .; & .:,/ "Cs, lp ~ ! /cl')-~-"l. .lE'" I"'i!-; ,'P_1\lR_/I.;!) I .,,,,....... y""- "oJ' <[' 5 .....1'..90""; to';.'!...... 'CSB_CSB-d_ I'-v!?_.- .....1'...90 r to";'!...... ! "'". .....c"."'..... lsll_cs'\I.....toS'\l l )' , < ., I , .- ItR-/\IR-/\iR-/VR_1vR, ~ A ': , / , , " i ., ,- < i ~ I I " , , < , . I '0 < ~ . I I " , > < , f I T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION H CAMERON. McCARTHY GILBER.T oIoSCHElBE L..ND.C..rB.....CDITBCTlLLP T.15414.1.1JI5 1"'__ p..541411.71" E_OI.'I401orn..o_ 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - Justin Lanphear Designed 6)' - .Lauren Worlcnd. Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Lauren Worland SHEET NO. TREE PRESERVATION AND REMOVAL PLAN 'L 1. 4. File No. \ />' // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // ' // // // // // // v/ ,/ // // "'(/ ",-;:::/ \ /;-;:/ \ // // // // // ~~/ // ...-:;/ // ';;//:i~; ----/-;/ ~~~; --- ... .,- ...- --- . .,"6~ __ // 17o.l' / / ' / / .,'/- /y/ .",a. ~"" ..5l /"1"" ::~: /5' /"'010 ..../p.- ."", ...->7'" """" /~,~ . -,<;;-:>>--- -':;>"" _--r:;~~ ...o';}/ ,,?'/ PHASE 1 LIMITS (E) ODOT RIW / ~ ,\'\:~~/ /" 6'~.J""" ""'" \ ~::;~2 \ / / / / / / / / ( / / / / , / / / ~ 'C / / / / / / / / o r: - """,,- ~ ~' :~~ '. ~~ /:.'~... i:~ ~O ...~... ~~~; ,,/ ~/ / ' '-- / j KEY PLAN MAR 0 4 2009 T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION H g1tI::~!j! i: :c~A:rn U,tlDIC"PB ".CHIT!CTlLL' T.114IUl.lllj '. _ ___ ~.. 541 41.1-1l., 8_01."*' ofn.........u- riAL,'" -----c ~J~2 J ~~_____, r-~-----~---...,.l,i J " _ /~~:. _" '7 -,' NOT USEO NOT USED EUGENE, LAND - EUGENE LAND USE QN4Y jJ'ltlE ONLY 1I.' 1I.5 i; II ~' 11.0 i Date Received: Original SubmittF'~ 1-5: WILLA METTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE EOUNTY L1.4 Design T 80m Leader Justin Lanphear Designed By Lauren Worland. Justin LonphsQr /- Drafted By - Louren Worland O' 25' 50' 100' 200' SHEET NO, . '2: -: ~ I I TREE PRESERVATION AND REMOVAL PLAN Ll.7 2I-JAN-2009 File No. \ 12,30 P.M. THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ " ~ TYPICAL TREE "'.;v... PROTECTION ~ .. <1 \::>'" ""' (NO PAVED SURFACES) . ""t7<1 l:> '" <J~'<;7~4 t> 6' maximum , ,'m,-'jt t~l'-:'f= '] "" _."lakBs 4'mIOr~~~ /1 I WOOD, CHAIN 6' METAL TFENCe--./ Zonenf L1NKOR '_. STAKES TYP. 'Protection ORANGE POLY , CONSTRUCTION FENCING. FENCING DETAIL NOTES: No'soil grade changes or compaction shall lake place within the Protection Fence, except as directed. '. No storage of material shall be allowed within the Protection Fence. No root over 2" shall be cut without approval of the urban forester (or an approVed arborisl). Root'! shall be cut with approved saws. no roots shall be cut 01 10m during trenching with power equipment such as backhoes and trenchers. Utility lines and irrigation or other pipes shall be installOd by hand digging or tunneling under roots, as necessary, 10 avoid CuttIng roots 2" and larger. PROTECTION FENCE .~ ~ omQ;) . , I=""~ 220, WlI.m"" R"''' .""''---1__1 I-i&~= iBundle220:Wi arnette River Brldn8 ~~~ I I Exlstlnq Conditions Plan l I 8.12.200f Exl$tln~IConditlon$Plan Ifree Invenlorv & AssesslTBnl Iheelr,..enlCN"Y&.ol6$eS$lTlllnl , , , , , , , , , , ~ GENUS 110 SPEClES COMMQfl NAME "H HEALTH/ STATUS '''''' 0 ICOMMOJI flAME I OBH HEAlTH/ CONDITION IGENUSIloSPECIES CQNnITION STATUS H<ms """ [;oniferous '" E~iS11rl!Jloprese...... "'" PopuIuslnchocan>a BlackColtOOWOod lB.24,2O Fair E.islinQ10 """"'"'. ~"" MalussPl> ,~. " FaLr E~'slinQ 10 Ie""""'. "'" P<>ll'JluslnC/'lOcarw I:::: ~~= (~~~ ~~~;6 e_ E.islinQ10 r'''n'.... "'" MalussPP ,~. ,. ,- Exisllrl!Jlo""",,,",. i5071 IPO\ll.l'ustr;chocat]Ja Fait ExislinQ10re"",,", ,~ ..c....macropnyMum BiQIoafMaple '" ~ ~linQlore"""" ti5072 IPseudolsugatnllru:iallli lDOulllas-l'ir , Fair Exisltnll10mrnow. 53910 Coniferous , E~istingloremow. 65iiT3 IPsaudolsUQatnllru:iesii lCi<:<das-lir " Fair Exis1ino10 """"'"' 53\112 ConilillOUS , IExislilKllo""",,,",. i5Ori'" IPs......x.ts<JOa;tnIlnzi...ii lOouolas-lir " ~ Exis1inQ10 "'1nO\8. ;;-m ~~ '" lE.iSljngIOtll<J'lO\lil. ~ IPsel.dol:s<JOa;tnIlnziesii lDlXllllasAir " - Exis1'nQlll"''''''''' "'" , Dacidwus '" lExislinQlll,"""""", 65076 ISall>;spp. lW,1ow " Fajr E"islifllllllpres....... ",", , ~_. '" ~iflll1P"'mo~. ~n ISall>;sPO. lWilow " ,- EXlSlifllllllOresenoe "'" , lDeciduou. '" ExisllnQ10 "''''''''' 15078 ISallXsPP. w,~ " ,- ExisljnqlO"'mo", 53wl , lDac'OUllUS '" ~lifllll0"''''''''' "'" lCaloceclrusoacurreos lnc1>rtsaOildar " Fair =:"ist'nqlllre"""" 54018 , 'ICon'lerous " Ex'SllnQ10 "''''''''' i5081 lP<>PUIuslMchocaroa ~acl:.CoI100\WJ0d 29.42 ,- E"islinqlll"''''''''' ~: , IDeciduous .. IExislifllll0"',""",. "'" lCalocedrusdecurrens -.""'" " fair EXlSlifllllll"',""", , IDecIOUllUS " lExi.lifllll11P....O....... "'" lP<>PUIuslMchocaroa lllaCkCo1101l'1N00d1 " Fa,r ~xi'IJll\llore"""". ~30 , ,~~ . JExIS1irlQlO"''''''''' "". lCalOCe<lrusdecur",n. lnceI1seCadar , " ""'" O:x'SlinQ10 rernow ~~~ , lUln<lilmus W Ib,sllnglO"'m<Ml. ,~~ IAce,macmonyllum BIQleafMaple ,.. ""'" ol.UrlQ10 re"",,",. , IConililf'<l(lS W IExisling10 J'(tmQ\e "'" IGalocedrvsdecumm. Incense Cedar , '" - ExiSlinq10 rem<Ml. ~ IAb'esproc"", INcOIeFI' " ""'" IExist,nq10 prese......, i5087 , , Fair EXlSlioo10 "'m<Ml, ~559 r~ m"m~"'"m BIQlealMaple ~563 IPseud<llsuqam&r\Ziesii 100000as4ir " GoOO IExi'li~c IOI>lmoo.e i50aa Poouluslnchocarpa lBlackCol1onwoodl '" Fair Exislinclore"""",, ,,- IPseudolsugamenziesii 100000as4i, " ""'" IExisliJl(]IIlJ'(tI'l1O\e. ,~.. Poouiuslnchocarpa IBlackColtcnv.<xxl1 '" Fai, ExislillQlore"""" i15l17 lPseudolsugamenziesii lDoudas.jj, 6", ""'" IElcislioolllremow "'" POOliuslnchoc..-oa IBlackCotlcnv.<xxll '" ,~ Exi.lioolO",rT\O\e. i1568 IPseudolsUllamenziesii lDouolas.jj, '" ""'" ElinglOrem<Ml ).5091. Poouluslnchocarpa IBlackCollonv.<xxll ,. - Existil'l(llorem<Ml. i1~ Ip.eudolslJ!lam&r\Ziesii 10000Bs.{ir , '" ""'" lExist,nc10 """"'" "'" IP<>PUIUSlr\Cf)OCatJ1a IBlaC;;Coltonv.<xxll w ,~ ExisliOOlo"'m<Ml. i1571 IPnJrKlsSOO IChe"", , " - 1"E.lSlill(llopre.eMl """ ?<l!)UIUS1~~ IBlaCi<GollonwoodI 16.24 e., ExislinQ10 m"";:;;;-- i1573 JCralaecussoo IHawthorn , 11"'. ~. ,~ IExislifH)loore._, ,- 1~'P!.!uslri<:l'1<x:'!fl!" IBlaei<Collonv.<xxlI " Fair E~i'I'~_'o"'rn<I\<l 31578 lQuert:usl:.elloooii lBlaei<Oak , ,. - IExislino10 PnlSe...... "'" lP<>PUIuslrichocarpa IBraci<Coltonwoodi " ,~ Exislino10 "'m<Ml. l1565 IOUEItCUS"e1lo!1!11i IBlaekOak , '" - IExislinQlo"""",,, "'" lP<lllUIustMchocarpo 'IBlac;;Collonwoodl '" e~ E.i.lir>etorem<Ml. l1511T AnxJlu.menz,esll 1M"""''''' , '" ""'" lExi"n~torelTlO'lOl "'" IP<lllUIustMchocarpo IBfaekColton'MlOdl " ,~ Exl.lirl!llo,"""""", i15n PseudotslJ1llmenziesii lDoudas-fir , " ""'" IExi.linctorelTlO'lOl "'" IP<>PUIusIMChocarPa Black CollonwoodI " Fair lExisling10 """"'"' i"i"""'590 ll,<tJu!usmenzresn iMadItJne '" eoo, lb'Slincto",,,,,,,,",. "'" II'<lplIIUSlncnocarpa BlaOKO>1IO<lWOO<lI '" Fair IExislifl(]10 """""'_ i1lS05 "raxlnuslalikllia IOreoonAsIl ". ""'" IlOxisfirl<lropnoseMl ~100 lPoPUIuslMchocarpa iJiackColton'M>Odl '" - IExislil'1ll10rem<Ml ~1620 ::aIocedrusdecumm. 1"I""enseCedar ,. EXCellenl IExi.tirl\llo",,,,,,,",. '65101 IPr1otJ/U</I'!<:IIocaf'PB iJlac"ColtOl'lYlQOdI " - IExislil\Qlorem<Ml '1621 Pseu<lOl1llll1BtnIlflZ,eSi, lDouolas-~f " ""'" lExisliOOlore"",,",. ~ lP<lClUIuslrtchocaroa IJ1ackColt........xx11 ,. faiT /Exisl,nOlOrefl"lCMl. i1in .o,rbulu.manziesii lMa<lmne ,.' ""'" lExislinolll"""""'. "" IP<lllUI1I51Mchocaroa BlackColt........xx11 " '00' E~'.l'oo 10'""""""'. :ii!l4. ,- ~ : ~il"!,'MaoIo , 11.10 - PseudolsllOlltnllflZiesii IDouoIas.~' ,~ IExi.lirl!llo",mme. .65104 lAcerrnacrooh~Jum IExis!'~_to,"""""",. :ii95 P.eudolsLlOlltnllflZiosil 100000as.~r '" '00' IExi.lir>Olo"'m<Ml. ''" IFraxinl,l$llIlJloha OreoonAsll " Fair lExislioolo"'mme. .", .o,rtJul<JSmenziesii IMad"",," " ""'" IE~i.lir>illllle"",,", "" IFrnxinuslat,foIia OraQOnAsn , t2' Fair !Exi.lill(ltorem<Ml ::i52.i '~I,I$OatlVaM IOregonWllileOakl " G"'" IExi.lir>illoremow. "'" lFraxi........lalofolia OreQOJlA.n 1(5)x4.6 ""'" IExi.lill(llo"'m<Ml "" '1rbulu.menziesii lMadrooe , '" Exoellenl .Exislirl(]lllremow. "" IAce,macropllyllum BiOleafMaple , 22.24 G"'" ~ExislLno 10 "'''''''"' <1.521 PS(jUljOlSlICl'ltnllflZ,aSi, IDoudas.tr , '" ""'" IExislirl!lloremme. ~111 lAce,mactoPllyllum lBiQleafMaple B. B. II '00' .E.i.linolomm<l\e :IDa "sel.dolSllqatnllrmBSii 1000000as.~r '" ""'" IE~i.tinQloI>lmme. r IAcerrnac'1Jp/wllum IBilIIeafM8PIe 15.15 Fair II;X1shnolllremo;e. "" Arbulusmenz...ii 'M~ '" GoOO Ih'SlinglllJ'(tm<Ml. I[;aIOCllllnlS<ll!curmns Incense<.;eaar .. Fa" IE.i"lrllltllremow, ::iili Cralll<lQUSSPl>. lHawlhorn . '" G"'" .Exislinollloresa...... 5115 IAce,macmpllvllum IBioIealMaJ>le 14.14 ""'" IExlsVrI!lIO",rr'I<>\e. ::mi PlloUuslrichocatpa IBlacl:.ColtO""">Od1 '" ""'" IEx;slir>illo",mme. S111 IAcermacmpll....lum IBiIlIeafMaOle .. ""'" 1~'SltnOlllremo\e ;(58, Pinuspodemsa lPllnmmsaP,ne , .' ""'" IE~islirlllloP""'e...... "S1111 l[;aIocedlUSdec"",,ns 111cen.aQldar '" ""'" IExi.linotll""""",, "" PinusP<Xlemsa IPondElrosaPir>e ,. GoOO IE~i.linQ 10 oresaMl, "" IAcermaoropllyllum IBiQlaaIMaole 10.10.7 ""'" IExislinoto"""",", ~ ;>inusP<Xlemsa Ponder1:I6aP",e ,. GoOO .Exislin<llooreser.e 5123 IAcermaompllvllum IBicleafMaJ>le 7.7.B ""'" IExislirlllloremo\e. r PinusP<Xlemsa IPonderosaPine " ""'" lExislioolllo....eMl '5124 lCalocedrusdecurmns 111censeCedar , " Fair lEXlsii~"10"'rtIO\e ~~ ~ IExisllnotoorasa....... ,5125 lAcermact<lPl1vllum lBi<lIealMaoIe 1l51xB-13 - lExislinqlorerl'l<Ml ~" IE.islinQloprnseMl ,51"21 ICalocedrusdacu""ns ncenseCedar , .. '00' IExisliootorertlO\e, """ ,"cerR'I<>Cl"<lllhvnum lBioIoafMaple " Fair lExi.ti;;.ilooreseMl ~ ICalocedru.decumms l1cen.eCedar , " Fair IExislinolO"'rtIO\e, ~ "oermacropllvllum '!.~M:,E'" , 10,9 - IExisliMloorese...... ~'5"i'30 IAcermaclOl>l1yllum BioIealMaole 1(41x,12-151 ""'" .:.i"!"il.torertlO\e. Pllpuluslrichocatpa ::: ~~~= I 1B",JO" Fair IExiSIi"'ltoo;;'.e...... ~5131 lCalocedrusdecu""ns Incens"Cedar 14.10.6 , fair Exislirl(llOram<Ml PopUtuslrichocarpa 23".JO" Fair IExi.,inclooreseMl. ~132 ICaloce<lrusdecumms l1censeCedar " , Fair E.i.linq 10 "'mow. .:.:aIOCedn.s"-'Curren. 'ncanseUldar , '" ""'" IExisliOOto,"""""", "M ICaloce<lrusdecumms l1censeCedar " , '00' Exi.linolo",ITIO'IOI. <'oouluslMchocaroa 3lackCoIl........xx11 .. Fair IExislinQlllremo~ ~ I[;aIOCedrusdacurrens l1censeCedat .. , Fai' r:;XI.l,nqIO",m(I\O;I. ~~ DecKlwus .. lExistinQloremo.... "". l[;aIocedrusdecwrens lncenseCec1ar " , Fa" E:'xiSlltl(lloremow. ~51 DecKluous .. 'IExislinQlorernow '\5137 lFraxinuslatifolia OrwonA.n "," , - ExislingtorelTlO'lOl ~~ DecldUOU. .. IExislirl!llo"'"",,", .,51ii'"""IFraxinuslalifolia OmoonAsh 10.12 , '00' ExisliootorelTlO'lOl -:5053 DecKlwus " IExlslinQloremo.... ,S14l1 IFraxi........lalifolia OmgonAsh "" , '00' Exisliootorernow 'SOS4 Deciduous , " IExi.linolo","""" { ,5143--ICaloclldru.dacurren. inc"".eCeda' " Fai, E~islinc 10""""'"'. ,5055 DecKluous ~ " lExi.li"l) 10"'"""'" j5'44 ICalocedrusdecumm. lncanseCeda, " - ExislinqlorelTlO'lOl. i505lI "ooutuslMcllocarpa BlackColl~ 14.12 Fal' IE.islinoIOremo'" ~51~ ICalocedrusdecu""ns lr>coo.eCedar " Fair Exislill(llo","""",. ,5057 ?opul<JSlMchocaroa BlackColtO<1Y\OOdh3,'2.15. Fai, IExislinQlore"""" 651q IAcermacrophyllurn l'!.pfMlIDIe 6,10 Fair Exi,'inclo",,,,,,,,", ,SOSB CaIocedn.sdecurrens Incense Cedar .. ""'" e:xisliooloremow, 65148 lCalocedrusdecUl"l'Bf\S _.- '" Fair Exislioolll"""""'. ::50" c:afocedlUSdecunllflS IncenseCeda' " ""'" ~islioolo,"""""",. g149 ICalocedru.decurmn. In<:enseCedar " Fair Exislirllllo",,,,,,,", "'" Calc>ceocllUSdecun1lf1s Inc"nseCedar .. ""'" 5(islinQlommow. ~'50 ICalocedrusdecurmn. Incense Cedar " Fair Exisl'rllllo","""", ii1ii, l;aIOCednuS<IeCurren. IncenseGedar .. ""'" .~i.liIl(lIO"'mow. S151 ICalocedrusdecurrens In<:enseCe<lar " Fai, Ex'slIIl(lIO~. I!@>' '~"''''''~'''''~'''I)m {~".... ~" O.,"';n~'...mm........ "'" IDllocAdnL~'-um"'" !nc,,,,,,,,r_ .. F~i, EXlslillfllll~ Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ 21-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. , ~U"d~ 220: W1J1amette River Br1d118 ~SllnnCOndltlonsPlan I 1Tree tnvenlorv& Assessrrenl [ I( I I GelUS & SPECIES ICOMMON NAME !-1511 CalOCednJsdecu""ns ncense{.:Ma' 10,.10 Fai, Ibi.hn<lIOmm<Mt. 5160 CalocedlUSdeCu""ns l1censeC&da' 15,12,9 Fai, IEXi,'otl(ltOrem<M>. ~1M CalOCednJSl1&o:Urmns IncenseCe<lar 16 Fai, IEXiSlilllllOremo;e. .;155 c.alOCedrusl1eCurrens lr.censeCedar 6 Fair lExisl'OOIIl","""",. 5158 Calocedrusdecormns IlOCenseCOOar 12 Fair IE.i.linoIOI'lln1<Ml. 5ii7 Calocedrusdecurrens IlnCenseCOOar 6 Fair IE.islir1910rtlfl'lO\03 5158 Calocedrusdecurrens llncenseCadaf 7 Fair IE.istill<llom"""" .517D CaJoclldrusdecurTenS IlncenseCOOa' 13 Fait 1ExislimlOtetrlOl.'El 1ii:i171 Calocedrusdecumms IlncenseC&dar 7 Fa~ IE.isliOOlOm"""", 5172 Calocedrus<lecu""ns IlncenseCeda, 20 Fai' IExisli"l)lomrt'lO\e. .~:;~ 1=::::: ::::::~:; ;;:: :::::::~:~:=. .51170 lCalooadlUSdecu""ns tncenS&Cedar 1J ~al' lEXlsliOOlOm"""". -5179, ICaIocedlUS decu""ns blcenseCeda, ~ Fai, IExisling 10 remcr.e. e80 l(;ajocedrusdecu","ns l1eeflSeCedar 10 Fai, II::XlsllnQlOmrl"lOle. 65181 !GalOCedlUSdecumlns lnce"""Gedar 12 Fai, IExislinQlorert'lO\e is1SZ' I'CalOCedlUSdecumlrlS ",ceoseGedar 10 Fa;, lE~islinQlommcr.e. 35183 ICalOCedrus.-urrens l1censaGed3r !I Fai, IE.i.llrJQlore"""", 15154 lCalocednJsdecu""ns liicenseCedaf 10 Fai, IExislinQlommcr.e ,5185ICa1ocedrusdecurrn"" nce,,"eCaclar 8 Fai, IE.i.tirl!l10",,,,,,,,, ;5188 ICalocedrusdecul1llilS IlncenseCedar 10 Fai, 1 IExi'~~IO"'''''''''',:::: j~187 lCal<>cedrusdecurrer\S llncenseCedar / -6 . Fair I. IE.i~tin<llo_. 1515/1, ICalOCedMldocurmns llncenseCeda' I 8 I Fair IEXi.linrllo"'mo....,- 35189. C810cedMldecUrTBns lilcens"Cedar i~~-IOXislingloremo.....- 15190'ICal<lCedlUSdecU"""" Ilnclln.eU>Jar I~I Fair,i JExl.,inglO"''''''....- 15191' Calocedrusdecurmns Incense Cedar r 10 Fair I IEXI.l,nglo",fl"ICMl. 1519Z,ICalocedrusdecu"",," IlnCense'-'&OBr I 7 I Fa" 11';"""'''1) 10 re"""". lS193. lCatocedrusdecu"",," llnCenseUlOBr I " I Fait I IEXiSlinglllmmo...._- IS194.ICalocedrusdecurrens Incense Cedar ~~-Exislifl(]lll"'mo...._ 15195, lCakx:edrus decu""ns Ilncense Cedar I _" I Fair I I-E~ISlinlllO mm<Mt. - 351911.IFraxinuslalifolla OregonA.h I~ Fair I-EXiSlifl!lloremcr.e.:::: 1519B. ISambucusr.JCeffiOSa IElOerbel1Y I 12 '1 ~a" I 1",X1S1,ng lOre_ 15199.I~locedrusdacu""ns IlncooseCedar I. 14,14 1~1==~sl'l'l!ltoremcr.e.= ;MOO. Calocedrus<lacu""ns IIncenseCedar 16 Fair EXlsl,nglore""",,__ l5Z01 I-CaIOCedruS<!e<:urmns IlncenseCedar '~I~I_~~'I~ngl0rem<M>._ 15202 ICaI<lcedrusdecu""ns Incense Cedar I 10 Fait IEKiSllngto",""",",._ lll2031Calocedrusdecurrens lInc&flSeCedar 1---"--1~1~IEx~SI,ngl11re"",,",., 1:1204 calocedrus documlns Ilncense Ceda' 16 Fa" E~JsllfIQ III re"""", 15205 ICalocedrusdecu""ns Ilnc.......eCedar 14 Faif IEXiSlingl0m"""",,= ~~ ICalocodrusdecu""ns Ilncoos"Cedar 1~1~1~IE""I~ng,_tO""""'"" '52Oll ICalocedrus decumlns llnceose Cader 10 Fa" E~'SIJl>g 10 rem<we. i"5iio 1S'locedrusdecu""lI8 IlncenseCedar 1~1~1~IE~'SllnglOr<lfTKl\Ol',= 15211 Calocedrosdecumlll8 IlncensaCadar .12 Fai, EXlsllnQlomm<MI )5212 lCakx:edrus decu""ns IlncllllSe Cedar I 14 I Fair I IE~isling III mm<MI. - j5213.ICakx:edru'd&CumlnsllncenseCedarl~I~I~IEXiSlinglllmm<MI_- i5214 :;atocedn)Sdecu""ns lncenseCeda' I 9 Fe'r E.i.lInoloremow. 35215 -::akx:edlU.decurrens lncenseCedar 1 " 1 Fair 1 IExiSI'OOIOremcMl,- 152111 ~rt1Spul1lhjana ICascara ~~-E~i.linQIO"'trlO\e.- i-~l1 'leer rnacrooh.Uum Bicl"'" Mack! I 16. 14, 18 1--"""-1~IEXiSlirl\lIO ram<MI., - ;5218 cakx:edruSdecU""1I8 lncenseCedar .16 Good Exishnoloram<MI ;5219cakx:edrusdeou""lI8lnClllISeCedar~GoodI-IE.isl'rI!llcretnO'lll.- i5220CalocedruSdecu""II801censeCedarl~I~I~IE~istirl\lIOram<Ml',- ,5221 calocedrusdecu""ns O1censaCedar I 16 Fa,r Ex,sl,noloram<MI i52u Calocedrusdecumlns O1cllllSeCedar 1--"---1~1_IE'i.liOOlO~'~ i C;'oc"'~<>oo"~~ ~~.,,"", "'0;' ",,,.,,~'".- :.225. Calocodrusde<:u""ns h"lcenseCedar I 7 I Fair I, IExislinolomtnOW S221Frnxinuslalifol", ~A.h 1241 Fair I IEXiSlinglO"'""""",- "" ~cermacropnYllum 9icleatMaple 124.24,16~-E.islint:ilo",rnove ~52J1 ~pulustriCl1ccaroa 91ackCollOnwoodl--"---I~I~I~'Ii"'l10"'rnove.,= 5232POllUlusl"chccarpa'31ackColl~ 14 Poor E'lst'nqlorernove ~Populusl"cl1ccarpa 91ackCollonwoodl 14 I Fa;r I IEXI.linQIO"""",",.- 1-.......:: o-_""~'''"'''''"'_ '-I~"""'~"~'"""~ 31ackCollonwocx:ll 12,12 1 ,~ I--IE.iSlinolOram<Ml,- ~Populuslnchocarpa91ackCOllonwoodl~~ .IE.islirl!lIODfBsee.e_- ~5238Populusl"Cl1ccaroa 91ackCollonwoodl~1 Fairl~IE'iSlirl\llc\>resee.e_,' 15237: .1Fraxinuslalitolla :I<eIlooA.n B I Good EXlsllnoloD/'llSe...... ~ ISambLCusracemosa Red Alder I 151 GoOO 1 IE.iSIi"llloPres.,e.e.- ;52J9IPooulustricllocaroa31ackCollonwood~~-E.i,'inoIOram<Ml. ~ jPoouILlS.PO. ~cpIar I~' Fai, 1~IExiSlirl\lIOmm"""',- J5614 PoouIUSBOO onol~, ~ I Fai, t=..~li....'"'''m''''' _ , , I I- I i"&- 81.-- 8.12.~ , , "'H HE:ALrH/ STATUslNOTES CONDITION if" OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION H \,;AMIiRUN . McCARTHY " GILBERT rlSCHEIBE .L~HO'C"'K ....CllIT!CTt LL' TolS<IOlHJIS ,'"__ 'uJ<IOlHlU !_O"".'offIoo._ 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE . BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE EOUNTY Design Team Leader Justin Lanphear Designed By Lauren Worland, Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Lauren Worland SHEET NO. TREE PRESERVATION AND REMOVAL PLAN L1.8A File No. rBundle220:WlllametteRlverBridge --- " -- -- ---I~'- ~J!l.i5:!ktgf.~l!~tlon~J.l!!!..__1 Tree Inventory & P4sessrrent " GENUS & SPECIES COMMON NAME ~1 Calocedrusdecl.n8OS Incense Cedar .l$T13 AcermacroohvUum BialaalManI" m1<4 Sali.BPI! Willow ,65715 QuercusQ1lrrvana While Oak /I :65716 IQuercus kellOQQ, ii Bleck Oak 12 165717 QuercuskellOQ!'lu Black Oak /I 165718 Paeudolsuoamenziesil DouoIas-lir 6 165719 ~ Quercus Qanyena O"'llOn Wtrde Oak I a B572D Quercus Il"rrvana O""",n Wtrd" O~k-I 10 ~21 IPseuOOlBuoamenziesii IDouqI=-lir I------,.r-- B5m OI.,.r,,,", 1".II'""'1]ii Bf'~' ....." I 8 B5723 IAce<rnac",plwllum Bi!IIeafMaple 18,10,10.1211 m2-4IQuen:USkelIOWi B13CkQak I 14 "'" 1Quen:....Qarry;,:;;a--l<2....regonWhileOakj 12 I ~211 Ooerc....kellO!l\lol Black Oak I 12 I "",U"ll .a...arc....kelIOQ<l, ,i Black Oak I" ""'10uerc.... kellO!l\l,i Black Oak . 10 ~Quercuskellogg'i Black Oak a ~S730IQuercus k!>llooQ,i Black Oak 10 I ~5n1 Quercus kellooQii Black Oak I 10 I 165732 OuercuskeHoggi, Black Oak I" ~.573J IPSeudolSUQame,nzieSii Oouclla.-lir., ' n 57:W Ouercus~ry~~nWtrdeoakl " 5n5 Quercusk~\ Black"". 14 iis736 Querc....oarrvana. oreoonWhrteOakl " B5737 IPsaudo1sUQa manz....il DouoIas-lir 10 BS738 ICalocedrusdecClT8ns IncenseCedar I' . B5739 100000000Qarrvana Oreoon White Oak 13 1IS7-4l) IArbulusmenzies, Madrone I 10 557., 1000rcusganyana OmgonWh~eOakl 9 5:51!lO IPrunus soo Ornamental Plum I 10 llS75110uercuskellowii Black Oak I 14 55753 l..iJniPllrnssPl> .LIniper I" 557$f l..iJn,oernssDD .LInioor 9 1IS7S!! l.LIniPlln"sspp .LInioor i 11 1IS156 l.LInioon"sspp .kJnil)8r I 10 llS7S7 l..iJniperusspp ..unioer I 9 \.S758,I..iJnioen".soo .LIniper I 8 557!19 l..unioerusspp ..unioer I 10 55760 ICiocoon"sdecurrens Incense cedar 1 " 557611..hJnipelUS'OO .1miper 10 55762 l..hJniperus.PIl .kJruper 6 557113 l..hJnipelUSsoo ..uniper a 55764 l..hJnipenJS'OO ..uniper II 55765 ICalocedn".dec"""n. Ir<:emecedar 21 557llt1'l..hJniperussPll ..unlpe, II 557S7 l..hJniperussoo ..uniP&l II 15768 lJuni"""",.PD ..uni""r II 55769 ~'niP8","SO.P ..uniper 8 IS771 PppUusSPll. PopIa, 42 157n pooUUSS[)[) PnoI~r 77 Ism P~ussop PopIa, I 37 l5774l!'~u:ssPll Poplar 121 ?5775 Ip~U5SPD Poplar I 35 ~m ICaloced"'sdec\.mlns Incense Cedar I 28 5ST77I~uskelI0llll" 8lackOak I B,6,6 1S827 Ipinus\t\U<1bomi_ B\ac\<Pine 1 10 l5a28 IPinuslhunberoiana IBIaCkPi,ne I 22 !.SB29 IPinusttrunberlliaoa Black Pine I 12 '6S630 IPinusttrunbellliana BlackP,ne 115.12 ~llC1uercUSkello9:lii IBlackOak 6 BSB32 1000rcusparryana OmoonWMeOak, B >SlI34 IArbutusmenziesii Moo",ne I 12 BS83S I Deck100us I B 55836 IArbutusmenziesii Mad"'.... I 10 55837 1000rcusll8rrvana O_WMeOakl 10 5S83lI IArbutusmenziesii Madrone I 18 :: :~::~::::::: ~=: I:: THIS IS THE FILE NAMe LOCATION Z,\OBOP , "'" t I , , C=;I~NlsTATusINOTES """" IEXI'~n<Jto remOloB. p"", I Exlstin<JtopmserlOl Fai, iExiSd"lltoO""'BrIOl I ~ l'Exl'I'n<JtopmsBrIOl ! Poor' Ex,slmo to oms_ I Fair IEXi'llnotoom.- Good Exi,ilno10 remoo.e. .;;:: ~::::::::~== I r....-.1 IF.i,finolore"""" F,.;r jE.i,t,no10 rsmo", Fair Exislifl\l 10 rem"", Good jE",Sli"ll10 rem0\09 ~ IExi.tifl\llOremo.... Good IExisti"lltorem"",---:- """" l'ExistlnQforerrlOl'a. Good ExlSW'o to rem"", Good IExisUngtorem""" Good Exist"'oto mm""" Good ExisMQ to rem","" Good Existi"lltorem"'" Good E.ist'O\llorem"", Good E.istinQto rsmo", Good E.lstinotoremo", Good E.i.,ifl\l10 re"",,,, Good E.fstiOOto re"",,,, Excellent IExi.tiM10 remo", Good IExi.tir1Qto"""""" Good IE.i.Moto""",,,", Good IE.isMo to rem""". """" IExiSUn<Ito omserlOl Poor Exisllooto omserlOl Poor IE.i.uno to rem""" Fair IE.i,llnotorem"", Poor IE.islinctorem"", Fair lE>cisti"llloremo'" _ Fair lE>cis~~!Oremo.... Fair IExi.tin(l!orem"", Fair IE.fsli";;'loremow Good IE'iSi!~.loremo'" Good IExl.tinQ10 r,,,no,,, Good IExI.lino10 fBm<Ml Good IExistino10 rem<Ml Good IExi.linotoremOloB Good IExi.linotorem"", """" IExisti"ll10 rvm"",. Poor Exislin<JioremOloB. Good iF.i,tinoloremOloB -"""" Fair 8:12,2008 " , FAi, IExistinotonlm"", IExistiooto """""'. 1F'.;dirv>lnmm","" Fair Fair Fair """" Fair Fair Fair Fair """" Fair Fair Fair ~xi.lif1!ltorem"'" ~xi.lil1!ltore"""". ~.istlnoloremo..... ~xl.lInotommo.... ~xl.til1<!(o"""""", IE.i.tinolore"""" IExiscinolorem""'. E.istinotore"""". E>cistif1!lto mmo..... E.istinotorem.,...,. F.i,hnq'''remo.... Exi.tina10 remme fE>clstil1\ltorem""" IE.istiooto mmo", iE>cistinolomrno", IExistinetloremo.... IExi.li"'llommo", IF';";""",,"'mn~ Fair """" EXCellent Excellenl ExcAl..", Bundle 220: Willametta River Bridge --. -,----..,- '--.'---.' ..... -'.J^'"' -". " ~~t1ngCo.;jilklr;;'Pla~ - ": rreelrlVentory & ASSesSment , , o GENUS & SPECIES COMMC* NAME I DBH 158<41 QuM:us """,,ana Omqon White Oak I 12 1S8<48 CiUWcUSQarTVana O_White Oak I 12 158<49 ~usgooyana OmoonWtrileOakl 10 15850 ~u5g:,;;,yana Omgon WMe Oak I 14 15851 IAcermacroo/1yaum BiQHsafMaole I 14 15852 1Querr;us!<8l'lYana omoonwhil00ak'l ' 15853 IQuercUB ll8'tYana OreQlln WMe Oak 10 )65854 jQuercus9anyana OmoonWl-.teOal'-j 10 "15855 fQ.-cus ~anyana Omoon WI-.le Oak I 10 15858 IQ.-cUB kellowii Black Oak I 13 l58S7 IArbulusmenziesii Madrone 14 "". IArbulusmenziesii Madmne 14 J5860 Fra:<iooslal,tJjia O_A.h 7 '0385 IAcermacroohvUum ElioleafMaole 16 '0388 IAcermacroohvUum EliolealMaole .17.1..15 '0387 I Deciduoos 12 '0388 I Deciduoos 12 '038~ I Deciduoos 14 ,'0390 I Deciduoos 16 ,'0391 I Deciduous a 1"0393 I DecidUOOB I 10 [10394 IPopulUB tnchOCarw 31ackColtorMO<X1I " \10395IPopuluslrlctrocarpe BlackColtortlMJOd 16 0398 IPopuluslrlctrocartl1l BleckColtOrMO<X1i 16 039ll IFra:<lnu.laUblia OreoonAsh I 9 0399 IpoWuslrictrocarpe EllackColt""""""" I 20 GoCOO IPooliusirictrocaroe Black ColtortYo<tOdI 20 G0C02IFra:<iooslalltJjia OmoonABh 8,5.6 GoCOS tFraxir>JBlaljtJjia OmoonABh 11 G408 IFraxlwslat.blia O""",nABh 12 0408 ISambucustaCemPSll 'IRed Alder 12 ID409 IFrnxlnuslatifolia Ofe\XlnA.h 11 I ~~~ ~:~=~:::=: II:::; . 1I1~3 I ro412 F"",inuslalitolia O"'llOOABh I " .'11413 Saii.soo willow ~15 Pn"nu.spp Cherrv, I 11 ~16 IPOPUluBlriCltocarw ~lackCottonwoodl 24 I ~'7 Acermacroo,hvlum 3ill1eafMaole I (81 x 9-16 I ~~ Pn,,""'sOP ::trertv I ~,lO,l1 r7001 CelocedruBdecur<ert. nceme~r B r7002 Cak)cedNSdeclJrTert. oc.....ecedar 20 '1005 '7018 Salixsoo. r7017 r7018 '1019 rro20 '70'1 Pnr......!rid...".,,.,.,... '1022 rro23 '7024 In~~ no" "" "" 17038 r7~311 77040 771141 """ 17043 "- rJIl45 """ rJ0<47 """ ~~. SambuoUBracemosa POP<-lustrictrocaroe POlUustrlCtrocarpe Crn.!OO(JJsspO AcetmacroohvUum Psoodotsuoamen:ziesii F""'in""I"M'lIi" Fraxir>JBlat,foIia FmxiOO$lat'foIia Fraxinuslatlfolia AcetmacroohvUum I".~""'''''""m Frnx~nus lat.foI,,, FrnxluuslaMoIia Acer rnacmohylum Ac~m""""'nvnu... Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ j I ~:-~~NlsTATUSINOTES . """" jExlstll1\ltomrr<l\e. Gocd I Ex i s 1 ~ net to",,,,,,,,,,. Gocd I Ex,stlnotorerr<l\e Good I iExlstingto"""""". Gocd I IExistll1\lto"""""" Good I IExistlnglom"""", Goal I IE.ist'rtlltore"""" Good I IE.istiI'lllIO"'''''''''' Good I IE.istiI'lllIO"'''''''''' """" IExISlingIO"'''''''''' Good Exlsllnglo",,,,,,,,,. Good IExi.lirmlorerr<l\e Poor iExistingfopreoe,.,., Poor IExi.tin<Jforemo;e IExistingtoomso,.,., IExistl"!ltommo;e IE.i.tinotoremo", IE.istinatore"""" 'E>ci.tinalore"""", E>c1.til1\lto",,,,,,,,,. Exi.lirtlllore"""" Exis~l'llllo "'''''''''. Existing 10m"""" 1E>clstln<Jtom"""" lE>cis!il1\ltomm"'" IExistlnoto"""""",, IE.i.tinotore"""" IExisti""to"''''''''' E>cistoll(ltorema.oo IE.islinotoremrn.e. IExistinotooreserlOl. 1E>cls!ol1\ltoore.e"".: EXI."nglooreserlOl IExisliUllloremO\e. IEXi.tinQtom"""" Exi.tinoto",,,,,,,,,: Existin<Jloremme E>clstinQtol8m""', Exi.lin<Jloremo;e. Exi.tingto""""",. Existin<Jtommo;e IExistinotoremme, IExi.til1\ltoremoo.e IExislinolOores_ IExi.tlnotommo", IExistinQtommo.... iExistingtoremo", IE.i~ljnc!orerr>ol.9 IE.islin<liOrernma E.isti,.,;,toremo.... IExi.tinotooms_ 'IE.i.lfmtoremow E.istinQtommo", iExisti"fltoomserlOl lE>ci.tinotom"""" iExi.tinotommme, IExi.timtopreserlOl,. EXlSlln<JlooreserlOl. IExistinatoomserlOl' IF.i.li.....!nn'..'''...... iExi.tinotoP<8S_ lE>cistinotopreoerlOl IExisliooioomserlOl IExistir"lQlopresorlOl IE.istin<JtopmserlOl : IExistlngloomseMl,. EXlStlnotOl)fe8erlOl iE>cistinQloOreBerlOl ,.., Niilow )ecid\Xlus Jecido:Ju. ')A"irlo...... :>ecidwus i lb.ckr..................1 : ~ed Alder 10 JlackCott""""*"'Yi R : JlackCottOl1l'l<lOd I 8 '13W1trom I' (51. HI' ::OOimous \4 Deciduous 12 Deddwus ' 8 BioleafMaple 14 Dolt9Ias-li' I. 7 10"""",A,h I RR 10moonAsh I II OmoonAsh I " OreoonA.h B Bio\ealMaole I '" Bi!olleafMaple 14 OmgonAsh I " OmoonAsh 13 BiqleafMaole 12 Rint..~'M~"'A .Fai, Fair Fai' """" Fa;' """" G.,; """" G.,; Fai, """" """" Fair """" Fair Fair GoOO """" Feir Fair Fair " '" '" " " '00' Fair Fair Fair Fair """" """" Fair F~ir Fair '00' '00' '00' """" '00' '00' Fair F,,;, -8:12:2008 IF.i.".....'nn""'....... 1~~nat~~2 .!".~!..Ia!T'ett!'_Rlvf B_rtdge ExlstlngCondltlonsPlan , 'rreolnYentO;:Y&~_nt. I o IGEN~&SPECIES ,rnz--1 '-8153 I '11155 I '6166 'tl167 .... 11169 '11170 '8171 iii72 am I "81711 8194 ,,'8200 .= 1072 1073 iBl074 ~ ~ ll1077 ~CaIoced""'dec""",," '814ii3 Frexinuslatiblia 81<484 Acermacroptrylll.lm 'B"14i5 Acerrnacroonvllum 81486 CalocoontsdecurreM AcermacroDltyllum Ii: ICalocwn".decurreM 1489 ! ..~: IAcermBCroohv1lum 161<492 PooliU'lnchocaroe ~<493 IAce<.macroOhylIUm ~:: ::'':c:~:~um -,',]<497 jAcermaCtODltvllum ,1<498 PseudotSUl)a menzlesii 1<499 Calocedrusdecumlrls :1500 Calocedntsdecurrens 1501 IAcermacroohYllum 111503 Ga!ocoon".decurreM ~SlM Frax,nuslal<blia 81~ IFraxinuslat<blia 1506 CalOCednt.de""mlrl' 1507 Calocwntsdecurren. ~1S08 Calocedrnsdecurreno 81509 PppLJIuslrichocaroa 1510 IPooulu.lrichocarw 1511 lPooufuslrichoceroa 15121PooUuslrictrocarpa 1513IFra.inuslal<blia ,,~ IAwrmc"'~.!!V,flum 1700 AcarmacmDltv1lum 170t 1\.00' ,~., 1703 Acermacmohv1lum 1709 Fraxli"UBlatlkllia iB1710 Fraxirousia!iblia -1711 Pooliusirichocaroa 1712 FraxirouslatikJIia 1722 Fraxinus13litllia 1723 Fraxirullatri:llia 81729 Fraxl.....ta!iblia i1744 Il,ce,macro",vllum ~174S Pseudots"""men;:jesii 181746 Il,cerrnacroolWllum 18.17<48 Fraxi.....latri:llia 1117<4S Il,cermacroohvllum ~1791 Pseudol.U!llI menziesii 81826 Fra.inuslatiblia IAcerrnacroohvllum IPoouIu.lriChocarpa Pooliuslnchocaroa 'Pooliu.trlchocarw Pooliuslrichocaroa [COMMON NAME I I::::: I IDeciduous. IDeciduous IDeciduous I""""'""'" ""~~ IDeciduous IDeciduous IDecidltOus IDeciduous IDeciduou. IDecidltOu. Decidoou. 'Deciduous BioleafMaoI" I Black Cottonwood Blac.Cottonwood BlackCollonwoodl BlackColtOlMOOd, Deciduou. I Ilnc""seCedar I Io_^" I !B'~leatMilllIe IBogleafMaple IWlceno"ceda' r IB;gJeefMaple Ince.nseCedar ConiferouS I ICoolferou. .Bi~IMaole '1 IBlackCottonwood IBigleafMaole I 10mgonAsh IBioteafMaple Bi~IeafMilllIe '1~""4i' InCense cedar IlncenBBcedar IB>>lleaIMaple inl,,"seceaar OregonA.h Orf3lJJnA.h 1 Incense cedar Incoosocedar I Inceme cedar BI<lckCottonwood BfackCollonwood BlaCk Coltonwood Black ColtortYo<tOd ::lreqonAsh BiijleafMaole BI9\88IMaole ~'BlglealMaole BiQfea1Maole Om\lOnA.h Om\lOnA.h IBlackCottorMoJod IOregOnA5h io.~!,'h 10mqonAsh Ore9QnASh iSinieatMaole IDouoIas-lir IBioleafMaple 10~A'h BioleafMaple I'Douolas-lir OlttQOl1A.h _ e 8.12.2008 "'. " " , " " . . . . " '" " " " . . " " ,. ,. " " '" " " " n " " " " " " " 15.12 .. r ,. " " " . .. " " .. " " '2,30 '" " ,. , " , .. , '" .. '" . " " " '" ,. " H " t I I '....."'1 CONDI7l0N STATUS N07ES I Existiootopres_ ExistinotooreseMl, E.;'llnqln.............. E.i.tinoto"","""" IE.i.tingtooreseMl 'IE.i.tinoloomseMl hlstir19loorese.... IEx'stinrltoprese.... Ex'st'n<JIOC>n!lSe...._I. l'EXiSHrYltoprese"" 1 Exi.tlll{llOomse,.,., EXlstll'lltOpmseMt iE..istinotoole8eMl. IE.istinot/JoresBMI iE.i.tinotooreseMl IExistinotoores.."" IE.islinotoores8MI IL.I.tiUQloomserlOl E.i.linolopr\l.erlOl 'IExistin<l\<>OTOS""'" Exisliooioore.""", E.istilll}toorese"", F.;'liMI"""""..... Exi.lingtooreser.e Exi.tinoto""",e"" Exis!inoto""",.."" E.islingtoomsen.e Exislinotooretl8MI E.istingloorese.... Existimloore.e...... Exi.linotooms"rIOl lEx i s 1 ~ no t 0 oms" rIOl ExisllnQtoores""" jExiSlin<Jlooms""" IExislinolocras_ Exi.tjnotooms~ iExi.tinQtooms""". IE.i.tinQtoores""" IExl'linotoPfell""" ] IE'IS!!..ng~pms_ EXI.tinQ 10 0"'"""". iE>cl.til1\ltoOresBrIOl IExi.li"fltopres_. I. Ex ~ S Ii nQ t 0 ore S e rIOl EXI.I'nolom"""". lE>ci5Iioolom"""" IE.istinolOo"",e"", iE.i.lil1\lloorese"". IE.lstin<Jtoores_. Exislin<Jtoorese"" lE>ci.'irootooreBBrIOl. E.;.tiootoore.e"". E",..t''''lto"""",,,,", i Existino 10 16"""" IExislinQtoorese"", IExisUl'llllOpreUrlOl IExiSlingtO!lf6S8MI IExistin!lto"",""rIOl IExistinaloorese"" E>cistif1lltoprese",,: E.islil1QtOpreBBMI E.istinoloor9Be"" Existinqtopreser\e ExistinotooreserlOl Existil1QtoPl8llerlOl IE.ist"1',loorese,.,., EX'SllnotOores",.,., IExistlnglopmserlOl EXlSI,,,,,loprese,.,., Excellent eo, """" Fair """" """" """" """" ExCellent """" """" """" Fai, Fair """" """" GoOO GoOO Fair Fair Fair """" '00' Fair """" """" E.cell""t ,., ,., Fair """" '00' Fair Fair Excellent """" """" """" """" """" Fair """" """" """" """" """" r Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal 21-JA,"-Z009 12,30 P.M. """" F,,;r """" """" """" f'3undle 220: W1llametto River Brldl1e I t I I :xlsllngCortdllloosPlan .reelnventory&A8$esslllltnt 8.12.2008 I I I GEHUS&SPECIES ICOMMONNAME I '" H.....'" I I CQNDfTION STATUS NOTES "" Acermecrophyllum 18ilJleafMaple I " ~ lE>cisti"",opmBeMl ~039 AcermacfOOhvU\Jm BillleafMaple '" <.>ood 'EXlstO>ll!OpmB"",,:.:-J ... iDec,lb>u' " i 1~X1.ljlllllopreserlOl. ,;00 Acermacroohvllum IBI~eafMapie . Gocd) ExrstU'lgto"","""" I """ Acermacroohvllum B,ClIeafMaole I . Good IEXi.tinlltooreserlOl, ~204lI IFraxiroJ.latik>lia 10''''"^'' " Good J EXlStlnglo!lf6ser.e,1 ~2102 Acermacrooh.llum BkWalMaplO " E.cellenl E.ist'noloprese"",1 2103 Fraxlnu.lalik>li" OreoonA.h " '00' I E.~inalopmse""'.1 210<4 Fraxinu.falilolia OreuonAsh " Fei, IEx,SC'r>Qtoomse""..:... 2106 Calocedrusdecum",s Ilncensecedar " ,~ EX,"l'r'lQtoo"",e"'!... 2121 Calocedro.decurmns Ilncensecedan " """" j Exislir>glooms_..:... 2123 AcermaCroohvllum BjoleafMeola ., """" Existinettoomsel\El, , "''' Acermacrophvllum Biglea1MeolB ,. ,. G.,; Exi.tinrllopmserlOl= 'iili1 Acermacrophvllum BioleafMaol" 18,21 """" E.istinotoO""se",,_ !8:23S1 I Deciduous " 1 E.isli"fltorem"",._ 1'2410 IAcermBcroohvllum BigleafMaple " E,ceOer11 E>cistingtopreu",,_ ~ 2412 IFraxinuolat,k>jia QmoonAsh " E.ce~enl I IEo''''OO'O'~'~ i:2415 IPopulust<ichocarpa BfackColtorTWQOd '" E.ceHent I Exislingtoores_-:- i2415 IFra:<inuolalik>jia OregonAso. '" ~a" , Exislinotol)fe8"""'-:- 2447 iAcermacroptrvllum IBi!llealMeolB 11,27 """" Existirm 10 prase...., I ~4A~ IAcermacrootrvllum IBiclleafMaole " """" Exi.tinolo"..,BB.... I - Acermacrwtrvllum Bjgfea1Maple " Fa~ E.i.tinolo"""'e.... , 82473 IP.eudot.ugamenziesii l[);)o.Qas-lir '" """" .E.i.fingtop....e.....1 8241<4 Frnxlnuslatil:Jlia OreoonAsh '" """" Ex,stlnotooresarlOl. 82<475 I'-'""'""~' 10mgonll,sh " """" E.iSlingtoo"",erlOl-'-1 ~ti frax,nuslatlfolla IUregonAsn " em, Ex,.I'ngtoo""'''rIOl "" Frax'nuslatofoila iOr8\lOOA.h " ,~ ExislinotoOlt!........._ "" Acermacrophyllum IBi91eafMaole '" """" ExislirxjtoMlSe"".:... "" IAcermacrootrvllum BJq,emMaoie '" Excelent Existin<Jtooreser.e ".. IAcermecmphyllum IBiQtealMaple " """" EXI.tinQlopms........= -, Fraxiooslalikllla 10000000Ash '" '00' Exlstinllloo....erlOl. AcermacroDltyllum BigleafMaple " """" E.islinQtoo....e....-:- 82675 Crataegusspp .....oom " Fair . E.islinglO ~""'erlOl-:- ~ti V8laegussPll .....OOm '" FaiT E>cistinotooreserlOl. ~ Cmtaoo,,"sllP .....oom , Fair E.islinotopres"rIOl= Acermacroolwllum Bio_Maole " Fair E.islingtoprt>SarlOl.:... ~~ IFraxinUSialifojia OreoonAsh " ,- E.istirmtooreserlOl_ ,Acermacmphvllum B;olealMaole 22,26 GoOO IExistiooto"""s"",,,-'---. IAcerrnacroo,il}'llum BklleatMaole 24.16 """" F.i.tirvJlnnl'l'lSe"". ICrataeousspp .....oom , Fair ExistlnolopmserlOl- W ICralalll/US'OP .....oom '" Fair Exjstil1!lIOOmBB""= :.W4 iCraIaegos.PP .....oom " Fair F.;~tinntn nrese"" ~ iCmtaegussPO. .....oom ". Fai, Exislinoloorese",,- ~ii ICralaegus,po .....- ". Fair Exisliootoo",,"_-:- :4227 IAcermacrooh.Uum Billlea1Maole I " """" IE.lstj""top"","'",,- i230 ipOIXJIUSlriCtrocarpa ::~ ~::~= I " '00' I''''''""'O_~'' ~31 !populuslriCtroc.aroe " """" E.i.hnclnoreserlOl-= ~ IPoooIu,tricltocarpa Black Cotlonwood " '00' EXlstinglOP""'_-=--- I fPop.;iuslrichocarpa Siac~ Cottonwood " """" Ex,sl'll{llopms",,",:... IPopufuslricltocerpe Black Coltonwood . '00' IExistinetloores_ lI-'ofXtlustrichocaroa Black Colla.-.od " I GoOO Exi.tinotoll'9SerlOl-= '" IPor:ofuSlricltoc"rua IBtaaCot\<mHOOd 18 ] '00' Existinglopmse"", , ,g IPoouluslrictrocarpa ,,"". "'"0""""'1"""'- ,- ExislirYJ10p"'........_ g IPooulL>SlrlCltocarpa B1ackColloUloOCXl 10 I GoOO Exl.tinolnn"""erlOl ,~ ISelixsPl> W,lIow 12 I Fair Existimloorese",,- '" ISalixspp Wjllow 12 I Fair Exislino!oo......"":- " ISalOlSpp Willow , I Fair E.istlnolom...arlOl. ~ ISalOl9pp IWillow 9,9.8 ; Fair Exlstiooloores""":- I~at'" 'PO IWillOW . Fair Exj~linotnn'''..''''''- Salixsop W,lIow " Fair E.istingtop",sa",,'= ~511 ISalix.PP iW'11ow " Fair E.isliootoamse"". ~ Salixspp IWillow . Fair E.iSlingIOOmBe",,=: Sali.soo IWillow " '00' Existinotoores"''''',- ~i62 Salix .~~ IWillow " ,-, E.isling~pmse"'" on POI'JIusilictrocame IBlackCottonwood g Fair E>cistingloomse""_ um Fraxinus~lild'a lo~nAsh '" """" E.i.tjngtoPreBe",,--,-- 1m. Fraxlnus",lib1ia OreqonA.h " '00' E.isljnoloores"rIOl. 1B.iitli F"""nUSJatrfQoa loregonAsh '" ,~ Exislino to 0""'''''''_ ~2i2 ..hJoIansn",ra BlackWalnul " ,_. F.idi....'n,..n..,," ( T OREGON DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATlON ~ 8~f:I::~~ A rE~"tna LANDIC...PB....ClllTICTlLLP Tol $414U-nU 160__ fnHI41J.7l1' a_ OB "., .......-..la- 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE CDUN TY Design Team Leader Justin Lanphear Designed By - Louren Worland, Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Lauren WOrland SHEET NO. TREE PRESERVATION, AND REMOVAL PLAN Ll.8B File No. ~'~ \' '~undl~ 2,2!J: ~i1la_~~tte_ R_~liIr ~11c:!g! < =~stlng,~~~,l!!i:)!!sp..'arl_. ~ rree Inv"ntol')l& AssesslTlllnt , , GENUS & SPECIES COMMON NAME ...J I os. ......m CONDITION Fair GooO GooO GooO ,., ,= ,= ,= 8.12.2008 IExistiflllloremmv Exlsti""toremo... Existin!jloremo"" EXlst'ng10 remD\Ol. EXlsl'''ll10 "'mD\Ol IExis!I""IO",m""" IExislinglo",mOlOl II;;X1S1rngIOPlllSa.... l'EXiSliOl!lto",mOlOl EXlSllnoloo<es9l\<l. 'IExi9IinqIOpmS",,", Exislinoloo"'s",,", IExislirl\ltopmslll\Ol, :~:::~~*:::::' I IEXiSllrlllto o"'Slll\Ol Ex'SIIr.g 10 rem""". iExi'~r>Qto"'mD\Ol IExi.ti""to",mD\Ol. IExiS~ngtopra$""'" IExiSllootoo",s",,", EXlSlI""tODf9S",,", IExis~"" to Df9S1lf\O IExi'lIootoprasllf\O IExi.~"" to """""""' IExis~ootopmse""" IEXiSliootODf8SIlI\Ol,1 ExlSllrllllapms......, I IExislirllltopmseMl~ IExi.lirKjtaprasllf\O I IEXiSII"OtOpre......... EXlSlloo 10 pres",,", IExi.li""too","",,", IExisli""ta""",IlI\Ol IExislir\C1lopms",,", IExlsli"'ltopms_ IExisliootapres""",, IE.iS~r\C110pmSeM;l IExis~nq to O"'S"""' IE.isliootoPf8S""",, IExisll""tao",s""",, IE.iS1Inql00reS_ EXlSllr\C1lopms,""", IExisliootoo"'s""",, IE.islillllto pra$IlI\Ol. IExisli""to"",,"_. IExiSlinglO0<e9eM;l Exisli""tolJf&S_ IBundl: ~20: Willametto RIv~r ~~gEl ':XISl:lng Ci:)ndlllonsPlan ., rre'" inv;ntory&ASSass;';nt" , I , GENUS&SPEClES I:=NAME I IDeciduous 18i\11ea1M;wIe . , , .n, 18143 '<is144 A<:ermacroohvUum ."" 18161 18162 I ~:: IAcerrTlaCroohVlum ... ... ;88131 i8lI17 Deciduous ~ n--;......~ 88619 Deciduous '88831 Ace.-m"croohy~um BI!llaatMaD19 ~ Malusspp. Apple ~ Ace.- macroohvlum BigIeal Maple ~ =::~= I:::::~::~ :&iiiis IFra><inUSlalitllia OmgonAsh :8892 IAcermacrDDhrUum BI~M"Die :S894 IF"",inuslalikllia OreoonAsh :8891 tF",.in""llotiHi.. Ompnn"~~ ;8902ICalocadrusdecurrens IlncansaCadar ;8903 F"",inuslalitllia 2-regonAsh ;8906 F"",inllSt;o1ihli.. tOragonAsh 901 CaIocedr1Jsdeocurrens _~ncar..eOeda' soa Conrhrous .- CorIiferous 991G Coni"'"""s 11 Fraxlnuslatihlia I-O""JO'!ASh 9914 IFraxinuslallblia OmconAsh ~8 Fraxinuslat,b1ia IO"'llOOAsh 1IIB919 Fra>:'l\USlatJblla OreQOnAsh 88922_'F""'inoslalihlia IOregOnAsh r ',"~~",'"m -""'''M... 248 A,carmacroo~lum B>gIaafMapla 28 A,ce.-mac,opMylum ~i!lleafMaD19 28B A,cermacrophvlum ~l!;llaaIMapla 28C A,cermacroohylum ~ 3iwaalMaola 30 Calol:edfUsdecurmns 'ncensaceda, ~ Dlkr.edJU< dAt:u"",,-~ :ncenseoeda, ~ OecOOoos I DecidllOUll GalocedfUsdecurmns Incenseceda, A,carmacrophyUUm B;oJea1MaD19 Calocedrusdecurrens Inoenseceda, ,___1 A,carmac:rophyllum Bi!lIeafMaD19 1~:';:~u:7's ;;:A~::" A""'macrophV~BloIeafMaDie Fraxinuslatiblia OnooonAsh F"",inus lalifolia O""",n A.~h AoarmacrophyUum BigIealMaple Conifamus ICo"',.~ Comlllmus Com"""'" ComfBmus If1oCaosecadar lnc&/1$ecada' OreqonAsh Irn:enseoeda, IncA"""cadar I~=":::r Conlfamus Incensecada, -I~.'n.. BKlIealMaola CaIocedrusdecurreos CaIocedrosdecurreos F"",inuslalikllia CaIocedr1Jsdecurmns Caloc&dr1Jadecum>ns tCalocednusdecumlOs IAo", maoroohVI~m Calocedrusde<:urmns GooO Fair Fair GooO GooO GooO GooO ,o, eo, GooO GooO GooO Fair ,= GooO -=- GooO ''" Fair Fair Fair Fair Fai, Fai, Fai, GooO Fair E.oellent Fair GooO GooO GooO GooO GooO '00' TH1S IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ , , 1 j i c~:7:I~N I STATUS INOTES IExlstlr.gto Prese""". Exi.tir>llto omseMl IbiSlingto prese..... Existlr\C110 oms_, IE'I'!i"fl!oomseMl ~::::::~ ~::: il"xislj""loD""'........ " , , " ~ " , " , " ........,,- , , ~ " " " " '" " " " , , '" , , '" -8.18 ,~ , " 1:2,22 " ,- GooO I I '" ~ " ~ " , ~ , , H 8.14 " " " '" ~ " " ~ " ~ " '" " ~ " GooO GooO GooO GooO eoo, Fai, Fair GooO Fair Fair GooO Fair Fair GooO GooO GooO GooO GooO GooO '00' '00' Fair ,~ ,Poor GooO GooO Fair GooO '00' '00' C~ Fair Fair Fair GooO Fai, GooO GooO Fair GooO C~ e_, Fair Fair 8:12..200ll IExisllrl!llopras_ Exisl;rl!Ilopres_ Exisll""lop"",.."" Exlslilllllopres..M1. Fxjsl;""lom......n.D Existi"" toO""'""'" ""-, ExistinglOPlllSeMl Exi.tlr>llto O<6SeMl, FY;SI;nnt""""",,,,,, Exi.tirl!llooras"..... Exi'lirYJto oreseMl Exisllnoto omse..... Exis!ir\C1!oo","e"" bisli""tooreseMl, Exisli'""'t""""'........ Exisljrn to ores"",", ExiSllnq~pres_'1 Ex,sllnglop"",,,,,",. IExislinglop"'s...... IExislill!lloorase"" IExISli""too"",1lf\O IExISlill{lloOAOS""" IExISlill!l10 P"'ser.e Ex'sll"'1loQf8SaMl Ex,stu-.glO0f8S"MI, jExislirl!lloomse"". IEx;Sli""lo",",.e"" Ex,shrl!llopraseMl IExiSli""IO"""""" Exislinolop"",e"" IExISli""IO,,""'......... Existi.1Qlop",s..M1. IExlstinrloomseMl IExjSli""IOo"",e"" EXlsl,,,,,lo,,,,,,,..,,,, iExISlino10 pmUM. IExiSlill!l10 praseMl IEx'sli"" 10 "",se"" Exlslinolop",s.."" IExislil1'jloores_ IExlslinglopres""" IExislinoloo",.""" l'ExiSlJnq!OpmS",,", Exisl,,,,,!ooms,,,,", IExislinaloo......aM iExislinalO__ IExisling 10 oms""" Exis!inqto PfIlSe"", ExistiRllto Pf8Se"" Ex'stiOOto creseM Existl,"", 10 """',.."" Exisli"1to pnl'SeMl Exls1i"'llopmse"" ExistinoloPMse"" Existi""to""""'Ml, Exlslirl!lloprasllf\O, Exiati""IOO......_, Fy;sh"" 10 ores_ Exisli""loorese"" Exlsli"" 10 ores_ Exisli""!ooras,,,,", p5130 Sali.spp Willow M<il;.trunk 8513' SalixS,", Will"", 7,6.5 ~ F"",inusl3~blia O~Ash 7,8.10 ~5134 F.'3Xinusla~b1ia IOreDOf1ASh B "514(1 IFraxlnuslatitllia O""JOf'Ash 8,9 '5141 IPooolu.alba White Pool", 8 5145 IPooolu....ba IWhitePooIar 10 ~'-~~; 1:::~:"00cama :=:~:~I 1~ ..........ipoouluslMcl1ocaroa BlackCollonwoodl 20,20 5491 ISalix.pp. Willow I" 5511 ISali.sOP Willow 5," 15512 ISaiiXSPP Willow l5511 SaI",SOll Willow I Mull;.jr1Jnkl 15525 'ISalixSIlP, Willow jMUlll-tr1Jnkl 15530 AcermacfOohyllum E!.igla.-.fMa~ 5.4,1,7 I 15531 Poouluslnchocaroa BlaokCollonwoodl :22 I '''''' I'Fraxinuslaliblia OmoonAsh 1(5).12.14 15812 Acermocrophyllum BiQlaafMaole I 5 iSS71 Samtucusraoemosa RedAId..r I 19,19 ~73 Fraxinusl;ohhl;,. IOmgonAsh 12 ~57n Populuslliohocaroa BlaokCottonwoodj 7 ~Poou/uslrichocaroa 18laokColtOnwoodl 15 )85116PopuiustriChocarpa-IBIaOkCollDnWOOdI12 j65117 IPoouiUSlliChocama 'B;"ck Goll0nw00d I 18,18 ~Pooolustriohocarp.a BlaokColtonwoodl9,10 j85~ 1'~,ustriOhoc,8iOS BlaCkCOIl~ 12,14 !ii5T2S. Prunusspp, Cheny 5 Gxld ~;:""'H....",;~OmoonAsn !I.1U~ 85158 IF"",ir>J!llalibUa OreoonAsh 11 i5T73 IFraxir<JSlalitllia OrwonAsh gffi I~:::~:::: Ig=~~ 684 I '85190 IF""'inoslaliblia OreoonAsh (SlX.f.<l l5191 iF""'inus laliblia Omoon Ash ",)",.~.4" J5197 Fraxinuslalltllia IOreQOllAsh 0- Good ,5801 IAce,macroohyllum Bi!IIaafMaple (6)XS.1il Fair 1S8G3 IAoe'macroo~IBir1lealMaple (5)XS.13 ~ i5811 jPopuIustriChocarpa Blacl<CotlOI1'MJOd :2:2 15B22IPOPUIus!rlchocarpa BlackCotIOnwood 9.1:2.17 i81122 PseudolsUQamenzie-sii IDou!IIaS.fir 3:2 Jl:'23 IAcer macrophvllum Bioi"'" Maole :24 17141 PDPUluslrlChocllllla BIac1<CotlolM'JOd 18 i7142 'IPopu/uslriChocart13 BlackCollonYo<Jodl " i7143 Poou/USlrlcho<:ame [Bled< CoIlonloOOd 14 i71.... PoouIuslricl>ocaroa BlackCollDn'MlOd :20 1871"5'IPOOU/USlriChocarpa BlackColt~I'" 167148Populuslrichocarpa IBiac:kColt~:zo 187147 i Daciduous I' 187148 I IDaciduouS 8 I I ~: IAcarmacroohvilum I==~e 11:214814181--"""-' 187591 Ace,macroohyHum IBl!:llealMaoIe 2218t4 Good I I!.II02IAca'macrnn~y!~Ri"""'flul""''' (R\lI"'-,.! Good 11603 F"""nuslallbha OraQOnAsh 14 POOl" i7811 'IPr1Jnussop. CherTY 4 Fai, J7815 Acarmacroohyllum Bi!lieatMaoIe 1:2,1:2,18 Fair ~17 l'Aca~maCrophyl,IUm BiQlaalMaoIe 18,10 Fair ;8353 F.a"lWSlal,tlI", OreQOl1Ash 16 Good ~ F"""nusla1JbI", ~r.."onAah 16,10 Good 188351 !AcarmacrophYllum BiglealMaoIe 1:2.30 Good ~,BB359 iAoermaOrophy1,lum Bd., ealMaoIe 30.30 Good ~ :~:;:~=~~ . :::~:: 1~ ~ 18S3n Fra,,,nus la~bi';--- Oreqon Ash .8 Poor ~ Aoer maoroohyHum Bigieal MaoIe :28 Good,_, ~ A,cerm~cmohvjlum IBiol..atMowIa ~ 1 I I 21-JAN-2009 ~~nd1 ~~l?: W~ll!I.!!'!!!G ~lvl!! Brt,(:lge ~lCl~~!,g~o_n.!lltl,~S ~a!!.. _ L rree InvantOl)' & A5sess.menl , , ~GENUS & SPECIES ICOMMON NAME OBli ~243 Fra.inuslalitlli" LOreganASh 10 1'9144 Frax,noslal,bIia IO_Ash 12 i9247Ca1OCedr1JSdecurrens'l~eCedar :24 19248 Fraxinuslallfolia OrnqonAsh 6 19251 Fraxinuslal,~ia O"'llOOAsh 16 i9253 Calocedr1J9(1.-.;urrens 'lncenseoedar 19 J9255 Calocedrusdec"",,ns lrcans"c_r 19 19251 Fraxinuslatikllia OreqonAsh 14 )9259 I:CaI~edr1JSdec"""ns Incensecadar 22 jlGGSA Fnmnusl;ohlnl", 'InregonASh 1~!'" ,1SG1A Calocedrusdeclll1llns h<:ens..cadar 19- ilS10A IPoouIUSlrichocan>a BlackColtorMOOd 3:2 )l1tx1A Aoermacrophyllum 'IBiQleafMaoIe 5,5,5 1I11ll2A Acarmacroohyllum BiglealMaoIe 5 ~1711JA !'carmacmonytlum 'IBilllealMaoIe 5 Cl11:lA Frax'lIUSlatlbl,a Of8llOnAsn 14 1192A Acarrnacmphyllum BIgI....fMaple 5 81829A l;aocedruad8Co.rrallS Ilnoenseceda, 24 ~B29B Calocedrusdec\.m",s Ilncanseoeda'. 22 2101A CalOCedrusdeco.rraos ;lncansecedar 15 2411A Fra-inl<<lalitllia 10_00 Ash I " 2413A. A,oermaorophyllum IBig~tMapla 12 I i2414A Arer maorophyllum B'llIeafMaple I 12 2417A Acarmaorop/lvllum IBKllaatMaple 1----"- 2438A Acarmacropnyllum IBH;lIeafMaoIe 12 I 2470A Aoermaoltlplwllum IBiQleafMaole I " '241SA Paplluslriohocafpa IBtackCollorMOOd 1:2 ;2479A IArermacltlphyllum 1",oleafMaale I 8 :2480A IFraxinuslatiJolia art!QOnAsh 10 ,iz4B1A IAoB<maomOhVllum SigleafMaple 10 ,;24B4A IAcermaorophVlIum S'~MaoIe 12 iz4B5A Ac..-macrophvllum iSilll....fMaoIe 6 ;5713A Frax;nuslatiblia 10regooAsh 6--:S:--3 :5197A ACB',macmonyltum I'BloIealM""'" 6,4,9 ft.5797A FmxJ......lalifo1ia O.-eoo-nAsh 6.5.3 (' 12,30 P.M. 8.12.2008 , I , I c~:-~~ I STATUS INOTES I Fair! !Ex;SliIlllIOp",SeMl Fai, I IExlSlons;loPfllSeMl I Good IEXI'I,ng!oprns""", Poor IEx,.I'rIIlloo"'s",,", Fa;r IEXlSII"!lloPffiS_ I Fa;r jExjSllr>\lIOoms_ IFair~xisl""'loo"'!"',,", i Fair 'IExiSlir><Jto0f8S_ I Good ExistinoIOora-s.."", r~H-Existing!opmsa"'" Gc:.oo Existinqlooras""" Good IExislil1JJ10orese"" Fai,! IExis!llIIIloprese"" Fair I IExiillil1JJtoOfaSe"" '00' IE.iSIJnotoor&sa..... Good Exlshngloprese"". Fa;, 1~,sJ[,qtO~ GooO IExl51lnQtoo"'seMl Good ExislinglooreseMl Good iE'ist~looraseM = I'~::::::::~,=::" I Good E.isllflllloprese"". (;ood Ex'sll"""iO~ GooO IExi,SI'''!110oreseMl,1 Exo"'lent Exlsh"!lIOor",,,,,,,,,,1 Good E",sl'ngtOPf&5_,1 Fair l'EX;.t'''''IOO'''S~ Good EXlstIRlllol>ffiSllf\O. GooO IExistiRlllOpmS"",,_, Good E.isllr>!lloores...... '00' IEXiSl"'910pms""". Good EXlsuoolo0f8SIlI\Ol. Fair IE.istll1!lloomse"" Good IE.istJnalooras""" 'I . 'I Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION H CAMEIlUN . McCARTIn OILBEIlT a:SCHEIBE LAIlD'CAPBAlCHlucn LLP T.ll'IUJ.7nl tMe.._ Ful.I.,Hllt 1_0""'" .m..._ 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE' GOUNTY Design Team Leoder Justin Lanphear Designed By Lauren Worland, Justin Lanphear Drofted Eiy - Lauren Warlond SHEET NO, TREE PRESERVATION, AND REMOVAL PLAN L1.8C File No. LEGEND ------- _F'JII'f_FlNt_f1lV'f_ _f1.P_n.p_nP_n,p_F1.P_ .IIG.....G.....G.....G.....G. _/~/\i_I'-'-I_/....- -CSB -ca -en -CSB-CSB- -,...;-,...;- -OLIJ-IlL\I-IlLIJ-(]L\I- ---445--_ -AE- THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OSOP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ PHASE 1 LIMITS (E) ODOT RIW FEMA FLOODWAY FEMA 10Q-FT FLOODPLAIN WILlAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY GOAL 5 RIPARIAN CORRIDOR BOUNDARY (/WR) Eugene only TOP OF HIGH BANK See Note 5. /WR CONSERVATION SETBACK BOUNDARY Eugene only IWR CONSERVATION AREA Eugene only , ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) ORDINARY LOW WATER LINE (OLW) Eugene only (E) CONTOURS See Note #7. . (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC . ::z: ",'t 0." . ,. f$ . . 3E . . ~--~----"\" ';:-.' \ _.... ;oX>> ________....':;7 * (E) - ~ -' 11111111 .- reD - O' 25' 50' ~ 21-JAN-2009 12:30 P.M. (E) TREES '5" bBH or greater shown (E) UTILITY TOWER (E) WETLAND AC08DSLCONCURRED NOT LISTED GOAL 5 RESOURCES PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION ABBREVIATION FOR EXISTING PROPOSED ASPHALT SURFACE STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY: FILTER STRIP - New Vegetation See Storm Drainage and Utility Plans Sprtngfield only STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY: FILTER STRIP - Existing Vegetation See Storm Drainage and Ullity Plans Sprtngfield only PROPOSED TEMPORARY WORK BRIDGE See Elevation PROPOSED BARK PATH Eugene only TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONTRACTOR ACCESS ROAD and CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA Granular Fill over Geotextile 100' I 200' SITE NOTES 1. Survey information from survey developed in 2008, by: OBEC Consulting Engineers 920 Country Club Rd., Sune 100B Eugene, OR 97401 " T: 541-683-6090 F: 541-683-6576 Survey: August - November 2008 2. Willamette Greenway Boundary information derived from GIS data provided by OBDP/HDR. 3. City of Eugene Goal 5 Riparian Boundary derived from GIS data provided by OBOP/HOR. 4. FEMA Floodway/Flood Plain information provided by OBEC Consulting Engineers. 5. Top of High Bank derived from combination of survey contours and aerial photography. 6. For graphic legibility, only existing 5-ft contours shown. For existing 1-ft contour information, refer to Grading Plans. 7. At areas within ODOT R1W, north of Willamette Greenway Boundary, noxious weed removal and some construction activities may occur. Date Received: '~~ .~,; ;f~l' ..J ."j \ MAR 0 4 2009 Original SUbmittal r OREGON DEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATlON 1m CAMERON' MeCARTHT OILBERT .lSCHEIBE LAJ<DSCA" ..."nIT_CT! LLP Tol SOlon.rnl IM__ h...,.u.n.. _0_"'" 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 22D PACIFiC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - OBEClCMGS Oesi';;Jned By ~ OBEe' Drafted By - CMCS SHEET "'. SITE .PLAN , LO.2 File No. '\ " KEY PLAN ", ,Ii \\~ ' l~p2.T ~~-: ~~J \ \\\ g.4~~'" --- , '~~-~---_':l----.L r-----"ji -- 1 .. NOT USED NOT USED EUGENE LAND EUGENE LAND USE ONLY USE ONL Y ~ I "I' f! 11/ THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ ( . '1 . ~ ~ > . ~ ~ > r.' IIoIG.IoIG.IoIG.IoIG.'w'G.....G.IoIG. ~ r .. . \ \ STORMWATERTREATMENT /,FACILlTY: FIL TERSTRIP ),Existing Vegetalion \,See Storm Orainage and UUlity Plans "1.'>' .. :1 . :1 o o' \ \ \ \ :1 . STORMWATER TREATMENT FACiLITY: FILTER STRIp. New Vegetation See Storm Drainage and Utility Plans STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY: , FILTER STRIp. Existing VegetaUon See Storm Drainage and Utility Plans r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAR 0 4 2009 ~ Mr:::l~ ~ rc'iI^ltJI L4.NDtCUI...CH1TICTlLLt T.IS<lI..S.1l11 lit.e.._ Fus.ll'U'71" ~O."., ......_ J Date Received: \. 1-5: WlLLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE- BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY , , ' Original Submittal ::z: - 0' 25' 50' ~ 21-JAN-2009 12:30 P.M, Design Team Leader - OBEC/CMGS Designed By - 08Ee Draf7ed By - CMGS SHEET ", 100' 200' I L2.0 SITE ,PLAN File No. .\ "- \ \ \ \\ \\ \\ \\. .\ \ <. \ \ \\\ ."\ \ \\\ <. \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ 1 , ~ \ \ FEMA 100-YEAR --- I .. FLOODPLAIN _ ~ I e . \ ~I 1 9' \ ............1 1 / /...... "" I '. // ". ~ ~.~.~.~.~ I : ~ \ / \ , \ ;- ~ ! TOP OF BANK \ ! I I I I I ,. II ( I I , ~ -- FEMA FLOODWAY KEY PLAN /1 . THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 0:: Ul > [i: Ul E TOP OF BANK ~ -' ~ ~ , ~ FEMA FLOODWAY " OHW ~' /'rr".gj~ , ,f*Y ...~~ ,r \ ~ L ..~ '\ L \ .. \ .~ \.. .. \ ~ \ ~ \' .. ~ \ .\ \ (E) ODOT R1W CONTRACTOR STAGING AREA Gravel /~ " ()\ '-./ ~'. \, . \ >, Y '0 \ > " ~~ > " \ ~ TEMPORARY ILLUMINATION See Lighting Plans TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONTRACTOR ACCESS ROAO 29-Ft+l- / r , OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION' 1,5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ,HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Date Received: H CAMERON . M~CARTHY GILBERT a:SCHEIBE . LAWD,CU!. A.CRlT!.cn LL' tal ..'....lIu 1A__ '..,.l....lIo ._ O' n., ...,....___ MAR 0 4 2009 Design Team Leader - OBECICMGS Designed By - OBEC Drafted By - CMGS , Original SubmittaL ~:z - 0' 25' 50' ~ 100' I 200' I SITE ,PLAN 2\-JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. File No. SHEET NO. L2.1 (' ( " ~ If?' , . . I/! / ~ / I 0 ~ FEMA 10G-YR FLOODPLAI\N. \ . / I' I I 8 . (E) ODOT TEMPORARY EASEMENT ~ ///1 . . OHW \ - ~ / / / J:<< PHASE 1 LIMITS ~ \ \ / ' ~~tb FEMA 100-YR FLOODPLAIN . TOP OF BANK ;.\' ~ ~ ~.~ TEMPORARY ILLUMINATION' '-I' jl J! pI ,1!!fl . r(E)ODOTRIW .... See Lighting Plan 0 7 'r- ':.:-'--j-!@.LL. / -AE- AF ~,"t~.- ~'--~- l r^':'--jT~CA'Er-~A 7/ AE -AE ---rI!1---------~-,-- 0_'-, A E~--1- -IJ/rf"7 /--. E----c-o/, A ,:, A E . A E'-' A E:"""""', A E A E ~,.., ~A ------"---, -?< ,'-!i' -----L-....-~---------------_r. _ '____;:,_~--. --- ____.l_~.,~~~ ' (<. ~ 11 I"~ _"'..;fr-R~-R.-..." -.~.."""'iiP...;._;;;;:...~-n.p..,; --:~'i..... .n.p1' ;""'. ".. ",~ > , u. ~ (E) 1-5 DETO[!R I I""'. -~ I I "'V,- () ,IJ . ,CD, c~_____ ___ .:..------.-- 7~~ ~----'-F---~~--_:F~ I ~L&..-~~---_:---:-__ _. ~ . _____C.Qt!I~!~~~ING @ _ ~ r -(,. _L _~_ J. - ~t- TEMPORARY ASPHALT PATW.-h ~-------------'--">.--..::..__=---~_ . . (E)DECOMMISSIONEb-,:s---------~--~-=--__ . ~,,;~_.kil-!'-_-L ==~F12'Width. I ---------. -- _____ '___h"=====__h____ _, h__ ;-==.=ji=-~i:::'=::1 ~ --t - ~ - . - :S!.~G!2:.:~= - ----_____-------__h__ , _________-<>-_""=~=- .1!;;J-L "" I EUGENE --- --------- ' :......~--- ~ ---;i l < -~- - ~ :~"'- /lJ) ---~---------,,,- -- ~ ~!' :\~ ~ :r--:;-....~---c:=--:>:="'--~=~-- ~~' --~~_ CY \f\-__ .. !/'{ '~'I '", ,~ --__!... ~-... ~--..._~______---_ -.-- .IP~<3;'- a \'<; j -,""(',) __.,..."'.""..""_~~.-------=--~---- _ _ _ _ _ _ *if~., , ~~<"_.nJ.""..'......'------ "".",,_ ------------....__.._ '"",.., r~ I ,---'- , -hL. .,ft..."....- ................. -- """"fil.t ~ 'J --.-, ---- --------- . ]" t;> #" A C A E-"- --O"'-A E ..~.,.., * I /" ~ - - - - - _ _ _ -'-'-'--_, I)('-::J I "'-.... -..... ~... -A E- A E ~ tCJ 'f- \ " ---__ -.-.--___ ="3t1;'<<.....#~o/-A E A E -..... ,~~~ ~ -A ?!.~I A C -A E 3:c _~. -A !-1...) l' CI-'~t ,-...............~ E- . /1 E -AE A E ~ - - --:-_~-_ ~ . -..... ---___ .rt;,.~. ........1... / F, . A :---I-~...::::.......,A-~=-----------.:-----~-~------__ ~ ~ '~ / --_ -------------~~. _._........-u..- I II !'lot.. t: --rrTl1:---- --A--F. iPb-~-::;;"- --- ~ t1~9'>~1 (I! -----O----------------~~~~~~~~-::..-=----/--=--=-=-=-=---4I)' ~~,n'_:~":~~~~.."..:,;:-.i~.~<~~::w~~==~.~,..-'" /i:' y " -,' ~ / I ;~/;.(---,,..,.-J -~--------..,.--_-~.---""iII~.""IfW~~~ ~ , / ~ ~ I, \ / '/ V Q U.,~ ~r U VJ--~~~" /-..,:/ /I( cJ it) )// ';/1 /1 .. (,J-, " !>' 0 r(9 ffJD / "'- ~":~" " 41 YJ r' / I I U " '-' '- I -- " ~ 0 ~. /'/ II:)' t,~,;'ro,. r€3nO f,' ~' " ' < / ','. r ~'(l / 1,.1, ~ ,r,,> cQ ~ \jY '-" /' I '" ,. ", cJ <;''J / 1 ,Ii (J.'I~>~ r': ,0'-''02, ~'b- Rb ,tS'r't-o" 'c.."" P' c, .., v X ,;, X X , '/1 I-I (, ~~ {".....,'\ 7"" -...:;:?-.........,~ r4' X'" . :2: -c. j" / I I If ",~ - , tz;!8 " A, ^ ill I /.1';>-<1, (:). '--r' !'t~~ .; / /" i I:"p CJ .@J '0 0 0':7 j / //'.'J In \;)l' 1t= OREGON DEPARThlENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~' '[.~ ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ .. ~. , ~ A E-~'A E' !' , ^ ~~'_AE-~-AE YG.~G.""(i. - .. ' . ---:>--.----- ,. ~ o () ;,; . , (E) ODOT RIW ~ / . A E A E ~~~'f , . A C ~ u u ."G. ....G.-: ""=-- --- _"1-.:='___ -- - -~-.;;,.-.;;.-~-- _ _..____--...----..-__._-_ -t ~_ Ii SPRINGFIELD - _------- ---~-- ~UGENE - - - --- . .. For work north of Willamette Greenway ""----cc -Soundarvsee note 7, sheetL.9L- f--'-'-,--_._,__ J KEY PLAN MAR 0 4 2009 ~ CAMERON' MCCAmy , OILBERTASCHI!.IBI!. L..MD.C....A..CRI.l'leUI.LP 8l To! SoIl .u.nu *,t.-_ '''JoII.u.mt ~OIlJ'l.1 "'1>00__ . Date Received: L2.0 1,5' WILLAMElTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY 'lANE COUNTY Original Submittal. Design Team Leader - OBEC/CMGS Designed"By - OSEe Droffed By - CMGS NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY / I /1/ '1 -:z: 200' I SHEET NO. 0' ,25' 50' 100' ~ I SITE .PLAN L2.2 THIS ]S THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 21'JAN-2009 12,30 P.M. File No. .', (-,\ '1d I I ,'\SPHAL T PATH (E) OOOT RIW TEMPORA~Y GRAVEL' CONTRACTOR ACCESS ROAD TEMPORARY WORK BRiDGE <... J KEY PLAN l2.0 Date. Reeaived: MAR 0 4 2009 ~ CAMERON . M~CARTHY GILBERT aoSCHEIBE I.AMlIlcut....cn",c,'LL' T,,5ol..M.1> 1Mt-._ 'uSoll41Hln ~Ot.ruol, \L2.2 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE r BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY t"- - _:":"",' L .- ~- NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY Original Submitta' Design Team Leader - OBEC/CMGS DesigMed By - 08Ee Drafted By - CMGS .. :z: - 0,' 25' 50' 100' ~ I 200' SHEET NO. , - / / /II SITE ,PLAN L2.3 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River ~ridge\CAD\ , 21-JAN-2009 12.30 P.M. Fife No. , " , /' / Y/fJ'1o/ / / ! .' . ," /( ( / /4>7' }: / / - UNION PACIFIC R/W ,,~'L~;'- ~ ~ - - - - / f/ ,) , ' , ""'''''~' _f-"/ /' &-"" ~~ ~ ~ // , /?~i#/ 1// / ODOTTEMPORARYEASEMENT ~ ~i~'::_~__-"-----:--::-::-::-::~//-:~~/cCcCcC - ~:::-:;;;.-;'~- . // ' ' . ,._,~.,. _" _/ ~~~ ,)_:;;._~~ ,c;,/" ~ -?'~~"" ,.Jt/ / II I l "..- /.-/ V <"---;.,-7 :k--~""-~~~ ---::::------ ;e~Y-:::-~tf; , 0::;/,1 ~/ ,J^I ~ ,~~~~\}-~~--"':.:'\'\-: -.;:;--'j;2 ~~<::::-/ ~//;;;~"--~2~~-'~~ ~ / / I ~/ ') ~~ / _-- _~/- T,'-- --- ~ '0-- _,7/<''''0"" ~<;({ ... / / ~~ ~ /' _ ........__ _--- \ / __ __'/ __ ...~x~ ~<; , 7;.~ / / ~__/ :~;~~ , ' ~> />~' ","' I', -- -~~./. / ,;;;",~..:C/'J"-" ;.-:, /' //~/ /60"'])\\" /.: -"" /",<":; .,,","""''''' "',. .... _'1. - -:: -c< c;./ / ~ / ;;;"/ ;<.:", f}~3-'Y / / / I/, ry-~ II \' ",-,' / ~ ,.".~~'<-_- \ _ _ ~ ~~ ~ ~ \\ ~ ~.' ' ..-- -" / --'" :0-"- --- u "II . , - , ~. ".' . -- -- ~ ~ .. . ",,- /.- ~.' ." ~...__ "",...'-:\\ \ 'i\\~~/./~" /-?' -,--- ~~ --- ~~::--\\ """ /~)<; p-;- // -----;:;-< ;~~t,~~' ;-Y"j/' ' ;If\:J-/~7~~~"II/ /.:-~::;;;'O'O~~'~.. ." " /??:-~/ '.: 'i"'V' /;;;;,>"'" .',/, {I / I ~~1 ..A /....,""" __ ~ _ ~___ ~- OU"'D _ ~ -- "'-- "-:r / / - - /// ..' .. ~_. /' ". ~ ..,,,NO'''''' ,.' '" ~ /'...,. .' ,p , " 0&<. ." ~~;; It'::' ..'- ~ " ./ - .. ,,c,,'C_'N"'R"^ ' /~ . "..~::;;::>' ,f .. /?/ /. ,. .,,;/ ;a) I /~F?~// all//// -... ~ SOU1~aOUND #-~~r,- -/ ~ ?'~~-::~~/" ~fr:;~-Ij; / ,fi~-,^'G;!e??:' " ,'. ,/" r ,/ . ",,~.. ;, ~ ~..., "c,,~ N"" .."..'M::'~....""./ II / ~ ~,,~'1d::;y.";: >/.;:::::';:1-'/' .P,' ;' ;' ',," . .ffY _ ,I /~ 1/ 0"/ /./ /~ ~I'-~~'____~__ _ ~~.~-~__ ,..--..-- '_"V-:-,-/~d "","o_,dp"-- 1/1 (yt ,:/ / ~/-~,.r ,_ __ ~ ~~- 7 y ':%~~^-- 0 '/7 --'" ' II ' M///@9',>;('///,----:::../"'t----------- ~~/ - \ /" ',,~..;::.;;..?---:: -?";:v -j---------- 11;''0-x/' --n/.///~'// /p'" /' JURISDICTIONAL WATER 4 ~#~__' --_----- - //" ;;~,~"c/--:;:.--::---:-:::c.,,;,",--::---C:-~ ci' 1'/'/ / Y' /[ /"/ /' _ ACOE/DSL ~ ,__ ~,~-~..-- / -='- ___J~Y';'---- - n:: "/ / ,'/'/:: / c:.::---- 0- concurred only, ~~__<?~?-:-~rr-_,r'=-"'-'~---' //^ /' -----7"------7 <' ~>!-I-\NolaDstedGoaI5resource _ __.-, ~...~'i' ^.;,.~;::i::""';.--V:-;'-':':-P-:-"~ ------y ---- =! ,; 7- , / ../--p<>= l---<l--=--~ _______________ ' _- ~ ~ 01'1-"" """,,?' ..__ .!-'~-~~- ---- ' ------ - - - :r ,,,,,,,,,,,".0,,""='" ""]0;4"1...; .,c e ___",';C~'" ,",,'" .' _,-;0'.> ~-c""""'-- ~ 'C-~;' ..,/.. " I ~_;'='" .~' .._---:c~ _' ""'" >"",..~" ,~'/" -.-'-"-' ~ EUGENE7"~-= _-=-, \_~:;; ~~~ ~~ \_0 .?~~--r~-@ -.1:-:";:- cY :oJ >--;; ~~ /'" I.' i ~_~ ~..__/./' ",,_~~~^' _~ ) .:5 =-= / }______-~7. ~ ~-___' ..=-''1/- / ,{/ / /-,/./? /;:;. ;;~ftc ~^ C b n , . ,r' ,,,"""'. " = / ERMANENT BRIDGE/ y- /-y /' I ,-,. ,-""'.:Y--" ,- - I ~ -r~ -: [ ('---'l /. SUB-STRUCTURE /. /' / ,,~// '/____ ~ _ ..-- - - -+ ~ I L-J I C _ / ./ _ ./ /^"" / 7 ,,"" ,'-' 'r ./ 'I ~ I ."..... /",/ 7"@ 0, - -Q-"n JJ r-/~/ ./././;././>/ ~~'./;>'''F.-~~@.'~~- 'If -j , $\ "'''''\ - /.."L"'---~7rI'-'-] "'w~ ././.// '/./ /./~;'''' .(/~:/ __'''::~I--'..;LI _,~UGU.~TAST,III '_ \'< / ./..__.( ."""""'; I ~'/ /" r' _r -''-"'-~ ./ ./ .//, '- '/'~,-- 0 /1 /,' /' '" / /.// .//.;.. 1./ /"/r gj 1 /./ ./// ./,.".;~ / 'ai -, ~ : /:/./ / '/ 'f/;-:~~' :'<\ ~ L_. /' I / /~ tl' / iE ~,---. .{/ / /~ \~ ( / /' ~ : ; 1 / / r/ ~ ( - - T ' ... -\ ~ /?X' /./ e r / -. w@.____ yQ'~0'/ --( ,/[ r. ~ I ~/ /, /~ "- ! / ~ , ~ ( / / -' L KEY PLAN Date Received: r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION L2.0 MAR 04 2009. ~ Mtl:l~~ . MeC.....ftTHY LANDICAn ..!":,~il~,IM ~:.-' ~:~~: :~:~ . 1'1<<1. ........~ 1,5: WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE, BUNDLE PACIFIC ;HIGHWA Y - LANE COUNTY 220 Original Submittal ,L2.2 .....~ j-...-- NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY N(JT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY /11 OesiQn Teom Leader - OBEC/CMGS Designed 8y - OSEe Drafted By - CMCS / .-:z: - 0' 25' 50' 100' ~ I 200'- SHEET "" /1 SITE PLAN L2.4 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette Rl'ver B 'd rI ge\CAD\ 21-JAN'2009 .12:30 P,M, File No. -- --. ,'. - (E) ODOT R/W "" / . //// I if/I. / {/~/ i,-I // /. I {, I- /' I ,/ "'-../" 1/ / ./ /'-- /--r- (/\ '___ ..(.{ /,/ ~/~ ./ ~ ~I.:; /" .// /' ~ If..~'!C, ,/ "- / {:{"<I"" " / \I',...:-~/ ./ /--;:../ ,>,../--...., I /,;\ // -' / / / / / -' / -' // ~ , ~. '" ..... ..... / -' . , , 1t= OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION KEY PLAN L2.0 <. Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 18& ij?tt:~~~ .i: r~CARnn O~ LAIIDIC...,.. UCllJTI~;II~L~ LX :::.-:;'"'. ~:~ ::: ::::ri':: 1........_ 1-5' WIllAMETTE RIVER. BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE' COUNTY Design Team Leader - 08EC/CMGS Oesig:1ed By - OB~C Drafted By - CM.GS ~ "2,' .~ \ ~ s ==-- \ ",2 is l!,' . \__, . t-~----"1----.l f-----',})J"J NOT USED NOT USED EUGENE LAND EUGENE LAND USE ONLY USE ONLY Original SubmittFlI THIS IS THE FILE NAME ' LOCATION -' / /II Z:\OBDP - Willomette ,r-Z 200' I SHEET NO, - 0' 25' 50' 100' ~-_l, I SITE PLAN L2.7 River Bridge\CAD\ 21'JAN-2009 12,30 P,M, .File No. " LEGEND . "'Ci.....G.....G.VG.VG. _rWr_FDIJv_FO....V_ _rLP .rLP .FLP _rlP .rLP_ ~~\i~/V~/"'~/"'~/"'~ -CSll-CS9 -CSB -CSB -CS9- -DlIJ-OLII-(L\o'-[J..\I- ;~;:::ii-H-!-;"ii ~ v "," ..." ~ O~'" ,,0' ~ ~_-~--x'-":h ""'.... . \ ,-....,' ./. ...._~____._....'9 '-.... EI. 434,;2J ~ ~ ~l' r PHASE 1 LIMITS (E) ODOT RIW WILlAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY - - FEMA FLOODWAY FEMA 10G-YR FLOODPLAIN GOAL 5 RIPARIAN CORRIDOR BOUNDARY (IWR) Eugene only TOP OF HIGH BANK See Note 5, WATER RESOURCE CONSERVATION SETBACK BOUNDARY Eugene only ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) ORDINARY LOW WATER MARK (OLW) (E) CONTOURS SEDIMENT FENCE, UNSUPPORTED f1\ See Note 6, '1\2jV COMPOST FILTER BERM {2"j See Note 6 ~ STRAW WATTLE See Note 6 INLET PROTECTION See Note 6 PROPOSED GRADING LIMITS PROPOSED CONTOURS (E) TREES (E) WETLAND ACOElDSL concurred Not a listed Goal 5 Resource DRAINAGE PATTERNS PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION TEMPORARY WORK BRIDGE GRADING NOTES 1. Survey information from survey developed in 2008, by: OBEC Consulting Engineers 920 Country Club Rd" Suite 100B Eugene, OR 97401- T: 541-683-6090 F: 541-683-6576 Survey: August - November 2008 Erosion control measurements developed by: TYLin International 1500 Liberty St. SE, Su~e 210 Salem, OR 97302 2, Willamette Greenway Boundary information derived from GIS data provided by OBDPIHDR. 3, City of Eugene Goal 5 Riparian Boundary derived from GIS data provided by OBDP/HDR. 4, FEMA FloodwaylFlood Plain information provided by OBEC Consulting'Engineers, 5, Top of High Bank derived from combination of survey contours and aerial photography, 6. Approximate erosion control measures and types shown, Full erosion control plans will be provided w~h appropriate construction permits. 7, Grading information provided by OBEC Consulting Engineers. CUT/FILL CALCULATIONS CUT (CY) Eugene Path Work 1,042 532 Springfield Path Work Totals ,1,574 THIS IS THE FILE NAME lOCATION Z;\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAO\ FILL (CY) 1,897 243 2,140 (~";;:'''::,'1 /=--- a-nm.!...w ~'~AJ_~-6_r~ L.A PLAN '-n\ PLAN VIEW AT DITCH SECTION 'll-~- "'-.. <-- Q-. .~.~ - 1--- L=I(>-'=:- -1 ~I~il~~ llll,ll~ ~~ .' I I lU '< ~_ ~-- ........\ -___'";:--.- ..J 'J:~ Fi!!!irr~ ,J , -,--- .. I ~l~ .. "I -I _L T^"'-'" FENCE SPACING FOR GENERALAPPUC:AnOf\l INSTAU.PNW..l..ELAU;lHQ """"'-""""""'" YA.XlYUaolSPAClNG I """'" ON"""'" I a.w.<1~ :nT I '1~1~<I!i1lo 1Sl' I 115"A;1~'2O!lo 100' I 1:!M;1~<3ll'IIo~ 50' I S01lo~~ I ~ I =::=ftnot\:. F'aII I ~_.:;~::- ~1' '~ ,-..... .... ,- f'" ~~ ~~ ~~ r..-c.:kfI ,;;' , ll""":": ~_ "'" ' U ~EcnON A-A . a ~ ~~~! ~\":;'=;; '-*tperpclllllll1. , 1 . - ~"'t 1 = · L u~~L-:~-=- h ,- \.. fI-, ~ i '~_~.::::- JJ "--=:"" ElEVATION SEDIMENT FENCE ODOT Standard Drawing Rd 1040 A~' /,' ,I, ,/:(~/ , . r,,/'/, 'r'r' ! L-~ [ COMPOST FILTER BER~ -~ I.ClltIIt.Btt-,"F_~(>"~"~ ,- !.BontSllO/lBoCott.tll,C/fdr4AlMlfr,,,,, SAll>t"""9r"'III_~f_'~ - . J.lW. S"-iJl~__r4,,",.f4/"I/'. ~f4InQ~5frr.(_&.. ..Bo<.S/IoIIB1t~WI1>g' _1o_SPJ-IlrA"~ --- COMPOST FILTER BERM ~ NTS J 200' I ELEVATION VIEW AT DITCH SECTION OR lJJW AREAS ~ , !'Xl TABLE 2 POST SPACING 4', Supported SecDrnerd Fenoe 6' Unsu~9d Sedimenl Fence wllh GeotmcWe elongation "less lhan 50% 4' unsu~EKI Sedimen1 Fence with GeolextiIe elongation -more than 5O'l(, TURNED ENDS l....T_ ~rxl~rx1 , , ~-.-- L--1posl~rnln. POST SPACING 0VERL4P .a--.~__........ ~by"""'B'~"". ~CS-lbndIn:l~). GEOTEXTILE END CONNECTIONS I NOT2 :=~-.:::::=.:.-- I HOJEl1D.,lorrol.. ~~llul.. _..--. T1w~ ,;grwtIJ..~" ~1tIr".-lo_ ""..N~~ aI~Ar:r:..,...,M -.......- OREGON STANDARD DRAWINGS ........"""'''-''''''''''' SEOOIENrFENCf,LNSUPPORTED 0' 25' 50' lOa' . . ::z: - ~ 21'JAN'2009 12,30 P,M, , .J><~ :,.::=t-":"'.,.- 2002 --"!i!- NTS Q Date Received: MAR 0 4 )009 Original Submittal .) T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ CAMERO,.. . MeCARTHY GILBER.T iIoSCKIHBE LANDlc.n U.CHITICn LLP Tol )4IUJ.llU ""__ r..M14u.nu J_oI.JNlll.m............ 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 ./ PACIFIC HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Laocer - OBEe/T'r'Un Designed By.- OBEe/T'r'Un Drafted By - CMGS GRADING PLAN SHEET NO, CO.l File No. , '\, . . o , !. , . ~ . ~ . ~ . .....G......ll.....G.'5. \ . ~ . , j , j , <: . '. <: . , <: . , <: . , <: . , <: . , <: WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY PHASE 1 GRADING LIMITS Typical " j" , l c ) .~~ . ~-- , Date Received: .~: KEY PLAN MAR 0 ~ 2n09 Original Submittal -J ~ () ~ \w,/ NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY 1/1'1 ./1 i --L I /' NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY C1.4 100' 0' 25' 50' ~ - '-- :z: C1.] :1.5 . ' /1 THIS IS THE FILE NAM=: LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 21'JAN'2009 12030 P,M, \ " ........ "--.. 200' , " .. , .. , .. , .. , :-i , .. o .. , .. , .. , .. ,~ .. , .. EI. 437,62 EI. 437.07 - , . , . , .. ., .. ., .. '0 .. " ". " ". " ". . <>'7...." , " 7tr OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR!ATION 18& CAMBRON' McCAmy GILBERT. SCHEIBB l,.""D'CAn "lclllTBcTl LLP ~ r,''''"''o7)1J J"__ PuJOlou.n" 1_ Ole ntll off_-",,- 1-5' WILLA METTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader OSEe/HUn Designed By.- OSEe/HUn Dr?fted By - CMGS SHEET NO, GRADING PLAN Cl.0 file No. 'l, p , r~ , \'.=:'1..J5 ~/ , t- , \ I \ I ~ \ , , \l '\ \~ \\ .\ ~e ~, \-.: \ \ >. ~ , .... ",- .' l ,\ , .' y ? \ ~ . , " '. \ ' e , '\ , ~ ~ \ e " ~ I .' ~I I, i ---' ~ ..------ ;-' /' -.- ")J4t .10" {;'~ "J .ci",o. dl".dlJ.,r-U I , \ t , \ \ , I , / , f , I , '-~"" ~" - " l, PHASE 1 GRADING LIMITS Typical J ! 6 I ;; cl~ ~ \ ~ 'FEMA FLOODWAY 0:: UJ > 0:: UJ ~ UJ ::2 ::s ...J ~ FEMA 100--Y,R FLOODPLAIN TOP OF BANK ,See Note 5. Sheet CQ,1 ,~ NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONL Y 11111 eLf., .. e , ~ , 1 I " '. ~ TH1S IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z;\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAO\ III I e , .' ,. I s ~ I . t! I s ~ I ~ KEY PLAN CI.G } "'_,I /' NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY 1/ ;1.5 1- \ \. '- :z , . '. \,~ L I .1 , I G' \ \/' .' \ ' , o 'I . '\ ~ \ \ .' " t.. \ \ \ .'.\\ ~I \ .1/ ~\ \ \ , \ , ~----------\ I I ( \ \ I , . \ ~ I ) I I J 1 I / , I.., I ... , ( , , \ ) " I \ 1 \( ~) ( I E/. 435.25 \ I , , J \ ( \ I ) " , " I ' , I , J )/ ("/ 1 / '- / / ''\/ \ ~-E/. 435,14 , J / ---- ",-_/ / .-/ E(;-4:J5,1O / , ". I ,) ^- ,/.",r~_,- I ///?-.'''' . 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TOP OF HIGH BANK 1\\\1\\1\\ \ {3 r.1 "'~, I \ \ \ \ I II '" 11111\\\\\\ f 1'5/;t --. _/ \ \ \ \ \ ( II (\ ,. FEMA100-YEAR ~ SeeNoteS,SheetCO,1 "\'1/'\"" ~ I '<:it) _ _ _ ~ i. ~ 1/ ) \ '. Ii F~OODPLAIN 0 \ /' _-..... "j (~~\\:;~;~\ <: 1'111;1\1\'\ \ ~I /1 I -- EI. 434.53 I \ \ \ I II . f.....- I ~_" _\.-_,/ /.....' /' .("/J' ~ j"III\\\\1 I I' 'JI~I EI. 434.63 -_-::.~ ",:hitJ.. ) I' I / I [\ 1;t " / /- ;;__ ,'~ -/..... ,..--" .....'1 ..--_..... 'ti",) - /-- I \, ,\\~\\\ j U rllll!" -II~ .L'/.E:t-' _ __--~~::. ::;;;;~-4~ III Ir ).. I /,t' ......... \// I /\ /. ~ I ----+-- 1~ - --;0 1 I ,r~~ '" ) 11I1 I,/ ",- 1 I I / "'~...... 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Design Team Leader - OBEC/TYLin , Designed By.- OBEC/TYLin Draf,ed By CMGS 200' I SHEET NO, ~1.5 'I :z: r:: 0' 2S' SO' 100' ~ GRADING PLAN C1.2 THIS IS THE FILE 'NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette'River Bridge\CAD\ 21-JAN'2009 12,30 P,M, . File No. " \, ' ,.\ '-----'\ ~ - . , ------- / ,-' ------- / \ ."../ ( ,-..... ..... , ~ , , q ----- TOP OF HIGH BANK See Note 5, Sheet CQ,1 TEMPORARY WORK BRIDGE EI, 437.40 ----- ------ KEY PLAN Cl.0 I CI,2 -F' - - ~ , /' NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE DNL Y II C1.4 NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY //7 Ct.€ ~l.'i I HIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATiON Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ ------ ~ W > ~ w 1= w :2 :5 --l ~ " II :1 i\~i!l e~'>,_ ,)o<:~ \ . 5..."~ ..., 1.\ \\\\ :iJ /,1 .- / d I , " 1 _'~ i ~- ------- ,J :z 21-JAN-2009 " ~ " \;', cl ,--=\ ~-l . " '" 'I "I> J . 1 , \ " "I PHASE.1 GRADING LIMITS Typical r , , T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Data Received: H CAMl!kON . McCARTHY GILBERT'" SCHBIBE LAIIOlc"n".CHITIICTI LU sr Tol )<1 UJ.lIU ,..___ P..J4l41HJU ~Ol.".l om..........- MAR 0 4 2009 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE BUNDLE 22D PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Original Submittal Design Teom Leader OBEC/TYLin Designed By,- OBEC/TYlin Drafted By - CMGS SHEET NO, -= 0' 2S' SO' 100' ~ 200' I Cl.3 GRADING PLAN 12:30 P,M, File No. fj;~IIf' / /.. . ~~.::::2'-::('::,>'c.ieP!'fff::..;~0!}'JPX'~=,' / ' , , ' , ' ,~. , h /ift' ~tJ:1 ......_~ It / ..'f~-':::::~~::--;;---O_=--~:o-,--::'~j;;~-f.-:f:ff;t;:J-#7~:;:~-;':;/-:----?-; ;' / ,/ ;' ,.:. / / i._J.-:.; , ( " " '>::~'5: ( " ~/ / / ' --</_____=_-----~- __ ,_---;-~--~~-----~-f- / / ",v ( / ( ( I -- - " ,-- ",-"," ~-/-- " ", _...>;="<,.,"./YC~~~f~' .'/' , , , , .f' '.,s>",' ,', ,.,..,,,,,,,,.,,, ,," c' '/,lii',;,0/ J " " ~c~rf;38"!,',C::!lr[?g,~ffP!'1'I''(';'>/~''':': : '"Cd.",":: ,(#i;;; l l, '....'.,,>;;,.':}l\:<;4~' /j::-//'Z'r), ',dl}:72 , J;\j ~ ,_~- /~ .....:?___""'?/o'''--0''---'''3cC/-, ,_-Co-C:O' -- / I I ' _-"'5"::C::-cC-- ;' / ------ 'f.UG<- , ' " ' -"- /:f-f-5~i:;fcC"-'?ft/ ~-, r;;;,{:t::;;:~~4f;;i / ': v,;v _ I>~') _~~~;-?t!'~~ffft5.!ffl;5~J\.~\-':\'~--:;-::;~~,c, --,/ /~~-::i:;-:-?:?)=- / :-.~':---- \ \, \" '","'j--:-:'~;Jji!;-?-> :'J~) \ " o,~.",~i " / '" ,i ,i ,'-.f-~$!"F6~/'" . 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'i- \, / j:/_(J(.._--II, - _..J 11-- I /"" ..- -, I I I 1Y/,/-!f" "Il""" --- ./ ,.... Ii"- .....J\ ~ I /1:1/;17 ..-)1, ,'......... ___1/"- / \ J I ' 0f/~ /_-./ \',':':': ~--,1- 1/; ..-.....""1 \ ~ ~ .,," --- '- I I / / / I I / " L -~, _d /- - -'L: o '" ( / KEY PLAN Date Received: ~ OREGONDEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION f CI,O ,- ~ ,C'" ~_\C"2~'3 L' MAR 0 4 2009 Gsa ~1MHK.ON . McCAii'iiY L LBI!RT olSCHI!IBI! ")llllc..n ".CIlIT.cn LLP :.= :-.. ~:~ ~:: :::~~ ,-- , Original Submittal H: WILLAMETTE RIVER BRID'GE PACIFIC 'HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY - BUNDLE 220 -ll /' NOT USED EUGENE LAND'. USE ONLY :1,5 /'/ IS THE, FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBOP f' NOT USED EUGENE LAND USE ONLY III' Design Team Leader - OBEC/TYLin Des1gned By .- OBECITYL1n Drafted By - C~GS J CL.!! 'I :z: --: 0' 25' 50' 100' ~ I 200' SHEET NO, GRADING PLAN C1.4 THIS Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 21-JAN'2009 12,30 P,M, File No. " , ~ PHASE 1 GRADING LIMITS / / / / / / / --- / / --- / --- / / / / / / --- T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,HIS IS THE FIl,.E ~1C1'O ~CI", Cl.2 \.3 ~ - ~ 1 '...t I \ \:II/#' /' NOT USED NOT USED EUGENE LAND' EUGENE LAND c' < USE ONL Y USE ONLY Ii //T NAME LOCATION Z,\OBDP , W'II . I amette River Bridge\CAD\ MAR 0 4 2009 ~ gttl::~~~ .i: McCAIlTHY UMMCAPI ....C:I~I~~.I ~L~ ..._ To! JOI....nu _~. '..1<1....711. I ...._...... 1-5' WILLAIIETTE RIVER BRIDGE PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE. COUNTY BUNDLE 220 KEY PLAN Date Received: Origi~tal Submittal Cl.4 Design Teom Leeder - OBECITYL' o . In eSlgned By - OBECITYlin Drafted By - CMGS 200' I ~ SHEET NO, CUi, 'II :z - 0' 25' 50' 100' ~ I GRADING PLAN C1.7 21-JAN'2009 File No. 12,30 P,M, '\ LEGEND -fl.E _F1NY_FTNY_FTNY_ _Fl.P_FtP_FU>_F1J>_nP_ ~ .l,/G_VG_IIG_\JG_IIG_ ---I""~/\I~/\I~/""~/\I~ (E) --.. ~ ~ ""'Ii ~~I ~ ~ PHASE 1 LIMITS (E) WETlAND ACOElDSL concurred Not listed as GOAL 5 Resource (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC STORMWATER AND UTILITY NOTES 1, Survey information from survey developed in 2008, by: OBEC Consulting Engineers 920 Country Club Rd" Suite 100B Eugene, OR 97401 T: 541-683-6090 F: 541-683-6576 Survey dated: August-November 2008 2, Willamelle Greenway Boundary information derived from GIS data provided by OBDP/HDR. ' 3, City of Eugene Goal 5 Riparian Boundary derived from ORDINARY HIGH WATERMARK (OHW) GIS data provided by OBDPIHDR. ' (E) ODOT R/W FEMA FLOODWAY fEMA 100-YR FLOODPlAIN WILLAMETIE GREENWAY BOUNDARY GOAL 5 RIPARIAN CORRIDOR BOUNDARY (iWR) Eugene Only ABBREVIATION FOR EXISTING TEMPORARY ILLUMINATION See Lighting Plan (E) ILLUMINATION TEMPORARY WORK BRIDGE See Elevations STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY FILTER STRIP - New Vegetation STORMWA TER TREATMENT FACILITY FILTER STRIP - Existing Vegetation 4, FEMA Floodway/Flood Plain information provided by OBEC Consulting Engineers, 5, Storm Drainage and Utility information provided by OBEC Consulting Engineers, -:z: ~ Date Received : MAR -0 4 2009 Original Submittal = 0' 25' 50' ~ 100' I THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 21'JAN'2009 12,30 P,M, " - 200' I , ,~ ( '( -' - " ,- -' T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ gtr::~~ ircC::J~ '-- LAIlD'CAn ...Culnen LLP T.) H'''HI'' I.~"""", PdH1UH'" I_DI"'41110'1>oo__ 1-5' WILLA METTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE' 22D PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - OBEe Designed By - OSEe Drafted By - CMGS STORM DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES PLAN File No. SHEET, NO, CO.2 . " r KEY PLAN t' " r C2.\ . , ,If NOT USED ?' oj C2.7 ~ I.t[\~ f( . 2 3 ~ \ t......:,.,_~__..,~- I"" .4--' -' -~ ' -:..-:--- _ ",r.-.- ~ r..-..:..----~i---.. _ f--- -\, ...Jitf!. ~ ." r;:r f NOT USED - NOT USED - EUGENE LAND EUGENE LAND USE ONLY USE .ONLY ~/_~. t /~ / //7 ru IHIS !S THE F1LE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBOP - WiUamette River Bridge\C40\ ) . . < " . ,~ i < '" . , '" . , '" . , " . i , STORMWA TER TREATMENT FACILITY:'" FILTER STRIP - Existing Vegetation .. , " . o > .! > . ~ . o > , . I'w'G.....G.\IG.....G.IJG....G."'G. ~ PHASE 1 LIMITS i /' ( , I , I ' / Ir\ \ (I \ \_ I I \" \ I I \ \ I I \ \ I I '\ " \ \ I I \ \ 1 I \ \ I I \ \ I ' \ I \ , ~ I \ \ . I 1,-',1 ". ,: : I ~.. I: :1 ~ ,: :' II ,', 'I \ I ',\ . \, ~ '\\ \\ PERMANENT , \ ASPHALT PATH '.\ ' < II \\ ~ \\ II /\ '\ ". ' \' , II \\ \,\ 't, TEMPORARY I \, '~ ASPHALT PATH, \ :~ -~ \\ ',\ " \' ,\ '. \ \ ") \' ,\ '.., \ , ".., \\ \\ , \, ,\ ....... " ...., \\ I \ """"', " \ \ ",,'~ \\ \ \ ", ~ \ \ ", ,~ \, '\ " '~I \ " ..... - \\ ~, , '~ '\ ~, \~ ,\, ',\ ", ,-\ ", ',\ \', '~ \\ '\ \\ '\ \\ ':\ ~ \ '\" . , " STORMWATER TREATMENT FACldTY: FILTER STRIP - New Vegetation ,. , sl'" ~ .'" ~s , ~' .'" ,.' ,\,.<t*' ,,,. .,LP.fLP.fLP!IJ rLP.ftJ' STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY: FILTER STRIP - Existing Vegetation Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal. :z: --= 0' 25' 50' 100', ~ I 21'JAN'2009' 12,30 P,M, I I I I f I I I,' f' , ' , I f I / / / I , , ////J / ~ I '// , o II , II , II . ~ II , I . ~ I "- PERMANENT ASPHAlT PATH STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY: FILTER STRIP - New Vegetation T OREGON. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION , 200' ~ CAMERON' McCAR.THY GILBERT ASCHEIBE LM"DIC.l..B ...JeIlITHCTa LL. 8l: 1',1 UI4Is.71U 1__-; P....\41"'3" I_OI.r1W1 . , 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE . BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY " Design Team Leader - OOEC DesiQned 8y - OBEC Drafted By - CMGS SHEET NO, ( STORM DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES PLAN C2.0 Fife No. " . \ \ . , '0 l \" '0 \ "b . ' ' ?, , \ 1,- \.... Cv~ ~ 1- ~ " " ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ -0' . " . V'.<r~ ,,~ "4t<r}" ...~.I> -'!l.l.d).l.d,,,.d --. FEMA FLOODWAY FEMA 10G-YEAR FLOODPLAIN \ i \ ! \ e \ e' \ e I ~ I ~ J ,. , , ,,< , I s ~ I . " I s '~ I KEY PLAN OH\. 7 0: ill > ~ ill ~ ill ~ ~ ~ NOT USED "', c,) ,r?" r_:>,E '-- THIS 15 THE FllE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ " C2.1 \ e .\ I ~-- ~ \ \ .... 0 "}e, e , \ \\ \ o-~ e \ 1. e- \ - '. \IJ \ y \ ,\ (~ l e~\ \ " .", ,d "O"~ )' ,,' , X~j, ~~ , ; n~ 1. ~ 1 L...J \ _ ' "- \ \ 1. " \ -\--' "<0 \ \ ,r ~',; " ,; , , " I ~ \ d ,] 0- , o \ " 7 ,-:z: L ~ ,\ . L '. \ ~ \; . -l) L \ . \ i. ~ \ .\ i.i. \~\ =:- ' ~ \ . ~~ L , o \ ~\\ ,~ ~\ r '0 "t , - r " e .~ t a ~€ ,~ ~~ .~ g.~ ~~ (E) FIRE HYDRANT Approximate 30G-f! from Project o " II " II' X-,,--^^-::--:;:;c-:;-~:; , " I 1 "I 1 \ 1 "1 1 , " .J I " 'I ( ,\ ) w :/",/ o 05 ." I~ Date Received: r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal 0' 25' 50' ~ 21'JAN'2009 12,30, P,M, 100' 200' ~ l;AMERON' McCARTHr GILBERT "SCHEIBE L...N...C...U....CKITBCTlLLP T., M14U.7JU "'" _ -.- P.. Ml 4U.71n ~0Il".' 1-5' WlllAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE: BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE (OUNTY Design Team Leader - OBEe Designed By - OBEe Drafted By - CMGS STORM DRAINAGE AND UTiliTIES PLAN File No. SHEET NO, C2.1 , " ) "'\ Q , o n.o.5 E; 8 rfYh / 1i ~ ~~!O' ~!O' ' I' fI// !O' ,.: ~~o ,; 'if Iv / ' I ' I ~ ~ 5-~~ ~ S s.... ~ ~~~ v · FEMA100-YEAR / / Q ,;; Qit I' " '" ~~ f;;~ ,~~;~ ~ .;;~ b~g ~ FLOODPLAIN ~ ~it' ~~ \ I " " 0.:; o~5 g:eo ~~-':-' R:~ ~t;:~ ~~..J · · "",. '" 'L ," .".':". :,. "" ' . ."",on, : ".' ., , I ' I ,"; ,: ", ""'" ,., ,,> .- ~ it~~ GREENWAY ~ ~~i _ ~ ~~ " , )_~ ~ __ .~!O' ~!O'!O', BOUNDARY ~"~ N~ M~;5 R ,~ R~'3" \ I , , TEMPORARY IllUMINATION _ _________ u ' ~,~ 0 /~" ~"N .mzz bo.~ b~-o QN "7' , PI __ .,------ ~:g "<-I:;: ~ bo.!" bmo Q~ g~:-. M~~. M~~~~,. L / ,I See Lighting ans _ j' o NO~ ~" M ':I/ji. M ~~ Q M ~ ~ ~-'O ~ ~ ~ ~~ 1. " _ ____.J \... _ I ,~'" ;;~~~ ~~~ ~ 11 ~;H ~~~~: b~~~:;_ ~n5 g~~w ~~ , II r= ~// ---=-TEMPORARYASPHALTP~~ A\ !?" . ~6 - b~~~6 fii~~';; 8~ ~ ~~~s" M~OO -~ M '" ) -J- _'_, ':--/'"'If- "--"-~-A E- -A E ~__ fii~~ g~ it~ ~~~~~.~:~i,jO: ~ ' ) -.w- .o.------r=O----~-';E-(----/'-,-':1'2J ------- ~i~ ~~~~~ g~~~~ '~!"S5r~ \"1 E_uvf~ -- '::.,,"f ffi[ \0 : (~71'- !d', IE AE ..,E -AE___~~~, " I AE /:: L-~---t .") { \~~AE\-~-. 1:1-': __-1-_________\ _ --ww,.,,,-fc' A[- ~~A-E-T-=-=--=---=-=--/7' -:? --' -L _AA-E-'?i~\' -- - - A E,----.^>;"'~J. - z::~"l-';1 ' .~, i,o'I":f\"""""-'. , ~-"'t;;~~~~'F' r I .. ""-H ',/. ~,"~ .. ,.,t. ,y " I ~/., . "nUNU~ -.'S'."'.'~O~OTTEMPORARYEASEMENT J -- "0\' ("EjUTILlTYTOWER .'h..1 ' ,. /11/" "/: I 'I To remain '~n--.J_ .. 1'~Detour? / 'To remain 1'1"., 1 ""II L.f"" /: _' ~ ,~==~_u_ ~ 3 - (E)ODOTR/W! / : '..,.~ ~ It.:- ',' ~__ ..J I.cL___,L / . . ----;"-- ,fb~-rrt ii~ "-1'-1~_7~"O~~"'''''~'~'~'''~:,::::''''~-- '! SPRINGFIELD -------,/, I ~-~-----~---------..:.--------:.-I- ' -( I : -';"'ll~'-.:--;; -----1 '--1'------------- EUGENE -- ,- --.-.._----:-----,-~ '. , Z-~~' / / I . _ . : It' :1. ... _. .n.....~. "nn ...,.....c.... '. .,,,.,,, . ~ .. .. . . ";" . I . . . .. " .. . .. .0' ..~.""---" I , I~: In ~".'" mn... . .. :<- ./' 7p'/ " !(i I ~kft,j~J . !' ---.---............. ---------. \ / "",'j ~O ~ 1 . ~~ "\ ~f- -- '- -, . ~" ~~~ . , ~\ \ " "'-"'.- "'''', . ,----,.."..,_'L 1'/_ ~^' '_~,___ "o___,~ t'~:'--;-(;:::\.--~:..:=_=__ I =~--~=-:.:==-----------~-;j:; --;-:r '~I'.' ,'Ii: ~. ~ '- _ -'-A-~'-'-'-'--_.-r- __ - - - - - ~ --:ru.~.,.,.,.....,-.,.."... . ,. .' I' " . ~.,,, " ., "" " / "-~>s 1.<f1J.dM-______ ----- ~ .'/"'., ~~w 0' ~A E~/""-~II' C-fJ A" ~ _ _0 <ff~ / ~/' "'%~~^"!J1.-A~ O~_ E' ''''.'''''''S", A E A E- 3:E_O_'--' A E.1-,il~/- 4 E~l ,~~' . '" ~_ 'l.E [ --ottcJr __ ~~.:_ ---=-'-'~=;;;fii~~3'__"~ " .,3, "'1 ,"~ '-"'. ~ ."'" A [, A E "... '( <J ~e.;>;r.", '___=_=--~ -il';IP,illO'"",."", ,. " , " '.' -'H ~:'" ''0",."... "..".",.. , i" _,,, .~. .C~"..,".,,,.~.~. "'.n."~.".~.~_"~"."._~,, """.. --a-] I~~/_-A c / / / ~ ------------ ".'''.n,.,,,.",,_=.. ~I-T!:f- ~r;."------=J' _ 0 ----"--------."..---.:i:---_ __~ ~la ~. t}~~XI<l ,/ G~'.- -, ,"~o -0----',---;- ~-~" / ;~~' i # / i?1(~/(I';'j----- ,f h -'------/l:'~-., I y: -, "~ " '(j " I = , . I ' >~ / I" "r" ) <0 /'~ I 3.- "X, __" / ;-/ ~ " <0, -, I I ' . """ ~ < ,'__ ", " " " '" , ..~. ,.,' , . . . /' :y.! ~ /l ~ · / ~I: j ~~ / ~ ' " '/,~ I I F' ? ' / " "'~ ~.Q , "I / -"/ l "~ . "'6 ,,~!" I I I .:;;.'" ,- J _ V N'" 000 , I ' ." 4 ;:; ~ M ,,-' ~~. I" / .. ~ v, Xl-,~ __.~ " . <', , ~~ ~~-- ~~o A "Ie !r l _~ r~~' ~Q" 1 /, / ' 1 i I I ! It ~ ~ " , fl I ; ~ ~ 'I' " . '. / KEY PLAN T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Date Received: He ~ttt::~~ i rc~Alnn LAMDICAPIlAI.CRITIlCTILLr T.I5<I4&s.nl'l ,..__ P..s<,..,:ru, ~O.fMOlorJ"'.~ ~ /J; 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC :HIGHWA Y LANE COUNTY , MAR 0 4 2009 C2.0 C2.? Original Submittal Design Team Leader - OSEe. Designed By - OSEe Drafted By - CMGS .---"-,' \j ,/17/ I ~ ] L:~,~:t.i7 . . ' NOT USED - , NOT USED - EUGENE LAND EUGENE LAND USE ONLY 0_"> USE fl O~LY 1/11' r:2j /1 Z:\OBDP - Wjlla~tte River Bridge\CAD\ THIS IS THE FiLE NAME LOCATION C2.~ 200' I 0' 25' 50' ~ 100', .1 SHEET NO, STORM DRAINAGE AND UTILITIES PLAN .:. _::z: C2.2 12,30 P,M, File No. 2i-JAN'2009 ',) , J '" N- ~~ :; ~ PERMANENT ~ ~ ASPHALT PATH '0 M~~ 12"CMP . 7 " . (E) UTILITY TOWER To remain - (E) OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES To remain - (E) UTILITY TOWER To remaIn FEMA FLOODWAY A E ----- ~ ~- ,M 0':1 ...~ ~'- , , , , '" w > " W S , ~ ~ '" -----' 5 KEY PLAN r-------}.-- .....~ NOT USED - EUGENE LAND USE ONLY 'j / Original Submittal. , ~ g1tti:~~ i 't~H":f~~ 1AI'lDU::API AICHITICTl11P Tol "'lnl.13lJ 1fO_-"", r.."'I.".13" I_Olf7OO1 . C2.0 Jt NOT USED Date Received: MAR 04' 2009 1-5' WlllAMETTE' RIVER BRIDGE. BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;H[GHWAY LANE COUNTY ~\t2,2 ,C?_'i NaT USED - EUGENE, LAND USE ONL Y 1/7 . cu Design Team Leader - OBEe DesiQned By - OBEe Drafted By - CMGS , -.--z 200' I SHEET "" - 0' 25' 50' ~ [00' / STORM DRAINAGE AND UTilITIES PLAN C2.3 I HIS .[S THE FILE NAME LOCATiON Z:\OBOP - Wiffamette River Bridge\CAD\ 2['JAN'2009 12,30 P,M, File No. ,v I. / / /" ) / - 0 I g 0---.. ' I ,'" // ('#rJJ./f--......J ~~ ~8 ~~ ",,~ ,,~ Jo08 " ~ 5~ / " ~ I ' I; /'f Ii!'f'~ ~-, ,,'" ?" 6:6:~ {"'-888:' ~~ M 1:;:g5 _/ /' ~~,." I I _~ !-...~- <\I_ . NN . .... . N ll.N m xV-' ...-- -" ~,x ') I _ ~ / / :2i;j :~ __co ;::!.:6:g' ~_g ~~~:;; ~;:. ~~ <0 g.u. ....----- ,.-/ .....;--x~: . >, / () 1 Ii 0 ' - [O~ <:0", ~i ....00> MOl aiCX)co"" ..... O::J Nf-Z -- --... y,x.., I r '5 :2 l- ~ V <0 V <::> ..,. '" v <::>.... M <0 N .... .,.... 0 y., -- -- -- -- .....<.~ ^a. ~Vv j 1/ 1/7 ~~ / Ss 1:;~~~ ",~i~ 1:;~~~ ",d~~ . ~!~ ~~~~~. il~~ ~;;' t:c.::--::4r~~~~-'----,)/ I v ('/ / / v - I ~ ~ x c.LJ...u.. ~*....l-' x""...I...J M<ll....l ~\O- Ng~-~O NIO~O~l-Z I -,.f X. .,. "'~"'Q..! "?' '? / (1"(, 1/ /;:; ;;/;0 ~ 0 ............ .............re ~:i tIl' r., g-LL u.. . c.u.. LL X :. ~ lL ~ X ~ -' ~ ;:;""...J ~....I -' ~ ~ -' ....I -- /A'Q2 ../':< a.~ t1 " I j/ 11~~tR'f- / - ~l, 8]g, ~8 u~V ~ Nf-ZOO ~~ZU) re~w?;z re.....Ig.~:; ~~~~~~ ~~~~__--~0~x:B.5/ - ~ 1e~.s5. h . ~/ ~~::l. .IN ><13 UN fi:~ I ~" ~~.r- ._____Dltc ~ () l.~ilr7, 1:;~!;(O ';; K] ~;;; ~N '" UU,U ~ '. /~~x> X ,.;__-"- --- _-- ~\Y- < r 1,,$1/4 / x;y~~ ~ ~-,~ N:;l '" ,"~' - ~ - -------, . , / / Ai.dl / ;/~~Il: ~ . 0 ~~ &1'- '" ~ 0." 8~ .~;;.:-~__v--",- ~ 't",,- .------I>J.5SIGNBRIDGE / IX.'!, i r/~WZ -~~ "'~~ ~~/~ \ ~ il::' ~---'--- '____DI"n",,'1, ~\"".--- --' ,. ~ (l ~ 4*l'o/1 /: /~1:;~5 "'::\~5 ",~i5 -!i~ ~;' .....-"'p,,-:::- ._________------- -- /s u E ",,"" /> ,,/ 11/ I / / x'~ ~~~~ ~;y~~ '--l;; ~-- ~~ ------------ ",,- "" ;// ~ I f.o8"LL f.o8"LLLL ;dg.L.l.LL ~.x..,;#:::-..-\- / - Ditch _--- /' \ ~J'O~'" " /5 / /'/ / / ~~w N~ZW N~WZ _0 _ ,------- -- " Gf\'<-"'~- "" - 7 ~ /" I ! 0 :c~' I ---- -I H - - . ~ ~\~ ~ ""'~ , ,}';'. ~ 0 >>..g (E)ODOTRIW" ~ \ 01""\ \/ __-~- ,SJ';';--G~~~ -"" _0i-U'-j~ r.~/ 1.1 ,I /'ii\1 ~!~~ x:~.c='____'(E)UNIONPACIFIC~ ..........-~\!Jl. 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"f"'V /Ii II/~ 0\" ~~ ~~8'WATERLlNE(BYOTHERS) I,! - _-D1ICn\\ ,;?- ~ ",,/"" 67'''':-' ...",;;:!Y ~xyi; // II Y " e' ~ 01lcn--r- :;;.--- 'l,I1<: -",,"" __:l:Xt ,{!i-'jfr' ---,-- X'/l"- _.J//L__~- \. ~~ ~\~\~ _~ ' , :::----------@ \ -~- ~' """"., ,/.X'~J~/~;(<<<~'D1>~ tJ~ --'---/" - ~"::::-------- \\ --.,;- \ ~ -"" ,,,,' / \ /7. ;(),::2;;{'<5',:>;, ,'>/ Y.-/2/iI!I~: .-~~,r-'-:- {ol,cn -----== : _- ,"",,"" S ,i,', yY (/.jyiii;t;:g;:;s ~~ /1' I,v ,,'f ~W...---: /\ ___ '''~ _--- .':~/~ ~-^,4/!';59~'./ - ~:'.j)~~~..~-,^'-'^'. ;; A}tJ~ b~t~./"f'rFA' - <i 8 ! . \ ---- ~ ",,"" s;>C;~-p>, ...u/,J;:V-, ",.c-.-@-' . ~~ .......,e' /" -/ uu ,. ,.. "", ~ ~7:1 ,.r:)(~'J.i:,~;::"x'.~~?'/ . , ~~ ';1/"~ o'r" 0' "'''' i tl -~ c ~>,.~/,rJ- "c~, C< ,x_ ~ . /"----" ~_ 0/ __" ' ,_- "" 0 ..-!!r;? /I-D)~,<'N/ ,/ -! 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"I -/I.IJi'_ ISPR\N9f,IE~7"~- _~__ _ -----=::~.::__- _.->.....--- _~~;..o: : ~ ~_._~ ~~ "",P" "__0__--g."1i--- ! :2,/" _''''~~~ u'fl- "'~VR_/~ -'.p .J.q.;"f ~@EN~------::'-~~--,~~' ~__M~Ef~1--- ~~~~;h. ~~~ ,~,~ 1:l:J'!, (;;~ .""-,,-,,, ~{!,,!:';, a~5 'j " ---~ /.L-~ ~;~,;, 0_ ~ .-ff --:-<"'P~ft~~""'finqr- ?'~I~g~ ~*~~ ~~~i ~~~~~~~~ /~ ~~~ ifJ~-?r~~;-,'f!""'~----- r.....--\ :".: ~" ~'" I ", "~' "~l ,m ,,; 'f, . . ...., U')COCO......-- \ .... ~ c <:; ~ - l-r-U'" M / _ UCO' '" _..... . .MM <U" ~~ "'"'" ~.....'" ~Llol....J [ ~ ~ ~ N.....~ N~ci,/~~"'""'". r y,g 0 al~ "'lcoo LL ::: :tci -.:;i..: ,~":;:</x~-.!-'" <, -~ ~ W~. i'l~--"I m~' ' I o."~ ~~~;1' R~~';/ "',~~. -, ~ ...~'-O ''- ~~ ~ ~ll~ ~n"'--.J !!!~~ c a..~...J <:OCl>..,.M CO...JI'''{'l (/) ..~ -Ii:>> "'..r- '0- ..,.0>-' I >00 I ' ~ .....~~~ ~~5~~ i,S.~,.t v~1'::~@ 4;7" ....c 11-= ~~ c ~ ;;f~r:rm'>- ......G:Ic:J'L -!-"" ~", 'G N :;:.~ &, g.~ww ",1-' ",/~lf/' I ~ \ I' d\' l I :0 ~ U =-~--lIlI- . 1- L _______~ .s! Nl-W(/)Z"" " I o_-",~M n- I I ~,~ l .~o / I~ // /It'Y.';;' '7 I - 'Ff~"~F-, -"In~ iLi i l- --:---_ -v'" // '\>> ,;/.'6. gs, ~ I . 1;- - I I, r tII'1- c . ~. ......... ". k/ 1..1"'!:l/ ~~----. Ft - --=-)-;::,~~- , r / KEY PLAN C2.0 .dJ C2.1 'Jf le2,' :5.3 ,~ NOT USED . MAR 0 4 2009 Date Received: C2.1 Original SubmittaL --'---~l -- ......~----- . . /, NOT USED - EUGENE LAND -USE ONLY r--- "( ~'"l!', NOT USED - EUGENE LAND USE ONLY lir :..-- :z: 0' 25' 50' 100' ~ I 200' I ~ - ,r?" :t' // THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 21'JAN-2009 12,30 P,M, \. T OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ CAMERON. McCARTHY GILBERT "'SCHEIBE LAI<DICAn U.CHITI.CTI LLP T.II.'U<-"" ./' 111"""_ Pdl.I........, _OI.""'l0m00._ 1,5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE, BUNDLE '220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY < DesiQn Team Leader - OSEC Designed 8y - OSEC Drafted By - CMGS STORM DRAINAGE' AND UTILITIES PLAN, SHEET NO, C2.4 ~ File No; , , . LEGEND PHASE 1 LIMITS _rwr_""",_FlNY_ (E) ODOT RIW FEMA FLOODWAY FEMA 100-YR FLOODPLAIN _",."'.F1.JI'."'_FlP_ .....G.'JG.....G.IoIG."!l'. , WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY GOAL 5 RIPARIAN CORIDOR BOUNDARY (IWR) TOP OF HIGH BANK . See Note #5 ---/....~/....~/....~/....~/....~ -A[ (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) (E) CONTOURS See Note 116, ---'145-__ '!I.'f.,. 0"'-- (E) TREES To remain (E) WETLAND ACOElDSL Concurred Not a listed Goal 5 resource . . 3E (E) UTILITY TOWER . . ~ PROPOSED TREES ~ WILLAMETTE i ' I; / \, - ,"'\ ~ GREENWAY? "~ / -tIC;, \' '\ . ., .f,-<'~" I ~\ \ o BOUNDARY.' ,~..-\F' / ...;: , )0 I:' ,I'" I (~:fl \ \ . ~ 0--J;i fW ,\ ,~ . ,i d;1ifRih, \ \ ~';' IVG.....G.....C;.VG.....Ci..'.1!I tt ~d~~;1 if.0'\-.:,J...~.\ \ . fit .. · ,~ h\..:f I ,.."1J.~", \ "h/: ~ I ""-' >'",~h' ,',,~ FEMA 100-YR FLOODPLAIN ... C '.1 ~'t""""'~__,~ I . . ~."\ IJ'1:,v~ -,;J \ ~ ~ ~\;'t ;.<"'",.,.1'<.,. 1'!I>'e 7.~.~k~~ \ '.:-: . " ,.:/,-",'. ""~:4'-" ~ STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY: i ~ '~~, ,,"t:':,~ ';"1: : I ~''-.:J FILTER STRIP - Existing Vegetation ~ 0~U . ,,~,~'W) : I I ,<; · 1-" _..I.j I' I I t'" "I~'--', 1 I .:;~ ~t.;, ~ r;~ wi ~.5.f. II I'~ W tj_ \~ ~/~1>1-~~~>'l:.~ 1 II ' STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY' I ,~? / ,.,. ifft\' I' " "r",'~ @ . / / ".r'-' \ \",,~;/I ~ , FILTER STRIP - New Vegetation c;o 0 / /G!, >~:' + '\, I ," -,l~')j J,Q Landscape to comply with Portland BES :'''('f "-::;,: <0 ':ji ., 1.." ,\ \ \ 0;i Standards (used by Springfield), ';\V:t:';fV '7{.'f;c...,::J -' i \, . ~ ~/ I .l:.J .,,;,..;~ ,'I>r.-,' "".t>l:i''''-t"" " f I/J I' f ' '&' (;18' . - "t,. ~'~,.t.1 ' v,%f" . # Ie!' \ /, :J;;:;.i l' r. -:" 't.. \ "~<S.o~ , ,." ~ ~,/ / , r ~ '-- tk' l~ '\-',-!;1 STORMWATERTREATMENTFACILlTY: '~ l,t:'lI"1~~i /.(;1----."iJ. '(gfiff . ~ /, \'-,.,(D (T\ FILTER STRIP - New Vegetation ;~J 1, .. / J-( "i k:B~' \-'0~. /, X'~ ,\"" ~ Lands~pe to comply w~h Portland BES ..... I 'Q!j I / /IJ" c,:::JJ'~ ~~ --, /. ~V ~~ \\1) Standards (used by Springfield)" )",' "'-1 l"h 8 7.,!; /;j~i.:'" <~~" \, (\1- . /' I <....... \~!-(. \....r 7$ ~~ f;.:.J.j "'':;\'h ,\ C;-.., "'.................._ '/// c..'/'~"' h,~ ",,,,""'1... "~~4ic" ...,." '" V~l /' I VI ,1' ~~ \....n.)T~"o/ V"\:'t\ '+-.\ \ :li~ /</-....--iJ?~,-r0.-.:_, ~/" ,~"""0"'" ;.aJ::)~!;!... '-'-'\' \, ~.: ____ ~/., 01 I U, G+'-" ~~G\GJ 0 ,,,.. ,,::-',-~< ~~.---- t I / >, '2);"~)~~\ ~f}:r0(tif;J" 1,'(;"/ , " ,1tfJ "/!.:':J:~;') ,~-.... ~o:J'- r\J ,\ '"-,, I / tI.: ) W q: I~.{ ,~........ '- "^\\ ~\ ( : / \r;t) ~ ;t?J I /~'~, ~, '~~1) ~ '\ "'~ I 00' " (~~ifi;~,,0 r,~", '~\-:V-.... \ ,,\ \ / ' ~t,y' /, 0';'( "";....', ~ -.... \" \ r-,o ,',' ,~ ~~, '" j')~ -....~~<~~ -.... \\ \\ \\ '----'U ,k'-;;,~'\J ~~ I' )....' ":1' \\ I;~ ----- 1 h 'J '1-, 0" ',y),' '--- STORMWATERTREATMENTFACIUTY: ~ ,.i //JfJ ~'~L '"' -J (.-h:::::~:- "'cX~.:::. FILTERSTRIP-ExiStingvo~~~~vnv J;/IL ~/~/!:P#/i7'B ~ J \. -....~, \\ """l I ~~/ 0X~>;; ...,... c:J" ,~, '~ TOPSOIL J3',';..... I'- -~, ~.?;l WOODLAND ,~, ',\ /____Y/ ! J h :y ,,0J LANDSCAPE REPAIR \ ,\, ',\ I 1..J,', C~'I') Non-irrigated native plants, ~ \ '\," ',\ -'" \~,/"1 I,' ] c::;l. )-(:1 , '~t,!" ,>(,10 " ,~ ~ r4'>-?J38 1/Gh', '\ ,~--:t-'",[.l IJSj / f '7 c~\' ------ -0" " '\~ dt;?-rPjf \~ E2t \ ,\\, "PI ell ~~ 0 ' 0l:., \\ '\~l, I :/ 0 T ' ,'d 0 . 'OREGONDEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATlON SITE NOTES 1, SUlvey information from survey developed in 2008, by: OBEC Consulting Engineers 920 Country Club Rd" Suite 100B Eugene, OR 97401 T: 541-683-6090 F: 541-683-6576 Survey: August-November 2008 2. Willamette Greenway Boundary infonnation derived from GIS data provided by OBDPIHDR, 3, City of Eugene Goal 5 Riparian Boundary derived from ' GIS data provided .by OBDPIHDR ' 4, FEMA Floodway/Flood Plain information provided by OBEC Consulting Engineers, 5, 'Top of High Bank derived from combination of survey contours and aerial photography, 6, For graphic legibility, only existing 5-ft contours shown, For existing 1-ft contour information, refer to Grading Plans, ' PROPOSED TR2E Fraxinus latifolia NATIVE SEEDING IMPERVIOUS SURFACE .~ ~ STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY: FILTER STRIP: New Vegetation f1\ . . ~ . STORMWATER TREATMENT FACILITY: FILTER STRIP: Existing Vegetation ~ WOODLAND LANDSCAPE REPAIR Non-irrigated nativeplantings KEY PLAN L3.1 SHE4N.?T US ' , , FILTER STRIP Landscape i <;~k_s~_;~ L3.4 L3.6 -z \ \ ~ ~ ':! . ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'a. \ ~. ~. ~. ...... ,NTS ~, Date Received: H CAMBRUN . M~CAllTHY OILBEkT I:SCHElBfl LAND,CAP. AaCHlTlCTI LLP . Tol Ul~U.ll" 16t.e--,. '","10U.7'" _<>>.,.,.ol.m..._ Original Submittal ( MAR 0 4 2009 H: ,WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE, BUNDLE' 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY DeSign Team Leeder - Justin Lanphear Designed By ~ Kelly Densmore, Justin Lanphear Drafted By - Kelly Densmore, Jason Koch. lOl1ren Worland SHEET NO, ~ 0' 25' 50' 100' ~ 200' I LANDSCAPE PLAN l-~-~~---..l f - , /\~~~ LJ.5 ~) I! if THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBOP - wrrfamette River ~ridQe\CAD\ 21-JAN'20Q9 Fife No. 12,30 P,M, L3.0 , . LEGEND _r;lVy_rOVy_rDVY_ .\JG.ltG.\JG.\JG...,G. _rlP .rLP .rLP .r~p .rLP_ ---/"~/"~/\J~/\J~/"~ -CSlI-CSB -en -CSB -CSB- o:\:o t ~ PHASE 1 LIMITS (E) ODOT R/W FEMA FLOODWAY WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY , FEMA 100-YR FLOODPLAIN GOAL 5 RIPARIAN CORRIDOR BOUNDARY (/WR) Eugene only , WATER RESOURCE CONSERVATION SETBACK BOUNDARY Eugene only (E) TREES PROPOSED LIGHT THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willomette River Bridge\CAD\ / , , LIGHTING NOTES 1. Survey information from survey developed in 2008, by: OBEC Consulting Engineers 920 Country Club Rd" Suite 100B Eugene, OR 97401 T: 541-683-6090 F: 541-683-6576 Survey: AU9ust - November 2008 2, Willamette Greenway Boundary information derived from GIS data provided by OBDPIHDR, 3" City of Eugene Goal 5 Riparian Boundary derived from GIS data provided by OBDP/HDR 4, FEMA Floodway/Flood Plain information provided by OBEC Consulting Engineers, , '- . :z: I LUII/NAIRE AND L/GHT POLE TABLE I'CLE . ~ACHIIEN1.UPSWEEP ARM . _ UI/INAIRE NO. 5rAT/ON 'ElGHr OF t'i~ jL.Sf'l ,_,..3L"", LAIIf', LINE" TYPE . ..RMtrn I ('ft) Nt"".} V"'-T 1 It''Xx'' X'XXX (RtJ XXJl 'f6OO 1780 XXJl 15(1/1 HPS XXX V 11-5-111 Z It''Xll'" X+XXX (RtJ XXX <f6O(J 1780 XXJI 15(1/1 HPS XXX V 11-5-111 :5 It''Xx'' X+XXX (RtJ XXX 'f6OO 1780 XX.x 15(1/1 HPS XXX V 11-5-111 4 It''Xlt'' X+XXX (RtJ XXJl 'f6OO 1780 XXJl 15(1/1 HPS XXX V 11-5-1/1 5 It''Xlt'' X+XXX (RtJ XXX 'f6OO 1780 XXJI 15(1/1 HPS XXX V 11-5-1/1 6 x"Xlt" X'XXX (RtJ XXX 'f6OO 1780 XX.x 15(1/1 HPS XXX V 11-5-111 7 It''Xx'' X+XXX (RtJ XXJl 'f6OO 1780 XXJI 15(1/1 HPS XXX V 11-5-1/1 8 It''Xlt'' X+XXX (RtJ XX.JI <f6O(J 1780 'xx.i 15(1/1 HPS XXX V 11-5-'111 UD x"Xll'" X'XxX, (Rt; XX.JI- XX XX XX.JI _LED ,XXX V XX UD = 'Underd~ mounting c1 -.-@ ---j --e--@ ~ ~ @ LE G END POLE5 RetaIn and protect f!Jx16/Ing light pole and oppurltJnanc:os. RtJmt:N8and S6/Vage ex1stlrtg HgM pole and 'oppurfMances. InStal/Closs 4 trsaf6d Wood. pols-NOJNJ . with bractet ann and HPS')u.miiJtitrii InstollCloS.s 4_ treotedWood,poJe height {LJ. SeIi LIght Polo JatIo fOr detolls,' , In6tollStJlar paneJossembly ancJudlng,btrtteryJ on wood pole for temporary-filum/natIon 'system. 5e6 Spec10J PrfNIs/ons. LUIIINAIRES 8 IRstaN60If LEDsoIoi-~red luminaire. MOUnt lumlnalf1l to underside of brldgtJ6fT/JCfUra. SIJe;dtJta1t. 'sheet XX. 'if 1 RES @ 1.51011'1(," go/v, Stooi.......n(J.hxrblo T , Date R@ceived: 100' I 200' I -MAR 04 2009 Original Submitl"'I - 0' 25' 50' ~, 21'JAN'2009 12,30 P.M. ~ ltIO/J",lNfJ HEreHT '''' ' :55.0 ~5.0 ~5.0 , :55.0 ~5.0 :55.0 :55.0 :55.0 XX, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ CAMBRUN . Mcc"iTHY GILBERT ASCHEIBE U.HDICAnA.C8IT!CTaLL' T.'Ul411_7'1'I J"___ ...JO'UI-1l" _01.,.,"'11 of"'""'_.... " 1"5: WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE. BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWA Y LANE GOUNTY Design Team Leoder - OKS Associates Designed By - OKS Associates Drafted By - CMGS SHEET NO, LIGHTING PLAN EO.1 File No. ~ . ! , e \ ! \ ~ ~ ~ e ^~ , '- ^~ - <:It,. b <'?",. .d"1j'" ,n'.,!lJ..:l"U ~ ,) ol^<.~~ r o ~'(~ l - ~.... ~ '. " .. \ --~-- <"'- ~ KEY PLAN I FEMA 100-YR FLOODPLAIN ~ L FEMA FLOODWAY i! ,) () (, (, (, v r.\ THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ (, \ Gr\ /I . :z: , , , . ~I . -\-~ ^ f J \ \ ~ L\~ r- ,~t' t~' rj (~. ,J \ ' r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Date Reeeived: H CAMERON' McCARTHY. GILBBRT ""seHIHBI! LA\lDICAPIl...CHITaCTlLLP T.'U"Jj."'l> lAe._ r....'..pll. 2_aaOf4llIell1ooo_ MAR 0 42009 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220. PACIFIC HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY Original Submitt;ol Design Team Leader - OKS Associates Designed By - OKS Associates Drafted By - CMGS - 0' 25' 50' 100' ~/ I 200' I El.0 SHEET" NO, 'LIGHTING PLAN File No. 21'JAN'2009 12,30 P,M, ( , , . 'i- . ~ . ~ . ~ . ~ . '1 . ~ ~ . . u <>) _____ ~ ," . ~----- . -------" ~ ~ !.> --- ~ ~ ~ ---.i------ ----=---- -- .' UDS ' .~." ,~,' -------- ~-------- '~..~;_--:::.._------=---- ~:i\lG.j> ~ P . O'~__I ----0-- '>) I . I ~~.,~ I .' '" // I ~.., T ~/ .,J I "'."'" ~ J i~"~. --~~ . ,~_ __L~ ...~ . !-..i..~~ ==J=F--: ~--=ll~-.L---,,~ I _, _=bL- I _ - 1- I r r--=--- -------___ " . '-l--"-!-~- I I -~==-_----i~~~i;~~ - ---~____L-==-L____-___-______ " c)~ II~~ ---------~~~~~- ",;I 0. /,.' (,<," r/i'O IM"'i~l'\/- / \ ,s:s~ CSg.....CSq~ . E'" 1/1>>' i ~IJ ~l_ ~ -?...... CJ a...c . I . I ~ _ \ . ----..~-........- SS-"'C.1'.9 - ~ b' ~ ""..> ~ ~ ~-~--~=------------ )'. , /. '\ \ - , ------- .~.dlJ.IfJ.di'7iil.ru.~;;--- ._--~~~-;;...-_-..~-________.::? _~ G~ '" ~ . , ..1,\;1.,;"1-'> _______ ---......... <11.1'" _________~~- ~:~ '-' t'f/"P'-~ , ~ <.! <:11-1.... <.l.;y -, ---- ~~ - --r _ _ l:/S ~'^'~'^'~' 1 .,'-.,,- ' '~,.(" 8 I Y 'd " -----------,-- ~...- <t, <.J -"'J_ ...tJ ,""" \: I _____ ~ -, -di.t_ . ,,\,- , V" ,,~'" _ _ _. _ _ _ I '" "0'1 ..." '" -=- ~ , - </) '" _ _ _ '! tJ ..1110:/13.0:/13.0:/1 d-1J.,r,J'" tJ t ~ -, ...._~)" . ~.....;' , ...J 1.~B.arr.,:r,J.d"lJ.dn~~._d~ t/ 'cJ _. l "'7_::: .0:/1.....0:/, ",.1.,1"\3. ~o" C __<.i~ _ _ ~!:u _ _ _ /. ,u "'.0:/13.0:/ _ .. . ____ .d'\J" / 10<' l--/_ _ roo _ _,c- _ fSI1 ~ 1j.<JTI.-alJWo:/lj.dlj.di].dlJ.<ru.m.d1].d1--l.d'l.I~ _ . ..d"lJ.d"lJ.""" ::-1 . " &" .~. / ');0;:;..------------------ ~o,."".~o" "" ~ / .' ' " '~ 'n ' jS' Q3 Z.J 'wcK'l ii' U <wQ---_ '- ~o" tj of (j;:::;) / I' I ' ,N0--"'.....r r-~ ....... ./ ./ " <;;:;r In/ 1 (7-l, . W IN/O CD ~;u ',( r' l -8 I I I ~"'l 'w .,,~ ~c..y 0 0- "'- I i~ './ .0 / 'il::;-~r1 ~Q ~~/. 0 '0V.~O " / ,,' / 0 / /lt~.'i2tM(NJ ""'~'~ ' "~'" ,l;;;) " \ /. -l:i I"-'-'~~~ '~ ~ \..J'-.T ! ~ / I ~ (~l ~ 8 'I , / '/ /' / ,/ 't' 00 '0 u-, o@/\, ' t l' , t! IA It)! ',\, \ ~ " . ~~/~/~ 0 ~ ~\0 \ ,\~ ( 7 {f/; &~~'\ \ ,/ // 8' ,\ ~\ " \ /~ A " G/~ __ - - - <w\ ] ___~_ 8_ ~_ ___------ -- ~_ 0 -----------"\I~ l I I I - - - - '- - - - - - - - - - - - - -----:- - :.. - ,:. - ---------r ="'- = '='~- /_ _---, _ "_.,"__'~_r'''_r.~.- "Lr.'U'. /.,\..1'. '. " I: I I ..-. -'Ll".FlP.f"l ~FlP"lP.f" oJJ::tJt,; . r.FLP.;LP.np.FLP.fLP.flP.fLPr" lP.FlP.FlP~lil " I I 0 o. II oj' l-.! 0 . ii FEMA 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN . ~ ii ii .. ~.. ~ --- ----- SPRIN~IELD . - - - -- .-.r.:': ___ -'EUGENE - ------- -- -- -- -- -------~-----------~--- ~---- --------~:~=============~~==-------- ---~-~ r=- ___-'="'-- SPRINGFIEJ.:P --------- EUGENE_ I b._ " KEY PLAN r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Original Submittal / ~ CAMBRON. MeCAR-iH'1 GILBERT ASCHEIBE 1,...."DIC...PB...CllIT.CTlLLP To! ""o.,-:n.,- ,....._ p..JOIOU.n" __0....' ofnoo._ Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 1-5: WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 , PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY . dl ) Design T earn Leader - OKS Associates Designed By - OKS AssociQtes Drafted By - CMGS 200' I SHEET NO, i--- :z: - 0' 25' 50' 100' ~ I LIGHTING PLAN El.1 THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOCATlON Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 21-JAN~2009 12,30 P,M, File No. , . r M~~50R2 LUMINAIRE WITH CUTOFF OPTICS ~ ORDERING NUMBER LOG'C -, ~.:uL.iXX~)l,~/l1"".' Wile. 15.51 I.HPlI!!!r. M-ZiIIlI2......P..1O c.IIIolc:,.Ul!hllI/ Cotolfo,c;allO_llXl SloooIlw4: 2JIllIm 1'.150 L.."'IIOCIC MlIhinIlI Iswl IKIlrdH, 1.DO 17.'15 roOD m_ZUI 1..2W n.1ClS/1Sll 4.711 155Y1 ~ .'IlIlI 25..Z5f I..1ZlXUI .-"" 8aI1aoll2lJYPl -". ---- D _w '.121lltK1 ._m .... NOTE:Oul -~ - ..- -~ ... ,.m .... Y_2C1 alJTl:o.I l:""":"c::' .:m".lh'/I::tIf;II"''1~.I~ ~1,1,11I11~ Ugllt SOllrCll HPS HPS HPS HPS HPS ""I HPS ItFS1 - ... "'" "'" "V~UolAv1l.i.W. "Utellfll'1.nolorl\lJcutDl! Wattlgl ID.lO.llXl,t!lJ!$oI . " ,. I."" 5O.1O.100.i1soJ&l '" ,...'" iLiilr..l:IU '00 ,~ ,., ,ore .....1"" ,.. S S S S " S " " S S S ~'''-' , '" ", p'.'". ~.:I,.\~ '~." .." THIS"IS THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z,\OBDP APPUCAIlONS .Fot rtIsidential strllllts,llccess foads, perking lots'and other outdoor areas SPECIRCAIlON fEATURES 'Univltrsal two-bolt slipfrtter 'Die-cast aluminum housing with .atectrocoatgraypaintlinish -Adjustable"mogulbasesockat (Slreetside)-E39standartl .AlGLAS. finish on reflector -No-tooIPEreceptacle 'Plug"-jn ignitor -True 90. cutoff-no light abova900(meetsRPB-20CKlfor fuJlcutoff) .ExternaJslainlesssteelbllil IlItch .Standllrdconstructioll is IP55 .PlllstlcpeSlgulIfdstandllrd(not I1lqlJil1ldfor 2 iii. pipe) .@,.@Iisted lor wet I~cation available as 1I1l option ..-- -~ 1(Xl(~ )Q(JI"'....r::...~~ lH"'-i. C_CMotlNliltn . SaJ.c1i..T.... f_FtooIo,INoc .....'_rroilb Plldioalta.dal J-~ -... 1J.43't&..,::;..... gboM..., ( '11...-.'t--~'t':--;r;_. ~~- x. ....B1I1aaSollCllDn'Wllol...... s.."..-w ~::=2.. -. l- "'...,...,.. ~~twt_ h...../lItwia 1l0ll: Cl... l;-.lMs.clIltDollloaptocle--...l G~&lao. -"~Ilf'f~.l.q _........011 l_~ ::~..lat :t=:::"'~ $~~= " ~ CWlwlrh ClrouIIIiod Iodlltu..1l , P<<llt: 1511_Mlx,- wllllAuyn.. .......- h_ S_D.., M.Uod~ '-"",, 2.r".1l 'S.T".nl IESDislriburionTYJ18 ~CwwNaDlbarJS.17- ISDCbd Pasiticnl ADligtd__dlIIII"mdea CIlhIIwbeindk:at:td.. YO MC3 NJA Tl9lflllA1 E5Jil2CU 452531I1CLI EMl2Cl.I 4!i253911CU Ei5(ll211I~(1CU 45253ll2Cl} ~(1~U mmw l71292(1CU NtA 45253212DU Iinnl20llll 17miMDHI Will NlA Nt" ~(1C'" NtA E:a34(1CU P\lA 4525:1I1C~ sc, .. .. "A "A '" "A "' "A ,"""", "' "' "' \ GE Ugbting Sy5tems,/nc. www.gelighcingIY.Il8lM.com ,', Will amette River B~idge.\CAD\ ~ . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :0 . . . III PHOTOMETRIC DATA M-250R2 LUMiNAIRE WITH CUTOFF OPTICS I'HOTOMFiRlcDm.~ .:JS..lmnce Cl.nefalfl,clrlCM-Z50RZwminal... - IIYtUUI':"'IIIIUc;uFM.$ - WltllCulOffOP1CS,Refltetof3H3Z433-01 ,""l:I~~~.~'="P""_ RelmIDrClell~tGlu$,SockelPosl1ioaEll "F-'. I I t~VT~- 1AMP.7tl01S1WAlTHIGHPRESSURESOOIUM Ii "';:1 y,l/~,...-I.. "'lm""f .....~. i ~' . 41~~' ~;;J~ .~ ;rr il':~~=~~"~~'( ~; J I'~-- I I 11;0 t--I il;;. :-...l-'-iOil",""'tM -J. .,.",.:' . - , I. f-. "'! ----- " ., H_'_""""'-_ G'lIGralEl.ctric~l.umimlln ," ,/ il,l ,I,: H I "_h_ i I- . 11 . ,- !i - " I , , r , ~ .. , ;. i ____ ,ell> ~!. ...,. ... m, .. . !" " lIT1ll2Atll1N C"RV~ , . . ....O)."tW1m""'..........II_"~<:on. ,. f I: , ,m . " , . . .......,-...-,.--..-> " 1 I , utQ'Y'_lrDt$1OllC(lII-..m..."".' D'U.ubi<cl'.'''''nfl.~..It.'''n,'Ie. "Hl1TllNElIlICDllfA J5.177JOS-01 G.",r3IElectJicM-2501lZllIminaire l$UI1JU1Wllll.ECURVES . With Culofl Optics. Rl!nectoJ35-23243H13 ""'iOJ~'""'"""I~'.-r'~,....... Re!rlcIOJCle"RaIGla",Sot~Il1PO$ltion10 I ... -:: =~~.~?,~.~~IIICHPRES$lIRESODIUM ......onM-ioJi"':~::~~:m ::o......-.....'..,'::::::l',! ,Ulmtf, ....,-.-... .........,11 ....-....,,' _.~ l~':.~: Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal 21-JAN'2009 12,30 P,M. " ~ "\ r. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION H CAMBRON' McCAIU"T OILBEIlT A.SCHEIBE L....DIC.... ..aCDlTlen L" T., ~I.u.ml ...__ ...J4'4u.nl9 l_oarHII, . 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC .HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY ,r- Design Team Leader - DKS Assaciates Designed By OKS Associo res Drafted By - CMGS SHEEl NO, LIGHTING DETAIL AND PHOTOMETRIC El.3 File No. . o ~>, ,11< ;s', ~ ~" }\ t; !;1 ~". ~,. F: rd~ '.h t! ~<. f;': ~f~ h~ ~,., '>' tH ',. t:: ,,: f; v, f~ ~:;~ ~.'; ~;~ , lti ~:! l~ g rt: r,;t H~ ~;;: ~,~. 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", ;~16'-0" ~V t -~ t;~ -".' ,I " j -' Access Road ,~ ~: t $;.: g ~ ~... ~ ~; l~ &J.jO" /.'fui [:~1 t ~H ~.j ~~: , ~ H '" <'. ~r t~ ,.,: q ~ .~ :,.~: 1:;'" -"'I -.1 ,.;"'- t! J;',;:'; -.., ~"j >; [!!'l'" Fi.;' ....~: ." ...", ." ~;; ~~:. ~.~ c:.~:. -~, ; .':.:- .:- ~'.~ .-?: --fr \: /' 9': f' -' , f:, ~: 'i," H': r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1'5' WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE . BUNDLE 220 PAC)FIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY \.' /'- ~" T~~ l5f'-~ /" ~ I:~ ~: ~;. f' j'" -t~~ I' If:: n Date Received: j '\ -. MAR 0 4 2009 TEMPORARY WORK BRIDGE PLAN AND ELEVATION Elevation View faces East NTSc;;j Original Submittal ( ~ THIS ]S THE FILE NAME LOCATION Z:\OBDP - Willamette River Bridge\CAD\ 21-JAN'2009 5000 P,M, ~ ~~t':l~~ i Wc1J"lHII LAHDICAUAIlCHITBCTSLLr Tol..I..",m ~___ ..........1." m_OIlI'l<<lI...,...._ SHEET NO, ELEV A TlONS 'Al.0 File No. ,. . "'-.. ~.. "I. -------~ ;'-""?~ o .' o I' -, r-' ': r .- .~..:.~ '.;0:- . ~J ,~.~ . ~ ! u ! I .i -) , , - ---~--------- .~ ~ ~24'OO R :: :: tJ II II U OVERALL PRELIMINARY PROPOSED BRIDGE ELEVATION View faces East "" ,(1\ NTS~ ) ( , , r, .. II U k " I ,u '~~~____ ~ ,: 't. Franklin Blvd. L..I ~l--".. r~'_'-' Ii ~ ) r .- M-i , I :=1 I I "" - ~~424'OO 'I ~ r--, ,I I U=:==i=D '....... ~ . _ i .....-.~ i i i i j ~ path I I , I I I I I I I , I , I U , I , I , , , I , I '--" PARTIAL PRELIMINARY PROPOSED ~RIDGE ELEVATION View faces East (Willamette River crossing) , NTS@' ~ . THIS IS THE FILE NAME LOC~TION Z:\OBDP - Willomette River Bridgs\CAD\ 21-JAN'2009 5,00 P',M, " .-.' ..- , I "' I I , I "" "'- ~. ,~ Off-:ra~ b ---.'---" ----......- , . / ( Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal r OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ CAMaON . MCCARTHY GILBERT 4SCHBIBI! LAI<mCA"AaCHITECU LLP Tot I4l.U.,JlI l~___ P....l..._71U _o-."'.lomo.a_ 1-5' WILLAMETTE RIVER. BRIDGE - BUNDLE 220 PACIFIC ;HIGHWAY LANE COUNTY SHEET '0, ELEV A nONS - Al.1 Fife No. " 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION . EXHIBIT E STORMWATER REPORT I, Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submitt;:ol CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 Exhibit E \ 1-5: Willamette River Bridge - Phase 1 Storm water Report Executive Summary The Willamette River Bridge project will replace the existing decommissioned 1-5 bridge and , , the existing 1-5 detour bridge over the Willamette River, along with the Canoe Canal Bridges north of the river. Phase r of this project consists of work that will begin in 2009 and be completed in 2012, This construction will include bikepath relocations (temporary and permanent), construction of the work bridge and approaches, a contractor's access road that will be constructed above an existing concrete_lined channel on the south side of the river using three 42-inch-diameter culverts, and contnictor staging areas, Of these areas, only the . ' relocations of the permanent bike path are required to address permanent stormwater management; the other work items are covered under the construction activity stormwater permit. The stormwater requirements of the Oregon Transportation Investment Act (OTIA) III Environmental Performance Standards (EPS) will be met along with requirements from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the City of Eugene, and the City of Springfield, Under Phase I, filter strips along the permanent bike path relocation areas' will be used to comply with the various regulatory requirements, In addition, to address concems'with dissolved copper each of these facilities will be amended using compost. Performance Standards Stormwater management for this project will be designed to meet the OTIA III EPS, To meet the goals of the EPS, water quality and quantity facilities will follow the guidelines established in the new ODOT Stormwater Management Initiative, supplemented with the guidelines from the local jurisdictions of the Cities of Eugene and Springfield, which the project will also need to satisty, The new ODOT Stormwater Management Initiative guidelines require all stormwater runoff to be treated for water quality, Water quantity (or flow control) is only required when the increased runoff from the new impervious surface increases flow by 0,5 cfs in the IO-year, 24- hour storm, To address water quality treatment the ODOT Storm water Management Initiative divides the state into nine climate zones, The Willamette River Bridge'site is in climate zone 2,' which requires 50 percent of the 2-year, 24,hour storm to be treated for water quality, For water quantity treatment, the ODOT Stormwater Management Initiative guidelines provide an exception if the dischargedirectIy outfalls into,a large body of water, in this case the Willamette River, or it is shown by hydraulic calculations that the geomorphic channel conditions are not changed by the net effects of the incre~secj runoff. , The guidelines in the City of Eugene Storm water Management Manual have the same requirements for water quality and quantity with the exception that there is no threshold for flpw, Rather, the City of Eugene has delineated areas based upon elevation that, due to Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 , Technical Memorandum Original Submittal Page I " 1-5: WilIamette I9ver Bridge - Phase 1 Stormwater Report proximity to the WilIamette River, are not required to provide quantity treatment. The entire Willamette River Bridge project site falls within areas requiring no quantity treatment. The City of Springfield has no approved stormwater management manu'al.and has adopted, in , the interim, the stormwater management guidelines from the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) and Washington County Clean Water Services, The City of Springfield accepts stormwater management plans to be designed using either guideline, Similar to ODOT, the City of Springfield also uses 0.5 cfs under the 10-year, 24-hour storm as the threshold for water quantity flow controL ' , In addition to ODOT and local jurisdictional requirements for stormwater treatment, DEQ has concerns regarding the level of dissolved copper in stormwater runoff due to its detrimental effect on fish, To address the presence of dissolved copper in the stormwater runoff, each of the proposed stormwater facilities will be augmented by the use of compost-amended soils to increase removal of dissolved copper from the runoff. , Existing Drai~age Conditions In general, the existing drainage conditions affecting the Phase I permanent path relocations of the WilIamette River Bridge project on the north side of the Willamette River are characterized by overland sheet flow, whereas conditions on'the south side are characterized by channel flow, , North of the Willamette River in Springfield the proposed relocalt~d path is located approxim~tely 180 feet from Canoe Canal and 200 feet from the Willamette River. Runoff from the path flows overland and is infiltrated prior to reaching either Canoe Canal or the WilIamette River:' This path currently receives stormwater treatment from the combination of the existing vegetation and infiltration, South of the Willamette River the existing bike path flows overland to the unnamed tributary and then flows into the Willamette River. The south path from its connection with Franklin . . Boulevard to the 1-5 Detour Bridge receives water quality treatment via sheet flow through existing vegetation, The path from the existing Willamette River Bridge to the end of the , proposed relocation currently receives n.o stormwater treatment. Runoff from this section of the path flows directly into either the concrete-lined channel in the unnamed tributary overflow, or into a path side ditch and is conveyed to the Willamette River. Culvert Analysis , Presently, the stormwater in the unnamed tributary is conveyed under the path in two 30-inch corrugated metal pipes (CMP) and then under Franklin Boulevard in a 36-inch CMP, At this time only one of the culverts under the path is functioning as there is a build-up of sediment blocking one of the entrances, When the flow in the tributary upstream of the 36-inch pipe reaches an elevation of 43 1.78 feet, the runoff overtops the berm on the west side of the ditch and flows down the' existing concrete rectangular channel and into the Willamette River. The corresponding discharge is approximately 58,0 cfs_ and falls between the 1.2-year and the 5- year recurrence intervals, which have discharges of 16 and 127 cfs, respectively, A temporary Technical Memorandum Page 2 "'-"'10. If"""''' '''\J;'~.'~ -. ",!!~'7!"1" "-'w"""~'~'~' -;, 1-5: Willamette RiVer Bridge - Phase 1 Storm water Report access road for construction activities'is'being built o'ver the existing rectangular channeL The rectanguiar channel is being replaced with three 42-inch pipes, These pipes will perform in the same manner as the existing concrete channeL The pipes were sized to meet the ODOT 2005 Hydraulics Manual recurrence interval requirements; Chapter 3, Section 3',9 states that the 5, year flood is the typical design flow,for installations in place through the flood 'season, The hydraulic' analysis determined that the flow will be contained within the pipes for the 5-year flood, The flow in the unnamed tributary will be conveyed under the contractor's access road and relocated pathway by extending one ofthe 30-inch CMPs to the north using the second 30, inch pipe, and to the south with 40 feet ofHDPE pipe, -The 36-inch pipe under Franklin Boulevard will be extended 52,0 feet to accommodate the contractor's access road on the north , side of Franklin Boulevard, A retaining wall is being constructed to retain. the roadway so fill slopes are not required, ' Hydrologic Methods , " , The stormwater facilities' for Phase I of the Wiliamette River Bridge project are designed using the Rational Method, Runoff coefficients for the ground cover and times of concentration within the site ar<: based upon the 2005 ODOT Hydraulics Manual, Chapter 7, Appendix F, Times of concentration are calculated to account for overland sheet flow, shallow concentrated flow and channel flow in each drainage area, as applicable, Intensities for, the. varying storms are taken from the,City of Eugene Storm water Management Manual, as these values exceed those found in the ODOT Hydraulics Manual and BES,fequirements, Stormwater Destination The City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual and the BES stormwater gl!idelines have a destination requirement for stormwater. The destination for the storm:water runoff from the path relocations within the City of Eugene is the unnamed tributary on the south bank that drains into the Willamette River. The runoff from the path drains'overland and then ends up in the unnamed tributary, In Springfield, the destination of the proposed permarienfpath relocation runoff, north of the Willamette River, is on-site groundwater and danoe CanaL Runoff from the water quality storm event for the path will sheet flow over the existing ground towards Canoe Canal and be infiltrated prior to reaching the canaL In larger storm events flow 'will be partially infiltrated and the remaining runoff will drain to Canoe CanaL The destination in the City of Springfield, south of the Willamette River, is the 'same as it is for the City of . Eugene: the stormwater will run .off the path, flow overland to the unnamed tributary and then into the Willamette River. Date Received: MAR 0 ~ 2009 Original Submittal Technical Memorandum Page 3 1-5: WiIlamette River Bridge - Phase 1 Stormwater Report Storm water Quality Treatment Stormwater treatment is addressed for Phase I through the use of compost-amended filter strips along the proposed permanent bike path relocations, North of the river the permanent path relocation east ofIe5 in the City of Springfield will be treated by overland flow and infiltration using a combination of the existing vegetati,on and surrounding ground in conjunction with a constructed filter strip alongside the path, The permanent path relocation beneath the, Canoe Canal Bridge in both the City of Eugene and the City of Springfield will be treated by filter strips where feasible or by offsetting areas under future phases ofthe project Temporary path , relocations within the City of Eugene will be addressed by the stormwater permit for construction activities for the project, u South of the Willamette River, the Phase I bike path relocations are temporary in both the City' of Eugene and the City of Springfield, As such, ,this ,portion of the path is covered by the stormwater permit for construction activities for the project during Phase I, The permanent path relocations constructed south of the Willamette River under future phases will be treated by a combination of filter strips along the path and offsetting areas, . ~ , Stormwater Quantity Management Stormwater quantity management is not required for Phase I of the Willamette River,Bridge construction, The City of Eugene does not require stormwater quantity controls for this site due to its elevation and proximity to the Willamette River. In addition, ODOTand the City of Springfield do not require stormwater management if the increase in runofffrom the 10-year, 24-hour storm is less than 0,5 cfs, The new impervious areas for Phase I are 1,760 square feet in the City of Eugene and 12,575 square feet in the City of Springfield, combining to 14,335 square feet However, there is also removal of the old bike path alignments, This removal for Phase I is 2,038 square feet in the City of Eugene and 12,610 square feet in the,Cityof Springfield, combining to 14,649 square feet This results in a net decrease of313 square feet for Phase L Note also that the path realignments.in both the City of Eugene and the City of Springfield result in a net reduction in impervious area, Using'the Rational Method: Q=CiA with C = 0,9, i = 3,1 inlhr for! 10-year storm, and Area =e 313/43560 = ,007acres Therefore Q = (0,9)(3.1)(.007) = 0,02 cfs, This represents the decrease in flow from the site and is, by definition, below the threshold of 0,5 cfs increase set by ODOT and the City of Springfield, As a result, no stormwater quantity management is required for Phase I, , Conclusion Technical Memorandum Page 4 -""";.._'-..;;..,....-.-",. , 1-5: WilIamette River Bridge - Phase 1 Stormwater Report Phase 1 of the Willamette River Bridge 'will be desigried to meet OOOT, OEQ, City of Eugene, and City of Springfield requirements for stormwater quality and quantity management Stormwater quality treatment for the permanent path relocations is addressed through the use of filter strips adjacent to the paths, These filter strips are a combination of existing vegetation and proposed facility construction, Temporary path relocations are addressed through the construction' activities stormwater permit Stormwater quantity or flow control is not 'required on Phase 1 of the project due to site situation (City of Eugene) and a flow rate decrease during the IO-year storm event (City of Springfield and OOOT), The destination of the runoff from the permanent path relo,cations is not altered by the relocations, , . Stormwater management treatment for the path in the proposed Phase 1 condition is increased from the existing condition, This is accomplished by adding filter strips where there were none prior to relocation, In addition to the decrease of 313 square feet in impervious area, there is also an additional 6,189 square feet receiving treatmentJ This decrease in impervious area and the increase in treatment of the bike path improve the quality df runoff from the paths under Phase 1 project conditions, , Date Received: / MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal Technical Memorandum Page 5 Job Name: Job#: Comments: ' Filter Strip Sizing Bundle 220: Willamette River Bridge Phase 1 019,095 Prepared By: bpw , Prepared On: 1/9/2009 Checked By: rmb Checked On: 1/9/2009 Filte~ ~trip 1 Location Tc ::: n = Sta "P3" 30+65 to 31+50 - Existing Ground 9 minutes Minimum contact time through filter 0.24 iWQ = 0.22 inlhr So = 0,017 ftlfI Water quality storm i~tensity Average slope of existing ground within filter length W = 8,7 ft Use W = , 101ft Filter strip width ~ Filter Strip 2 Location Sta "P3'.' 31 +50 to 33+92, Tc = 9 minutes Minimum contacl'time through filter n , = 0.24 ' \ ' ' iWQ = 0.22 inlhr Water quality storm intensity So = 0,005 ftlft , W = 4,7 ft Use W =, 5 1ft Filter strip width Filter Strip 3 Location Sta "P3" 33+98 to 35+00 Tc = 9 minutes Minimum contact time through filter n = 0,24 iWQ = 0,22 inlhr Water quality storm intensity So = 0,005 ftlft W = 4,7 ft Use W =" 5 1ft Filter strip width Page 1 \ \ Filter Strip Sizing Job Name: Bundle 220: Willamette River Bridge Phase 1 Job #: 019-095 Comments: ' Prepared By: Prepared On: Checked By: Checked On: bpw 1/9/2009 rmb 1/9/2009 FiIt~r Strip 4 Location Tc = n = Sta "P3" 35+00 to 35+99 - Existing Ground 9 minutes Minimum contact time through filter 0.24 iWQ = 0.22 inlhr 0,02 fUft So Water quality storm intensity Average slope of existing ground within filter length W = 9.4 ft Use W = , 101ft Filter strip width / ./ ) Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal Page 2 " PUBLIC WORKS DE~ARTMENT / Engineering Division Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK :~ ;:~",:'(!:li~!~ ret~rn. td*#t(:St~u!!er.@<I.~~;of S.i!~i!Jgjietdl:u~li~VV.o,.l:frs;E.!'ii.~~e~i~l{i :{ip:\~ ::3~~1 ~~!,:?~hoi"i # 736-1035,) 'Project Name: Willamette River Bridge Phase I Assessors Parcel #: nli - ODOT Right ofWav Land Use(s): Project Size (Acres): 0,59 acres Applicant: Date: Phone #: Fax#: Email: 'A"",:it1,,,,,, 5;;.1 Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): The Wi1lamette River Bridge project wi1l replace the existing decommissioned 1-5 bridge and the existing [,5 detour bridge over the Wi1lamette River along with the Canoe Canal Bridges north of the river. Phase I of this project consists of work that wi1l be compleled in 2009, This construction wi1l include bike path relocations (temporary and pennanent), construction of the ,work bridge and approaches, three 42" diameter culverts and contractor staging areas, Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc, Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: North of the river, the path relocation including the roundabout east 0[[,5 wi1l be treated by overland flow and infiltration with excess runoff reaching Canoe CanaL 'South of the Willamette River, the destination for the runoff generated by the permanently relocated bike paths is the unnamed tributary that flows into the Wi1lamette River. " Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: Stormwater quality treatment for the permanent path relocations is addressed through the use of filter strips adjacent to the.paths, These filter strips are a combination of existing vegetation and proposed facility construction. ":C;__\;''';'';;'n~" 'tc-,'"j'''' ";::;!,1<' ,_""""'1'.-';'"';"' ;'''t~'''!?'''''' '-' ,,,"C ~ -,,'" "A',,',"'[ "!;'\i-j.'o'--W.~_'-,::':':':''''_' -, -",,~,." 'o'_~",?i";,,.;t;~;\''''''"''''iN'~''~''':r'''''~';;r.I' :;~,"" _<";'f~_'~'''''"-'':'1:_',-'";k{' _O!''''rjrfQ'beli~wilii'.line''fiI!ed.i}ut:I1P'iheiGitvOan.{[!R eiil.rliedt~ttl:e~jMical;t)'~ii/!k':i~~~ :,""4,~~;l!;1,~J,rJ}-~fi1:~,~!!"'~~if~i~@fti~~~if,;,?J:~"t~~"(9i.q{9.~!~,~-:{~~~/;,~r;J!:;~~f~:,?flf!jlrJ~~~~ftt"Ff,lfk~~,tV3-iJ!J.g~ f~r,ar;appllcatl{}rJ{}-i~r,p{}mpl~tefo~..~ublr'ttgl"fJ.ltijgugli!gtijer.[,~qulre!!J,~'!t~'''!fly.iPr:tl~S~.~~fl'Y.:) , Draina!?e Study TVDe fEDSPM Section 4.03.2); (Note. UH may be substituted for Rational Method) D Small Site Study - (use Rational Method for calculations) D Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) D Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: D Wellhead Zone: D Weti<indlRiparian: D SoilType: Downstream Analvsis: D N/A D Flow line for starting water surface elevation: D Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: D Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: D Hillside Development: D Floodway/Floodplain: D Other Jurisdictions: ') Return to Matt Stouder (iij City of SDringfield. email: mstouder@lcLso!:!ngtield.or.us. FAX: (541) 736-1021 Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian / Original Submittal 9 of 10 ) , COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS * Based upon the information provided o~ the front of this sheet, the following represents a'minimum of what is needed for an application to be complete for submittal with respect to drainage; however, this list should not be used in lieu of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design Manual, Compliance with these requirements does not constitute site opproval; Additional site specific information may be required. Note: Upon scoping sheet submittal, ensure compleledform has been sig!}ed in the space provided below: J- Interim Design StandardslWater Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd NIA o D All non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e,g, multi-chambered catchbasin wloil filtration media) for stormwater quality, Additionally, a minimum of50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be , treated by vegetated methods, , ' . D D Where required, vegetative stormwater design shall be consistent with interim design standards (EDSPM Section 3,02), set forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS), 0' D For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BES for vegetative treatment. o 0 If a slonnwater treatment swale i~ proposed, submit calculations/specifications fo~ sizing, velocity, flow, side ~lopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent' with either BESor CWS requirements, D Q Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3,03,1 of the EDSPM D 0 All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall, be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant_ enclosure. General Study Requiremeuts (EDSPM Seetion 4,03) 0, D Drainage study prepared by a Profe~sional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon, o D A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4,03,1, including. a hydrological study map, D D Calculations showing system capacity for ~ 2~year storm event and overflow effects of a 25-year sto~ event. o D The time of concentration (Tc) shali be determined using a 10 minute starUime for developed basins, Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) o D A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4,03.4,C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC), D D Elevations of the HGl and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable, Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4,04) D D Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set. o D Minimum pipe cover shall be 18'inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when leis, The cover shall be sufficient to support an 80,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure, D 0 Manning's "n" values for pipes shall beconsistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP, All storm pipes shall be designed to 'achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0,5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 as well. OtherlMise o D o o D D Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains -. Private stOTlTIwater easements shall be clearly depicted ouplans when private stormwaterflows from one property to another Drywells shall not receive runofffrom any surface wlo being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of , residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3,03.4.A), Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ, Refer to the website: www.dea.state.oLus/wah!foundwa/uichome.hcm for more information. Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre,development rates for the 2 through 25-year storm events o .0 *This form shall be included as an attachment, inside the front cover, of the stormwater study I, ilI1P6iifA/vi::ENG/IVEikRLEASERiAfjBEL()fV~NDS1G'N ii\;d.'"~i,;~. , ;. ",." ...." _". ,,' _",', .C_,. ::,,'.' ',' '_'."'" ",' ,,' "". ,,,.-. ,<--~"."",-,.."..,.;..-j";;,,":",, ." -'-"--'."; ..",.,N::..i;,;;..--....--O. . -." ... .'.."....~. .~,_,_.:.c_;': .....,. \. ';.nll;' ,-'. As the engineer of record,! hereby certifY the above required items are complete and included with the submitted s!ormwater study ~~_ . r Sigriature: ' Date: .",- Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 10 of 10 " ;1 ~' I 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION EXHIBIT G TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN AND TRAFFIC ANALYSIS STUDIES , v '- '- ./ Date Received: MAR 04 2009 Original Submittal \. ,. CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 Exhibit G ," ...' " J;,~(;'f."\ OTIA III State Bridge Delivery,Program Management & Design Project-Level Traffic Management Plan (TMP). / 1-5: Willamette River Bridge r I I Prepared by . DKS Associates , TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS Final DAP October 15, 2008 ODOT Key No, 14259 OTIA III Bridge No, 08329 wac No, Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal 1.0 2,0 3,0 4,0 --. 5,0 6,0 ' 7,0 8,0 Table of Contents > Introduction''''' """"""""",.-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""", I 1,1 Study Area Boundaries ,......,....,......,___,..___................,............_________..,............,..___....1 1.2 Proposed Improvements"......",.."...."..,..,.."..,.."..,..,..,..,..,..,....,..,..,....,....,:,....,......,1 1.3 Goals arid Objectives of the TMP ....,..,..............,___........,......,..,..................:........,...4 1.4 Relationship of Program-Level and Corridor-Level TMPs to Project-Level TMP.4 Study Area Characteristics..~..,..,..".."..,.."..,..,..,.."",.."..,.."..,..,..,.. '"..,..,',....,....,....,....,...., ,6 2,1 Location..,..,..,.."..,..""..,..,..".... ,........,..,..,..,.."..""""""..,.. ,....,....,....,......,..,....,...., ,6 2,2 Location of Other Construction Projects ..,....___............,....,..,........___..___..................6' ' , 2,3 Proj ect Limits,..,..""........".."..,......""..,..,..".."..,.."..,.., ,.... ,..",..",.. ,....,....'..,....,..", ,7 2.4 Traffic Characteristics..,..,.."..".."..,..,..,.., ,.. "".."""..,..""..,..",..",..,..,..,....,.."""".. ,8 2,5 Roadway Network""..,.." ,..,..,..".."..,..,",..,..".., ,..,..,..,..,..~ ,....,..'..,....,..,.. ,....,.. ,.."..,8 2,6 Land iJ se ..,.."..:....,.."........"..".."..""..,..,.."..,.."..,.."..,..,..,.."".. ,.... ,..",..,..,..",..,....,8 2,7 Project Stakeholders,..,:",.., ,:".."..,.."..,..,..,..,..".." ,:""..,..,..,..,....,....,.., ,:,:"...."..,.." ,8 Factors Impacting Construction Staging...."..,..,..,..".."..,.."..,..,..,....,..,....,..,....,..,.."....,.."I 0 3.1 Proposed Improvements and Impacts to Traffic Flow,..____________............:........______,10 3,2 Existing Restrictions "..".."......,..,..,..,t..":"..",..,..,..,,....,..,..,..'....,....,....,...."..,..,..1 0 3.3 Alternate Routes..,..,..,..,.."..,..".."..,..,..,..,..,..""..,........,..,..,..,....,...._....,.."'..,....,....11 3.4 Environmental Issues ,..,..".."..,..,..'..,.."........"..".."..,...."....,....""....,..,..,....,....,....11 },5 . Seasonal Restrictions ..,..".."..,.."..,..'..,.."..,..,.."..,.."..,..,..,..,..,..",....,..,..,....,....,....11 3,6 Lane Closures..,....,.."",.."..,.."..,..,.."..,..,..,..".."..,.."...."..,....,..,......"....,..,..,....,..,,11 Potential Mobility Issues..,..,..,.."..,..".."..,..,..,.."..,..,..".."..,..,..,..,.."""..",..,..,..,..,..,....,.., ,12 4,1 Traffic Mobility Issues during Construction........................,.............___..................12' 4,2 Consideration of Over, sized Vehicles ..............................___..___..______....,................13 4.3 Input from the Public and 'Stakeholders.......... ,........................................,..,..,...... , I 3 4.4 Local Agency Coordination "..,..:.."..,..,..,..,..,.."..,..".."....,....,..,....,....__....,...."....,..14 4,5 Holidays and Events ',..,..,.."..,......,..,.."..,.."...."..,.."..,..,..,....,....,':....,..,....,..,..,....,14 Traffic Mitigation Measures ,..,.."..",:"..,.."....,.."..,..,..",....,.."..,....,..,....,......"....,....,....,..,15 Recommended Course of Action ......,......,.."..,..'..,..".."..,..,..""..,..,....,....,....,....,....,....,..,:20 6,1 Proposed Construction Schedule and Staging ..,....................,............,___..___..,.......20 6.2 Lane Closure Chart ",..:.."........"..,.."..,..,.."..,..,..,..,.."...."....,......"....,....,....,....,....22 6,3 Detours"..""""..""..,..""..,...".."".."""".."",.."".."..,..,..",..,..,....,..,..",..,.... ,....,.., ,23 6.4 Variances and Procedures Requiring ODOT ApprovaL................,..___..............,.24 6,5 Access"..,..,..,..,..,..,..,.."..,..".."..,,:, ,.. ,.. ,.. ,..,.."..,.."..,..,..:..""""""..",..,..,..,..",..,...24 6,6 Specifications..,..,..,..,.."..,.."..,..".., ..":",...."......,..,..,..,..,,....,..,....,..,..,..,..,..,.. ,....,.. ,24 Incident Management Plan ..,..,..,..",..,.."..,..,..,..,..,..,....,..,.."..,..,....,..,....,......,....,..,..,......,.25 ' 7,1 Emergency Communications Plan..........,......,......,:......................................,........25. 7.2 Contingency Plan.. ,.. ,.., ,...., ,..,..,.."..".. ,....".. -'.. ..,...., ,.. ,..,...., ,....,.., ,...., ,....,..,....,..",.25 Mobility Communication Plan", ",' ",: """"""""""" """"'" '" """ "'" """'" """,',",,' """ '" ,26 ) . . DKS Associates October 15, 2008 I Final DAP " Project,Level TMP for 1-5: WilIamette River Bridge , ~~ {, ::' ", ~.~)' ,,' '''',;..' ,,:','..:-PAt,,'~' 1 .f.. ,;., ,'.t' " "1i~~,i~ ',.. .,< . ",1-" List of Figures Figure I: Study Area Map....'..'..'..'....'..'..''..'..'..'..'....'..'..'..'..'..'..'..'..':'..,..,....,:"..",..,..,..,..,..,.." 2 Figure 2: Vicinity Map and Traffic Volumes ,....................................................,....,.._______________..___ 3 , List of Tables Table I: Construction Projects in the Vicinity of the Project Sites ___......;,______,..,___....,__:........,......, 7 Table 2: Project Traffic Control Limits ___,'....,___,______..,___........,............,..,................................,..,....7 Table 3: Project Area Roadway (;;haracteristics ......,....___..,__,..______,...._________..:,______,....___................, 8 Table 4: 1-5: Willamette River Bridge - Bundle 220 Primary Project Stakeholders LisL........,..,:9 Table 5: Existing Restrictions....,..,..,....,..,..,.."..,.."....,..,.."....",....,..,..,....,.."..,..,......,....,..,..,....,.. II Table 6: Holidays and Events in, the Project Area ..:,:..................................,......,:..___....___..,..___.... IS Table 7: Traffic Management Strategies....":',..,.."...."....,.."..,..,..,..,..,,:..,,..,..,..,..__..""..,...."....,.. 16 Table 8: Construction Staging Schedule..,:................,....,......___..,___....,..,..,..,..,....,..,..................,:,21 Table 9: Communication Responsibilities ".."..,..,..,..,..,......,..,..,..,..,....,..,.."..'....",..,..",..,..,..,..,.. 26 J , ' Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal DKS Associates October 15, 2008-, 11 Final DAP Project,Level TMP for 1,5: Willamette River Bridge ,,", 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this Traffic Management Plan is to provide the details behind the development of the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) and other measures that will be put in place for the construction of this project to minimize disruptions to motorists, the freight industry and communities without compromising public or worker safety, or the quality of work being performed, This project includes the replacement of two bridges along the Interstate 5 (1-5) corridor. The work on these structures is funded by SAFETELU and aTIA III (1,5: Willamette River Bridge - Bundle 220 Improvements), Figure I shows a vicinity map for the project and the location of each of the bridge sites, 1.1 Study Area Boundaries The study area is within the urban growth boundaries ofthe cities of Eugene and Springfield, It extends along 1-5 (Hwy I) !from the Judkins Point Interchange (MP 191) north to the Centennial Boulevard Bridge overcrossing over 1-5 at MP 193A(), The site location is portrayed in Figure 2, ( 1.2 Proposed Improvements The proposed improvements include1the replacement of the Willamette River Bridge and the . Canoe Canal Bridge, The project work will consist of, the removal' of the currently decommissioned and temporary bridge structures and,the construction of separate northbound and, southbound bridge structures, The construction work will be staged so that mainline closures of 1-5 will not 'be required, Temporary ciosures of the 1_5 northbound off ramp and southbound on ramp from Franklin Boulevard will be limited to short periods of demolition and ,construction work, During the closurq, detourroutes will be provided, where available, Refer ,to the Design Acceptance Package for a more detailed description of the improvements included in this project. D KS Associates October 15, 2008 I Final DAP Project,Level TMP for j,5: Willamette River Bridge 'i~\-"~" ",..":.,, ~,~....... , ~ LEGEND - Bridge Locations . ""';' "" o '" ,,-, '" ::J CD 0' U \ij~ \ -'I 1 >ii' . .\~...~~.~1("","~" '\ ~ ~\-\i~'\ HARI OW~ Rn i-/' .".... Q ~ n . II . ~ \ ./ '- " ~ Springfield iI II ....... J:. II ~B NkLIN LVD Eugene Date. Received: MAR 0,42009 nrir.:in,:,1 !=:lIbmittal ~AV / ~ , Ii DKSAssociates lHANSPOATA.TIOIl SOLUTIONS If::i~i.~erID STUDY AREA (j) NO SCALE .-J ... ,-,--Ca'lf)'; _, ---~~J;.~J.d!/IQ/ Cs; \ " ~ Canoe Canal ,,',"'" Bridge !,~\~ 18%t ,'- 2S,S30! t 30,270 - 4% "~'I ~ ~-,~- ~:-'99W 129:3001 -- PA,r:/J:"/c . ~iYY!:!fS/ 126 " , I ," 'u, ,'uu,u Wlllamette River Bridge , E~ -, ii'. 17TH AV >--- '" z '" ~ >- '" >--- '" '" w :; >--- 0: '" W > i'5 0- '" ::l e; "" c, o e, $ z w ~ "' / 22ND AV '" ,~ '--.'" DR ",,,, ;f .,. e o " G\IilWDUU BLVD w..... --- ,'\ LEGEND 000 - Average Daily Traffic Volume - IO~~OI' Average Daily Traffic Volume (Two-way Sum) aJ. AverageDailyTraffi~Volume (Ramps) .I' 00% - Percentage of Heavy Vehicles ~ ' Note: Source ODOT 2007 DKS Associates TR^tlSPOlliATION SOlUT!Of./S If;iiiilh~E VICINITY A >lD I' TRAfFIC VOLUME MAP 'ct) NO SCALE :.. ~.+ "1':1 Date Received: -:";'~r~ MAR 0 4 2009 '..t 1.3 Goals and Objectives of the TMP Original Submittal As part of the overall anA III Program, TMPs at the Program and Corridor \evels have been developed to establish the requiremerits and performance specifications for the Project-Level TMPs, The primary purpose of the Project-Level TMP is to address construction,related traffic impacts for individual bridge projects, in coordination with the corresponding Corridor-Level TMP, in a cost-effective and timely manner with minimal interference to the traveling public, , The TMP concepts and goals described are to be used in anA III funded projects like this one, To accomplishthis goal, the Project-Level TMP incorporates the following elements: . Description of project area Description of the proposed improvements Identification of other agency and local jurisdiction. p~ojects III the area requmng coordination -- . . 'I " . Identification of project stakeholders Identification of traffic mobility issues during construction Ident,ification ofrestricted work times Consideration Of over-sized vehicle accommodations . . . . Selection of traffic mitigation measures . Description of construction staging and schedule . Recommendations for managing access during construction . Provisions for an Incident Management Plan . Provisions for a Mobility Communication Plan , 1.4 Relationship of Program-Level and Corridor-Lev~1 TMPs to 'Project-Level TMP The purpose of the anA III Traffic Management Program is to minimize disruptions to motorists, the freight industry and communities during reconstruction and repair of aTlA III bridges without compromising public of worker safety, or the quality 6fwork being performed, The focus of the program is on the development and implementation of Traffic Management Plans (TMPs), organized into three levels with each having a unique purpose and providing a unique level of detail as described below, ' . Program-Level TMP. The Program-Level TMP addresses traffic management at a high-level and serves as the'framework for Corridor-Level TMPs, . Corridor-Level TMP. The Corridor-Level TMP addresses traffic'management on the 17vel below the Program-Level for specific corridors, Corridor-Level TMPs address corridor management (including communication, coordination, and implementation), bridge delivery scheduling and staging, and work zone traffic operations strategies at the corridor level and serve as the rramework for Project-Level analysis and , enhancements, where needed, The analyses focus on areas of a corridor where delays D KS Associates October 15, 2008 4 Final DAP Prpject-Level TMP for 1-5: Willomette River Bridge " . ~ . 'j. and access issues may result in significant negative mobility and economic impacts to motorists, the freight industry, individual businesses ap.d, communities, or where, substantial overall economic benefits may be achieved through alternative strategies, , ' ' . Project-Level TMP. The Project-Level TMP addresses traffic management for each project or group of projects that are interrelated in a corridor. A Project-Level TMP will serve as a companion to the Traffic Control Plan (TCP) for the project. Key observations in the Corridor-Level TMP for 1-5 North/OR 58 Corridor: Washington State . Line to US 97 (Chemult, OR) with respect to the project include the following: t . The 1-5 corridor is a major north-south route for the state and has the potential for delays that could significantly impact the economy, . OBDP has assigned a delay threshold, or maximum tolerable !ielay, of 32 minutes along the 1-5 corridor. For the '44-mile section of 1-5 from US 20 to OR 58, a 6-minute delay threshold has been assigned, . The corridor is an important rou~efor freight through and within the state connecting Portland t6 California, ' The area between Salem and Cottage Grove is heavily impacted by commuters, Trucks comprise approximately 19 to 27% of the ADT along the 1-5 North corridor. Seasonal variations'in traffic are minor due to the large percentage of commuters and truck traffic, . ,A slight summer increase in traffic is due to tourists heading to Southwestern Oregon, . Congestion exists around Eugene during peak traffic hours, but the roadway performs ) well in off-peak times, Summer weekend and holiday, volumes could be difficult to accommodate in constru'ction zones: . Communication with local industries imd trucking firn1s about project schedules and potential delays is critical. to allow local industries to adjust to corridor conditions impacting suppliers and shipping, .' Game day traffic is an important component of the overall,traffic on the fall and winter weekends heading to Eugene, . . . Emergency routes, should be identified with the input of local officials and MCTD in conjunction with the trucking industry, . . Congestion was mentioned, by many as a problem in corridor between Cottage Grove and Eugene during peak morning and afternoon periods, Congestion and delay frustrate residents in communities near 'this corridor. The general level of tolerance of slowdowns in the work zones within these areas is low in comparison to 1-5 North Corridor communities, Citizens in the corridor have a high expectation of performance, . DKS Associates October 15, 2008 5 F.inal DAP Project,Leve/ TMP for /,5: Willainette River Bridge ""<<''''''\._'~''.',F''''''''''. . '~,i,'""T'"'>;;''' '.-".',,,", C7,~~;)~{( : . ~ r ',,1-,.. . " 2.0 Study Area Characteristics I" , . ( This section summarizes existing transportation conditions. in the project vicinity that are pertinent to this Traffic Manag~ment Plan, including a description of the project flrea and traffic characteristics, . '- 2. 1 Location , The Willamette River Bridge and the Canoe Canal Bridge are located along 1-5 in the Eugene/Springfield Metropolitan area, The Canoe Canal is approximately 600 feet north of the Willafuette River. Both bridges are also in Lane County, ODOT Region 2, and ODOT ' Maintenance District 5, 2.2 Location of Other Construction Projects To minimize the cumulative delay for traffic traveling ,through the project area on 1-5 or temporary detour routes, it is critical that this project be coordinated with other projects ,planned in the area, Opportunities should be explored to schedule projects during different time periods or stage them to avoid overlapping periods of high delays, Communication protocols are described in Section 8,0, There, are currently a number of other construction projects planned on 1-5 or on potential detour routes between the years 2009 and 2012 in 'the project vicinity, These projects are identified and described in Table 1, I , , Date Received: " MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal - , ( DKS Associates October 15. 2008 6 Final DAP Project-Level TMP for 1-5: Willamette River Bridge ~ , Table 1: Construction Projects in the Vicinity of the Project Sites i ' ( MP 172,24-174.24 OTIA III Bundle A04: 1,5 Whiteaker Ave - London Rd- replace 3 bridges, repair 2 bridges OTIA III Bundle 312: 1-5 Carnas Swale - Cottage Grove - replace 3 bridges, repair 5 bridges (STIP 14053) STlP Key# 15235: 1-5 Bridge Vertical Clearance Impro'vements - bridges 08186, 086890 'MP 182,00,204,00 STIP Key# 15236: 1,5 Bridge Vertical Clearance Improvements - bridges 08167, 08170, 08173B,09174,07741A OT1A III Bundle 310: 1-5 Coast Fork Willamette - Martin Creek - replace 5 bridges ' OTIA III Bundle 508: 1-5 Elkhead Rd - OR 126: Knowles Rd (DIE) - replace 5 bridges, reoair I bridge \. MP 168,01,209,06 STIP Key # 15574: 1,5 Lane County Interstate Sign Replacement - sign replacement STIP Key# 14997: Calapooia R (Linn West Drive) Bridge - replace bridge # 12551 STlP Key# 14649: 1-5 (a) Coburg Interchange - interchange modernization STIP Key # 14314: 1-5 @ Beltline Interchange Unit 2 (Eugene/Springfield)- interchange modernization,phase 2 MP 174,74-185.46 STlP Key # 14053: 1,5 Camas Swale - Saginaw Road - Bundle 312 - replace bridges # 07825, 07793B, and 07736C MP 169,58,171.62STIP Key # 14051: 1,5 Coast Fork Willamette,Martin Creek- replace bridges # 07861B, 0781OA, 0781OB, 07809A, and 07809B MP 11.35,11.94 ,STIP Key# 12836: OR569: Beltline Hwy @CoburgRoadinterchange modernization Mileposts reference 1-5, Locations are approximate and do not include the full extent of traffic controL , I Scheduled Construction I 2007-2009 I 2007,2009 I, 2009 I 12008_2010 I 2008,2011 I 2008,2011 1 2009 2011 2009-20 II 2009-2012 I I I 2008,2012 2009 2009 *Note: Location MP 174,5,178,25, 185,5' MP 192,75,194,25 MP 169,6-171.6 MP 154,5:163.4 MP 2.28-2,34 MP 00-00 MP 194.5-196,5 Project 2.3 Project Limits The project limits include the work zoqe area required to accomplish the improvements as well as the roadways and railroads affected by temporary traffic control. Table 2 lists approximate project traffic control limits on 1-5 and applicable crossroads for each site: The-railroad under 1- 5 is not expected to be adversely affected by the construction activities, however, should this become the case, coordination with the appropriate authorities would be necessary, Table 2: Project Traffic Control Limits I Bridge Location Traffic Control Limits Bridge # (MP) Roadwav Bel;.in I 08329 192.75 1-5 190 I 08187 192.86 1-5 190 Note: Mileposts reference 1,5, Project traffic control limits do not include detour signing, End 194 194 I I I I D KS Associates October 15, 2008 . 7 Final DAP Projec~LeveITA1Pfor 1,5: Willamette River Bridge', 'Y -....~ ... "'.r',' . i ~'}':".'~ ." .....'~.~."~,,, Date Reeeived: " MAR 0 4 2009 ,'t:"';'t 2.4 Traffic Characteristics' J', , ;,."{'l. Original Submittal In the project area, 1-5 carries approximately 34,000 vehicles northbound and 34,000 vehicles southbound per day, The available data for average daily traffic, peak hour traffic volumes, and heavy vehicle percentages are shown on Figure 2, o 2.5 Roadway Network Functional classification, other designations, and the posied speed for each roadway within the project area as well as roadway used for potential detour routes are listed in Table 3,. Table 3: Project Area Roadway Characteristics Functional Classification 11'5: MP 190 to 194 I Franklin BOUI~vard I Glenwood Drive Source: ODOT OHP Central Lane MPO 2004 RTP Federally Designated Roadway Functional Classifications Lane County Roads Inventory . Principal Arterial -Interstate ODOT National Highway System " Freight Route Roadway Designation I I I I City of Eugene " Posted Speed (mph) 60 (55 Trucks) 45 Agency Principal Arterial-,Statewide Highway Minor Arterial ODOT r 35 <. 2.6 Land Use , The project site is surrounded by urban land use and' is located within the Eugene/Springfield urban growth boundaries, The combined population Eugene/Springfield metro area is approximately 200,000 peoplel, City of of the. / 2.7 Project Stakeholders , During developinent of the cons'truction documents as well as during construction, stakeholders can be a valuable source of information for the project when it comes to what types of utilities are present near the construction area, special events, harvest schedules, other construction activities within the. area, emergency services, freight movements, and general public sentiment concerning the proposed project, to name a few, A sample list of questions that may be used when communicating with stakeholders has been included in Appendix A, There may be times during project construction when it becomes necessary to contact stakeholders in the area to inform them of new developments' such as schedule changes, traffic control changes, road closures, or major incidents, Communication protocols are described in Section 8,0,. . ' '\ A list Of the primary stakeholders in the project area including major road authorities, emergency service providers, government contacts, local utilities, and others is compiled in Table 4, The complete stakeholder list is included'in Appendix B. I Portland St~te Univer~ity Population estimate 2007, www.pdx.edu/media/c/e/CertifiedRclease_07_web.xls DKS Associates October 15, 2008 8 , Final DAP Project'Level TMP for 1,5: WiIIiJmette River Bridge " \ , '- Table 4: 1-5: Willamette River Bridge - Bundle 220 Primary Project Stakeholders List Department of Transportation (ODOT) Susan Haupt NEPNCETAS CoO/dinator 541,388,6021 ' Rav Mabev alIA llIBridQe Delivery Unit ManaQer 503-986,3350' Jim Cox Assistant Branch Manaoer 503-986,6612 Dick Upton Proiect Manaoer 503-986-3477 Tim Dodson Proi.8ctLiaiso-n 503-986-3311 Joe Harwood Public Information Representative 541,726,2442 Steve Turner Assistant Proiect Manaoer 503,986,3801 Erik Haviq Planning and Develooment Manaqer 503-986,2632 Zach Hunter Railroad Liaison 503-986-3657 Douq Hedlund Molor Carrier 503,378,6192 Mike S~aeth District Manaqer !DistricI5) 541-744,8080 SonnyChickerino Area 5 ManaGer (Reqion 2) 541-744-8080 Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners Willard Bradshaw Lead Mobility 503-587-3643 Linda Riley, ProjeclManaqer 503-587-3677 L'(nn laquinla Proiect Manaqer 503-587'2904 Ed SCh08jlS lead of Public Involvement 503-471-6824 OciuQlas Kirkpatrick OBDP Assistant 503,587,2925 Billie O-Connor Proiect S~ecialist 503,362,3253 City of Eugene LisaGardner Planning Director 541,682,2653 Mark Schoeninq qtvEnqineer 541-682-5243 Lee Shoemaker Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator 541,682-5471 Chris Henry TSP Planning.Engineer (Main Contact) 541-682-8472 City of Springfield David Reesor Senior Planner 541-726-3753 I Tom Boyatt Transp..orlation Manaoer 541-744'3373 Lane Council of Governments Meoan Banks Lead Public Involvement 541-682-7413 I Susan Payne Senior Planner 541,682,7435 I Kathi Wiederhold Liaison to MPO CAC 541,682,4430 Lane County Kent Howe Planninq Director 541,682,3807 I Ed ChasIBin Transp'ortation Plan nino Enqineer, Interim 541-682,3807 I Richard Fry Park Manaper 541,682,2000 I Ollie Snowden Public Works Director 541-682-6900 Marl< Director 541-682-6105 for Emerqency Response EmerqencvOnlv 911 .Ore'pon Slale Police Non-Emerqency 503-378-3387 I McKenzie Willamette Hospital RovOrr CEO 541,726,4400 I PeaceHealth Alan Yordy Chief Executive Officer 541,886,7300/ I 425-845-3856 Lane Coun!y Sheriff's Office Linda Cook Lane County Emerqencv Manaoer ,541-682-6744 I Sprinqfield Police Deeartment Non.Emerqency 541-726-3729 II Euqene.PoJice Department Non-Emerqency 541,682,5121 Sprinqfield Fire Department Non-Emerqency 541-726-3737 jl 541,682,7100 1 OreIlon Utility Notification Center 800-332-2344 1 Metropolitan Wastewater Manaqement Commission, Greg Watkins Staff Member 541,682,8600 I Eugene Water and Electric Board Rod Wade Water 541-341-1846 Rich Deluna Transmission Enpineer 541'341,8522 I Springfield Utility Board Ed Head EnoineerinQ Technician (Electric) 541,744,3707 Rebecca Templin Water 541,736,3291 'I Public Utilih' Commission General Number 503,378-8962 I S'prinqfield Utility Board Bob Linahan General Manaqer 541-746-8451 I Williams Northwest Pipeline Naomi Shirlcliff Ooerations Technician 541-342-4434 I Pacific Power & l!flht Chuck Schwartz Lead Transmission Enqineer , 503-813-7088 I Northwest Natural . John Radosovich Enoineerin9 Field Supervisor 541,342,3661 I Rainbow Waler District Dean Hill Assistant Superintendent 541,746,1676 I Quest Communications Susan Clark Senior Desion EnQineer 541-936,0841 I Comcast Communication Tom Henertv Staff Member 541-431-3605 I Veri,on MCi Tracy Chosa Staff Member 360,931,8751 i Level3 James Crooker Staff Member 541-915-8506 DKS Associates 9 J>rojec~LeveITA1PJ'or October ]5, 20'08 Final DAJ> '],5: Willamette River Bridge ,..I" , "'''-\''J~i:f'~f,+';''r- J r , ' it!' i'l , Date Received: ) MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal Federal Highway Administration I CETAS Interoovernmental'Liaison I National Marine Fisheries Service I National Park Service, Padfic West Reoion I Oreqon Department of Forestry I GreQon Department of Aqriculture I Greoon Deoartment of EnerQY I Greoon Department of Environmental Quality 1 Greoon Department of Fish and Wildlife I Greoon Department Of State Lands I Greoon Economic & Community Development Greoon Parks & Recreation Deot. Oreoon State Parks Oreqon Water Resources Department Staie of OreQonMarine Board U.S Deoartmentofthe Interior, BLM Public Affairs U.S. Armv Corps of Enqineers U.S. Department of Commerce, Nationa! Marine Fisheries Service. ODOT liaison U.S. Environmental Protection Aqency U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Willamalane Park & Recreation District Michelle Eraut Mike Morrow Frances SakaQuchi Joyce Cohen Tom Loynes Gloria Shinn Rod Nichols Jim Johnson Kath~ Stuttaford COry Saxon Jim Muor Nicole Navas Glenn Montgomery ..... Jan E. Houck MarilYn Liooincott Bill'Ferber Paul Donheffner WayneSchu'(ler Deborah Rawhouser Dominic Yballe Tom loynes Yvonne Vallette David Leal GreoHyde Environrnental Protection Soecialist Field Oeerations Enqineer liaison Enolneer for Reqion 2 CETAS Imolementation Advisor Natural Resources Manaqement Soecialist LWCF/UPARR Proiect Manaqer Agency Affairs Land Use and Water Plannino Coordinator Executive Assistant Proqram, Policy and Proiect Assistance Div. SW OR Reqional TSP Corr. ODOT DSL liaison Sustainable Development Liaison Water Recreation Proqram Coordinator Senior Grants Proiect Coordinator NW Reoion Manaoer Directo"r Deouty Directorl Facilities,Manaqer Division Chief. Science & Planni~o ODOT "Corps Requlatory Liaison NMFS'liaison WetlandslWatershed'Coordinator Fish and Wildlife Bioloqist Planninq & Development Manaqer 3.0 Factors Impacting .Construction Staging 3.1 Proposed Improvements and Impacts to Traffic Flow This~project includes the replacement of two bridges, Other activities include: . Rebuilding or realigning roadways to meet the new structure profile . Grading, drainage, signing, striping, lighting, seeding and guardrail work . Construction of approaches 541-747-3331 541,687,3123 503,587,4716 503,587,4708 503,399,5749 503,229,6916 503,231,6892 206,220-4126 503,945-7200 503-986,4550 503,378-4040 503-229,5845 503-947-6088 541,440,3353 503,986,0123 503,986,0742 I 503,986,0711 I 503-986-0900 I 503,378-2617 I 503,378,2605 1 202,208,3100 503-808,4392 541,957,3380 503,326,2716 503,231,6179 541,736-4544 Recommended construction staging strategies for each bridge site are summarized in Section 6,1.2 of this document ' 3.2 Ex/sting Restrictions Existing road and bridge restrictions were obtained from ODOT Motor Carrier Transportation Division (MCTDi for the project area, The existing restrictions that would still be effective at the time of construction for this project are listed in Table -5. Current i!lformation should be obtained from MCTD at the start of construction, , 2 ODOT Motor Carner Tran~portation Division, "Road and Bridge Restrictions"; revised July 11,2008. , Project'Level TMP for /,5: Willametle River Bridge DKS Associates October 15. 2008 10 Final DAP , Table 5: Existing Restrictions Location Information Hwy Milepost OR 126B 1.34 ( Description Type Restriction* 20,000 lbs, single axle, 34,000 Ibs, tandem axle - 105,500 Ibs: GYW" Weight Table 2 Divisible loads; 21,500 Ibs, single axle, 43,000 Ibs, tandem axle, 98,000 lbs, GYW" Weight Table 3 Non,Divisible loads * Dimensions listed for height restrictions are permitted load heights, not actual clearances. MCTD reroutes loads that are over,height. Willamette River, Hwy IS, Bridge #01223 Weight 3.3 Alternate Routes Either liighway OR99W or OR126B could be used as an alternate route if an emergency on 1-5 required a full closure at any of the project sites, Highway OR99W would be the preferred alternative, since the Willamette River Bridge on ORI26B is a weight restricted bridge, Appropriate alternate routes for this site will be determined in final design, 3.4 Environmentallssues There are limited environmental issues within the 'limits of the project sites that would impact the construction schedule or staging as proposed in this document. Migratory birds and ESA-listed fish species are knowJ1 to occur within the study area, The migratory bird nesting period spans from March 25th to September 15t, All measures to prevent nesting or roosting must be performed by the contractor outside of this, time period and in accordance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The design contractor must adhere to the Wildlife Passage and Migration Environmental Performance Standard to maintain existing wildlife passage conditions atthis site, Based on the results of the rare plant surveys conducted for the detour bridge project and the proposed project, adverse impacts to State or Federally listed rare plant populations are unlikely as a result of- bridge replacement activities, Project special provisions will address noxious , weed control and will be included in the Level 3 PCA submittal. . Removal of existing bridge structures from below the .ordinary high water mark of the Willamette River will require a removal/fill permit from the DSL and the D,S, Army Corps of Engineers (the Level 3 PCA Joint Permit Application), as will any additional impacts to waters and wetlands that result from the proposed 'construction activities, 3.5 Seasonal Restrictions There are no abnormal seasonal restrictions due to weather conditions, Refer to Section 3,10 for more information on holidays and local events, 3.6 Lane Closures Off-peak'single"lane clo,sures will be necessary along 1-5 in the project area to construct tie-ins, shoulders, guardrail, and concrete barriers, Allowable lane closure times for 1,5 have been calculated and lane closure charts for 1-5 are provided in Appendix C. Based'on lane closures ( ./ DKS Associates October 15, 2008 , II Final DAP Project,Level TMP for 1,5: Willamette River Bridge o ~j j, '[-, "...".'--:".'., . '.'~ .. '." ';.:" ..;;t)i.... wale ~e{;t::lvt::u. MAR 0 4 2009 ) Original Submittal / ' charts provided by OBDP, the allowable times for these lane closures follows: Northbound . Between the beginning of September and end of May: Lanes may be closed between 7:00 PM and 6:00 AM, on weekdays are as / · Between the beginning of June and end of Augu~t: Lanes may be closed between 8:00 PM and 6:00 AM:- Southbound , / . Between the beginning of October and end May of: Lanes may be closed between 8:00 PM and 8:00 AM, . Between the beginning of June and end of September: Lanes may be closed between 9:00 PM and 7:00 AM, . Short-term full closures of the northbound Franklin, Boulevard off-ramp and Franklin ,Boulevarp will be necessary to proted the public during demolition. of the existing 1-5 bEidge structure, The design team is also looking into the possibility of longer-term closures of both the Franklin Boulevard northbound off-ramp and southbound on-ramp, but the necessary traffic data to evaluate this option will not be available until after the DAP, ) 4.0 Potential Mobility Issues ~ . .. 4.1 Traffic Mobility Issues during Construction Minimal to no delay will be incurred on 1-5 as a result of restricted or detoured lanes, The Corridor-Level TMP for the 1-5 Corridor has defined delay thresholds and assessed the delay for each OTIA III project in the corridoLOBDP has assigned a delay threshold,' or maximum tolerable delay, of 6 minutes along the 1-5 corridor for,the 44 mile section from US 20 to OR 3 ' 58 , ", .' Because of the use ofI-5 as a freight corridor, special consideration will need to be given to the, ability of the temporary ,traffic control, and associated lane restrictions to accommodate oversize vehicles, The use of lane closures on this corridor may impact the timely and dependable movement of goods through the region, A minimum roadway width of 19 feet (during lane closures) and 31 feet between positive barriers will be maintained at all times for each direction of traffic on 1-5 during the, construction phases, According to ODOT's Traffic Control Plan Design Manual, the minimum' horizontal width in crossover section between positive barriers for freeways sections is 32 feet However, the available roadway width will be reduced to 31 feet in.each direction during traffic control stages where bi-directional traffic is being maintained on a single bridge, This width reduction is, allowed per the scope of work for this project and is necessary because only 64 feet of roadway width are available on the existing detour bridge, The 31 feet per direction allow . for a two foot concrete median barrier, one three foot shoulder, two 12 foot travel lanes, and 3 Corridor-Level Traffic Management Plan: 1-5 North Corridor, Oregon" Bridge Delivery Partners, Qeccmber 29,2005. DKS Associates October 15, 2008 12 Final DAP Project,Level TMP for' 1-5: Willamette River Bridge one four foot outside shoulder. There will be no height or weight restncl10ns during construction other than those that already exist and have been listed in Table 5, Early Motor Carrier Transportation Division (MCTD) communication, coordination, and notification are required for a successful project. Mobility for Willamette River traffic (boaters and other recreational users) may be impacted during some of the bridge demolition and construction phases, The project team will be meeting with the State of Oregon Marine Board to discuss the control of river traffic during demolition and construction, Bicycle mobility through the construction zone will be maintained as best as possible with temporary detour routes, Two bicycle trails within the project vicinity wIll be impacted by' construction activities and may require detour.routes: northwest of the Canoe Canal Bridge and southwest of the Willamette River Bridge, The exact alignment of these detour routes will be determined through collaboration with the Willamalane Parks and Recreation Department and. ~~~~ ' 4,2 Consideration of Over-sized Vehicles . ,1-5 and OR99W/126B are part of the National Highway System and 1-5 has also been, designated as a Freight Route by ODOT4 (OR99W is not designated as a Freight Route), It will be essential that any temporary lane restrictions used for 1-5 or detours used for 1-5 traffic are able to accommodate large trucks during construction, ' When a project restricts the width, length, height, or weight of vehicles through a work zone or detours t(licks around a work zone, notify the Motor Carrier Transportation Division (MCTD) by using the web based electronic version of the "Highway Restriction Notice-Size and/or Weight" form (Form No, 734-2357) at least 28 calendar days before the restriction or detour takes effect. ' ' .\ 4.3 Input from the Public and Stakeholders The scope of this pn;>ject, as it affects the public, is similar to freeway maintenance in that its impacts and decisions are guided primarily by technical factors and ODOT policy, The primary goals 'of the communications effort for this project are to inform project stakeholders and highway users and to gather feedback. The major communication elements planned for this project are site visits, project information papers, stakeholder interviews, public open houses, Citizen Advisory Group (CAG) meetings, neighborhood briefings, media notices, newsletters, and a website, ODOT will manage all contact with the news media and be the key contact for the project. ' Currently, open houses, CAG meetings and neighborhood briefings have taken place, The open houses have place in April 2006, May 2,007, January 2008, and July 2008, The CAG meetings began in January 2007 and have been held monthly, or bi-monthly through August 2008, Thirteen CAG meetings have been held to date, Most of the neighborhood briefings have taken place since January 2008 and were made to the Harlow Neighbors and Laurel Hill Valley Citizens Association, the AIA (American Institute of Architects) and to the Springfield City 4 Oregon Highway Plan, Oregon Department of Transportation, 1999, Appendix D. DKS Associates October 15, 2008 13 Final DAP Project-Level TMP for 1,5: Willamelle River Bridge \ ,.-...,<,,,,,.-,~,~.', "'.\"T...." O,!J'.Y-"'- .t. '-j....",... " , . ,__, ",; l' :,'" 1'" ,'.,. ~ Council, Eugene City Council, Lane"Co~nty Board of Commissioners, and the,Metropolitan Policy Committee, Further stakeholder meetings seeking input from the public will continue during the final design and construction phases of this project. 4.4 Local Agency Coordination Local agencies should be contacted before beginning construction on this project to coordinate any issues that may not be included in this document. Close coordination with local agencies is necessary for the planning and use of detour routes, When the analysis for the detour route has been finalized, coordination meetings will be held with local agencies to discuss the detour route and possible concerns, Further discussions with local agencies will continue throughout the DAP and final design stages, Communication protocols' are described in Section 8,0, A list of known projects in the vicinity of construction sites is included in Section 2.2, Other possible coordination issues would be additional construction projects (public or private), other possible detour routes, maintenance activities, emergency situations, local events, etc, A list of agency contacts is included in Section 2,7 of this document. , 4:5 Holidays and Events Traffic can be impacted by holidays and local events as well as seasonal activities, In 'addition to major holidays, several other events will impact traffic, The Lane County Fair occurs the last week of August. Fans living south of Eugene will be drawn for college football games in Eugene and Corvallis on Saturdays from September through November. A detailed list of holidays and local events occurring during construction is included in Table 6, The only seasonal activity that would impact traffic during ,construction would be recreation , , use of the reservoirs during the summer months, Hunting traffic would be present during times that construction would likely not occur. Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original SubmittaL DKS Associates' October 15, 2008 14 Final DAP Project,Level TMP far 1-5: Willamette River Bridge " " Table 6: Holidays and Events in the Project Area 'Event/Holidav Dates I New YearsDav ' Jan 1,2010 I Memorial Dav Weekend May 29,31, 2010 4'" ofJuly July 4, 2010 Lane County Fair Aug 2010 UO Home Football Games Aug 30,Nov 22, 2010 OSU Home Football Games Aug 28-Nov 29, 2010 Labor Day Weekend Sept 4-6, 20 I 0 Thanksgiving Nov 25-28, 2010 Christmas Dec 24-27, 20 I 0 I New Years Day Jan 1. 2011 I Memorial Day Weekend May 28,30, 2011 I 4'" ofJuly , July 4,2011 I Lane County Fair Aug 20 II I Labor Day Weekend Sept 3-5, 20 II I UO Home Football Games Seot-Dec, 2011 OSUHome Football Games, Sept-Dec, 2011 Thanksgiving Nov 24-27, 2011 Christmas Dec 25-28, 2011 New Years Day Jan 1,2012 Memorial Day Weekend May 26-28, 2012 4th of July July 4, 2012 Lane County Fair Aug 2012 Labor Day Weekend Seot 1-3,2012 UO Home Football Games Sept-Dec, 2012 OSU Home Football Games Sept-Dec, 2012' Thanksgiving Nov 22-25, 2012 Christmas Dec 24,27, 2012 * Restrictions for lane closures on 1-5 other than those shown on the rep. City Eugene Eugene Corvallis Eugene Eugene Corvallis Eugene Eugene Corvallis County Lane Lane Linn Lane Lane Linn Lane Lane Linn Restrictions* No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane Closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures' No hme closures No lane closures No lane closures No lane closures 5.0 ' Traffic Mitigation Measures To help meet the performance goals for congestion management and promote work zone safety, a range of traffic management strategie,s were considered for implementation, Table '7 list~ an array of common traffic management strategies and indicates which were selected for consideration on this project. It should be recognized that before selecting a strategy for , application, an evaluation of the benefits provided versus the cost to implement should be conducted, Project budgets may determine which strategies can be implemented, Any strategies that are cost-prohibitive at the project level may require funding from other sources if implem~ntation is desired: The remainder of this section describes in more detail the strategies , seleCted from Table 7, , DKS Associates October 15, 2008 15 Final DAP Project-Level TMP for 1-5: Willarnette River Bridge '.1'" Tabfe 7: Traffic Management Strategies X Public Information and Outreach . Motorist Information/ITS . X Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) X Ground Mounted Signs Commercial Traffic Radio X Highway Advisory Radio (fixed and mobile) X Planned Lane Closure Website X, TripCheck - ODOT's ITS Website "- X Radar Speed Message Sign I Construction Strategies X 1 IncentiveIDisincentive.Provisions I Ramp Metering I Lane Rental X I Off PeaklNightlWeekendlOffSeasonal Work X I Temporary Pavement (runaround) X I Temporary Pavement (widening) I Temporary Traffic Signals I Pilot Car X I Planned LanelRamp Closures. X I Project Staging I Tempora':Y Traffic Screens X I Total Facility Closure I Truck Traffic/Permit Restrictions I Reversible Lanes Extended Weekend Closures X I Reduced Speed Zones X Coordination with Adjacent Construction X Rolling Slowdown X Full-Time Traffic Control Supervisor X Traffic Control Improvements 5.1.1 Public Information and Outreach " ~-r__ ,.,.,-..'. ..,...., " Date Received: , ..- MAR 0 4 2009 '..V Original submittal Incident Management Call Boxes X Construction Zone Enhanced EnforcementProgram Dedicated Service Patrol Traffic Surveillance Stations (loop detectors and CCTV) X Cell Phones Traffic Control Officers X' Full, Time Traffic Control Suoervisor Helicopter Demand Management HOV Lanes/Ramos Park,and,Ride Lots Parking. Management/Pricing Rideshare Incentives Rideshare Marketing Transit Incentives Transit Service Improvements Train or Light,Rail Incentives X Variable Work Hours Telecommute Shuttle Service Incentives Temoorary Lanes or Shoulder Use Freeway to Freeway Connector Closures I I Alternate Route Strateeies I Ramo Closures I Street Improvements I I Temporarv Lanes or Snoulder Use I I Innovative Stratee;es I I Public information and outreach is beneficial for maintaining public support for projects as well as for encouraging changes in travel behavior during construction, Making the public aware of the potential delays incurred while traveling through the corridor may encourage motorIsts to use alternate routes or plan trips to avoid peak travel times, which will help to manage congestion within the project area, " 5.1.2 Motorist Information . Dynamic Message Signs Three permanent Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) will be available along the 1-5 corridor during the construction of this project and may be helpful Jor communicating real time informatjon to motorists, The first permanent DMS for the southbound traffic i DKS Associ~tes October ]5, 2008 16 Final DAP Project-Level TMP for ],5: Willamette River Bridge " , is located -aLMP 201.58, approximately eight miles north of the project A second permanent DMS sign for the southbound direction is currently under construction and will be located about 5 miles south of the project site at MP 186,86, The third permanent DMS is also under constructed for the northbound 1-5 corridor and this will be located at approximately MP 190,67,The usefulness of either DMS currently under construction would depend on the construction completion dates, . Ground-mounted Signs Ground' mounted signs should be installed at each end of the work, zones informing motorists of the road construction and the possibility of delay, Ground mounted signing would also be needed to alert motorists of the availability of Highway Advisory Radio information, should it be provided, . Highway Advisory Radio (fIXed and mobile) ---. As delays through this project are anticipated to be minimal, the use of Highway Advisory Radio may only prove beneficial during an incident that will impact traffic flow through the are~ for a significant duration, If provided, ground mounted signing will be required to inform motorists of the frequency used, There are three permanent 'HAR transmitters operating as one synchronized transmitter in the Eugene area which could be used for this project The HAR coverage map and quality assessment is located in Appendix G, ' , . Planned Lane Closure Website Including a planned lane closure website with this project will help to inform users of construction activities and planned closures, Increasing the awareness of planned closures may enhance the traveling public's ability to plan around the construction activities, The website www.KeeoUsMoving-info currently' provides construction information for the Eugene/Springfield area, Providing construction information and updates on this websitewill be useful to the traveling public, . TripCheck (ODOT's ITS Website) and CCTV Camera Including this project on ODOT's ITS website (www.triocheckcom) will help to inform users of construction activities, \\Zhile delays are not antiCipated to be significant, increasing awareness may enhance work zone safety, No CCTV cameras art? located within the vicinity of the work zone that would be useful to provide construction related traveler information, . Radar Speed Message Sign Portable radar speed message signs can be effective to lower the average travel speed through a work zone, Their use would be appropriate during periods of work when workers are adjacent to the travel lanes for, long periods, especially on 1-5 where speeds. are generally higher and speed reductions may be disregarded, Use of these signs is subject to approval of an implementation plan by the Region Traffic Engineer. DKS Associates October 15, 2008 17 Final DAP Projeci,LeveI TMP for 1-5: Willamette River Bridge i,.-<; Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 5.1.3 Incident ManagementlEr;:;e~~ency Coriiniunications Plafiginal SubmittaL ), . IncentiveIDisincentive Provisions Zone ODOT provides specific guidance and clarification on the use of IncentiveIDisincentive (lID) contracting provisions in PDOp Notice Form 06/06 (htto:llwww,ore2:on,2:ov/ ODOT/HWY/PDUldocs/odf/PDI7. FINAL 3-6-2007,odf), This strategy can improve the timeliness of the contractor and result in quicker construction, This strategy would be beneficial for this project due to the significant traffic volume present on 1-5, . Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program This strategy can improve work zone safety by slowing vehicles traveling through the project area, For this project, it is recommended that enforcement be enhanced for a r brief period following the establishment of aJreduced speed zone to bring attention to the change in conditions, It is also recommended that enhanced enforcement be provided during selec~ed holiday weekends in the spring and summer, when there are high volumes of recreational traffic through the area, The presence of police officers during these times would also be beneficial for incident management purposes, as , temporary lane blockages can cause substantial delays when peak traffic volumes are present. In addition to these times, enforcement may be enhanced if deemed necessary- through the TMP monitoring and evaluation process, It is anticipated that the extent to which this strategy could be implemented would be determined by the project budget. . Cell Phones' , It is recolllmended that mobile phones be present on-site at all times to provide the ability to quickly report incidents within the work zone, Cell phone reception should be verified prior to any construction activities, If cell phone service is l}ot available in the project area, satellite phones or other functioning means of voice communication'should be maintained on site, -- . Full-Time Traffic Control Supervisor Response time to incidents is generally faster when there is a full-time traffic <:ontrol supervisor(TCS) on site to make quick decisions and implement contingency plans as necessary, Due to multiple construction stages and freeway work, it is desirable to employ a TCS on this project. High traffic volumes also indicate that a TCS would be ' useful. It is the responsibility of the contractor to confirm the need for and role of the TCS in this project with the assigned OBDP Construction Engineer. 5.1.4 Construction Strategies . Off PeaklNightlWeekendlOff Seasonal Work Night work will be used for portions of the project that require full closure of off ramps, Franldin Boulevard or single lane closure on 1-5 in one or boih directions, As much as possible, temporary lane closures should be undertaken during off-peak or nights to avoid excessive congestion, ' ./ DKS Asso~iates October 15, 2008 18 Final DAP Project,Leve/ TMP for 1-5: Willamette River Bridge \ . Temporary Pavement Runaround The construCtion of temporary pavement runarounds for the 1-5 northbound offramp to and 1-5 southbound on ramp from Franklin Boulevard may be necessary to allow for the construction of n~w off an,d on ramps, The new Willa:mette River Bridges will .be constructed at a higher grade than the existing structures and therefore will require adjustments to the ramps, The runarounds allow for the new 'ramps to be constructed _ with only minimal impact to the motorist. , . Temporary Pavement Widening Temporary pavement widening on the 1-5 mainline will be necessary to tie in the new bridge structure with the existing highway, This is due, to the fact that the new bridges will be, constructed at a higher grade tpan the existing Willamette River Bridges~ The temporary widening allows for the construction crew to work safely while minimizing the impacts to the traveling public, . Planned Lane/Ramp Closures Off-peak single, lane closures will be necessary along 1-5 in the project area to construct tie-ins, shoulders, guardrail,' and concrete barriers, Short-term full closures of the northbound Franklin Boulevard off,ramp and Franklin Boulevard will be necessary to protect the public during demolition of the existing 1-5 bridge structure, The design team is' also looking into the possibility of longer-term closures of both the Franklin Boulevard northbound off-ramp and southbound on-ramp, but the necessary traffic data to evaluate this option will riot be available until after the DAP, ' . Project Staging , Construction of bridge repairs in stages generally creates ,less delay for drivers compared to a fuli road closure by maintaining at least one travel lane in each direction at all times, Staging' generally requires longer construction periods, but can minimize out of direction travel. The work at both bridge sites will'be staged to minimize impacts to 1-5 traffic, . Total Facility Closure A total closure can facilitate easier, faster, and safer construction while minimizing hazards for motorists who would have otherwise been passing through the work area, . During some portions of construction, intermittent short-term full closures of the 1-5 northbound off ramp to Franklin Boulevard and of Franklin Boulevard will be necessary, . Coordination with Adjacent Construction Refer to Section 2,2 for'nearby construction projects planned between 2009 and 2012, The coordination of this project with other projects in the area, as was previously discussed, will help to avoid unnecessarily compounding motorist delay, D KS Associates October 15, '2008 19 , Final DAP Project-Level TMP for 1-5: Willamette River Bridge Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 '. .,..':', Original Submittal :~:. ~ . . Rolling Slowdown A rolling slowdown is a short-duration closures where traffic control vehicles form a moving blockade, which reduces traffic speeds and . creates a large gap iri traffic,> thus allowing complex or'dangerous work to be accomplished without completely stopping the traffic, Since construction activity over live travel lanes is nOl-allowed, this project could use a rolling slowdown to facilitate the replacement of a sign bridge near Franklin Boulevard over 1-5, The use of rolling slowdowns must be pre-approved by Agency and in concert with the TMP and TCP, . Full-Time Traffic Control Supervisor Benefits of a full-time traffic control supervisor are discussed in Section 5,1.3, . Traffic Control Improvements Traffic control improvements may be neces~ary along the detour route to minimize the impact of the detoured traffic, Traffic control improvements 'could include retiming the signals or using flaggers at key intersections along the detour routeto minimize delay, , 5.1.5 Alternate Route Strateg ies Aside from detours outlined in Section 6,3, the only alt~rnate routing considerations determined thus far are those associated with pre-existing District 5 emergency contingency planning, In future TMP editions for the subject project subsection 7,2 Contingency Plan" will carry further detailed plans associated with alternate route ,contingency planning use, 6.0 Recommended Course of Action The following sections summarize the planned construction staging, lane restricti'ons, detours, and restricted work times proposed "[or replacing the 1-5 bridges, More detailed information will be developed during final design and may 'then be found in the traffic control plans prepared for this project attached in Appendix F, ' ' 6.1 Proposed Construction Schedule and Staging 6.1.1 Project Schedule Construction will start in theyear2010 and be completed in 2012, A more detailed construction schedule> with restricted work times and work zone lane configurations will be developed during final design, However, the contractor may develop their own construction schedule,- which may differ from the proposed schedule, Table 8 summarizes the anticipated schedule for ~ the major bridge elements, ' , DKS Associates October 15, 2008 20 Final DAP Project,Level TMP for 1,5: Willamette River Bridge ~ ,,--,' Table 8: Construction Staging Schedule I Stage 1 Proposed Work Number of Weeks 68 Da"es* Start Beginning Summer 2009 Stop End Summer 2010 Demolish decommissioned structures and construct: . temporary 1-5 widening, . southbound on ramps and . new 1,5 bridges for southbound traffic Shift southbound traffic to new structure and prepare for northbound stmcture construction Shift northbound traffic to southbound structure, demolish temporary detour structure and construct: . northbound off ramps and . new bridge for northbound traffic * Schedule is subject to change, 2 16 Winter 2010 Spring 2011 Sp'ring 20II Fall 2012 3 68 6.1.2 Description of Planned Construction Staging Typical advance signing for the work zone will' be implemented at e'ach project site, Site specific staging is described in the following sections, · Willamette River Bridge Hwy 1 (/-5) bridge replacement Over the course of the project, the existing Willamette River Bridge (#08329) will be replaced and the existing decommissioned and temporary bridges will be removed, The replacement and removal of the bridges will be completed in tl)ree main stages with subsequent sub stages, It is assumed at this time that only short term closures will be allowed on the Franklin Boulevard northbound and southbound ramps and staged construction of the ramps will be needed, However, after the DAP phase, the design team will be evaluating the possibility of longer-term closures on the ramps, Stage 1 Stage i' includes the removal of the decommissioned bridge and the construction of the new bridg~ for southbound traffic, This stage is broken into four sub stages, Stage IA through ID, During Stage lA, ,the existing decommissioned Willamette River Bridge will be demolished and temporary pavement will be added to the' area east of the mainline near the ramps, Once the decommissioned bridge has been removed, the new southbound structure can be constructed during,Stage JB, Concurrently, one half of the ramp for the southbound traffic can also b,e built durjng this stage, In Stage I C, the second half of the new southbound ramp can be'built. In Stage 1 D, the new southbound structure will be built and incorporated into the existing roadway, D KS Associates October 15, 2008 21 Final DAP Project-Level TMP for 1-5: Willamette River Bridge .,..,.... ";]--,." ....}<O~..T r-1:~~'~"~"..~~~k-"'./~ l<>':, .. Date ~eeeived: MAR 0 4 2009 Stage 2 Stage 2 work includes shifting the southbound traffic to the new structure and constructing a temporary paved median between the northbound and southbound lanes south of the bridge, This temporary widening allows for the shifting of the northbound traffic to the new structure, " .:.1',. ~ .1: <f.' Original submittal- Stage 3 . . , Stage 3 includes shifting the northbound traffic to the southbound new structure, the removal of the temporary bridge and the construction of the new northbound structure, This stage, as with stage I, is also broken into four sub stages, Stages 3A through 3D, During Stage 3A, the,northbound traffic is shifted to the new southbound structure and the temporary Willamette River Bridge is removed, Under Stage 3B, the new northbound bridge and one half of the new off ramp for the northbound traffic will be constructed, In Stage 3C, the second half of the new northbound off ramp will be constructed, Finally .ih Stage 3D, the new northbound bridge and' off ramp. will be connected to the roadway and be opened to traffic,' , I Short term, temporary ramp closures of the northbound off ramp, as well as at Franklin Boulevard will 'be necessary during the construction process, Short term shoulder .br . lane closures on the 1-5 mainline will be necessary to 'adjust for grade differences between the old and new structures during Stages I and 3, Allowable lane closure times , . for 1-5 and Franklin Boulevard have been calculated and have been included in the lane closure charts in Appendix C, ' . ,Canoe Canal Bridge Hwy 1 (1-5) bridge replacem'ent The existing Canoe Canal Bridge will be replaced concurrently with the Willamette River Bridge, The staging for replacing this bridge will be similar to .that of the Willamette River Bridge and will consist of two stages, The Stage I work for the Canoe Canal Bridge will take place at approximately the same time as the construction of the Willamette River Bridge, During, the Stage I, the decommissioned Canoe Canal structure will be repaired or replaced, The repair or replacement of the temporary Canoe Canal structure will coincide with the Stage 3 work on the Willamette River Bridge, 6,1.3 Restricted Work Times The restricted work times summarized in this document are provided for information purposes only, Refer to the Special,Provisions of this Proje9t for detailed information regarding restricted work times, In general, no lane closures other than those shown on the TCP will be allowed on 1-5 during major 'holidays, Lane' closures during local special events are discouraged, See Section 4,5 for a list ofholidilys and events in the project area, 6.2 Lane Closure Chart OBDP has conducted a work zone traffic analysis for this project This analysis is based on ODOT methodology for 'determining the feasibility of off-peak lane closures: The resulting. matrix is referred to as the lane closure analysis chart and shows the hours and months during which lanes can be closed, , DKS Associates October 15, 200~ r 22 Final DAP Project,Level TMP for 1-5: Willamette River Bridge , , , Preliminary lane closure analysis has been provided alon'g le5, which provides time frames for allowable lane closures on 1-5, The lane closure charts are included in the Appendix C. Other factors such as maj<;lr holidays and local events impose additional lane closure restrictions and . \Ire described in more detail in Sections 3,5, 3,6, 6,1.2, and 6,1.3" 6.3 Detours 6.3.1 Gen'eral Detour Requirements In general, an evaluation' of each detour route should be conducted to insure that it can safely accommodate the type and amount of traffic ,expected to use the route, An, evaluation of potential detour routes for'the 1-5 northbound off ramp and for' Franklin Boulevard will be conducted by the design team during the DAP process, with focus on the following criteria: . 'Local agency requirements - Contact local agencies concerning detour routes that will run through their jurisdictions, Local agency personnel can provide inforiiiation about local, r~quiremepts, roadway constraints, and public issues, They can also tYpically provide answers to most of the items that follow, . Restrictions on vehicle weight, height and width - Determine the largest vehicle expected to use the detour route so that it-may be accommodated when selecting the 'route! Structures such' as bridges, overcrossings, and undercrossings are a few examples , oflocations that may have restrictions, . _Construction projects along the detour route ~. Coordinate with other construction 'activities that couid affect traffic operations as described in SeCtion 2.2, . Expected delays - Evaluate the expected increase in travel time for motorists that will be required to use the detours, ' ' . Pavement conditions - VerifY that the eXlstmg roadway facilities can support additional vehicle loading from detoured traffic, Review pavement design reports and/or consult local jurisdictions, . Roadway geometry - Verify that existing lane widths, horizontal cUI:Ves, or vertical curves are designed to accommodate the type of vehicles that will be detoured, Safety - Review the detour route for bike facilities, school or other special roadway crossing treatments, Determine the effect the detoured vehicles will have on these facilities, . Intersections - For each intersection along the detour route, review turn radii to verifY: the largest expected vehicle can be accommodated and whether the intersection traffic control is appropriate for the increase in vehicle volumes, In addition, verifY auxiliary turn lanes and that the amount of existing storage is sufficient for increased traffic volum~s, Evaluate additional queuing caused by detour traffic at each intersection and the impacts excessive queuing may have (e,g, excessive delay, blocking adjacent intersections or railroad crossings, and safety issues), . Duration of detour - Determine thel amount of time the d~tour will be required, . , r DKS Associates October 15, 2008 23 Final DAP Project-Level TMP for 1,5: Willamette River Bridge '" Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 ) ,"," ,',' Original Submittal Adjacent. hind use - Determine which businesses, residences, and other land uses Will be affected by the detour. Depending on the level of impact: some type of public announcement may be required and should be coordinated with local jurisdiction personneL Schools located on detour routes can be affected by increases in noise levels, . Alternate Routes - Establish an alternate detour route should a primary detour route have to be closed, This alternate route would be part of a 'contingency plan should an unforeseen event occur that' would close the detour route for an extended period of time, Alternative routes may not be possible in all cases', The contingency plan should reflect these cases, . During final design, the design team will continue to evaluate the recommended detour routes to ensure each detour satisfies these criteria, 6.3.2 Project-Level Detour Information Detours will be required for the northbound off ramp and Franklin Boulevard traffic during the bridge demolition work: Lane closures along detou~ 'routes should' not be permitted when a detour is in place, Plan sheets showing the proposed detour route will be developed onc~ the detour route has been finalized and will be included in Appendix at that time, These detour routes are subject to approval by ODOT's MCTD District Manager, and Region Traffic Manager. . 6.4 Variances and ProcedLires Requiring ODOTApproval In order to implement a temporary speed zone reduction from the posted speed of 60 mph to'55 mph on 1-5, OOOT approval is required, Should it become necessary for a speed reduction at any of the project sites, a form titled "Worksheet for Determining the Need for a Reduced Speed for Work Zones" should be submitted to ODOT Traffic Engineering Services for evaluation" No speed reduction is planned at this time, \ 6.5 Access Appropriate management of access is not only necessary for maintaining access to highway" adjacent properties, but can significantly improve highway safety by minimizing disruptions in traffic flow, reducing the number of conflict points, and simplifYing motorist decision-making, Recognizing the type' and nature of this proj ect, an aggressive access management strategy along Franklin Boulevard or Glenwood -Boulevard is not recommended, Rather, the focus here will be aimed at maintaining access to properties impacted during the construction, 1-5 is access,controlled and will not require access management: 6.6 Specifications The following sections of, the 2008 Oregon Standard Specifications for Construction and the associated Special Provisions should be in'cluded in the construction contract: to ensure that mobility issues are addressed d~ring construction: \ . 00220 - Accommodat.ions for Public Traffic - Typical. project~specific items to be addressed under this section by Special Provision include: DKS Associates October J 5, 2008 , 24 Final DAP Projec~LeveITA1PJ"or "1-5: Willamette River Bridge o Notification to local agencies ofroad closures (see Section 8,0) o Notification to ODOT's Motor Carrier Transportation Division of vertical and horizontal roadway restrictions (see Section 4.2) o Lane closure restrictions (see Section 6,1.3) o Road closure restrictions (see Section 6,1.3) o Winter weather shutdown requirements (see Section 3,5) . 00225 - Work Zone Traffic Control - Each project has specific items that ,are required, for temporary work zone traffic control. Most items used by ODOT for temporary traffic control are listed jn this section, Unless newly-approved)raffic control devices are accepted for use on a project, this section will require minimal additions: 7.0 Incident Management Plan Incident management is a planned and coordinated program that detects and removes incidents from the highway and restores traffic capacity as safely and quickly as possible, Some incident management strategies have already been identified for' this project in Section 5,1.3: The Emergency Communication' Plan and Contingency Plan are. two important tools for incident. management that are described in'the following sections, 7.1 Emergency Communications Plan The Emergency Communications Plan describes how communications will occur and lists . important contact information for responding to an incident. Important elements include: . Goals and Objectives o(the plan, ' . Key Contacts and their contact information, . ,Emergency and Essential Services Contacts, . Definitions of Emergencies along with the response to these including the communications response proc,edures, . Roles and responsibilities ofthose who are to execute the plan, Maintaining an updated list of emergency contacts for use in the event of an incident shall be the responsibility of the contractor. A template will be included in Appendix D with the final design to help guide the contractor in developing an Emergency Communicaticms Plan, , , 7.2 Contingency Plan As a part of an Incident Management Plan, the Contingency Plan includes both traffic and contractor contingency plans, The traffic contingency plan addresses specific actions that will be taken to restore or minimize effects on traffic when the congestion or delay exceeds original estimates due to unforeseen events such as work-zone accidents, higher than predicted traffic demand, or delayed lane closures, The contractor contingency plan addresses activities under the contactor's control in the work zone, A guideline haf be developed for and included in Appendix E to help guide the contractor (once under contract) in developing a contingency plan, / r DKS Associates October 15, 2008 25 Final DAP Projec~LevelTAiPfor 1-5: Willamelle Riv~r Bridge .... --'---""1.- ..'- , , '\ .~ -l~ ,l. ,ru 8.0 Mobility Communicati'on Plan The Mobility Communication Plan provides communication,strategies for informing affected road users, the general public and various project stakeholders about the project and changing . work zone conditions, For this project, media releases must be c09rdinated with and reviewed by ODOT Region 2 staff. ODOT MCTD will handle communications with the shipping industry, Although other stakeholder communication protocols have not yet been developed, it is recommended that all other communications not described above would be disseminated by ODOT Region 2 staff. , ! Table 9 summarizes communication responsibilities, Table 9: Communication Responsibilities I Responsible Party I Contrac:or ODOT Region 2 staff " Communication Target ODOT Region 2 ODOT MCTD Media General pnblic Road users Local agencies Police Fire Emergency medical services Schools ' Other stakeholders not assigned to other parties Railway industry Shipping industry , I ODOT MCTD Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal DKS Associates October 15, 2008 26 Final DAP Project,Level TMP jar 1-5: Willamette River Bridge DKS Associates TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS Draft Technical Memorandum DATE: February 13,2009 TO: John Ferguson, PE, TYLI Tom Metcalf, PE, OBEC FROM: Brian Copeland, PE, DKS Associates Michael Tomasini, EIT, DKS Associates SUBJECT: 1-5: WilIamette River Bridge - Bundle 220 Traffic Analysis for Franklin Boulevard Closures P08138-000-008 This memorandum summarizes the impacts associated with the proposed temporary full and single-lane roadway closures of Franklin Boulevard (OR 126B, MP 0.18 to 0,19) at the 1-5 overcrossing for the construction of the Bundle 220 WiIlamette River Bridge (WRB) improvements in Eugene, Oregon (see Figure I), Lane closure charts were created to evaluate the impacts of single-lane closures on Franklin Boulevard, and operations at four study intersections were evaluated to identify operational deficiencies during detour implementation during a full closure of Franklin Boulevard, FULL LANE CLOSURE ANALYSIS This section includes a description of the assumed detour routes, traffic volume forecast methodology, traffic analysis, mitigation options, and recommendations associated with the full closure of Franklin Boulevard, Detour Description Proposed construction staging includes multiple complete short-tenn closures of Franklin Boulevard during construction activities, When needed, these closures would each be completed within one weekend, The detour routes for the eastbound and westbound traffic are depicted in Figure \, Both detours would use 1-5 and Glenwood Boulevard, m Date Received: 1400 s,W, 5" Avenue Suite 500 Por1land, OR 97201-5502 (503) 243-3500 (503) 243-1934 fax www.dksassociales.com MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal ---- - - - er",o/, G -.. QQ C, "Q.... . Canoe Canal """"" Bridge IIF--~ "- --- I I -~ >-- .... /" ~~Q" ~e ____~ \r /' ~_ - [J -",,-\\<.\.11\6\.\II) ~ \1. <lV"'- ~-;:_':.~::--... I ~ .."""""-~ - ; ~t~~=" ~l ...___......~PACIf:A - . - . V !t!W~ST 1 126 I 1 1 1 1 01 ~ "'I I- Ul ;:> Ul ::> a <( ~ 17TH AV I- Ul z ~ >- Ul 22ND AV I- Ul 11i ~ UJ > ii: . r;;:'~I" ~ ~ c " l;LENWUUU ut'< ~~ I LEGEND o . Study Intersection Location ~ . . . Franklin Blvd Westbound Detour . . I\. . Franklin Blvd Eastbound Detour X ' Road Closure (f) NO SOli I !l!S~ f':;;;,Os~{~,~~,~ I Figure ~ FRANKLIN BLVD CLOSURE DETOUR ROUrES Date Received: OKS Associates TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS MAR 0 4 2009 Forecast Methodology Traffic data was collected at the four study intersections for a typical weekday, Saturday and Sundayl, The weekday and Sunday counts were conducted in S"I';"...ber 2008 and the Saturday count was collected in December 2008, Figure 2 shows the bi-directional traffic volume profile along Franklin Boulevard west of Glenwood Boulevard for these time periods, The weekday peak hour occurs between 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM, The weekend peak hour occurs on Saturday between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM. Original Submittal Franklin Volumes 1400 .. 1000 E " ~ ;;; " o '= u ~ '? a; 800 ~ W~",kday -+- Satur.day -a- Sunday 1200 ' 600 ' 400 200 o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o,~'i ",,,,,~ ",,,,~ ",,,,,<:I ",<f ",,<:I ...,<:1 ",<:I .,<:1 '0<:1 ,,<:I 'b<:l Time Figure 2: Franklin Boulevard Volume Profile Peak hour turn movement counts were converted to 30th Highest Hourly Volume (30HV) and Design Hourly Volumes (DHV) using Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Transportation Planning Analysis Unit (TPAU) methodolog/, For the September counts, a seasonal factor of 1,06 was used to represent conditions during the peak time of the year. A seasonal factor of (,(2 was calculated for the December counts, The seasonal factors were calculated using an average from seven Automatic Traffic Recorders (A TR) with characteristics similar to 1-5 (four A TRs) 3 and Franklin Boulevard (three A TRs) 4, Once DHVs were developed, peak hour traffic volumes from Franklin Boulevard were redistributed along the detour routes to represent traffic conditions during roadway closures, 1 Traffic counts were supplied to DKS by the Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners (OBDP), 2 ODOT- TPAU, Analysis Procedures Manual, April 2006 3 ATRs 03--016,15-019,20-008 and 20-011 · A TRs 03--017, 26-003 and 27--006 Franklin Boulevard Detour Analysis 3 Febmary /3, 2009 DKS Associates TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS Traffic Analysis Traffic analysis was perfonned for the following four study intersections for existing AM, PM and weekend peak hour operations (see Figure I): . Franklin BoulevardlGlenwood Boulevard . 1-5 northbound Ramps/Glenwood Boulevard . 1-5 southbound Ramps/Glenwood Drive . Glenwood BoulevardlGlenwood Drive ODOT mobility standards set thresholds for congestion so adequate traffic operations can be maintained on area roadways, When these thresholds are exceeded, system capacity must be increased or traffic demand must be decreased to a level that the mobility standards can continue to be met A volume to capacity (v/c) ratio shows the amount of system capacity currently being used by traffic demand, A vlc ratio of 0,70 indicates that 70% of the system capacity is currently being used, The minimum ODOT vlc standard for the four study intersections is 0,85, It should be noted that ODOT will be making modifications to the traffic signal at Franklin BoulevardlGlenwood Boulevard to accommodate an overlap phase for the northbound right turn movement It is assumed that the contractor will coordinate with ODOT on the construction of these improvements and that it will be in place prior to detour implementation, Table I summarizes the calculated vlc ratios, Level of Service (LOS), and average vehicle delay for both existing conditions and detour conditions for the study intersections, All four intersections currently meet ODOT's mobility standards during the peak periods without the addition of detour traffic. During the weekday AM peak hour with the Franklin Boulevard closure in place, all of the study intersections would fail to meet mobility standards, with the exception of the signalized intersection of Franklin BoulevardlGlenwood Boulevard, All intersections would fail during the weekday PM peak hour. During the weekend peak hour, only the intersection of 1-5 NB Ramp/Glenwood Boulevard would not operate within mobility standards, Table 1: AM and PM Existing and Detour Traffic Operations Existinq Cpnditions Standard vie delay LOS AM Peak 0,85 0,38 7,5 0,85 0,15 12,1 0,85 0,22 11,6 0,85 0,44 11.4 PM Peak Franklin/Glenwood 0,85 0,57 11,8 1.5 NB Rall)gjGlrqY'OOd 0,85 0,11 13.4 Glenwood Blvd Glenwood Dr 0,85 0,17 8,9 \.5 SB RamD/Glenwood 0,85 0,34 10,6 r Note: Grey box Indicates InterHCllon exCii(l, vie ratio vie ratio: worst-case minor movement Delay: average delay for worst-case minor movement Level of Service: worst-<:ase major movement / minor movement Intersection Franklin/Gleqwpod 1-5 NB Ramp/Glenwood yle]ly.'qod Blvdl Glenwpod Dr 1.5 SB RamD/Glenwood Franklin Boulevard De/our Analysis Franklin Closure WeeklliY Peak Weekend Peak vie delay LOS vie delay LOS Saturday Middax A I 0,68 7.4 A 0.45 5,' NB b,u: >50,0 F/F r~.1.0- >50,0 C/F B 1~:>,1.o: >50,0 F/F 0.26 26,6 D NB I~O,99: >45,5 NE 0,79 20,3 NC B NB A NB 0.71 8.7 :>.1.0:- >50,0 r>.1:0: >50,0 J>.1.0: >50,0 A F/F F NF 4 FebnlOry 13. 2009 Date Received: OKS Associates MAR 0 4 2009 TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS Queuing Analysis As part of the traffic analysis, a queuing analysis was performed for the study intersections using the Sim Traffic analysis tool from Trafficware. The analysis was conducted to compare existing conditions and with the simulated conditions of a Franklin Boulevard closure, Table 2 summarizes the results of this analysis and Figure 3 shows the locations of the corresponding queues listed in the table. For existing conditions, the 95th percentile queue during both the AM and PM existing conditions does not exceed the available storage, During the weekday with the Franklin Boulevard closure in place, vehicle queues would exceed available storage at all but one of the study intersections during the AM peak and for all of the intersections during the PM peak. On the weekend with the Franklin Boulevard closures in place, queues at the intersection of 1-5 SB Ramp/Glenwood Drive would exceed the available storage capacity on the 1-5 ramp during the peak hour. The queues at the other intersections during the weekend peak hour would not exceed the available storage, Original Submittal Table 2: AM and PM 95th Percentile Queues 95"' perce",~e Queue Intersection Location on Available Existing ranklin Detour Figure 3 Storage Conditions X\1ekdav Peak wle~en1:eak I AM PM PM Sa ur lb, idday FranklinlGlenwood lA >1000' EB 250' 250' >25' 25' lB 900' WB I 150' 150' 225' 425' 200' lC >1000' NB I 100' 100' 75' 300' 75' 1-5NB 2A 600'WB I 50' 50' 75' 150' 275' Ramp/Glenwood 2B 625'NB I 75' 25' I 125' 100' I 75' 2C > 1000' SB I 75' 25' L:>..1DOO'-~l.~O=1 900' Glenwood Blvdl 3A >1000' EB I 50' 50' I 75' 5' I 50' Glenwood Dr 3B 275'WB I 75' 75' '-450-425'-1 200' 3C >1000' NB I 50' 50' 150' 50~ 50' 3D 625'SB I 50' 50' I 50' 50' I 25' 1-5SB 4A >1000' EB I 25' 25' I >25' 25' I 50' Ramp/Glenwood 48 275' W8 I 0' 0' I 100' 100' I 50' 4C 100'58 I 75' 75' 1:350'_350''=1-:125' [Nole:G!!yboX . ,,'. I ~eue ~-orexceecrs~Jla~.lto~ - .- Mitigation With a weekday closure of Franklin Boulevard, the study intersections would fail to meet ODOT's mobility standards, and the queues at these intersections would exceed the available storage, However, since traffic volumes on the weekend are significantly lower than during the week, performing closures during a weekend would minimize the impacts to the study intersections, For a weekend closure, mitigation at the intersection of 1-5 southbound Ramp/Glenwood Boulevard would still be necessary to prevent queues from spilling back onto the 1-5 mainline, During the closure, flaggers would be needed at this intersection between the hours of 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Although the queue at the 1-5 northbound ramp does not exceed the available storage distance during the Franklin Boulevard closure, the contractor should monitor the ramp during the time the detour is in Franklin Boulevard De/our Analysis 5 Febmary 13, 2009 "--- .(ft"o" r , - -....!l~1 --....,Q...... ..... .....~Q ~'" .e ~ ~ l- V. Z ~ > Ul t;; 1ij ~ I- W Ul > ~ 1i' Ul '" c; .. LEGEND o . Study Intersection +oW . Queue Direct,on (See Table 2) o Canoe Canal ''''''' Bridge -Irll~, '- ~-- ,/ .;' i& o ~ "' 17TH AV o o ~ ffi ~ C) I DKS Associates H.lNSI'I)ATAHCN SI)LLIlIO~S (j) t.oSO<E -- PA~/"A I ~i1FST ~ 22ND AV I ~~ DR I I Figure ~ Queue Location rap I I OKS Associates TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS place, Should queues exceed the available storage distance, then flagging will need to be utilized between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM to mitigate conditions, Without flagging, the nearby intersection of22nd Avenue/Glenwood Boulevard would potentially be blocked by southbound queues forming at the intersection ofI-5 northbound ramps/Glenwood Boulevard, In addition to the closure of Franklin Boulevard, this project will also require the closure of the northbound and southbound 1-5 ramps at the Franklin Boulevardll-5 interchange, During year 2009, the southbound 1-5 ramp would be closed for approximately eight weeks and in spring 20 II, the northbound 1-5 ramp would be closed for approximately eight weeks, The Franklin Boulevard closure should not be conducted concurrently to either of the 1-5 ramp closures, As noted previously, an overlap phase for the northbound right turn movement and optimized intersection signal phasing have been assumed to be in place for the analysis of the intersection of Franklin BoulevardlGlenwood Boulevard. Without these improvements in place, queues at this intersection would be greater, SINGLE-LANE CLOSURE ANALYSIS In addition to the full closure of Franklin Boulevard, single-lane closures have been proposed to allow the contractor to work near Franklin Boulevard while minimizing mobility impacts to traffic. The demolition of the existing bridges, the construction of the bridge false work over the travel lanes, as well as any other work that would be hazardous to the traveling public could require single-lane closures along Franklin Boulevard, A lane closure analysis was performed for Franklin Boulevard for the proposed duration of the construction project (Spring 2009 to Winter 2012) The lane closure analysis revealed that the traffic volumes are within the threshold to allow for single-lane closures anytime during the day or night. The single-lane closures should not occur concurrently to the proposed I-51 Franklin Boulevard interchange ramp closures, or any other special event identified in the Traffic Management Plan, Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal Franklin Boulevard De/our Analysis 7 FebnlOry J 3. 2009 .1 OKS Associates TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the traffic analysis, the following recommendations include: . Franklin Boulevard full closures should be limited to weekends (between the hours of 8:00 PM Friday until 7:00 AM Monday) instead of during the week. . There are no time restrictions for single-lane closures along Franklin Boulevard . Use flaggers at the intersection of 1-5 southbound ramps/Glenwood Drive from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM throughout the duration of the Franklin Boulevard weekend full closures, This would mitigate traffic conditions to acceptable levels, . Monitor the intersection of 1-5 northboundlGlenwood Boulevard for the Franklin Boulevard full closures, Flaggers will be needed if the queue on the 1-5 northbound off-ramp exceeds the available storage, or if queuing blocks the intersection of 22nd A venue/Glenwood Boulevard, . Install detour signing during Franklin Boulevard full closures, including PCMS or other advance signing to inform the public of the closure dates prior to implementing the closure, . Work with ODOT to revise/optimize signal timings and the installation of the northbound right turn overlap signal hardware at the intersection of Franklin BoulevardlGlenwood Boulevard prior to closing Franklin Boulevard, To realize the benefit of the signal modification and optimization, ODOT should ensure that all of the loop detectors at this intersection are functioning properly prior to detour implementation, . Coordinate work with ODOT to ensure the following work at the intersection of Franklin BoulevardlGlenwood Boulevard is completed (by ODOT) prior to detour implementation: o Loop status verification and repair if necessary o Add signal head for northbound right turn overlap phase o Installation of various required controller components o Timing adjustment for closure o Phone line installation . Do not perform any lane closures along Franklin Boulevard during the northbound or southbound 1-5/Franklin Boulevard Ramp closures, . Do not perform any lane closures along Franklin Boulevard during any of the special events listed in the projects TMP, such as University of Oregon football games, holidays, etc, . The Lane County Transit District bus depot, the Lane County Solid Waste Center, and several other businesses operate within the project vicinity. The contractor should coordinate with these businesses to minimize the impact of the closures. Franklin Boulevard Detour Analysis 8 Febmary 13. 2009 DKS Associates TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS Technical Memorandum DATE: February 13,2009 TO: John Ferguson, PE, TYLI Tom Metcalf, PE, OBEC FROM: Brian Copeland, PE, DKS Associates Michael Tomasini, EIT, DKS Associates SUBJECT: Analysis 1-5: WilIamette River Bridge - Bundle 220 1-5 Ramp Detour Traffic P08 I 38-000-008 This memorandum summarizes the potential impacts associated with a temporary closure of the I-S/Franklin Boulevard northbound off-ramp and southbound on-ramp during construction of the Bundle 220 Willamette River Bridge (WRB) improvements in Eugene, Oregon (see Figure I), Specifically, operations at four study intersections were evaluated to identify operational deficiencies that may occur during detour implementation, This technical memorandum includes a description of the assumed detour routes, forecast methodology, traffic analysis, mitigation options, and recommendations, Detour Description Proposed staging plans include a complete closure of the I-S/Franklin Boulevard southbound on-ramp during the first stage of construction that will last for approximately eight weeks, Additionally, night time closures of the l-S/Franklin Boulevard northbound ramp will be necessary during the demolition of the existing decommissioned 1-5 WilIamette River Bridge and various other construction activities, No long tenn ramp closures are planned during the second stage, however, short tenn nightly closures may be necessary, During the third construction stage, the I-S/Franklin Boulevard northbound off- ramp would be closed for approximately eight weeks, The closure for the southbound ramp will occur sometime in 2009 and the closure for the northbound ramp will occur sometime around spring 20 II, The northbound and southbound ramps would not be closed concurrently, The detour routes for the northbound and southbound traffic are depicted in Figure I, Both detours would use Franklin Boulevard (OR99W/ORI26B) and Glenwood Boulevard, Il Date Received: 1400 S,W, 5" Avenue Suile 500 Por1land. OR 97201-5502 (503) 243-3500 (503) 243-1934 fax www.dksassociales.com MAR 0 4 2009 Original Submittal ...... - - - CUIIOe. Ct1~/rl ~......-r/ M Canoe Canal '''''' Bridge III"" I-~' "-- ~ - . . . . . 5 : a: . PA('~I"~t; ~ST 12 ,nH AV ... v. ~ ~ >- '" ;: UJ :; '" UJ > 0: ... '" 1! '" ::J c; .. ... '" 22ND AV f~\ ,;,'" ;f '" c c " GlENWOOD R -~ I (f) 005C.'il: I I I I I Figure" I DETOUR ROUTES & STUDY INTERSECTION MAP I L LEGEND o . Study Intersection . . Soulhbound Ramp o.loor (Stage 1 Construction) .. . . . Northbound Ramp o.loor (Stage 3 Construction) X . Ramp Closure DKS Associates H ~ NSPORTATIOII SOlUTIO~S Date Received: OKS Associates MAR 0 4 2009 TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS Original Submittal Forecast Methodology Traffic data was collected for the 1-5/Franklin Boulevard interchange ramps and at the four study intersections in September 2008, The counts conducted along the ramps covered a 24 hour period, while the counts at the intersections were for the morning and evening peak hours, Peak hour turn movement counts collected in the field were converted to 30th Highest Hourly Volume (30HV) and Design Hourly Volumes (DHV) using Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Transportation Planning Analysis Unit (TP AU) methodology!, A seasonal factor of 1,06 was used to represent conditions during the peak time of the year. This seasonal factor was calculated using an average from seven Automatic Traffic Recorders (A TR) with characteristics similar to 1-5 (four A TRs: 03-016, 15-019,20-008, and 20-011) and Franklin Boulevard (three ATRs: 03-017, 20-003, and 27-006), Once DHVs were developed, peak hour traffic volumes from the ramps were redistributed along the proposed detour routes to represent traffic conditions during ramp closures. Figure 2 shows the projected volume profile at the 1-5 northbound ramp/Glenwood Boulevard intersection, With the detour in place, traffic volumes at this intersection would clearly peak in the morning, 1-5 NB/Glenwood Interchange Ramp Total Volume Profile 1400 1200 o ......... -""--- , ............... 1000 800 600 400 200 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~^~~~ftftfi~~fi~ft~~~~~~ftftft~~~~ft~ ".' " '\.' '?' ~' ,,' u' " v' OJ' ,,~' "v".' v '\.' '?' ~' ,,' u' " '0' OJ' ,,~' ,,'" -+-ExistingVolumes ......Existingand NB Detour Volumes Figure 2: Total Entering Volume Profile , ODOT- TPAU. Analvsis Procedures Manual. Avril 2006 1-5 Ramp Detollr Allalysis 3 Febmary 13, 2009 ,I DKS Associates TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS Traffic Analysis Traffic analysis was perfonned for the following four study intersections for existing AM and PM peak hour operations (see Figure I): . Franklin BoulevardlGlenwood Boulevard . 1-5 northbound ramps/Glenwood Boulevard . 1-5 southbound ramps/Glenwood Drive . Glenwood BoulevardlGlenwood Drive Mobility standards set thresholds for congestion so adequate traffic operations can be maintained on area roadways, When these thresholds are exceeded, system capacity must be increased or traffic demand must be decreased to a level that the mobility standards can continue to be met. A volume to capacity (v/c) ratio shows the amount of system capacity currently being used by traffic demand, For example, a vie ratio of 0,70 indicates that 70% of the system capacity is currently being used. The minimum ODOT vie standard for the four study intersections is 0,85, It should be noted that ODOT will be making modifications to the traffic signal at Franklin BoulevardlGlenwood Boulevard to accommodate an overlap phase for the northbound right turn movement. It is assumed that the contractor will coordinate with ODOT on the construction of these improvements and that it will be in place prior to detour implementation, Table I summarizes the calculated vie ratios, Level of Service (LOS), and average vehicle delay for both existing conditions and detour conditions for the study intersections, All four intersections currently meet ODOT's mobility standards during the peak periods without the addition of detour traffic, All but one of the study intersections would meet mobility standards with the addition of the northbound or southbound detour traffic, With the 1-5 northbound detour in place, the unsignalized intersection of 1-5 northbound ramp/Glenwood would fail to meet ODOT's mobility standard during the AM peak hour. Table 1: AM and PM Existing and Detour Traffic Operations Standard I Existing cr.nditions I N8 Detour 58 Detour Intersection vIe de ~ LOS vIe delay LOS vIe delay LOS A Peak Franklin/Glenwood 0,85 0,38 7,5 A 0,73 26,7 C 0,42 7,7 A 1.5 N8 Ral1Jl!GlrnWOOd 0,85 0.15 12,1 NB 11.07_ 75,7 AlF 0,14 12,3 Al8 Glenwood vd 0,85 0.22 11,6 B 0,22 11,6 B 0,27 13,5 B Glenwood Dr 1.5 SB Ramp/Glenwood 0,85 0,44 11.4 NB 0,44 11.4 B 0.41 11.4 AlB PM Peak Franklin/Glenwood 0,85 0,57 11.8 B 0.75 23,8 C 0,71 16,0 B 1.5 NB RamplGlenwood 0,85 0.11 13.4 NB 0,48 13,8 NB 0,21 19,5 AlC Glenwood Blvdl 0,85 0,17 8,9 A 0,18 8,9 A 0,33 44,7 E Glenwood Dr 1.5 58 Ramp/Glenwood 0,85 0,34 10,6 AlB 0,34 10,6 AlB 0.42 16.4 AlC rN~n-bO-- --- ceed I 'lio o : rey x .J,'_~..i.I..l...-lliJU ~"..l.ex sycra vIe ratio: worst-case minor movement Delay: average delay for worst-<:ase minor ...~. ~...~..l Level afService: worst-case major movement! minor movement /-5 Ramp Detour Analysis 4 Febntary /3. 2009 Date Received: OKS Associates MAR 0 4 2009 TRANSPORTATION SOLUTIONS Original Submittal Furthermore, the northbound off-ramp traffic at this intersection would experience an average delay of about 75 seconds per vehicle, which corresponds to LOS "F" conditions, Queuing Analysis A queuing analysis was performed for the study intersections using the Sim Traffic analysis tool from Trafficware. Table 2 summarizes the results of the queuing analysis and Figure 3 shows the locations of the corresponding queues listed in the table, For existing conditions, the 95th percentile vehicle queues during both the AM and PM periods do not exceed the available storage at any of the study intersections, However, vehicle queues would exceed available storage at the 1-5 northbound off-ramp by about 250 feet during the AM peak hour when the 1-5 northbound detour is in effect During the 1-5 southbound ramp closure, vehicle queues during the AM peak hour at the 1-5/Glenwood Drive southbound off-ramp would be approximately equal to the available storage on the ramp, Table 2: AM and PM 95th Percentile Queues I 95'" Percentile Queue Intersection Position on Available I Existing Northbound Southbound FiQure 3 Storage Conditions Detour Detour I AM PM AM PM AM PM Franklin/Glenwood lA >1000' EB I 250' 2SO' 225' 350' 225' 475' lB 1 >~!olWB I 150' 150' 250' 175' 125' 200' lC 100' 100' I 500' 430' 100' 125' 1-5NB lA 1 600' WB SO' 50' 1-850'- 100' 50' 50' - - Ramp/Glenwood 2B 1 625'NB 75' 25' I 50' 75' 75' 75' 2C 1 >1000' SB 75' 25' I 75' 75' 75' 75' Glenwood Blvdl 3A 1 >1000' EB SO' 50' I 50' 50' 75' 50' Glenwood Dr 3B : >~~~~~B 75' 75' I 100' 75' 100' 75' 3C SO' 50' I 50' 50' 50' 50' 3D 1 625'SB 50' 50' I 50' 50' 75' 150' '.558 4A I >1000' EB 25' 25' I 25' SO' SO' 225' Ramp/Glenwood 4B 1 %n~ 0' 0' 1 0' 0' 0' 25' 4C 1 75' 75' I 75' 75' 75' t:100= rNote:G~---:Jl\\:~llJ7"",~gu.!ue!!!!!!.~~~llabl ;; 1 (I~ Mitigation Options Since operations and vehicle queuing would not be acceptable at the 1-5 northbound ramp/Glenwood Boulevard intersection during the 1-5 northbound ramp closure, mitigation measures would be needed to minimize the impacts to traffic operation, Three options were considered to mitigate conditions at this intersection: I) flagging, 2) a temporary signal installation, and 3) intersection control reconfiguration, Ifused, flaggers would be needed between the hours of 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM for the entire duration of the northbound ramp closure, In the hours before and after this peak, it would not be necessary to have flaggers at the intersection, since queues on the ramps would not exceed the available storage length, A temporary signal, if utilized, would be installed and remain in place for the entire duration of the 1-5/Franklin Boulevard northbound ramp closure, 1-5 Ramp Detallr Analysis 5 Febnlary 13, 2009 .... ('(lI1(Je C. -- IlI!Q/ .... ...... ~Q ..:t.~/e" ~}'e '.... = -'- LEGEND o . Study Intersection +-m ' Queue Direction (See Table 2) .... _Hlj,e.,. --. >- u; z ,. ~ >- '" c, Canoe Canal ''''' Bridge I~t~ " -- ;;r-- 1& c ::; '" 17TH ~V c o o ;: z OJ ~ C> >- '" ;: OJ ~ OJ :> 0: >- '" ., '" => a < r~\ D ,;,~ ~o ..,. c' c ::; DKS Associates aA~SPO~UTION SOLUTlON! (f) MlSC"-E ,I -- PA'-IIfST. ~I I 22ND AV DR ~~ IFlgUre~ Queue Location rap I DKS Associates T RAN S ~ 0 R TAllO N SOL UTI 0 N S \ Bath afthese aptians wauld mitigate canditians at the 1-5 narthbaund ramp/Glenwaad Baulevard intersectian and maintain aperatians at acceptable levels during the detaur. The third aptian wauld tempararily place stap cantral an Glen,,:\,aad Baulevard (currently uncantrolled) and remove stap cantrol fram the 1-5 narthbaund aff-ramp (currently stap cantrolled), While mitigating canditians at the 1-5 narthbaund ramp/Glenwaad Baulevard ,intersectian, this aptian was nat pursued further, as the narthbaund vehicle queues alang Glenwa.od wauld extend aver 1-5 and negatively impact canditians at the intersectians af. ' Glenwaad BaulevardlGlenwaad Drive and 1-5 sauthbaund ramps/Glenwaad Drive, A cost benefit analysis af flaggers versus temparary signals was campleted to. campare the two. mitigatian alternatives, Assuming the cast af flaggers to. be approximately $40/haur, , . and 'that the Ic51Franklin narthbaund ramp clasure wauld last approximately eight weeks, ,three flaggers at this intersectian wauld cast approximately $20,000, On the ather hand, canstructian af a temparary traffic signal installatian at this lacatian wauld cast approximately $75,000, Althaugh the queue at the 1-5 sauthbaund ramp daes nat exceed the available starage distance during the 1-5 southbaund ramp clasure, the cantractar shauld manitar the ramp during the 'time the sauthbaund detaur is in place, Shauld queues exceed the available starage distance, then flagging should be utilized during the PM peak haur to. mitigate canditians, As noted previausly, an aver lap phase far the narthbound rightturn mavement and aptimized inte'rsectian signal phasing have been assumed to. ,be in place far the analysis af the intersectian af Franklin Baulevard/Glenwaad Boulevard, Withaut these improvements in place, queues at this intersectian wauld be greater. , , , Date Received: MAR 0 ~ 2009 Original Submitt!>1 J ( 1-5 Ramp Detour Analysis 7 Febntary /3, 2009 ) v / DKS Associates TRANSPORTATIO'N SOLUTIONS Recommendations Based on the traffic analysis, the following recommendations include: . Under 1-5 northbound ramp closure, use flaggers at the intersection of I-5/Franklin Boulevard northbound ramps/Gleilwood Boulevard from 6:00 AM until 9:00 AM throughout the 'duration of the 1-5 northbound detour. This would mitigate traffic conditions to acceptable levels, o Monitor the intersection ofl-5 southboundlGlenwood Drive for the duration of the 1-5 southbound detour during 1-5 southbound ramp closure and use flaggers if the queue on the 1-5 southbound off-ramp ex~eeds the available storage, . Install detour signing during 1-5 southbound and northbound.ramp closures, including PCMS or other advance sigIiing to inform the public of the closure dates prior to implementing the closure, , , . Work with ODOT to revise/optimize signal timings and for the installation of the northbound right turn ovedap signal hardware at the intersection of Franklin . . BoulevardlGlenwood Boulevard qunng the road closure, To realize the benefit of the signal I)1odification and optimiz'ation, ODOT should ensure that all of the loop detectors at this intersection are functioning properly prior to detour implementation, . Coordinate work with ODOT to ensure the following work at the intersection of Franklin BoulevardlGlenwood Boulevard is completed'(by ODOT) prior to detour l implementation: ' , o Loop status verification and,r~pair if necessary o Add signal head for northbound right turn overlap phase o Installation of various required controller components o Timing adjustment for closure o Phone line installation " ' , . .~. - . Do not perform the ramp closure concurrently to any closures of Franklin Boulevard " , ' , . The schedule 'for the ramp closures should also avoid the dates of the dates of the special events listed in the project's TMP, such as University of Oregon football or basketball games, holidays, etc, . The Lane C;:ounty Transit Distric~ bus depot, the Lane County Solid Waste Center, and several other businesses operate within the project vicinity, The contractor should coordinate with these businesses to minimize the impact of the closures, ( " /,5 Ramp Detour Analysis 8 FebnlGlY /3, 2009 ~. ~ ,- 1-5 WILLAMETTE RIVER BRIDGE PROJECT - PHASE I SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) APPLICATION / / EXHIBIT H, , , . FEMA CROSS SECTIONS PLAN " ,~ Date Received: MAR 0 4 2009 \ . Original SubmittFlI CMGS FINAL SUBMITTAL I February 25, 2009 Exhibit H ~ , I N r , ~, II> en ..:~ c::> c::> ) C'i m ) - - ,) - [ ~ c::> 'E a::: .0 ) <( :::l . . ~ en " co () ,!: OJ 'l:: 0 - FEIIA "tJ/JtJ'M _ TCIM TLtXJDII.r _. c,,.AllDED FLlXlDI"lA/" lDMDARr ....... RESlJ/.T/1C T_ woo. BRIDGE r---1 C'I'IJIDED FLtJD/)I'tAJ. AREA L---J RESlJ/.TIIC ,_ woo. BRIDGE - 100 rEU 'LCXICPl AI" I ' : /00 rcAII TLOODI'LA/. _. - CIlaSS s.r:CTIOIf 'LIXID I/ISUIIAJICE RArc ."'L_ CQ_Y.lJRC_ aJIIMJIIfTJ' "AllEL 1CIIIBE""IOJ9C".' , t'Fcr:rrvf DArCI.AJIIL Z./99J