HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-7-12 , ..- ()~6- Lane County Au SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW GG '7-~ for: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application/ Permit j. jijb -ff 17 03 I SECTION 23.3.2 ) TA;~T I LOT/P1,~c:r::. r DOUT OF roW,;SHIP RA!JGE LOCATION ADDRESS STREET CI'~'Y ZIP rKO~OSED USE OF PROPERTY ~ Residential 0 Industr ial o co_o..,.,~. S~8DIVISION/PARTITION (if applicable) BLOCK 2900 Manor Drive, Springfield, Oregon STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY Existin~ sin~le family dwelling, garage DIRECTIONS TO ~IT~ 97477-1318 HArlow Road east over tracks to Havden Bridge Road. to Manor Drive. turn left. near end of ~rrppr on the left ha~~ _~~~~.9f road ~ESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORA - OL ~~~L~t~~ SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW DECLARED S VALUE = OF BEDROOMS I ~ OF,STORIES na na O;,'NER' S NAHE AND ADDRESS Gary & Reba Swinney, Same as the job address above CONTRACTOR' 5 NAME AND aSR it. I #. OF Et-1PLOYECS none I-I^ l'ER SUPPLY Public D Proposed' (X) Existing TELEPHONE NUMBER 746-4562 Same as the above P:;Rl>lIT TO BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESS) Dan Leahy. 656 Charnel ton Street, Eugene, Oregon '97401 TELEPHONE NUMBER Same TELEPHONE NUMBER 484-3800 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPI..ETED APPLICATION f'OR PERlHT, dud ,10 horo!JY eettLfy t,ha all infol"1l1atioll hereon is true and correct, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: Downer or record; 0 Cc.",r,Hct: ",'lIchascr; ~uthorized agent. 1 f',,:,rther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in <>cc.:otd....nc" ...'i tJ-, tl:t;! flni an tlS of Lantl County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY \>'ill hI.' :nacic of ,Jr,';' Sl',nJc.:t u:e without ttlC permission of the Building Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in full force .md. effect as. rC'luircd by ORS 701.055, that if "exempt the basis for cxelllption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who ar/2in CO.lllPl".anc.c wit~ ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY " ~ 4 Dan Leahv ~'l.., fZ"jA--:flh1 ~~..... NAME Iplease print] ~~ ~- DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION !IAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: [] PLANNING/ZONING: Zone na Parti tion It Parcel # parcel Size na Minimum Setbacks: C L, front CL, side intericlr rear COM.\lENTS: SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW--NO .SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION REQUIRED 7-06-88 Date: RLH n o SANITATION: S. 1. It B. P. it. Installation Record .Issued? 0 Yes 0 No Maximum Depth of Trel)ches .:;r;;- ~ ~~/~ Date,/J 7-IL-PP/! ..4A - - ~ Installation Gallon Lineal Feet Specifications: Tank of llr:ilir:field COMNENTS, .;:zt..~~ . .H.':;)t'~ i~' y- S.u5: ft.. r7",'u<1 <71-; # '//. I ..~I ~.J .t. A.A"- o PLANS ~INATION ape ~ Group Use COMHENTS: Dale: n "p~Ci~y B~L~Ef:I:- si;;;f{~rS-:'56.B05 (1)) 7~<~ -ff . LANE COUNTY DEPARTME F PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, 125 E 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION r.1L._?~ RAot.. . .,.; .. " ..... '\ \ . SETB;,cr::S ,.,so O':'~!ER CC:;DITrO~;5 OF ';PPRQ,!,.,L ~:UST Bf. STRIC':':",' 0,':5::1<'.'::0. \'IOLATIO~: CA:, R!:SULT IN RE....O- C,\:-IO:: Of ':'1IIS P~:R:UT, ClT.-,TIO:; U",DSR PROVISrO:.S OF L,\"r; CO<,:::,,':; 1::fR;,CTIO:l ORDi::.;::cr;, ;,::O/OR OTHER RE~EDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. '"IIEN READY fOR I::SI'r:C,ro-.:.'!., C,\:':' 687-~f}65. ,\ ~:I~V1U:,: OF ,\T L;;;,ST 2~ II OURS ,\OV,\::Cf. ;":OTICE FOR INSP!:C- 1IU:J IU:Qt..:<..S',':; :.,:";ST U!:; GIVE::. Have tne Lollowing in:':n-:.1at,iort-rc:tcy: ,cr::tlt number, Job address, ty.pe ot insp~ction. when it will be ready. your name and ?~one :J~~~er, and any s?cclal ~lrcctlCns to Site. >> BUILDING DIVISION: REOUIR!:::l r:;SPf.CTIO:1S: 1. Found~tion_Inspcction: To'bc made after trenches are.excav~tcd and f~rms erected and_when all ~~terla!S :or the toundation arc delivered on the job" ~hcre concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed ~transit mixed~) is to be Used, materials need not be on the job. Concrete Slab or Under-210or Insoection: To be made aiter all in-slab or under-floor building" serVl~e e~uipment, concult, pIplny accessories, and other ancillary equipment items arc in place but betore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subtloor. 2. 3. ~raming & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blOCking, and racing are In ?lacc a~d all plpes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing arc approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in place. , ."'. 4. Lath and/or Gvosum Board Inspection: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, l.nterior anc-axtCrIOr~n-prace but balore any plastering is applied and before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Fin~l Inspection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. ~o ~ork shall be done on any part of the building or 5tructure beyond_the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obt3ining the a?p~oval of the builcing off:cial. Such app~oval shall be given only after an inspection shall have b~en made of each SUCCessive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections~requir~d. _ :. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the ~ork authorized, such as but not limited to: A. Bloci<; \~all: To be milc:e .after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This InSPectIOn is required ior each bond beam pour. There will be nO approval until the plumbing and electri.cal inspect.ions have been made and approved. B. Hood Stove; To be made after complet.ion of masonry (if applicable) and ,",'hen installation is complete. Installation shall be in accordance ~ith an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and t.he manufacturer's installation inst~uctions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewcr-or septic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection. tiedowns, s~irting, and plumbing connections. 1. Footings and piers to comply wfth State"foundat~on requirements for mobile homes or as recommended, b1': t~"e""man_1;1f"acturer. \ -., .~. - c. ........- "... . 2. ~obile home minim~~ finish floo; elevation shall be certified ~hen required by a flood- plain management letter. . ). ~obile home ticdowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready fer inspec- tion within at least )0 days after occupancy. Tiedo~ns and skirting shall be installed . per enclosure. D. SWlmmIn9 Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade wnen pool-rs-lnstalled. ,\PPRQVED PLANS }lUST BE O~ THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES -DURING WORKING HOURS. TillS PER}lIT WILL EXPIRE IF \o:ORK DOES.NOT BEGI~.WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SCSPE:-lDED OR ABA:1DO:1ED FOR :.\ORE THA:1 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATIO~ ~mY OCCUR IF THIS PE~1IT WAS ISSUED O~ THE BASIS OF INCO~PLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORNATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING P,\ST THE POI:;T or REQUIRED INSPEC'!'ImlS WILL DO SO AT TI1EIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE ~ ALTERNATIVE ~ DISPDSAL SYSTEMS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from the_c3te of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall notify the Lane County Department:. of Planning and Community Development by submitting the i~stallation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies ~ith the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the permiti~older. If. the constructi'on dees not comply with such .rules, the Depart.l!'lent shull notify rhe pl"rmit - holder. and shall require satisfactory cO!:lpletion before issuing the certifiC.:J.tc. Failure to meet ~he requirements for satisfactory completion ~ithin 3 reasonable time constitutes a vio-' latton of eRS 454.605 to 454. 745 and this ru16. ." - Setbacks - Subsurface Se~a~c Disoosal Septic ~ ~rom: I~terior propert lines 10' E(l')c 0:" road rH; t-of-way 10' Rul1uinq fO\lm!at on 5' \,,~lls. other "':.:J.t r sources 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' '.... --,.-. '.;~l~","1'!""',\"'r~,~' , ' . ~ '-I" . , " . ,; ,~", '"or " 1..:.', I f1 ... ":' ,I' _: :....., }~. ,I, ' I ,S c: a ~ tl.:l ~ - " c _ u ;:;.~b~ .~ -. :..::;: :;1:> :g ~ co ~ 0 '0-007; (.l .:~ c g o '=: VI- c l.' I, C. ~, ,. ":::I ... ~l !: ":: ~ ~ :..: C'J 0. .- (.l = ~; :2 S '~ ~.,..~ z~~.Jj ~: '~ .J '~ .~~ , '. ,- ,- , ~ 2-F~~ tJH~ ~. f 400 1 ~ . . . l e' \, ... ~ I I I l I i ,#' i ~~_ .e,- ~_-..~ : 6()()" T'.. ~ -....I -: ~ \ I : 7 ~~ 700 .L ~ ~~~ t ?,,?I 6 I . It .- '. I '\" ", 500 ~ , .fP '" I.LI ~ 800 ~ ~ 4 I , ' . l\ ~ ., (I '~900 , , . ~ '. , , , . . (.. "0' , . 1600 : 1000 . . .c ~. 1700 ~~ " t,,~,,;' ~ ,1500 . ~N~cr< 19 i 03: _....10._5 '. ~ ia . loiIO..- 3 ' 3 t\.... fA 1800 1400 ~ \ . . " . 4 4 t I . , I ~ 0: ~ ~ I 2 i 2 ~1200 I ~., ~ ~ ( Iii ~/~IIJ "'0',,, . ~ 1100 , . ~t ..~ . ,...... , .lU..., . 1900 , 1300 , . ~ " , "11.6" . ~. ,.' , , ... . - --....... ... -.-.. . . . . . . . . ..1' . "~~ iD . ..~ !l: '; I . ~ . .1 u b ; . ~ .;:. ... II!\! fl . .~ . .. : II . l!' . .i , . j e e. e e . W: 5 L.ANE COUNTY DEPT ENV ~lGT F;:ECE:IPT ':~ 192608 DATE 070M' APPLICANT SWINNEY, GARY ADDR 2900 MANOR DR., SPRINGFIELD, OREGON'-' TL.O 1703233200700 SUBDIV LOT 'BLK .NI:..,.W I:,l!,., 1)('.:, '!' Y 1:'[: I)"," I'" "DI"'l"'" "'li"'I"I'" ()0' .,.Iell....I""" ''''1'1 D("S' ')0' I"'II()NI- ..", 4",e _ _ ...):'H '\ f:-:.'~'r,J. \:, .N...:'; ;.\1 .J, ,",...:...} 'lf~..:i ~"I --, ~M (,(to '.:)\~,,:: OWNER NME SWINNEY, GARY ADDR 2900 MANOR DR., SPRINGFIELD, OREGO~ . CODE ,;PPL. NO ,;CnON DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VAL.UAnON FEE D,~y.di!j BP .0 (I EIP ~ . BP .~ ElF' i BF' a .PL. MECH SUf~ .PCK LF;: ~'FIX/E'ATI-I : SWR: FT. WTF! : MECHANICAL FEE STATE SUF!CHAI:!G[ pLAN CHECK FEE: FT. RAIN: FT .~ " .~ LC 1 ?2Ml8 SDSV 60.00 u .~ fl ~ 51,: :?~;)% . . 11' c/.: .CATC: SEQU: . TAKEN (,\1"1" 1 BY RLH R,; FP SDS SI ,PCI< OTH ISS :5 DEPOS IT H. 60..0G .f . i 0 r CI< .~ . r I j , . .~ ., .c EST. COMPLETION DATE . ;. .........:.;;;..;;...;...:.:;;,....;... ~ ~i I ....'-. ~_~G~ty - ..... ......... ...... ..... .:.;....;:..;..:.;;:.;;;; ...........................:. .;...;...;..;.;..;........ ;":'::;';;;::'8/::'::;.':'::' . Please complete all lines inside white boxes, if possible. '-0 f2 A/ YOUK NAMI. . 'OUR t~f L E.I:? /-I r f1?#.d-CA/EL /4# 7- 6 ~fj>?' DAT~ :;r/- &/G ~6'~-::3l1d{) .."L...", V/h ~/!/.~ CITY OWNER C1RO'fr.J';- ~ <>L R (!, b 8. <7'7)/(1/-;2(,,/0 z,p S &tJ ~ VI h (( '{ ~ ')'{~;. 4'S-~ 7_ \)\'-,'-'f -S~~- Gjl~I'l ! r ZIP 2q 60 OWNERS ADDRE'SS "" ::l""A ,..,...",- CUNIHAl,;lOH Llcen.. . ..... .......... .... ........ .............. ....... ..... ...................;,..;.;; MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tax map. In the A.....m.nl . Tuallon Dept.) lown.n,p /1 Town.hlp Han". 03 t>>eellon 1/46eellon IU.LOI ..2-$ 3. 2- '7uo T~Lol Ran". Seellon 114 Sec:llon lown.nlp Han", 1/41Hcllon blClIon TULol :tct6C\ SITE ADDRESS Vvl dv. rl'v- "5 h (41 ~ <0. ~ 'i. 71f77-IJlf · "'Ww, ...... .,. .. \)... . MAIL PERMIT TO: -------D A l\ '^ EO A ~ '1 '" ),{ nAMe (J't)1/JtI.=2;~~~. , C). L .' ~ L 4- "'- S-{ - 'Z:t....--U-,;.;.,? ..'. ~. Q711.l'i ZIP (0 t N I. I' ~ <;' t, ADOReS ~ n.. ~ \. l;ITY Land Managament Dlv. staff can not b. h.ld responslbl. for evaluallon. or recommendation. ba.ed on fal.., Inaccurale or Incomplet. Information .', EXISTING BUILDINGS ON PROPERTY DZrHouse : y (Jl"rn Garage CI Mot>le. Home CI Shed Other DIrections to site from Courthouse ~I ~ll'L.' lc...i ~ iii >-lA b:..,....L -b- ~_ B-- ~A b ~~- .'tu....._ L.dl- ~ ~ ~ ...a;-~ .,........ ~~~ FOR MOBILE HOME PLACEMENT ONL Y Model Yaar Size No. of Tip-outs No. of Bedrms Ucense # '- t'-' ~ " . - :::.--,,,:-- -----~ , I I ' .\GR/L r t-b~ ~C> I #/f)(tf/C D~ '. ;...- /Vh. 7/ - ,j '" - =~ -- . . "- J .