HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1980-5-23 , Hay 23, 1980 .. , - ./ -. lane county (Applicant) David L. Kruger I (Address) 2525 Hanor Drive, Spf1d, OR 97477 Re: Variance Application No. RV 80-182 ~ (Map & Tax lot) 17-03-23-33/1200 The above referenced application to build a 6 ft. fence 9ft. inside the riqht- of-way line of HanorDrive, a 60' wide County road. has been: approved wi th the stipulations and conditions stated belol'/. ,~~., ' denied. _~ The decision was based on the findings of this office (copy enclosed) in accordance .lith the pl'ovisions of Lane Code--12,9(1n!1)__. The decision \1i11 become final on 6/2/80 unless appealed to the appellate body ~Beoal"oEi=aj;,kQlllit)b(;GlllIllks,s,,~8i,) (Tle.1ir-rngs- Official) on or before that date. An appeal may be filed by you, your representative. or any other interested or affected person in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code _J~.900(!3J___'* The appeal is to be filed with this office and must state how the decision is in error. If an appeal is filed. you and the adjacent property owners will be advised of the date. time and place of the hearing before the appellate body. vy ] F TH] S fIf'PLI cr\T ION HAS BEEN APPROVED a not i ce is bei ng sent to adj acent property owners to advise them of their appeal rights. For any questions on this matter please contact this office. '" , I \,/ \--J.- \ / '~'--iL"/\ S.. "Cp. _._------------'<-~-_...-- Pete Watson, Platlner Zoning & Land Division Section 'k y,j~lr appeill II1dst/be accompanied by a $10.00 filing fee. 1. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL "-~ That a facility permitA,;i.ssued by the Lane County Road Ilept. l.AN!; cnunl)' 1'1 /\,NI'!lN(; [)IVI:;IO[>.! ClJUH II iOUS! PUIIl.lC :~LHVlt:l BUll [)If.l(; I 1:1;) I HIll AVI Ul Jf I I UliUJl., Oil !I;';fll I (:'il:H tiHI -l1Hb , -..- '..-----'".-..-.. / REPORT OF FI~DlNGS . Appl1cont: David 1. Kruger Jou rnal Number: RV 80-182 Prepared B): Pete Watson Date: May 23, 1980 CONDITIONS I ^,~D 2 BELOW NUST BE NET FOR A VARIANCE TO BE APPROVED. 1. Compliance uith any one of the foZlooing CY'iter-ia: fa) That a str-ict 02' literol intarpl'etat:ion and er:fo2'cement of the specified 2'equi2'ement would r>asult in proctical difficldty or unneccGsa1'lj hardship and wouid be inconsistent . with the objectives of this Chapier. ^ screen of trees is presently in place in about the same location as the proposed fence. Adding the fence would not further obscure any vision clearance area. (bJ 'rnat tJwf'e arc exceptional. or extl'aol'dinc:ry cil'cumstanccs 01' conditions applicable to the prope'l'ty invoLved or w the intended use of the property which do not apply generally to other pI'op~l'tics in the fJCT.T:IC ;;aning distr-ict. (e) The:.!, !;tl";ct; Or' l'i.t:cral. i.nt:cl'[)]>et:ati,01! mui cnj'oJ'r:ement oj' the :;pccificd regulctim: would dCpl.iuc the appl1:cm:t of P::>l:,)ile(j'![; ZegaU.y rm-ioyed by tho O~~W1'G of other propertieG Ch~[i!;-l:ficd in the same zoning di.r;f;J'ict. 2. 2'l:at t:ll.-! r!t'Cu~:;'i~:;: oj" the vap7:.:n;cc w7:7,l 'lOt. be detJ'l:rnent;cZ to the pub7.1:c hcaZth~ .saFety 01' IJel.j"Of'l: C)' ",';'li:.-;t'i.,':ll.y 7:nj;,r,'-.-iow; tv in'npe'1>t.:ic:; 01' improvc,':umt:; in the near vic"!:niLy. There arc numerous large trees and other structures already in place in the right-af-way of Manor Drive, which is a dead-end street. May 23, 1980 . . lane county Re: Variance Application No. RV 80-182 (Applicant) (Address) (Map & Tax Lot) David L. Kruger 2525 Manor Drive. Spfld. OR 97477 1~1.;t 17-03-23~33/1200 \1 The above referenced application to build a ,6ft. fence 9ft. inside the right- of-way line of Manor Drive, a 60' wide County Road. has been approved for the property indicated above, subject to the conditions and stipulations listed below. This decision was based on the findings of this office (copy enclosed) in accordance with the provisions of'Lane'Code 15.900(2) According to our records, your property abuts the subject property. If, in your opinion, the granting of this variance adversely affects your property, you have the right to appeal this action to the appellate body (-Bea-ffi...M. :J;;r.:y.-GerIlm-i-&!;.~s-}. (Hea ri ngs Offi ci a 1). If not appealed on or before 6/2/80 the approval wi 11 become final. An appeal may be filed by you, your representative, or any other interested or affected person in accordance with the provisions of Lane Code 15.900(8) .* The appeal is to be filed with this office and must state how the decision is in error. If an appeal is filed, you and other adjacent property owners will be advised of the date, time, and place of the hearing before the appellate body. If you have any questions on this matter please contact this office. Mo ..~ Zoning & Land Division SectiQn * Your appeal must be accompanled by a $10.00 filing fee. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. That a facility permit be 'issued by the Lane County Road Dept. LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION I COURTHOUSE - PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING I 125 E. 8TH AVENUE I EUGENE. OR 97401 I 15031G87 ~IRr, ""rJ .:Ji ~ !! ,1 ,} c~. oJ. ..s.; ~&. J ..;;;Ii - ' - "'tI 1- ~~ H~ '~'. ~,00 lane county - APPLICATION FOR: VARIANCE TO LANE CODE CHAPTER 15. "R,OADS" J925.0v filing fee, unless a partitioning is involved] ~etback (front). 15.070 Frontage, 15.115 Setback (interior),15.080 ---Access. ---Setback from Type D road, 15.075 Public Roads, 15.045 ---Dedication and Improvement ---Private Roads, 15.05~ ---Requirements, 15.105 Private Access Easements, lS.055~ APPROVAL OF BUILDING SITE Property abutting end of road, 15.120 --- Facility Permit n nlll.1dtn~ Permlt "_~_ Existing lot or parcel, 13.030(4) --- .Building Permit n "LAND DIVISIONll Dangerous Areas, 13.085 ---Grading, Excavation & Clearing, 13.090 ---Plan, Map & Plat Specifications, 13.105 ---Minor Partition Procedure, 13.125 ---Major Partition Procedure~ 13.130------ ---Major Partition Map Procedure, 13.135 ---Subdivision Tentative Plan Procedure,~40 Water Supply, 13.080_____ --- MODIFICATION ,OF LANE COPE CHAPTER 13, Roads, 13.055(15. ) ---Utility & Waterco~rse Easements, 13.060 ---Pedestrian & Bicycie Ways, 13.065 ---Parcels bLots (unzoned areas), 13.070 ---___Zoned area, LC 10. ___Preparation, Survey & Monumentation of Divisions, 13.100 ___Sewerage Facilities, 13.075_____ PROPOSAL:~Pih..J ~t, 'lk....r~, ~"",}. ~ ?''"fJlC 01 ~ d . I./J 'rl"-'1,..;brl"'_1 m (,..,,> "-kW,- ( CL~ ,~ \Kr.L vt~~,~ LlJ'q, ~ ,~?~(;~I fi.-,. c< -fa c ...~t; ~r"""~ \ 0 c} The provision(s~ cheCle.d above, if strictlY. or liteta 1y nforced, would cause uni~ui and II U~~~2F9'~h"fl!.~hiP~~ct..:l.I'J';.AtHfc'il~..f.l'~ of '''''':'''' t".rj~t'~ 'It bo., _t. /. . .) j ilt"J: L. 0 a ~ e;,<W'JI..... ~ "'- eel.1 \ I I.} .,. ~~t:... n.b".... ,~L:t' 'fC /[.1',10 "1....,- r ..~C. -.:;.... r-t:- ..:'tu_ d,:~-< ~'r- rJeij tht'.-> A...,.- ey,p . -d!.af .;,./.,' 't'~'-u:L/-I,,-",iI~< (j". -C,,';:r ":&Il;n.<> ..,J.,;",'1e-~ <.)"'.--......."..4- ~ """,J' .{.,.... ...' ~j,,:.lA fro,:f ..("'_PlL- rA,,,,,t (L'" '-11-" '~-e...c;:...- ., . ' j" ""'+ c,~k_ './n~ J." ~w- /.rl~f ('=~,., .c..~f:..I...<;~t?"'5 """,( ,,/.;/J The property. or tHe intended use thereof, is subject to exceptional circumstances or aJ:;H.L~rl"'~ conditions not gen~rally applicable to other propeFties in the same vi~init~, namely, d~""... j7Co'/t.h;I,~;, .(-"..,.^ ;, <.-/- 4."f <,..~'.._ ,)~ .j~,rlL/" .;1.4h ".;[,- L."J"t. ."!;-'~ L'l1. 5r::...,..v j'-Jj{,-...J'~ ;::".e....CJ2_ ..J.a .h.z~ ..rr~,Ir,-/lcc"i' n.... . r./r':... <;5' L-?C<.<.t;' J.,,_- -/"'., eL.,.~t."2) <J !-....d?e,; o-At'Jpt>_ t:'"""" "I.;'p< ,~'f-resl..;"f .. / ./. I/./ .. . I I' ~'ttt-V Jyu!ri!...._ ~,~i' l-/...tJ tt.aYJ e~/!5 ~hQ h.:J ~,,_ J.,,?-c 'J1JaJu..- rbt':.:.cl ~":ILLi {L.tI- ~ r/Wr; ( )} Attached are copies' of a site plan s~wing d(menSions, points of ingress and egress, existing and proposed buildings and indication of use, and road or easement locations. () Legal. description of the subject property. ~ ASSESSOR'S MAP AND TAX LOTS /'1 - 03 - Z 3> 2., ~ / /700 TOTAL AREA Ii 9?~ '\fi.+t.. I.: h PRESENT USE OF PROPER1Y r-i1< I Qenr rP_ 'ZONING d<:A- c; PROPOSED USE f"'DC'.~ _ Applicunt's Signature 'l::::\-.Al"t -j P 11.2 .....<, -'2-'--- Phone ?ljl -US'> A. Addrcss:_2,o\2."- ,~",? ~..... V City5{'fM, :"ZIP CODE: 9'<I?'1 Legal Interest in this Property: / -," Owner's Name, if different from above: . AddrCSf;. City ZIP CODE:', .~ ." RECORD OF ACTION Date Filed: S-5'ZORec'd. BY:~ Appeal Filed: Action Taken: rtf'Pc-- ~ lad~ Action Taken: -:-~j . .. - __He~ring 'Oa"re":::"l , -- .. It \... . ' -'.'{, -.---------.--_____"0 Effective Date: Actfon Taken By: JOurnal:_.J)J~o- Cross Reference: 102.. Order /1 Applicant: Address: Effective; PLANNING DIVISION I ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT I 125 EAST 8TH AVE. I EUGEf'W. OR 97401 I PHONE (503) 687.4186 . \>e:eL:<t&~k~.s. +\ r flN/N,'md AlMa03 lNV1 5 ' .086l 'il GCldtt ~, ~]WJ]B' '-' · "': ra en . .,.. . . " ".,. ~ '=-w . -lAv- . --.,....1 ~ tlAlfPe'L- i3ltltlG.f: wA';' 1\ ^ ~1 _( ct..~...... ~ ,-\\ "1"0 to r ....<Q OJ)( I f&"'1~ - ~ -;fjl---I (~-- ~ ~ ......... I""'" ~ ,L(~~'li""- ~ " ~~",\4' ) ~~ , IS~~~L _ _ _ (y r~ -") I , I( .-. )1 I (..~ W. I.... -- '\11f -qo~ -.!)L" C'-1~Cl.' S.fO'h)~L.~ ./' ',>t.. \y. r'\ IJ..,<"Q." (() ~ j 'V .\~ ~ ~ u~ N ., .Ii '" -~- ... ~ l , ~ ) -/-'1 < . L ~ ~- 00 .... 'V ~ ~ ., " . o' " -)\ ,L <Ii <' ~ ~i:-~ ~ C:I . p ....~ .. .. , (,,0 -(,? /SS.I~~ LU"~ 'i3 r ~G-s-;Ot?W~~K~. . ~J E) .1300 'l: lli J .1-4 00 '- I o II L,.,u;:n>n propose'" <..,' P"-,,c.e 'P""l" "SeD :3' Fe." c:g, .r... . ) TO -: 1116 Cor . r.-lr- ~. ~-~l ~ ;: :. -I co' ~ ~ v I ~ "0"'. 6 I ~~ '~I- ~ .:~..OO I -fio,z .. 4500 J J ~.. ..1 t. .; ~ :."" 'I.... sl . .' .,....<-' .~ "'>t''^,w:R 0 A [},,,v.- o~ ....-. 3 74~~ ,:f'-;. '~~XJ" 72::>:- '.. .. 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