HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-8-28 . . T"" !ollowing projacl as oubmilled ~ th , : :"r.9, ond does not require specific Ian approv<3l. Zonina L- D f-- 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 Authorized Signature OFFICE: 726-3759 Dma '6.?~.q(p 1. Lt\~~ OU~~t'5\a& , - , LEGAL P.E~PTION \,(l'?lL.:)()n (\ \ {}Q~ - - ~~~~S~rc\\Nrl 0 nf\v33W Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started vi thin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY ,B. Electrical contract~~-t;.~\.Qtt Address \9fl '(\m~\1u'l-~ City f~~n<L ~one1~~.-1f1""=) Supervisor LIcense Number '?JC\,c::).S \() . ". qf"") C\ \O~l\~ \. ~S .C\'l Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Electrician e-;pi- rt';J~ . ,_ \_~ ~D. Address 'A~o..~ iu,QX" ,I JlJvtu_, Ci ty~O . PhoneA17) .31l ~ ~LATION The installation is being made on property I own vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: ~ DA~E~==--~::['2:~C;-------------------- ""A,r..u'l 1I:~~" RECEIVED BY: IlL ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION W (', >)' '9b Mwnber (\lo \{)~O 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELO\l A. Nev Residential-Single or ~ Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: '.- Items Cost -Sum 1000' sq. f t. or less \. $ 85.00' <6'::> Each additional 500 ~~~r;~for portion ~ $ 15.00 ~ Each Manuf'd Home, or Modular 'Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Reloca~ion: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to, 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only Co $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps' 'or less $ 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps $ 55.00 Over 401 to 600 amps $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see "B" above Branch Ci rcui ts, Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel " Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit E. 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL - $ 35.00 $ 2.00 not included) $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 lliD .r;; 4.g(j I, '}_. "jl){) . . Job. No. ~~\~~o SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE NA~E: .:~~, \ ~ ;\;~~.~T PHONE:~~~.~\l(o ", ADDRESS: '2J~ryD .~, \)01 \1)~TAi-E: ~IP: ql4i~ LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUILDING SITE: . (\ _-'- Street Addre~f, C\.~CO ~U of\flJL \ MJ-J,\ Plat Name: ~~Q((l ( G\~~ ;ax L~t Number: t10o~"W)Ol(,)03 1. DEVELOPMENT TYPE (Check appropriate dwelling(s). SDC calculations and dwelling t ype definitions are on the back.) A. Sinale-Family Detached t Single Family home NO. OF UNITS Manufactured home not in a park X $1,000 per unit = $ l~On pO B. Sinale-F1'lmily Att1'lcheq NO. OF UNITS X $924 per unit = $ C. Multi-Family Aoartmenf NO. OF UNITS X $692 per unit = $ D. Manufactured Home Park NO. OF UNITS WILLAMALANE SDC _ X $699 per unit = $ $ \~OO ,DO r;j $ \ D009G $ 2. SDC CREDIT (if applicable) SDC-payer must furnish proof of Willamalane Credit approval. See SDC Credit Worksheet. 3. TOTAL WILLAMALAN NET SDC ASSESSED (if SDC reduced for Credit) , ~~~~m~"~e~~ Departmeet City of Springfield <6 1 27 1_ tt~_ Date , SPAINOFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (RESIDENTIAL) Name or Company: FUTURE B HOMES, Location: 935 MCKENZIE CREST DR Developement Type: R Building Size: Job No.: 961080 Lot Size: 1. STORM DRAINAGE Impervious Sq Ft 4565 X 0,216 Per Sq Ft 2. SANITARY SEWER - CITY Number Of PFUs 27 X 44.75 Per PFU (see Page 2) 3. TRANSPORTATION Number Of Units 1 X X Trip Rate 1. 010 X X Cost Per Trip 451. 26 = $455.77 Transportation Total 4. SANITARY SEWER - MWMC Number Of PFUs 27 Per PFU + 20.690 + MWMC Admin Fee 10.00 X X MWMc CREDIT If Applicable (see Page 2) TOTAL - MWMc SDc SUBTOTAL - (Add Items 1, 2, 3 & 4) 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES Base Charge (Subtotal Above) X 0.50 TOTAL SDC Reviewed By: TROY MCALLISTER Date: 08/12/96 Page 1 "~~ $986.04 $1,208.25 $455.77 = $568.63 $0.00 $568.63 $3,218.69 $160.93 $3,379.63 SPRINGFIELD Job Number: 961080 Page 2 FIXTURE UNIT CALCULATION TABLE Fixture Type Bathtub Drinking Fountain Floor Drain Interceptors For Grease/Oil/Solids/Etc Inteceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc Laundry Tub/C1otheswasher Clotheswasher - 3 Or More Receptor For Refrigerator/Water Station/Etc Receptor for Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc Shower, Single Stall Shower, Gang Sink, Bar, Commercial, Residential Kitchen Urinal, Stall/Wall Wash Basin/Lavatory, Single Water Closet, Public Installation Water Closet, Private Miscellaneous TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS Number of New Fixture Unit Equivalent Fixture Units 2 o o o o 1 o o o 1 o 1 o 5 o 3 o 2 1 2 3 6 2 6 1 3 2 4 o o o o 2 o o o 2 o 2 o 5 o 12 o 2 2 1 6 4 27 CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Based on assessed value. If improvements occured after annexation date, credits are calculated separately. (calculations are by $1000) Year Annexed: Credit For Parcel Or Land Only If Applicable: Improvement (if after annexation date) : o x 0.00 0,00 o x 0.00 = 0.00 CREDIT TOTAL = $0.00 (If land value is multiplied by 1 then the parcel/land credit is not accurate.) SPf.r:IELO PUBLIC II'DIlKS DEPARTMENT A{)A I/NI5 I Ii;\) ION ENGIN[E1i1NG 01\l1510N MAIN1EN,\NCE 225 FIFIH 51/;, 51'1;/NGFIFLlJ. 011 U, ~ --- APPLICATION fOR A SECQND DHlVfWAY I OVEnWIDTIl DRIVEWAY " . .; . . '" . . DATE: J-L:, -' 1~ . ~. ~~~~U-r \.P ~,"B \\l ADDRESS OF P~O~ERTY fOR DRIVEWAY PERI~IT: 935 ' ~~5-311('" APPlICAN r (prWPERTY OWNER): APPUCANrs TELEPHONE NUMBER: " ' Please skelch (he fHoposed drivewClY. Include the following applicalJle items: house or lJuilding. proposed drivewa)', exisUng driveway. and street names. Include dimensions Cllld measurements 10 plopcrty lines, road intersections and bordering driveways. (See altaclullcnt for an example.) ,'. .... J " I }w(ove-~V II ~ap:tCs7/",I4 30/ lK/~6<r/ ~ ~r~ II Q~ .:W- 9(p/6~6 , ,,", .:; I I \ At!. APPLICATIONS OUTSIDE TIfE CIlY UlAlTS OF SPRINGFIELD TIfAT ARE WITIfIN TIfE URBAN GiWWlIl UUUNDAHY HEQUIHE A lANE COUNlY I'EHMIT. Note: The Cily of Springfield will not grant a second driveway permit on an Arteria} or Callcelar Stree(. - - -~.._- AUMfNfSlIlI\1I0N/ENGINE[fJ/NG (:;03) 726,3753 F/\X (:;OJ) 7;>6,3GIJU M/\INIEN/\NCE (50.1) 726,37G' I/\X (:;03) 726,3621 o . . , , 1\ I I ~ -=a--\).v-' . :.' 3. Tho distance horn the edge 01 the dlivew<1Y 10 tllo ncarest comer (mc;1surcd to the cUlb .clum) is I ;y')() + feel. ','j ",o' I ,',~. The.~ give acce~s 10:'-g'ara9.:"- Cal~O'I_ ~ide Yald_ Olher,~V'1~ I 5. The distance hom the property line 10 the garage, carport, failee, wall, or other, (where tile vehicle"is 10 b. parked) is leel.' , I \" . 6. \tVilllhc proposed -par.k.ing I slorage area create a. vision obstlUdio.n" to adjacen1 prope(~yiJfiveways or, 10 any vehicular rnovem~n( on a public street? (See vision clearance attachment) N ftj " Appticant hereby agrees to install Ule requested driveway to City of Sprillyfield standards. The applicant furU,cr agrees to have 6" of concrete in Ule sidewalk ama (adjacent to the drivcwayl,"and to p.ave Ule area behind the back edge of the side\l'r.Jlk. or drT\'ew~y ~pron, \'lith a fTlinim~11l depth of 3" asphaltic concrete or 6" of pOIttand cement concrete. The area behind the side'v\'alk shall be paved 3 minimum 01 18 leel The Bpplic.11lt agrees Ul~t if he/she does not pave Ule an~3 behind Ule sidewalk wilhin 30 da)'s 01 cutting the cUfb opening, tll(! Ci1y of Sprillgr~ld has Ule authority to close the drive\\-"'aY access by removal of Ule CUfU cut. All incuned costs shall be assumed by Ule applicant and if unpaid, s.aid cost shalll>ecome .1 lien of U\(! propet1y. When this applicBtion is ~ppro~ed by -the City, the~app'icant ~nust obtain a c~rbcuVdlivcway p~rr~~it hom the Public WOI~S Depaltmeflt. ~nginccfing Division. ,Curbcul t Orh'cwav Permit Fee ,<, ;J. On an improved slreet (existing curb): 510.00 plus $.15 per lineal foot of cUlb cut. b. On an unimproved street (no curb): $12.00 c. On currenlly unhf'proveq ~!~eet~ tl~~t arc under construction: S ~ 2.~0 ,. . "'It PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGr~ATURE: CZL/z' llJ/a- DATE: .!J4~~- APPHOVED BY: . ~ /?l~ ~~.. 1;1' ,-'" {~rc LJIVISIOr~ BUILDING PEHI~IT NO.: 9'(0/ V J!l;D DATE: 8//~--r6 I I , ,I I I I L__~ DATE: 1M g.t ATIACHIv1ENT: Vision Clearance. Example #1 . ,~ SPRINGFIELD ~- Page 1 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION BUILDING SAFETY Job Number: 961080 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Location of Proposed Work: 935 MCKENZIE CREST DR Assessors Map #: 17032300 Lot: 20 Block: Tax Lot #: 01003 Subdivision: RIVER GLEN 4r Owner: ~~~~AE B HOMES Address: 3593 RIVER POINTE DR Phone #: 485-3176 City/State/Zip: EUGENE, OR 97408 Describe Work: S.F. RESIDENCE NEW Const. Contractor Contractor # Expires Phone General: FUTURE B HOMES 0036499 05/18/97 485-3176 3593 River pointe Dr Eugene OR 9740 Plumbing: CUSTOM PLUMBING 0081994 05/06/97 485-1146 3248 Kentwood Dr Eugene OR 97401000 Mechanical: ROLFS HEATING 0090419 02/14/97 741-0002 PO BOX 66, DEXTER, OREGON 97431 Electrical: BOB FISHER ELEC 0096275 01/25/97 689-7973 180 Kingsbury Ave Eugene OR 9740400 QUAD AREA: 2RNW # OF UNITS: 1 CONSTR. TYPE: VN SECONDARY HEAT: FP INSUL PATH: P1 OFFICE USE -- LAND USE: 1111 ZONING CODE: LDR # OF BDRMS: 4 WATER HEATER: G SQ FOOTAGE: 3350 # OF BLDGS: 1 OCCY GROUP: R3 HEAT SOURCE: FG RANGE: E To request an inspection, call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m, will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a,m, will be made the following work day. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS --- FOOTING - After trenches are excavated. FOUNDATiON - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING - Prior to insulation or decking. UNDERFLOOR MECHANICAL - Prior to insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM - Prior to floor insulation or decking. INSULATION - Floor; prior to decking Wall/Ceiling; Prior to cover STORM SEWER LINE - Prior to filling trench. SANITARY SEWER LINE - Prior to filling trench. WATER LINE - Prior to filling trench. ROUGH PLUMBING - Prior to cover. ROUGH ELECTRICAL - Prior to cover. ELECTRiCAL SERViCE - Must be approved to obtain permanent power. ROUGH MECHANICAL - Prior to cover. ROUGH GAS - after line is installed and capped if not attached to an appliance FRAMiNG - Prior to cover. INSULATION - Floor; prior to decking Wall/Ceiling; Prior to cover DRYWALL - Prior to taping. SIDEWALK - After excavation is complete, forms and sub-base material in place. CURBCUT - After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete, FINAL MECHANICAL - When all mechanical work is complete. FINAL ELECTRICAL - When all electrical work is complete. FINAL PLUMBING - When all plumbing work is complete. GAS SERVICE - After line is installed and line has been connected to a minimum of one appliance. Pressure test done at this point. SPRINQFIELD Job Number: 961080 Page 2 FINAL BUILDING - When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete. Lot Faces: NE Solar Approved: Y Total Height: 20 Lot Type: INTERIOR Setbacks S W E 5 16 Setbk From NPL: 52 N House Item Main Garage Total Value BUILDING PERMIT Square Feet x 2705 645 $/Square Feet 64,66 16,27 Value 174,905,00 10,494.00 185,399.00 Building Permit Fee Surcharge/Admin 626.50 50.13 TOTAL FEE (A) 676.63 --- SYSTEMS DEVELO......... CHARGE (SDC) --- (B) 3,379.62 Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits and the Citys Urban Growth Boundry which are being improved. PLUMBING PERMIT --- Item Residential Bath(s) BACKFLOW DEVICE 3 Fee 192.50 10.00 Plumbing Permit Surcharge/Admin 202.50 16.21 TOTAL CHARGE (C) 218.71 -- - MECHANICAL PERMIT --- Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Wood Stove/Insert/Fireplace Unit Dryer Vent GAS LINE/WATER HTR. 4 6.00 4.50 12.00 15.00 3.00 5.00 Mechanical Permit Issuance Surcharge/Admin 45,50 10.00 3.65 TOTAL PERMIT (D) 59.15 --- MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS --- Surcharge/Admin Sidewalk Curb Cut WILLAMALANE S/D/C'S ELECTRICAL PERMIT FENCE val LU....-- ..{f 1,200 0.00 26.50 15.40 1,000.00 172.80 5.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS (E) 1,219.70 (Excluding Electrical) unless otherwise noted TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (A, B, C, D, and E combined) 5,553.81 SPRINGFIELD /::/I'~ Job Number: 961080 Page 3 --- BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT --- This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. Plan Check Fee: 407.23 Date Paid: 08/07/96 Received By: DON MOORE Plans Reviewed By: BOB BARNHART Date: 08/27/96 Building Site Reviewed By: LISA HOPPER Receipt Number: 22806 - - - ADDITIONAL COMMENTS - - - DRIVEWAY REQUIRED TO BE PAVED 4 STREET TREES REQUIRED By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701,055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. 'L~_ (Sig~turO '" y:. fS l-- f/Y (J - -- VALIDATION Date Paid: , 2300 5 g,27-q~ 55lj3. <tl \41___ Receipt Number: Amount Received: Received By: , ,~~?7:'#7~ JJ?7~" 'g-/y~ ~-. . ~ \Q\\f60 o"...! '!. ... CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION BUILDING SAFETY '-. " AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this /y/i(Lday of 4:--rsr- " l~ by and betveen the, Ci ty of Springfield, a municipal corpo'ra tion ot' the Sta te-ot Oregon, hereinaf~er called Ci ty, and ~\~lAO ~J:') , herei.nafter called the AppI1cant. \IHEREAS, the applicant has applied to the City CommllnityServices Building Division for issuance of certa~' ons~~~s~on ~erm~ts for development improvements to be located at ~ ~1.J\91)V~ l'~ t\{, Springfield, Oregon or vi thin the City'S Ur an Growth JJ1~lsdictiona Area; Lane County Assessor's Map and Tax Lot number \,D'?!J,..'?-lO() (1\ r)~ . ". \IHEREAS, the applicant has asked the City to authorize the Applicant to immediately commence development improvements without a completed plan review or subsequent approval as required by the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code section 303(a). \/BEREAS, the Applicant has submitted to the City a completed permit application, 3 (three) sets of construction drawings, specifications, and other data required for the City to complete the necessary plan review of the proposed development improvement. \/HEREAS, the intended development ~mprovement is of a nature that requires no other review approval from other State or local agencies and is exempt from the criteria established by the Building Safety Division, attached as Exhibit A of this Agreement. \IHEREAS, the City has not reviewed or approved the submitted materials for the development improvement, the City is therefore unable to confirm at this time whether the permit applicatio~ submitted vill be approved, and vnether the ~equired construction permits can be issued. \IHEREAS, the applicant has requested the City to provide expedited authorization to p,roceed vi th certain phases of construction prior to the completion of the City's review of the permit application. VHEREAS, the City's fee for the administrative services rendered in providing expedited authorization is $150.00. - NOV, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and 'of the mutual promises contained herein, the City authorizes immediate commencement of the, development improvement specified in the permit application subject to the folloving terms and conditions: . ~ . ~ : . Authorization to Proceed Agreement Page 2. 1. City agrees that the Applicant may immediately commence with the development improvements set forth in the permit application. City's authorization to proceed is conditionep however~ upon Applicant's agreement that the project will be constructed as set forth in the attached submitted drawings and specifications, except as may be modified by City, and will comply with all applicable laws and ordinances. Applicant's immediate commencement of construction is at Applicant's ovn risk. The City makes no assurance that the development or construction improvements viII be approved or the required construction permits will later be issued.' 2. City agrees to review Applicant's permit application in the normal reviev process and to thereafter: . a) issue Applicant the appropriate construction permits; or b) advise Applicant of deficiencies in the proposed construction which must be remedied before permits can be issued; ~ c) advise Applicant of any statutes, ordinances or code provisions with vhich Applicant must comply with before City can issue the permit. 3. Applicant agrees that if City finds Appli~ant's permit application and submitted materials inadequate or deficient 1n any manner including but not limiteQ to, the application or the proposed construction do not comply wiJh all applicable statutes, ordinances or code provisions, Applicant viII expeditiously cure the deficiencies so that the City may issue the required permits. Should Applicant fail ,to expeditiously correct submitted materials, or should correction prove impossible, City may in it's discretion, take any or all of the following actions: a) stop all further construction of the project in the manner prescribed in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code (BSCAC), SECTION 201 (d) b) order disconnection of serving utilities in a manner as prescribed'in BSCAC, SECTION 201 (f) c) issue a NOTICE J2'J ORDE~ for removal of all such v~rk in a manner as prescribed in BSCAC, SECTION 204. ABATEKENT Or u~SAFE, SUBSTM~DARD OR DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES OR BUILDING SERVICE EQUIPMENT. Upon receipt of such notice, Applicant shall immediately remove the work specified in the Notice and Order. 4. Applicant agrees, if the issuance of the permit is denied: - a) to remove, at the Applicant's sole cost and expense, all completed construction or improvements; and b) to restore the site or structure to it's pre-agreement condition and free of all hazards .. ". . . Authorization to Proceed Agreement Page 3. 5. Applicant agrees that until Applicant's permit application is approved, construction viII not to proceed beyond the point of authorization approved by the City's Building Offic~al. Applicant's P01nt of Authorization is u.QS k' IJ'- '\ ~ 6. Applicant agrees that all vork performed under this agreement shall be accessible and exposed for inspection purposes and that neither the Building Official nor City shall be liable for the expense entailed in the removal or replacement of any material necessary to allov inspection. , 7. Applicant agrees that any or all'deficiencies identified during the necessary inspections will be promptly remedied, at Applicant~s sole cost and expense before proceeding vith any further construction. Applicant also agrees that these inspections do not replace the required plan review nor do they imply any approval of the submitted materials. 8. Applicant agrees that no work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the Building Official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection has been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated on the attached Exhibit B. 9. Notvithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate upon issuance of a building permit or thirty (30) days from the date of this Agreement, vhichever first occurs. Applicant understands that all york on the project shall immediately cease vithout any notice from the City if this Agreement terminates before a building permit is issued. This agreement shall terminate on ' 10. Applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold City harmless from any and all costs (including 'attorney fees), liability or damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, for personal injury and property damage arising from the Applicant's early commencement of construction and the work undertaken or completed. 11. The terms of this Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon the parties hereto and tr,eir heirs, successors and assigns. ,- 12. If any suit, action or other proceeding, or an appeal therefrom, is instituted to obtain, establish, enforce, or compel any right or obligation resulting from this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the adverse party, in addition to costs and disbursements, such additional sums as the courts, both trial and appellate, may judge reasonable attorney fees. .. . " . . Authorization to Proceed Agreement Page 4. BEFORE SIGNING THIS AGREEMENT, PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF EACH PARAGRAPH OF THIS AGREEMENT. IT AFFECTS YOUR INTEREST"S IN THE PROPERTY AND, IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT, IT PLACES YOU PERSONALLY AT RISK AND THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AT RISK OF FORECLOSURE FOR COSTS AND EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CITY IN ENFORCING THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. IN THE EVENT THAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND ANY TERMS OR CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, PLEASE SEEK ANY LEGAL OR OUTSIDE OPINIONS YOU MAY.DESIRE. CITY '. APPLICANT Ci ty o~S~ngfield " ~y:/;, h~ !If'" 4-7 / , /' (' Buildi6g Official Contractor ~.lM.tJ\O ~~ Business ,Name Address2:.~o..~ \~).gy O()\n-t )\\( CC Registration # ~\[l~ LAND/PROPERTY O\INER(S) I/\IE HAVE READ THE ABOVE AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED AGREEMENT. I/\IE UNDERSTAND \IHAT IT EXPRESSES AND THE RESPONSIBILITIES IT PLACES UPON US AS THE LAND/PROPERTY O\INERS. I/\IE AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT. Name '~~'~:;:'''''' , , " f Address Jr-93 ~ 17~....G.~. .k ,). 9?.y~r , ~ . Et::V;r:\'J:["; [;: P.;-';r::C'VcD ,...... -....... '-",-" ::j~'-~2',:~":j L~~.( U:,-E: 1:=',~ " ''''' , \ '\ q, ~ C:r=Fi~:.: C:= CiTY ATT02i\;:\. - c~.~.\.' ~'~"::;L.:2~~:::L~ . . . EXHIBIT A Purpose The purpose of this agreement is to allow 'certain d~elopment improvements to occur prior to obtaining plan review approval from the Springfield Community Services Division. Scope The use of this agreement shall be limited to certain one and tvo-family dvellings not complex in nature as determined by the Building Official and minor alterations or modifications to existing commercial and industrial buildings which are of a non-structural'type and do not adversely affect any structural member of the building or any part of the building having fire resistant construction. One and two-family dvelling plans for structures that are complex in nature that have been prepared by an Oregon licensed architect or engineer and accompanied by a letter of review prepared by said architect or engineer, stating that the submitted material is in compliance with the One and Two-Family o.'elling Specialty Code, may be considered eligible fo~ thi~ agreement. The following items include but are not limited to certain conditions of development identified as ineligible for this agreement: a) development requiring site approval which has not been obtained; b) new development located on'land vith over six-percent slope; c) lots having expansive (clay) soil; d) 'development located within flood hazard areas; e) development located vithin vetland areas; f) pole buildings or other such type of structure that is not of conventionai construction. ~ . . EXHIBIT B Required Inspections To request an inspection, you must call 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be Inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made J V' / t/ u V V v V' Temporary Electric . " This is a 24 hour recording. made the same working day, ... . the ,follow1ng work day. site - To be made after excavation, but prior to s~tting forms Footing - After trenches are excavated Foundation - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placeme~t Under floor Plumbing - Prior to filling trench Underfloor Mechanical - Prior to insulation or decking Post & Beam - Prior to flo~r insulation or dec~ing Underfloor Insulation - Prior to decking Sanitary Sewer - Prior to filling trench storm Sewer - Prior to filling trench Water Line - Prior to filling trench