HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1996-9-4 . .pe.-v--~t,1 ~ '1(,,\ .~ " .' I'UI3L1C \\'O{;KS OEPAnTt.1Et.'r It{.If,{1f~I,'S}/~/il I(lN I;NGINcr:.r;/N("; UI\-'IS!(lN (,~..HI\~ 1 [NANCE 225 ('flU ,';; SF/-;!!-,,'(;{f(UJ. (Jf,' r , - ___________ ___n ~, APPllCA'nOI~ FOR A SECONO OnlVEWAY I OVFRWIDTH DRIVEWAY . I Ofd~: ~ - ~' - 9( '.' - , . . ~ I APPLICANT (pnOPEnTY OWN~R): II ",.<; low d-. (J.e.7'p"''''''V IJ ~r AOOR~SS OF PROP~RTY FOR DRIV~WAY P~R"<IT: 2)"''''7. We 1""0/.) I<.:.J.Y' I .Ii APPLlCANrs T~LEPHONE IWI~BER: '/-'7Cf -c J70 if f1 ~c.i I I i I I I I I I II Please sketch the proposed dri\'e\"ay. Include the following 3pp~cable items: house or building, proposed dfivewa)'. existing driveway. and street names. Include dimensions and measurements 10 ploper1y lines, road inlerseclions and bordering drivewa~'s. (See allachment tor an c(ample.) ,S.R,e I, 'I ,. .I ....r ,... I" I I I I II I , i I I I II , ALL ;(PPUCA nONS OUTSIDE THE CITY UMITS OF SpmNGFI~I.D THAT AHE WITHIN THE" URBAN GlWWTIlIJOUNDARY HEOUII1E A LANE COUtHY I'EHt,\IT. Note: rile City of Splinglleld will nol gfant a second driveway pefmit on .m ^r1Cfi<lJ Of Colleclof Sllcet. J. ~:U ,- I . . - .=--------==- r~-.~ '. p(ope~y t)'flC: Single Fauu!}' Residence L Other Dupler:: ~ r2..Jc.e iJ}o I '1'';.../' 2. The proroscd drivew3.f' willlat:e access flOm which slleel J. The disl:lllce fr01l1 the edge of the dlivcway 10 lhe fj7<HCS\ cOllier (mc3SUlCd to the CUfU rctufO) is Iccl. .J'p.Q C'- +f" ,(,c- rl. f #o41b . <. The second dlivcway will give access 10: galay~_ ~31Port~de yald~hCr ff /?IJ Ii; f,).~ S. The dislance from the ~foper1Y line 10 Ihe gaf<lg'!. carpori. fence. v.'all. or other. (where U{e vehicle' is 10 be p~rked) is IV..~ feet. . .. I . 6. V.Jilllhe proposed par.king I sloragc arc a cteate ayision obstfUdio.n to adjacent propec:>r driveways Of. to any vehicular movem~flt on a public street? (See vision cleafance attachment) /1/ () i I II t...rpr.ont hereby 3grecs (0 installlhe requested driveway 10 City of Springf.eld standards. The .apption1 (urthcr agrees to havc 6" of con~le in the sidcw;Jlk area (.adjacent 10 OIC driveway)';and to pave the are... behind thc b.3ck edge o( the sidcwalk...or drivemy apron, with ~ minim~m dCpUl of J- asphaltic concrete or 6" of port1a.nd cement concr~le. Thc .<Irea behind the side'Watk. s1\.<1U be paved a minimum of 18 fcel. Thc applic.a.nt agcces tha1 i1 he/she does not pave the .acca hehind OIC sidewalk within'JO days of cutting Ule curb opening, the City o( Springfield has thc :authority to clos.e the dl)vcy..-ay accesS" by removal of the curb cut An lncurred costs ~halll>c :!;ssumed by dlc .applicant and i:f unp..3id, s..aid cost shall become.. f.en of Ule property. I I VVhen this appfication is approved by the City, (he applicant must obtain a curbcutldol/eway permi1 (rom 1hc' Public VVorks Department. Engineering Division. Curbcull Drivewav Permit Fee a. On an impr.oved street (existing curb): S10.00 plus $.15 per lineal fo01 of CUfb cut. b. On an unimproved street (no curb): 512.00 c. On curre~tly unim;1rol/cd streets 1hat arc under construction: $12.00 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIG"ATURE' ,/~~?i?)/_ DATE: ~,- y-9( II O/\TE: 1--lt >ti:6 Or\TE: ~- y -Y6 APPROVEO BY: ~q~%,O" Cfe/I/? BUILOI"G PERI~IT NO.' TM 9.1 ATIACHI.,H.:.NT: Vision Clc<Hance. Example 1':1 . - -.- --.- _."--- - -.--'" - . ,- ) '.' I I !' i I I I ,\ I \ J- '. '. . . ......;..;. .... " : .,.:,'. .~-: ~., ......::-~ ~~'" :--,:",:..;" .-.... ..~ ;......t;.:.:: .. ~ : -. -~ . ~ .;.... ... ',"..,.- .'/t~1t::~~jtc:. ; '., ,- .....:: ". .:.,?~_. -'," _,' f. .~"'. . .::. . -' :'~ .,,:,,' ",::-j . . .::{.~., ", ~':: :~., ",,:-::, ......, '" . :~. :; .. 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