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Permit Correction Notice 2009-2-19
"'5{'\&"I'li"r~''l'~'''\'~'''':H'l<'I'll~~~-i~)>r\1''''~,''~~P;;.o~.'t'',.......,.1Y''~Y!'''~' ~"",,-, T.,."";"l'1\~'Wiw..t':;ti-,f&\~~~'f~~~",';'<-~~~......~r~~..... t+/;: 1''A!i'l~:;Ji::. ;'7;\: '~";F--,:<t~' -fl.,t SPRINGFIELD Date: ,1. , J1.../ 0 q ~ - Job# Ct; - 00011 Address: 52)6 ~"- ~l ;t.J7i,-~ /_-;/;;~ Inspecti~n Type: .huo.v~ ~ /'U.vJuJ..tm...IL...L I .. ,., I , 1- . ' I (I.. _ -~r j, fO/IC; f.A'\AM-"IA / 'w''''nv~l t~ ,.dJ ,4- t./;j.,. 'U.~f- .I~__ _ .~( iLPA:._ , , '~ ' '/ 1.. /._ J, "".., . ) 7li1ANU'f:Ji;;lllA/ ",",-/;:h,,fi;... _ ',/;roJ""" -"t/-t7-1~_ ,2; I~ IN./~ ~A/~A~~k-'~*A;k~ I ,-.--K./, h>'~ I '10(.1 ~tlvj , - , .. ,>,-~~7~ "'"'/,,//,.~ ~~~ J!:}Vf'~4- /; h>/o ; 11{} t1'd-c0 -, u , -- . 'at, -;/L~ ~ A-- ~ ;V..:v:k,~ .~~.;',.,JL.C~f1 f(JU-t;) City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street 1" J i, ~~, '. '. '. ',-' '.'1,"" '1'~,',,',"'" '~" "~'ii" "..., ~,::~~::,l,~~:;..:,.,,~,;~:~~, ,>, corr:e~io~~ a~d r~inspe'ctiOi1 req~~~~:sh,~i,I~~.m~d~~th,i~ '1f. .\~~I~~~ard~ys"'> ,: ': ", ,"~I Call for remspectlon;[]fesJDNo ":,Inspector,,.,..#Ad' - '. ,.: "', ,,,',', ., '_Date: ' " N;"~~NNN":'NNNN~Call' for in'spe~ion 726-3769N~.NNNNNNN>;"NQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN .~ :.~.::: )' ;~~,:'~,: .'~"~, :.~!-.t;'. ",,;;~jE.~':~, ,;, \~::l~~;,G:~ l;J":f:~~,,~.i\;~~~~!:,':!}?;, :,~i.l~~':;:*~;;~~k;.~~~i_~:~:;~'d~~':~~:~;A~!::..:;s;~~~~~;;~jt:'~t_i~~~~t:~~~:'~;R~:'5~j0)\; 'it :C-i,~;tL;~~,~;:, '.':.~:; 1~ ;.~':.L~* <".,;J...~_ ;.' ".~~., ", .