HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1999-9-30 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 LOT' OWNER: 'Debb;, ADDRESS: CITY: DESCRIBE WORI(' 1) lA c.JlA \ Nz....t NEW REMODEL ......- EXPII1ES CONTRACTOR'S NAME :. :';PnJNCr-IE:LP /2Il'; BLOCK: u. STATE: _ OR ADDITION DEMOLISH . JOB NUMUER .q4/"3'~ , 225 Fiflh Street Sprlnglleld, Oregon 97477 TAX LOT: SUBDIVISION: PHONr-. '7+I-4-/~ _ ZIP: _.3.14-77 A ~- OTH~___ ADDRESS CONST. CONTRACTOR' PHONE GENERA' . PLUMBING: MECHANICAL: fumfm1....fJ.nw )qS;ll]D~0 ~,:b D ELECTRICAl' %0 Io::J7~O) 12{,-{)/ ac, QUAD AREA: . OF BLDGS: OCCY GROUP: . OF STORIES: ____ WATER HEATER: - OFFICE USE _ LAND USE:_ n OF UNITS: CON sm. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: _____ RANGE: __ FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: ___ . OF BDRMS: SECONDAFlY '-lEAl': ___.. SQUARE FOOTAGE: ...__._ To rOQuesl on Inspection, you mu::n call 726.3769. Till:; Is n 24 hour recordIng. Allln:;pcction:; rcqlJCSICc.l bcrorc 7:00 :J.rn. wlll be made (ho same working dilY. In:;pccllon:; requesled otter 7:00 a.m. will be m<luc lhC fOlloWing Worl( day. o Tcmpornry eleclric D Silo InGpoction - To be made aftor cxcLlvnllon, bul prior to setting f~Hl1\::'. o Undcrslnb Plumbing I Electric;!I' Mcchnnlcal - Prior to Cover. o Foollno - Atler Irenches arc excavated. o Masonry - Sleel locntlon, bond beams, grouting. o Foundnllon - After (arms me erected but prior to concrete placement. o Underground Plumbing - Prior 10 rlIllng trench. o Underlleor PlumblnoJ Moch.micnl - Prior 10 InsuJallon or decldng. o Po~t nod OOllm - Prior to floor Insullltion or dccl<lng. o Floor Insult'llion - Prior 10 dccl<lng. o SllnitMY Sewor - Prior to filling Irench. o Storm Sewer - l'rier to fil/ing trencll. o Waler Line - Prior to fillin,!) tronch. o Rough Plumbing - Prior 10 , cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Rough Mccll11nicnl - Prior 10 covor. . D Rough Electric;,1 - Prior to cover. o Elcclricill Service - Mus! be approvecl 10 obtnin permanent elcclrlc~l power. o Fireplace - Prior to (;Icing ma.terlals and (raming Insp. o Frnmlno - Prior to cover. o W.lIlJCclling In:;ulalion - Prior to cover. o Drywnll - Prior to taping. o Wood Stovo - Aftor In:HalJ;l:ion. o Inserl - Aftcr (Jrcplncc npprovcl and Installation at unll. o CUrbC\lt So AfJpro.llch - Aflcr form::; are creeled but prIor 10 plncament of conCtch.l. o Sidewnlk & OriVCW:I\, - Arter excJ,villioll Is complete, form:> ancl sul).base material in place. o Fcncc - Wilen completed. o ~;troot Tree:; - When nIl required lrees nrc plan led. _O.O.M____ o Finnl Plllll1billlJ - When 0111 plumbIng W~HI< is complot.c. o Fin.1I EleCllicnl - When all electrical worl( Is cOl1lplotc. ( o Fillal Mcch.lIlical - Whon all ITlccllimlcal worlel:> complCle. o Fin.1I Ouildino - Wllcn 0111 required In::ipccllons hJ,vc becn approved and bulleJlng Is compleled. . o Ol.har MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Olocl,ing flnd Set.Up - When all bl()cl<ln~l I:; complete. o PlllIllUil1H COl1l1eclion~ - When home ha:.; been connected 10 w.llcr anc.l :.eW(lr. o Electric,,1 COllnectlon - When blocldnu. :;CI.up. and plumbing In:.;pocllon:.; h;'lVC beon approved anti Ihe 1101110 is connected 10 the .:.>ervlcc p.lI1cl.. o Final - Alter all required Inspecllons are oJpproved and porches, "1IInlng, declls, and venllng have been Inslalled. LOI loceo Lei Type . Interior' LOI sq. IIg. Lot c,overage Topography Total helgl)! Corner P."nh:mc!lc Cul.dc-sac BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/SO. FT. Main Garage Carport TOlal Value Oulluino Permit Fcc SI:JIC Surcharuc TOI<11 Fcc (A) P.L. Sctb.1cle. . HSE I GAR ACC I I (.~HE PHOPOSED WORI< iN T1;E ' HISTOHICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? " yeo, Ihis appllcailon muol be signed 'and approved by Ihe Historical Coo'rdinalor prior \0 permit issu<1ncc. N _s_~____ w .----- -- ---- _L APPROVED: VALUE BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT " Tlli:; permitl::; gmnlcd on the express condition thol the ::;ald con~truction shall, In all rC::;Pccls, conrorm \0 (he Ordinance adopted by Ihe Cily 01 Springlield, including the Development Code. rcgulilting the construction and use of buildings, <3nd may be 5u~pcndcd or rcvoJ<cd tll <1ny time upon violation or iJny provision::; 01 said ordinances. Plan Chccl< Fcc: Dille Paid: Receipt NllIllbcr:__.._ Received By: Plans Rcv"j.cwcd -.Oy-.----.-- Date (D) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) Systems Development Chnrge is due on all undeveloped properties within the Cily limits which arc being Improved. PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Reoldcn'i1al Dalll(s) N' SanHory S~wer W<:iler FT. ----.-- FT. Storm Sewer FT. Mobile Home Plumbing Permi! Slate Surcharge Tolal Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhau5t Hood Vcn'l Fan N' Wood Stove/lnsert/Flrcplnce 'Unit Dryer Vent Mechanic..1 Permit Issuance Glalo Gurch~\lUc Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Homo State Issuance Slalc Surcharge Sldewnll( II Curbcul II Demollilon 51 ole SurchiHge TOlal Mlocellaneouz Perrnils (E) TOTAL AMOUNT OUE (cxclutlin9 eleclrical) (A, B, C, 0, and E Combined) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FEE \ ( By signature, I otale and agree, thai I h~ve carelully examined 1I1C completed npplication nnd do hereby certify th<lt .:Ill Information hereon i:; lrue .1ml correct, and I furl her certHy thaI any und ull worl~ pcrformccJ ~hall be done in accordance wi 111 tlle Ordin,:mcu:.: o( IIw City o( Springfield, <Jnd the Law:.; 0' tile Slale of Oregon pertaining to the worl( described heroin, .Jnd lhal NO OCCUPAbJCY will be rnadc of any structure will10ut pcrmis::.ion of lhe Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contmctors .:Ind employees who arc in compliance'will1 ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. Slgn<lture Date VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUM8Ef1 ?~?/e DATE PAID ~~&> ~ AMOUNT RECEIVED~.z . ~ RECEIVED 8Y ~ d~~/"" IL- /~// -, I