HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1991-3-15 (2) f "RESIDENTI.;' APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 BuiLding Division !0~ 726-3753 Locatio,: ICf/",;:1 yY\-cl) (MrAQ c1 '.so.: I!~p K ~ A I r;()C::J} 'J I.. ~ TI:% Lot II ivo.io,: Loc."'-~ ~/o:lL ::: ~ ~ ~ ~..eribe l~o.I'g" ~.~~ ;;5)(5';;'" ~: ~~lifPI.......- . VAL..... -4t 11l\P-~ cr: \?~ y: Lrx~ Il c; q tV. ~~ Te((c..,~ o e!l3: NI'1.1 .1ddi ticn ::l ."!obi.lt! Hom.:: SPRINCFlELD ~ DA~ U 3'1 phone: &'1/6 - 9 (23 en 'tOri- Zip: ~-- 4s2-1 .,,~... . ... .,_. .._,. ..0. ~. ,... '. . . . , , . Siqr.ed: d~ (~ - - "')ll'-..-Cf( Date: value1J ~fi,I$(,5 y;;:r7.G.cb BIdrs Iloard lk'. '-II .,,.,-:1~ OJ', pte of ~pplicatic" rrac[ors eral ~ ~ <\-' tt'lo ~/_~--- '1'^~<\- ~ 'c:;,- ;.tA~ ie the rupcmaibility of tM p.l"I'7tit holdsr to tillS that all inopectioM arB mads at ~h' pJ-Oper timc~ t1:at each :;ddrBSS i, rea&rbZ. : the street. and that the permit caJ"d is located at the fl"Ont of the property. , i!di~ [}o:vi=io:-: ap;roL'ed plan sJu.:ll J"emain on tha Bu'Hdi"g Sits at all timss. I . p"CSDURE Fon I!jSPEC!.!ON R!"QUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recoNer} state your 'City .:fosi!}ruJted job nurr.bor~ job ac!dl'CBB~ type of in3pec~icn i?ucsted a~a 1J..:en yuu will be ready for i":Jpcction~ ContMctors or lb1Brs name and phone number. Requests rgcBiued befcro 1:00 c:J il be ""de the .ame dcy, .equests mcde aftc. 7:00 am LJill be ""d. the ,:%t :JO.kin.] day. ' , ' Iou' city Deaigr.atod Job Nwnbe. la: q / ()::J 'rn'"~rI. r",...r.~"":':r.,," 0, SIT~' INSPEC."]ON: To be 11k1de after I o.rcQl)ation. .!;lut p1"ior tc se: up of forms. ] UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRIC,1L & :.fJ-..'CHA:1ICAe.: 1-'0 ue made before any work is ~overed. l m!p'!RCROU!!D P:'U/of!JINC. S!JIE:.'i. W.1TF:n~ ~/llNACE: To be 11k1.:Je priOl' to fil- I lir.g trenches. p I O POST AND BeAM: To be ""de prio. to 0 CURB & APPRCACII AP!ION, Afte~ fom. instalL.:1ticn of floor ins1:lation o~ cu'e aro:Jted but p,'ior to pouring I deckiru;.. M)f~ ",on,?rcte. . ~R()UCl1 ?r.l1!!R!!JC. .r .CTnrCA~ ,.C UECl1- r:-v$ID.r::fIALK of DRII'EtI,1Y~ For all con- ANICAe.: No:JO k iD to cOL'ered ~ crete paving IJithin street right- .w:til. thcse inspecw'Lons have beer. of-L'JC.Y~ to be made aftero all exca- made and approve:!. vating ccmplete & fom LX'rk & cub- ] FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing ba:;e rmteroial in pla~e. ma:t:er'ia~s and before framing inspec- tior.. umbing chanical t:ctri.!;aJ. Deli""r.-t~;r.1S, ,Elec t r~c inn "'J #OoTING ! FOUND.1TICN: To be m7de J' alt.er trellchea are excavated and forms are erected. but proior to pouring eencr6t~. UNDE.~rUJOR PLU/.f8INC & NECHANrCAL~ To be made prioro to in3taL~ation of j100r inDulation or decking. P .r:;oRAI~f1Jr:: f.tu:;t be requeated aftero apPJ'olJ.Jl of rough plwr.bing. electri- cal t. mcchani"al. At! roofing bracing t. chimneys. et,,_ nr~8t be o completed. !Io wrk is to be con- o cealed until tllia inspection has . b&en made and approved. FIr/At. Pl.UMBIl/C o mAL UCOlltl::::: ~ FINAL ncCT~ _ ,. .M.r. f'~ O INSUfJ.TIONIVAPOR HARRIER I.'JSPF:CTION.~ To be 11k1de after all inBul.ati.:m a~.d '. rcqu~red vapor barriers are in plaoe ~.. "but before any lath. gypsum bca~ or wll covering is applied. and beforo any inoulation is concealed. o DRYWAf.L IllSPECTrON: Te be mado after all drYIJaZl is in place~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location. bond beamo. grouting or verticals in accordance rJith V.B.C. Seotion 2415. O WOODSTO'lE: Aftaro installation is ccmpletcd. ~ENCE:. Wher. ~~plete -- Provide gatC8'oro movable sections throug~ P.U.E. o Bc9~\~ ILO DEMOLITIO!l OR ~~:OVE~ BtnLDI;JGS ~ Sani~ary Be".Jer ::appltd' at propcrt:,' lir.e... --' . ".. .,tl"""I.,,,.I~I"'W';'''''''''~''';11 1.II:ll.l\ :J Septi~ tank P''''''Ped and filled LJith .ra,el I Final - r.'hen above itcmts are ccmpletcd ---1 ar.d ~hen dcmolitior. is compZ.te oro atru~- ture mouet! and p!'~SBB Dleane:l up. Mobile /lemeD ~locking and SDt-~p YumbinJ connections -.. SClJor and rJa~Br --'~eotrical Connection - Blocking. sot-u, .-::r~~d plwnbing conr:actions nr~st te approu~d bofore requesting eleo:roical inBpe~~ion :J,Aoaesso~; Builc~ng =in.:ll _ Aft::!' p~1'C1:es~ s~irti~~~ decM. ~~;~. aroe c;mplBtcd. '1 ~ It o + "\ S \f~ All project conditions. DUC.': aD tI,e ~'-nstallat~on of stl'8et trees~ '.ccx:rpZation of tic. required landDcapir:g. ctc.~ rmlst be satiaficd before t!:e BlI/WINC FI.'IAL can bB raquBtJt::d. FINAL DUIl.DINC: The Final Buildin!! IntJpection must bo requBstod altaro tIle Fina.l PlW1lbin1 ELectrical. and Mechar.ical Inspections haue been made and approv~d. I ~_1"" ! of 2 fMNJlOf.r.S Idm r.r,r\'11NOfJT;, f/fI,r:T {IF: IlCf?,.....;:;",U:. An.ffr,r;Tn~'NT TO .rJE f.1.1N~ .~'!' /.'0 (':'ST TO CT7'Y REQ.- 11 NO,q( f111Lo }~ Lot Sq. Ft;;. ~ ~f lot Cwerag. I of Storiee Total. Height Topography SOL~CCE~~ Occu~a"cp'Grou~: ~ LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle CUl-de-eae IJOB llano: '114(') I .J9tJ I pasl - Etl4 .fYll- 12K2~.:b !.4?? 30'1BI- I lITEM I"bin SQ. FTC \ Caroort I ACCC800rlJ . .'~. . ':":"''!'!t! I --I Is.D.c. TOTA~ VAWE tlJCLucJ J.S '" Building Permit Stata SurCh.]1'(16 Total. Chargtl3 x -<Ka~/o <) 1 . -- fEE C/lARGE I ITEM NO. I f~turGG I Residential (J bath) I Sani wry Sewer wC::1'\nQ m PLumbing Pemit St<JtQ SurCl-.a1'g6 Total. Charno8 11Tm I Ron. So. I'to. I NOIJ/E:&tend Cil'Cui ts I Temporary Sllrvice NO. fEE y Ele~tric~~it s~urahart16 /"Totat Charqes ITSM I Furruce ETU' S I E=haus t 1l00d I Vent Fara I Wms to:JtJ I '.' NO'1 I Permit Iaslurnoa Me::hanical Permit State surcharrc Total. Ch7raea __ ENCROACHMENT -- Isa~~rity Daooait I Stornf'o I/.faint.t!rta.n:ze I Pcrmi t , Total Chargos I CUrb"" t \Sid_lk (prJ/ I F~'t:;o I electrical Lchnt III~bi e lI"",e .. , . ~ I, . ' :::t~ - I ~) I TtJTA~ A110UNT DUE:- -9.S.CO &S.OD ~ $, .00 f\ $ .CD CHAHG/: / ,/''''' FeE CIIARC/: - I (LJ I- f yl . @' I 1~'1]C; I L-COC' Lot faces - I- ," ~ Bedrooms: Too e/Car. TlIrD En/ft'mf So:~rccB !ieat I I I ~, Setbacko lIouSIJ r.ara(1p. I I P.~. (North lEast ~ West faes -- I I1cccao. Water !1(!{1l:pr 8aufJo firc"Zacc Wood~toL:e Building Value & Permit This p:rrrrit in granted on the apreD8 condition that eM said constJ'tlction shatl, in all. respccto, conform to t/lo ordinancB adopteJ bOy ehe City of Springfield. including the Zonina C'rdinancs, regulating e/tQ ccnotru.:ticn and UDe of buildings, and ~y be Bunpended or revoked at c~y tUmc upon vic. tation of any provisior.s of said Ordinances. -- I Plon Chack f.a:I' ~ leatc Paid: ...._(\~ Rec&iptln~c- ~ I Plumbing Permit ~ / No pereon ahaLl. COnDtruct.. in8~l.!, aUsl' or change cny nelJ cr e:iDCing pLumbing or drainage system in ~ho1.e or in part, ur.Zess such peraon is the legal. possessor of a uaUd plumber'o ticenos, ezcept that a perGon may do plumbing work to proporty which i. owned. loaeed or operatod by the appli- cant. - _. ,... ~ ~1~:C: ~..,~:~:! ~ ,... ~ _ _J Contractor, the eLectricaL portion of ~hi3 permit shaLL r~t be vaLid until the WeL has bE:.en signed by the ELectricaL Coutractor. .S\~ y I 1 \- I 1 Mechanical Permit uciL~puJ ~1,~A1- I IIAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compLeted appLication for permie, and do hereby certify that aLL info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I f'u.rthsr certify that any ar.d aU IJOrk pllrfor:ned shalt bs do:-as in accor- dance with th41 ordinances of the City of springfield, and th& Ltr..:tJ of ti .. State of Oreg"" psrtaining to tlte work aescribcd hers:.n, and ~ha~ NO OCI PI.NCY !JiLl be "",d. af any etruetuN without psrmie3ion of the Suildi"~ vision. I furthor certilil that o:tLy contra=tors ar.d e:npz..,yecs ",1:0 are ~pLio:nce with eRS 701. 05t wiLL be used on this project ~~s JS.6- X \-'2 -,1' r S.&." \ )/7tL~~~ )'f-,1ti~ (~.ID _~a,..<I , 3/;5/1/ l\ltC j