HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1991-3-15 ELECTRICAL PERHI'l APPLICATION City' Job Number31 {)r:J I ('e.- . ' . . 3. . COHPLETE ~EE SCBEDlJl.B BELOV . . . A. New Residential-Single. or ~ Hulti-F,amily per dwelling unit.' , Service Included I' " , . ' " . Items, Cost . SUIn 1500 sq. ft. or less. $ 85,'00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion. thereof $ 15.00 'Each Hanuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling , Service. or Feeder. . ,:J.- '$ 35.00 1D B. 'Services or Feeders (10 Branch Circui.ts included). Installation, Alterations or Reloca t ion I .... C. Temporary Services.or Feeders . Installation, .Alteration or .R~l!lcation 200 amps'or less $ 35.00 201 amps to 400 amps $ 40.00 Over 401 to 600 amps $ BO'.OO Over 600 amps or. 1000 volts see."B" above , ,225 FInD sTREET I) A.!-' SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ' ,INSPECtION REQUEST: : 726-3769 'OFFICE: 726-3759 1, ,LOCATION OF ItlSTALLATIOtl n II /Off /q& ~ fIttlJ)m..iJJI U' LEGAL DESCRIPTION IY"\ /11' 1-1 JOB DESqu~IO~ LA 1V1.J'~"V,g 1A x &t Jibov fa~fMu Permits are non_transferable and expire. if work is not started within lBO days . of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ,ONLY Electrical Contractor ~/nrf, '1 tf'J,~-j Add ress X' 55'. I p .;J 'fry . Expiration Date Constr contr. Nu~ber ~"l./- I.>OD , q'l~-.s I{r q / . -2o-2kD-C. Ci ty ~ PA N' Phone Supervisor License Number . , Expiration Date 10. 9/ Signature of Supervising Elec'trician ~ ~ 1'15-5 / ' D. , . O~IlNSTALLATION . ''t. Name0U~))awJ J - J) Aiw~ Address \ \ Cl<:1 V\ T ~(V L1T .. city_6~fl~ PhonelrfZK~IZ~ The installation is being made on . E. property 1 own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signatur~: .@?-d.le' ~ 7f.~r-! -----~-~ DATE: ,~. \$.. ....' , RECEIPT 11: JC.-{ 'YJ J ,,3 . RECEIVED BY: ' (\. T' /)(A ./ 100 amps or less ,101 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000'amps Over 1000 amps/volts' Reconnect Only' Branch Circuits . $ 35.00 $ 60.00 $ 80;00 $130:00 $300.00 $ 35.00 New', Alteratioll or Extension ',Per Panel One Circuit '. j- $ 35.00 ~~ Two to ten Circuits $ ~0.P9 Each A4dt'1 ten or' ' ----- portion thereof " $ 15.00 . . Hiscellaneous (Se~vice/feeder not lncludei -Each installation . , Pump or 'irrigation $ 36.00 'Sign/Outline Lightin~ $ 36.00 ,Signal ',Circuit or'. ,.. limited 'energy panel . 5; SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge. TOTAL '$ 36.00 ._ .L(}~.CO l~t)l...... / {(J.!:J...--":" "