HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-3-21 __._~ .r'_ . ..._.._,.....~.._ _~_......... n. ',___ .. _.' ,_, .. RESIDtel"IAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Looation: / 2?;)" if. JLlr,);..J::.e.. f. ->:,-1-.: . . ABaeBaors Map H /,/-<1"3. 2.~. '3 ~ T= Lot H /3 0/ C t::' Subdivision: - / .~ ~ cP/,.//r;,% Q.mer: /:)dJ1i~( ~mj..J-h Address: ?J.2..St/. {!,z)H,,2. ~ <;,t.;i?/ t- Phone: City: (PJ-t&'<L.J('// ttrL Zip: nNm., fX1 Addi ticn n R;"odel n ,'-!obile Homo Date of Application .o?.. ~I - J> t" >? e;s-- 4-..,..i 4- q'4~? Describe f.1ork: 2v~/1.- j 1\.. (J !t/)$e ..j. '.0... 8e / tlPG' 41"/ . .,\ Com:rac::ors ~IJI(/,c'"~ . ~ - General Plwnbing El.ectncal l.Jechm:ic.::l Construction Lendel' Value 10/'10. ac!l " ~@ . ~~ 1ft Address .' .' . " \ ., ~ SiW.ed::h1,_. --.j) kAL I - Data:.t) ~ -~}-)(>&. Lise. P. Phon.:; E.....,iras It ill tluJ 1"espcnwj.bility of ths permit holder to sse that aU incpections a:rs made at ths proper timt;~ tr.at tu:Ch .:dd:rS8s is roa.:aD~C from tM streBt, and that tM permit card is located at the frOnt of the property. 4Buitding o-;ui::ior: apprcn.:ed pl.an shc.7..l remain on tha Buil.ding Sit:; at aU times. PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcco:roda) state your city desigruted job nto:-:bel', job adirC8S, type of in3pac-;icn !"aqucstcd a:--.d W};en you wal be ready for inspection, Contractors or OI.mers nane end Fhono number. Requests received befcl'o 7:00 C':l r.'iZl bs made the eame day, requests made after 7:00 am Lril.l. be made the nat i,JOl'king day. . - Your City Deoigr.ated Job 1Iwnb€I' Is,-BJ( t::>t 1i?.5 Rp.~i~~n T~fP~~tir.~R O SITE INSPEC':'ION: To be made after excavation" but prior to Bet up of forms. D. UIIDERSLAB PLUMBIIIG. ELECTRIC,lL & MECHA;IICAL: To be made before any . work is ",overed. ~ FOOTfllG l FOUND,1TION: To be made after ~renches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. I ;\71 UNDE,FjGROUND PLU!>f!JING. SEWER. W.1TE.~ CJCJFfAII~To be m::z.:ie prior to [il- . .l1.r.g ;renches. /~ ~ [J, UNDERFWOR PLU/fBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaL~tion of floor insulation 01' decking. POST MID BEAM: To be made prior to instaLZ.a~icn of floor ins~Lation 01' . dsoking. ROUGH PLUHBI/JG. ELECTRTCA[. & MECH- ANICAL: No !JOrk is to be covered .w:til. these inapectior.s have beer. made.and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to p'Lc.cir.g faeing material-s and before framing inspec- tion. fVl FRA"~IlJC: Must be requeated after ~ approval of rough plwr.bing" electri- cal & mechanical. AU roOfing bl'aaing & chirr.ncyn, etc. 11r'..lnt be ~. completed. !Io lX)rk is to be con- ......;..ceeled until thin inspection has ~bB~ made and approved. ~ [] [J 1- I=:J I =:J ! =:J =:J D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul..::::ti.:m ar.a .. required vapor carriers are in place . . but cefore any lath, gypsum board or t.X1.Ll covering is applied, and before any in3ul.ation is conceal.ed. r;:/l DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made I.O.J after al.l. d:rywl.L is in place" but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location, boMd beams, grouting or verticals in accordance ~th U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpZet~d. . o CURB & APPROACH APHON: Afte:- forms are ere::!ted but prior to pouring con.::rete. O SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving LJithin street nght- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating carrplete & form Wl'k & sub- " base material in' pz.aae. . '. ' D~: When complote -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U,E. - D , DEUOLITION OR gOVE; BUILDI;:CS ~ Sani tary sC'.Jer ::apped :::t ;n:.opcr~:i lir.o ~ Septi:: tank ~~~d and filla~ with ~~Bt , , ---, Pinel - f{]um ab..."'Ve itc:!ls are cC.'1rpIDtcd I ~ ar~ when d~lition is c~leto 01' B~=. ; ture moved and prcr.rises ::!loan.ed up. I . I i MobiZe HemeS :=J Blocking and Set-up :=J Plumbing connections -- scwer and ~a:or ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, Bot-up --....J and plumbing connections 17r..l.st ce approvod beforc requesting electrical in8poctio~ =:=J Ac~esso'r"i Building --, Final - I:ftt1r porches, skirting, docks, ~ etc. are completed. o FIliAL PLUI-.'BlIlG All project conditions" such as the installation of street trees, c~~lation of the required landscc:pir.g" etc." must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can bo r:lquest:Jd. FINAL 1;fE~HA.'lICAL (l) FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeDted aftcr the Final. Plumbing Electrical, and Meahar:.ical Inspeatiorw haue been made and approved. FINAL ELECTRIC~L -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLt, ADJUST.'!E:1T TO. BE M.1DE loT NO CaST TO CI'!'Y I Page! of 2 I I JOB NO. 8co1r~ SOLAR ACCESS I Zor.c: 6;:.L OccuDancu G~ ILot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE ~ ~f lot C~erag~ Interior # of Stories Corner ,Total Height Panhandle , Topography Cut-de-sac ITE:.! SQ.FTG X Valu.e J- IMain I , l Gc:race I I Car::>crt I IAC'ceSSOl':J I I I tw7/~#.llfllf I~Yac>, TOTAG VALUE I I Is. D.C. I tli:/....C) 1#.4. I, 1.5 " I BuiLdin.g Permit 12::::- I State Surcharge /. COO I Total Cha.:-ge3 I ~~.~" lITE!.! ,','0. FEE CliA?GE: I , I. i F-L=1:Ut'es I I !Re.;;i.dentiaZ (1 bath) I Sanitary Se'...'cro I I Wate~ I 1 Pl:.u:1bing Perr.:i t I State SW'cr.arge I I Total. Charaes I , ' 1"- ,,,"- I"T2.'.! ;,1.,,'1 !;'::.:. j 1...7.....,..:;(';..2, I IRes. Sa. fta. I New/Extend Circuits I I I -I I I I Terrrporary Service I I I I Ele~triC'al Permit I St::te Sur~harae I Total Cr.a..rces I, lIT~.'.! "'0 , FEE Cll'-r- ue'l ..JJ.r....-c. Purr..::zce ETU'S E:::Jumst Hood I Vent Fan I , Woodsto:Je Permit Issuance Me::h.anical Pe'l'mit State Surcharoac Tcrtc.I C1urrarm -- ElICROACHl.fE;','T -- lse~~ritu Dzposit I I Storape I Maintenar.::c I Permi t Total Charaes i Cu:rbcut 1 SidetJ.2lk , j :c~a i EZectricaZ Lebd . Mobile Home. 17'OT:"L ANOU::r DUE:" I ~26.~~ REQ.- L-COG~ . T;,'pe/Cor:st: Eee:roor.:s: I Lot Faces - Setbacks I P.L. IHouse I Caraoe North lEast I I S""th I I IWest I I I I [nera:; SO:4rces I I Hea; I I I T:1'::<: 1 I . I I I Access. Water .'!~at('~ Ra~e Fircv{,acc Wood:;;ot:e -- Faes ',' Building ValO-e .&~ Permit This pe1'1TTU is granted on the express condition that the said construction shaZlJ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may bc suspended or revoked at cr:y time upon vic~ lation of any provi~ions of said Ordir~nces. pran Cheok Fee: /6. '::lS Cote Paf.d: '7l--:L/- ~ Reodpt #:~./ S' / I Signed: -II ~~ ~ "':> )1 --.-- ~ ,. Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install, alter or change any r~~ or e=istir.g plumbir4 or drainage system in whole or in part, ur.less such person is the legal possessor of a valid pZu~ber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ma~ do plur.:bing work to propert'::I which is cnu?:ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires tr~t the electrical wor>k be done by an Ele~tr~caZ Cont1'"actor, the electrical portion of this permit shalZ r.ot be vaZid until the Label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit , , I I I I I, 4~~~ /r'l Exam_neT' /' 7.=<5'"- (5'6 VQ1;C I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~lINED the completed application for permitJ and do hereby certify that all. ir:fo::orr.a.tion her-eon is t1'Ue and corr-cct, and I further certify that any ar.d an work perfoMled shall be ao:1e in ac~or- dance ~th the Ordin~nccs of the city of Springfield, and thz UT~s of tho State of OregQn p=rt~ining to the work described herein, cr~ that NO OCC~- pJ.ncy will be made of any structure without p3rmis3ior: of the 3uildir.g Di- vision. I further- certif~ tr~t o:1ly contractors m:d ~l~ye€s ~ho are ir. compliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this pr-oject I j I I I ~_'j',O_~ ~-3--:u~J>? Date