HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit SUB Sanitary Sewer 1983-8-22 ". RESIINTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFlE1.O 1 . ?;;ce:':)r; .:i (o/SR() \"4\ ~(\~~ ~T) .\r'[()~ ~s38- Ta: Lot H Job [.ocation: A83e8D01"'3 .'.!ap /I St4bdi:Jisi071: c>.merT},A-\-\ l. Add.-'S3: Ii) 4\ . ci'Y0rfLNJ n n n n \3 f"J()l) PI-mo,: '7:4:0- ~3.~ Zi?, qlJ4fJf). D9scribe (lark: ::iticn ~ ~,~ :::::l,,~~. ~ . ~~?\OK- '8D Dtrte of AppLicaticn ~'on::l'ac:ors Value Addres3 ct _"chl~ Dat,: (c:x\t~\' ~c9,. .>-i -.3 Lise.!! E;::.,i,rocs Phone GeneraL : Prwnb'-W fJ_O lUl ~n I El€ctrical \ I Me::har.ic:: l . I Constl""..lcti,", Lend/n' . ....>.-. It is tJw 1'8Sp01l:Jibility at ths perrrrit: holdliU' to see that alZ inDpectiorrs are mads at the proper tim~~ t,T...at .:cch =ddr688 is l'eada~~., jl-om tM street, c::.nd that ths permit ca:rd is l..xated .J:t the f'f'O'nt of the property. .tSui?di!".g J>o:vi=io'!: approved plan sr.clZ l'eT.1ain: on t~ Bu.:.ldin~ Sits at aLL times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTIQ/J RECueST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOtJ.1" City dasigr.a.ted job n:q;;bel'~ job adi..",(;S3~ type of in~pec;ic'l z-squencd a.-.d when you :.n:H be ready lor ir.spcction~ Contractc1'8 or 1A..'ne:"s nc:ne end phone number. Requ~sr:s z-eceiud c8J-crfl 7:00 (:':"l' :..iZl. be made the same dc-:/I nquests mc;de afta' 7:00 ern lJiLl. br; made tr.e m::zt :Jerking da-:i. BW~1:':"".I. r"",:"ttb:r."}'t O SIT~ I~'/~P!C':'!ON: ~o b~ nx:d~ excava'C:.,:m" ",ut pr-:.cr ...0 se.. forms. o aftezo up of UNDF:~S:'AB P!.L'M'9I:IG. ELEC':'.r:aC,l!. ,~!ECP..4tIICA.~: 7'0 be made be~'ortl lJOri<: is ~ovc:'ed. . o FOOTING ~ FOU:!D,lTIC:/: To:,e :i(lce after :renc~es are e=ccvat~d ar~ f~s,ar'e erect2d" hut prior, :0 PO' r-u cancr,t.. @ U.WXIRG.":?OU.','D ?!.l/M3I.1G f:..I1:R. ;:J,I~!R, DRAI.'JAG2: To oe r.n.: "prior ~o /i i.- Ur.g :rer.cr...s. urIDERF'!.CC.q P['iJ:,~:r.:G ~ ,',fECHANIC";L: To be lr.aC.e prier ;0 ::'n3'taZ,z..:t-::on of ['l.oor insuktion or deckir.g. P'JST .4ND 3EAN: To be r.:aCc pY-:"'r tc inatali.atian of f1001' i,..st.:la:ion 01' Mcki""i . o o o :~or.rGf:' ?!:!P.!'3!.'!G. ?r.E~_T:?!C~!. .{ ,'.fEC:~- ANIeA!,: :10 'JO~'" is :0 be cOl.'e:oec ~~~l ;hes~ ~ns~ec:ior.s ~~u~ =eer. made a7'.d =??!'?:Jed. F2E:PLAC!: Pr--;"r:o ?'tc.::.r..g f'cC'";".g mc.:e:-.:.als c,..d bejors f"r~r.g in8pec- tier.. D o FPJt.~ING: ~~s: be re~~crted af:.r lI??rov..:Z ot rough pl.Wi.Ding, olZec:r-::- cal. & mecitar.i.:;a.l.. AU !'OofiY'.g bra~;ng d cirimn.~ys" at.::. .~.;:ac be comol.e1;ed. ,'10 :JOr< i8 :0 be con- - cea"Zsd until this inst:ec:icn ;".i28 'be~ made and approved. ~n~ O%L:;X " o..l~ (l)~q-1R...,4 Your City, DBlJigr.c.ted Job Numbu Is: o INSULATION/VAPOR BA.'?RI2R D1SPECTION: To be rr.ade af:er all insuk:ti.:m cr".a required vapor carriers are in place but befere ar.y lath" gypf1Ur.l board or wz:z. colJering i.s cppli.ed, and before any ins-.;:lation ~s concealed. ~31q ~1 DE!:OtITIO.V OR ,~:OVE'= 3UILDI,'lfJS ~ San:i:ar'j se-..Jer =Cl??ec .::t ~OP';;;1't";t" li:-:s ~ Septi~ tank ~~~~d ~.d f~Z.ted with ~~BZ ::J Final - :lheTl cXve i:e:::s are c.::.~leted ar.d when d~litior. is compZetB or st~~=- t:.c-s moved and pr~;3es cleaned up. NobiLe Hc.,::es =:J aZocking and Sat-~p ~ Plumbing connec:~s s~er and wa:~r ---, Electrical Ccnr.ec'tion - Blocki"4" ae:-u? ---.J and ?l.:m:bing conr.ections rrr..:.st ce c;rpr:;t:ac beforc reque8:~r~ elec:rical ir.8PQc:io~ ~ Accessol'Y 3uiz..:~ng ::J Fi.,..a.l - l'.ft~.;~!'cr.es" etc. are a~~e:~d. sk:i1'tf.r>.g" dec,'-'.s. , any o DR;:r,/ALL INSP:'-C:TO!/: To ce ."::Cae a;'te1' a~l Cr-:!!Jal.Z i.s in place, but prior to any :api.,..g. MASONRY: St8el. location~ Jxmd .;eama" grou:ing or :Je1'~icals in accordance wi~h v.a.c. Section 2415. fIOODSTO"lE,: After installation is acmpZa1;~d. .... o All. project cor.di:ians, ~uch ~s ehe ~ns:aZZation of s:paet tr8es, ~~~Za;-::~n of :he l"equired Zandsccpir.g" etc.. .;:ust be satisfied 00:for9 i;r... 3UILcn:c ?I.'lAL zan .;e r2CjJ.Bstcd. 0, FI.'lAf. PLUXSDlG o Fl..'AL ,',,fE:HA.'lICAL [] Fn/AL E!.EC':'.9IC/.L o o PIt/AL BUIl.DING: The Final BuiLding Ir:S~:"3ction ~8t be requsGted -=.~.:.a1' tha Pinal. PZu.l~bin:; Eleacrical." and Meahanic~L Ir:spection3 ;~O been .~de ar~ approv~i. o o o CURS ~ APPRCACH AF.~": Artar' fol'ms are 2rected but prior to POUl"";ng ..::on.:::reta. SIDEWAL.? & 'Rr.r....A?: ~C'or al.Z ccn- c:oete paving tJitilin street rign.t- of-r..:cy" =0 be ,~aiQ a....:er alZ uca- vatir.g ccmpZeta j lam work & <;u.b- OaSQ ::-.aterial. in p~e. ~A:;Z; NANP.C!ES AND CLEANOUTS :!US':' 3E ACC!SS:3LE. .4C..iiJSr::E:IT .':0 9E :,~1CE :~:' ::0 :~ST TO CI':r I ~"".a of 2 o o :?FNCE: W1-.er:' co:-::pl.te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. o I JOB NO. 12=-:a: I iet Sq. F:.g. !: jf ~: C~gr~q~ I !,~ of Stcn-:ss I... . . :J' . . ! .o..at. _G:..Gft: , :opo~hy " ::::.~f l.'l:i. !~C~02 i ;..:r~cr':: I 1.-l<:C'CSS;ll"CI I I I ISoD.C. 1.5:: I 5Q....:C :~7'.~L VA!.!"!, I ::.:.~:.t\:J Euiz.dir.g Penrit St:a:ta SUI'chxrge To-u:Z ~.a.."'ge~ II;::.\! 1:10. I PfS ."'L-::J"6S ResidantiaZ (l bath) Sani~-! I ;"c:tot... I Sr..Jf!r Pl.:..mlnl".g Perri t seats Surcr..::1.!'g6 T~ta! Ci-.c:!'oes I ::E.V f .ql!S. Sa. '~a. llv~/E=:end Cire-.l.i t.3 :iO, I I I, i '!'empcrary SerrJice rtsct1'ical. Pe~t S~t8 Surcharce '!'ot.2l. O.c:rces I "E.~ I Purr"::Cil I E=h=8t :"C.t E7U'S Hood Vent .='=n ;!:>oastC'.Je Perrrr:. t I;:;su::::nca ""ecr.ani.c::! Pe~ t Sta'te SureJu:::oa€ ~~'":~l. Ch:Ir~mJ I =:iCRf;ACH,~!E:!: -- 10 . " . I JeC"..u""~:-J ';"Z~03tt Seor~e ,~c:"':nten-""r...:'.e Pa..~t I Tc<;al C<".c.-rocs ic-.c.;c-.l.: ! S;a_l< I :ert::e I I !"Zec-:ricct i:,~ez. , ! ,"'obi!a if::;me I :'.?T AL :"".!CU.'lT CUE: 4 SOLAR.CESS Ce'-"'wl=ar.C-J :J[".;'U.:;: LC'" "'~:" Ir.:el"'icr Conter ?anr.and La C".l.l.-ae-sac x ;'aLue FEE CP.A?'CE: I I i A.~.CY I I P'5~ KrO.OJ I. FEE: ~'.::;'_::"GG , :'t'::' Cff':.P':E I I I I I I I I i I I I dfc. CO P::oe 2 . L-COC<:O I I I I I I I I J REQ.- T::.;'Oe/Cor.s:: EI1C:roor.:s: I Lot Faaes - I I P.c. I;Vor't:h IEcst ISouth IWest I II II II I II I III Erterau Souraes .!feat TiJ::e Setbacks House Cc::t'aae I Access. I I ilC";8r' tfp.a~Pl' Range F~r'eolace Wooa;;t;:ove F2es Building Value & Permit This perrrr~t i;:; granted on the express condition tr.at the 8.aid. construation shall, in aZl respects, cor-ferm to the Ordinance ~opted by the City of SDF';ng:-~iel,d, incZuding the Zonina C'rdinance, r'!aulc~ir:a the ccnst'l""'..<ccicn ~ us~ of buildings, ar4 m=~ b€wau;:;pended or r~uokec;t any ti~e upon vie- lation of ar.y pr:Juisior.s of said Ordir.anc~8.. .' \ I Pla. Chack I Cat. Paid, IRec.ipt H: IS,:g,:.d: Fee: Plumbing Permit No person Ghall construct, in8taZ!~, alter or change any r~w or e=isting pZumaing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, ur.Zess suah Ferson is the legal possessor of a valid pLumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ~~y do plur.:bing work to propert:':J which is O1Jned, Zeased or operated tly the appli- cant, / Electrica I Permit i I I I , . Where State Lc:JJ requires tr~t the electl""'~cal work be dens by an EZe::trical Contractor, the electrical. portion of thia pe!':':tit shaLL roOt be valid until tJw label. has been signed by the EZectrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit , ~ Plan E;:z::::;:r.n.ner l./C-::e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'1I:'IF:D t,1u3 completed application .for p6:!'mit, r:nd do hereby certify thet alt i.:":.fo~.ation hereon i.s true ar.d corrcc:~ and I f'J.!'ther cerdfy that any ar.d all llX}rk perlomzed ahaLt be do:-:e in ac~ol'- 1 dancB :Jith the Ordin-"'nCes of' the City oj' Spr-ingfic!d, and :h.: !.a:,;s of th3 .. State of Oreg.:m p:zr:.=.ining tv the work dssCr'"';bcd here::n, c:r.d :;.~t .'/0 'JCC!J- I F,~!lCY :.Jill De .'1"Clde of cny st:"Uc'C'J.l'<l' wi thou: parr.r;sJic:"o :Jf the 3uiZding {)i.- vision. I fur.o;her certif:J er.at o:-:l.y ::ontr~~rs ar.d ~z.vyeea I..Jr.o arB in 1 compl.iance wi~h ORS ?Ol.0St wiLl. be used on this projsct I I i x~~<& 0~~ ~\ ?'l.\ '?-.-:l., Dd:~\ . \