HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1998-10-30
October 30, 1998
Longley F, McSwain, AlA
PO Box 577
Coos Bay, Oregon 97420
RE: 1533 Market Street, Springfield, Oregon
Dear Mr, McSwain:
I am writing in response to, your request for a penn it exlcnsion for the proposcd silc and landscaping
improvements at 1533 Market Slreet, Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number 970895,
The Springfield Building Safety Codes Administrativc Code states in part lhat every permit issued by the
Building Official undcr the provisions of the Specialty Codes shall expirc by limitation and become null
and void, if the building or work authorized by such pennit is suspended or abandoned at any time for a
period of 180 days, Before such work can be,rccommenced. a new pennit shall be first obtained, and the
fee therefore shall be one-half the amount required for a new pennit for such work. provided no changes
have bcen made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided further
that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded onc year.
According to our records, your permit for the above mentioned project was issued Dcccmbcr 9, 1997, In
order for an cxtension to be granled, a wrillcn request would havc nceded to bc rcccived by our office prior
to June 9,1998, At this point, you are eligible to renew your penn it at half fee, which would be $137,00,
If you choose to renew,this fee would need to be paid prior to December 9, 1998, Once you have renewed
your penn it, you would need to request an inspection within 180 days from the date of renewal.
If you have any questions, or if I may be of further assistance, please feel free to phone me at 541-726-
Lisa Hopper
Building Safety Supervisor
cc: Tom Marx, Building Inspector
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October 28, 1998
Lisa Hopper
Development Services Department
Cny of Springfield
225 5th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
RE: BUilding Permn# 970895
LOS Springfield 1 & 2 Wards
1533 Market Street
Springfield, Oregon
Dear Ms, Hopper,
On behalf of our client, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we would like to
apply for a building permit extension for the above referenced project,
This project was submitted to the City of Springfield for plan review during Summer 1997,
Project bid in October 1997 and a building permn was issued on December 9, 1997, However, in
April 1998 our client had to put the project on indefinite hold due to budgetary constraints, Our client
has just notified us that they wish to proceed with this project in Spring 1999,
Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or need additional information,
Thank you,
McSwain & Woods, AlA
Architects and Planners
cc: Adrian Dyer, PFFM
Mike Farr, PM Supervisor
Morris Kielty Construction
P,O, Box 577 . 344 N, FRONT STREET' Coos BAY, OR 97420' 541,269,0618' FA,,541,267,4225