HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-4-30 , , ._~~ .. RES_TlAl" , APPLJ.. . /PERMIT v 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd; .Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~ ---~"-"'" >. .... .'~ ~~~;:.-:~ .lob Doaation: /[07 MIl~. ty C.+-- TG.T: Lof; II &~ T.,. ) ~lit; Kak.....+ <4-~.,_D1""1 3..-1(",- iJ~.""I... ..l- 71 ~q.>.(JO<.J Addrpss Lise'. II DI fH iWLCt.~ A.tr;;;...,~,,, ~ "I .~h=..,tI E-~ ,.3.011<./ H70 E I Wt.. l?~j ,JO:L--tlJ 7tf.:z/,3 j) ..hi... (}I... u... 3 r[:!1<> _L~.~,^A. ~oo......_\ '7i'O!i'S ~ It in the reoponoibiUty of tho pennit holdm' to see t1lOt all 1:n!;po,:t1:om] are madr, at tlu] pl'ope'/' timr:;" that ;;cch .;ddrruw is rea:::ao!e from tho'otreet, and that the pet'mit card in located at t.hn [1'011'. of t;h,~ pr'operty. .tBuiZdi~1{j [}<~vicio~: approL'ed FLan :;1JaU l'emain on th;; Bu-UJbl(l St:{.,; at all times. AOGeDGOrC Map H '?<;n.1 h..v Subdivision: OI.Jner: I1ddrer,:;: Ivu:f., {,,,,;"'- City: ":)f~3 e~Je.v(. t9--:Jrv""'" fV1 11 n n Nm,l .1ddi ticn RamodeL ,~1obi lc lloma f/d'lJ nate of Applicaticn Contr;,ctors General ~....Ji... R ~ i P J.umb.lng ~ ('~ t . i r'lechanical (~. ~ I El,,,:tr.lca l J.k.....Lj)~ft.J Supc['"vj,~ing E.1~ctr)c i,lll ,'f) _ Phone: ..;~s J/7 (. H::()r::;7it .1 1(~k'10 Zip: 97va~ Siqr:r.d: Yl100 (i~ 413d)qtJ <fJsh .) Der,cr~br. fl'ork: .--- ..sl"',jlc r.....f) U?c " J, -' l,.-/ l'nllle Datr;: EXDjrps /gj-,v fs,JyO 01/1/ 7 J~tJ Blclrs Honni l{Cl.:.. Phnnp ~d..l-3, 7 !. U-Jr:rll<.{ (. 71,1/-e;/oOL- '1-'1'1.-1" 72.. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RS.QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccord~r) state your City designated ,foe mu;:ber, Job ad6'css, tYpt~ of illspec;iclt requested and when you wiU be l'eady for innpcction, Contractor." or Or,me:':; nr.me end [-hO/lC 1l:<r.zbcl'. Requests received 1;efcl'o 7: 00 ,':":I u.'ill be made the same dc.y, requesto mc:de after 7:00 a'rl will b:; made the next :x>rking day. (.iA()4T\C-... Your City Deoitj/:atod ,lob NlImbGr In: V\ l ) ., ) 0 l?r!flllirrn Tt1.pnf'f!t1:Ct1.F: O SITE INSPECTION: To be nude after excavation, but prior tc set up of forms. o UNDF:RSLAB PLUf.mING. ELECTRICAl. & MF.CIIANICAL: To be made before any work is aovcred. ~ FOOTING &' FOUND,1TION: To be nnde after trenches are excavated and forms are erocted, but prior to pouring ccncret~. U!I'DSRGROUND Pf..UMBING; SEWER, W,1TF.R. DRAINAGE: To be ma.i.e prior to fil- lir.g trenches. ZJ ~ UNDI:.'RFWOR PLUf.:8ING & MECHANIr:AL: To be made prior to installation of j100r insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaUation of floor inG'LOlation. or decking . ROUGII PLW!BING. ELECTRICAL r. UECII- AN lCAL: No work is to be covered ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIPEPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials alu} before framing inspec- tior:. ~ ~ ~ ~ FRA/~JNr;: Must be requested after approval of rough plwnbin(l. clnc:f~J'i- cal & mechanical. All roofina bracing & c}linrncY8, etc. Trr..lBt be completed. Ho work is to be con- . coaled u.ntil thio inspection has . b~en made and approved. f\:7I" INSUl,ATI0N/VAP0l1 IMf?R.Tf:R INDPfxrl0ii: ~ To be made after aU illsul;;tum a~:d requ~:J'ed vapor baJ'rieJ's al'e in place bId before any lath, gypsum boa:rd. or UXlU covering i.'! npplind, mid before any in:Hllatioll 1::; cO/lcr!<'lled. ~ DRYWlI,[, IflSPECJl!2.!!.: Te be made ~ after all drywall ia ill place, but prior to any taping. o MASONRY: Steel- beame, arOl~tina accordance liJith 3415. locatioll. bond 01' veJ'ticala i.n V.B.C. Section I DE,'.jOLI'FIOH OR :.;OVE:1 BUILDIilC,') . ~ Sanitol'Y r.t;""JCl' capped :::t p:.opcrty l.,:r:.e =:J Sept:i::: tmlk p;.L--:;l,~d and f~: ned with gra~el I Fill,;!. - (1'11<:1; above itC:.7S at.c ccmpleted --1 m:d when :i.c,":lcl~ti01; in complete OJ' stru.:1- ture moved GlU: pt..-:miaes clBanad up. Mobile /lemeD =:J Blockina and Set-up =:J Plwnbilla conllection:1 G::tJar' and water --, E:lcctrical CCl1r.ectioll - Blocking, 8ct-u;; --.J Gild plwnbillg com:ectioll:J rrr....ot be approved before request:.ng elcc::'ricaZ i'18i'ec:io~ =:J Accer.::;orh" Hui ld:.n.g I Final - Aft.:r 4P:wcf:es, skil'tin!J. decka. ..-1 ete. al'e c.::rnpU! ~,-;(t. o All pl'o.iect COIlditwn.'J, ~;/lCh as the ::'13taUati011 of stJ'aat tJ',Je:;, cc::/plaU.:m of tile t.cquired ZaI1.dscr:pir:g, etc.. lml:;t be satisfiod before the BUIl.Dn..c FI::I1L carl be l'aquc8tcd. ~ FIlIAL PLVMBIIIG ~ FlUM, HEel/ANICA!. ~ FINA& E:U'CTRICI,& o )i9 FJN.1L BUnnING: The Fi'l(ll Bllildi.ll(J Innpc(~tiort r.llwt b() rcqueDten eft-er th.:: P1:lInl Plwnbill[] Eloctr/:eal, alld Mach(lI:ic,~l 1I1npcetio'l:l have barm made and appt'ov.:;:i. D WOODSTOVf.": t..'Cmpleted. Aft-ar ilf:;tal.lation is *A[,!. UANlIcr,ES ANn CLEANOUTS JW.':T fI,.: ACCF..'::;TB['F., AD.TUST!f.o;;;NT TO 81:: N.1DE tlT 1/0 (:)ST TO CITY I p~~;(,! of:! r\/t CURB;; APPROACH ArSON: After form:; ~ are erected but pt'ior Lo pouring ':011L!l'ete. ~ SIDETiALK & DRlt'Erv;: r: FOJ' all cell- ~ cret.] IXZV1:1l{j with/:r1 street l'ight- of-ux:.y, to be made aite!' all exca- vating canpleta & for.n h~rk & ~ub~ base material i,l place. D ::"F.NCE: !.'har. compl"ta -- Provide gates 01' movable acel,ion:; Uwou(J1: P.U.E. o , NO. qOO4{)8e:~~a~:IR G~S Lot Sq. Ftg. 72/5 WT TYPE I :Jf lot C.:werag<: 3 ~ '% Ir:teriol' .'1 of Stone3 I I V Corner Total Height 2fJ: Panha,uile Topography LJEt/Ml. cut-de-DGe , I SQ. FTC j /905 415i I JOB I Zone: I lITEM I/oJain I Gal'aae Carport Accessol'u ,-- IS.D.c. I TDTA!; VAWE (/Jawe) 1.5 x Bu.ilding Permi t J I Sta te Sw'charge j Total CMrgea lITEM I Fixtures I Residenti~Z (J batM I~~i tal'Y SelJer Water 5rMAr stWtJ(. Plumbing Perci t: State SW'cr.al'ge: I Total Charrres I J NO. r Iz. I , X Valtw I 1-5.~1 Eh7'S41 /7J(" 82461 1 FEE.' qS ~t!)O 1 11425D9 ' 4/~O~ , w,o 43 ~ 90 , CIJilRDg I 5ZSD Z t:)ctJ I S #-t) :2-0 60 I J /'/1!:D i 5,S& /12.16 , IngM I Res. Sa. fta. I New/Extend Circui ts I Tempol'ary Seroi ce I I ;z.n> A. 'Si!1tY 1t.E . I I Ele~trical Permit I State SUl'::hal'Qe Total Cha:rqcs I ITSM I Furnace ETU 'S I Exhalls t Hood 1 Vent Fan I Woods to:JC 16AS~ I Pe'l'mi t I:;suanc~ ha Ii. Me:: nic.1 l'Cl'mtt Ft.'E CHARGE.: I 37$"'0 1 I I I I d~O I 'J16'O I WO. , I I /s<= 3 7 so qo~ HIVO, II t II !31 ,I I I PSt.' CIlAIICE ~O<J 4!:O 9CO 3~ z.~ , State Sw'chapnc I Total CharQ8S I -- fo:NCROAC:flMENT -- '}../. ~O }.Ol :;22.<>. Se~wI'it~ DZDOsit Storage I Main tenance I Permi t I leur"",,; 1 SideLX1Zk I Fen::e I Elec tl'ica l I Mobile Home I I I Total Chal'qcs I Label l'I'Q'tAL AMOUNT DUE: t 1G~ /'10: 1 I I /4:1-2.. I 32> "10 I . 1 I /'2-141 IS I REQ.- /l..,tc-? r L-COC"l; ,'----- 1 1 I I 1 1 I Lot Faces - I I P.L. - North lEast South [WeDt ~~.:. Bedrooms: .nel'mr Soarces Tl/'oC I Heat -::JA-~ ~"i t=.F. Acee~w. I 1 'rater Yp.ntp.1' 4A$ - I I Rarlgc IV"~ I I....... Fireolaee I I Wood:; tOt:B , I Type/Cor.s t: Noqirl Setbacks !louse Cal'age Pecs Building Value & Pe r m it This per.mit is !Jl'antcd on the express condition that the sa"iJ corlDtr'Uction s1udZ, in all respects, conj'or'm to tlle Ordinance adopted by the City of Spr.inyfieldJ including the Zoning Crdinance, l'egulating the ccnstruation and /we of buildings, and m:zy be suspended or revoked at an.y time upon. vio- lation oJ any proviBion!] oj' lJaid Ordinances. Iplan Check Fee~rlL '7./) Date Paid: 4-0- 7U IReociptn:, n1blP}c....:.. ISiy"ed: ('9f/J}/) Plumbing Permit No per::on f]haZl construct. in:;tall. aZtaI' or change any new or e:::isting pLwnbirl{} or drainage sYfJte;n in whole or' in part. unless Bue}1 person ilJ the legal posnasflor of a valid plumber's license. except that a person may do plwnbiwJ work to pl'operty which if> owned. leased or opcmted by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Ifher'e State Law r-equir'es tr.at the cZectr-ical work be done by an EZeatl'icaZ Contl"a(!tol'. the electl'icaZ portion oj' t1lis per'mit shall not be valid until the Zabel has been dgned by the J...'Zectr>ical [:ontractor. Mechanical Permit - //~~ ['lall t:xr.mtlleJ' r -t/2.S'ho uatc/ I I ~1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the (!ompleted application for permit. and do hel'cbY'certifY that all info:-mation 1lereon is tl'Ue and cor'rcct. and I further cel'tify that any ar.d all work performed shall be done in acaor- dance :.nth the Ordinances oj' the City of $p'l'ingfieZd. and th:: [g..1S of the ~ State of Ol'eg~m p&lrtaining to the work described he'l'ei.n. and that NO OCCU- PI:.NCY will be m:lde of any structura without pzrmission of the Building Di- vision. r fUl'the'l' ce'l'tif, that O:1Zy contl'actOl'S and e:11ployecs fJ1:o are in ca~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ff]~ Y/in .c/ SiUr12d Date