HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1994-10-12 .. . ~~\COLoq HOUSING INSPECTION APPLICATI~N CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION ============================================================================ DATE: J 0 - I 2. - 'ir'-f JOB NUMBER: cr'f I $' b 1 ADDRESS OF INSPECTION: Cj 01...3 u MIlILCO l.-~ l'-J. OIiNER: ~T i.J l,v u.,J'I ck ~A ~L- PHONE NUMBER: b8'i- S 92-0 miNER'S ADDRESS: 7 0 ~ s. :; ~;oJ~ c..~ CC<.,:\ i.iVL o fLiL . APPLICANT: J tV- Tf2-.L't-IrIJ>+ /JI~\LL ~/1- ,r- eed '1 '-/f 10 I APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: ?-o. c,c)j'- 5?'1i.J( C!.-o b '-<-1'-'1 DILl-- 97'fo? . FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE NUMBER: ]Y1--Jrg-L (A'i,,-JL 3 "ll - 'i'v.O ================================================================================ A $35.00 INSPECTION FEE IS REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE OIINER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPEjD. _ ~ C;tiJR~TY OWNER - --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ----------------------------------------------------------------------~------- DATE PAID:\\') . \~ . q 4- RECEIPT NUMBER: \ s04( J DATE OF INSPECTION: DATE OF REPORT: DATE OF CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: COMMENTS: ., : ,-, INSPECT~ONS' 726-3769 J. , \.-,..1 l,....~' Lny UI' :>1'IUN(;l'lELV oW 225 North 5th Street \~J BUSINESS 726-3753 I BUILDING MOVING PERMIT/BUILDING DIVISION .r . NEW AWRESS (Furnished +Building q~.) , .\~~~~::; 5 .~_ ~.~. Address . ~-. Phone ~ ~D2 m.~'JlMrp.J)~ IO~2~?&W . ~Qf):Q' 4-ZX.Ql () ..Q,44. ~ cITY IJEsiJNATED JOB NUMBER . C\4\~\oC( (0 Stl\M t -\') \ \)~ ~ T OLD ADDRESS q{)?...?-\D ,':~2:,~('n1(\/ed Legal Description' \ f) \)~300 flCJ~t1) Building. Owner . , ~,\) ffi~oJ\~ \\~ ~ Moving F}'i-m ~~A.D Description Of Intended ~ Descript '. Use ~, \\')OM-, ~,-.~J\0rld ~--\-n . DescriPtion of Building j .. I, ,Ii,. ,I , .:Square Footage Moving Length ' Number Of Sections Being ~Ioved \ . I <\-0 Moving Width 6J) . Height On Dolly Alo Type' Of Construct LO,n V tV VALUATION . NOTIFICATION OF MOVE: . The' Building Division will route copies of this application to all appropriate divisions, departments and Agen- 'cies. HOWEVER; the applicant' must contact property owners if .trees are involved in the proposed move. IN ADDITION, the applicant must secure the approval of all appropriate municipal, county and state'authorities should the move originate or terminate out- side the City of Springfield. , . , j I I . SEWER CAP: Buildings..moved from wi thin the Ci ty limits shall have the sewer capped at the property line. and inspected one working , day prior to the move. ' If the inspection indicates that the sewer has not been prop- erly capped, the moving permit will be revoked. ' PLANS, FEI:S, AND CHARGES: Prior to receiv- ing a permi t to move a building to property within tlw City, the applicant or his/her authorized representative must: . 1. Submit 2 copies of site or plot plan for new si te. 2. Submit' 2 copies of foundation'plan for the relocated building. 3. Obtain a permit covering the new founda- tion, as well as all plumbing/mechanical and dectrical work relating to the re- locu.ad building. 4. Pay ':ystems Development Charge if appli- cable, SEPTIC T,\NK REQUIREMENTS: Prior to moving, owner sh:J\ 1 have all sludge from the septic tank, set'page pit or cesspool removed by a person h/\! ding a sewage dispoal service li- cense, 3",1 shall' fill same with clean bar- run grav.-!. or other material approved by the Director or his authorized representative. . , I CERTIFY THAT the above information is true and correct, that all required contacts have been made and authorizat.io~7 obtained, that the mo~e will begin at f) ',DOo'clock (iinjy,.p~.A on~, ,>,'?--. \0..0,4-' and WIll be completed by ,-Q..C(') ,,'clock am/E)>n ~\-t?~~~l-rr. and that no thanges in the route will be made without """tacting the Building Divis'ion. I also certify that I have been informed that NO PERMIT IV' I.L BE ISSUED BEFORE 5 WORKING DAYS I-lAVE ELASPED. I further certify that my registration wi 1:h the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055 and 701.070, and that if exempt the basis is noted hereon. Basis for Builder's Board Exemption: \ ' ~ I..... I \., NAME SIGNATURE , ~...- DATE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Type of construction__..~Occupancy _.Zone \j)e..- I'.lood Plain Stories. ft.~ -:,_.._L_i~ing,_l!.~~,l~_ Group R~ I Square Footage_.. VALUE .' - AppUcation fee $18.00 -- Date Paid 12:,.00 r..ceipt N~~ber*T!. to, "'Permit fee --$60. 00"-- "Date 'Paid (QO .00 I:l'ceipt NumbE t 1 Number of Blocks over 6 @ .60i \0\ . 1 () Amount , ~ . 'se'wer:Gli~ $~C.;;: ',' .;.i'-:;;:u~;; 5~<chargc"-- u:rre-:PlIt'tt-' \D .1lr:J. <:t v Police Department.. '_::::)Hllamalane Park and Recreatioll VRainbow Water / SUB vFire Department . V e.aeifie III'! D911"S~ VCO_I' :.: Cd!>l,- \C...\ ./Northwest Gas -:7Lane Transit District JLane County A & T ~OTHER --' specinr- i.. "' BUILDING MOVIN(.: iRMIT ,1.. ;,1. I. Applicant to furnish (except as indicated) A. Old address for building . B. . . Lega.l. Description I. '.'C"'New'address,'.for building (Building':'Div. will furnish) D. Legal.Description! _ E. Name, etc. of building owner F. Name, etc. of moving firm G. A description of. ,intended' use H~;:Adescriptiori:of proposed route I. A"description of, the building I I. Appl ica'nt 'to contact'property owners if trees involved,~and-secure authorizations from . ot~et'juri sdi ctions '"as' necessary. III.. .A site'.::or p\otr pl,ar, 'and foundation plan must , : . be subm'itted.for~:the new site (2 sets) IV. Plans must'lal'so bel sublnitted for 'any other work relating\to!theirelocated buildt"ng. .V....Fees & Charges':..",,,--']' '. A. Application fee du.e and payable at time :r' , of.applica~ion"i': : .. !.B. '..Moving permit fees due and payable upon permit issuance C. -FEES &.CHARGES.TO BE CALCULATED BY . BUILDING DIVISION STAFF . VI. FOR OFFICE. USE ,ONLY. . A~" Plan,cry~c~ ,~.ata collected , , --B. 'Copies of application to appropriate .. . ... divisions,cdepartments and agencies , ) :;. ',,1 " ,J ~';' i '. ". I I r. '; r. . . BUIl~:~$I~N~\f\u\~ ~t\too4) \.N'f\-hrb ~ . , . .;:.;'.!.'. . 1 ..; J '.l; ~..' 'l( I . J r ' (". " {0 ' ..; . i ' . '. :.,;" 1 :;1 t I I,.. .. . :' -. I " , " " ;; I. ,f ',' ::/', ,.;" :V' j . I ~ ' :l. '.I'; .: '. : 'l "'.':..:1.:.' .i i. ' ....' -.": ; ; 'I \; f . If: ' . ; , .' .' . ~: J TRAFFIC :DIVISION'.RERORT:'i ,'I. ; '11.# !.,....'...I(Hi:. i-;/'lr,".!f,. Hl './1 .~". 7)/j,r. ""01'1:1' ~~". , -~. ..... .~ , , ,f . ' ,. i, , ", f':=-'/~ 0 .', 1\ . i .' ",,' , . ~ . ../-'-. h . . " '"( . ": ol, 'r j .L J-:J.-.... ." I . I '.:-:;.:'PERMIT VALIDATION . I , I. \o~i~ rJ V G-.I\t ~~\V, :...;; , . : .~ . , ',,' " , ..1 , . , ' ., , , I Cbuwil ~\~ Q.It-. . ~lMr-\W\~ PERMIT CLERK I . . I I I I' . : Da te I(). 2J, qt- . I . r I I I , , I !Date I I \_hooo) I I BV\~ /04/ct 1- . ('l-/w1 :r.A.) I I f!.~GlUIR~JVl~N.~. oWl4tl2. /lJIOlorl. I ' j)ve '7'0 .,.-f(i;. I I ; '1'''':1, '".1 l ., . . . ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT: S~~ BIJILDIN6 PIZR:.t1 I r 1'0, I!.~PAl R.. ~t.J LI1"II!S L>AI'1A6~j) AJ.L . '\ '; j{lttl5F- ., .11~V~._ 0 ,..'w.... " I:: . ADDITIONAL' PROJECT" INFORMATION: "" , ", "11;;:"\ ,'. --.. . ;-'...~ 1" ~. ". ... .,'..l_.i,_,_ .'. . . ...... -\ \ \1 ( \\ J',' .. ... ,.:I,'.:. \'. '_'" , ).., ,r 1 '. ..-,.. .--~'._. _'.'. _ ._.. n~_. . <._ _'___. _. .. H1..~ \ f.,'f("': 'III":.;{'" . '..., '. {' "0' . t.;. .,...;'I-<f.... .;) f~. "," . ; ;{ " : rl"::U:) ~, 'I:,: ,~. .r . Bv Bv I IDate' I I I . I I I .; ,., -:" ~~. .y Date', I . t HO!l/U? { i. i', I r: , '0, , . .