HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-12-27 ... .;t_~ .____". .. RESIDfATIAl" SPRINGFIELD APP LI CA n(!fffPERMI1' 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ; .Job Location:. iSI ,M~ U- 'v' AGGflDGOr3 Map H SII.bdivi.r.ion: ~. L,.cv ~ Q.mer: f:.L 3. D 1/ ~"'':J"w.t. . 0""')'../ Address: 11~_ ~~ City: [)(1 11 n n Nf"f.l .1dditicn s.~d2 Ramoda1. Tr.;J; Lot: /I UH 7 Phortc : 'IJ ::t--.3' 7 j.t> 97<1t.? I 7.ip: De::cribr: h'01'k: .~fobi 1.a Homa lJf.J0 .3Q 1 Data: Vol,," 77.7vY (,),31: :nl . IHd rs 1\0:1 rd lkc:. /7.-)J .7/.tj Date of Appl.icaticn Contractors Adclross Lise. U Gcnernl ?...Lt.., (! /L~ .10:;'1 ~~ {.., 3'" "'Y9 i Plumbing y~_T..........~':" /111,Y. t ....:.~. .;Jon'/.. i 1-lechanical R..t.h ~_ ) 3f"1D I" ~/Vk. -E, _ c:Jo~"o I Electrical ~ ""J/kL,_ 'J I Supcrv_bqinf; ElcctrJdnn .l .1 l\ ~~~ l...IO~ S Jt,,;cq, , q " /1 S(' .rI .~ "-" Si(1Y;(ui: l~X]li [P.t' P\10110 V<f~-JI? $.0 7 'II -/7.:f.~ 7Y1-"o07 r,/9"o 1,,/)0 O1!YO It ill tho reoponGibility of tho permit hoUnr to see that aU 1:napl'!ction:; aro r.;ada a't ~he proper timr;, t.t.:l1t .:cch .::dtires3 is readaoZe from the. strp-ot, and that tho permit card ill ~ocated at thf? fNmt of tht! pl'rJpp.rty. ~BuiZdin!1 D{.vi:;ior: approved plan shell remain on th.; Bu-:.ldillU SU.;;; ,)t all l;ime3. . - PNOCSDURE FOR INSPECT TON REpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (j'ccorder) state yOU?' City de31:!1Il..1tP.',j ,job nur.:bcr, job adcJ'cs:;, tFpt? of i//3pec-;ic,1 requested a~d 1J.":en you win be ready for inGpcct-:.on~ COlltractc)'s 01' C:.J/W;'[: nc.'1le \-;:nd r;hone llur.lbcr. Reqw;sts )'(;cel:;;cd bcfcl'e 7: 00 C':'l :..'ill be made the Bame day, requests made afta' 7:00 a:n wiZL b.z mrul(! t}-/f]. next :JOrkinJ dar.;. RflmdrrrJ Tnm'"r.t1:r.nn O 81TE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of fOl'Tr/S. O UNDERSI,AB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECIII!,VrCA[,: To be made bef01'o any WOrk is ~ovct'ed. [E FOOTING & FOUND,1TJON: To be nude after trenches are excavated ar~ forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. Ul','DJRGROUND PLUMBING/, SEWER. fl',1TER, DRAiNAGE: To be roo.:1e priOl' to fil- lir.g trenches. Qj [LJ UND!::SFWOR rLfN.'nfNG & Mf:C!lANICt1l,: '1'0 be made pl'ior to inntallatio/l of floor insulction or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prio)' to il1Gtal..l.aticll of floor inG14l.atior. or deckiTl(j , ROUGlI PLUUBIlJG. ELECTRICAL .~ UF.ClI-' ANICAL: No :JOrk is to be COVel'cd ur:til these in3pectior.$ have ber]r; made a11d approved. FIHF:PLACE: [7>1:01' to pZc.cir.g facing materials and before fl'aming inspec- tion. FRAJ:JN(;: Mw;t be requested after approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanical.. AU roOfing bracing t chinmcyn~ et.::, nr..l$t be completed. No work is to be con- cocled until this inspection haG 'bGcn made and approved. [Z] o [2] [Z] Your city Dcnigr:n.tcd Job NwnbGl' I:;: [Z] INSlJr.;17'JON/VIII'OR Ilt1Rfi'JI':U I!I;,P!~C7'Tr)N: To hi'! made after all im;ul:;/.i::m a.':d requil'ed vapol' 1:m'I'1:cl'n w'a -ill place bl~t 1:cfot'e any lath, mllmwlI board or wall eovering in appl.i..1d, nnd hefore any l:n:;uwtion in cOl1cealnrI. ~q I ;:)ltf1 r DE!.j{}LITIOH OR ..~;OVE.: BI;IGOIl,'Cr, ==:J SanitaJ'Y S(.:-:Jel' capped ::t; P~Opo;l't:j lir:e =:J Scpii:.: tank p:"y.-:d a:ui r~:ll.-:d with gl'a:J6~ ----, Final. - Ill.en abcve ite:::s are cc:npletcd ---.J m~d w1um .:1Cl.'1Cli.tioi: is complete or stru.::- turo moved ani pl'<:mialln cl{;,1.11e:1 up. Mobilo'J IIc::uw ~ ~ lJZocki.IIU aruJ s:;t:-:J[J Plumbi,z:7 connections ",,"7,)01' .a,uf lJa~61' [lJ DRJ'h'/1U. INSJ'ECT!"ON: To be made after all drY1JaLZ i:; ill place, but [Jrl:or to (my t;ap,:ng. ~ f:lr;ctl'icr.7. Ccm:c.:tion - lJl.ockina. Get-1m ---.J mui plWI:bill(1 com:cct.i011/J IIT..wi; !:~ approv6d befol'c l'equest:.ng eZec~l'ical. ins;Jectio;: ~ Acces:;or:/ BllilC:.na --, Pinal. - /1ft<:r p:Jl'cr.es, -.J etc. arc completed. Gkirting, dock.'J. o MIISOllRY: Steal location, bond beamn.. !1l'outi'l{] 01' veJ,ticGl:; ill accordance /.lith U. B. C. Sect:1:on 2415, o All PI'oJect condition:l, :;uch as t.he ~'.n:lt{lllation of :;~l'ect tl'.1I?S, .:o.,;;plaii..::;m of t;u: reqU1:rGd landsccpir.g, eic., 1mlGt be :;aii:;ficd bcforq ihe BUILD[t.'C FI:!t1L can be r:zqucntad. [Z) FIlJAL PLUf.!BIl/G [1] FINAL I1ECIIANICM, [IJ FINAL ELECTRICAL o o FfN.1D nUTI.DfNC: Thn Final lJuild!:n!1 fl1;,pc(:tioll mUGt biJ rcquc:;tcd a/tel' the Fi1T~l Plwnbi'lJ Elocirl:cal.. and Nechm:ical hmpcci;:mU1 havc been mada alld al'Pl'ov.:d. o ,,IOO/):;'!'OV,.;: c..'cmplet(::d. Afl(;" ':IlI:f.,,!.l,lf,':OIl in "Af.L MANlIOLE.') AND CLEANOUTS IfUST l1E ACCESSIBLF., AD.TUST!!EllT TO .BE. N.~DE AT /.'0 C~ST TO CITY I Pa[:e of 2 [Z] CURB t. Arl'RCAf;l! J1J-'HON: A/fJ!;' fopm:; al'e r;r't)~tcd bill. l't.iol' to poul'ing .::on.::l'ete. SIDt;r';Af,K /. DRIl'Ef';;lY: FOI' n l1. CO/I-" crete pavirl(J with;:n :;tl'eet right- of-ux:y.. to be made nftep aLL e:'CCG- vatil1(J complete ,P, fm">.l <<)()T'k I; r:ub. ba[;e mater'iaZ .i,l pZa~e. . , [Z] D 06bed-k- !'ENCE: fl1wr: compl.;tlJ n Provide gateG 01' movable :;ccticnG through P.U.F.. L-COC-l't I JOB NO.f?7/?h9 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- IZone: /_v7=I Oc""UDa"e~ c.7- ~ -r;I /77-/ 'Pype/Const: Lot Sq. Ftg:' 779'31Z:: WT TYPE . I Lot Faces ~~ I /.'~ . I Setbacks %::Jf ot Covcrag;; ~-/e:> In.tef''Lor I n L 'II . _ '-., ol.se em'Qye ,q of StorieD.:2 Corner INoI'tll 91' /0/ Total Height 7..y'L~" Panhandle IF.'twt /;8' ~ ISouth Topogpaphy e::::>-~-/b X Cul-dc-sac Ir/evt ITEM SQ.FTG Main /77'7 ~?6.6"..:> ('''!.Y'nop Car'vm't 11CCC8S0Z'1J I S.D.C. 7'OTt1!- VAl,UE (vct.u.cJ 1.5x Building Permi t State Surcha:rge Total C'ha:'ges I ITEM I NO. I FEE I Fixturesl?___~ II I IResiden;i~1 r; bath) I ~ I Sanitm.y Sewer / I~t~ / lfu....;...,,' m/f",,,oeGd' Plwnbing Per>r::i t State Surcr.arge Total ChcT'aes IN; I I I III -;/RP..f ~/c..F"" V I l11'm Res. Sa. fta. /77"/ I NaJ/Extend Cirelli ts I Temporary Service Electl'ical Permit; State Surahal'ae Total C}uzn;en IITSM NO. I PS1!: Furnace .r!TU 'S / / tJ -,. .- Ezhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstove ~/._~. 'Z. -=3 I)T? /;1:'... . ~. Po-'+- IB8~!ICe~...-:::; Mechanical Pcrmit State 8uI'cha'l'oe Total Charae:: fNCROACIIMENT lsc~~rit~ DeD03it I Storage I Maintenance ; Pcrmit Total Charqes Curbcut I Sidewa lk I Pen=e /--:25 / <::$' Electrical Label Mobile llome I 'fO'fAl, AMOUNT DUP.:' x Value I I I I 1 1 77. 7yg.....J I/~.~ I. , '%7.-1 /B.~I ~,?3.si . CHARCE I ?-:9P 6'2..)C> -:<>&?,#f!!> /5'.~ e:e::> "2C> . /?c::> :,,..,.e> 6..5&>1 (3~-pc>l. G-HARGE I't.;.; ~?_~&P pS'. - ;;;> 7.;'5iP ~.P- -- I ~-sP I "7'7'-~I. I I I 1 CHARC;'; 6.- 7'.~ /2.- b'- -:?-- -:?~ 5:> /.53 72.031. I I /'7.'2..:> /5'.7?> I /B 'YYSC::> .A7 I I E~lerQl' Soarces Tllve I I !ieat r?.#"\" ;C;~ 1 I Watel" .lIp.at{n; /~ II Rall,;e ~~~T I 1--/ I Fireplace I I WoodQ tove II I Bedrooms: ~ I Access. -:<?' F:ws Building Value & Permit This pCl'1Tr~t is gMntcd on the expl'ess condition that the sa"id construction 8hall~ in all l'espccts~ conform to the Ord'inanee adopted b'y tile City of Spl'ingfieZd. incZuding the ZOnirl(] CJ'dinal1ce~ regulating the construction and llse oj' !Ju-ilding:;~ and m:.:.y be DWJpended OJ' revoked at c.ny time upon vio- lation oj' emy prQviv'ionD of said Ordinances. I Plan Check Fee' cY3~..$~ Cate Paid: (,;y..!J-I J -}t;, I Rec",pt./': I ~~lt:>Sd ' ISigned:(J)/ (VA ./ Plumbing Permit No pereon dUll! constr!tet~ instaLZ~ alter 01' change any new 01' existing plwnbinu 01' drainage syste:n in whole or in part. ur.less Budl person is the legal por:oessor oj' a valid plwnbel' 'II license. except that a pa~non may do plur.rbil1g work to pl'OpCl'ty which is o/.Jned~ leased 01' operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t ffhel'e State Law rcquil'es {hat the electrical wol'k be done by an Ele[:tricaZ Contl'actol"~ the electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid until the "label 1ms been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit .4~.J? €F''-cy( rlll-l1el' t /' - I 1/,1 VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fOI' permi t~ and do hereby 'certify that all info~mation hereon is true and cprrcct. and I fUl.thel' cert-if'y that any ar.d all wOl'k pellfoJ'med shall be dO:'le in ac[:ol'- dance ~th the Or-din:mccs oj' the City of springfield~ and t1u: Ur.JB of the , State of 01'eg:m p~n't,:dning to the w(wk c1escr-ibcd herein. and that NO OCCU- PI!/lCY wilt be rrndc of any 8tl'UCtW'.:J. without p:n>mis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I fw,thel' certify tha.t o:'lZy contl'adors and e:nployecs who are in ca~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this pl'oject L1~P a~ /,J /.L 7/rff Date [;iul1:'!d