HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-5-3 1;/\ .. ('JO 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIEI:D -.. "". t ~~ RE 5 I DaJ TI A l' . APPLICAT'!fI/PETlHW', ' 97477 .lob Locati01t: fiso .M.<>_. IN c...+- AGneDGOl';J Map H . '. Subdivision: K~'A/ b""" ES"-I~f<r OI.mer: 130.10 t-l])A_D (~ ?'~-fCv-- AddPeGS: J...ti'f i ~,jD/'~' "Q _,-,,,- City: e-<-~ t'......e.... tJ~J~./ o . lliNPlJ n Addition n RemodeZ n ,~fobile lloma Ta.:t Lot II ;." r- & Phone: 'f~:>-$/7(P Zip: tJ;1yJ/ Deacribe Ii'Ol'/{: '. , \ s,"":i"- r;;',j ~c"f,.",~ . Value fjO"tJ cJ.? Address Lisc. II Uldrs Bonrd Re", ~ .Ii..... ~ aqr; 'l '~...;,,j).... '7& JI'"?9 i Plumbing 'c.",.~", 7/..... /';,11, r..~j,./",~ [,oj dcn7o./ it'lechanlcal 1jolhr }1.'..{.~N'.J .7578 Kfir/y,r-""i,___ ,;)o;'Vv I Electrical J.k~-t"~ .J?lPJ ~ J )J...t*.. -J ~ JS,f3'-' Sunervising Elec<{rki"n U-...~ A" ~J '""/....,O~~ , ft io the l'enponoibitity of tho permit holdt!r to saa that aU im;pectimul are made at, the proper tim~, that a:.ah ,:ddro8:J is rcadabZe from tha'otreat. and that the pe:rmit card in Zocated at t.he fl'ont of t}w p,'operty. ~BuiZdi.'1a Divi:;ior: apprOl:ed pZan slu:.l.l remain 011 Ow. nU'~l(UII{1 5i~.; at aU f:l:ma". 1..;/0 Iv; Dat.c of AppZication Cont.ractors 'General f~, ~ Rt:I;r;:pt ,If ,,0 q z.q , , Sigr.nd: ~lroJ . .,,~ ;<). '6, '\'.....I Date: E;:;p.in.'s PhO!1P <./3S-3/7~ l,Id-r- /IYh "/~a tofyp ..J./f;J 7/~v -Jv/~tJo'l- '9'Ji'L- '?",..,z.. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RSpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (record,:;r) ntat.a your Cil.y ,"OM:!Jn.7ted .job 'lumber, job acC:J'cr.G, tYpt! requfJ:Jtcd ar:d w."t:an you will be ready for ir:npcction, COllt:'n.ctorr. 01' OI.:/II"?r'!; lli:J1IC ,md ;.:hollr. IlWn!JC1', Requc~lts :'ecair.:ad ~'iLZ be made the Game dey, request:J In,-;.dc after 7:00 <en /J)ill. b:; mado th.~ Il:,:,Lt :.>orh'LJ day. /I~ A::::::> Your City DCI;i[Jf:rz~cd .Job Numbel' II;: L.f~- ") . Rr!mliY'rrl Tn..r.,?IU!f;1:r.nf1 O SITE INSPECTION: To be 11rlde after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PU!/ofBING. ELECTRIC.1L & NECHArVICA[,: To be made befol'e any work io .::ovcred. ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenchca are excavated and form:; are el'ectad, but prior to pouring ccncret~. WmSRGROUND p['UM8rNG~ ssweR, W.1TE,~ D8AINAGE: To be made prior to fiZ- U,:g trmtches. ~ ~ UNDERPWOR PWI,:8ING & MECHANIr:AL: To be mad.(J prior to in3tal.latiol1 of 11001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be ",Me prior to i'Istal.latio'l of fZoor inst4lation or decking. ROUCH P[,UNBTNG. ET,ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work La to be cOL'ered ur.til these inGpections have beer. mnde mul apPJ;ovf!.:!. FI!?EPLACE: PrioT' to pZc.cir..g facing materials and br.-fore framing inspec- tior.. FRAJ~JNG: Muat be l'eque3ted after approval of rough plUffbing, ~lcctri- cal & mech-:zni..:aZ. All. roofing bracing & chimncYR, etc. nr~st be compZeted. /lo work is to be 0011- cae led untiZ thio inspection has 'baen made and approved. C?J o ~ [i] ~ INS1J[,ATTONIVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To brJ made after flll insul::ti:m a~:d required vapor bm'/'ier3 are ill plnce but before any loUI, gYP31W1 board or uzll l.-'Ovcring in applied. and bero)'a (oty inr.uZatioll ir. cOllccaled. \ of i':3pacticll beJel'a 7: 00 C:1 'DENOLITION OR ,~:OVEr, BUILDIilCS ~ Sani.;Ql'Y [lC'~lal' ::apt'ed ::.t p~op.;rt:.i lir:o :J Scpti~ tank p:i..ycd and f!:lliJd uit.h gra:Jol I Pin'aZ - f{her: c.bcva ite:l/s w'e ccmpletcd -.-J Q1:d when :icr.lolftior. is complete or 8tru.::- t~l..rn moved mU:: pl'iJ,':-liaes clea.ned up. Mobi Za Homet; ::J ::J BZock1:ng and 5~t-:Ap Plumbing connections selJer and wat;Gr [Aj DRYf"AU, .rNSPtCTTON: To be made aftm' all drY1Jall is in place, but prior to an!) t'(lpill(l. ::J EZectrica.l Conr:ection - Blockin.(!. set-up and plumbing ccm:cc tions m:~a t ta approt;ed beJoJ'e l'equest:l:g e~ec~ l'icaZ illspoc:ior: ~ Ac.-::essOl'Y Buildi/lg ] FiH....ll - Aftcr poror.es, n tc. m'tJ camp le ;;;d. sk~:rti1t(!J deck8, o MASONRY: Staal locatioll, boi1d beam:;_. gt'Outillg or vel,ticr..lr. in. accordance LJith U. B. C. Seetl:on 241.~. D FIllAL PLUMBIllG AU pro.fect condit1:0I13, ::ueh as the -:.',n:;t.aUatioll of S;l'cet tl'ees, cG.71pZat-i..:m of tne required lallfhlccpir.!J, etc., munt be sai1::;fiad bcfora tha BUILDn.'G FINAL eml ba raqucDtad. []] [l] ~ o PINAL HEel/ANICAD <l> FINAl, BUnDING: T}w Filull BlIildill(J [ltnpcr~tioll mllOt brJ rnquru:tcd art~r tlla final rlw.'1.bi1l.3 I~'l(]ct.l'ical, alld Machm:ic,:l Im;pecl.iom; have belm made a1ut approved. PlNA~ ELECTRICI.L D r"OODSrOt'f:: ccmpletf.:d. Aftrw l:natl1lldt.-ion is ~Af.L f.fANHCf,ES AND CU:ANOUTS }lUST np, ACCF,SSIBU:, AD.lT/ST!1F.,'IT TO BE f,f,1iJF. AT 1.'0 COST TO CI'!'Y I Pa(:c 1 of 2 [Zl CURB & APPROACH AP!::ON: After forms are orected but pl'ior to pcuring .:xm.::rcte. ~ SJDEIIAT.K & DRn'f.'l'/1: Y: For all <:011- l4.J crete paving Ulithi.n street right- of-l/J(~Y.. to be made aftel' aU exca- vating completn t~ fOr;71 work & ~ub- . oo!Je matorial ill pWtJo. . D !'ENCE: h1l(n~ compl.-;.tc -- Provide gatns or movabZe :wct.icn:; through P.U.F:. IZl ?m~f"~ L-COG~ I 1 1 I I I \ I JOB NO.9pc7I/i.f'3 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I Zone: L.J? 7? OO<:1mano" Gr. -:g ~ J'/7-7 TiJpe/Cor.3 t: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~90~ WT TYPE . r Dot Faoes - c~r '5"","" . I Setbaoks ~ .:>1 lot C:;verag;: '" -.....e::;> _ Intel'1.or I P. D. House Car>aqa' Aecc:w. !I of Stories 2. C01'ner North 6- , Total Haight Z ~O" Panhandle f.'(mt South Topography o-~ -X- CuL-de.sao lI<c,,' I lITEM IMain I;qz~ 444g{ 0 Cc.l'fZGe Carom't ItlcccssoY'U TOTA[, VALUE Is.o.c. ( VC/.UCJ 1.5x Building Permit' State Surocha:rge Total Chn.:>ges I rTEM IFixtures I Resident~ l (] Loa th) I Sarli ta.ry SelJcr NO. FEE -=? / / '7'"~~.4"""~,~~~ Wc.ter Plumbing Perr.:i t State SUl'cJ:ar>ge Total Ch7.Y'acs Int'M 1110. I Res. So. fto. /~/.r;- / I New/Extend Cireui to .. I TfmpOl'ary Service. : . / 1:<,a::>.4~v/= / I Ele::tr'ical Permit State SUI'::harqe Total Chal't;'cfJ lITEM Furnace BTU' S I Exhaua t Hood. I Vent Fan Waodsto'Je I NO. FEE 1/ I '1'7 ~A1.NU!" ~,'2 '3 Pr>;r'",'t"+- r"^J ljJP2 ~~ Me::han'ic:LI P.Jrmit Stato Sw'chcrac TotaL Ch"l.r.!W[J __ f.'NCROACIlMENT Ise~~rit~ D8003it I Storage I Maintenance j Pe:rmi t Total Charqon Curbcu~ I SidewaLk / -:<c.. / - ~7 I Ferl:;:C ELectrical Label 1 Mobile 1fome I I t 'FO'T/1L Il,'.fOUNT !JUi~: . x Value ~_ _1 ,",,' ~ I~,- I 4'03:.....1 - ::<0.1-=:+ Y'::77./..s1' CHARGE t,:;?"52> ::::<'O_~ L <=;: ....e> A't? -'"' 1'27. 5?::> 46./ .? 1 12t3!. ~ '3 I ' f'c'C CHAIIGz.: -q? 5'0 /S": -- I 3'7--S-<==> 1 9?'..-:!> I ~st:> 1 "7''7, 5Z' I ' CIfAJlCE tG.- tt'. 50 /7.- ~-~ 2.- :::?C. 52P I I. :53'1 ?7-tP31 I I I, I:::J.. '9't? I /5:55"' I I 205'7. ?/G ~ Bedrooms: .? ~f En81'QII SOllrces TIIf'lc I I !leat, ~/~,. ..A. I I Water .11m tf!l' .,......:: I I Ra11ge 6 . I I / I Fireplace I I wc;odc to:;e ~ I /0' -:2</1 ;:;!C> , .t=' F[;es Building Value & Permit This pCl'Tnit io gl'antad on the expreS8 condition that the sdid constroct'Lon sllaU, in all l'espects, conj'cn'ffl to the Ordinance adopted by tJze City of S~!l'ingriel.d, incZ.uding the ZonirLg Crd~nallce, regulating the ccnstr/.u.:ticl1 and usc oj" buildings, and m::zy be suspended 01' revoked at C.1~y time upon vic- lation of arly pl'DviDiorw oj" said Ordinances. IpLan Check Fee:61(O (. (..-[~ Date Paid: 1"-' /,'2. -q)(") J IReodpt II:" , J ((J( nr'r, 'K I Signed: ~~ ') . Plumbing Permit No percon ahall c.:onstl'lwt, inataU, alter 01' change any new 01' e:::iating plwnbing 0'[' dlYIinage synte.71 in w}lole or in part, unless' Budl peraon to the legal posses.<;ol' of a valid plwnbcl"s license, except that a pe:>son may do plwnbing work to property which is cn.med" leased or opel'ated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Ilhere State TAL) requ<i!.es that the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contra~tor, the electl'ical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the lahel has been nigned by the E.'lectl'icaZ [:ontracto1'. Mechanical Permit ~e:;Tnr,f~~ ~ "5"-~-~ VaLe I 1i,1VE.' CAREFULLY EXAMINED the l:ompleted application for permit, and do hereby'certify that aU ir:for-mation hel'eon is tl'ue and cOl'rect, and I [w'thel' certify that any ar.tl all. work perfor:ned shan be done in accop- dance with the Ordin:mces of the City of springfield, and thE.: Lcr.JO of tile State of Ol'eg.::m p:;rtaining to the lJOI'k described here-:.n, and that NO OCCU- PAIlCY will be f/rlde of any stl'zwtur:J without psrmissio)1' of the Building Di- Villioll. I further certify thflt o:1ly contl'a~tors and e.71plDyecs w}:o are in Co.-::pliarlce with ORS 701.05S wiU be used on this project r1?~ ~;I~/fV S1:f.1n~Hl