HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 1990-4-4
(503) 726.3753
Mr. Robert E. Butler
2993 Metolius Drive
Eugene, OR'. 97 401 .~
April 4, 1990
Lot Line Adjustment (Journal No. 90-03-49),- Between property located
Marilyn Court and 851 Marilyn Court ~ (Lots 7 and 8 of Rainbow
Addition Subdivision) in the City of Springfield.
at 847
Dear Mr. Butler,
Staff Decision: Preliminary Approval and Final Approval - see below.
FindinKs of Fact
The request
the size of
Subdivision) .
is for a Lot
Map# 17-03 34-21
Tax Lot 1706,
Line Adjustment to reduce the size of
(Lot 8 of Rainbow Estates Subdivision)
Assessor's Map# 17-03 34-21 (Lot 7 of
Tax Lot 1707,
and to increase
Rainbow Estates
The two lots involved in this application are in an approved subdivision (Rainbow
Estates Subdivision).. Currently Tax Lot 1706 is 8,279 square feet and Tax Lot 1707,
is '6,976 square feet. Both lots have houses under construction. Upon approval of
this request, Tax Lot 1706 will contain 8,651 square feet, and Tax Lot 1707
6,594 square feet.
Criteria of Approval (Ref. Section 33.040 of the Springfield Development Code)
The lot line adjustment does not:
1. Create a new lot or land-locked parcel;
No new lot or land-locked parcel is proposed to be created. Two lots existed
prior to this application; two lots will exist upon approval of this
application. Both lots will have direct access to .public right-of-way.
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Butler LLA
Reduce an existing lot below the m1n1mum dimensions
applicable zoning district or otherwise violate the
Development Code, or Structural Specialty and
established by the
standards of the Springfield
Fire and Life Safety Code
Both lots are zoned Low Density Residential and are designated Low Density
Residenti~l in the Metro Plan. The minimum lot size in residential districts is
4,500 square feet. The increased size of Tax Lot 1706 and the reduced size of
Tax '~ot 1707 exceed the minimum lot size standard for residential districts.
The 'overhang of the porch of the house on Tax Lot 1706 will encroach
approximately 10 inches into the required 5 foot-wide side yard setback.
Section 16.050 of the Springfield Development Code states: "Architectual
extensions may protrude into any 5 foot or larger setback area by not more than
2 feet." The porch is considered an architectual extension. Approval of this
request will not violate the standards of the Springfield Development Code, or
Structural Specialty and Fire and Life Safety Code standards.
3. Impede the implementation of adopted transportation or public facilities plans;
This request will not impede the implementation of adopted transportation or
public facilities plans. Access to both lots is from Marilyn Court which is a
local street. The TransPlan does not address local streets.
4. Violate any previous requirements or conditions the Approval Authority may have
imposed at a prior public hearing or meeting.
This application does not violate previous requirements or conditions the
Approval Authority imposed at a prior public hearing or meeting.
The request complies with the criteria of approval specified above. The applicant has
submitted a survey showing pins set and legal descriptions of the two larger lots. These
two items would have been conditions of "Preliminary Approval". Therefore, both
Preliminary and Final Approval are granted at this time.
An appeal of this decision may be filed by an affected party with the Planning and
Building Department within 10 calendar days of this letter (Ref. Article 15 of the
Springfield Development Code). Any action taken pursuant to Development Approval before
the 10 day appeal period has elapsed shall be solely at the applicant's risk.
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Butler LLA
Additional Information
The City does not record lot line adjustment maps. Therefore, you should request that the
Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation combine the property being transferred
into the same tax lot as the recipient lot. The recipient lot should then be considered
as a consolidated single land unit for tax purposes.
If you have any questions, please call me at (503) 726-3759.
iate. Planner
\/estern Engineering Consultants
Sincerely,' .:-