HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-4-30 ~L RESI~TiA.i-.. "-- ./ APPLI~PERMI1: 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building 'Division 726-3753 . .Job Location: fft./<! M(",S'" c..:/ AOGcnaor.-: Map H Subdiviniml,' Ii'.;,,,,, ~..., e oS /..-IcS' .~ ..".'. ..- . Tr.:r: Lot II L aT J=J ~- $~fr- Ownr.1': 1?Dl~~ ~~c-~1~j 02'if3 M...+.>J,~'r --:U~'J'l. '-IK~317-b f7'/o I Date of Application Contractors Address lJ"i.RC. n (;cnernl r../Uu..B l/o...-f' .Jf~.l M.I.J,.r r..otfi'f : I'Llllllhing L.. rh~ ('/u_ ~'';'..5 K.A',.,UJJ, 1=_ _ ..}011:1 jl'!eclJanLcal J(o/(.;r ~"..,< ?570 e lot+/.. ~_ "A ,~o lJ::lectrical/ltc.<~.J EJ;-:L~ 'l')\L3"t.~l.L J -'?U31o I Suocrv_ising E~ctrici:ln J..i-:>J_', c.... \~. ''Il'''-\ Addresa: City: ~ ~J'r,"",~ . lJo.L.e. 6 ,v' <.l ~N"'" n .1dditicn n Remodel n ,~!obi le HomOJ ~''''.J11. ';/13/0 Phone: Zip: De:;cr~bc fl'ork: -P;..:.,.s f2<~cL_.f,,, I Value 9o.Pil'? f:'t;cc:pt. ,If liP gq .I ,I 1, I \ Siqr;ed: ~~''i() Data.: Bides HQ:lrrl He~, E};pj.res PI,nnC' Shr317 (Q y,rj-II" "" 7-1(-<7.:10 ~ 9V'~ oSfc? 7. L. I 09 S c'/fi'a taly.:> . ..2./9./ 7/€.J It io the rooponoibiZity of tho permit holdp.r to ane that all, inr.pcctionr. are r.:ade at ~he propel' tim€J that c,:ch .-:ddren3 is rtZadao~e from tho'street. and that the permit card is Zocated at thn ["ront oj' th~ property. "*SuiZdinv Divi::ior: approved plan, tlhc.U remain on tll.; Bu-f-Zdill(l Si.i;; at a'll timas. P.70Cf:DURE Fon INSpeCTION RE:.QUF:ST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state yOUl' city des1:gt~7.ti1d.job llur.;b..l', job addl'CGOJ type of ill:;pectic11 requested ar.d when you wil."l be ready for inr.pcction. Contractors OJ' ();Jlwrr, nr.me .:nd ('hone number. Reque:;ts recel:ved beJCI.t) 7:00 c:'I ;.'ill be made the Game dG.!J. requesta made after 7:00 ccn l<liZL bz mado the next :.JOl'kt:ng daH' (7oA~.A A I) Your City DeDignn.tcd ,rob Nu;nb(Zl' Is: I( )( ~~ Rp.fJJdY'{.'!r! r'lfm",!t1:r.n~ , 0 SITE INSPECTION: To be roode after excavation, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELEGTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made befol'e any work is covered. [2] I [A FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To ba rmde aftar' trenchc!) are excavated awl form~ are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING; SEWER. rv'.1TF:R, DRAINAGE: To be ma.:i.e priolo to fil- liro.g trenches. [2j UIIDf;HFLODR PWI.fBING & NECHANICAL: '1'0 be made prior to irwtaZlatton of 11001" insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to imJtaUation of floor inaulation or decking. ROUCll PLUHBItIG. El,ECTRICAL & NfXlI- ANICAL: No IJ)Qrk is to be covered ur:til. thcse illspections have beer. made and appl'ove.:::. FIREPLACE: Prior to plcciro.g feeing mater'ials and before framing il1spec- tl:OI:. ~ '[ZJ 10 lEl FRA1~rNG: Must be requcated after approval. of rough plwr.bing, ;]lectl'i- cal & mec1umical. All roofing bracing d chimncYD, et.::. lTI'J.st be completed. No L~rk is to be con- , eeeled until tllin inspection has . bGen made and approved. I 1m '[4] rvl INS(j~A'l'JON/vArOR WH?HmU iNSPE:CTION: ~ To be made after aLL 1:mml.-:ti:m fl.':d required vapor bm'l'iol':; (!j'e ,in plnoe but cefore any lath.. (fupawn boan! or 'Wall covering is rxppUod. and before any insulation is concealed. [2J DRY(v'AU, tNSPE:CTTON: Tc Ix] mndc after all drYL-'aU -is ill pltzce, but prior to allY taping. MASONRY: Steel. looation, bo~d beam;,., (Jl"olltill:] 01' vm'{;1:r.:ulIJ ill aecor~mlee with V.B.C. Section 2415. I VEt/OLITIOf.I OR ;;;OVE:; BE: JLDlifC8 ~ Smli~aJ'lJ flr.:.lCl' capped :;1; p:.op.cl.l;:; U,;e .=J Septic tank p:L-;pcd and fill.cd uith gra:Jal :J Finel. - Ilium axv.1 .~ta;.';s cn'c ccmpletcd Q/:d wlwn :ier.Jclitl:Ol: is compl6te 01' stru.:l- ture moved al~ pr~~i3a" cleaned up. Mobi la Hemer. :J BlocHng and Sat-:Jp :J.Pl.umb.ill:1 c01mections nc;wer ar.d water ~ EZcctr1:t:c.1. Ccm:cction - BlockirU1, 8(Jt-u~ ---.J and plwnbin{J com:cctio1tf; m:Ast t~ appro:;ed .. before requmJt:.ng e~ec;rical. irwpec;,io:-: ~ Acces:;01'~. Build:.ng :J Fin.'ll - /lft;;r p:;rcJ:es, Dk::rti-ng, dnckD, etc. are comple~;;d. o FIlIAL PLUMBIlIG All. proJect condition:;, ;;w.:h mJ t.he ~.,n:;tallation of street tl'oelJ". co::r[1let.~.:m of tile l'equir6d lanr!scr.pir:g, etc,. mw;t he saii:;fied btJfore the BUILDINC FI:.'AL call hn rzquestad, FIlIAL MECI/ANICAL o FINAL BUI~DrNC: Tha Fblfll Buadillg II1r,piwtiol1 mrwt be rcqueated a,fcel' t11'Z F'irtn.l Plumbing b'Zcctl'ical, and Nechar.icl:l [l1:JpfWtio/uJ halJe beell made and apP~'ovad. FINAL ELC'GTRICAL o o fv'OODSTOvp": After inGtallation ';0' ccmpletc-:d. o "M.L NANlICLES AND CLF.ANOUTS I/UST DF: I1CCES:;IDI,F., AlJ.1f!SrnE.'Ir.TO BE MADE AT /.'0 C:JST TO CI'1'Y I Par;c of 2 o CVRB Ii M'PRCACIf APRON: Artt?-;' forms (U'c eracted but pdor to POIH'1:ng con.:'Jrete. SID~'Iv'Al,}{ & DRIt'fo.'fJ/, Y: 1-"01' a z.z con- crete paving within r;!;'f'(u:t l'iaht- of-IJo-::y, to be made aj"tm' all. axca- . vating .:r;rnplete r; r01'::l IJO'f'k I: :;uh- baie material i,l plAIce. [X1 O :'ENCF:: "'hen compl..to -- Provi.de gater; or' movable :;e,:t.ir;ll:; au'oug/; P.V.E. Glfwo ~ \M.W ,/ L -CO,C'lt I I I I I .1 1 1 1 NO.9/.7t?'.I7"2 :SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Occuuarlcy Gr-~ f. ~/ , LOT TYP~~ I ~ot Faces , i Interior' I 1'.&. INol.tll IEa:;t SOI.th [Went JOB Zone: /..-J,);?? Lot Sq. Ftg. "?? ~, z ~f lot C:Jverag<: "? / .~ of Stories :;z TotaL Height -:?";'L;i!;' " 0-.:2% Topogrophy I lITEM SQ. FTC \ 15') !S i./tfL/ 'iI, Main Gerace Carvol't IACCCSSOf'1I TOTA& VAWE IS.D.C. luc/.UC) 1.5x Building PeT'mit State Sw'cha:t'ge Tota l Char>ge;; II1'EM I Fixtures I Residential (1 I Sanitary Sewel' NO,'l I '3 / I ~1I'1d~ lkf'/~..,r;;< Plwnbing Perr.:i t bath) fra.ter State Su.rcr.arge Total Cha:rQes I: ~ Il'l'EN I Res. So, fto. IJi'?J!6 I NZ/J/Extend Cirelli ts I Temporary Service I N(X 1- FE;; / I 2i7t?46~WcF ;: Ele::tl'ical Permit State SUl'cllal'Qe Total Chal'ces IITSM I Purnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan NO. F'S!!.' / / t/"3 Woods to:;e ,f1'p/~-q~ck,n1s- Permit Issuance:~~~ Mechanic:Il Pet>rrr;.t State SUI'chaMc Total Charaea __ t.'NCROACHMENT h Isecurit~ Dzvo3it I Storage I Maintenan~e l Permit I Total Chal'acs I Curbcu ~ I Sidewa Zk I Fcn::e I Electrical I Mobile Home I I I-;;:~ ' s'l/ LabeL I 'fOTIlL /lo'>IOUN'F [JUt':: ~ COl'ner Panhandle .LL Cul-de-sac x Value I 1 1 I 1 I 9~~-'-1 I/7?"d,-- I, 1 t,lO? -~ 1 'LoJ.sl Y=< '? /,.,-1 fEE CHARGE.' 6?-5'0 I I I I I I, '20, <?e> /5: -=> ?:C/. -e- /-:::?::z ~ 56 b. /'3 l::?e.6~ CHARGE ~9. f"<P J..{;:- I '37.501 qp>.-=' 7"'~5V' ~r--5'C:> 5/ARCE j h."""" I ;..y:s-o 1 /2 . _8 I I I I & ,..-- -:<-~ "3'& ~,p /.5:3 92,0:> 1""5 _"7' p /~./~ -:z 06C5J, ? / Type/Cor..st: /.~ Bedrooms: 3 ~duTAL . -~l'Q/1 SO:~l'ces TIlDe Setbacks 1 I iieat r';'~ r::~. . llow;e I em'age I Access. 1 I Watel' Hp-atp-l' '~~'5:. /? ' 1 I RO/lye ~Ec.r ' /? ' 1 1/ I Fir'eolace /,:t?" 1 I Wood" tove [: I 19' z:. F3es Building Value & Permit This per'rlti t is gl'anted on the c~"Fl'ess condi tion that the Ddid conD true tion shall, irj all respects, confol'r" to the Ol.dinance !ldopted b'y the City of SpringField, including the Zoning C'l'dinance, l'egulating the constl"tlcticn and lwe oj' hu.ilding:l, and m:lY be sU8[Jended 01' revoked at c.ny time upon uio- lation oj' any pPQui8ior,D oj' said Ordinances. Plumbing I Plan Check Cate Paid: IRecdpt H: ISig"ed: No percor. shall const~lct, install, alter or change any ne~ Ol' existing plwnlri.ng or d!'ainage Dyste.'" in :Jhole or in part, unless tJUch pe1'80n iD the legal potwesnor of' a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plw."1billg work to pl'opel.ty which is 01J'l1ed, leased or opel'ated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State T.aLl l'equires tr.at the electrical work be done by-an Elet:trical Contractor, the electl'ical portion of this penmit shall not be ualid until the label has been dgned by the electrical C:ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~~~~ <,/--Z~-"70 vate 1 J ' I I I I ff,1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application [m' permit, and do hereby eertify that all iv;fo:'rnation 11ez'con is true and COl'l'oct, and I fUl.thel' certify that any ar.d all ~ol'k per'fo1'med Dhall be dO:1e in act:ol'- dance :.nth the Ordinances oj' the City of springfield, and the Ur..JD of the State of Ol'cgQn p~rtaining to the work described hel'ein, end that NO OCCU- PUICY wilL be trr'lde of any structure ~ithout parrnission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify t1lat o~ly contra.:tm's and e.l1ployees who are in co."71pl.~ance ,,)ith ORS 701.055 will be used on this pl'oject fi'.~ ~)1/9'/ SiUn,'?d D..te