HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-11-6 RESIDE.IAl" APPUCAT ION /PERl1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield; Oregon 97177 Building Division 726-375,) "'7, r'\f'I..j~~ 5J~ M''''''l.,J Cf9U._i- \Tl D~' ." . 9.,Aeo.V E~./.-';r .Job Loca.tion: AGn~:nDor:; Map H - > Subdivision: /l.mr.r: t..--r.."L 6 d,.....,- Mdrc"": -.:Jc?1 MI./,,/-... D~, -' t City: i!k'l".'/t t,~.r ....- II I, I. lX1 Nm,j Ii .1ddi tic>> n Remodel n :.!obile Homa Rl?m,til~(-yf T'1r;n.r:.ct:1:c.n~ o o 8fT!:: INSPHCTION: To be made after excavation~ but prior to sat up of forms. llNDERS[,AB PLU/.mINe. ELECTRICAL !: Nt.'C/{t!NICA~: To be made batoN! any wol'k in .:ovcred. [2] FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be m:u1e after t}'enchoo are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDSRGROmW Pc'UMBING.. SEWER. rr.1TF.t? DRAINAGE: To be rrrzde priolo to fil- lir..g trenche:;. Cl1 [2] UNDF.:RFLOOR Pf.UMBING & MEeHANrCAL: 7'0 bo. madiJ prior to irwtnl."latt:on of /1001' innuLation or decking. ~ POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to inGta~~aticn of floor insuLation or deckinr; . ROUGH Pl.W!RI/1G. ELECTR!CAl. I: /.fEel/- AN lCAL: No work in to be covered ut:tiZ these il'wpections havtJ berJr. made atui apPl'oved. FIt?EPLACE: Prior to pLc.cir.g facing maceriaZs and bcfortJ framing inspec- tior.. [] [A o I~ FRM~[NG: Must be requested after approvaL of rough pZWTibin(J~ <Jlectl'i- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bracing & chimneys3 etc. nr~st be completed. No lJ.:}rk is to be con- . ceaZed until thia inspection has 'be~n made and approved. SPRINGFIELD ,....1..'1._ 1'a,:r Do!; II /-"o-rP,/o Phone: <./r~ 317 " Hcce:.pt ,J[ 1,r::;;...J'1~ Zi,>: f7Yc)/ Describe fl'ol''': s,f6? - ~'P .. Digr.ed: d? (<,.-:#.t._ /"cJ!.J..-,{"/ H &5; 7'/'5-StD {:J.JJ. BId rs Boa rd Ref:.. ~ INSUT,/I,'I'.TON/VAfl{)l? /!/tf?!i.rr,'R T,IJ:,T'I;'(;'tIUN: To be made after aU -illsul:;ti:m a:".d required vapor lXlJ'I'icr:; aI'e in place but l;efore atly La th, (1ypswn board or watt. covel'ing ir, applied, and before any 1:n:;ulation i:; cOllcealed. ' ~,-) Date: EXDjr('~s ~1h0I1(\ nato of App!ioation /0 /J.f'/f 'j Vatu" '71),::::::::: . Contractors Address Li~c. U . General f'.......i4.c.....t K d"J___...r SCsI M_-k,I,O<t1 lTiI-4.' 3<'Yf~ ,Plumbing (.. r-J..._ ?/w_~.:'r JIol~ Y...J..:c~A.1:<; aoJ7{ i tlecban Lcal 'i?C!J/f.. s- I~' J $OD e..-+ ~:~S""o,JO I Electrical --' ~..... ' ISunervisiM Electl"ici"n .c:2.;A. - 7.-70~5 It ia the renponnibility of the permit holdp.r to Elf?/? that all itwpj~,-:tion:; al'a r.1adr,.' at the pI'opel' tun(=;3 t,l:at <:i;:c11 .;ddl"eD~ is rea:IabZe jrom the straot, and that thf1 permit card ill l.:Jcated at thp. front of tlif~ property. "Bui!di~g [}{,vi:;ior:. .apprOt:ed plan 31u:.ll l'emaill D'l tho; nu:.ldin.[l Sit;; at aU time!;. PNOc.r;;nURt.' FOR TNDPECTrON REgUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccord~r) stat~ yOUI' city dcm:an.7trJd job mm:be1'3 requcsted ar.d w.':rm you wiU be Nwdy [or in..'lpcctioIt3 Contractor:; 0/' Or,me:',: rli:me c.nd ;;JzO//{: 1w1:1bcl'. ,,-'ill be made the same day, requests mG.de aft.,,;r 7:00 mn I1liLL b..~ mad(~ the next :JOl'hn.J day. - Your City Dc"igr.aicd Job NumbCl' I::' .-' ~C1 [2J DRYWM,D INSPECTION: Tc be made after aU drY',Jall in in place) but prl:or to any tnpin[!. MASONRJ": Steel location) bond beam:;" gr'Outin(] or fJc)'(;icalr. ill a{!cordmwe /.Jitlr U. B. C. S.Jc/:l:Oll 2415. ft.1 ~o "I 'if::) .:J.,19o <"1/1,-3171.. 7vl-/7,llq . '7vl-oooL o o f/OOfJSTOV";: ccmp/.et.cd. After illfJ tn."lla tion in Job ado'cns. type Requai3tr. r':;ceilJed 1\311 of i~l:::pec;icll cefcl'G 7: 00 .':':"/ o CURB & APPRGAC1! AP.'X'JN: Aftm' fortns are orooted but pl'LOr to pO/l'rin{! . ~or.C!'ct(]. .' DF;/.iOLIT lO.',i OR ;'.:OVED BU ILD!iVi:; 3 Sani:aJ':.! n';:JCI' ~apped ~t P~OPt;l'tii Zir.a :=J septl~ tank p:"':7pcd and r1:ll~d with gra~oz. I Final. . f{lum above itc:,'lS arc ccmpleted -1 Q!~d wlum .:fer.JCli,tior. is complato or stru':- tura moved aile tJl'::mises ::leanad up. I Nobile lIem..,:: =:J Blocking and Sat-:.p =:J Plumbin..J c;,m€ctions sewal' and /Ja:61' ---, Electrical Ccnr.ection ~ Blocki~~3 set.up ~ and plwlI/Jing cem.cctions rrr..:s t he approlJod be/ore l'equtwtillg olec:rical inspec:io61 =J Ac.:;!'es:;Ol'~' Bui.ldi.nG I fbla l - Ilft;;r p:)l'c1:es 3 -1 e tc. (lJ'C camp le :~d. skirting. deck83 [] SIDE/iAr,K ,~ DRIL'F:W,1 Y: Fo)' all con- crete pavina wit1,:.n stz'ect right- of-wc.y~ to be madl3 after all exca- vat1:It(! conpletr; t. jOt':;/ lllOrk & aub- base material in '[l'lllce: o ALL pro.fect cOl1ditions, :wch as the 1',IwtaLZaiioll of :;1;l'cet trees, co:~plati.o'l or t;zc required land:;cr.rir.g3 eic., must bn :;aiiafiad before U;a BUILDINC FINAL can be rzquoatad. ~. FINAL PLUMBING [4J FINAL MECIIANICAf. III FfNAL F:UXTRICI.L o D lI'her. co.'71pl,;ta -- Provide movable :;twt1~om; t:JU'OU(]1: <D FIN.1" BUlf,DJNC: Tho Final. Buildillg Il1opcctiol1 mllOt be requeGted erte!' tll,! fi'lt1.l PZwnbin-J ElcaiJ'ical3 and Mechar.ical. Iw;pt:ctimz:; have becn made and appJ'ov.Jd. rENeF:: gatea or P.U.E. ~ 0fr=' ~c-> >tAU, MANIICDES IIIVlJ CLF.ANOUTS HUST BE ACCESDIBLF., AD.JUST!!ElJT TO BE ;,f.1DF. /IT /.'0 COST TO cr'!'Y I P:1~:e 1 of 2 , , ! I JOB No.G9//3J, SOLAR ACCESS REQ- " I Zone: LDft I Occ,"Oo.ICI, (;T'~-3?~/ Tiipe/Cm,"t: : Lot Sq. Ftg. 72S'I LOT TYPE . I Dot Faces - ,~/bY-"f/H' . - -::?''Y~ I Setbacks S of lot C"vel'ag;; .;~ V Interior I _ ~..1:- P. L. 'lIou:;e I Cal'age I Access. ,! of Storie" / I COT'MT' INol'th /.8" Toto! Height /7!..,{. ,"z:- Panhandle I&"'t <15./ Topography .,::::>_::?~ Cu!-de-sau ISOI:th 3Y-' _ _-,---- i,m:t /.0 ' I F~es ITEM I SQ. FTC X Value I 2"""" i _.... ""~ //?? I I"~. JA. Thin pennit io granted on the expl'ess condition that the sdid construction ~ :..J '?: 7.fV' 9" shall, in all respects, conj'orm to the ONlinar:ce adopted by tJle City of Spl'1:naj'ield, incZuding the Zoning OPdinance, l'egulating the corwtl'ta::ticn and use oj' buildings, and m~y be auapended 01' revoked qt al:Y time uFon vio- l lation of any pr::Jvisiorw of said Ordinances. 1 ~ .:::>#,#~<(,.?~7C-PJ6:tct:J<?~~ ti5:~9> 8:5; ?y:7,,-SC>/ ~# lJEW~ , ~=- ~'c,D c., v, ~V€ ~~ z?'7./S'. ~#,C:d': c:S>~ jI~./.s- l' 1/'.31.-.:<;<::> /~ ?-?-W~ -P~hY'. I 59/. ""e> I 19,ss-1 4t/~5~1 ' I I -5"""2-S'?> '??>. ""l:::> /' o-c:> //1")' -;:;u;:>_ -" /?>7..~ I s::: .:78> I I/~,&el ' CHARGE , 5".< -S-~ I 1 :?7-StP .I!, "'::?~ ~ S~v/a1 'r I q-ooo Electrical Permit Stde SUT'ohaT'qe! 4 'E::D " () ^ CJ"'l Total ChtU'ces .=...\~ ~ I NO. FEE Ii; I! 1-- I Vent Fan :~ ? I wbodsto:J€ ~ 1..4P;;V.4#CE (h, ~J-;(X ":5 - .~"----~' ~"""'" ,<.-'" Me::hanieal pel.,lit" ""27.....(_5'P I I.~~I 2.'9, f3&? 1 Main ~ce Cal'DOl't IAccessOI'l/ I I Is.v.c. I TOTA" VAWE Ivat.uc) 1.5x Bui Zding Parmi t State Surcharge Total C:ha:>ges I NO. t I .2 'r V ~M';"// ~A'/#~4t:" Plwnbing Pel'T,:i t I lITEM FO'E FixtureD Residential (1 bath) I Sani tal'Y SeLJer Water , State Surcr.arge I Total Charges InoM I !l0. I fto. :?~~ ,I PEE Res. Sa. New/Extend Cil"cuits , j T~oI'ary Service lITEM F'urna.ce ETU 'S E:::ha:us t Hood , State Sw'chc:rrtc I Total C1/lII'llen -- f:NCROACliMENT -- I Sc~~rit~ Deposit I Storage I Maintenan::e I Permit Total L.1zarncs ! /-x/ I '78/1 ! Curbcu~ I SidelJa lk I Pen::e I Electrical Label I Mobi le Home l4ttD/ n=___c. ~ I h'/-=V;~ ~e I 'FOTAl. AMOU,'/T DUF.: t I c?- CHARGE ~ ~ CI/AJ/CE 6.:--0 7'-s.::::- '7. ---'> 6- .,.&> / ?_9p I 7/.:?C> I I 3/. :<0 / L-COG~ ..... / Bed,'oo",s: :3 ~ ~ner(f/J So:a'ces _ TUDe 1 I fieat r...-,a5'~'.#- 1 [ Water Yente;' ~. I I Ranae Ci . I 1"/ Fir'ep!ace I I wood"tove I: Building Value Permit & Ip!an Check Fee:t!:JOIO<.. q S Date Paid: (D .:J.. S . 'b-"1 IReceiPt H: \ !R ~ \ In Signed: ~.\ f'...u. ) Permit Plumbing No per~on ~hall con~tfllet, install, alter 01' change any neW or e=isting pltunbing 01' drainage systen in ~hole 01' in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a person may do plwnbing work to propeI'ty which is o!"'ned" leased 01' operated by the appli- eQnt. Electrical Permit IVheI'e State Law requires that the clectI'ical work be done by an Eleatl'ical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid ulltil the label Juzs been signed by the Electl'ieal Contl'actol'. .1 I Mechanical Permit ~z:~.~ //-7 -.!!i'7. Cate , I H,1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for peI'mit, and do hereby'ceI,tify that all i~fo:'mation heI'eon is tl'ue and corrcct, and I further ceI'tij'y that any ar.d aZllJOrk perfoI'med shall be dO:1e in accor- dance ~ith the OIdinanc:es oj' the City of springfield, and tht: Lcr..;s of the It State of Oreg::m p~l'tail1ing to the lJOf'k described her-e:.n, and that NO OCCU- PI:.NCY lJilZ be roode of any structw'3 without p2'l'misaion of t}le Buildl:ng Di- vision. I [w'theI' certify tha.t o:1ly contractors and e.71pZ"yecD w}:o are in c:o:;:pliance wi th ons 701.055 will. be used on this project @J{' ~- S1.gn:-!tl II/&/tr Da.te