HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-1-24 .. RESIDEaiIAl" APPLICATIO~ERI1I1' " 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Diyision 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~ .Job Loca.tion: J I,).. Mrn., (.. AJ ~- +- \J 'l'~r: Loi; II :.labile FJome I I Data of Application I '/ I ~ 1 [) Value (./ (!} 0, tlc] 0 , , Contractors Address L;~c. II BJ.dr~' Hoard I{C'\.!.. General r__!t..~ f? I~r- .sc3J Ml.Jo>l,ws u...to..~....::::. 3~'ff<i \Pl.tIlllh:i.ng C:.u~~.{Do-+o.(Jlu..c..b,:.N1" r~"C..hUIJ r.;,~ ~u11" II't'leChall:LCal~;(()I{..> I-k.-{,},< 7nLJ,'?NJ.I 'c:~~ ~<JJ.Y<.J , Electrical ~ f.i...... C. 71 ~ DlIsJ.I<J -Eu.- '3 (j'J' 3 (a "-': ',,-'-, I SIl""rvising El"b\: ric i:ln l ,v~._ Cl>. ~~ ~zr-~ "L. ,fI}V:.S Jt in the refJponaibiLity of the permit hatdel' to sae that all bwp"ctiOlllJ (11'C r.uidG.' 'at th~~prppel' t.ir.u;.~ t,l;at t;cch ..:ddres:J is readab!a from tlls"stroeot. and that the permit card in located at thq fl'(Hlt of tilt; p'"opcrty. .Bui!dirl{] rr~vi~io1: apFro~ed plan sJu:.l"L pemaill on th; Bu:Ldill(l Si-t;; at all times. PHOCSDURE FOR INSPECTION RSpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'ccorder) state YOUl' City de:;1:fJ1l.'1ted.,iob I1Ul;';ber) job aCC.rCG3) type of ill3pec;icII rcqucatcd a~d w.':cn you IJiLZ ba ready for ir:~pcction) Cantr>nci;cr.': 01' Gi.;,w:':; 1zr.mC .:.:nd phollc nu-nbcJ'. Requr,:;f,r. l'ecc1:;;tUI befcl'a 7: 00 t':":1 ~iLZ be made th~ same day) requests made aft~,;r 7:00 a'.1 witl b;; made the next :JOrhng dOH. Aonen::wr.:; Map H Subdivision: !fa"." h"w E=.s::.fu-{.,,s 0lJ11C1': ~a 1,- q. VI G<..-.t..c.-</ Addres3 : "),,'1,,0 i3...~d:k-.I. i?d.. City: "E~.).o.t...J(..I(. IJ~",./ c.I r.::><t Nm,' n .1dditicn n RemodeZ n Rf?qt1i1'l"'rl r>>Ilf:?......Hrmn O SITE INSPEC~"ION: To be nude excal)ation) but prior> tc set forms. o after up of UNDERSLAB PLL14BING, ELECTRICAL r. Nr:CflANICA~: To bo. made beJol'a an.y work is covered. [Z] FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be mad. after trenchea are excavated and form:; are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. V,\'DSRGROflHD PLUMBING, SEWER._ fv.1TE.~ mMINACe: To be made prior to fiZ- lir:.g trenches. o Cf] UIIDE.9FWOR PWI.fBING & MECHANICAl.' To be mada prior to inataZLation of j100r insulation or decking. POST AND BEllM: To be l1'.adc pr>iol" to installation of floor insulation or deckirl.{j. ROUGll PLWfBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECFJ- AN[CAG: No IJOrk in to be coven;d ur.til these inspections have berm made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to pLacir.g facing materials and befora framing inspcc- tior.. FRA/!ING: MuDt be requeDted after approval. of l'OIlgh pl.wr.bil1.{J, alectri- cal. & mechanical. Al.!. roofing bracing & c1limncys, etc. rm4.st be completed. !lo wrk is to be con- . caaZl3d until. this inspection has . been made and approved. [l1 W 1[21 [Z] (.,..,1- ~ /5 '6[0 r ~"'"r.:P' II .. ! :.:~I ,.:.<~\ ~ '.' 'Phone: ',Ty,- .~U (p Zip: 97 '/.>-" (;j~4J Sigr.en' R. ~ ~- Dak 1/1'1 /90 gXlli n"s Phn!,(" De:.wribc fi'Ol'k: ,.- S' "ok r,;~. I.) ~.,,~ "'IFf" (PI y...> ,:J../9o'- 7/<;,-, "'I ~--.i'11 \a Ild,-I/v<" '7 'II': O.,D~ 'fY2. -]&77- Your City Denigl:atcd Job NumbGr ]:J: C?J TNSf/l,IlTJON/VI1lY)H fl.4fUur:R T.'lSl'l:XTJOtJ: To be made alter all buml..;t1:on a.'uj rcquiJ'ed vapor };m'I'icrrl a1'~ in place but hcforc any wt;h~ flJll)[lUlTI board or LXItt (..'Overillg i.r. appl.-i.~!cl. and bdrm'a any im;ulati.oll ia concealed. .. q rD:)1J:S I DF.NOLITlOH OR ,~:DVED RUrLDTilC,r; :J Sani;m'u Ge:.1Cl' capped ~t P~Op'::l'ty l.ir.a ~ Sr.pt.i~ tan1-: p:<.--:-?cd and f~:ll.;;d with ijl'a:l.aZ. I FinaZ - r\1zen abcvo ita:.7s arc ccmpl.."1tcd --.J m;d wll(Ul :1e.-ncl:.tim: is complete or stru:!- tlfre mOlJed and pr:;::;i:;es cleaned up. . Mobil.c IIcmca. =:J Bl.ocking and Sat-:~p =:J.PZumbifl:7 cOH/JectionB scwor and lJa:er I' ELectrical. Connection - Blocking, set-up -.-.J and pl.wnbing com:cctions ,.-r..tot be approt:ed before l'cquest:.n(1 cZec:rical. inspec:ioi: :J Ac::r.:;::;cl'U BuiLdi'l(! I Final. - Aft;:;r p:Jrcr.es, skirting. deck.'), ~ etc. are compl.et;:;d. D FINAL PLUMBTIIG All pro.inc/; conditiol![J, :llw.': as tile ~'.,tstalla.ti.on of S~I''']et tl'aes, co.~pl.CU.O'1 of t;IC requirf?d landscr:pir..g) etc,. mzwt he [;ati:;fi.-:d before tl:q. BUILDING Fn/~lL can be raqucDtcd. [AJ WJ [Xl o GtJ DRY/vA!'!' INSPECTION: Tc be made after all drywall is 1:11 placc, but prim' to any tflln:lIg. MIlSONRY: SteeZ lQ{:ation~ bond bc(uns~ grouting 01' vel'ticaZs ill accordance Ln.th fl.TJ.C. SCl:tiol1 2415. 'rOODSTOVE: Aftf3r installation is cempleted. FIIlAG MEClIANICAG @ FINAL BUI!,DINC: The Final Building !1tSpcctiOlI must be requested cfter the FillaZ PLwnbi1l..J EZectrical, and MeclIQ1:icl":l. bwpactio1tG have been made and approved. FIliAL ELECTRICAL o D o CURB & APPROACH Al'.'":ON: ara ,-:racted but pl'ior ,;xmc}'cte. Afb~;' forlnG to pOUl~iIlg "AJ,D MANTlCU;S liNn CLF:IlNOU'fS lf1JST nF: IlCCF.SSTnU:, IlDJ1JST.'.'f:tJT TO BE NADE t1T 1:0 COST TO CI'!'Y I rai:'~ of;] ~ 8IDHlvAl,K & DRIl'EfVI',}': For all C01t- cret:c paving witill:/! r.tl'cct; right- of-L1C.Y, to be made aftm' aU exca- vating compZete t. lo~ work & sub- baSG mr:teriaZ in plfl:!e. D !'ENCF:: h'her. co:npL"t;e -- f'l'ovl:dp,. (Jatar: or movabl~ SCd,1:C1t:: f.lIl'oual: P.V.E. [i] -(h(e..e <b~ I I JOB NO.9~..7.~SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I Zona: L7.7.R I Occupanc" C.~ .::; "!?" /77-;/ Lot Sq. Ftg, -:;7":;s'~ Z'~ DOT TYPE I [,ot Face" ~ I s ,f lot C:YlJerag~ ~ O~ -"'- Intericr r P. L. ,q of Stories / I Corner INol'tll Total Haight /7 r Panhandle If~'ast ~ Sodh Topogra;:hy c!p-A,-'V Cut-de-sQe I , l1eDt I 1 1 Thill pel~t ia granted on the e~pY'ess condition that the said construction sha.ll, in all "['cnpcctt;, confoJ'r11 to the Ol'dinance adopted b'y the City of I Spl.inaField, including the Zoning ez.dinancc, regulating tile ccnDtl'lI.::ticn 1 and twe or buildings, and m:lY be 3u8pended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vic- !at-ion oj' any provisions of said Ordinances. I ?~# llE-V/clo/ /'~ ?~CfC.;ZJ~V': ~~ ~t:',~ -;;;:&1 t./-;S--: c,/?cZ:VT ~7 fii'/S/. 5"D /5 V~.~ l'5~w/Y !3.rcc:>yv. I 4"3'? -- 1 -;z I. 6S"' t;$.~ ' I lITEM IMain I I SQ. FTCJ I ~'I /.b} t:. VA,71~ . I I Gr..raae (,'al'l?Ol't \ ;lCCC~DOl'lI TOTAL VALUE IS,D,C, (vat.uc) 1.5 x , , Euildin.g Permi t ~ Sta te Sw'chargc I I TotaL Chn:>gC3 I ITEM NO. FE'E Fixtw'asff.AlGK~ ~ Y/cE I Residential (J bath) ::2 ;; I Wcter Y ,::::::/ __i/'?Z-MA'r~- .. I Plumbing Pe~t~ I State Surcr~rgel Sani ta1'Y SelJel' Total G"hc1'acs 11Tb'M 1!l0'1 'Ras. So. fta."'7'7<.r'2. !; I New/Extend Ci1'cHi t~s I j I WI ~/J~ly I FEE T(mlpo1'ary Selovicc Ele:::tI'ical pel'ln~ t , Stc;te Sw'chal'ae' Total C}ull'GeS I !IT::M INC, I V ~/ I' ,3 I -g..-o PSE' Furnace ETU' S -- E'/ICROACIIMENT -- Se~~rit~ DZD03it Storage Maintenance Permit Total Charqes ! Cur!)(..'U't ~~i ;;g>3 I I , I SidetJalk I Fence I EZect1'ical Label Mobile Home x Value CIIARCE I 7.>01 52 - sc::> -=<0. ..- ~ ..-. ~_ ctl> 1/:5>~df ,;). 7~! .i2o.Z~'~ ' CHARGr.' I ~2.. 50 I I /S~ ,?7; So /&5:.s> ~ -ZS;I / I~. '2-51 ' I I I 1 1 CIIAIICE b,e=> ?f:S-O ";7:-= /5". :zs-I -:::2'2. '?'.s-t :5" ~ I 0-=r...//r ~"" '7.?#A7 j?GY?';:'~~.t'p~r -/5/'. S~- I '/'O'/',IL A:.fOUNT DIIE.. .! -:2 /0:::>: ~ I, . ~;J~ - I I 1 I 1 .1 I I 1 L -CO G"l; Type/Cor:st: . Bedl'ooms: JEi1 - ~--' 7# ~ I r Enar'{f!l SOU1'ces T_II~e Setbacks II float ,.........;~. p-;4.~. r 1/00.se r Car'w/c r Acce:w. I Wflter>l/eater - ~~ .. /:1 ' I I Rallge c: ~ /.z' /:7" I 1/ Pi reo laca -:70' 1 I Woodstove II /:' ,~ Fses Building Value Permit & c...C IPlan Check Fee.. ~i'. -."'\ ICate Paid.. 1.70-'1.U IReedpt II..~ mf) ,q I Signed.. r::--'l' Plumbing Permit No pCl'[;on :;hall constr'uct, infJtaU, alter or change Gny neL> C'1' existing plwnbing or dl~inage 3yste~ in ~hole or in part, unleas such perDon is the legal povucssor of a valid plrunber's license, except trAt a pe~son may do plwnb1:ng lJork to proper.ty which is owned, leased 01' ope1'ated by the appli- cant. Electrica I Permi t Ifhm>(.l .'itate [,aw 1'equil'es that aw electrical lJork be done by an Electrical Contractor', the electr'ical pOl,tion of thia per'nl'it shaH not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electl'ical [;ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~~~?~~ p:cwr Excmt.I1e!' ( /' /-2:3-/b Vate I 1l.-1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed apptication for permit, and do hereby 'cel'ti[v that aU ir:fo:'mation horoon is tr>uc and correct, and I f:,H'the1' cel'tify that any ar.d all work per'foP.1led shall be done in accor- dance with the Ol.din:mces of the city of springfield, and the Ltr..JB of tho .t State of Or'eg:m p$l'taining to the 1J()J'k described herein, and that NO OCCU- !'I!NCY IJill b::J "rde oj' any :ltl'lwtw'~ without p~rmi8aion of the Build-Lng Di- vi::ion. I [In'thcr certify that o-:1Ly contractora and c.'l1plQyecs who are irl co.-::pliwwe with (.IRS 701.05S lJill be used on this pr>oject ~ CiYR--. ::)YhJ SiUn2d