HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Plans 2006-3-1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department Building Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS: r;, S" l{ Cc- te...-.,A-( 1'3)"cLCITY JOB#: t:.cllOo\'20oE.- 00 '1'3 ~ OWNER: V I " I A- '" ,- c":> ;t' PHONE: 7C{ 7 - 'Z 76 3 CONTRACfOR: bftEtL S CON ~ iit,. PHONE: b,'7- bt,7 .' Items listed below (if any) and those ,marked in red directly on the approved permit , docinnents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Smgle Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items". A corresponding numb~r is marked on your plans for any items listed,below where applicable. " All references are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (1998 International One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise. A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S. W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 , Your signature on the Building Permit is an agreement that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this ' project will comply with applicable codes. ' ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. . PLANS REVIEWED BY: ~e PHONE: I.~ ,lar.21. 2006, 3:04PM kp engineering pc I .. Kl:' .t.p.gmeering, 1': L. iJ . 4222 Commerce St., Suite ES ," Eugene, Oregon 97402 (541) 393-0782 I f:lx (541) 393-0783 kevin@kpengineering.biz ~I.M''=> No. 0094 P. 3 UIENT SHEET NO. 'Z. OF :2.> CAlCULA1l:0 BY If DATf .3 - 21-<>'-" J081 ~~ ~I..rh.l"l GfAfl~1S u.,LJ.,.; /Z1f\;W-e, Iotl'( ~A.,ED fIll..H"J.,to1el'leli~ A w..J; Wtrll fIl' ~~ 61"'''..1'1 1 J€."<t '" \0' AIl"I'''jl. "~Ts. Et1e;€E:tIa> 7" H1J. ,iip. ..1&1 C.,. ~ll-1f.>olL X,..,' ~'Of.rli-"l.l. AoJuw.", 40 E~ fMtlEDl:l1O 4Yz" l'1,o-I. l~ro ~,.j) <?1&..',~. I<"I~. J , G,R"",e- .' , 12"'-11~' '. c;J , ~- ~ -" -.- . .. ioll~' J'<.l.. . , (1/ "4te.1/.~1"~1loll~ <!ref ! ~I'i of ~t"\~1,.l.. if +- llPiJEI.l> C?.\ 6"0:". CALre~ll)q'E eE'iJ~\) 8" t-'1lfol, u' (p t11,..j. (1.) 4-~ ~'-\o> CPI-IT'~lJDu.,:> 1-z,'r11~ . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 i I I j I i I j I '0" 4l!- CD ~~~ 2. ' Sn.jotilJ~1..1... if f-rl~"l ~L... H-f.'":o. General Notes: · Steel Reinforcement: Grade 60 (#4 bars) · ,Concn:te: f' c = 3000 psi (no special iuspectioa required) . Cast fu<>I:''l9' On IDldisturbed Dative soil. · Lap horizontal steel 24" miciInUlD at all comers, steps, and splices. · Footing and stemwaD dimensions to match existing foundation, bu1 shall be no smaller than dimensions shown'in details. · ConsIrUctioo. to comply with the State of Oregon 2005 ResidartiaI Specialty Code as adopted by the City ofSpringfi.eId. · Damages twt shown on this repair plan are to be brought to the attention of KP Engineeripg. P.C. pc e.flL."~7 No. 0094 P. 4 CWENT SHEET NO, .~ 01' ~ CA1.C\JLATED BY kr DATf 3- z,l . 0,,", JOBl If <-tA- ~Eru.Gli ~~I!j'" I ,., I.~', ....Mar. 21. 2006 3:04PM kp engineering I ,K..P ~ngineering, P. C. , " 4222 Commerce St.. Suite E5 Eugene, Oregon 97402 (541) 393-0782/ c.x (541) 393-0783 kcvin@kpengineering.biz f1<-I:tr1Ili ~ Idt..~l. f-tl.u.r ---- - ~e-\J 11..{.~? (pJ"..uJou~ ,3.." lAI6, +4 ","""I.. ....r E....U *4- e.Io/l. u.U1\ Nu.-u... ff-Ifb (.,"'11.1, 1"'1'" .1"'~f1,l", :;~~LL. c:f. ~, to-! ~ %" + 1t"~E l.lJ "51t'tP><>1J 6Ei Efb"r ..p ~~,~ o rotJl.l~~ G.~~~CfI.J \:9 , I.q.!;. (,11 11 ~ ~"'I&rIlJr, .s~~ / /-/-/1 g~",1!lI\"' ~~ ~""IJt..1,.l.. AI-ll') f""'1l.l.~ "7 "~7 //// CD 61..~e> c::P1-l14ec..T1oJ 2> !-l-T-':>. , i i it 4 boI.lELC, Co t1""..... ,>!Sr" LLoW c.,"I1.!l, lolf.. E"'lo;r1llt :;1..4>'!:> llol ~. -+ ~Q\.e-;. I' .,., j ....-'" ..." : . Ma r. 16. I , ;~ 2006 2:05PM kp engineering pc No. 0086 P. 2 , ' . KP EDlineerlnl, P.O. 4222 Commerce St, Suite E5 Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 393-0782 kevin@kpengineering.bi% ~flflfW~fn~:<<;f (G (0) WJ f (G (0) March 16, 2006 Ehlers Construction 206611. Roosevelt Blvd. Eugene, OR 97402 Re: Damage Illl!PCCtion at 654 Centennial Blvd., Sprinefield. OR - Job # lq>6024 As you requested, an inspection was performed at the above noted address on March 8, 2006, to examine damage from a vehicle going over the curb and across the front yard before striking the southwest comer of the residence. The garage is located at the southwest comer of the stmcture. The vehicle impacted the sixteen-inch wall on the south side of the garage between the overhead door and the comer. The garage is wood framed construction with 2x4 waI1s framed on top of a six-inch COllUete stem wall At the time of the inspection the following observations were made. The siding had been removed from the south and west sides of the garage, but the felt barrier remained. The south portion of the stem wall appears to be displaced to the west. The west stem wall of the garage is tipped or bowed outward. There arc three major cracks in the west stem waI1, two of which are new. The new cracks are located approximately eight feet and twenty-one feet to the north of the southwest comer. Both cracks are approximately l4" wide with some vertical and/or horizontal disp~'1t. The footing was not exposed at the time of the inspection to see if the stem wall cracks transmitted through the fuoting as well The following repairs should be made to the structure. The damaged portions of the concretefuoting and stem waIl are to be removed and replaced. The rep\acPnv-nt fuoting is to be equivalent in depth and width to the existing, but not smaller than 6" deep and 12" wide as per R403.1. Two continuous #4 bars are to be placed in the footing 3" clear of the bottom. The concrete stem wall is to be a minimum of (f' thick with a height matching the existing stem wall lnstaIl one cootinu.ous #4 bar at the top and the bottom of the stem wall. When splices are required the #4 bars must have a 24" lap JT1inimnra. Where the new continuous #4 baIS are located near the existing foundation install a 30" long #4 dowel epoxied &.' ",;..:.. "nT' into the existing fuUDdation in a 5/8" diameter hole with Simpson SET epoxy or equal. If the stem wall and footing arc poured sepa..ately, #4 vertical dowels ilre to be installed at 48" on center connecting the stem wall and fuoting as per R403.1.4. It should be verified that the bottom of the footing is a ",i..:.."Jtn of 12" below the finished grade for frost protection. The wood framed garage WaDs arc to be straightened and squared, with any """"'gM framing replaced with equivalent members. t .j -,it Mar. 16. 2006 2:05PM kp engineering. pc No. 0086 P. 3 ":':00 ." .' .. . . The wall bottom plate is to be attachOO to the new concrete stem wall with 11," diameter x 10" llIlChor bolts embedded T' minimnm into the stem wall, or Simpson Yo x T' Wedge- AllllIlChors (or equal) with a 4Yo"lI)inimnm ~""'"t. Whichever anchors arc chosen should to be installed at 48" on ceDter maximum. All removed or """"'ged wall finishes are to be replaced to match existing. All repairs to the structure are to be in compliance with the State of Oregon 2005 Residential Specialty Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. A foundation repair plan can be provided upon request for the repair of the residence. Damage not noted above that is discovered during the c\eaniQg, exposing, and repair of the structure should be brought to the attention ofK.P Engineering, P.C. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. .If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to call me at (541) 393-0782. Very truly yours, Kevin M. Peterson, P .E. 2