HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-2-23 lll..& ~;lInformation I"!!:.,:,::'. .To Build On Il!nglneerlnfJ.. ~ . n..Ung Client: Address: Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 COMPRESSION REPORT Project No.: 722-80174-177 Proj. Name: Maple Elementary School ~f-~,:8 Location:~ ~21 09 J Street , ~Springfie'-d,OR Placeme"nt Data: Materiaf: Concrete Stage at 5 to 1.5 adjacent to J line and covered play area columns (2 lifts) Location Sampled At: Stage at 4.5 Date Cast: Ticket No.: 3354044 . 01/23/09 I ~i:4~~15200 Date Rec'd: 01/24109 Weather: Overcast Desi~n Stren!i1th (psi): re9uired 4,000 Cylinder No. Tesl Date Age (days) Field Cure Lab Cure (days) (days) 09-0268 113012009 7 6 09-0269 2/20/2009 28 27 09-0270 2/20/2009 28 27 09-0271 H H H c: Yardage Load: 1 Total: 10 ISUPPlier: Knife River Slump (in.): ASTM C143 Max. Aggr. Size: Air Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 Max Temp (F): Min Temp IF): Specimen-Size:' Unit Weight (pet): ASTM C138 Time Casl: 8:25AM Additives: Hot water Results Reported To: Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 placed 4.000 Diameter or Dimensions (inches) Cross Sect. Area (s.L) Cylinder WT. (Ibs.) SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax February 23, 2009 CCB#176269 Date: B.P. No.: P.O. No.: Cast By: P0271-255-0809 Dale Russell Field Test Data 5" 314" -- 45" 59" 4,,8 Contractor Curing Conditions: ASTM - THIS REPORT IS PIWVIOED FOR THE INFORA../A nON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULl., IS PROHIBITED WIT/-lOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. 4.01 4.00 4.00 12.63 12.57 12.57 KPFF - ugo.cosla@kpff.com Hyland Construclion - jeffdurmaj@jhconsl.com Milslea>i & Associates - doug@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robert~onlSherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yoland~ Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield Camp Strength / CappfngMethod Max. load (Ibs:) . Fracture Type" Test Thne (psi) _ I CG17-0J Ct2Jl-03 2 3:17 PM I X 3 8:42 AM I X 3 8:46 AM I X I Respectfully Submilled, ~fessio.IJ,/}O!?ices /ndus/lies, /IlC. Ra~ AIYr)~~ Project Manager 8.5 8.6 8.5 56,705 77 ,855 78,280 5,540 6,190 6,230 lR$tJion1Jf:::z:1fnn lengineerlng,. ~. ntRIng Client: Address: Springfield School Dislrict 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 'Placement Data: Trash enclosure footin9s gridline A to A-.5 at2 to 4 COMPRESSION REPORT Project No.: 722-80174-178 Proj. Name: Maple Elementary School Location: 2109 J Street Springfield, OR Material: Concrete Location Sampled At: Same as above Date Cast: 02105109 Ticket No.: IMIX No . 3352778 40N;~2nO ',...1.. Date Rec'd: 02/06109 Weather: Cloudy Design Strength (psi): required 4,000 Cylinder No. Test l?ate Age (days) Field Cure !-ab Cure (days) (days) 09-0429 211212009 7 6 09-0430 31512009 28 27 09-0431 3/512009 28 27 09-0432 H H H Remarks: Yardage Slump (in.): ASTM Ct4] Max. Aggr. Size: Air Content: ASTM C231 :A.ir Temperature (F): ,Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 Max Temp (F): IMin Temp {F}: Specimen Size: Unit Weight (pet): ASTM Ct]B Time Cast: 8:50 AM , Additives: Results Reported To: SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (541)746-7163 fax Eel1ruary 20, 2009 CCB#176269 lilil:>::ilJ3t)'l . P0271~255-0809 Glenn Meek Date: B.P.'No.: P.O. .No~: Cast By: Field Test Data 4114" 314" 41" 540 630 420 4x8 Curing Conditions: ASTM load: Total: Supplier: Knife River 1 10/10 Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 placed 4,000 Diameter or Dimensions (inches) Cross Sect. Area Cylinder WT. Is.i.) (Ibs.) Contractor Max. load (Ibs.) Compo Strength Fracture Type *. Test Time (psi) C1231.03 Capping Method C617.03 4.01 12.63 8.6 72,010 5,700 3 3:15 PM x Respectfully Submittea, ~nJISaices Industries, Inc. Raymond Aliperti ~ Project Manager I<PFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland,Construclion - jeffdurmaj@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - doug@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu . City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORft..tA nON OF hiE CLIENT ONL y, THE REPRODUCTION'OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY "lEANS EXCEPT IN FULL, IS PROHIBITED WIT/lour THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. c: r...-~-;;lInformation I.I"!!!..~. To Build On /E!nglneerlng;. ~. 7l'... "",J Client: Address: COMPRESSION REPORT Springfield School Dislricl 525. Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Project No.: 722-80174-176 Proj. Name: Maple Elementary School Location: 2109 J Street Springfield, OR Placement Data: Drilled pier (DP 1) 8 5' south of gridline A at 3 Material: Concrete Location Sampled At:" Same as above Date Cast: 0'1121109 Ticket No.: IMiX No.: 3352531 40N15200 koad: ITotal: 212 ISUPPlier: Knife River Yardage 1 Date Rec'd: 01/22109 Weather: Overcast SPRINGFIELD OFFICE 1040 - A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541)746-9649 - (54'1)746-7163 fax Date: February 19, 2009 CCB#176269 B.P. No.:__C.'8.-9'3'TI P,O.No.: -P0271~255-0809 Cast By: Glenn Meek Field Test Data 2112" 314" Slump (in.): ASTM C143 Max. Aggr. Size: Air Content: ASTM C231 Air Temperature (F): Material Temp. (F): ASTM C1064 Max Temp (F): Min Temp (F): Specimen Size: Unit Weight (pet): ASTM C138 rime Cast: 1 :20 PM Additives: Results Reported To: 43' 59' 4x8 Contractor Curing Conditions: ASTM Compressive Strength Data ASTM C39 placed 4,000 Diameter or Cros~ Sect. ~rea Cylinder WT. Compo Strength Dimensions Max. Load fibs.) (inches) (s.i.) (Ibs.) (psi) 4.00 12.57 8.6 58,885 4,680 4.00 . 12.57 8.6 84,145 6,690 4.00 12.57 8.6 84,570 6,730 Design Strength (psi): required 4,000 Cylinder No. Tesl Date Age (days) Field Cure Lab Cure (days) (days) 09-0221 1/2812009 7 6 09-0222 2/1812009 28 27 09-0223 2/1812009 28 27 09-0224 H H H Remarks: c: F,."me Type" Test TIme I I C617-0J 12:40 PM 2:12 PM I 225 PM I I RespectfUlly Submitted, K:;~~a~ndllSllies, Inc. Raymond Alipertl Project Manager Capping.Melhod C1231-03 KPFF -'ugo.cosla@kpff.com Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconst.com Milstea(j & Associates - doug@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfjeld School Dislrict - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield 3 x 3 x 3 x THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORA.IA TlON OF THE CLIENT ONL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY BY ANY MEANS EXCEPT IN FULL, IS PROHIBITED \VITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES. . l~~;lInfo1ination ,.,~. .To Build On Engineering . Consulring . 7lJstI"g Q~ - Y3~ -- - .- - ~ DAILY FIELD REPORT Date Performed: February 6, 2009 Report Number: 722-80174-181 Client: Springileld School District Project Name: Maple Elementary School 525 Mill Slreet Springiield, OR 97477 Project Location: 2109 J Street Springfield, OR Contractor: John Hyland P.O. No: P0271-255-0809 Fabricator: Metalsome Shopl Field: Shop Type of Inspection: Welding Weather: Rain Field Observations and Comments Performed periodic visual inspection of the following items: columns piece mark M10W (1), M10M (4), and M10E (1). Weldments were inspected for size, length, profile, and locations. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected above was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable y;orkmanship provisions of the International Buildinq Code and applicable AWS 01.1 codes. Inspector: David Smith, Certification #0877340-85 CBB #176269 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, (l~~0rAne~e Industries, Inc. Raymond ~ Project Manager c: KPFF - ugo.costa@kpff.com Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - doug@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndt@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield THIS REPORT 1$ PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CLIENT aNL Y. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND {TS TRANSMITTAL TO A THIRD PARTY. BY ANY MEANS, EXCEPT IN FULL WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, IS PROHIBITED. Professional Service Industries, Inc.' 1040A Shelley St.. Springfield, OR 97477' Phone 5411746.9649' Fax 541f146.7163 / . . l"'~;lItlfonnation ",..,. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting . Testing . DAILY FlELD R.EPORT Date Performed: February 5, 2009 Springfield School District 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 Client: B.P. No,: Type of Inspection: COM 2008-00438 Concrete Report Number: 722-80174-179 Project Name: Maple Elementary School Project Location: 2109 J Street Soringfield, OR P.O. No.: Weather: P0271-255-0809 Cloudy Field Observations and Comments Performed visual inspection of reinforcing steel at the following locations: trash enclosure footing reinforcing at gridlines A to A-.5 at 2 to 4 prior to placement of concrete. Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable. Reinforcing steel was secured using tie wire and supported on concrete dobie blocks. Reinforcing steel was placed in accordance with latest revisions dated 6/12/08. Performed visual inspection during placement of concrete in the locations listed above. Concrete was placed by mixer chutes and mechanically consolidated. Cast one (1) set of four (4) (4x8) concrete test cylinders. Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected above was in accordance with the building department approved design, drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the International Building Codes. Jvo" of M<i1lillaJ Supplier Mix# Slump Air Content Ambient Temperature Material Temperature Time Placed Design Strength (psi) Number of Samples Total Yarda!le Placed Inspector: Glenn Meek Jr, ICC #5071538-49 CCB #176269 Set #1 Knife River 40N15200 41/4" 41' 54' 8:50 AM 4,000 4 10 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact us at 541-746-9649. Respectfully Submitted, K::;va~nr~e Industries, Inc. Raymond Ali~'\J Project Manager c: KPFF - ugo.cDsta@kpff.com Hyland Construction - jeffdurmaj@jhconst.com Milstead & Associates - doug@milstead.us Mahlum - rberndl@mahlum.com Robertson/Sherwood Architects - dguadagni@robertsonsherwood.com Springfield School District - jsaracen@sps.lane.edu Yolanda Bird - yolanda.bird@sps.lane.edu City of Springfield THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED FOR THE INFORMATION OF THE CLiENT aNL y, THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT, BY ANY METHOD, AND ITS TRANSMITT~L TO A THIRD Prof.SSigA~rseR:rc,~'iIllM~n~'ii\gT ''iOWA 'g~1!~.Yl s~=. 'rfIJM~W~ra:'r3Ff!i'!~9~ ~'Pht~,glgS'fi7~~~~Iif~/:%Slg:f,stf~e:t~~!l"TED. /