HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2005-5-16 (2) ~ ;.:J.:' ,'f ~~/?~~:t'75i ,i <-,' "I.nns I _'J",' I ",.,.:.::.--=--::.-:::::..::1 .1 .- , HILL &DALE ENGINEERI NG, LLC 74 EAST 18TH AVENUE, SUITE #5 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 868-0667 FAX: (541) 868-0888 I.L:,{>~:"........ 05/16/05 Walter Custom Homes 2863 Riverwalk Lp, . Eugene, OR 97401 RE: Lot 29 Mountainl!ate Subdivision. Sorinmeld - Levelll Preliminary soil report - Job #264-05 I I As you requested, a preliminary site soil investigation was performed at the above noted site on 05/12/05, The investigation was performed by digging test pits as recommended by the Boire Associates INe supplemental report dated 02/10/05, .... , , .. .. . Lot 29 is in an area of lots that were investigated as a group, That group consisting of,l~l~n, 29-3J,. , Lot 29 is on the upslope portion of the cul-de-sac that backs to a steep ridge, The soil.in this area is a . , layer of top soil approximately 6"-12" in depth over a layer of brown, moderately stiff silty clay : ,. ,.. approximately 12" in depth over a layer of soft gray clay that is at least 24" in depth. It1s ll1<&ly thal.thi>> clay layer is over decomposed sandstone at an undetermined depth in this area, Due to Me riClge be'~d, : .".... and the impervious soil conditions, surface water flowing downslope from the ridge is ntl~1Jg and standing over the lot. Soft fill soil conditions exist at the street apron of the lot, likely peifooned a.V~e: ' of street construction, This lot is considered to be buildable with the following recomllleil!lations fo{ s~. preparation and foundation design. ' , " : .... ..... . , ..... ..... . , . .. ...... , . .. ...... , , .. .. .... , , , .... ...... , , .... The proposed residence for this lot has been designed and engineered by Cedar Creek Design and Construction, I have reviewed the plan, site plan and foundation to determine if the plan is consistent with the conditions at the site. The plan includes high wall foundation that is appropriate for the proposed structure placement and design for this lot, and appears to have been designed specifically for this lot. The site plan appears to be consistent with site conditions, No extraordinary foundation design, other then retaining walls, is recommended to be installed at this time, Retaining wall design is to be performed using a minimum of 35psf equivalent lateral earth pressure, for high walls designed with backfill under 8' in height. Retaining walls designed using restraint at the top and bottom that have backfill in excess of 8' in height are to use 60psf equivalent lateral earth pressure. The foundation design is to be based on 1500 psf soil bearing pressure. This designer has used 60psf equivalent lateral earth pressure for non-top restrained high walls with backfill less than 8' in height and 1500 psf soil bearing pressure, which is satisfactory, .,,0. . .... Due to the preliminary level II investigation of the conditions at this lot, it is recommended that a representative from this office be on site at time of excavation to determine actual sO,il,conditions at the site and make fmal recommendations for the site preparation. These recommendations will likely be to remove the soft clay to decomposed sandstone, which will be an appropriate building material for the proposed foundation, If removal of the clay layer is not feasible, the likely recommendation will be to excavate to solid clay, and install a layer of compacted crushed rock a minimum of 12" in depth over the clay layer for the installation of the proposed foundation, This procedure is to provide an acceptable building surface for the proposed foundation and to maintain the clay soil moisture content that is . designed to mitigate the shrink and swell potential of the clay layer. Additional clay soil moisture content maintenance may be recommended should these procedures be required as determined by the soil conditions encountered at time of excavation, All of these determinations are better made at time of excavation when full site exploration may be performed. In addition, it is likely that the soft fill soil at the street apron of the lot at the proposed driveway will have to be removed to native soil and built back up with compacted crushed rock. This will also be determined at time of excavation. It is recommended that perimeter footing drains be installed at the upslope side of the structure and .... directed to an approved outlet, to divert the surface water away from the foundation ~tp~iht, ancj TIt>:' , cause impact on adjacent lots, These drains are to be a minimum of3" diameter perW":~Q drain pl'pe ' placed at the base of the footings in clean round rock. An additional diversion trenca to be place~ at t~e back of the lot may also be recommended to be installed, to be determined at time of excavation, : " '" dependent on the extent of subsurface water that may be present. " ,', .,. , ... ... .. . ...... A report stating the required site preparations and verification that these recommendaMDs,l\avebeen .... performed will be provided by this office and is to be provided to the City of Springflal, obqilding. . ,., ' department prior to the footing inspection to be performed by the City of Springfield !ttsIfl!\:tor to aLlo..., concrete to be poured for the footmgs, ' , " : The excavation and erosion control requirements of the City of Springfield are adequate for this site. Measures recommended at time of excavation for site preparation and for drainage are to be performed such that there will be no adverse impact on the adjacent sites. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions regarding this report, contact me at 868-0667, Sincerely, Pamela S, Hillstrom, P,E, ..... , , ..... .... .. , , .. ...... . . ", .. ..... . , , .. .. .... . , . .... ...... . . .... . I; r. I I . I . . , . . J LOT 29 - 'MOUNTAINGATE SUBDIVISION . . .. LOT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES _ 35% LOT COVERAGE PER SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE /6.040' . _ SPRINGFIELD LAND AND DRAINAGE AL TERA nON PERMIT !LDAP) REQUIRED FOR EROSION CONTROL - CLASS A OR B ROOFING IS REQUIRED - SUBJECT TO FIRE PROTEcnON PLAN _ VEGETATION EASEMENT - RESTRICTS BUILDING LOCATION AND VEGETA T10N REMOVAL - LEVEL TWO FOUNDA T10N ENGINEERING STANDARD (see Geolech Report) - SIDEWALK REQUIRED . \) ~ \ ~~ ~~ .-'( \ \@ \ " " .... . . . . ........ , - ....Il~ , . I .. , '.". T ".: ~.....!"J ..... . , ..... ...... , . .. ...... .. . . .. " , . . (' .... ". -" _..-:..~ .!........ .. ._...... ...,e, ."...... , , .. @ -- ...~.. , . .. .. ~ SIDEWALK REQUIRED ~ /' THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES TO ASSIST IN INDIVIDUAL LOT DEVELOPMENT, REFER TO THE SUBDIVISION PLA T. RECORDED COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, AND CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT FILES FOR FULL DETAILS. RECORDING NOS. 2005-033764 & 2005-033770. .... . .... . .. , . .. .... , , . .... ...... , . .... 25 I ~--=1 o 50 ;," '" t., ., 1-. I I I I . . I II I I Ii MountainGate Development Plan Restrictions Please pay particular attention to the sections highlighted in yellow, Tree Removal-General I. Within this phase of MountainGate a tree felling permit is not required for the initial removal of trees from a.lot that is required to construct the dwelling, driveway or grading necessary to place the dwelling and driveway, 2, For other portions of the lot (i,e, the minimum building setback areas of5' on the side and 10' on the front and rear and within the Private Conservation and Vegetation Easements), a City tree felling permit is required for the removal of 'more than five trees that are five inches or greater in diameter (dbh). Private Conservation Easement Restrictions .... 1. No structures, including decks, porches, eaves, etc, except fence1iihaU'be 10Caap. within a Private Conservation Easement. ...... .., , , , 2. No native vegetation may be remoyed from within these areas ex<;.ept,as necessary to meet fuel break standards for fire protection and diseased or d~gerhees a~':' . determined by 11 professional forester or arborist. Diseased and cti!l2~e~ trees tobe' removed shall be shown on the initial building permit application suomittal t...tlu: ...... . . Cl'ty , ,.. .... . .. .. . - . ... , ,. .. , 3. Non-native vegetation including blackberries, scotch broom and ivy may be removed, 4. The use of heavy equipment within the easement area is limited to the minimum necessary for permitted tree removal or utility maintenance and repair, Existing trees that are close enough to be impacted by these activities shall be protected as outlined under Tree Protection DuHng Construction below. \, . S. Trees replaced within the Private Conservation Easements shall be of a native species specified for hillside development in Section 6 of the City of Springfield Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Tree planting shall follow the procedures contained in Section 6 of the City of Springfield Design Standards and Procedures Manual. 6. Construction fencing shall be placed between the Conservation Easement and the worksite during construction, Silt fencing may be substituted for standard construction fencing when located to serve this dual purpose. , MountainGate Development Plan Restrictions 7/4/2005 I ..... , , ..... ...... . , , .. ...... , , .. ...... . , .. .. .... . , . .... ...... . , .... ..... . , ..... ...... . , .. ...... . . .. ..... . , . .. .. .... , , , .... ...... , , .... , '" Private Vegetation Easement Restrictions :) 1. Mature maple trees with broken tops may'be removed if replaced by an acceptable replacement tree. 2. Diseased, deformed or danger trees as determined by a professional forester or arborist should be removed. 3. Grading may occur within the easement as necessary to establish a dwelling or retaining walls provided that where native trees are removed they are replaced by acceptable replac~ent trees at a maximum spacing of thirty feet. The need for removal of trees shall be substantiated by a professional forester or arborist and approved by the City. Existing trees to remain that are close enough to be impacted by these activities shall be protected as outlined under Tree Protection During Construction below. 4. No s~'ttures shall be located within these areas except for fences and retaining . ':.., struCWreii\hat are required for foundation or soil stability. , .. ...... , 5., Trees replflced within the Private Vegetation Easement may be selected fro the ..,.': entire,list of street trees contained in Section 6 of the City of Springfield Design . . :.. , StanZlar.lii 'and Procedures Manual. Tree planting shall follow the procedures , . .. cont~~1n Section 6 of the City of Springfield Design Standards and Procedures .... Manual. . . ...... .... .. .. .. r~.: ,Construction fencing shall be plac~d to protect Vegetation Easements that will not be altered with house, driveway or retaining wall construction. Silt fencing may be substituted for standard construction fencing when located to serve this dual purpose. Tree Protection During Construction I. During house and driveway construction existing native trees to be preserved that may be impacted by these activities shall be protected with construction fencing to the drip lines of the trees. This area is to be considered off limits to all construction activity. 2. Apply a four-inch thick layer of chips or mulch around the tree roots to prevent compaction of the soil. 3. Prune all roots encountered during construction using sharp tools. . 4. Trim low tree branches to prevent breakage. MountainGate Development Plan Restrictions 7/4/2005 2 . J ;r" " ., \, . C I. , , . . The material in this handout is excerpted from the'Development Plan for MountainGate Subdivision dated April 12, 2005 and Section 6 of the City of Springfield Design Standards and Procedures ManuaL ..... .... , . , , .... ..... , , , . , ...... " . . . ..J1e.. .. , ...... , , , . ...... .. . . . ...... . 0 , .... 0 . .. . , , . .. .. .. . ....... .... , , .. , , ...... .... , . , .... . , .... .. .. ...... , ... . . " , , .... .. . \1 MountainGate Development Plan Restrictions 7/412005 3 '\., , " @ ~- -, """"'---... " ", " " " '.'-". . , , , , , ", , ...~~ " '..-.-...... , .,'........ ..... 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