HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Plans 2005-8-23 (2) .. ~ < . . , o. . JOB ADDRESS: '3 n :>0 .. . OWNER:~li.e t.JTvJ-O 0"1::) CONTRACTOR: W~\~ e,l'A~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. DevelOpment Services D........:.........rt Building Safety .Division Residential Plan Review ClTYJOB#: 0:'- OO~ .t .nuLl.!!.: 3> "rz... - S "'13 S PHONE: . ... . Items listed below (If any) and those m~ri<M in red directly on the "'i'.I'.u.'l:d permit ; .docl1TTt...m.iIre m.;.,..lN'~ intO 1;bis proj~ in addition ~ any .""1":"~eIIIs "'i'.I'~ on the .c:.......;...ction plans and the ~ Standard document eotitled "Sirigle ~amily.and Duplex: Con.,;._;:on Most ec.mmonly Missed Items". A v........~ n;"g DIlIIIbs:r is m..wM on your plans for any items listed.belowwhere applicable:. _. .... , . . . . . ..... All..:ft..=CeS~ to the 2000 Oregon S~ One an? Two Family ~"S~ty O:ldr.. (1998 L.......h..OIllIl One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended.bY 1ne State of Oregon unless noJed otherwise.. A copy of this code may be obtained fron:i the.Bufltljng; Tech BocU...,.......... Inc.o 8020 S.W. Cixrus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 974008-59'6 ,'. ... . ,. .... -...:.. '. '... . . ... . Your signature on the Building Permit is an lI&v".,P.nt that all items wi:n~~ or . ....~-;.ed. and that all worlc on this. Project will comply with applicable codei... , ' ... . '. . , .. .... .. .. ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF Pr:.WS: SPECIFICATIONS AND om DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR. OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF mE BUJLDlNG SAFElY CODES OR. OF ANY OlHER. ORDlNANCE OF mE Cl1Y OF . SPRlNGFIELD. .1 . S REVIEWED B : . . ~ PHONE: J L.{ C:, - S If g(L{ ..... . . .-... . ...... . . .. ...... . , .. ..... . . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . , ..... . .... ----.---.. - ---. --.-.-...-..---.-. .... --- r KEATING ENGINEERING C L . C 188 WEST 8 ST..- BlOG P ~D.OR .97477 "Ciice. . (54i)72":9995 FAX (54i) 726-9996 emoif ~i"9cng@~;';.~om August 13. :2005 Dave Puent City of Springfield Development Services 225 Fifth Street Springfield. OR 97477 Re: Brentwood Estates Phase ill Revisions to Building Plans Dear Dave: Revisions have been to the building plans of the following buildings: 135,136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,143, 308, 310, 3 11,312, 313, 314, 3 I 6, 405, 407, 409, and 4 I I. What specifically has been modified are the following items: Exterior wall and unit separation wall construction-these changes are reflected in the wall schedules (Sheet S4.2 of all plan sets) and related details. These revisions were done in accord with Appep~i~ N or the 2005 Oregon Residential Specialty Code, which allows for the fQ!!owingo. 00. revisions from the previous plan sets: ene.... . I. Typical exterior wall construction is no lon~er requirecho Qave a .. ... I-hour fire rating. 0 0 _ . 0 0 2. I-Hour rated exterior walls are required shll-.Id S:wall ido:o 0 . question be located with.i1i 5' of a property line or 10' ftttft'101 adjacent 0 .. building. As our eaves are designed have a 24" over PP!l~~e-op!adiQ expand those limits to 6' from a property line and 12' ~mollh lldja~ 0 . building.. As part of our revision, any walls of any of the buildiIig. )islef above that are within 6' of a property line and/or within 12' of another building are to be constructed so as to have a I-hour fire rating. These exterior walls are indicted in the plan sets of their respective buildings: 3.. The area separation walls In each of the units is allowed to have I -hour fire rating and that quality of fire rating is to extend from the top of the floor of the lower (first) floor to the underside of the roof sheathing. In all plan sets, in the wall schedule is an area separation wall that meets that requirement. Furthermore, the draft stops that separated the attic space of each of the units have been upgraded to a I-hour fire rating. If you have any questions regarding these changes, please feel free to give me a call at 726-9995. Regards, ~ Chris Scott Keating Engineering, LLe. ..... . 0 ..... ...... o 0 .. ...... o 0 .. a..... o . .. .. .... . o o .... ...... o 0 .... ... JOB NAME ADDF<ESS CCNCRETE 5LA65 AT HEATED 5PACE5 taLATIOIl AND MOI&1lR: ~ I<!:G1JlI<EMEIITlj CITY JOB Nl.N8ER . .. , 2Xh SlUD6 . 16' OR 24' OJ:;. 2X Tl<EAlEO SILL - / . ePa'. ;..... .t'O~ _...~ .....;.... ~~~ . ..... I... . . ~ ---.,..- ! ~ -' . - . '~"'.~'.' .'",..... .-. - .... 215AND~~~ \ .". ..: ~~. ..... / . ...'<1.~1.'....: .~ ~.::.;.~.;:.:t...,..J: Mo.!!.~BN<RIEROR '" -...: -. ....., .0--" 55"~~C 6 l1Il f'CIL Y IIlIIU' P' - O:E STORY &AND CO"l1:R ,. 15' - W STORY 1YPICAI. ,ILl 6LAB6 IN HEAlED SPACE& NU.AlED 2lc6 STIlD IIIAl.L f.,r.l :: RJRI'lED IIIAl.L IIl1H R-2\ ..l.- r~ ==~ ~ I'1OR: TIWl6') ".,.:>-i ~-, J.MlCL ~ AIlEA. P.T.6IU.~ ~ ~..,,-: I. l~j ~.~.~.u ..: 'o~.~.... . f~LO",~\i~:.:i~;~; . ~~ ";.....,...~....-....- !;!;' ROU. I<lXIFlI<<i OR ': -. .... .' .. 6l11l pOLy IIII1H 2'./1 ~ . SAND ~ . TYPICAl. ALL el.A6S IN HEAlED SPACE& -r-tr- . I ..... I I I I I SILL r5EALER INTERIOR 5LAB BEARING IIlTH IEAlEO SPACES eoTIl 6IPE6 ~ WALL nn ..... . . ~O, _ . 6I.0F&ta . .. ... . .. . .. .. 0 . -. . . .. ...... . . .. ... . . ,. .. 0 .. .... o . .. .. 2X6 SILL P:r. (TO 6EAR 3.1/2' afTO cae. SLAB) 26~~~ &II.l 6Ia:lIN:l 5EALER-m .~-l'" ... ..... -.. 1':'''' ....~... ~.-. ~.~ . . .. . .. 'T- :.. D3 vi'.Mk ...:> s.&Q ;I~~. ..11 eEAI<Ni . '.' '. " , ' :. . -'\..a.. ,'. . .~ . ~. '. - "':'... - A&l&DED > ~-;, ..~~. ::.~.- ~l i:s ~::--....... ..:..:.4....:- .......:., ...,. - ~ ^.:--..... ..' ~ . / ~ camNJOU6 R-e; RIGID . . (l<ECGl~olDEO) INSULATION Q' 15' AT nW STORY CGM)mOl .... . . ,. '..... eN: STtlIO'Y ~ ., ~~. ...i J.&I .lUX).,ti~. . ;.. . '. . . ..... .. . . t D'. eN: St.ORY J ~ 15' . 1II.l:) STORY GRADE . 5EFARATE 5LAB .: 10 . MOI&lIJIlE M.llER 56" Fin.!. ~ OR 6~~2' MONOLlTI-IIC 5LAB SCALE: NT5 .. - ...., ""." . s RAFTER . (Z-16d TOENAIL@ Il) . . ~,' .4(_) '.' . @ .C!=ILING JOIST. . ..........~fi....Jt- .' /. . . (3-8d TOENAil @ It.) "\ .... : . . ... · -. FASCA. 3-1Odca~U.1W.S . . 2.S(~ CE~~.~-'S1U)WAl.L . · . . 2X IIlDCl<Ni .STICK4=RAMEO. ROOf 'V ~ .~.e.u. @ EACH BAY I <--. 7 J ~SlEAlliNG . . -r~----~-~---~--~--. .~ .. ....4 I CCEPTABLE.9I:.~\NG.II.~ ..:.,.. ....;. ( I [.:.;. I 'j--",,:,:. ., .. :" .a- . . ,.. .. . --------~~-~~~--~~ . .. .. . .~..... . . . .. .... ....... . . . .. .. .. .. ..~." ..'1. .. . . ...... , . ... .'. , .~ f'REHAW' ACTlIlED ROOF .::::- TRJSS ~ I . .~ . - . TRUSS ATTAOED TO TOP IUTE./ <vF~ . tl otrn<>l\AflCE WITH """'....., 8OZ.1O /. -c - .-/ (a'rlllNAIJ . . .. . C e,..=-- ST\I) w.e.u. ExTERIOR W~ @ "TRU&>ED" ROOF - , .. "v ..."". ... . 2X BLOCI(RlG @ EACH BAY PRESCRIPTIVE EAVE DETAIL . . !.a!lif/.;..~(I/N ~ ii / :ffiJ!{~2r (~r[. N'-July 1~: 2001 ~ . ~ : , ! ~L ~. . ~. , ROOF SHEAtHING I · GABLE END BRACE . BLOCKING 3 BAYS ... "-- PANEL EDGES,LOCKING .~ PANEL ED~: B~OCK~~:. .... : .... . '. .. . j, ,~ ~/~.. 2 x 4 MIN. BLOCKING 3 BAYS 400 # L. CLIP GABLE~END WALL ^v i _ II 4-12d 2 x 6 MIN, BLOCKING ROOF SHEATHING I DIAGONAL STRUT GABLE END BFaCE , . . . ...... L.-, .. 2 x 4 MIN. B1U.~~ .. 2 ...... . . .. .. ~ '\ . 400 #L. CLIP GABLE-END WALL NOTES: 1. GABLE END WALLS THAT ARE NOT BALLOON FRAMED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF SHEATHING SHALL BE BRACED BY ONE OF THE METHODS SHOWN ABOVE, OR BY INTERSECTING PERPENDICULAR WALLS, AS FOLLOWS: A) WALLS WITH 2 x 4 DOUBLE TOP PLATE: @ 9' 0" MAX. ole 8) WALLS WITH 2 x 6 DOUBLE TOP PLATE: @ 15: 0" MAX. OIC . 2. WHERE CEIUNG ADJACENT TO GABLE END WALLIS VAULTED, WALL SHALL BE 8ALLOON FRAMED TO ROOF OR ENGINEERED. ! ... . .. .. . .... . . .... . ... . .. .. . ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . . . .. ....... . . .. ..- .... . . . ..... .. ..... , . .... GABLE END WALL BRACING REV. 617196 , OREGON PLUMBING SPECIALTY CODE. 1992 MINIMUM EARTHOUAKEANCHORAGE FOR ALL WATER HEATERS MIN. 30 ABOVE OR . J . BELOW CONTROL ACCESS PANEL --...,.. .. - , III 11I1~ , , t:;:j. 11 .~ ! , . .1 = Anchorage is required. on ell water . heaters having non-rigid water connections and over 4 ft. in height, . measured from the base to the top of the. case. I 1 . 6'M/N.~~:"=8.I,11. t LOCATED WITHIN TOP 1/3 OF TANK ... .' ,; ~ "~ #12x 1.1120 . SCREW WITH . WASHER THROUGH STRAP It>lTO STUD. ~ ~.. .~ 18 GA. MIN. GALV. STEEL STRAP (PLUMBERS TAPEI .~: -~..., " ~t I OPTIONAL ADJUSTIBLE 0" .. FASTENER .. ... _ _ ..:.. . . '.. ... - - . .. . ...... l' THIC~ "_OMBu~f1Bte SPACEI'I. 0 . ATTACHED TO WAll. WHEN CLEAIW"~io FROM COMBUSTlBLE~Ts RUluIRED. 0.. 0 BY THE H1!ATiRMFGA." o . 0 .. 0 ..... . o . . .. ".... . oerfKlNAL4' UIN<12x4 WIWoo 1/~x 3.1120 LAG SCREWS 'lIfl'C'6TUDS,0)'"r'rACH S~o o WWHO,t 2 x 1".H:!o SCR~ii..o WITH WASIi~~.. : .. . ... . .. . .... Notes: 1. If installed on a raised base, using the above strapping methods, the base will not be required to be attached to the flooro 20 A bottom strap is required on all raised ph:itforms greater than 12ft. high, and on all heaters over 65 gal. capacity. Tanks having a capacity over 100 galo shall have specific approval of anchorage methods by the administrative authority (Building Official).. DATE: 9/,;1.7/,,!': CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Dept. BuIlding Safely DIvIslon 225 N. 5th Street !':nnnrneld. Orellon 97477 WATER HEATER ANCHORAGE 1 I " , - . . . -"'Wf.'Ja.1ii;I"'(ot~/=~'&J,il'!.<f'~~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT . .... ..... ~".. 225FIFTH STREET .. . . . .. . . ..' SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 725-3753 . FAX (541) 726-3689 = ,. June IS, 200l All Interested Parties Beginning immediately, the Springfield CoIDID.llIlity Services Division, Building Safety . . will require a legJ.ole insulation certificate to be left on the job site at the time of final. building inspection. The building inspector will record the infonna:tion of the company . who. inStalled the insulation, the date of installation, and the person responSlole for the installation as part of the permanent record of the structure. If the information is not legible, the final inspection may not be approved until the information is presented in a readable form. .... . . .. . . .. .. . Thaok you very.much for your cooperation.in this matter. If you have an1'l'1eS'tions, ,.. . please feel free to phone either Bob Barnhart at 726-4652 or myself at 72~-3790. :'.. . . .. .. Sincerely, . . . . .'. .. . .... . .. .. . ...... . .. .. ...... . . . .. .. .... . 0 .... . ... . .-. .. .' Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor ..... . . ..... . ....... . . .. ...... . , .. ....... o , .. .. .... o . , . .... -' ...... , . .... . J' .ATIENTION.. .. EXTERIOR SIDING. . .... ..' . .. .. . . . Manufactur.ers are nowprooucing sever~dlfferepi : ..types ofextenor sidings. It is essential th~.e:ach' .:::' . ... . type of siding beinstaneci accordirigcto~the-:::: .. ... : . . .manufacturers installation instructiol1s.Mamr. . ::::. manufacturers have refused to warraritYanysid~o: . that is not installed to comply with their specific .. ... . ... installationr~uirements~ .... For this reason we. . . tequestthat the manufactUrerssidingil1stallation. ." standards be present aUhe time of inspection to . .. .. verify. compliance: .. . .. . .. . .0. ... .. , ..... ...... .', . .. ,.'......' . . .. : ... ...... . .. .. .. . .... . . . . . , . ..... ...... . . ..,. .'.... . -f · 9T.... ." , . . ClI'Y OF SpRIN<af"1EL\DI,OR~. = i XOIICE: . . Smoke Alarms must be provided with the following information at the project site before requ~~H~g ftM-I inspection for building occupancy. . :.. .. . .. . . . . ... .... ... .... 1. BRAND NAME of the smoke alarms iffSIalled.iri .... the b.uilding. :::::: ...... . ... o .. .. . 2.A copy of the Manufacturer's INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS for the smoke alarms. . If the above information is missing, or is not in plain sight within the building, final occupancy may not-be granted until the required information is provided. . ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... ' .. .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . , . ... . There is 8 need for better galvaluzed fasteners, A Taking CCA 's pl~ce= two w~~orne . Fastener grades kn't always marked on boxes of . compounds, a1kaIine copper quat (AcQ. types B nails and screws. Electro-galvanized stock is rated. and D) and copper azole (CBA:A, "CA-B), Sold. from 5 to 110. Hot-dipped galvanization iatings are . under the trade names Preserve; NatureWood, and . based on the actual weight of the coating; for Natural Select, they.'have been .used around the . example, a G-60 rating means 0:60 ounces of zinc world for about 15 :years. These EP A-approved per square foot of metal. G-60 and G-90 hot-dipped low-toxicity products resist bugs, mold, and roi as coatings have been used until now, but engineers effectively as CCA. suggest G-1S5 coatings for hot-dipped galvanized . Q Are the new preserva.tiv~ safe? .products and class. ratings of40or.ahove when using eleclro-g8lvanized fasteners, such as A The n~w preservatives have been studied expansion bolts. Cun-ently, G-IS5 is the best gal- extensively and approved for use by the EPA. Like . . vanized protection you can buy, As for nails and CCA, they protect and extend the life of wood screws, verify that composite coatings will work.. products for decades, . . N PreSsure-treated bottom plates in slab-on-grade Q Will th d .. ews Sife construction may alsoofferweaklinks. Cumulative enewwoo p~ductsc~more? . Cffects of corrosion couldbecatastrophicinseismic, A To make the new pieservatives effective: thili . Sign up for: . tomado, and hnmcanezones, . copper content has been boosted substantially- ."Notifyl"... Q . from around.IS percent to 96 percenL Because Will .production~framing crews switch to . ACQ and copper 8ZOIe cOntain so much more Interuted In. receiving - galvanized naDs for stndsand sheathing? And . copper,expecttopaymore,somewherebetweenIO.. News Site online?lnterpre- ,. what about foundation anchor bolts that attach . and 35 percent more. Cost will vary depending On lations as they are posted?: pressure-treated mudsills to basement walls.? chemical treatment. CCA wasn't thatexpenSive, so . r.uhn~ notices and rule- ...A Galvanized versions aren't commouly avail- most CCA lumberwas given a maximum dose of ,~Mn,9 heari!'9\?>"(~Han .. alaI"e.Weareresearchingtbistopic.NaDsforpower- preservatives and rated for ground COntacL. . .n~ sign up oM~ ..lllWated tOols and retrofit expansion bolts have To keep down the cost of the new pressure-treated .l~,>,. ala on 'Notlfyl" _ . zimi. plating, but may need more electro-gal- . wood, manufacturers will prodUce differentlevel.s Q~. BCC's ~'t'e .iage,: vanizing. The mw;uf8cture:s .of fasteners and a...v~':on(chemical-retentionlevels)fordifferent _.mreoonbod. o\!l. Fol- ,-' ,hllll$etS ere developmg matenals for new pressure- uses, End-use categories will.be on the lags stApled... toWlt1elnslnll;io~\P'bpen, .lDaiedwoodproducts. .. . to the end of !be bo8Id,but generally will be 1cM,coountand select the . ~ ' -Q "If CCA-treated wood Is safe, why change?. detennined by the dimension of the lumber itself. . . no*tions ~"'"~t to. ;,::A. .The fundamental safety of CCA-treated wood . Q Are these prod~~ avail1lbl~ today? . . MIiv. ..... '...'.. chon cd,. b .. th -..... I . A .....: ..' ......110t g ut.._v.y_onsm eWAU.etp ace. There are limited ~pplies ofw.~ products . .9!'Sil1ons? ~(I1 .~ark; have. The preserved-wood ind1J.s1ry stands by its . treated with the new preserVatives on the marlcel, Munson, Web.cooPcttnator ; . .CCA-treated products.. that will change as the indilstry retools, For more.. (503) 37~-7404.. Q What are .the new. preservatives? . information, visit WWN.preservedwood.com. . 440-2737 (4-.l/Ool/COM). . j, :~ ~~~';~~~~:r~',~. ..' ~~5~~1 : ~ .. .,~,'''' ..~:.L.",..... ,~~.. .......t...- .,~. 1',..,. . ,.,.' .'....-'........"".....; . ,~'~'~t~;..,',:.'7:':'~-:.{._~~,. l. . :::~?~~:~~~~~~~,:~1 ......... ',,' ._.:c::. . .(,..l!,..,.',.. ...._ .... .,5.. . ". ." 1--.:ar ., ,.........".... ...".,,,,..,,,.. . . PASAT STO .. US POSTAGE PAID. SALEM OR " PERM NO. 24 .n ;' ;m); .' ." r, ~ a Ii' :'1, ".. ~, . . . . April-June 2004 . The Home Builders Association to sponsor. April 8 code forum .... ..... .;~. The Home Builders Association is sponsoring a. The purpose of the forum is to discUss regioIl81 . free forum on one- end two-family strDctural code applica,tions and rea.!i~on stan. . . code issues, 4-7 p.m" Thursday, April 8, atanew dards for...lh~8~IVlIiUW contraC- . location: the Mullllomah BOard~ROOm . 1I1.J;m~,ai1dbuildinJ,-dep8rt- ... .. MullllomahBuilding,501.~H ~rpersonnelaieinvilrd. USt:. .. . land. Q!!aliti~atI'b Ive three A' T\~'"'... .hGM~creditfromBCD~1 .~. ... . ~~HSOfHSWl1tWcredi~fro nc.po... ~ 0 New i....,........lions and update on low-ris~ """" 0 s~ome-mspec-. '._- 'al board . . tor contin ucation credit from CCB, or . reSl~tI. . .. . three hours ofMastcr Builder continuing educa- 'Questions end answers tion credit from the HomeBuilden Association.. . . . , . . ....~ Jan. 28 code forum questions afitloanS\'.C~s :::::: Local bulding officialS have agreed to use the. Q Whylsthe1ll4&'trfmaldngotinsirBnsition't'., '.. c008 ~anel' s ~tenninatio~ foi-inspection stan- 'A Although ~ted wood ~p.ts atIn~ 0 0 : dards m the tIHOunty reglon. .. fraCtion of all the;a/ll{tll sowcts o1'a!senic in the. .. . ~youare working.in a jurisdiction be~ond the enviromnent,it1..rfmt'dthatft~040inin1~;::: !O~:mo/ boun~es. please check. WIth your . pounds of aneDi; ~ ~ in thIl;' .._, everx 0 0' . . Juns~ctlon for Its standards. Contrac~IS and year,. end. a large PDotfon is used in press~- . . building-departmenty_.._elmaysublIl1tques-. treatedwoodforb<ol=~dpls:y~tlM ..; __. ~ons. to the code forum by.sending e-mail to..Preservative~aat&ers.ini!~tio..n ~::: Joa~le.m.st~vens-schwenger@state.or.us or. the EP A, will nolotigeruseclmJ~cOppetiTi ~ 0:0. flWllg questions to the center, (503) 872-6735. senate as a preservative on wood for"residential .. An snswer-request form is available on the BCD use. Manufacturers plan to Complete the tran- .. Web site, www.oregonbcd.org.Clickon '"Iri- sition to new preservatives for non-industrial Colliity" end then "Code Forum Program." wood products by the end of 2003. CCA-treated .- Q Fastene,rs for ... ~_.. treated wood: With l~bei will still be available for industrial and . the banning of CCA.!nipregnated wood agncultural use. .. . . products by the Environmental Protection Q What effect wm these new preservatives . Agency and the introduction of new chemicals have on the fasteners and hangers we use? for this treatment process, which some say A Boostingthecopperconteni.preSsUre- are more corrosive, wm the requirements . od ..... In the OregollDwelling Specialty Code (OI)SC) treated w,o moreexpellSl~eandmore -_.~. e . .s..... R323.3' ._~-- still b . 0- . - five times more COIIOSlve to common steel. ""won .or .........ers e appr according to American Wood Preservers Assc- . priate? Can you enlighten us on the changes ciation test results. to pressure-treated lumber products and how this change wm affect the Industry? . Section R323.3: Fasteners:' Fasteners for pressure preservative and fire-retardant treated wood shall be of hot-dipped 'galvanized steel, stainless steel, silicone, bronze, or copper, exemption: Half-Inch- diameter steal bolts, or larger, A The following Q &A addresses the changes in the industry practices. Because of the high riSk. of galvanic reaction between the copper-impregnated wood and eny di~<imi1",metals,itis recommended that fasteners . . end flashings be stainless steel. or copper. or a combination of the two, whenever possible.. It may be preferable to avoid aluminum flashings altogether, Aluminum cornxleS quickly iIi the presence of high copper conCentrations. Continued...