HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Plans 2005-10-13 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department Building Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS 939 W. Fairview Dr. CITY JOB#: COM2005-01300 OWNER: Chris Gilbert PHONE: 988-5969 CONTRACTOR: Owner PHONE: Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved permit documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction Most Commonly Missed Items", A corresponding number is marked on your plans for any items listed below where applicable, All references are to the 2005 Oregon State Residential Specialty Code, (2003 International Residential Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise), A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W, Cinus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 Your signature on the Building Permit is an agreement that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes, ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, PLANS REVIEWED BY: ,j) t8A J# hu- , Review completed on PHONE: "72~ - _?'62- '3 /fl//~/OG" I, Due to recent changes in the pressure treatment of residential/umber, the potential for corrosion of metal connectors and fasteners is substantially increased. Nails and connectors with heavy galvanizing should be used on such lumber. Please review the accompanying information from the Tri-County newsletter that is published by the State of Oregon for more specific information, POST / 8RACING NOTES ITEM DESCRIPllON 6X6 P. T, #2 H-F POST USE 5'-6. (MIN) EMBEDMENT DEPTH, 24.~ FOOliNG AND GRANULAR BAO<FILl I I o @ 6X6 P. T, #2 H-F POST USE 3'-6. (MIN) EMBEDMENT DEPTH, 24.~ FOOliNG AND GRANULAR BACKFlLl rM P, T. DOOR POST \0 (SEE GENERAL NOTE 4) @ .@ @ @~fL@ 10'X9' OHD 3J68 MD o 12'-0. ~ @ ..., o I E ~-Q. Z ~o ::>en I!';i! ~~ fjjffi Q. ~-:ii! >- en ;;;; &,iJ @ GENERAL NOTES 1. ORIENT POSTS AS SHD\\IoI, SEE SECllON VIEW DRA\I1NG FOR POST EMBEDMENT DETAILS, 2, ALl POSTS IN CONTACT \11TH GROUND SHALl BE PRESSURE TREATED TO 0,60 pel RElENllON CCA. 3, PERSONNEL oooR(S) AND \I1NDOW(S) SHD\\IoI MAY BE LOCATED BY THE BUILDER IN THE WALL(S) SHO\\lol UNLESS SPEOFlCALl Y LOCATED ON THIS DRA\I1NG, 4. DOOR POSTS MAYBE SIZED, LOCATED AND EMBEDDED BY THE C()olTRACTOR UNLESS NOTED OTHER\I1SE. 5. CONTRACTOR TO \IER1FY DOOR DIMENSIONS AND a.EARANCES PRIOR TO BUILDING CONSTRUCllON AND DOOR INSTALLAllON, 60'-0. 12'-0. 12'-0. 12'-0. 0i 1 o l o o f f ~I ::> I!' ~ '" ::> o o ~I ::> I!' ~ '" i5 o ~I ::> I!' ~ '" a o ~I ::> I!' ~ '" i5 o o o o ~~ . 12'-0. @ ~ b I ..., 0 0 I @ E Q.,B- z ~o ::>~ b b I!':;;: I I ~t;:; 0 0 ",0 ,., z'" @ lil... Q. ::l8 ;:! en ;;;; . 0 I 0 X. @ \'!i": ..- '-/' I PLAN VIEW uf{[80N ff,bt~ A LJANCE ENClNEERING- U), </(;/ ",\\'1- ~ J www.polebuildingengineering.com <.<'^> '-I' 9 ~'u 0 . 'ltI'N '<:o,--\,<< 2700 Market St NE SUite A. Salem. O,eqon 97301 ~503) 5B9-1727 <..-, R. \-Ie." CUENT I OWNER ~ BUILDING LOCATION] BARNCRAfT BLOG SUPPLY CHRIS GILBERT !EXPIRES: 6/30/07 93166 PRAIRIE RD 939 W FAIRVlEW JUNCTION CITY. OR 97448 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DATE: 18 AUG 05 IDWG NO, IJOB NO: IREV:I.:\ IDRAWN BY: LS IPLOT 0: 128 PFB-Ol of 05 180665 LQ:-, @AUJANCE ENGINEERING (F ORI:GON, INC 1998 IT IS UNLAWFlJL AND POTENTlAllY DANGEROUS FOR THIS ORA\\lNG TO BE Usn> FOR ANY OTliER 6U1LDING LOCATlON TliAN 9IOWN. , --------'.-- -- . I . ~ . ," -- -- --~- - --- --- - -- ---- r24" TRANSLUCENT UGHT PANElS (SEE CONSTRUCTION NOlES) 12 - 3c::::"""'--.:;_-::--- -.~_ ~~-- .....~.....--.. ~~ .... o 0 I I N N 60'-0" 30'-0" , REAR EAVE VIEW LEFT GABLE VIEW r24" TRANSLUCENT UGHT PANELS (SEE CONSTRUCTION NOlES) 18" OVERHANGS ~ 1I11111 U IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIC m> , ..../.... 11 12 =-_ 3c:::::="":~- ----... .-~.... ..... 10'X9' DHO '0 1 N '0 I N 3068 MD 60'-0' 30'-0' FRONT EAVE VIEW RIGHT GABLE VIEW @Al1JANCE ENGNEERlNG (F ORl:GON, INC 1996 IT IS UNlAmJL AND POTENTWlY DANGEROOS FlJllHlS DRA'MNG TO BE USED FlJl ANY OTHER BUIUllNG LOCATION lllAN SHO\\!l. " , , , . -- - --~ --,- -,- - - -----~- ~- - -- -------- ------'------ ---- ---'--~- ""---PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES BY OTHERS SEE DETAIL 1 '"----POST NAIL TOP GIRT TO POST wi (5) (MIN) 16d OR 20d NAILS (6) 16d OR 20d NAILS (4) (MIN) 16d OR 20d NAILS (3) 3/4"' A-307 BOLTS , . ' WI FLAT WASHERS EA SIDE ~. 2t 2X CORBEL BLOCK TO .,/' MATCH POST \\lOTH '>: (SEE STANDARD DETAILS FOR BOLT SPACING '" BLOCK SIZE) ~- DETAIL 1 Ox 1< "", -- 12 3 t::='": 2X6 '2 D-F PURUNS 0 24" (MAX) D.C. NAIL TO BLOCKS WI (3) 16d OR (2) 20d NAILS NAIL 2X6 BLOCKS TO TRUSSES Wi (2) 16d OR 20d NAILS EA SIDE -. c ! (29 GA METAL SHEATHING TYP ROOF AND WALlS r-2X6 #2 H-F GIRTS 0 24" (MAX) D.C. r NAIL TO POST Wi (3) 16d DR (2) 20d NAILS EA END ...-(2) p, T, BOTTOM GIRTS, STACKED. NAIL TO POST Wi (6) 16d OR 20d NAILS EA END - - :::~,; '~4: (MI~) CONCRETE FLOOR ::'; ,~,~ w '? ,t: ~~- '-BACKFILL PER POST!BRAClNG NOlES ON PFB-Ol bJ ~ '~: .: (SEE CONSTRUCTION NOlES) ~~' t~ c;: ;.: 6" THICK CONCRElE FOOTING - - ~~:'- r (SEE CONSTRUCTION NOlES) INSTALL (3) 20d NAILS 2" DEEP IN EA POST FACE 0 MID-SLAB DEPTH FOR POST CONSTRAINT PERIMElER POST BOTTOM GIRT \ :11 ~ DETAIL 2 , r BUILDING OAT A: \\lOTH: 30'-0" LENGTH: 60'-0" EAIIE HT: 12'-0" ROOF SlOPE: ,3 IN 12 TRUSS SPACING: 12'-0" aJ.!lLOlNG CODE;, 'MNO LOAD: 100 MPH EXPOSURE: B SNOW LOAD: 25 PSF DEAD LOAD: 3 PSF SOIL BEARING: 1.0 KSF (TYPE: SW,SP,SM,SC,GM,GC) SEISMIC ZONE: 0 IBC: 2003 , , GENERAL NOTES ,. GIRTS MAY BE INSTALlED COMMERCIAL Sm.E AT 24" O.C. BY THE CONTRACTOR 'MTH 2X BLOCKING BETWEEN MEMBERS DR 'MTH SIMPSON LU26 HANGERS (OR EQUAL). IF 2X BLOCKING IS USED, THEN NAIL BLOCKING TO POST 'MTH (6) 20d OR (6) 16d NAILS (MIN.). NAIL GIRTS TO BLOCKING 'MTH (2) 20d OR (3) 16d NAILS AT EACH END. 2. PURUNS MAY BE INSTALlED \\lTH SIMPSON LU26 HANGERS (OR EQUAL) SEE NDlE 15 ON THE CONSTRUCTION NOlES, OIlER-LAPPED, DR BUTTED ON THE TRUSSES AS REQUIRED BY THE CONTRACTOR. " SEE DETAIL 2y- ',,':, ;'" ~-~ -'1'< " ,..: .1,', ('. :;~ ~:'i !:? '" .. ';~' ~-;...:: .,....',.,... @AWANCE ENGlNErRlNG ~ OREGON, lNC 1998 IT IS UNLAWFUL AND POlENTIAlLY DANGEROUS FOR lHlS QRAMNG TO BE USED FOR ""Y OlHER B11IUl1NG LOCATIttI lHAN SHO'llIol. " . - - -- - - . , - ~.- ------ - - --- " ~"l--~" TRUSS OR RAFTER HEEL "'\ ., I 1_____. CORBEL BLOCK FREE OF \ I I :"'j ~ --.J + SPUTS, CHECKS, AND SHAKES. BEFORE AND AFTER NAlUNG TRIM FOR TIGHT FIT '" A-307 BOLTS W/ NUT AND FLAT WASHERS EA SIDE (STAGGERED AS SHOWN) ----..-.. ~ . % .... - 2- VlZ' \:!:!5i et. >E. . % .... - '"' -,~ --.r ~ _.- POST",,: ~ . IZ' ,.., - 2- NOTE: lHlS DETAIL IS FOR BOLT LOCATION AND CORBEL BLOCK SIZING ONLY, SEE SECTION \/IEW FOR ACTUAL BOLT SIZE AND QUANTITY REQUIRED, CD CORBEL BLOCK FOR (2) OR MORE BOLTS ~ CORBEL BLOCK ole POST TRUSS DR RAFTER HEEL \ CORBEL BLOCK FREE OF :: SPUTS, CHECKS, AND SHAKES, , BEFORE AND AFTER NAlUNG TRIM FOR TIGHT FIT ""'\. A-3D7 BOLT W/ NUT AND '\ FLAT WASHERSEA SIDE ~ ~ POST~ - .IZ' ""'2. ,--->y-, + Z'. - Vl ~p.; . z ,.., ~ N:!!: -~ NOTE: lHlS DETAIL IS FOR BOLT LOCATION AND CORBEL BLOCK SIZING ONLY. SEE SECTION \/IEW FOR ACTUAL BOLT SIZE AND QUANTITY REQUIRED, CD CORBEL BLOCK FOR (1) BOLT "4 x 7/8" STITCH " SCREWS 024" r PANEL OVERLAP f9 X;;ntS~(is O.C, MID SPAN~/ / f9 X 1-1/2" SCREWS 1/2" (MIN) ~ ,,_ EDGE DISTANCE I , \.2X' (MIN) FRAIIING MEMBER / 9". 2X (MIN) FRAIIING MEMBER../ - (MAX) _ I ;29 c.: METAL ~EAlHING _ ..r' I ... 1 I" 2X (MIN) FRAMING MEMBER J "- f9 X 1-1/2" SCREWS' o 9" O.C. (MAX) FASTEN lHE 29 GA METAL SHEAlHlNG TO lHE FRAIIING MEMBERS USING f9 X 1-1/2" AT 9" O.C. ADJACENT TO EACH OF lHE MAJOR RIBS. PARALlEL TO lHE PANEL RIBS, AT TERMINATING EDGES, lHE #9 X 1-1/2" SCREWS SHAll BE SPACED AT 12" O.C, (ADDITlONAL BLOCKING MAY BE REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER SCREW SPAONG AT TERMINATING EDGES). lHE FASTENERS SHALl BE 1/2" (MIN) FROM PANEL EDGES. lHE DECK SIDE LAPS SHALl BE FASTENED TOGElHER \\llH "4 X 7/8" LONG SELF DRIWNG SCREWS MID SPAN BE'TYfiN lHE SUPPORTS AT 24" O,C, (MAX), INCREASE LENGlH OF 19 SCREWS BY lHlCKNESS OF ANY APPUED SUBSHEAlHING. (}) ~;~ERNA IT SCREW SCHEDULE @Al.UANCE ENGlNl:ERING IF OREGON, !NC 1998 IT IS UNLAWFIll AND P01INnAlLY DANGEROUS FOR TIllS DRAYlING TO BE USED FOR ANY OTllER BUILDING LOCAnON TIlAN 9<0\\1<. . , , ---~~----------- ----_._----~ I 9"j '/ 29 GA METAL SHEA lHlNG (MAX) .}- -I -, - ~ 2X (MIN) FRAMING MEMBER / \ 19 X I" 'LONG SCREWS 0 9" O,C, (MAX) NOTE: NO STITCH SCREWS REQUIRED FASTEN lHE 29 GA METAL SHEAlHlNG TO lHE FRAIIING MEMBERS USING 19 X 1" AT 9" O,C, ADJACENT TO EACH OF lHE MAJOR RIBS. lHE FASTENERS SHALl BE 1/2" (MIN.) FROM PANEL EDGES, INCREASE LENGlH OF 19 SCREWS BY lHlCKNESS OF ANY APPUED SUBSHEA lHING. TYPICAL SCREW SCHEDULE N,lS, I' POLE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION NOTES: " 1. UNLESS NOTED OTHER\\lSE, ALl CONCRETE rc SHALl BE 2500 PSI MINIMUM AT 28@ 9. DAYS. THE CONCRETE SHAll BE MIXED IN THE CORRECT PROPORTIONS PRIOR TO -~ PLACEMENT, NO SPECIAL INSPECTION IS REQUIRED, 2. All SOLID SAIItl LUMBER S"XS" AND LARGER SHAU. BE ROUGH SAIItl 'o1SUAU. Y GRADED TIMBERS UNLESS OTHER\\lSE NOTED, ALl FRAMING LUMBER SHALl BE AT LEAST THE MINIMUM NOTED ON THE DRA\\lNGS. LUMBER NOT SPEaFlCALl Y CAlLED OUT MAYBE STANDARD OR BETTER. No.2 DOUG-FIR MAY BE SUBSTITUTED FOR No.2 HEM-FIR. 3, INSURE THAT & BRAONG AND BEARING AREA REQUIRED BY THE MANUFACTURER Of THE PRE-ENGINEERED TRUSSES HAVE BEEN INSTAlLED IN ACCORDANCE \\lTH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. 4, THE POSTS SHAll BE CENTERED ON THE FOOTINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALl INSURE THAT THE BACKFIll IN THE POSTHOLES IS CAST AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIl. 5, UNLESS NOTED OTHER\\lSE, GIRTS AND PURUNS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED FOR STRESS ONLY, THEY HAVE NOT BEEN DESIGNED FOR THE DIRECT ATTACHMENT Of INTERIOR FINISHES. 6, IF THE DRA\\lNGS SPEaFY CONCRETE BACKFIll IN THE POSTHOLES, THE BACKFlU. SHALl BE THE MINIMUM PSI AS SPEaFlED IN NOTE 1, UNLESS OTHER\\lSE NOTED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALl INSTALL (10) 20d NAILS 2" DEEP INTO (2) OPPOSITE POST FACES ON EACH POST Baow GRADE. NAILS MAY BE OMITTED IN BUILDINGS \\lTH A 4" (MIN) CONCRETE FLOOR. PRD'o1DE 6" THICK CONCRETE FOOTING TO MATCH HOLE DIAMETER. 7, IF THE DRA\\lNGS SPEaFY GRANULAR BACKFIll IN THE POSTHOLES, THE BACKFIll SHALl BE 5/8" TO 3/4" (-) GRAVEL OR CRUSHED ROCK. THE CONTRACTOR SHAll INSURE THAT THE BACKFIll IS SATURATED PRIOR TO BACKFlWNG AND IS COMPACTED AfTER EACH 6" UFT, PRD'o1DE 6" THICK CONCRETE FOOTING TO MATCH HOLE DIAMETER. 8, IF THE DRA\\lNGS SPEaFY NATURAL BACKFIll IN THE POSTHOLES, THE BACKFIll SHALl BE WEll-GRADED NATIVE SOIL (FREE FROM ALl ORGANICS AND LARGE COBBLES). THE CONTRACTOR SHALl INSURE THAT THE BACKFIll IS SATURATED PRIOR TO BACKFlWNG AND IS COMPACTED AfTER EACH 6" UFT, PRD'o1DE 6" THICK CONCRETE FOOTING TO MATCH HOLE DIAMETER. , I" ABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS: '\ D-F EA GA GLB H-F MD MFR'S D.C. '- DOUGLAS FIR EACH GAUGE GlUE LAM BEAM HEMLOCK FIR MAN DOOR MANUFACTURER'S ON CENTER OPP PLCS P,T, TYP W w/ o - OPPOSITE PLACES PRESSURE !REA TED TYPICAL \\lNDOW \\lTH AT DIAMETER / @AWANCE ENGNEERlNG (F OREGON, lHe 1998 IT IS UNLAllfUL AND POTENTIAU.Y DANGEROUS FOR lHIS ORA'MNG TO BE USED FOR ANY OlHER BUIUlING lOCATICl< THAN SHOWN. " '. ---~-----'-----'------ -------- . . --------- IF THE DRA\\lNGS SPEaFY SAND BACKFlU. IN THE POSTHOLES, THE CONTRACTOR SHAll INSURE THAT THE SAND IS SA TURA TED PRIOR TO BACKFlWNG AND IS COMPACTED AfTER EACH 6" UFT, PRO'o1DE 6" THICK CONCRETE FOOTING TO MATCH HOLE DIAMETER. 10. INSTAll ALl STEEL SHEATHING TO THE INTERIOR FRAMING MEMBERS (GIRTS AND PURUNS) PER THE I'lP-'r.~ ';,r,REyI ~(';Hrnlll F GIVEN ON THE SIAlIQARn nrTAII ~ DBAml:IG UNLESS NOTED DTHER\\lSE. 11. ALl WOOD MEMBERS, FRAMING REQUIREMENTS AND CONNECTIONS SHALl COMPLY \\lTH IBC SECTIONS 2303 '" 2304. 12. ALl NAILS DRIVEN INTO PRESSURE TREATED WOOD SHALl BE HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED, 13. OFF LOADING '" HANDUNG AND TEMPORARY'" PERMANENT BRAONG OF ALl TRUSSES SHAU. COMPLY \\lTH TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE HIB-98 POST FRAME SUMMARY SHEET. 14. IF THE DRA\\lNGS SHOW TRANSLUCENT UGHT PANELS, BOTH ENDS Of THE PANas MUST TERMINATE AT A WALl GIRT. WALl GIRTS THAT UGHT PANas ARE ATTACHED TO MUST BE FASTENED TO THE POSTS w/ (4) 16d DR 20d NAILS AT EACH END UNLESS CDMMEROAL GIRTS ARE USED. 15, IF PURUNS ARE INSTAlLED \\lTH JOIST HANGERS, THEN OMIT THE PURUN BLOCKS AND INSTALl 2X CONTINUOUS BLOCKING TO MATCH POST \\lOTH BETWEEN RAFTERS/TRUSS TOP CHORDS. LOCATE BLOCKING AT THE TOP OF THE RAfTERS/TRUSS TOP CHORDS AND NAIL EA SIDE \\lTH 16d NAILS AT 12" (MAX) O,Cn CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THAT THE \\lOTH OF THE TRUSS TOP CHORD IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN THE PURUN \\lOTH, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. / " I 1- - , I I I I I I I I I. I I I' I LJANCE ENGINEE~ "The Pole Building Engineering Company" POST FRAME BUILDING STRUCTURAL CALCULATION (This structure has been analyzed and designed for structural adequacy only.) PROJECT No. 180665 BUILDING OWNER I LOCATION: Chris Gilbert 939 W Fairview Springfield, OR 97477 CLIENT: Barncraft 93166 Prairie Rd Junction City, OR 97448 ENGINEER: u EG N ~ Vlj, n. 0 <<;0 Z y 9 2<;JIJ 00- 'It~rv R. \-\t'i'--'\X IEXPIRES: 6/301rn Property of Alliance Engineering of Oregon, Inc, Unauthorized duplication prohibited. Copyright @ Alliance Engineering of Oregon, Inc. 1998-2004 2700 Market Street NE Alliance Engineering of Oregon, Inc. Phone: (503) 589-1727 Salem, OR 97301 www.polebuildingengineering.com Fax: (503) 589-1728 . ~ I I I I , i. I. I 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12.xmcd 1 , . POST FRAME BUILDING SUMMARY: This is a post-frame building with wooden trusses or rafters and preservately treated posts that are pressure treated for ground contact. Post size, post embedment depth, post hole diameter and backfill is given in the body of the calculation. The building will depend on the diaphragm action of the roof and wall sheathing for lateral stability., The posts will be modeled as propped cantilevers that are FIXed at the base and propped by the deep beam action of the roof. The roof structure spans horizontally between the wall diaphragms where it is simply supported. The post frames will be assumed to act as a unit. Wind loads will be imposed on the windward and leeward sides of the building simultaneously. The actual post length for bending will be assumed to be measured from top of the post hole backfill to the top of the corbel block. If there is no concrete floor, the concrete backfill will provide lateral constraint in the windward and leeward direction. If a concrete floor is used, lateral restraint for the post will be provided at the ground line by the concrete floor. I I I I. I I I, REFERENCES: 1. 2003 Edition of the International Building Code 2. ASCE 7-02 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures American Society of Civil Engineers, 2003 3, 2001 Edition, National Design Specification (NOS) Supplement For Wood Construction, American Wood Counsel 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12.xmcd 2 , I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I, I I , I' I j I 1 I I I 1 I I i SUMMARY OF DESIGN VALUES: Buildino Dimensions Wbldg:= 30 ft Lbldg:= 60 ft Hbldg:= 12 ft Rpitch := 3 /12 (Roof p~ch) (Width of Building) (Length of Building) (Eave Height of Building) Bay:= 12 ft (Greatest spacing between eavewall posts) Wgableopenings := 0 ft (Total width of openings in one gable wall) Weavenpenings:= 16 ft (Total width of openings in one eave wall) T IUSS ~hecl:= 12 in (Depth of truss/rafter heel) Post Prooerties: Pwidlh:= 6. P dcplh := 6 in (Post width y-axis) POST SIZE in (Post depth x-axis) Grade := "2" (Grade of Post (2, 1, or SS = Select Structural)) FbI = 575 psi (Allowable bending stress for the posts) FeI = 575 psi (Allowable compression stress for the posts) Ewood = 1100000 psi (Allowable modulus of elasticity for posts) Lposl_bndg = 132 in (Bending length of post) Purlin Prooerties: Girt ProDerties: Pudin_spacing:= 24 in Girt_spacing := 24 in Spurlin := Sx26 Sgirt := Sy26 Fpullin:= FbDF2dim Fgirt := FbHF2dim 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30x60x12.xmcd 3 , . I SUMMARY OF DESIGN VALUES (Continuedl: : . Footino and Post Hole Desion Values: qsoil := 1000 psf (Assumed soil vertical bearing capacity) djaJooting:= 2 It (Diameter of footing) Ssoil = 100 psf (Assumed soil lateral bearing capacity) Desian Loads for Buildina: Wind Desion Values: Roof Load Desion Values: I' I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I Fastest wind speed (3 second gust) V wind:= 100 MPH Pg:= 25 Ibs (Ground snow load) Pd:= 3 Ibs (Roof dead load) Wind Exposure: Exposure := "13" Seismic Desion Values: Ss := 71.4 Mapped spectral acceleration for short period SI := 36.5 Mapped spectral acceleration for 1 second period IE:= 1.0 Importance factor W = Dead load of building (See analysis below) Rs:= 7 Response modification factor (GO TO LAST PAGE FOR SUMMARY OF RESULTS) 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12.xmcd 4 SNOW LOAD ANALYSIS: Design per ISC 2003 For roof slopes greater than 5 degrees, and less than 70 degrees. Pg = 25 psf Ground Snow Load (from above) Cc:= 1.0 Exposure factor C, := '1.0 Thermal Factor Cs = 1,00 Roof slope factor Is:= 1.0 Importance factor I. I I I. I , , I I I ! I PI" Flat roof snow load, psf (see analysis below) Ps= Sloped roof snow load, psf (see analysis below) 1. Determine PI pc:= .7.Cc.C,.Is'pg Equation 1 pc= 17.5 psf Ps:= PI'Cs Equation 2 Ps= 17.5 psf This is the balanced snow load on the roof. 2, Determine the unbalanced snow load Equation 3 (ps) Psul :~ 1.5. Cc Equation 4 1',"2'= 12( I + ~ }( ~:) Psu = 26 psf This is the unbalanced snow load on the leeward side of the roof. 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30x60x12,xmcd 5 I. I I I. I I I I I I , I I I I. I WIND ANALYSIS: Design per IBC 2003 Method 2 - Analytical Procedure Iw:= 1.0 Importance tactor V wind = 100 Basic Wind Speed k.!:= ,85 Wind Directionality Factor "'.l1 = 1.0 Topographic Factor kz = 0,701 Wind Exposure Factor o %:= ,00256,kz.kzt'k.!-Vwind-.1w Velocity Pressure I I I t I I I I % = 15,24 pst Calculated Wind Pressures: Windward Eave Wall: qww:= %,GCpfww qww = 7.29 pst Leeward Eave Wall: qlw:= '%.GCpOw qlw=-5.71 pst Windward Gable Wall: I I ,I I I I I I I qwwg:= %.GCplWwg qwwg = 6.10 pst Leeward Gable Wall: qlwg:= %,GCpOwg qlwg = -4.42 pst Windward Roof: Leeward Roof: qWT:= %.GCpfWT ql, := qh.GCpfi, % = --{;.65 pst qWT = -10.52 pst Wall Elements: Roof Elements: qwe:= %.GCplW q,:= %.GCpf, q, = -20.58 pst qwe = -14,79 pst Internal Wind Pressure (+/-): qj := %.GCpi qj = 2,74 pst 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12.xmcd 6 , , ,. BUILDING MODEL: I. I I STEP 1: CALCULATE THE SHEAR STIFFNESS OF THE TEST PANEL This procedure relies on tests conducted by the National Frame Builders Association. The test was conducted using 29 gauge ribbed steel panels. These ribbed steel panels are similar to Strongpanel, Norclad, and Delta-Rib which are in common use by builders in this area. The material and section properties for the test panels are thus reasonable and will be used throughout. The stiffness of the test panel was calculated to be: c = 2t66 IMn STEP 2: CALCULATED ROOF DIAPHRAGM STIFFNESS OF THE TEST PANEL c' = (E X t) 1 (2 X (t+V) X (g1p) + (K21 (b' X t)^2)) I I. Where: E = t= v= g1p= b'= 27.5x10^6 psi (modulus of elasticity for steel) 0.017" (thickness of 29 gauge steel) 0.3 (Poisson's Ratio for steel) 1.139 ratio of sheathing corrugation length to corrugation pilch 144. (12'-0. length of test panel) STEP 2.1 This equation was set equal to the stiffness of the test panel (2166 Iblin) and the unknown value (K2) was solved for. K2 = 1275 in4 sheet edge purlin fastening constant STEP 2.2: Use new building width to determine stiffness of new roof diaphragm (olll: bncw := Wbldg.12 2 K2:= 1275 Ibf 1 ft 00s(0 ) l:= 0,017 in e = 14,036 deg (roof angle of incline) bnew = 186 in E := 27500000 E'l c := 2,961 + K2 o = 3566 Ibflin o (bnew.tt 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30x60x12,xmcd 7 STEP 2.3 & 2.4: Calculate the equivalent horizontal roof stiffness ( clll for the full roof: Since Ch is for the full roof, the roof length must be ratioed by the aspect ratio of the roof panel (b / a) where "a" is the truss spacing in inches, 0:= Boy-12 0= 144 in ( )2 bnew ch:= 2.c.cos e .- o ch = 8648 Ibfl in STEP 3: CALCULATE THE STIFFNESS OF THE POST FRAME (k): Since the connection between the posts and the railers can be assumed to be a pinned joint, the model for the post frame can be assumed to be the sum of two cantilevers (the posts) that act in parallel. The stiffness of the post frame can be calculated from the amount of force required to deflect the system one inch, The spring constant (k) in pounds per inch of deflection results direcUy, k= 310 Ibffln STEP 4: CALCULATE TOTAL SIDE SWAY FORCE (R): Apply wind loads to the walls to determine moment (Mwind), fiber stress (!wind) and end reaction at prop point (R). Calculate Total Wind Pressure: qc:= it(qww - qlw S 1O.IO,qww - qlw) qe=13 psf I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I q"wpost:= qc{ 12012) qtol := qwwposl qwwpost = 13 pli q,o' = 13 pli 1 Lpost_ bndg- Mwind:= qtot 8 Mwind = 28315 in-Ibf Mwind f;\'ind := 2,Sxpost Lposl~ blldg R:= 3'qtot 8 fwind = 393 psi R = 644 Ibs STEP 5: CALCULATE THE RATIO OF THE FRAME STIFFNESS TO THE ROOF STIFFNESS: This ratio (klclll will be used to determine the side sway force modifiers. k - = 0,036 eh 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12.xmcd 8 I I' I I STEP 6: DETERMINE SIDE SWAY RESISTANCE FORCE: mD = 0,9 ,. STEP 7: CALCULATE THE ROOF DIAPHRAGM SIDE SWAY RESISTANCE FORCE: Q:= mJ).R Q = 580 Ibl Since not all of the total side sway force (R) is resisted by the roof diaphragm, some translation will occur at the top of the post. The distributed load that is not resisted by the roof diaphragm will apply additional moment and fiber stress to the post. Mdll = 11173 in-Ibf I, , rdll = 155 psi Calculate the total moment (Mtol) and the total fiber stress (rtot). M1ol:= mJ).Mwind + Mdll M101 = 36695 in-Ibf riot := mD. fwind + fdO riot = 510 psi 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12.xmcd 9 POST DESIGN: Assume the following post properties: 1. The posts will be modeled as propped cantilevers fixed at the base and propped at the eave line by the roof diaphram. The two posts will act at each frame to resist bending, 2. The roof will act as a diaphragm and act as a simple support for the posts. 3. The roof will act as a simple horizontal beam spanning between shear walls. 4. The posts will be pressure treated for ground contact Calculate allowable un~ stress (compression FcJ. I i J, I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fel ~ 575 psi Fe:= Fel'1.\5 Fe = 661 psi (Allowable compression stress including load factors) 11'osl_bndg = 132 in (Bending length of post) <!post = 6 in (Minimum unbraced dimension of post) 1Ce:~ 0.8 e:~ 0,8 ICeE:~ 0.3 Ewood ~ 1100000 psi Ie:= ICe'Lpost_ bndg Ie = 105,6 in .9S,Ewood FeE:= KeE' (d;:s,)2 FeE = 1012 / FeE , / FeE ,2 FeE I +- I +- F F F, e e Cp:= 2.e 2,e -, / .. , / e Cp = 0,81 Fee:~ Fe'Cp Fcc = 539 psi W,oof = 29,25 psf (Total roof loading) Psnowposl = 4725 Ibs (Axial loading per post due to roof snow load) P deadposl = 540 Ibs (Axial loading per post due to roof dead load) Fb:= FbI' 1.6 Fb = 920 psi (Allowable bending stress per post including load factors) 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30x60x12.xmcd 10 I 1 I ,. , , Check Load Cases: I. , I I , Load Case 1: Dead Load + .75 . Wind Load + .75. Snow Load lbl := .75f10I fbl = 382 psi (Actual bending stress on post) .75 P snowpost + P dcadpost fe :~ ApOS! fc = 113 psi (Actual compression stress per post) CCF ALII := C~~J + fbl Fb'(1 - ~) l'eE CCF ALII = 0.51 Load Case 2: Dead Load + Wind Load fbl := liol fbl = 510 psi (Actual bending stress on post) ( ,- c'- P deadpost Apost fo ~ 15 psi (Actual compression stress per post) CCF ALl2 := C~:J + Ji,1 ( I~ ) Fh' I - -:- FeE CCI' ALl2 = 0.56 Load Case 3: Dead Load + Snow Load fbl:= 0 fbl = 0 psi (Actual bending stress on post) ( ,- c'- p snowpost + P dcadpost Apast fc = 146 psi (Actual compression stress per post) CCF ALl3 := C~:J + fbl Fh'(1 - ~) FeE _ CCI' ALl3 = 0.07 CCI' ALl = 0.56 Less than or equal to 1 .00 thus OK 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30x60x12.xmcd 11 , ,. POST EMBEDMENT FOR CONSTRAINED CONDITION: Calculate the required post depth. The concrete floor will provide a constrained condition for the post. , . . Mtol = 36695 in -Ibs Ph = applied lateral force (P) and distance from ground to applied lateral force (h). (Mtol) Ph:= - 2,12 Ssoil = 100 [pst] (Assumed soil lateral bearing capacity) depth_poste = 3.5 [ft] Trial depth of embedment. S3 = 931 (calculated using a trial depth of embedment) ! . Ph deplhc:= 4,25. bpost S~,- - 12 depthe = 3.1 [ft] (minimum required post embedment depth) ., Hroof:= \Vhldg ,tan(0) 2 H~oor = 3,8 It . 0375.m/J.(HbldJ.Lbldg'Qc Vcavc wmd:= - 2 V cave_wind = \582 Ibs (T otalload transferred into each gable wall) V eave _wind. HbldlZ Cpost := - Cpost = 633 Wbldg - \\' gabk'opcnings Ibf (This is the uplift load on one gable wall post) Assume a total weight of roof and wall area to be 2.0 pst. The area of the roof and wall that will tend to keep the gable wall post in the ground will be as follows: _ Lbldg Eave_wall := Hbldg'2,2 Lbldg Bay R 1"- -----.----.2 00'- 2 2 Wbldg Gable wall := Hbld..------".2 - ~ 2 Eave wall = 720 Ibf Roor = 360 Ibs Gable_wall = 360 Ibf Posts:= (Hbldg + depthe).Wpost ( , dia tooting- Post hole:= 150.3.5. 3,14. - - 4 Post hole = 1517 Ibs _ Apost 144 / Posls = 132' Ibf Wltot:= Eave_wall + Gable_wall + Roof + Posts WI'ot = 1572 Ibf (Note that Wttol is greater than Cpost. Thus OK.) I I I I I I I I I I ! ' 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12.xmcd 12 FOOTING DESIGN: Check the soil bearing capacity of the punch pads. . I' 2 ( dia fOOlino) Afooting:; 3.14, -2 - fI2 This is the area of the footing) qsoil ; 1000 psf dia fooling; 2 fl I I , I' dcplh_poslc; 5.5 fl (Minimum embedment depth) Pfooting:= A[ooting.qsoilodfactor Pfooting; 5966 Ibf (End bearing capacity of footing) Psnow; 5792 Ibf Note that the end bearing capacity (Pfl>oting) is greater than the snow load (P snow)' This is OK. 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12.xmcd 13 SEISMIC CALCULATIONS Design per IBC 2003 I' i I , S, = 71.4 Mapped spectral acceleration for short periods (from above) SI = 36.5 Mapped spectral acceleration for 1-second period (from above) 1:= 1.0 Importance factor w= Dead load of building R, = 7 Response modification factor (from above) I' 1. Detennine the Seismic Design Category a. Calculate Sos and SOl For SOS: For So': For S,=O,71 For SI = 0.37 Fa = 1.23 SMS := Ss.Fa Fv ~ 1.67 SMI := Sl'Fv SMS = 0,88 SMI = 0.61 SOI:= G}SMI 50S := G }SMS SOS = 0,58 SOl = 0.41 Seismic_Design _Category = "0" 2. Detennine the building parameters Building dead load weight, W: W:= [(Wbldg).(Lbldg - 12) (pI'2)J + :[(Wbldg).(Lbldg - 12)J + 2{Wbldg + (Lbldg - 12)]- H~d~'Pd W = 7128 Ibf Building area, At,: Ab := l--bldg' Wbldg At, = 1800 ft2 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12,xmcd 14 , -. I, I 3. Detennine the shear force to be applied a. Determine the structural period, T T.:= Hbldg' .02 T:= Ta T = 0,24 b, Detemine the Seismic Response Coefficient, Cs: Cs is calculated as: SJ)S C,:=- s_ R , Cs2 = 0,084 IE But shall not be less than: ,. I I !. Csl := ,044,SJ)s,IE Cs I = 0.026 But need not exceed: It Cs3 := SJ)1 Cs3 = 0.242 T,(RS) IE c, ~ 0,084 c. Detemine the Seismic Base Shear: V base shear:= Cs' W V base sheaf = 596 Ibf 4, Detennine the seismic load on the building: Per IBC, for Seismic Design Category's A, B, and C, p =1.0. For Seismic Design Category D, E, or F, P shall be calculated using r "",Y' 4a. Detennine p for Seismic Design Category D, E or F (only if required). Determine the shortest shear panel, Lw: Lwg:= Wbldg - W gablcopcnings Lwc := Lbldg - W c.vcopcnings Lw:= i~Lwg < Lwc,Lwg,Lwc) Lw = 30 10 fmax := - Lw rm.x = 0.33 p:= 2- fm8x'.JAb 20 p = 0.59 p = 1.00 E:= p'Vbasc_shcar E ~ 596 Ibf This is the seismic load on the building 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30x60x12.xmcd 15 , . ANALYSIS FOR GABLE WALL: 1. Check Wind Loads: I. I H,oof = 3,75 It Hbldg = 12 It Lbldg = 60 It qe = 13 psf 0.3 75.mD.( HbldJ. Lbld.'qe V cave wind:= ~ - 2 Veave wind = 1582 Ibf 2. Check Seismic loads: I' I ., E V cave SCISl1l1C := - - 2 Veave seismie = 298 Ibf The controlling load = "V eave_wind" . Therefore, V gable_sheal = 1582 Ibf This is the lateral load that is transmitted to each gable wall. This load will be transmitted through the roof diaphragm to the gable walls. Normalize the load to a per foot basis. VgDblewall := \\"bldg - W gablcopcnings V gable_shear vgablewall = 53 plf The gable wall diaphragms can resist the shear loads as follows: If vgablcwall< 110 plf Then no additional sheathing is required. 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12.xmcd 16 ANALYSIS FOR EAVE WALL: , , 1. Check Wind Loads: Hroof = 3.75 ft Wbldg = 30 ft Hbldg = 12 ft Lbldg = 60 ft qg = 105 psf . 0.375.mD.(HbldJ,Wbldg'Qg + 0.5,(Hroof)' Wbldg'Qg V.able wmd:~ ~ - 2 Vgable_wind = 936 Ibf I' I I, , ] I 2. Check Seismic Loads: F V uable seismic:= ..: '- - 2 V gable_seismic = 298 Ibf The controlling load = "Vgable_wind" ,Therefore, V cave shear = 936 Ibf This is the lateral load that is transmitted to each eave wall. This load will be transmitted through the roof diaphragm to the eave walls, Normalize the load to a per foot basis. "eavcwall := Lbldg - Weavcopenings Veavc_shear veavewall = 21 pll The eave wall diaphragms can resist the shear loads as follows: II veavewall < 110 plf Then no additional sheathing is required. 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30x60x12,xmcd 17 . GIRT DESIGN: The girts will simple span between posts. Calculate bending stress (lbgirt)due to wind loading (qwcgir.) and determine the required girt size. Girt_spacing qwcgirt := <Jwc' 12.12 qwcgirt = 1.86 pli 19irt span = 138 in 7 Lgirt _span- Mll.irt := qwell.irt' - - 8 Mgirt = 4438 in-Ibf Mgirt fboir!:= - - Sgir! Determine the allowable member stress. fbgirt = 2154 psi (Stress applied to the girt due to wind loading) , , \, I I 1 I I I LDFwind:= 1.6 Cfugirt = Ll5 CFgirt = 1.30 Cr:= Ll5 F girt = 850 psi Fbgirt:= LDFwind,Cfugirt,CFgirt,Cr.Fgirt Fbgirt = 2338 > fbgirt psi This is OK. PURLlN DESIGN: Assume that the purlins simply span between pairs of trusses or rafters. Determine the required purlin size. Lpurlin_span = 135 in (Bending length of purlin) Wpurlin = 4.73 pli (Distributed snow load along top edge of purlin) 2 \\'purlin.I1Jurlin _span Mpurlin := 8 Mpurlin = 10774 in-Ibf fbpurlin := Mpurlin Spurlin fbpurlin = 1425 psi (Stress applied to the purlin due to snow and dead load) Determine the allowable member stress. LDFsnow:= Ll5 CFpurlin= 1.30 Cr:= Ll5 Crupurlin = 1.00 F purlin = 900 psi Fbpurlin := LDFsnow,CFpurlin,Cr,Cfupurlin.Fpurlin Fbpurlin = 1547 psi > fbpurlin This is OK. , \ l 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30xGOx12.xmcd 18 1 . . CORBEL BLOCK DESIGN: Determine the required number and size of bolts required in the truss block. Assume full snow load and dead load on the roof. Pboll 58:= 1590 Ibf Pboll_34 := 2190 Ibf PboIt 10:= 3600 Ibf Psnow = 5792 Ibf If 5/8 dia. bolts are used: I, Nbolts58 = 3.2 Number of 5/8" dia, bolls required in the corbel block I. I I If 3/4 dia. bolts are used: Nbolls34 = 2,3 Number of 3/4" dia, bolls required in the corbel block If 1 dia. bolts are used: NbollslO = 1.4 Number of 1" dia. bolls required in the corbel block If 20d nails are to be used: Nails20d = 17.1 number of 20d nails required in each corbel block, If 16d nails are to be used: Nailsl6d = 20,6 number of 16d nails required in each corbel block. PI6d:= 122 Ibf P2Od:= 147 Ibf 8/18/2005 180665 (Gilbert) 30x60x12.xmcd 19 1 I. : ~ SUMMARY OF RESULTS: Buildina Dimensions Buildina Desion Loads Wbldg = 30 ft (Width of Building) Lbldg = 60 ft (Length of Building) Hbldg = 12 ft (Eave Height of Building) Rpilch = 3 112 (Roof pRch) Wind_speed = 100 MPH GroWld _ snow_load = 25 psf Wind_exposure = "B" Roof snow load = 26 psf Roof dead load = 3 psf Seismic _Design_Category = "D" Footina Details: Post Details Postdepth ~ 55 ft (Design Post Depth) Post size = "6x6" Post_grade = "No.2 Hem-Fir" Usage = 56 % (Combined stress usage of post) <Ii. Jooling = 2 ft (Design Footing Diameter) Footingusage ~ 97 % (Stress usage of footing) Shear Wall Details: Ygablewall = 53 Yeavewall = 21 plf (Max. shear in gable wall) plf (Max. shear in eave wall) . Girl Details: Girt_usage = 92 % (Stress usage of wall girt) Orientation = "Flat" Purlin Details: Purlin _usage = 92 % (Stress usage of roof purlin for snow loading) Corbel Block Bolts: Nbolis58 = 3,2 Number of 5/8" dia, bolts required in the corbel block if used. Nbolis34 = 2.3 Number of 3/4" dia. bolts required in the corbel block if used. NboltslO = 1.4 Number of 1" dia. bolts required in the corbel block if used. Nails20d = 17,1 Number of20d nails required in each corbel block if used. N.ilsl6d = 20,6 Number of 16d nails required in each corbel block if used. SPECIAL NOTE: The drawings attendant to this calculation shall not be modified by the builder unless authorized in writing by the engineer. No special inspections are required. No structural observation by the design engineer is required. J7,'" I ~:RN3 ~:SS I ~::: ~pe . K91CO KOOf 6; rl )Of, IOC., Msmsourg, Uf., W'+4l) ;,~" .".f;~,;\.,'" :~l, ' . a.4..s..~ 1= I :,y I "O'CO "OC' & "'001 " ",v-...u:s0c1 R143C606 , :';. I'.., ~~.'. '., . s.4-8 . .,1 15<Hl 6-7-11 21-7-8 6-7-11 I,-~l::ll:ftl Mll~K mousmes, m~,IUe Mar 1" -1":'IV:"\~ 4N,,/'~g.e-j :-:' 3O-C-O Scale~"i.:5f'O' 6+6 '!'Ht1':' , .1 t) \'; 1."" . ~j" ~, " 3,6o,[1hji .~:;.:',' '~',,";'~ I .\ ,< , .::,1. . ..,3x6,:-:' "" ',2 6x8= ,.;' 3 ., CO< a :~~ :.:', .' '- 'r, 't, ~. t. .~ ~~.1~,= 1 "'". C'l ~ o o p X .\'. , ' . I, , , t, ,,',. "'" ,IJ, /' ,'. ',:8 3x6= ,+ 7 ,,, 5x6= (5 3x6= \;.. ':: ''',. .~ 'i'; ,,' LOADING(psO .SPACING.... 6-0-0. ,,:,.,CVboErtF!!fi:'LLl"\ "044n) OOC)". >V604dOfl " 'TCLl:":,. 25.6 Plates!ncrease '.1.15 I I . "V. 8. .... TCDl".' 5.0 Lumberlncrease 1.15,! "',~ ':Vei1 -0,56 6-8">637. BCll;' .0.0 RepStiesslncr . NO '. . ."" Horz~) 0.16 5. nla. ',: BCC!~:~", 1.0 ~~:..:. UBClAN~I_95 ;.i.) ". 0.\ ,1st~ LL Mln Vdefl = ~40 , , i' LUMBER. . . '. . _' ....'~.V . BRACING TOPCHORO 2X6DfSS-G \., ,TDPCHORD 2.<J.<J on cenlerpUrlln spacing (2-10-11 max.), "'.' ;', :'l~~~~~ORO ~~:~~~~i ." ,.' ;'1,; 00 " . ~BOTCHORO Rlgldcemngdlrectly.PPlledOll0-0-0on~lerbracln~:,( l' ;', ,,~l. "REACnONS ~blslze) 5=276'310-5-8, 1=276310-5-8 ~'~' ~ -~. ~'. ';:'! Oig~~~~~g:r:s~i.l~~~\.~~~~~, 4 ,'~:'..' ,.~,.~..~~.:_~,;~'..'.;~~ ~.,~:.:':':\',:'~ ::,:,'f I ,,~;-l' WEBS~ <- 2-8=-1429,3-8=1510. 3-6=1519, ~1429:~: '~}. t I' '", ...- -~" - ~ . I'!';' "~oTis, ' : ,~.,l :.'.: ,!': J;'J_1" ':>.~'~l < _ '_,'" "\' .:? '.. ,,~3.;\~\,.:~ ,~,;:--~' I 1 Thls'trusshas.beenchecl<edfor:u.nbalanCedIOadlngcon<.l.itions:' '," ,.-,~~~. ):,' .,..,. ....t -' ". _f.~,', :).:,:.'/!~).' '~:. 2 The bottom chOrd dead load shI:j...Vn is sufficient only to cover the truss weight Itself and does not allow for any addlUonalloadto be added to the bottom chord.;'.' ,. J ~ ~1~f~~:~~~=~~~~fu~~s~=~~n~I~~:~~~n:i~~ber~em~'~1 +~, "";, -~'~:; f ,', j 5 ThlstrusShasbeelldesignedwlttfANSI/TP11::1995C:r1teria: ,'.." .' /.f: '.1 , !' ':~OAtiCASE(S)~k~~.rd " :._'..".....,.....:,.:.:::...:..,...,.:.:...:~,'.;...':.t:...:,.,.'.~.;>;:,;:'.',':..::.....~..... ;. . ~~:,-J.~':: ,\..', ,bi""' , ' ,.. . ;~,; '. }'ri.l.,'~.,~: ..1.....1';.',1:... .(.; .1.., ',' :;',1', ::J,' '\r.~,'" '10~7-O, ,; 10-7-0 19-!;-o 8-1().O 3O-C-O 10-7-0 ,,":, "'J, ;! r{::~,::~~> " ,,, 'r "":" ',.-'. WeJQht 171 Ib ;j1f'~"\::,i.; t ,,'CSI. , TC' 0,62 BC, 0.66 WB 0.79 .. ,PLATES GRIP' ',: -. M,20 1851148 "/,'...., "'-. '. . . ,~ -, .. , . ~,. , '. ~., - --:--;.'~-""- _. ("t ~ ."-, .,. .'!\"-'- , .. '.~: !! ..,"..' ,; ,:: i; '. " .;' i~:~i ," '"o}," ,.' .~ ,<t.t'.rj. '. , . \'~. .. .; .' .~.-~: "" '~t ;"( " 'f' '~f. " ',i '~, ~,b :',h,. \'1. ;,~.,:'~ .~' ....i ,.f,.i,. -, ~. ,~ . ,.1:....\ ,., ~ :' " r....!.' ~ I' " " .' ."-. '. .~ .'- t'-- ;.~ , J': :,~ . ;,,~. &11' ~A,~,NIN~. . Vc-rijy desigll parameIe/5 and READ,,_NOT~~ ON m;s' AN~ REV;RSE SIDE BEFORE USE ;': '.. -,"'. ~"I"-"I' ,,~'.. ,<':';;:"'l~:'" "",,~ ";,'" "._', Design vall~,lo.r use_ only with MIT.~ conn'ectors. This design Is based onry upon parameters shown, ~nd Is far 8~ Indl.J!dual " \. bulldlng component to be Installed'l!nd loaded vertically, Applicability of design parameters and proper'lncorpor'allon 01 .' , comp?nen~J8 responsibility of b~lIdlng designer - nOl,truss desIgner. Bracing shown is lor lateral support o/Indlvidual web !"e~b~~8 onIY:':~d~lIll?nallemporarY'.braclng to Ins,ure stablUty during eo:n;truclI~'nl~ the responslblllty' O(I~'; '~~ecior. , Ad,,""" ,,,,no,,", ~'''''' "". ''',,'' "'"'"'' ,. lho ;;"O~'lbilll, ,j',hO 'oJ";' '''''''': F" ';,,;;., ,old.". ..j....: 'MI/;/' J~~'I:"P '.::, reg~rding Isbrlcatlol), quality control. storage, dallvery, erecllon: and bracing, consuU QST-8,8 Quality Standard, DSB- 89 Bracing Speclflcallon, a~d HIB.~1 Handllnglnatallallon and Bracing naco'mmendatlon available from Truas' ' .. _ . '..,' PI.t.ln.Utut.,5~3D'Onol~loDri~a,Madl~on,WI.53i19' '" ~ .' ',.'.. ':. MiTek Indi.istries~ Inc: ,,-\... ." .....;.. .,-,:.~.r~K',"':'''':.:,; ~_~. ':'..)...:_','., ~,.' "."_' ,\.~~. .' . ,t,~"~;' ...~ :,\:i.' .;,1'.." '.' ,,~ '~, !, :~:h~ ' '., ,;,.~. ., ',-~,( ~ ;. ',",'" h ~'.., ....".-....,- ;'.'I.~I " ;":',',~ ~: '.,,:,. '.;,'