HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Plans 2005-9-21 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department Building Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS: 7991 Thurston Rd. CITYJOB#:C200501294 OWNER: Dave Parker PHONE: 746-9463 CONTRACTOR: Blankenship PHONE: 912-4582 Items listed below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved pel1l!it documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appeat1tl~'~f1 the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Fltpilly.and QHp']~~ Construction Most Commonly Missed Items", A corresponding number j,.:".P!~ed orfS'obr plans for any items listed below where applicable, . .. ... . All references are to the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwellini spe.J;ialty.€ope; (1998 International One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended.by.ibe Stall: tJr . , Oregon unless noted otherwise, A copy of this code may be obtained from'the Buil~iqg Tech Bookstore, !nc" 8020 S,W, Cirrus Dr, Beaverton, Oregon 974008-598i)H: .. ,..' .0:; .. ~ .... ~ , ': Your signature on the Building Permit is an agreement that all items will be instalJ'ed or corrected, and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes, ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR AFPROV AL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR AFPROV AL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, PLANS REVIEWED BY: Bob Barnhart PHONE: 726-4652 - - NO PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ..... . . ..... ..... .. . . .. ......". . . .. ....., . . . .. <). ........ . . ...a" >i........ . . ,. ...,. Job Name: BlAi<.lG<IENSHIP trussjb: IBSP-IDS Qt',f: 1 (Il;IHCAL~ElfOl(H; TC 2"0:4 OFl 11 Be ZJ[4 OFl '1 GSl au 2x4 OFl STANDARD Refer to Joint QC Detail Sh@et for ....aximullI Rotational Tolerance used IRCIIBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IRC 1703 ilnd AHSI/TPI and are reported in avail.tblf' doculllents such as leBO 11601. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. DesignedperA.NSI/TPJ i-20D} This design do!"s not account for 10n9 term time dependent lO.Jding (creep). BU11ding Des;Qner must a((ouO{ for thiL THIS DHICH IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT Of MULTIPLE lOAD 0\SES. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent B(LL. 8~irD~~ ~~~~~~~ ~S~l~R~~ ~~~ ~~~~. ['j gable bnting required ~ SO~ intervals, ; f'Kposed to wlnd load olpf.'lil'd to (aCI!. See ~General Gabl!! Deuils . c00206S0lS. This truss is desil\lned us;n9 the ASCE7-02 Wind Spl!c1f;cdtion 81dg EneTasl'd .. y~s. Importance Fdctor .. 1.00 lruss location."'ot End lone Hurricane/Ocean Line.. No , b:p Category.. B 81dg lenjth" ~O.OO ft, Bldg Width.. 20.00 ft Mean roo he; gin.. 13.05 ft. mph.. 85 TPI Su"dard Occupancy. Oead load.. 10.2 psf ~si!lned on M.a.in Wind Force Resining System and Components and Cladding Tributary Area .. 78 sqft '4.0 '4.0 ~~~~~~~F~~~~~~~~~~~F~~~~~~~~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 _lU~. , B 9 f6:Oi) 19-6.{l 10 '1 12 1314 151151 18 1920 21 22 23242526 21 28 29 ;m11 -6.001 3-4 3.5-4 1 .", ~.... ~ ~ ~ 5-7 J .... 'l r ... ~ 5-5 10.'.3 SHIP 10 ;..J :J: ().4.3 5=3.5-4 ().4.3 '4.0 '4.0 ~3~3f r if if f ~'fff tfff f~' trr rr tt' tt ttr r) ~ TYPICAL ~LATE: 1.5-4 0 !E~ cbN~N~o~ lUP~O~T .. .. .. ~ .. ... . . . .. ... .. . . ~.. .. . . ... . . . Tr\I!iWal SyStems Plates are 20 ga unless shown by "16"(16 aa I. "H"\l6 oaJ' or "MX"(TWMX 20 Qil ). oosl~a~e~ ....'omMI<I,'S RCDQr1 . . Circled ~~les and false frame pG:Ites are posl~ 5howr~alX>ve hi" ( ble stud olales 10 avl'lld awnao Wit 'Slruclura 0 ales lO(51<1'>1el I W ARNUNGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It to the Erecting contractor~ Cu>t: BLANKENSHIP ~ ThlsdellgnlSlofanln:ll'W'idu.llbultllngQ;ll'fllOl'lllllll'(l\lruSSs~m ~l'1a;Sbeent>aSedon~pn:l_tr,rINl~nl"""'ad_f . . ""'i.;;>rlve_CbspLl00006_J00003 anddone..8IXOId~nal""""'thl!cumtvel'SlOftSofTPlardAFPAdeslgnstandams NOfe'SllOnsbIil'rlS~fofdtenAna~ o~s. . ..- "lObeve<ll'ledtr,rIteCOl'f'<(W:l"'lIImanulKlUl"e,.xl/ofbuildong4eSlClnerpnorto'~ Thl!buikl"'ll~nerJ~~leto~s.. .:. : DSlMlr' ILC = 34 WT: 398# AROSHOFSKY tdrl!dOfllNsdesognmeelorex~tho!!loallngimpQ$edll'(thl!toc;IllIUIkl"'llcOOeandltllll*lil;ular.~- n..dHIDe........Wf'alltefWlchonl . ~l'\le 25.00 psf QurFacs l_I.15 P_1.15 './' Isl:olllratybfXl!dbythl!nxrfClflloorshe31l"Mlgandthl!botIomd'lordlSl*!ralybfXl!dtry."lIdshl!-.o~riald"~""Uolr....-.... 7 0 t Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 :mll!d. BfKlnQsIownl!llor~r~supp:I"ofcomponetltSrrembl'rsClnlylOredUCf!bUcldlnllll!nglI'l. ,.",.oomponenllh3llnallleplacedonany IC Dead .0 ps R Mb _........, _._ ..""'. TRUSS ;eflVlr\'lf'lTlll"'~""'c.auslIltemo_a>nIe"'Clflhe"M)OdIOl!.c.ee<:lH'''4arrj/orUuSl!conneclo1'pl_corroslQfl.F~llr1c*.I'\3f'dll!.inNft BC Live 0.00 pst ep r Comp 1.10 r N'. ~ ~" .ndbfXeltoi.lruIsonllCCOnl~wilhlhlllolCoringsl3n1lnlS 'JoullaondCun"'llOeUdRe~'a\I""bIezsOUlputlftlmTrusw~lsoflw~. Rep Mbr Tens 1.10 ~~1~ ~g~i~Pg~rkC8r80907 'ANSIfTP11'.WTo.l'.WoodTrussCounl;ilol"'rrefiQSlardanlOl!SlClnRl!$ponsibiIltoe$.'BU1LOINGCOMPONEmSAFE"~FORMAlJION'-.. .. ... ~C Dead 10.00 pst 0.C:5pacing 2- 0- 0 . (BCS'I.(lJl""'BCSISU"llAA.RYSHEETS'byWTCAandTPl.noeTrusSPbleI~(TPII..ICJoUled.S!)O'OncllnoflrM!llM~"".. .. . . ~~ . Des19n Spec IRC-2003 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1w.sc:onsln~llg n"''''_F~andP_rAMCICIOI'I'''n(AFPA'Ostocad'''11l\'9tl\S_.NW.StellOO.Wnl'1~:~OO36 . ..~ 1.....=.:J:~~l 42.00 psf DEFl RATIO: l/240 TC: L/24 . . OIl . ....-. . . . . . . ... . .. .. .. . ~ Job \l\lame: IBLANKEi\lSHIP BRG X.lO( ,..E.ACT SIZE REQ'O 1 5- 8-12 1668 S. SO~ 1. SO- l 32- 9- 4 1171 S.SOM LSD" BRG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY on the truss material ilt each bearing MAX DEFLECTION (span) : L/999 IN MEM 11-12 (LIVE) l- _a.uN 0- _O.lOH T_ -O.lS" MAX DEFLECTION (cant) : L/999 IN MU'I 8-9 (LIVE) L_ -O.OS" 0- _0.04" T. _0.09" CIlITICALI'IE.MIIEIlFORCES: Te CCM'.llJIl./ TEllS. CUll. CSI 1-2 -17.. Lll/ iU t.H 0.61 2.1 _IllfiS 1.H I 611.60 D.SS J.4 .94g l.JJ I 1~ 1.60 0.4' 4_5 _979 l.H I 1191.60 0.49 S-6 -9a. 1.15/ IH 1.60 0.62 6_7 _154 l.n I 591.60 0.62 Te 2x4 OFl 11 Be Zx4 OFL 11 WEB Ix4 OFl STANDARO Refer to Joint Q( [)etail Sheet for M.uimum Rot,uional Tol@rance used THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCLL. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VAlUES. End vertiuh des;gned foraxiallooidsonly. [lltensions above Dr below the trun profile (if any) require additional consideration (by others) for horiz. loads on the bldg. ~-- --=--...=.-,- 'Tii~iSi ID:IBSF'-D7 ~~v; "7 g Web braci:lt;l required at rach location shown. W See standard deulh (TXOI087001-001 rev!). Otosigned per ANSI/TPI 1.2001 Thisdesigndoesnotaccour\t for lonqterlll timl"dependent 10,lding (creep). BUllding Designer lllU~t account for tha. IRC/IBC truss plate values an! based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available doc","ents such as ICBD 11607. UPLIFT ll.EACTIOH~S) : Support C&C W,nd Non-Wind 1 -159lb 2 -70lb This truSS is deslqned using the ASCE7~01 Wind Speclfication Bldg Enclosed.. Yes. Importance factor .. 1.00 Truss Location. Not End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line.. No . Ellp Category.. B ~~~~ ~~~~t~ei h~0:OOI~~6sB}~~ ~~th.. ~~.OO ft TPI Standard 8ccupancy, Otoad load. 10.2 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Reshting System and COIIlponents and Cladding Tributary Area. 66 sqft " CCMP.,)UR./ TENS.OOIl. m ,., -440 LIS/ He loB 0.11 9-10 -In LIS 1 41l1.3l 0.l9 10-11 -41 1.tiOl III1.lS 0.45 11-12 -41 1.tiOl lIlIl.1S 0.69 U.lJ -411.tiOl lI'U 1.lS 0.70 U-14 -Sl1.tiOl ISO 1.60 0.39 W CD'Il'.OOIl./ TENS..OUll:. m 6-10.5 6-3-13 6-3-13 1')_3-13 7-2-3 ,., -16001.151 lU 1.60 O.ll1 6-10-5 13-2-3 19-6-0 25-9-13 33-<)-<> 2-10 -151.60/ 7'61.U O.H 4-10 _4921.15/ 1l~1.6O O.ll 1R-f\J1 '''-1''-11 '.U .214 loll 1 A21.IS 0.09 '.U -61.60/ ~H LIS 0.19 2 3 4 '5 6 7' '.U -1721.ISI 1201.60 0.07 6-ll -4761.151 981.60 O.H -:sFol 7-1) I goS1.lS 0." f6"]"O"' 7-14 -1120(1.15)/ 781.60 0.17 5-8 10.1-3 3-4 J: 0-4-3 5-8-<> 3.5-4 6 9 .4-3-8 'O.()-4 5-8-12 5--8-12 10-1.3 SHIP 5=3.5-6 3-8 3.5-4 2.3 .6..0..0 13 14 ~,sWB 9-5-12 t;l 26.11.12 . . 0 0 . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . 0 . .. .. 0 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . . .. .. .. . . 33-0-0 10 J 12 j 11 9.5-12 19-6-0 T",,_oL S",,~ """. '" 20.. """" "''''''' '" "IB'(".. , 'W116 "\." "M)('/TWMX 20.. ,,..,~"" ""' J.'" D.~i\, Repon. Cirded pl;l'les and false rrame OCItes are DOSlbonodas showrfatlOvo. 'Shiff ~b1e slud I)lates to avt'Md_o~th.slructurar ~I~ _r~~~~:l I WA~GRead all notes on this sheet and give a copyo/'t.to.Ar. E~lIQf1 C~ntractdt'lt GtI:--= BLANKENSHIP ~ ,f,...ou.gll..Iot......,_ual_--UCO<ftPOlll'lll....c.......,....,. .has__OII~pnMledll\' . _. e_ ........xture. ... .. we. Drive_CbspLl00006_J00003 1__lllaa::on1ar"oce_lNamlnl_oIfP....aAFPAclnIgII~S, NIl~.~IorC.' -. --..- ~. .." IILC _ ~. _" . ,mlO","_ir.edllvlNa>mpOnelllrnanu!adun!,an:lIorbulldlllQdoIsiglll!fpno<lOr,brIcalloll fheburtllllQdoIsigne<:\d~I"'-eloaclS. . ~ Os~~: 39 WT: MOS OFSKY jUlolllll(lQ<llhlsde!ll\lllmee10'1l.ceodlNloaclil'"ogi!npolleclby'lheloc4l1tluilllIllQCOOlIardlNplIIlcuCa,appIiocaMII f"" ''llnassuml!'IhSlIN&.'t<<rd . Tc Live 25.00 psf OurFacs L_l.lS H i$~brxt!dby'lherooll)f/lool'sI>e;JlNngal'Oflhllbrmomd'<lnllsl3te"..,.brxedlry'",lclstll!;Jl!'IIng""""~~' UI"IIllaSOlhe.... Rep Mbr Bnd inDllld e,OIICiIIg """"",illo<laIll,.._rtoltol'll;lOll8fll"",mbe,solllvllll'll(Iuce buddr'lllenglh, fhis~nl:sMlnol","~"'.., TC Dead 7.00 psf ~ TRUSS le~__causettlO_COtIIe"'oflN_llle'ClledIO'Jr,ancl.Iorc.auseCOl'W'edOfplolle_ fabncale.har<l....1I'ISUlI BC live 0.00 psf Rep Mbr Comp 4445 N th k D arclbr~lhI$truss..XCOtdara..-lltlIhe!Qllow'lllgstatlCl.us:'JodenclCl.Jll>llgOelaolR~'''iIl3bll!aOUlfIUIlrom~i'~.. :: : ...C d 10 0 f Rep Mbr Tens Colo 50~inPg~r COrS0901 :'ANSll'TPll'.WfCA1".WOOdTIUUColn;iIotA~Sr.-clardaes.;nRnpansiblltJn.WIlOING(;()MPONENfSAF.TYtV'IF~""'TlU'i'.....: :.: Dea .0 pS Q.C.Spacing P. It8CSII..Q3IandllCSISUr.4....RVSIIEEfS.byWTCA_fPI.Trl!f<us._lnstllUlll(TPI)..bcatedSl~lIJaon""CI~""""'. . . . . . . . Design Spec TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1,)NiscoIIsil'l~J719 TI'Ill...rneno;allFo'uUndP~'...ssod3ICln(...FP"lislocafll(lSl111l11llhSl!ellI.NW.SlellOO,w~iI!OOWOOJ6 . . . . . . . :"O:AL 42.00 psf DEFL RATIO: ",., 22B# P_l.lS 1.15 1.10 1.10 2- 0- 0 IRC-2003 L/240 TC: L/24 , -~------,==- Job Name: BLANKENSHIP Truss lID: BSP-IDG Qi1f: 3 BRG X.UX: REACT SIZE ~EQ'O 1 0-2-12 1530 5. SO" 1.63" 2 32- 9." 1386 5. ~O' 1. SO~ BRG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY on the tru5S mat~rial at each b~arjng MX DEFLECTION (sp.n) : L/999 IN HEM 11.12 (LIVE) L. -0_32~ 0- -D.22~ y. -0.S4~ CRrTlCAl~Ul'QlcrS: Te CIJI'4P.-llUR.1 TENS.--.uR.- CiI 1-2 -<42471.151 191.60 0.<40 2_1 -<42151.151 1s.l.60 0.61 1-<4 -<42U 1.151 219.60 0.19 <4-5 -<41.211.151 221.60 0.10 5-6 -20321.151 160.60 0.20 6-1 -13011.151 H1.60 0.23 1-1 -1360 1.15 1 H81.('o 0.66 8-9 -136<4(1.151 9<41.60 0.6S " """!""'ll TENS. oUR. CSl 10-11 ~200 1.60 I 1I2~ .Ii 0.93 1l~12 -206 1.60 1 3180 .IS 0.94 tEH ~i~!ug!~ H* :H gJ~ 15_16 -))1.601 1111.15 0.41 16-11 -H 1.601 11111.15 0.41 11-18 -<411.601 Uti 1.60 O.H WB /DCP.OOIII.I IEHS.-OUII. csr U.J -219 LIS 1 6' 1.60 O.B 2-11 -1041.151 <481.60 0.02 2-U ~61 1.60 1 UI1.25 O.OS S.U -H81.601 28$91.15 0.11 U.14 -511.60 1 190" 1.15 0.8<4 $-1<4 .B8O 1.15 I 1311.60 0.S5 6-1<4 -H 1.60 I 7Se 1.15 O.ll 6-IS -6651.ISI 1041.60 0.24 1-15 -4) 1.601 1% 1.15 O.H 1-15 -12 LIS 1 1021.60 O.OJ 8-11 -4))1.151 1011.60 0.20 9-11 -32 1.601 129(11.15 0.51 9-18 -lUO,1.ISI 110,1.60 0.21 rc 2.4 OFL 11 BC 2.4 OFL '1 WEB 2x4 OFL STANDARD 2x4 DFL CONSTR 12~S WElX;E be4 DFL 11 Refer to Joint QC Detail Sheet for Muimulll Rotational Toltranc~ us~d IRCIIBC truss plate values are b.s~d on testing and approval .115 r~quired by IBC 1703 and AHSI/TPI and ar~ r~ported in available doclUMnts such ...s ICBO 11607. ~ 'Web bracing required at each location shown. ~ Sf'e standard details (TX01087001-001 revl). ""{PM]_PLATE MOHiTOIl USED-Sf'p. Joint Report" Desjqn~d per ANSI/TPI 1-2002 This d~s;9n does not account for 10n9 term tirnedependent loading (creep). 8ullding TH~s~~~i~ ~st T~~c(~~~~~E t~aULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurnmt BelL. PLATIHC BASEO ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. End v~rticals desiqned for axial loads only. Extensions above or below the truss profile (Hany) require additional consideration (by others) for hOril. loads on the bldg. UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support C&<: Wind Non-Wind 1 -981b 2 -77 lb Thi5 truH_is designed using the ASCE7-02 Wlnd SpeClfication 81dg Enclosed. Yes. Importance hctor . 1.00 Truss Location. Not End lone Hurrican~/O'ean Line.. No i Exp Categor~ - B ~~~~ ~~~~t~ei h~0~OOI~~6s8f~~ =~~[h... 8~'OO ft TPI Standard 8,cupancy, Dead load. 10.2 psf Designed <Ii Main Wind Force Resisting System and Components and Cladding Tributary Area. 66 sqft ~~ ~"I F:;: F" " ,r-- co U) I ~ ~ J, I en r-- ~ ~ ~ 4.1.15 4-1-15 !i-9.o 26.3-0 6-9.0 33-0.(l 1q_R_n 3 45 f6}j(} 1.1.f2.n 8 -:s:ool 2 6 "7 9 5-6 10.1-3 10-fi-15 SHIP 3.5.5 T 3-4-3 1 3-4 3.7 5-8 % 0-4.3 2.~XJ12_16 ~ 4.12 3-8 4.5 2-4 ~ 0*8 1f"4l 5=3.5-4 7.7_11 1."':4 1.5-4 25-4-0 11_n_n R.n.n 18 ' STUB 10 4_1.15 4.1-15 11 ~ d,4"" fo, f" " , ~ ~ - 15 ) 16 5-9-0 26-3-0 17 ,7-10.11 19-6.(l 6-9-0 33.(l.(l . . . . . . . . 0 . . , , . . DO .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . t\YJ:JIJF~~~d~~~ ~~~00&~C~~~M~i~Jll;51~~~~~Jo:~~lS~i~rJbY~ ~~.&ra~~o29v~dlbeg~~jg~~~1u{Tu~P~Ml~1 ~~&ole\ W ARNllNGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of jtOt" tli& Erec",,~Co"tract.,...~>,utt: "BLANKiNSHI~P~ ~ Thla""'CIn.........""'-~XIlIc:omp:>fW..__SySl8m.II'-been_on~PA1"dedby-me~~.. ... . tJ(): PJrive_CbspI-L00006_J00003 an:ldDre"~wGllhetl.Kretlt~oITP1an:lAFPA~n_~s_ Na~.ollSSl..-.edlo<d~M'f..e,.JC!,..", ~ . . e . #LC :3 \tIT ..tobe~b.,lNlCl)mp)nenl . "_. ~tuldWlg~nefprnrtolDlcali:Jn, n.~~--n+Ih&~~ :.. . S9."!" - 4 : tdzedonIhlsOnllnmeelOtf!,(>!f!(IlNllludrog~b.,lNlbcall1lild""ilaldf!.-.cIlNl~~,Thl!~:ns...-alhatlNllDpchDn:l TC Live 2S.00 psf DurFacs L-1.1S MOSHOFSKY =~=':"~~;::"~~=~~:~ac:::~she=d::::"~~~- TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd ~ TRUSS erwlromlf!nlIhatWlllQus.emerno_co_cflNlwoodtoe.O!f!d'9%ardIo<u.-~pIaIe<Xlm'>aJn F~caIf!."'e.~ ... .By-Live 0.00 psf ::pP ~~~ i~~~ 4 5 h k D andtucelhlslnlS$"xco~I'OC<!WIIl'llNllolowWlgllUnd.;r<llS:'.Joir'(an:lCull.....Oe~Rf!portS'''''~bbleasOUllpulIfomT~~I_IIw~r....... J '--" c~1o ~o~~np~r COrB0901 'ANSVTPll'.WTCA1'.WDOdTrussCouncilofAme<bSUnda<d0e"'llnResponsot!>lll",s..lJUILDlNGCOMF>ONENT5AFET.IN.:)R.,TIQN'_. .. .. . .~Oead 10.00 psf O.C.Spacing P g. rlJcs'H)'l)_'BCSISUMMARYSl1EETS.t>yWTo.andTPI,TheTrussP~!nsl~Ule(TPrl"~lII~JD.Oml"oOr~.MrIlli:srtl ...... .. Design Spec TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1:-:...r1sco1lllll53719 TheAmetbnFOIesrandP,ape....,SSDCIationIAFPA)05IoCalO'hlll1l19lllSffMt.NW.Ste800.WW.""mn!;~2~6 ~ .,":; .!:~ .\", T~~I! 42.00 psf DEFt RATIO: 278' P-1.15 1.10 1.10 1.10 2- 0- 0 IRC-200:3 L!240 TC: L!24 'Job Nlllme: BLANKENSHIP !lRG X-lOC REACT SIZE REQ'O I 5- 2-12 2017 5. ~O~ l.IS" 1 38- 9. 4 1399 5.S0" LSD BRG REQU IREMENTS shown are bued ONLY on the truss material at each bearinQ ~ DEFLECTION (span) : l/920 IN MEM 14.15 (LIVE) too -O.4r 0- -0.29" T. -0.71" MAX DEFLECTION (cant) : L/40B IN flIIEM 10-11 (LIVE) t.. O.lS" 0.. 0.12" T. o.n" CUTlU,L ..o~u FORCES' TC COCP. 00II. I TEHS'~"'l '" Cl.- 1 cr 1.6C.j 291.15 0.01 1-1 -4111.601 lHO I.B 0.81 1-) .1lHl.H I 0.61 J-4 -2026 I.B I 0.52 4-5 -24)7 l.1S I "!L~! o.n S-6 -2437 l.1S I S91.6O O.SS 6-7 .)HS 1.B I ~ 1.60 0.1$ '.B -lB71l.lSl 1S1.60 0.95 &-9 -4l59,l.U,! 1111.60 0.11 "" """'1""'l' Tt~5.'tlIJIIl. (SI 10-11 -10411.U/ 4SS 1.60 1.00 11-11 .919 loIS/ .,.1.60 0.a8 U-ll / 20&71.150.59 1)-14 I 2U21.iS 0.59 H-ts I H10 l.1S a.1S 15.16 I lB4 I.IS 0.150 16_11 -UI(1.60)/ J9H 1.1S 1.00 2":111 ~5!~5!~ T~i ~60 o~n 1.12 _111.60 I 19161.1 0.&5 4-12 -11541.15 I 2411.60 O,lI 4-14 -119 loB 1 lU 1.1 O.U 5-14 1 11111.1 0.16 6.14 -GGJ(1.15)1 1441.60 O.SO 6-16 1 5821.1 0.26 8.16 -4)4(1.15)1 190 1.& 0.08 TC <>.4 OFl '1 BC 1.4 Ofl Ii fIll CHO Ix4 Oft STANDARD ....'EB Ix4 OFl STANDARD PLT 8LK lx4 OFL STANDARD THIS OESIGH IS THE C{)i\POSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. LOilded for 10 PSF non~concurrent BCLl. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. Left Overhilng(s) .H.e not to be relllDved. OVERHANG(S) p.\AY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3~ MAX.! left Overh.ang Soffit lo.adingoo. 0.0 psf ~~~ -- --.----------------..-- - -----rmss Ii): B$IP'-D5 Otlsignedperl\NSI(TPI l.lOOl This design does not account for long term timedependent10ilding (cree!)). BU11dinq OesiQner must account for thlS. Refer to loint Q( Deui 1 Sheet for ,""",ximum Routional Tolerance used IRC/IBCuuss plate values are bilsed on testing afld .approvill as reQuired by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported ifl available docul!lents such i1S ICBO 11607. Qt\': ~ This desllln based on chord brilcing i1.p:Jlied per the followil'l9 schedule: rnax O.c. from to BC 67.00~ O. ~- B 6- ~- B UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support C&( Wifld Non-Wind I -1I1l1b 2 .66lb This trun is designed using the ASCE7-01 Wind Speclfication Bldg Enclosed. Yes. !mporta.nce Factor . 1.00 Truss loution ... Not End ZOfle Hurricilne/Oceiln line... No . Exp Ciltegory ... B 81dg lenjth'" 50.00 ft, 81dg Width - 20.00 ft Mean roo height... 13.0S ft. mph - 85 TPI Standard Occupancy. Dead load... 10.2 psf Designed as Kilin Wind Force Resisting System i1nd Components and Cladding Tributary ArC!a . 78 sQft 6-2-12 6-11-14 6-3-6 6-3-6 6-3-6 6.11-5 6-2-12 13-2-10 19-<3-0 25-9-6 32-0.11 39-O.{) 1A-R..o 1,9-R..o 2 '3 4 '5 6 7 6 9' ro:oo .a.ool 5-6 .. .. ... .. ... . . . .. ... .. . . ... .. . . ... . . . .. .... .. Trusw<J1 Systems Plalespre 20 ga. unless shown by '18-(18 gal, "Wf16 lIa.! Or-MX"nWMX 2Q 0<1-). posillonlld pCr Joinl Details Reoort _ _.~.I~I:!e~ ~~ and false. !fillTle_pf31es are poslllone_o as sh~ alXl~_ Shin nabla stud t>lat~s 10 avrlld o~o WIth SII1J~hl~ o~~tes 1?,,!'laP10I W A\IR/NIUINfGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy ot./t to the Ereclinl1 Contractor. . Cust, BLANKENSHIP ~ T""'d~...n..Iot"'__'"lIco""9',"'entnoltruasyStem n_"'_n_OO'I~ocal....ptO_I>I'''awpn;IIm""",xh'''''... ... ~.Drive_C_bspLL00006_J00003 .IllIlIOne..iICCOf\1ancew;mtnl!aJINrtlverooonsolTPlaIlllAFPAde$io;IlSWlClaf'llS No_~SOOnsibillly,,_IoI""""'iOntI<<.qJIacy, OIpnsons... ..' D~nr' IIle _ 39 WT: .'''lObll""r/fle(Ib'/'lheoornponl!nllNlnuladlnr~'lluiklltlOdesigne'pnorlo''"_ T""'bui~~....must_ra.'~IOal'l1 . . .. I . utiIiledonlhlsclealllnmeelOl"'c:eedIheb30ongompoSedbylhelot.albYollllog""""'_IfWI~~_Thede""""""'_II'Ie~chof'll .. IIlJ"f live DurFac:s l_l.lS MOSI10FSKY 1S~1311ybraceclbylhefOOfOfi'lDofVol!athinOand!hebollomc/'otdislaler"~bfa<:edbyancidshe~hing~MI~!I11Che1. UnlelSOltN4 .. Rep Mbr Bnd ""led. B'XllllI VowflislotlJte,al lll/p\'IOl101oomponenl$ memllers only 10 red..." llud::1ing length_ Thr5oomponenlwftrootbeplxed,nany TC Dead Rep Mbr Comp ~I TRUSS 'e""'ronmentll\al"CNSe1he~oonlf!nlolthewoodlot.ceedl9%ardIorc;lluseconneClO'pIa1e~_fabrbte.llardle.IIl$l.;I' BC live 44 k D .rdblW'llhGTnm.,IICClJfd;onee....mtherollowingSl3tid...ds'.Joonl.rd~DeU.RtpotlS.~wbleZ!!loutpullfOtnTrww.toollwa~. Rep Mbr Tens Co1~ ~g~~~~~~ COrS0901 :'ANSVTPII"WTCAI'_WOOllTIIISSCouncilofNneocaSlardartlOeSlUnRI!!JIIOI'lSIbrlitoes,'BUllDINGCOMPONE~SA:L't.INFO~tATlO""".. . . ~C Dead D.C. Spacing IBCSII-03I.m:l'BCS1SUMMARYSHEETS'bVWTCA'ridTPI.ThI!TrussP\aleIn$lIMe(TPlllSloYll!d;lt~83O'OnoIn'~,orr;.MI',son... ..: . .,'. Design Spec TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.13.voJeOnsm!>JTIIJ TI~"'"",nc.onFO'l!SIarwlp_'A55OOaICln("'FP"'llSloc3lI!d;ltlllll9lhSlreI!l.l\IW.SII!800.WZ!!l'll"\Jl....O.100J6. . . ..: ..: :fe%rAl DEFl RATIO: . . .. ... .. .. . S-3.5-5 10.1.3 2.5-4 3.5-6 " 0-4-3 3-4 ....--~ ~ ~ 3.5-6 5=3.5-6 0*,,6.0.0 I 'P<P t ----2!!QJ 1!=l-O-II 11 'Y2';" 13 P 10 6-2-1' 6.2-12 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-4 5.a 4.'-2 1 S=MXJ5-12 ~ UQ!L 19-0-8 ~Q.q-fl 14 15 16 ~~5-1 19.6..0 9-5-1 28-11-1 < .. . . .. 10.. ~-15 SHIP " 0-4-3 o*" , 17' .10~-15 1 39..0..0 2S.00 psf 7.00 psf 0.00 p,f 10.00 psf 42.00 psf 238/1 P..1.1S 1.10 1.10 1.1.0 2- 0- 0 IRC-2003 1I240 Te: l/24 JorQl Name: BLANKENSHIP BRC X-tOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 6- 2-12 2017 LSD" 2.15" 138- 9-4 14875.50" 1.59" BRC Il.EQUI!lEME~S shOWfl ar!! based ONLY on HIe trUH materi.l at each beolrinQ MAX DEFlECTION (span) : L/920 IN MEN 14-15 (LIVE) l_ -OA,r 0.. -O.Z9~ T.. -0.71" MAX DEFLEGrON (cant) : lj408 IN MEM 10-11 (LIVE) l.. O.18~ 0.. O.12~ Too O.31R CRrTlCAl i'IEI'6ER Fm.CES: TC COIP.'ClJR,'1 TENS'!""'l m 01.* 1 C 1.1501 291.H 0.07 1-2 ..4]11.601 U301.IS 0.81 2-] -lU~ 1.B I 0.67 1-4 -lOlE 1.H I 0.52 .-5 -".Hi.a I .S!LWl D,H S+5 -24]11.1\ I 591.60 D,H 6-7 -l7S11.1S1 751.60 O.7S '-8 -1113 1.15 I 661.60 0.95 8.9 -"]59 loU/ 1611.60 0.11 T( lx~ Oft "I BC 2x4 Oft II FILL CHD 2x4 OFt STANDARD WEB 2x4 OFt STANDARD PLT BLK h4 OFt 5U.NOARO THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BelL. PLATING BASED ON GREEN lUMBER VALUES. left Overh,lng(s) are not to be removed. O\It:RHAH(;(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO r MAX.! left Overhang Soffit loading.. 0.0 psf oc ""Tl" TENS.OUR. m 10-11 -10421.15 ~ss 1.60 LOO 11-12 -9191.B ~l~ 1.60 0." ll.n 20811.15 0.S9 ll-H 2U21.lS 0.S9 1~-B Jill! I.B 0.85 15-16 }13~ 1.B 0.60 16_11 -101(1.60) 19151.lS)1.00 .. ""'rr TENS.-OOR. m 2-11 -19OS I.B 1 1651.60 0.24 '.u -1)1.601 19161.lS D.IS ~-u -llH 1.15 1 lU1.60 D.lI ~-14 -89 I.B I lll1.lS O.U S-H / 11111.15 0.16 6-H -99J(LlS)1 14~ 1.60 O.SD 6-16 / 5Ul.B 0.26 8-16 -~l~(I.B)1 1181.60 0.01 Truss 8D: I6SP-D4 Designed per AN51/1PI I-IDOl Thisdesigndoesnot.Jucunt for long term t;medependent 10,lIl;n; (creep). BUlld;ng Designer must account for this. Refer to Joint QC Ck!tail Sheet for Maxilllum Rotation.al Toler.Jnce used IRClIBC truss phte values .are b.ased on testing .and .approv<1l <1S required by IBC 170] and ANSI/TPI and .are reported in ava;l.Jble docl1lllents such .as ICBO 11607. Qtv: 4 ThlS deslgn based on chord bracing .Jpplied per the followln; schedule: llIalfO.c. from to BC 67.00- 0- S- 8 6- S- 8 UPLIFT REACTION(S) Support C&( \l/ind Non-Wind 1 .1811b 2 -99lb This truss is designed using the -"5CE7-02 Wind SpeClfic.Jtion Bldg Enclosed. Yes, IllIportance Factor .. 1.00 Truss location.. Not End lone Hurricane/OCe.1n Line.. No , hp (uegorI .. B ~~~ ~~~~t~ei h~O~OOl;:OSB~~~ ~~~th.- 8~'OO ft TPI Standard 8ccup.Jr'lCY, Dead Load.. 10.2 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System and Components and Cladding Tributary Aru . 78 sqft 6-2.12 6.11.14 6-3-6 6.3-6 6.3-6 6.11-5 5-2-12 13-2-10 19-6"() 25-9-6 32..()-11 J9'{)~ 1Q_A-O V:j.l;.(l 2 '3 4 '5 6 7 6 9 f6]O -6.001 6-6 5=3.5-5 10-1-3 2.54 10.-;-15 SHIP 6-6 4-9-2 3-4 1 S=MXJ5-12 3-4 6-6 :J: 3.6-6 :J: 0-4.3 0-4-3 ---'!Jl!lJ lQ.n-R 'ptp 10 6.2-12 6-2-12 TYPICAL PLATE: 11 p13 1.54 1.3.00 19-0-8 1Q-{l{1 14 15 16 "*" 1 1ptp 17' 10-0.15 39..()-O Q.5-1 19-6..() 9_5.' 28-11-1 . . . .0. . . . . . . . . . I EXPIRATION DATE: 12131/051 ~i.1di~~@~ . . . 0 .. o . . . .. . . .. o . . . .. . . . . . . .. /;N:!iwql Svstems PlalcSjlre 20 ga, unless Sh()Wfl by "18"(18 ga, \, "H0116 Q3, 1 or "MX"rTWMX 20 ga ). POSllIoncd ~ Joint Dlltails ReOOl1. ~O<l elales and false !J<lme prates are posllioneo as shOWlT a~, 'Sh,n ntlble stud Olales to a~d over1ao wilhstructural plates (or'slaole1 , W A1RfNJUli\JG;Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy ofltlo th" ErectifIB Contractor. ~ 'ThoI""""'.iIot...in(l__"'liICOfII!>OtWl'nl"OllrunaySlemlll\.sbeen_on,,_...._ptOYdedbylhll~...,.~r.... ....,donlrln...c:nrd.-.cewllhlhl!cum!nl...rHmlIolTPlanclAFPAdesignCWlClatOS NO~isassumedlord~t~,Q;mentbns ... . _ "'IDDlt1o'01ll'ledtrylhe~"'-"'_r-""'lluIId"'lldeSl\lrerprjo<lDr~ ThetulclJnOcIesigfte<n.IIlasu!ftJf,aJplhe~ . . . ul*"'don\hlsde$i;llmeelOfe~teedlhe~'"llrnpo>>edllylhebCalbuddi'Qallleancl\h!!~~.T/lecleS5~lhelOOM . MOSHOFSKY ,OS~bfaQldll'\'lI'eroolOf"""'s/Ie"'""'ll_lhebotlornC1'>Dl'diSlalI:f~brxedtrya"ll"'s/'le~mae<ial~~. 1.IfIIeM0Ihr_ tIClII!d. e'xangSflOwnislQrliteral~oICZ1ml101'enl1_mbe..onrylDl'MIllQItl...ddl"lllenglh, T.....<nmp;InI!'I"I~l'IOlblll~..."Y ~ TRUSS el'Wln)rlmenflNt"'eao.aelhe__nlollhl!woocllOe.Cftdlll'lioandlOrQUSl!connedOtplalo!~ F~,""""Ie.-.st3I h k 0 -braQ!lItosIfUUInKQlfdancewOlll'll!!ro~IUt'Id_..-_~DiIU~RellOl1:S.iIV,J4ableas~fromT/USW.1;l.~~re. t~1~ ~~~1ng~~ COrS0907 'A,NSIITPl ,.. WTCA '.-WoodTI'UMCoumlolA,_rlcas~""OesillnRespon$Jl)llllo:'..euIlOII<<>COMPONENTSAfEreIJj~MA,~,.. :: (BeSl l-{lJ}~nd1lCSISUMMA,RYStjEETS.llyWTCA_TPI. The TIUSSP\ah:!In:sI"lIle4TPI)islot.;rlf!(llllSllJO'OnoI",On..I./e:l'q . .. TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4_lJNiseo<l$ln~1'9. TheA_ricanFOrl!S1_Pilpe'Assooill",n(AFPA)is~""""IIIhSl'HI,I-lW.S"'aoo,WHllonQl".oe1Oltl6 t.. ... . ~ .. Cust: BLANKENSHIP ... wo: irive_~bsp1-L00006_]00003 ~sgn:: ILC - 39 'w'T": - TC;L;ve 25.00 psf DurFacs L~1.15 TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd Be Live 0 00 psf Rep Mbr Comp , . Rep Mbr Tens . '. ~C.Oead 10.00 psf D.C.Spacing .: . :.: Design Spec . ~-=- . T~TA~ 42.00 psf DEFL RATIO: .. .. . 2401 P~l.lS 1.10 1.10 l.iO 2- 0- 0 IRC-2003 L/240 TC: L/24 =----- ----~--- .---- Job Name: BLANKENSHIP BRC X-lOC REACT ~IlE REQ'Q 1 6- 2-12 1341 ~. ~O~ 1. ~O" 2 22- g- 4 17 34 5, ~OM 1. 85" 3 38. gM 4 5040 L~O" 1. ~O BRC REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY on the truss material at each be.arinq MAX OEFLEOION (span) : L/885 IN MEM 13-l.f (LIVE) L.. -0.22" 0.. .0.15" T_ MO.38" AAX OEFLEOIOH (cant) : l/S44 IN MEM 10-11 (LIVE) l. -0.14~ 0.. -0.09~ Too -0.2r CRITlCAlfllEMRERFntCES: TC CCMP. 00II. 1 TENS. -DUlL' (51 01.-1 C1.601 191.15 0.01 1-2 -.1~ 1.60 1 UH 1.15 0.111 2-1 -948 1.B 1 .Ul.15 0.66 )_~ _81' l.H I }O) I.t} O.}l .-s -H1l.lSl 1461.15 0.\2 \-6 -1'11.601 82'11.15 0.62 6-7 -4)81.151 401.60 0.\2 1_& .H8 1.1\ I 11 1.60 0.50 &-9 -1141 1.151 14'11.60 O.SO TC 2)(4 OFL '1 Be 2x4 OFL n FIll CHO 2.4 Oft ~TAN[)ARO WEB 2x4 Oft STANDARD THIS DESIGN I~ THE CO"IPOSITE RESULT Of MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BClL. lUrk all interior bearin9 10cation5. Install interior 5upport(s) before erection. Shim bearing5 (if nl"eded) for req. 5upport. Left Overhang(s) are not to be re/llOved. OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" MAX. Left Overhang Soffit loading.. 0.0 p5f Tms!> 10: IBSIP'-!Ji3 Oesignf'd pf'r ANSI/TPI 1-2002 This df'5iqn dol'S not acco!:/'lt for long term time dependent loa.ding (creep). BU1lding OesiQner IIIU5t account for this. Refer to Joint QC Oetail Sheet for Maximum Rotational lolf'rancf' used IRC/IBC truu ptatl! values are based on te5ting and approval a5 required by IBC 1703 and AHSI/TPI and are reported in available documenU 5uch as ICBO 11607. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. Q~,,!: tt Tni5 df'sign ba5ed on chord bracing applied per Ine followillQ schedule. mal( O.c. frolll BC 67 .OO~ 0- 5- II BC 1~ .OO~ 22- 6- 8 UPLIFT REAOION{S) Support C&( Wlnd Non-Wind 1 -1891b -461b 1 -331b 3 -53lb This truss is designed using the A5CH-02 Wind Speclfication Bldq Entlosnd . Yes, Importante Fattor . 1.00 Truss Location. Not End Zone Hurricann/Ocun Line.. No . Exp Categor~ .. B ~~~~ ;:~~t~ei h~0;OOl~~6$B~~? :-;,~th.." 1l~'00 ft TPI Standard ~cupancy. Dead load.. 10.2 psf Desi;ned u "'ain Wind Force Res.isting System and Components and Cladding Tributary Area . 78 sQft " 6- 5-8 38- 6-8 oc CDCP.CIJR.I TENS.OUIl. (5l 10-11 -lOotS 1.IS I .5<41.60 "00 1l.U _l00S 1.B 1 HJ1.60 o,~ 11_1) .In 1.B 1 1981.H 0.S! 1)-14 -J611.1\1 8H I.B 0..7 14-lS -JOO 1.1\ 1 2031.1\ 0.19 ,6-2.12 6-11-14 ~-3-6 6-3-6 ~-3-6 6-11-5 1\-16 -1Ol5 I.B 1 1111.60 O.IS 16-17 .1111.111 IOS1.6O 0.19 6-2M12 13-2-10 19-6-0 25-9-6 32-0-11 39-0-0 17-14 -U1l.601 101S 1.13 o.~s 1Q-R-O '~-6.o 9' .. a:M'.'IJUIt.1 'vorl (5l 2 3 . 5 6 7 8 2-11 -U17l.IS I 194 1.60 O.B ,-u -8'Jl.601 9781.B O.H ..u -4941.151 2141.110.16 ~ -:a:ooJ 4-1. .60U 1.B 1 1091.150.ll S_I. -271.1\1 5271.B 0.20 S-B -1218 LIS 1 0.66 6-8 6-15 -1IS1.1\,1 IH~I.60~ 0.17 "" / n91.1\ O.H 8-11 -Sll(l.IS)1 1151.60 0.10 .. e. .. .. e.. . .. ... . . . . e. . . . ... . . .. .... .. Tru:!iwo,' Systems Plates are 20 Qa, unless sh()Wll bv "18'(18 aa l. -H-Cl6oa'j or 'MX-b1WMX 20 QCI,). DOsitionQd ocr Joint D!jtailS ReOOfl. ___ C.lrcI~P.I~les and__IClI~r!<!.f!1~prales_are DOsltioned"as showl'ralXlve. Shirt ~ ~Ie stud ~t~ to avOid overlap wllh'slruclur.l1 ~a~es ~_staPlel~__ ~ '/!II AIRNINGRead all notes on this sheet and give a eopy 01 it to,lhe Ereiting Contrae",r. ~ fNslleSlgn..Ii:Ir...IrICI.....,....llII/fII$'"IIOOmpml!nIIno1lruSS..,stem "hasbeen_on~...pmv1dedtry~a8>~"'..nuI~f.. e. ...xldone..KClJftIaneeW1lhlhecurre"'''''rsioRsdTPI~AFP''dnlQn~ardl_ Nofl!IPO"SltIrIityisassvmed"'. _'. HtUfaey, Da'ne~.. .. _tobll""rtllecItrylheoo~nI!nllmanur~l_fbuklingdesigl'll!r!)flC)ftof""~",", TheDurldlngdMig"".........~~1I.1he_.. . e. utilw!don\hlS~signmee'Of'.~lheloal:lll'llimposedtlt'!hI!localbulkl'"llcOOeandlhepa"ocularaoplic;li::Jn Traae."~sthalltf'W'~ ... MOSHOFSKY .._ra>llybfacecltry!hl!fOlIIOfltoo<she........~rd!hl!boItom<;tcmllSfft'tallybf""""tryangdshe~mal8~dlfl!alyzllaC:hed. un!essoJ'.,..... noIeCl.eradngshownlSfo<~'a1lUllPOnol(:O!'l'llX)ftllnllrrernbllf'lonlytoreducebucklinglengltl_TtOl(:OlnlX)nl!nlsha.notbeplaoedonany ~ TRUSS enwunment_....eause!hl!molSlU"eCOflllenllollheWl)Odtoe.~19'JloafllS/o.uusewnneclO<plaIeCOfrosion- FaDne.ale.hanclll!.onsul 4445 Northpark Dr. Irdbraeethi:llr\llSinacCOnlilnc:e*~hlhelolklv<ingstardanll'.Joon1i1f1ClCull'"llOe!illlRe~ItS'ilViIIlableasoutpu\lromTWilllOltwifl!.... Co 10 Springs. CO 80907 'ANSVTPtl'. WTCA 1.. Wood lfUS5Cour1C;ilol Amenca Slilrdanll:)e.sign Re'5p01't$1b&1ll!l. PUIlOINGCOMPONENT stFE'W INFQPMVION'.. . (9CSll..()3j and 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS' by WTCA. ~ TPL The Truss. P~ tnstlMe (lPI) IS Iocaled.t SlIJ O'Onof.. 0_. ~ison.. .. .. TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1}.VisconsonSJ110 fheAtnerQnForw_palll!rAssoOation(AFP"IISIocaled.tllll19lh$lfee1.rM.S~ISOO.W~.~200J6.:'-:-:'. . ... . .. 10-1-3 2,0.<; :< ().4-3 3,54 5=3.54 6'() 0~6'()'() 1~ 11 1 C'f2"713 P 10 6-2-12 6-2-12 TYPICAL PLATE: 1.5-4 22-9-4 1A-O.../'l W1L 19-0-8 9-5.1 19-6-0 ::lq..l)..() ,. 1 17 15~ 16 f ~6-1.13 ,N N28-11-1 10 ;.15 SHIP o~ , 16' 10.0.15 I 39-0.0 . . . . . . . . .. . . Cust: BLANKENSHIP ~~ Or;vLCbsp1-L00006_J00003 ! O)gnr: #lC.. 4S WI: 281# :ft Live 25.00 psf DurFaC5 l=1.15 P=1.15 J .:~ ~::: lU~ ::~ m,~~u;~; ,)Jgo ~l Design 5pec IRC.2003 ~~iTAL 42.00 psf DEFl RATIO: l/240 TC: L/24 .. .. . - --- ----~ Job Name: BLAL\lKENSHIP ~ BRG X-lOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 6- 2-12 US! S. so- 1. 50~ 2 22- 9- 4 1567 S. 50- 1. 50- 338-9-4 6025.50- 1.50" BRG REQUIREMENTS sho"'n art' bued ONLY on the trl,lSS material at I!achbearing MAX DEFLECTION (spiln) : L/999 IN MEM 16-17 (LIVE) L_ -0.08- 0- -0.05" T... -0.13- MAX OEFLECTION (cant) : t:9~6.a~" M~ l~o~J..SLIi~) -0.10" CRITJCAl r.eeU FalCt.S: Te CtM'.I"'!' TEIWS.OOII.) CSI IlL-I 01.lSl 2,}l.lS 0.07 1-2 -2211.60 I 7211.1S O.M 2-J -504 1.)) 1 JU loB 0.~6 J.. _n. l.ll I 111 loB O.~l .-s -.651.Jl1 14!1.1S o.n 5-6 1 HI1.B 0..9 6.7 -~11.1Sl1 971.60 0..1 1-1 -6161.HI I'} 1.60 O.SO 1-9 -7161.1S1 10 1.60lO.SO BC CtM'. OUR. I TENS."OUIl. CSI 10-11 -S661.HI 222'1.60 0.23 11-12 -Bll.H I 2611.60 0.10 12-1l -HII.IS I .10'1.13 O.H 13-H -B. l.ts 1 11ft 1.11 0.32 H-15 -13.1.15 1 1181.)] 0.12 IS_16 -2C I.U 1 1121.)] o.n 16-11 -73.1.601 6111.15.0.n WI CCMP.-DUR.I TEII/S.fOUR. e51 2-11 -122'} l.IS 1 I.'} 1.60 0.19 2-11 -5]1.60 I 6~ l.IS 0.10 .-12 -6011.15/ 1161.60 0.10 .-B -n.1.J11 us l.IS 0.22 S-11 -12 1.601 .Ia 1.11 0.19 S-IS -1Of1.IS1 )41.60 0..1 6-IS -61,} 1.B 1 1111.60 0..2 6-16 -1l1.601 610l.15 0.10 1-16 -197 I.B I 1141.60 o.oa . Truss Ii): IBSIP-1Di2 Qw: TC z.. OFl #1 SC 2.4 OFl '1 WfB h4 DFl STANDARD Refer to Joint ac Ol:!tilil Shel"t for Maximum Routional Toll!rilnce used THIS OESIQi IS THE C()olPOSlTE RESULT Of MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. loaded for ID PSF non-concurrent BCLl. "'ilrk all intuior bearing lociltions. Insull interior support(s) before erection. Left Ov",rhang(s) ilrenot toberefllOved. OVERHANG(S) ",",Y BE SHORTENED UP TO 3" 1oIAX.! ll"ft Overhang Soffit lOildinq = 0.0 psf ~ Web brdc'inq rl"quirl"d at each loea.ion shown. ~ See standard details (TXOI087001-001 revl). Designed per ANSI/TPI 1.2002 This design does not ilccount for long term time dependent loadinq (creep). BUllding Designer must account for this. IRCIIBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval u required by IBC 1703 ilnd ANSI/TPI and arE' reported in ilvailable documents su(h as ICBO 11601. PLATING BASED ON GREEN lUMBER VAlUE5. UPLIFT !l,EACTION(S) Support C&C Wind Non-Wind 1 -176lb 2 -"81b ] -431b l~~~7 ~ois ~i ~~ ~~:~ ~~~~d ~f ~~g the Sldg En(losed . Yes, Importance factor ... 1.00 Truss lo(ation...Not End Zone Hurricane/Ocean line. No i EllP Category = B Bldg ll"n~th ~ 50.00 ft, B dg Width. 20.00 ft ~~~n5~:~da~~ig~~u~an~::06e:~'l:~~.. 10~~ psf Designed ilS Main Wind force Resisting System and Components and Cladding Tributary Area. 78 sqft 6-2-12 6-11-7 6-3-13 6-3.13 6-3-13 6-10.5 6-2-12 13.2-3 19-6-0 25-9-13 32-1-11 39-0-0 1~-A..(l 1$l-A-fl 2 3 4 '5 6 i 8 9 IB:O<l -6.00\ 5-6 10-1-3 5=3.5-4 10-"-15 SHIP '" 04-3 3-4 Co' , ~ 3-4 S=3SW 3-4 3-4 3-4 22-9-4 :~~..(l-O ,,' 11 r 13 14 15 '6 ,~ 7-10_2 6.a.a 7_10_2 8-4-10 ~ 16-2-12 22-9-4 30-7-6 39.Q.Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. .. .. .. . . I EXPIRATION DATE: 121J11OS I ~i~1/~(!]@5 840 'f!lP '0 6-2-12 6-2-12 &=I~~~lral:::~~~es~~~~;~~~~~~,f,Jcre~'t~~~o~J:J~ugnW1~~{?iu%P~~~~Olel , WAfRNINGRead all ~~tes on this sheet and give a copy of ,('t~ t~3 FrectJia Co~tractoi 'T""'~"b<"'_"""''''_'"Ila>~_rn-...,.m_nnn-''bal!don~..ptIlwle(lb'l'1l'lIl~n1~lM'er. ... . arddof'4llrl~""'lhecurrefl'll!rslOnSotTPlard"'FP"'deslQnlUl'G.anft NO~isassumedror<lm'ln.-...ldura. Oimensdlls . . anInbe'll!rll\eodbytl'll:a:>rI'IPlf'enlmanulxtun!f_tJuildingde"'VnerIlfOJ'nratlrlcalJon. Tre_ingdesignermusl,scentlnIl1llIMlltoads . . U1l11zed on lI1ls design_or ",ceed tl'Il: lOaclinQimpned by lhe toc.aIbudllonoCCllll and\l'>e ~ apOlica\lon. TreCkl&."&ume^,,-\l'>eIOPttU :l!5la1er'llybrac:edrrvlheroolarnoor$he~'ndlhetxJltDmchorl:l"laIef,llybrXledby'rigd$healhlngfll31e~ldirtttly~ached.unlll$SalhefWise noted. Brldngshown..fOflaler;oll4lPP')r1ofcomponenlSmembe........"Io.....,UI:'I!bucl<lInglengltl. Thrscomporo!m_noIbelllaoed...a..., enwonrne...lhat_causelhe~confenIaltl'Il:_l;Ill..tftlI111'1lo_ca.-connedOfplllll!a:>nIllS'On rabnc.a'llll.hlnd....InSla. andbr3ClllIhistrusSIn.-ccord'nceW'lll'llflllllDllowlngstandanls..Jo....andCun""llOelaolRllP3fts.~aIlJbleIJ5OU1;UrromTr..-.II\ware,. . ~~1~ ~g~i~~~~k c8r 80907 'ANSVTPf 1'. WTCA 1'-WOOd llVSsCouncrfofA_1'b Slanlla<lll OesignResporlSlblflloes, 'BUIlDING COMPONENT SA,FE~ IN~""lorf.. (SCS11-oJllnd 'SCSI SUMMARY SHEETS'byWTCA and TPI rre Tf\.EU PlaIlIl! ln$It"""fTPllosbcaIeC al58.J O'Onafna Or...~, . TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.~;.yi5a>nsroS37HI Tre...~rllft'IUndPape<~IArp...)IoICJc,;oled.rI1111911'l~.NW.Sleaoo.wn/w>g..:~~ . ~ MOSHOFSKY ~ TRUSS ;~U~.BLANKENSHIP ~: ~rive_C-bsp1-L00006_]00003 :'sg';. #LC... 4S WT: Te-Live 25.00 pst OurFacs L..1.15 TC Dead 7.00 pst Rep Mbr Bnd 0.00 pst ::~ ~~~ ~~~~ 10.00 pst D.C. Spacing Design S;>ee DEFl RATIO: .. .LJ .Bc"live ..: .: . :~Dead . . . .. .. . . . .. TITA!' -. - 2S9# P-1.15 1.15 1.10 1.10 2- 0- 0 IRC-2003 L/240 Te: L124 42.00 pst ---~----,,--- Job Nalme: I8LAf'<lKENSHIP "'- -- ---,- TnJlss lID: I8SfPl-O~ BRG X-LOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 6- 2-12 1006 5. SO" 1. 50~ 2 6~ 8- 0 140 5.50" ].86" 3 8- 0- 0 28 5.50. 1. 50~ <l 9- 4- 0 124 5.50H 1.50. 5 10- 8- 0 112 5.50" 1.50. 6 12- 0- 0 112 5. 50" 1.50~ 7 13- 4- 0 112 5,50" 1. 50~ 814-8-0 1155.50. 1.50" 9 16~ 0- 0 103 5.50. 1.50" 10 17- 4- 0 40 5. 50~ 1. 50" 11 18- 8. 0 364 5.50. 1.50" 12 20- 0- 0 605 5. SO" 1.50~ 13 21- 4. 0 ]I 5.50" 1.50~ 14 22- 8- 0 95 5.50" 1.50. 15 24. O. 0 116 5.50" 1.50~ 16 25. 4- 0 112 5.50" 1.50~ 17 26~ 8- 0 112 S.50~ 1.50~ 18 28- 0- 0 112 5.50. 1.50" 19 29- 4- 0 112 5,50" 1. 50. 20 30- 8- 0 112 5,50" 1.50. 21 32. O. 0 112 5. 50" 1. 50. II ]3- 4- 0 112 5. 50~ 1. 50" l] 34- 8- 0 114 5,50~ 1.50~ 24 36- 0- 0 95 S.50. 1.50" 25 37- 4.0 2ll 5.50. 1.50. 26 38- 9-. 175 5.50" 1. 50~ BRG REQ4,JIREMENTS shown are bued ONLY onth!!truss,"at!!riollateilchbeolring W DEflECTION (span) : t~99g.6~"ME~ 650~go5LI~;) 0.00. MAX OEFLECTION (cant) : t~7~g. ~~"ME~ 3~03g75LI~:) -0.17" CRITICAL ME~~R r'RCES: Te C04P.OOR./ TENS. OUR. CSl 01..- 1 00.90 291.15 0.07 1-2 -2061.60 5671.150.24 2-] -1111.60 S911.1S 0.19 ]+. -11] 1.60 616 loB 0.28 .-s -2221.60 6.21.1S 0.21 5-6 -2191.60 6.]1.15 0..' 6-7 -1951.60 .7S1.L50... 1-8 -1971.60 5721.15 0.2. 8-9 -1851.60 6021.15 0.11 9-10 -1681.60 S991.1S 0.11 10-11 -1S21.60, 5671.lS 0.10 11-12 -1511.601 U8 LiS 0.11 11.13 -1361.60 1 S99 LiS 0.11 13-H +1201.60/ 5981.1S 0.11 I.-IS -1041.60/ 5971.lS 0.10 15-16 .881.601 6011.15)0.12 16-11 -76 1. 60 1 6.2 1. 1 ~ 0.38 11-18 -.91.60/ 5151.1.)0.36 18-19 -381.60/ .111.1-)0..4 19.20 -791.60/ 6561.1--10..8 20-21 -971.601 6051.1.JO.13 21-22 -1181.601 5971.1.JO.IO 11-1] -1361.601 S98 1.rl O.ll 23-2. -lS21.601 5991.1",0.11 24-25 .1671.601 U91.1!.0.1l 2S-26 +1681.601 S671.1!.0.10 26-27 -18.1.60/ 599 1.1~. 0.11 21-28 -2001.60/ 5991.15 0.11 28-29 -2161.60/ 5991.15 0.11 29-30 -1]21.601 5991.15 0.11 30-31 -lU 1.60/ 5981.lS 0.11 31-32 -2651.601 S991.1S 0.11 31-]] -2191.601 S951.1S 0.12 ]]-H -3051.60 / 618 LIS 0.15 TC h. DFL '1 BC h4 OFl '1 WEB 214 Oft STM'OARO lumber shear allow<lobles <lore p!!'r NOS. Rl"fer to Joint OC ~u;l She!!'t for Mallimu," RoUtion<lol Tolera/lte used IRC/IBC truss plate values are based On testing and approvill as required by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available docUlllents such as ICBO '1607. B~~rD~~ ~~~~~~: ~M~l~Rr~ m~~ r~~~. {.. J gabl!! bracinq requi r!!d " 50~ intervals, if exposed to wlnd load ape1ied to face. See "Generill G<loble Ot!tails , C002065035. Diagonals shown are part of the structure of this truss .nd may not be relllllved. Sheathing may be applied for additional support to resist later.l loads, by others, but is not required unless noted. Later<lol loads ha...e not been analyzed unless indicated Left Overhang(s) are not to be relllOved. OVERHANG(S) MAY BE SHORTENED UP TO ]" MAX.! Left Overhang Soffit loading" 0.0 psf ~ Web br<loci/lg requir!!d <lot each location shown. ~ See standard detilils (TXOI081001-001 revI). Designed per ANSI(TPI 1-2002 This design does not account for 10n9 term time dependent loading (creep). BU11ding TH~~S~~S!&~~tT~~c~~~~~;E t~~SULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BClL. Mark all interior bearing locations. Install interior support(s) before erection. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. This truu is desi\lned using the ASCE7-02 Wind Spenfication Bldq Enclosed" Yes, Importance hctor ,,1.00 Truss Loc<lotion.. Not End 20ne Hurricane/Ocean tine.. No , ElIp Category .. B Bldg length" 50.00 ft, Bldg Width" 20.00 ft Me<lon roof height" 13.05 ft, mph " 85 TPI Standard Occupancy, ~<lod load" 10.2 psf OesiQned as Main Wind Force Resisting Systl!'lll .1nd COlIIponents <lond Cladding Tributary Are<lo_18 sqft "' 35-]6 .l6-]1 ]7-.l8 38.19 19-.0 .0-41 H-.2 .2-H .3-4. 4.-<45 .S-<46 .6-.' .7-.8 48-49 .9-50 50-51 H-51 ~2-n B-S. ~.-55 55-56 ~6-51 57-58 58-59 59-60 60-61 61-62 62-6] 6]-6<4 6<l~6S 65-66 CC>>CP.OUR./ -H8 lotS 1 -5181.151 -5UI1.tS / -5181.151 -H81.15/ -5181.151 ) / / / i / / / / / ! / / ) ! -26<l(l.B)1 Qw: TEt6.~OUIl'l CSI 22~ 1.60 0.19 2101.60 0.23 2201.600.23 2101.600.16 2201.600.47 2101.600.47 0.12 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 O.OL 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 271(1.60)0.01 ~ WII THIS. OUIl. m 2-36 H 1.60 0.01 3-37 " 1.60 0.01 4-38 21 1.60 0.01 5-]9 20 1.60 0.01 6-40 W 1.60 0.06 1.n m 1.15 0.06 8-42 " 1.60 0.01 9-4] " 1.60 0.02 10--44 " 1.60 0.01 12-.15 " 1.60 0.0. 1]-.6 " 1.60 0.0. H-.' " 1.60 O.OS 15-U " 1.60 0.06 16-.9 " 1.60 0.02 11-50 " 1.60 0.1. 19.52 " 1.60 0.25 20-51 60 1.60 0.01 21.54 " 1.60 0.02 n-5S " 1.60 0.06 2].56 " 1.60 0.05 H-51 " 1.60 0.0.01 26.58 " 1.60 0.03 21-S9 " 1.60 0.01 28.60 1.60 0.02 29-61 1.60 0.01 30-62 1.60 0.01 ]I. L60 0.01 l 60 0.01 0, 0.02 0 ~ MOSHOFSKY ~""I TRUSS 4445 Northpdrk Dr. CoJo SprTngs, CO 80907 TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4, ';;'~'em5 Plates art! 20 (la, unless Sh.OWn by "tB~( 18 oa I. "H"/16aa, ,or "MX. TWMX 20 ga: ). DO!jilionod per Join! Details Report. ,,"","d "N;NG~::;':/;':=;:::~:;:~:, :~d :;:;:'::~~';~;~~~h;:::~;'~;~;;::~;. ;:~ BLANKENSHIP ! TNloeSignsfot.......,_...bulIdinOeotnponIInlnotlrUSllySlem_.has_nl>asedon~~b'/ .....""........M:tur84t ... . (jwo.Dr1Ve_'-bSP:LL00006_J00003 'an:ldone,"aa::ord~wCtlll'll'l~nIIve_olTPlandAFP"',,"'llnlU""".o. No~IsHlC.mlld"'" _.. n .,. ome.ons. . (Os. , #LC.. 36 WT: _tlbeverlieclbyll'eeotnpl""..........~'.nc\.Iorbudd>ngd69ne'll<.,..Io'~ Tr.~ingdeslg__musl;__. ,_ ,., loa:ls. . (. .rv. UIlIiudDl'lhsllesignmeetoruceedll'Wlbadr.g~bylheloc:olbudd>ngOOde_IlMp.lnicutar~_ n",&U-..fretlMlhl&tt&d . . fC Live 25.00 psf DurFaC5 l-1.15 is~brxedtrvltleroolorlb;wlhuthir9_lheboClOo''':l'on:IlSta'-''br.JCedby..ngiCIshe~lMenaldllKlly~. unleaOltoel'wi$e T( 0 ad 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd noled. lkaongshownlSb'~"auJlp)nof~lI1I!'ftftrsonty)c)leduatlul;llllngll!'tlgth. ThrsalfllJllllW!tlwlnotbepUc:edonany e Rep Mbr Comp ~1hal"'tauIlllhlllTlOlSbnconll!'t1lofll'ewoodIl:lIUoee:ltlWo~cause\2>lWledOl(lble(:OnOSo)ft Fatn:ale.t>aro;lle.inhI ~ live 0,00 psf R Mb T -nbrXl!hstrusslnac:mrd~wCtlIhl!'IIlIIQoomgIUt'datlS"JoonlardCua..ng~RI!'IlIIItS'...uatlll!Z5~ItomT"""whw,,,, .. . .: ep r ens i'ANSlfTPll'.WTc-\"-WOOllTIUSlCouneiof...mefJC3SWll.on:lDU'llnR,"Dc"'SIb*lJe..1lUILDINGCOMF>ONE"'TSArlTY~qfMAT~'i' ..: .: .: '..~C Dead 10.00 psf D.C.Spac:ing IBCSII.Q3)_'9CSISUlAUAAVSHEETS'byWJCA"""TPLn>eT".s"PIiIlIlInS\_UIe(TPI)lStl<<Iedill~D"Omfnoi1riYlltlA~. . . . . . . . '. . Design Spec: lscontInS31T\I n"''''_nc.I"F_''_P_'''saoaalIOnl.vPAI''~''''lllllll~SlreeI.''''''.S.I!iOO.w~oc~ . . . . . . . lIfO'Ml 42.00 psf OF:Fl RATIO: ,....0 ,....0 ~FF~F~~~F~~F~~FFFF~'~FFFFFFF~ 12 ;3 4 ~ fir 1~-94 1...Q-~!) 8 9 1011213141516 1r159 20 l112 23 24Zl:6 27 26283031 1.5-4 1.5-4 1.5-4 1.5-4 4-4 ',5'" ___ 1.5-4 ~ 1.5-4 ...'~ 1.5-4 ~ -" 32B' 10-1-3 fMO 5=3.5-4 ',5-4 1.5-4 1.5-4 '.5-4 1.5-4 :.-. 1.~~~~5-4 ~~ 3-4 I' ---- 1.5-4 1.5-4 2-3 1.5-4 2-3 '6-0-0 2-3 2-3 2.3 .B,ool 1.5-4 1.5-4 ',5-4 1.5-4 '.5-4 1.5-4 ----""""":_= 3... .'. O~-3 z 0"''' 2-3 2-3 2" 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3 10-. .15 SHIP 405' P.1.1S LIS 1.10 1.10 2- O. 0 IRe-20D3 l/240 Te: 1124' Job NllIme: BLANKIENSHIP . Tru$1> aD: IBSP-C4 BRG X-LOC REACT Sllf.: REQ'O 1 0- 2-12 7243 ~. SO" 3.86R 219-1-12 7l.35.50. 3.86- aRG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONt y on the truss material at each bearinQ MAX DE:FlECTIOH (span) : L/999 IH IolEM 10-11 (LIVE) L- -0,16- 0- -D.U- T.. -0_27" CllITICAlIEI4IU FCl<<CES; TC CCJ\P.'OUll/TElls.Ol.IR'1 m l-l -118321.1 I 1121.60 0.76 2-3 -116&41.1/ 1061.60 0.S9 }-4 _~l.l I 10~1.60 0.21 4-5 _S0661.1 I 1011.60 0.211 5-6 -114291.1 I 1051.60 D.61 6-1 -1154S1.1 / 1111.60 0.56 :jo '1~!r:;gl~ I~~t~!rhl g~~ 10-11 -28 1.601 81161.15 O.lS 11-U -711.60/ 1021) LIS 0.111 'oIB CCM'.00lI./ TU6.{OOlI. 131 2-9 -lULU I so 1.60 0.01 ]_g -91.60/ 16~ 1.15 0.111 j-lO -15781.15 I 781.60 0.1& 4-10 -H l.6C.j 6S971.15 o.sa }-1O -HH 1.1S1 191.60 0.16 ~:ll -u~ U~S~ H~ U~ g:~~ Te 2,,4 OFl II Be h:6 OFt ss WEB 2.4 OFt STANOAAO 2.4 OFt (~STR 10-. lUmbH shur "llow.ablu are per NOS. THIS DESIGN IS THE (a4POSITE RESULT Of MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCll. Permanent bracing is requi red (by other~) to prevent roution/toppling. See SCSI 1-0] and ANSI/TPI 1. 2-~~;! ~c~lt/~g~ ~~s_!>2ag2:~:~(~OOT7~~) "[PM]_PlATE '-'ONITOR USED-See Joint Report.': Oe!>igned per ANSI/TPI 1-2002 This de!>ign doe!> not account for long term time dl!pendent loading (creep). BUllding Ofo~'qner must account for this. Refer to Joint OC /)fuil Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used IRCIIBC truss plaa values are ba~ed on ~~~t;;~In~I a~~do~~~ ~~p~~~~~r~~ ~~a{~ib}~03 document~ such u ICBO 11607. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. ,;3-11-0 3-0-8 3-0-8 3-0.8 3-0-8 3.9-8 3-11-0 6-11.8 10-0-0 '''''''' 16-1-0 19-10-8 ~ , 10_0.0 I. 9.10-A , , 3 5 6 71 2-Pl YS REQUIRED ra:oo- -:s:DOl 5- -3 _I (>.4.3 8 9 1C1-1fJ-6 10 11 5-5-4 5-5-4 4.6.12 10-0-0 iQ~,!: 2 UPLIFT REACTION{Sl : Support C&C Wlnd Non-Wind 1 .40Blb 2 -4081b Thi~ [run is de!>igned using the AS(E7.02 Wind Speclfication Bldg Enclosed" Yes, Il:Iportance Fattor - 1.00 Tru!>~ location.. Not End lone Hurricane/Ocean Line.. No , Exp Category - B Bldg Length.. SO.OO ft, Bldg Width.. 20.00 ft Mean root height.. 10.67 ft, mph = 8S TPI Standard Occupancy, Oead Load = 10.2 psf Dnigned as Main Wind Force Resisting System alld Compollents and Cladding Tributary Area .. 34S sqft _nnh_..LOAD CASE n DESIGN lOADS __~_.u__u_.n_ Oir loPlf loLoc R.Plf TC Vert 64.00 0- O. 0 64.00 BC Vert 664.88 0- O. 0 664.88 R.Lcc; 19-10- 8 19.10. a LLfTL 0.78 0_S8 4-6-12 5-3-.2 14.ij-1j. .. ~9-1~ . .. ... . . . .. ... .. . . ... .. . . ... . . . .. .... .. tesIO~v%.adl~~ro~8.W~{~u%R 9~R~ lei O~5 10.,.8 12 STUB j 5-, -3 SHIP Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of tit to Ohe Erecting ContractQf. ! C~~~: BLANKENSHIP ~ 'l1lS,,",on..IDf-'l_....IluOIIllng~.....INUSyStItftI- 1t__n_on~~Irr""~mN~.. . .:\oIO.Orive_C_bspLL00006_J00003 anCIliOReln~_\he~_DfT'Pl_AFPA~n~.No~.---'b~.,t.--t...o;A........... . -10. ILC 34 Wi: !_lObe~bylllerotrllXlf'llnt . _.~. _ ....sIotbuild"'lldesqnl!.pno<lOl~__ '/'Iebuildrogdl!Sigre<IIUSl~*badS.. . :. s,nr: .. ,utJIiledonlhlS~nrrnlOl'eleeedlhebad"'llll'll(lOsedbylhelociJltuld"'llcoOenlhe~l1l1;lUr~ n~"""$SI4M~\heIlWtd . Ie live 25,00 psf DurFacs L-l,15 MOSHOFSKY '1S1_"""b<iladbylhelOOro,noors/ll!atllingancllhebllllO"'d'otdIS~"''''''D<aeedbylrig'll'helllNnllmaleNildoredly&ttaehed. unll:!ssothe_ R Mb Bnd '1'<llI!d. 8'aong"""""""Io<~rll_rtofcomponems_lTIb<lfSolllylOreducebu<kllngIeRQlh. Thlsaln\QOnentiJllllnolbeplaCl!drnany TC Dead 7.00 psf ep r rf'liO:-I"Ilo.-_"':~1 TRUSS erMron<nenllhal...QUMltoll'l'C<ltu<ea>nll!nlol\he""'OOlOe";.e<ll!l'lloandlo<c;".....(OnneQc><pbte~ Flbnr.aIft.IlandIe.'nsu~ Be Live 0.00 psf Rep Mbr Comp ~5 ~rti;a'rk Or_ lIIdD<xelhaslnlS5....x:ord..-.ce_troe!tA:lwlngSUlnclInlS.Jod.lnclCunillQQeWRepOrt$.aYPableasClUtllVlIrom'".....IOft>o-'...... Rep Mbr Tens (010 Sprlngs, (0 80907 'ANSIffP11'.WTCA1'.Wood'russCouncilolAtrllt<UStandatdDeP;lnR~,".'8UIlOINGCOUPOHEN'SA"""'NFO~14ON"... . .,.;C Dead 10.00 psf O.C.Spacing CBCS11-03lancl'BCSrSUIollMAAYSHEETS'byWfCAandTP1.T/'IeTo.r.nP\alelnsl_(TPr}..lOCD!dal!>83~.M.ISon.. .. .. .. t.. Design Spec TRUSPLUS 6,0 VER: T6.4.1iN'SCQnSI<'l!l371<j T/'IeAmetlCa<lFcnslandPapet'AssooatIOn(AFPAlisloc.ale<lal\llll'Jd\SIre<el.NW.Sle800.W+IO~.CX:20036. . ; . :_:-. . TlYAL 42.00 psf DEFL RATIO: .J i . .. .. .. . 151# P_l.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 2- 0- 0 IRC-2003 L'240 TC: L/24.. UPLIFT REACTION(S} Support CM: Wind Non Wind 1 -601b 2 -601b This truss is desi9ned using the 1.5(E7-02 Wind SpeClfication 81dg Enclosed.. Yes, Importance Factor .. 1.00 Truss location.. Hot End Zone Hurriu.""'/Ocean Line. No , Exp Category.. 8 Bldg length.. 50.00 ft, Bldg width... 20.00 ft "'ean roof height... 10.67 ft, mph.. 85 TPI Standard Occupancy, Dead load.. 10.2 psf Designed .as Main wind Force Resisting System and (OlIlPonl!nts and Chdding Tributary Area.. 40 sqft I EXPI~!I.?"! OAT!': '31J1105, r",,,,,1 S""""" Pl>1".m 20.. "",,,, ,,>OW" "" '\8'(18 ...l. -H-Il' ...1,,, ',",,'ITWMX20 '" I. """,,,,,,,, "'" J"", o.~," R.oort Ifll/"ll'" l"lllflllfll ~ _ CIrcled cI<i)esand falso rrame Dlales are OOSlboned"as stiOwlfalXMl. hln~OIe stud blaIn to a...a.cfo'vertaowilh str\JClur.:tl plates (Ot'staP/e) _ ._._____________ ~ __~\UJIW~ : WARNHNGRead all notes on this sheet and give a copy of It It> theeErectin. Contractor. ~us..:.liLANKENSHIP T,...l;IMoVfl.Io<...IndIw:l....tlulIllng~re..nDI"""sysMm ",.._n_""~ptOV"*I~lI'lOl~".+'llII"I!r : . .:. ::"'1>: ctive_CbspLL00006_J00003 _dOreinilCClJrdanoll""'mecurle"WfSlDr1$"'TPt'ndAFPA<:le~nNndardI Na.~""assumedlOrdln'lell5~al:'/eDlml!nsIO'" . .' n~ #LC _ 34 ;WT: _lOtlevenfiedl>l'lI'lOlc:ornpl............_acture.,_tlUIId'ng<leSog....prIo.IO'.~_ T""IlUIld'naGflSog...'muslncel\l'.lh3\fhI!"""s . . ,.~g __ ""taedOnIhoSdnogn..-o,e,,;e.ecl ""'1o..."naimposedl>l'lhelocalbutlcl,nacodelndlhep'<1JCu\I'_.,. The dIls......omes., lhe lope... ( TC If.. ive 25,00 psf DurFacs L_1.1S I1b1e.atybr.lc:edbylheflXllOl'IIoorUieJtlW'lg.ndlhebollomdlordllllmllllybracwby.'igidshe;!/wogmatl!liIIdlledl';al\ld'ed. unlesso\toerwiSl! d Rep Mbr Bnd noted. Btaongsl'ownlSlorlller,'supponofCZllflPClnenlsmembellonlyloredUOllbucUngleng\!l ThlsCOtr(lOne...sfWlrIOtbeplac:ed..,....,. TC Dea 7.00 psf l!_...IIVI....~Ifle_ca_oIll'1l!_Illl!.a.ed19'llo-.wQUSl!cannec;IOfpIW~, FIbrlc:IIl!.'-'dIe.nNlI Be live 0,00 psf Rep Mbr Comp _braa!ItaIn,lS5"'aa:oollIna!","""trefolbwO"lglbnclanls"Jon_CufbngOelalRl!pOns"~bIelsOUIpulfmmTl\.Ih'aI""are.. ... " .. Rep Mbr Tens t~1~ ~g~i~~~~kcgr80907 'ANSV'fPll'.WTCA1.-W(lCldhuss~of"n-e<aStanllanl~nR~.'8UIl.OINCCO"'PON[NTSA.Hf'l'IINf~l,tA~N'... . h-.e -.read 10.00 psf O.C.Soacing lBCS114l)_'9CSISUMMARVSHEETS.byWTCA_TPI.TIIl!TIUSI~I_1TP'IISILxatellIlMl3D"OnIIlnoo.r.flo!~~ . .. .. .t:,.. ... Design Spec TRUSPLUS 6,0 VER: T6,4.1w_5l719 ",,"AmenunFO(l!1!_P.r>e<ASSOD3IoonCAFPAllStocaod..l11119lhS_.NW.SMIlOO.WIShtlCl1Oir?WOO%s :::::: l.rD%A~ 42.00 psf DUl RATIO: ,,-'. .-.. .. ...- Job Name: BLANKENSHIP Twss 10: BSP-C3 SRG X.LOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 0- 2-12 836 5.50" 1. SO~ 2 19- 7~ 12 8]4 S. SO" 1. SOH BRG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY on the truss material at each bearinQ MAX DEFLECTION (span) : l/999 IN MEM 6-7 (LIVE) l- -0.11" 0.. ~o.or T.. -0.18- ~!~J~~~!~~!t~~J&I~60! o~~~ 2-) -1010 1.1S I S4 1.60 0.28 J_4 -lOO9l.lS/ ...1.60 0.25 4-5 -lHl 1.1S I U6(1.60 O.H " """!"""jl fENS.!"""j m 6-1 -751-601 116'11.15 0.5' 7-1 -141.60/ 11.71.15 0.51 ;~ c~~of~i~~ a~l;!~66! o~n )-7 I 540 1.15 0.24 4-7 -Hl(l.B)/ H91.60 0.11 TC 2.4 OFL #l Be 2:111;4 Oft 1'1 WEB 2x4 Oft STANDARD Refer to Joint QC Oeuil Sheet for Maximum Rautio"a1 Toler.nct! US!!'; lRC!IBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as required by IBe 110] and ANSI/TPI and .are reported in available documents such IS ICBO '1607. OeSlgned per ,MSl/TPI 1-2002 ThlS desiQII coes not account for lonl;! term time dependE'nt 10,1II1n9 (creep). Bl.lllding TH~S5~~S~~ "'~st T~EcC~~~~~E t~~SULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BClL. PLATING BASEO OH CREE" LUMBER VALUES. ~-3-4 5-3-4 4-8-12 ,().O.() 4-8-12 14-8-12 5-1-12 19-1()'8 10-0:.0 2 ~ Q-1n-p. 4 -6.001 13 5' 5-6 5- -3 4-4 uI 0-4-3 6 Hl.1n_A 7 10-'-8 8 STUB , , . . . . . . . . 10-0.0 10-0-0 . . . . . . .. 9.10-8 19,11''' . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. ~ MOSHOFSKY ~ TRUSS m\': 2l 5- -3 SHIP 104# P-l.IS 1.15 1.10 1.1D 2- 0- D IRe-20D3 l/240 TC: ll2~ UPLIFT REACTtON(~) Suppert C&C Wind Non.Wind 1 -9] lb 2 -9] lb This truss is desi9ned usinQ the ASCE7-02 Wind SpeclfiC,1t;on Bldg Enclosed. Yes, Importance Factor = 1.00 Truss Location. Not End lone Hurricane/Ocean line. No , hp Category.. B Bldg Length. 50.00 ft, Bldg Width s 20.00 ft Mean roof height.. 10,67 ft, mph .. 8S TPI Standard Occupancy, Dead Load - 10.2 psf Oesi1ned as Main Wind Force Resisting System and OlIIponents and Cladding Tributary"rea...Osqft 10-0-0 .. . .20.0-.. .. ... . .. ... . . . ... . . . ... . .. .... . t%,~IJff~~~l~ke:~~ODPa;o~~~M~I~:;',1l1 ;i~h(~~Jo:~.I$~i1frJb?~ ~~>~i~102g~fd)o~~~W1e:1,~:U{?~%PJl~~~ ~o~Ole' Wifl.lRfMUNGR";'d all not~;=;;;; this s';;';'t and Ili~e a c~py oW to t~e ErectJnll contract",,) C~~t,,: BLANKENSHIP ' ~ Thilde'si9"..lo<.....,....,....buoId.....~l"I1no1lfUSS$V5Iem, "nas_bnslon~I'IfI.pr~l>l' ... -. . ........actull!... . woe rive_C_bspLLOOOQ6_J00003 ;mddoneinac(l)RlallCllwll!lll'eClJflllnl~oITP1encl"FP"cIl!S'llnIUnclWs No~..assumedlotd~.o.mtnscl'" ... .. 0 ~- #LC 34 WI: are ICI De venoed bylhltCJ)mponenImanl.i'XEUtlJI..-d/Of_"'lIdeslgnll!,priallD',bnCaloon. TllI!buIIllonocll!S'llnll!r_''''I~t.eIClaClI. . .. s....'r: .. ~ed""lNI""'O"_OIUC8edllll!~~bylhll~tuId"'lloodeand.,..~~n TIlI!...,as:..'N1lh11'.nn' ...:~ Live 25,00 psf OurFacs L...l.lS MOSHOFSKY OSlalerallvbtX2!dbylhllroolOlfbl<SIli!aIllirlQenclthl!bollomt/'ol'dlSl3teflllybfJCl!ldbvar'4liclshealhinQrnalel'illcll'eCllyattal;f'e:l. t.nlnsOlheflfnSe Rep Mbr Bnd fIl;ItI!d, &acrogsl'own..lOtlale.allUI)OOIIafOllfftllOllefll~rlontylDredUCllllu:l<k1glenglll_ TlnCllfTllll)ner1wlf'(llbl!plX2!dWlany TC Dead 7.00 psf TR55 ~pMbr~ r.....--_--. _ __. ._ If U ~N1"'_lIlI!__..aI""_lCIe.ceedlll%andIOtt:a<4econnKlOl'plaIft(DftOSCtl FIllricZe.I'I:anI:Ir!.1MUlI BC live 0.00 psf N~ ~ .J;--" k D _tIfX\l!lNIlruSS...aa:o<dance_lI"ebllClwong__a<l:lS,........._C<JIbngOetHRellOllS.~bllrnOUl;lUlIromT"Wsoftw"'...... Rep Mbr Tens ~4n ~pO~ingP~r COfS0907 .""tSIlTP....WTc.-I..WoodTrussCo..nc:llal"~SundI"'OI<soCl"Re~s.1lVLOINGCOMPONE"'TSA.lilHy.,..FO$W"T~N"-.. . .: IC Dead 10.00 psf D.C.Spacing o , CBCSII.(JJ)and'8CSISUMMARYSHEETS'byWTCAandTP'.T""T",,"Plalllt_(TPI)JlIoc;ated-,~.. Maeson........ ... Design Spec TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1 WISCOI'ISII'ISJ7t9 T,..,"""'neanFortSta"':H'_"SSOQatoonl"FP"llSloc.aIedalt111191llSlr~."IW.SleIlOO.W~;~ LL: . . . . ._TOiAl 42.00 psf DEFL RATIO: ... . .. .. .. . -- Jail) ~alme: BLANKENSHIP Twss 10: IBSIF'-C2 aRG X-lOC REACT SIZE REQ'O 1 0- 2-12 98. 5.50~ 1. SO- 2 19- 9~. 98. 5.50" 1. 50" BRG REQUIREMENTS shown are b.ned ONLY on the truss m..1terial at uch bearing M'( DEFL[GIOH (spoln) : l/999 IN MEM 7-8 (LIVE) l.. -0.11~ D. _O.OlM T. .0,18~ (:~rCA~~~!~~!t~t~~1!~:O! 07~~ 2-1 -10211.151 791.60 0.27 J~. -1021 LIS 1 19 1.60 0.27 .-5 -Bfi.ll1.lSl 1171.60 0.28 lIe (tMP'~"""ll l["S'~"'l m 6-1 -711.601 111l1.15 0.59 1.8 -711.601 111J1.15 0.59 l~ ~9f~sl~ TE'30!~601 o~~ 1-7 1 SSl1.lS O.H .~7 -169(1.15)/ BO 1.60 O.U Te 2.4 OFl n !K h4 Dfl 11 IrIEB 2.. OFl SlANQAAD Refer to loint QC Detai' ~heet for Ma.irnUllI Rotational Toleran(e! used IRC/IBCtrussplatl!vllul!sarl!basedoJl testin9 and approval u rl!quired by 18C 1703 and ANSI/TPI and ar~ reported in avaihble documents such as ICBO 11607. De!si9ned pl'r A.NSI/lPi 1~2002 This design does not account for lont~ tl!rm tillledependenlloildin9 (crl!ep). 8Ulldin9 TH~S 6~sf& mJ~ t T~~l~~~~~h t~gUl T OF MULTIPLE LOAD CAS[S. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. 5-3-4 4-8-12 4-8-12 5-3-4 5-3-4 10-0-0 14.6-12 20-0.0 1n.n_Q 13 1n:n_O 5 I 2 4 rs:oo- -6.001 5-B 5- .3 I 0-4-3 4-4 ._ I 0-4-3 ~ ~ r&l\ B I B ?n4-n 7 10-l).{J 1l><l.Q . . . . . '. . . QW: ~ 5-9.15 SHIP 10B# P..1.1S 1.15 1.10 1.10 2- O. 0 IRC-2003 l1240 Te: l!24 T'",.,,, S,,"m, "","'." 20 '" """'''''own by'18','8" t .H'(l8 "),," 'M)(-,TWMX 20" I. "",,"oocd,., J." P,'Q~'" R._ CIrcled OI<fles and false frame orates are OOSIlloneo as stiC1W'l"r atxlve Shlll gable stud plates 10 SVOl(l OVB'1aP with SlnJcturn Qlales ({)(staDleJ -------- "'WAfRfMDfMGRead all notes on this sheet';nd IlIve a copy of/r,., flJ'.t=recu,,;C';~tractrY! .'"'too.BLANKENSHIP - ~ Tn.sOUo;lnllfll'''''indMdORlbulldlng\2lfllllOlW!f'lnotll\l55~m "P\3sbeen~onlPl!ci'alklrlsprov'dedbvll'ecanponent~~uref. ... . -"JO: tr1ve_Cbspl_L00006_J00003 ~', =::;=~~~=:.::.:::e:~::::;'~-:-The~~a::~~~::-:~o:-:"'.: ~S9rV. 'LC - 34 WT: l.tiUedonlhtS~nrree1ll1e.ceedlflebadPJ~Dt'1he~buIklrogoxleo1l'W:llhe~apoIalIon. The~L~flNflhelDptrL! re Live 25.00 psf OurFacs L..l.lS MOSHOFSKY is..',.,lItacedby1hl!rooIorlloorshll""'-'Olrdll'lebollomthotdlSl.lI~tl""'br~bylngidshl!~tq",.rIal"~~aehecI. UI'l"'-otI'lerwise Rep Mbr Bnd TRUSS roled, 8rXlt'9shown..for~flllUjlpDr101Ctlmponl!nIa'''''mbe<lontvlOreducebuckHllQl!lfllllll, Thisc:a!'l'lflOIIl!"'J/Ia~notbe~inlny TC Dead 7,00 psf Rep Mbr (omp ~~kcgr80907 ,=~~-==~~:=~=~::=N~~~;::. :.: .: .: :;~~::: l~:~~ ::; ~~t.~~~c~~;S (BCSI1.()3)andllCS1SUMMARYSHEETS't>yWlCAa..:lTPI.Tl>eT,ussP'I;rrelnst<MeITPI)oslOeated.,53JO"01"olto:lO,..e.~""', ......... Design Spec TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.~;W'SCOnSlll~J1l9,T""A""'fIatlFa<1!lu,~p~Pl!fASlI<>CUl.,"IAfPA)"~e<l.J\'111191hStreel.l>M.Ste800.WI$~I~n',:C2.J6 . . . . . . . TQTAl. 42.00 psf OEFL RATIO: ---~--_.--- JolbJ Nf!:1me: BLANKENSHIP Truss II!): IBSP-C'i CRITICAL "I[MllER FORCES; Te h4 OFl II BC 1x. DFl II GBl Bll( h. OFt STANDARD .:!.efer to Joint QC Oetail 5h~et for fIIaxilllum Rotational Tolerance used {RCIl8C truss plate values ue based on t~sting and approval u required by IBC 170] and AHSI(TPI and ue reportl'd in available documents such as lCBO #1607. PLATiNG BASED ON GREEN lUM8ER "AlUES. Oes;gned per ANSI/TPI 1-1001 Thisdesigndoesnotac:c:ount for lonr; term t illle depend~nt lo.dinq (c:r~~p). BU11dinq TH~s6~S~f.N IllHt T~EC:t;~~~h t~aUlT OF fIIUlTIPlE lOAD CASES. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent BCll. B~rO~~ ~~S~~~= ~S~l~~R~~ ~~: ~~~~. ['I 9able bracing required " 50~ intervals, i exposed to wlnd load <l.pe1ied to fac:e. See ~General Gable Details, C0010650]5. .1-4-0 ,-4-<1 ]~]~]~]~]~]ll~]~li]~]~]+] ]~ rN r~ r~ rw r~ rFF~ r~ r~ r~ r~ r~ r r~ 2 10..n.o 4 '5 r6ill) '5 1617l 10~-l'l-n 12 13 14 -6.001 B Ig 10 3 6 7 " 3,5-4 5"' -3 ;:;;';'. 'V'" , atr~ 1~~ -....;;:~ ~~3-4 3-4 uI 0-4-3 ~ 'g.n.n ti ~~:~ 'B:'9 p J~PP 11 11 f~ 1~ r~ r~ rH'; r3tt~ TYPICAL PLATE 1 5-4 - obER ~NjThuo~ S~OR,l; . .. ... . .. ... . ..... . . . ... . .. .... . Q~\!: ~ This truss is desi9np.d usinQ the "'SCE7-02 wind Sp~clfication Bld; Enclosed a Yes, ImporU.nc:e r.c:tor .. 1.00 TruH location'"' Not End lone Hurricane/Ocean line'"' No , Exp Categor~ . 8 ~~~~ ~~~1t~ei h~O.:OOlb~67B}~~ =~~tha'" 8~'00 ft TPl Standard 8ccupancy, Oead load.. 10.2 psf Oui9ned as Main Wind Forc:e Resisting System and Coltponents and Cladding Tributary Area.. 40 sqft 5-~-15 SHIP I 0-4-3 . . . . . . . . 145# P.1.15 1.15 1.10 1.10 2- 0- 0 IRC-20D] L/240 TC: L/24 Jolb Nalms:-i&.lA"'KENSHIP ~ BRG X.LOC ~[ACT SIZE REQ'O 1 0- 2-12 1068 S, SO" 1. SO~ 2 21- 9~. 1068 S. SO" 1.50" BRG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ONLY on the trUH material at each bearin; MAX DEFLECTION (span) : l/999 IN MEM 6-7 (LIVE) l. -0.17" 0.. -0.11" T.. -0. 2B~ ~~I~~:!~~!tH7h!~66! o~~ 2-5 -IHO l.a I ll~ 1.60 0.35 )_4 -1130 l.n I 1141.60 O.H 4-5 -lHlll.H I 114 1.60 D.H Be CDlP!""'j/lE"lS.!"""j m 6-1 -li 1-60 I BOl 1.15 0..3 1_8 -111.60 I BOl l.lS 0.14 ,-, -721.60 I DOl l.a 0.14 ;~ '?;~j~~~i~~ f[~~i!~60l o~u J-ll I 616 l.n 0.27 4-' -.1](1.15)1 IH 1.60 0.11 5-1)-3 Trusll iD: BSP-1B1 Te 2><4 OFl 11 Be 2x4 OFL 11 'WEB h4 OFl STM'UARO Refer to Joint OC Deull Sheet for MalCimulIl Rotational TolerAnce used IRellaC truss pbte vd.lulIIos.are based on testing and approval as required by IBC 1703 ..nd ANSI{TPI and are reported in available documents such as leBO 11607. Designed per I\NSI/TPI 1-2002 This desigrl doe~ riot accourlt for 10n9 term time dependent loading (creep). BUIlding TH~~S~~~jfN m~~tT~~c~~k,~~~E t~~~ULT OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell, PLATING BASED ON GRfEN LUMBER VALUES. 1Ql~1J': 3 UPLIFf REACTIOH(S) Support C&C Wind Non-Wind 1 -9S1b 2 -9S1b This truss is desi9nedusing the ASCE7-D2 Wind Spec1fication Bldg Enclosed - Yes, Importance Factor _ LOO Truss location_Not End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line.. No , [xp Category.. B Bldg Length _ 50.00 ft, Bldg Width.. 20,00 tt Mean root height _ 10.92 ft, mph .. 8S TPI Standard Occupancy, Dead load.. 10.2 pst Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System dnd Components and Cladding Tributary Area" 44 sqft 6<-15 SHIP 3,6 f~~ -, I I I ! &ryJ:a'Jff~~l~~::c.,~OolSl~~~~W~~'~a'~~~~~,IrJ't3:; ~~~'~~o~~~;i~lgnW1eg,~{~%P~~ ~~~Dlel -~WA1RNfNGRead all not~-;~n th/~-;h-;;;;'-~;'d g/~ --"--~opy ~i" 'Q.-t1vf1;rectf~-~i;'~ra~tor. ~.~~se::&lANKENSHIP------------ ----- ~ 1""""'CI"..foranin:lMlMlbuldrq~l'OI_SySte1lI ~1las__onSjllOCll\cllion~bylhP~"lTlI"UI.-.nr. ... . \IJJ: llf'ive_CbspLl00006_J00003 ;.",,_iIl~_h1Q.WQl".elRlO'4ofTJll_AFPAdesvnstanlWd1_No~G-.nedlold...~~~~ . ..._. #lC 34 WT: 119# I _lObe~rliedbylh!~ . ..-dIofbuilllrq~prio.-lOl~_ T"-buildingdealgret_~nJIll'\h.e1bss . . ~gnr,.:. .. l.dizeclonltllS"SIgfl"-DI'.'~""~rqimcloledbyllleloelllbuold"'lla:de_U.~~_ T""des9Il.n1...rr-LlhlIIOOM. rClive 25.00 psf OurFacs l-1.15 P=1.15 MOSHOFSKY ::':~~~OIQId~~=:"~"::"~~;"'~:':':::::::-=~~~':~odle_ TC Dead 7.00 psf' Rep Mbr Bnd 1.15 ~ TRUSS ~_dUUAflltJell'OilVl~ollh!_lD".<lledl~-..o.~~~OOIfOSO'l_F._.~"'.onsQI ~e live 0,00 psf Rep M~I'" ~~~~ 1.1~ 4445 NOI'"~h k 0 ,"br~ltIISllUalnKClllflUnal_""~tur'l<Ultl'.'Jon.IldC4.l!lrqOeUolRl!lIOI'tS..-..bllll!"OIMputfn:lmTlIIS'*~.!e,..... Rep M I" 1.1 Colo SPl'"ln~~~ COl'"80907 .ANSIITPrl'.WTCA"-WOOllT","~ol.o..rencaS~~~S9"R"SflOl'ISItolIloetl.llUllDIHGCO"'PONEmSAr(1'tINF~R""&,.,"!. ..: .: .c ~~~ead 10.00 psf O.C.Spacing 2- 0- 0 fBCSl l-oJI....r'OCSISUMJ.I.\RY SHEETS b'lWTCA_TPI, T""TlUISPl.tleInst1lula(TPI'..lDc4IIedillWD'OrclIODI..._......ISO. ...... '" . . Design Spec IRe-2003_ I TRUSPLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1 ,",_537111 T""A.....runFOfltSI_P.pefA__(MPAllSlDutecl~llll l!llhSltftt.NW.StorI!lOO.Wnl"'1I"'.oe1OCM ...... .~TOIAIe 42.00 psf DEFl RATIO: l/240 TC: ~ ~-9-4 ., 5.2.12 5.2.12 ?-9-4 5-94 11-0-0 16.2-12 22-0-0 11-n-n 13 11-o-n 2 4 5' ro:ao- ~ 5-6 3-6 nI 0-4-3 ?A $=3.5-4 3-6 ~ ??..q.o ~ 6 7 6 9' 11-0.0 ~ 11-0.0 J 11-0-0 . . . . .~..o-o. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . I 04.3 - ~ Job Name: IEllAi'<lKENSHIP BRC X-tOC REACT SIZE REQ'D 1 0- 2-12 .091 5. 50~ 2.18" 221-9- 4 40915.50" 2.18- BRC REQUIREMENTS shown arl! based ONt Y on the truu milterial ilt each bur;nll ~ DEFLECTION (span) : ~~9~g.~~_M~ ~O~09SLI~:) -0.22- (:!~l~~~!~~l~CE~t~~j!~60! o~U 1-) -6220 l.U I Ul1.60 0.18 l-ot -6220 l.B I Ul1.60 0.18 4-S -6J97 I.B I llJ 1.60 o.u TC 2)(4 OFt II BC 2x6 OFl SS WEB h:4 OFt STANDARO lumber she,lr ,)l1owables are p"" NOS. THIS DESIGN IS THE COMPOSITE RESULT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. loaded for 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. Permanent br.1cinq 'is required (by others) to prevent rotolltion/toppling. See BCSI 1-03 and AHSI/TPI l. 2-Pl'l'! Nail wllOd ((M()N, staggered(per NOS) in: TC- 2 BC- 2 WEBS- 2 "PER FOOT'''' " ~i~~661~ '"'fl''' .', \6111 1.15 0.61 ,-, I lBJll.lS 0.61 ,,' I 18)2).15 0.61 9'10 -B(l.l!iO)/ sr.aal.lS 0.64 .. ~fT ""flm 1-' -l1J l.B I 12) 1.60 0.01 H -361.1501 lOBO 1.15 0.68 ,-, -J61.601 lOao LIS 0.61 .-, -31l1.15 I 11l1.60 O.Ol ~, , 2.PL YS REQUIRED 5-11-4 5-11-4 11.(1..(1 2 rs:oo- , 5-"J-3 "I 0"" Truss ~D: I!3SP-A.~ Dl"signed per ANSI/TPI 1-2002 Thi~ duilln doe~ not .J(count for 10n9 terlll time dependent 10iding (creep). BUIlding Oeslgnel" must auount for this. Refel" to Joint QC Detii1 Sheet for Maximum Rotational Tolerance used IRC/IBC tl"USS phte vilue~ ire bised on testing and ipprov.Jl a~ l"equ;l"ed by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available do(ullll'nts such as ICBO .1607. PLATING BASED ON GREEH LUMBER VALUES. 5-0-12 11-0-0 5-0-12 16-0-12 13 H.l1Jl 4 -'3.001 lQJi'\f: ~ UPLIFT ~EACTION(5) Support c&( ...ind Non-....ind ] -2131b 2 -2131b This truss is deslgned us;ng the A5(E7-02 ....ind Spec1fi(ation Bldg Enclosed. Yp.s, ImpOI"Un(e Fu:tor .. LOO Truss location.. Not End Zone Hurl"iLane/O(ean Line.. Ho I Exp Category. B Bldg Length.. 50.00 ft, B dg ....idth. 20.00 ft ~an roof height. 10.92 ft, mph.. 85 TPI Sundard Oc(Upan(y. Dead Load.. 10.2 psf Designed as "'.ain ....ind For(e Resisting System ind Components i1nd Cladding Tl"ibuUry Are.a ..195 sqft ----------LOAD CASE II DESIGH LOADS ---------------- Oil' L.Plf L.loc R.Plf T( Vert 64.00 0- 0- 0 6-4.00 BC Vert 307.88 0- 0- 0 307.88 R.loc 22-0-0 22- 0- 0 lL/Tl 0.78 0.56 5-11-4 22-0-0 5 5-1 )-3 SHIP ??-O..o 6 7 6 9 '0 7-7-8 6-9-0 I 7-7-8 7-7.f3 14-4-8 22-0-0 TYPICAL PLATE: 4-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . T_"'""w,_.al ;vstems Plates pre 20 \la. unless sh.own by -, 8'(1 6 qa l. "H"/16 a~J\..9.!: "MX-(TWMX 20 all l. DOsilloned 001' Joinl R~t.aiIS R~. __ C ~ d alas and rals~ Iramo Ol<lt:"s are DOSllIon.e<J as ShOw11"a~ve, "ShIn ~ stud plates 10 av~d ovenap wilh'slruclur.J P ales~o_ s~Dle~ , W AI ~Read all notes on this sheet and give a copy of lI"1g t1l31'rectlt'1lo Covtract"l' ~ ThItI"""'IIn"lor"'InllMcl_lIUOkllngcr.:>mpOl"lenlnocltu:SS!y5Iem,n~beenbilsedon~ptll'tlOl!dbyllle~nl,,~. ... . ~ :::::==::::::::=.-Jf,,::::':~A=:e:s:;7:~~%S~ns~bIJ~:':=,':st-=:::,,~~n:-s . : UI.iIlledon1hllde~n _OIe.cud lI'IIIlDaI;long imIlosed byl/le Iac.alllUOkl'"l! c:ode ~ndll'lll poll\lCUlalapplb\lot1, ThedeAIt&..neI\n.all/leIo(lUtf I MOSHOFSKY lSfJlel~brxedbyll'llll'lXllOlllDofshe~~rdll'lllboOonlcn:wol!llall!f~llybrxedby~''lllClll/leathlnglTl.Jlenald-''Klly&lUChed, unIl!SlOlhe_ noted, BlxlngshownlSloflate'~ISU$IpOrtotCO<llllOrenrsrnemlletso"""'lOlt!\Wa!bucllinglerogth. Tl'oIromporent$l'>.l"nocbepla(;e(lonll"Y ~rkT~USS ::::::"~IIw>c::.:~wCh":e~~~~~:~=~~'::O:~7:::;:=:::;I~~;~'~~ :: . Colo sg~~n~s, COriJ0907 'ANSVlPI1'. WTCA.l'.WOOd TJ\lS5CoUtICIlolAIrelbS~llrdDesignll'ffi'OJns'bil<Ioes. 'BUIlOINGCOMPONe:Nl SAFE~IN~A,*,"IO"". .. .: (BC$I l-oJ)ItICl'BCSISUMMAR'l'SHEe:TS'byWlCA.andTPI,TIle TlussP\3lelnSflluletTPljllloc3ted;JtMlO' Ono!"OOI",~~" ..... TRU$PLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4,lJ.v1lCORSln5Jl'9,Thc!AmenanFOreSl~n:lPllpe'AHOCiaIo:lnrAFPA)"louIedat1\1I1Il1llSllftt.,.,.,....Sleeoo.WaIrog.n.rfCX.J6 ..... CU~. .BLANKENSHIP :~: ~rive_C_bspl-L00006_J00003 '~Sgn1. #LC - ]4 Te-Live 2S.00 psf DurFacs L_l. TC Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr Bnd i .BC.L'v. Rep Mbr Comp , 0.00 psf Rep Mbr Tens . ':\C:Oead 10.00 psf D.C.Spacing . .. Design Spec . . TiT~ 42.00 ~OEFL RATIO: lOT, is 141# P-1.1S 1.00 1.00 1.00 2- 0- 0 IRC-2003 _L!7..40 TC: L/~4.1 Truswal Systems Plales;Jre 20 ga unless sh,qwn by .18"( 18 a3 I. -H'( 16 Ga.} or "MX"(TWMX 20 g<l,j, prn;itioned per Jomt Details Reoor1 CirCled ~1I1es and false 'ra~~te5 are 0051110000 as stiowrl"aoov(l ShlIl.nfIblo stud olale! to avOId OWJr1ao WIth slruclurar o~ates fof'slaolel WAflNINGRead all notes on this sheet ami give a copy ofl.ro.tflll.EirectI8g&Onlractor.~'~':!lANKEN5HIP ~ T"'~l1eolg".fOI."InllMd""'bu/lQ'I"Ilcompone"'l'IOllrUS5~ysrem fthnDee"baSrdgnspedllcatlolllll'OvldedbylhllCl:lntonenlfTllltluf.ure'. ... . """: [lIP'ive_LbspLl00006_J00003 arr;Iclonelnacwrdana:wilhlhllCUlTenlversiJnsofTP1ar'M:l"FPAdnignstarOards Nore5llO"SdlilitysaSStnedrofdllMnsorma~acv!oirre..."l" . : c: nr: _ #LC,. 34 arwlObeveriliedbytheoompot'll!tIImanuf.;.;;l......"P'd/oIbuildll'IQdeSo;jnefpJlOfloraI)nc.;l1O/l ThebUlkl'"lldel.lgn'''muslBlJift1h:ll'..td. ._. , 9 _ ul~lllldonu...de''lln_arl.OIM!dIhllIoId'''llirnp)eeclbylhl!k>caIbuildingoode'nd'''''~ocWIf.~n_ Tt>e<le1ogn_~lIWIlO(I,,"",", T( Live 25.00 psf DurFacs L-l. AHOSHOFSKY lSl"""a.....brac:edbylherool"..lblf_~a""lhebollomChotdlSlaIl!'dyblao!"dby, .ng"''''''athing.- tMlert.ald...Cllyan_. ""lII"<llhe.....1Se ( Rep Mbr Bnd 1"/1 /'IDle<!. SraangShOwnrsltJllall!ralSl4lllQ!'lol'comQonentSmembeI'$O"lyloredl.OCebuO:linQleroglll Thistomporenlwlrc\beplacedlflany T Dead '1.00 psf , 5 Rep Mbr Comp 1~~ TRUS l!"""f'Of\/I'Ie"'~""cause'll'lerr("S1Uf'l!conterllOt1l'lll""'<ldIoI!'ceed19"foar(lf()r"'usecorlfleCl'Ofplall!co~, Fatn:all!,~..~~. .. _ _ iC ..ive 0.00 psf Rep Mbf" Tens 4445 North .ark Dr. a<>dbraa!!histnm,"accord"n(:I!\01!h'll'lelo/lowlflgll_ardS:'Jolfllandc.m"'llo..tailR~pons'aYaqbll!asCltJllXll'romT~,",,"'a"'.... _ _ -!It... Colo Sprin~s. CO 80907 'ANSVTPI 1'.WlCA 1'.WOllllTrussCol,R:llo/A,menca SUrxlarll o.."'ll" Resoof\Slbll<loes.'SUIU)ING COMPONENT SA. FETYl6NFlIRM.wIO~.. .. .. _ _ lII~...ead 10.00 psf D.C. Spacing (aCSll.(IJla<>d'BCSISUMMA,RYSHEETS'~WTCA"rxlTPI.TheTfU5sPLatI!lnSMulI!(TPtllSlocaIedat$8JD'OnoIrcDriv<ltM.~ -..... _ . . Design Spec TRU$PLUS 6.0 VER: T6.4.1wIS<:Of'IIItl5J711l.T"",A,menc."FO<eslandPape.A,ssoo;:gIiofl(A,FPA,.Osloaledalll1119lllS_.NW.S18800,w"sIw'QI<ll9'.~~ . -._: -.: ..~O'AL- 42.00 psf DEFl RATIO: Job Nime:-I8LANKIENSHIP Truss ID: BSP-A2 BRC X~LOC REACT SIZ[ UQ'D 1 O. 2.12 1368 5. sOM 1. sOM 2 21. 9- ~ 1368 5.50M 1.50H BRG REQUIREMENTS shown are based ~l y on the truss material at eaci'l bearing M.4.X OEFLECTION (span) : t~7~gJ~MME~. ~O:22~LI~~) -O.~W CRITICALME"'8ERFORCES: TC Cl:I'IP.!,,",!1 TE.HS.(DUII.) c'n 1.1 .2S~2 1.15 I 0.29 }-) -H~S l.ts I O.B )-. -H~S 1.U I O.B .-s -2S421.UI D.29 BC COMP.(OOll.)/ ~:~ ~ ::!D ~ 2~ ~i~~s~~ )-7 I )-9 I -4-9 -)0](1.1$)/ TC h~ OFl n Be 2x6 OFl _1 WEB 2x~ OFl ST,f,HDARO Refpr to Joint QC Detail Sheet for M.aximum Rotational Tolerance used IRC/IBe tru5Splate values are based on testing and approval as required bv IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in available documents such as ICBO '1607. PLATING BASED ON GREEN LUMBER VALUES. Oesi9ned per ANSI{JPI I-Z002 Thjs design does not account tor 10n9 term rimp dl"pl"ndent loading (crl"l"p). BUlldifll~ TH~~s~~~!~mjstT~Ec~~~~ff. t~~SULT OF MULTIPLE lOAD CASES. Loaded tor 10 PSF non-concurrent Bell. Permanent bracing h required (bV othus) to oreventrotation/toppling. See BCSI 1.03 and AHSI/TPI 1. ""'!""'! m 22191.U 0.99 12021.1$ 0.85 U02 1.15 0.92 22191.15 0.99 ""'1""'1 m 1471.60 0.05 U~S 1.IS 0.59 1145 t.U 0.59 1471.60 0.05 5-0-0 6.0-0 ',0-0 5-0-0 5-0-0 11-0-0 17"()"() 22-0-0 11.0.0 13 11_0_0. 2 4 5 rs:oo- -:a:ool 5,6 5-1 ).3 1.5-4 4.8 / "I 0-4~3 ,. '" 3.(;.6 S=6-6 j1&lj ??_O_o 6 7 8 9 12-0-0 _ _I 17"()-O. . .. . . . . .. 5-0.0 . -~-o..() . . . .. 5-0-0 5-0,0 . . .. . . . . .. UPLIfT REA(TION(S) Support Cd.( Wind Non-Wind ] -651b 2 -651b Thh truss is designed using the ASCE7.02 Wind Speofication Bldg Enclosed. Yes, Importance Factor . 1.00 Truss location. Not End Zone Hurricane/Ocean Line.. No , Exp Category" B Bldg Lenlth. 50.00 ft, Bld9 Width.. 20.00 ft Mean roo height. ]0.92 ft, mph _ 85 TPI Standard OcCUpoinCY. Dead Load.. 10,2 psf Du i 9ned as Ma i n Wi nd Force Res i st i ng Sys Um and Components and Cl.tdding Tributary Area .. 58 sqft ----------LOAO CASE 11 DESIGN Oir L.PH L.loc Te Vert 84.00 ~ 1. 0- 0 TC Vert 64.00 0- 0- 0 Te Vert 8~.00 22- 0- 0 Be Vert 20.00 0- O~ 0 Be Vert 70,00 5. 0- 0 BC Vert 20.00 17- 0- 0 10~ J . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clav: 7' LOADS R.Plf 811.00 64.00 8~.00 20.00 70.00 20.00 R.loc O. O. 0 22- 0- 0 23- 0- 0 5- 0- 0 17- O~ 0 22- O. 0 ll/Tl 0.19 0.78 0.19 0,00 0.~3 0,00 6 - .15 SHIP I 0-4.3 I EXPIRATION DATE: 121311051 . ~i~1/~(M~ \'iT, 15 145# 15 p-1. 1.00 1.00 1.00 2- 0- 0 IRC-20D3 l/24Q TC: l~ ,: Jo!) i\iI;i}m~: ~lAI\IlKIENSHiP CRrTlCA.LMtI"l8ER FOIInS: Te 2:1<4 OFt 11 BC 2:1<4 OFl 11 GSL UK 2x4 OFt STANDA'l.Q Refer to Joint OC Detail Sheet fo~ Maximum Rotational Tolerance used IRClIBC truss plate values are based on testing and approval as reauired by IBC 1703 and ANSI/TPI and are reported in aVililable documents such as ICBO 11607. PLATING B4SED ON GREE~ lUMBER VALUES. rn.~;;;$ lID: [ij~!poA ~ Oesigned per ANSIfTP! 1-2002 This design does not account fo~ 10n9 term time dl'pl!ndent hading (creep). BUllding TH~s~~sIEN mIst T~~(C~~~~~[ t~~SUL T OF MULTIPLE LOAD CASES. Loaded for 10 PSFnon-concurrent BClL. B~~rOI~ ~~~1GN~~ ~~~~l~~R~N ru~E ~~~~. [+-] gable bradn!} required @ SO" intervals, if uposed to wlnd load app,'ied to hCI!. See "General Gable Details', (002:065035. 1-4-0 1-4.0 ]~]:fijf~~]:f~9l;~~]nnnf]~]~ ]~ rNr..rr.;,r<brtbr;t rT~r~r;!r~r~r~r~ r~ ~~ r'~ +'~ r/" '-..::: ,~:, 2 11_0_0 4 is 6 ~ 3 5-1)-3 uI 0-4-3 3-4 c:- ~ 7 JlO 11 11-[1-0 13 14 15 ~ 17 1.1 . 12 16 '-I.-Er--L-_ 5-5 ?l.n._(1 ~ 1-<-0 19:0 l"'~~~ f'.l ~ ~ ru~ rU9~~"la1~ ~ f~g"'~ 35!.~ ~ 1~ / N Wr~rWr~r~r~r~r~ - -r-r- N N TYPICAL LAT 15-4 VER QN~NUOLeS S POR . . .. ... . .. ... . . . ... . . . ... . .. .... . Truswl;Il Systems Plalnspffi 20 Q3. unless shqwn by "'8"(18 QiI_1, "H"116,l)<l,). Qr 'M>:- TWMX 20 gal. po:jitioned per JOlnl Details Reoor1 Clfded ~I;ltes and false frame ol(lles are OOSlllone<J as showrfalklve, Shll'l QaOle stud ales 10 avOid oIIMao With structural plates (o(staPl.eL _ . _ _ ----,---- -, WAIFRIMU!MGR""d-;'ii;'~t~ on-thiS sheet and givu copy of iI.t;ti.:l:rect4A90cofltract~,~ ~"'. "LANKENSHIP ~, TNsde~ignisro'lInWldMdualbulldlngcomponelllr\Oltruss!yslem nl'lDbl!enb-.lon~...ptOYkledbylhe~nem....utlaU<ef. ... .~: erive_CbspLL00006_J00003 andOOnelllaccordatlOl!wl!hthl!CIIlTenl..erslonsalTPlarw:lAFPAde<sognNndilfdS. Noresp:lllSlbililVia3Ssumedfo<dimensL!I~~. Oimensoofls . . ~ . #LC 34 \lIT: arelobe>'eriflll'dtrytheCOll'(lOnentmanufaa~'andlorbuildingdes.ognefpnortota_ Thebuild'"lldeSigne'musl~tdt~s :.. ., sgn.-. = U1i1iledonlhlScleSlgnmeetore.ceed1heIOall,ngrmposedbylllelocalbulldmgcodeandltei>.lrticula,apploc3Uon ThiodeSlgnassumesl/la1lhelOpcnord TC live 25.00 psf DurFacs L",I.15 MOSHOFSKY 'islale'allybracedtrylhefOOlo.ft:lo'sheatllingandll'>ebollomcnord"'IaIe'allybr""""bVarigidshealt>ingm_ld~anached. unlfouOlherwise Rep Mbr Bnd noted. B'ac"'llshowftislorlate'alSUlllIOrlofmmponenlsmemtJersOnlylOreduo::etlucldinglengt/l. ThISOO<T\XInentShllN~bI!p1""""inanr Te Dead 7.00 psf Rep Mbr C I~~ TRUSS environmentthalwillcausclterromtuntcnntentoflllewoodlOe'ceedl9%af"(\/orr;auseOOnoedO<p1alealfl'OSiOn fal:lrUle.~Ie.inSla~ .. . t .BC.Live 0.00 psf R b Tamp 4445 N h k 0 anclbracethlSlfu5s'nacmrtlancewilhll'elollow'ngstanclards'Jo'ntanclClJIl'ngDetaiIRepom'availa~aSOUlpUlfromT~ariltwall".. .. . ft: .ll'" ep M r ens C070 5g~in~~r COrS0901 ....NSVTPI1',WTCA,.-WoodTrussCOunolofAmencaStandardDes9nResponsil)il~"'s..BUILDINGCOMPONENTSAFE"-INIj)RW.TlON'.. .. .. .-: .,it-.Dead 10.00 psf O.C.Spacing . (BCSI1-oJ)and'BCSISUMMARYSHEETS.tryWT(:AanclTPI TI'oeT'ussPlalelnSUllle(TPI)lSlocaledal58JO.Onof"oD'....~'.. ...... ~ . . Design Spec TRUSPLUS 5.0 VER: T6.4.lJWoscons'n53119,1"""mencanFO"'llaro:lpaoer"'~C1""On("FP")"'localedal1111191nStr~I.Nw.S...tlOO.wasl"ngl8~,~2~1\ .... .~_:T'T.At. 42.00 psf ,-~FL RATIO: '--~ 1 ! , Qi'1f: 11 HilS truss 15 des1gne:l uSlnq the A~CE7-02 Wind SpeClflcatlon Bldq Enclosed", Yes, Importance Factor '" 1.00 Truss locatiorl B ~ot End Zone Hurricarle/Ocean line " ~o i b;p Category.. B Bldg lenjth.. 50,00 ft, 8 dq Width,. 20.00 ft Mean roo height.. 10.92 ft, mph ,. 85 TPI Standard Occupancy, Dead load", 10.2 psf Designed as Main Wind Force Resisting System and Components and Cladding Tributary Area" 44 sqft 6-: .15 SHIP I 0-4-3 . . . . . . . . I EXPIRATION DAfE: 1W1tDS I ~#~ ~ l~(OJ(Q)~. 165# P=1.15 1.15 1.10 1.10 2- 0- 0 .IRC-2Q03 L1240 TC: L/~ r- ~ :...1' o , N ~ o , I'- ~ o , ~ C'l r,- 151' I '-, c;) 51,=~,~:.~--~1 ,>,J, = ,.1 B 11,,.5.ct I p ! --- .......:..T 31-0 "!---- -r-rl , ! I" L /, , / ',,- /' , " / L:( t: I 1..3 I II "I i I I ) H== i " , " ~,~ _-L I \ I \ ", -11\ Ii \J-.....),n \-' \~ 'II I \ i I I \ \ , I I \ I, ~,1 'in I 22-0 I i ._ i II r--' - '. , ~3) Dil L / / / II I'~II ~ .. . I. ,. . fJ! ~ -J"-'o - , .... .. t . . .~ /. I II. . a.a ! I l~ /1, / I -, / i ,~ T- - n / CX) Cl 20-0 l;1 ~ :::r " ~ " , ,/ ~ (7"D" --! ' /~ / '.' / "I 0'/ '-.J .. . . . . . . . , . ~~ . . . , . . . . . . ... , . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ... . . .. , . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .~ ., ... . . . . . . . . : : . . . . ., . . .. .'. . . . . I .. . 7=0 9-0 13-0 - I , I " I 'I ;~~ "ii, 'I~ I- I- r ., ;' " CD , a> C'l CD , o .... o , o ~