HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Plans 2005-6-14 IN D EX SITE PLAN 2 MAl N FLOOR PLAN ~; 3 UPPER FLOOR PLAN 4 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 5 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 6 FOUNDATION PLAN 11 7 FLOOR FRAMING PLAN 8 ROOF FRAMING PLAN / TRUSS DlAGRAMS ~ 9 BUILDING SECTIONS G 10 DETAilS MINI~UM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property LInes -Front yard to House 10 feet -Front yard to Garage 18 feet -Side yard to House or Garage -Rear lard to House or Garage >>~~ ~~~{~ 1', -'l>~ ~\f .X __~IV ~_---- "~': -...1!2.c 22' 42" N~ ' --- ~t" ,..,. H--$J -- -- ~ / .J-- /- __ ---- / /,.."",---~ I ,.~~ -- r---. /.....r 'I 682-:-\'6-:2,J I . NOTE' /1 / -"".........., I ~?jJ - - I NO EQUIPMENT SIjALL ENTER I ............... / I I /," ___---~~ ~~--:..J. I ~/------~----~--------- - ......-- ~,~'~---- _I I 1 I .,.... ______-.....,--. - ........-.......--...... 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I ./" ~ 1 - ro'\rf'~';) O,}./~ ~ ~Hl2500' 'ZD / Jt::J- o ~~ (r,(Q d:i \~ ~ o~ \0 ,bIJ CUR8 CUT AND ~EW EXCA V A TED SIDEWALK PER CITY S; A~DARD G) ~\~ \J)'@ f1U. qen~~ -t ~ _ ~ory Co\ir6l ~~V\~\OrS @ ~\d InC;~(~JiDll sMlL '40-- ~<<\Jr~~{ cJtMfJd \.0ettlfq ~ ~ se~ \164 (])~s(~i ls O~O<\ ~ tUll-N- ~ fJ'U~ ~ Lefuv- ~ 'O,\~\S -'-6 <D S-nx:-\upl. ~Q\) ~eaJJif~ ~8:l\f\ee( Df\~~ .' S~~\~kWrd ~oo'G- \my\C-'-" \~~\ ~ \1~ @/drere..... .s\\\cJ-\~ 10 Pi \ \ \)\Q1Ji ~\ot\S o.-S\)W\~\'5\oo ~edted\\j\~\ \e~r- ~~;-(Or<<\W-'oi ~\(e P\~\~'rl~ ~ 5 feet 10 feet P.U E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS GENERAL NOTES CODES AND ST MDARDS I rJl ",n.met'" ",II be n stnct co.~IIOn'" wlli> ~e Stote rI O''9on 2003 Eli"IOn One ond Tw, cam'~ Dwelling Sp",,,j')' Code and ,II ,ppli"'ble Siate ond La",r Codes 2 ENERGY COO:' All const"JG!'on ",II ",rlerm to l'e 'atest ed,tl" rI Stote rI 0,'9" Energy C,de ore,crlp''' PO'11I ~",I~ Erg,reer rI ony d'''''poncles betweel1 dacum"t. ond stondard. Woere ",nflct occurs, 'i1e .IOre rigid 'peG,Fcc"on ,h,1I g"ern 3 PART\o\L SETS OF ~OCUMSI(rS Englneet ",II not Ie respons,ble 'ot blddlrg wars" ,mISsIOns dce to b'dd"g fram p,rtl,1 sets rI documenfs .l..STREET TREES ARE ".RE REQUL1lJ:D Please , re,er to attached Development ~ode SectlOD regardlDg tne placement a."d t\ pes of allo.... ab Ie street'trees FOREST TREES SITE WORK I Rem"e all orgon" .",n,Viopsoll ~om oreo .nder t'e belldlng ood under p"ed "eo. 2 RII ",II ",n.,st rJ a li-ee;!ralnlng granular me'er ,I P',,,,,II n I,Fs nol to "",ed 8" ond ",mpael '0 '00% ""dard MSHO under 1",,'9S ond 95% standard MSHO under ,labs ood p"ed areos 3 Seleel nil ma'en,1 under ,labs ",II be mlnlmur 4' I",er 314" mlnCS Gru.'ed '"k " coarse sond 4 Pr",de PC'~" drOl"ge '0 011 under-Poor 'paGes, where "eqUlred OiSTURBED AREA IN VEGEiATION EASEME,NT TO BE REPlANTED WITH ""'')lYE SPECIES - I FOIJ ~DA TrONS 1 ,oJ1 lacf1ngs ,h,11 bear" undlsturted soil or ",mp,ct,d gra"lar nil m'nlmum '7 below FnlSh grade r 8' ot IW,-;tory p,rt ,ns) 'JOless not,d ot'e'"Wlse ~oI'~ S,9Ir,eer before pro~eclrg of any unusuQI c:o~dltons erCOI.iMered In tooting exc;cva'"ions 2 ~ sterr wall and 'oatlng ~re 'wo separate (o~rs ?roy'de If.4 vertical L bar at 32" (l" rnOXlrnun' frOf1l footing 111+0 stem wallar as show1" on drzw ngs 3 D, not exGllYc'e stee?er ~on 2 I slope ad)a",'1I to 'Oo'''gs 4 Oeon all 10ol,'g exwvol'ar. Ii loose mll"er ,I oy hand prIor to ploolng ",ncrete cb..4cr ~'T~RAN ,~~f~-~ CONCRETE 1 Mlnlm,m strJa'ur,1 conorete "'mpresslve strengtil ,h,1I Ie 2.soo psi ot 28 dc:ys ,nless 'o'ed othe'"Wlse Expased ",norete (,I,bs, w,lks ..,; ",Ii haye a minimum ",mpre.S1Y< st"eng'i1 rJ 3 500 p~ ot 28 dc:ys and sh,1I be 01' entrOl,ed 2 r:'nlm,m "'ment ",ntent ",I! Ie 5 so,ks/yard ""'pt sl,bs on grade ",II be 5 If.! ,ooks/yord ~,~.U" ,Iu.p ",II be 4' 3 !'1'Ge and Gure all ""orete per ACI ",des and stardords, 4 Pr,,'de ",nt.,1 pint. n all ,lab. ot '1<), " m"'mum ,ooh way u,less ",ated O'i1er.1.. Pr"lde ,e"", toal,d J'lnt, (314') ot 5'<)' 0' an, IIA premo,ded exp,ns'" JOlOtS ot 20<)' oc m",mum ot all extenot walks MASO~1<'r' (If Used) 1 Conor..e Masonry Units ,h,1I meet the reqel"~ents rI ASTH C90.90, Table 1,2 f 3 .ype I, medl,m weight, f 10 '500 psi S')'e, as ;e'ected by Owner 2 Cenor..e M,sonry Un~s ,h,1I haye , 25' minimum 'OGe shell t,,,",,,s o,d 1 00' m'nI",m web th,,",ess 3 Cement Cempcs~ Stone Veceer ,hall be as se'ecfed by Owlier 4 ',l,',el1 de'r.ere<i to the Job slfe, 01/ Units ",i1 ,e sound ard ree rJ crooks 0' ot'er deFws thol woull Int,r'ere "th the 1coper pl'~rg rI tl', u,lts or wo,ld slgnmcanfy Il'1polr t~e srreng1i1 )r permane"ce of'i1e corstrJct,Orl, erd .nl""S shall be stared al"d handled Oil sL~e 1M such 0 way as to Il'Is..re t~ct .~ey ere 1M sound co,drt'on when ,nstalled 5 M,r'or Sh,1I be .ype S, '800 1~ ",mpressr.e st"eng'i1 6 ~o Spec,,1 ,ns?w,n reqUire( except as noted on drowlngs 7 Urless O'herw'.. sPeG~ed on tht drowlrgs praylde (2) 115 bars '" grouted Gells all s,des rI openings r concrete masonry walls &tend ba"s O'lo:sI 24' beyond comers ci openlrgs 11 DETAILS LATERAL PLANS q :f1 12 SHEAR WALLS ~(-nons of ft~ ELECTRIC METER CONCRETE I ~ASO~1<'r' RE~FORCI~G 1 AJ! rell1(or"l19 ~eel ~5 and sma,ler shall ~e A-6l5 :;r~de 60 2 ~er iO det"I. ror 'IOfo"lng s'e~ Size 3 ~Inlm,m re,nfar",ment rOt ",norete ""onry ,nits ,hall be H,,~ontal ,ond beams ot 48' 0' wrth M contlnUM ot ",nie, ci w,11 y,,.,,- J5 at 32' a' at center of wall GrOl,.f relrforced cells solid Refer +0 str~cturQI derails For ot1er relflfor;emeflt cordl1"ons Dr(lW'rgs and details shall wr+ro whe,-e dlff'erent t~(ln '11IS rrunJmum stardard \Jl -67~ rn ~ S TRUcrUAL S<EEL 1 StrJGI1J~ ,teel ."pe. ",II ",nf,," i, the r,llowlng 'P"~""lOos Wlde-flonge member. - ASTM 106, Fy 36 000 p~ Structu,1 tubmg members - ASTH A50Q, Fy 46,000 p~ 2 STru,",,1 ..,~ b,ffs .h,11 "'nl,,~ t, ASTM 1025, and ,~,II be Installed snug i'ght 3 Weld materl,1 .h,1I GOnform t, ASTM AS1 or ASTH AS.5 E70 elwrodes 4 Pr",de 'p,,,al IO.p,ctlOn 'or all full-penet'otlOn field we'.ng /' WOOD I ,oJllumbe, .pe~es sh,1I be as f,llows unless noled otherw,.e JOIstr.lBe,mslStrngers - DF-L "2 ar betler 6' N,mln,1 Beom. acd Stringers - DF-L ", ar Better Glu-Lall1Jroled Beams - 24F.V4 ~FiDF unless rat,d otI1erw'se Standard Comber unless nated otI1e'"W'se Bucks/olacklnil"Bndg'ng/MISGellaceocs - DF-lA<em-P, "3 Of Betler Stud. - Df-L "2 ar betler (Finger J'lnt AIt) S,IIs'Sleepersi!'1otes'Nalling BI"ks/ ,oJ1 Wood Embedded In ConGeete - DF-L Pressure-Treated Of Foundotlen Grade Cedot 2 ;'JI JOIsts and beam. fromlOg nto, nol beonrg on, beolnS, heoders, girders .,,11 be ,upparted W1!h S,mpson-type ,Olst or beom hangers Use m",mum "ze for appliGa"on unless noted otI1erw,.. See Truss Englneenng Drow'ngs ror tru,s hargers f 'peGlfied by T"Jss Macul,cturer 3 Pf,wood ar wrl,rtoord .h,1I be as not,d In foundol on, fioar li-amlng and coli ['among pion 4 ,oJ1 extenor 2 x 6 w,1I stud 'p,ong ",II be 24' 0' 06' a c all ~o""'on. where 'ap Siding ar ,cryliG srJCCO IS used) urless noled O'i1er.1,e ,oJ1 mtenor 2 x 4 w,1I stud ,p"lng ,h,11 be 16' a 0 unless noled othe'"Wlse, 'T i<\ W~TER METER UTILITY STUIlOUTS (VEi1JN) :J)S '<' SID I I @1~ ELECTRIC SERVICE ...------~ GlAZI~G , ,oJ1 ext,nor Window., .kyI'ght. glass doars ",U ,aye [n.ulolmg g'a~ng vncond,tlOned 'poGes m", haye ,Ingle glaz,ng unless noled otherv',e 2 f prOVIded gl,~rg In .hawer enGlo.ures ,h,1I be Identified ard ',beled as ,afety gl'~'g ard ,h,1I ""rarm to all Code requlremen's S'awe doors ,h,11 swing ,ut 3 GlOZing Within 24" arc rI "r'lall edge rI doors " a dosed 1aSltlOn, 18' rJ fi,or and/ar w,thln doors shall be 'dentlfied ard I,beled oS safety JI"og and ,h,1I Garr,rm to all ",de requlrem"ts .. DAYUGH'! ROOFiJRAI~!;- AHUR& Tt' $\ ",-,,0 1\ p . 0 __\ L'>--JLI::Y - - - - COURT - FERN HI L L -- MISCELlANEOUS 1 PrOVide mln,m,m Gleorano< of 30' wldt\ and 31)' In ~ont rJ all woler Glosets 2 Walls ot .,owers .hall be fiPl.h,d to 0 1010'.'10 'e'gl1t rl7"l abaye drain ,let WI'i1 mol,n,[ not adversely affected by .OIsture per ?Iu"bl~ Code 3 Sm,ke detecta~') .h,1I "e",lve prlm'l) power li-om building wlnng. h"e bottery I,d-,p and s,,1I co,f,,~ to all ot'er Code req'lr,mer's 4 ,oJ1 recessed lIxtures In extenor 'osuloled ",lllngs sf,1I be r ype IC unless rated 5 r:""m,m step down ot exterior doors sh,i1 be 7 117 unless roted otherw,se Doors sw"glng Mr londmgs ,hall h"e a _mum st,p aC\\! ofl' 6 PrOVIde mlnuT'l..m 24' c1ear:;J'1ct oboye to range ~ood or 30" clearorce +0 combustible COl'strJC+lor above f ro ~ood Is usee' at all ~tc'en ra1~es --- ----- LOT OUNTAINGATE SUBDIVISION S 1/2, SEC. 34, T.17S,R2W, W.M. N.W. 1/4, SEC. 3, T.18S, R2W, W.M. SPRINGFIELD, lANE COUNTY, OREGON -- BIO~S AT CURB /'" \ , SIT E P LAN 1/10' SCALE I~SULATIO~ P~ESC~jPT'VE PATH GAS rEAr ELECTR,C A:R CONDITIONING ~ I~'" ~ ~