HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Plans 2005-3-21 ., , \~ , / / .( CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, , " Development Services Dep~ent Building Safety Division Residential Plan Review JOBADDRESs Sf) ~~3\ F JOB#: ~CS--loD3 O~U\~ PHONE: CONTRACI'OR: PHONE: Items 1isted below (if any) and those marked in red directly on the approved pennit , documents are incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans and the City standard document entitled "Single Family and Duplex Construction MoSt Commonly Missed Items". A corresponding number js DllIIked on yom plans for any items listed below where applicable. All references are to the 2003 Oregon State One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code, (2000 hrtemational One and Two Family Dwelling Code as amended by the State of Oregon unless noted otherwise). A copy of this code may be obtained from the Building Tech Bookstore, Inc., 8020 S.W. Cirrus Dr. Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 Yom signature on the Building Permit is an agreement that all items will be installed or corrected, and that all work on this project will comply with applicable codes. !. .' ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY 'CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF" THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PLANS REVIEWED BY: ~K)\\~~ PHONE: '. "41 Review completed on See the attached uRESIDENTlAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS CHECKUsr by Professional Code Services of Springfield, OR. for, references to notations marked in red on the drawings ~eSsionaL Code services ~"(,Q) " .r~ (9 o @ (9 ~.~ ., & \ .\ \ ~ RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST' These regulations shall be incorporated into this project in addition to any requirements appearing on the construction plans. Circled regulations are of significant importance. The approval of plans and specifications does riot pennit the violation of any section of the building code or other city ordinance or state law. References are to the State of Oregon 1 & 2 Family Dwelling Specialty Code which is based on the 2000 IR~ as adopted & amended April,1, 2003, unless noted otherwise. ' BUILDING PLANNING 5. R106.3.1 Approved plans and construction documents shall be kept on the job-site at all times. R109.1.6 A final inspection shall be requested once all work and corrections have been made. prior to occupancy. R105.2 and NEC Permits for all electrical work shall be obtained at C l~ DOC-P5-20 All framing lumber is assumed #2 grade Douglas Rr or equivalent unless otherwise noted (except studs and plates). All siding and other manufactured wood products shall comply with the manufacturer's installation requirements and must be used only according to their listing. Inspector must be provid8d with installation instructions at time of framing and final inspection. R303.1 Provide glazed area not less than 8% of the floor area of habitable rooms; 4% of required area shall be openable. R303.3 Bathrooms, water closet compartments, and similar rooms shall have a minimum window of 3 sq. fl- Y. of which must be openable; or provide an exhaust fan to the outside. Rooms 75 sq. ft. or less shall have a minimum exhaust rate of 50 CFM. Rooms greater than 75 sq. ft. shall have an air change every 12 minutes or 20 CFM minimum. 6. 7. R304 Minimum room areas: Every dwelling shall have one habitable room not less that 120 sq. ft. with a kitchen not less than 50 sq. ft. Other rooms shall have an area of not less than 70 sq. ft. No habitable rooms except kitchens may have a dimension less than 7'. 8. R305 Habitable rooms, hallways, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and basements shall have a ceiling height of not less ;.; than 7'. - (Consult inspector for exceptions.) R307.1 Bathroom fixtures shall have the following clearances: Water Closet - 21' in front and 30' wide with a minimum 15' to sidewall or tub; Lavatory - 4' clear at side and 21' at front; Showers shall be a minimum of 30' x 30' with 24' minimum clearance in front; Tubs - minimum 24' clear at open side. ,@ R308.4 Provide safety, tempered, or shatterproof glazing in specified hazardous locations. - (Consult inspector as needed.) 11. R309.1 Openings from a garage directly into a room used for sleeping purposes shall not be pennitted. 2465 Cornu Drive' SprinqfieCd, Oreqon 974711 Office: (541) 746-5484 ' Fax: (541) '746-5431 J 13. R309.4 Carports shall be open on at least two sides,- otherwise it shall be considered a garage: , . .... . . @ R310 Sleeping rooms and ba~ments with habitable space Shall have at least one emergency escape and rescU'l! window or exterior door. Egress windows shall have a maximum sill height of 44' above the floor; have a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 sq. ft. (5 sq. 11. at grade leveQ; a minimum clear height of 22' an~ a minimum clear width of 20'. ' /Ii5\ R312 There shall be a lIoor or landing at the top and bottom of each stairway. The required landing on the interior V side of exterior doors shall not be more than 1 Yo' below the threshold. The exterior landing at required exits shall not be less than 8' below the threshold with a landing the width of the door or stairway and 36' in the travel direction. If the door swings out the landing Shall not be lower that 1 Yo' below the threshold. @ R314.1 Stairways shall be a minimum of 36' in width above the handrail and have a clear width of 31Yo' at and , below the handrail. Handrails shall not project more than 4%' into the required width; headroom shall not bEi less than 6'-8'; maximum riser height is 8' and the minimum run is 9'; the greatest riser height or tread depth shall not exceed the smallest by more than 318'; the greatest nosing projection shall not exceed the smallest by more than 318' including floors and landings; risers/steps shall not be less than 4'. Enclosed useable space under stairs shall be sheathed with minimum Yo' sheetrock. 17. R314.4. 314.5. & 314.6 Winders, spirals and circular stairs have very specific requirements. (See attached detail) @) R315.1 & 315.2 Handrails shall be mounted between 30' and 38' above the nosing of the treads on at least one_ side of all stairways with four or more risers. Handrails shall have a cross section not less than 1 %' nor more than 2 5/8' and shall be continuous the full length of stairways from a point direcUy above the top riser to a point direcUy above the lowest riser. Edges shall have a minimum 118' eased edge. @ R316 Porches, balconies, or raised floors more than 30' above the floor or grade below shall have 'guards' not less than 36' high. Open sides of stairs shall have a guard of not less than 34' high. Any ornamental pattern of guards shall not allow a sphere greater than 4' to pass - except on stairways, which may pass an object not greater than 5". Guards and handrails shall withstand a 20()..pound load in any direction at any point per section (301.4). ~ R317 Smoke alarms shall be installed; in each sleeping room; immediately outside of each sleeping 'area'; and on each floor, basement, or habitable attic. Multiple alarms shall be interconnected within individual units. Required smoke alarms shall not be installed in a garage, kitchen, or area below 40. F. Ionization type alarms shall not be horizontally closer than 3 ' to a kitchen door, bathroom door containing a tub or shower, or the supply register of an HV AC system. - (Consultinspector regarding alterations, repairs, and additions per 317.1.1). I2b R321.1 & 321.1.1 Two-family dwelling units shall be completely separated by wallllloor assemblies of 1-hour fire- o resistive construction including supporting construction. Fire-walls shall extend to the underside of roof sheathing. Sound transmission control shall be per appendix K - (See attached details.) , 22. R321.2 'Townhouses' shall be considered separate buildings and shall be separated by two 1.hour fire-rated waI~ assemblies (see Section 302) extending from the foundation to a point 30' above the roof surfaces. A common '2'-" hour fire-rated wall is permitted if it does not contain plumbing or mechanical equipment Ducts or vents are not allowed within a common 2-hr. wall cavity. - (Consult inspector for other options and/or see attachments.) '..4 R321.3.1 & 321.3.2 Through penetrations of fire-walls shall be protected by an approved fire stop system. Steel electrical boxes not exceeding 16 sq. inches or 100 sq. inches in any 100 sq. ft. of wall shall be separated by a horizontal distance of not less than 24'; a distance not less than the depth of the wall cavity when filled with insulation; or molded fire blocking. 2-hour rated electrical boxes shall be installed per listing. 23. @ R323 Protection against decay shall be as follows: (A) Ensure minimum 18' and 12' to bottom of Wood joists and girders respectfully; iB) Provide pressure treated wood at sill plates that rest on masonry or concrete exterior walls; (e) Sills and sleepers on concrete or masonry slabs in direct contact with the ground Shall be pressure treated unless separate from slab by an approved impervious moisture barrier; (0) Ensure a minimum of Yo' airspace at tops, sides, and ends of girders entering concrete or masonry walls; (E) Maintain a minimum of 6" clearance to grade for _? - '.. untreated siding, sheathing, or wall fr'aming; (F) Wood structural members supporting cOncrete garage slabs shall be preSsure treated unless separated with an impervious membrane. , ti25:\ R323.1.2 Structural building supports, balconies, decks,' and porches exposed to, the ~ealher shall be pressure c:.:; treated or wood naturally resistant to decay. . , @ R323.1.3 PoSts and columns embedded in concrete or in contact with the ground shall be pressure treated and labeled for ground contact. r:() R301.2.4 & m Comply with flood resistant construction as required. (Consult Inspector) FOUNDATIONS @. R401.3 Slope grade away from the foundation a minimum of 6' within the 1 511 0' - or other approved methods ~ ,R401.4 Areas likely to have expansive, compressible, shifting, or other unknown soil conditions may require a soils U test by an approved agency. Recording and documenting shall be per ORS 455.440. GD.\ R403.1.1 & Table 403.1 Footings, and stem walls shall be as follows: 1-story = 12' wide 6' thick (6" thick foundation C/ wall); 2-story = 15' wide 7' thick (8' thick foundation wall); 3-story = 18' wide 8' thick (10' thick foundation wall). All continuous and isolated pad footings located outside the foundation wall shall extend below the frost line. R403.1.7 Provide approved rebar system for electrical grounding in footings. ~ R403.1.8 Install %' diameter anchor bolts embedded a minimum of}' into concrete or masonry at 6' on center maximum including Interior braced wall lines. Two bolts are required for each plate and must be located within 12' from ends. In seismic design category D:1, a 2' x 2' square or 2",.' diameter x 3/16' thick plate washers are required. " Anchor bolt spacing for 2-story structures in D:1 shall be at maximum 4' on center. . ., 33. R405 An approved drainage system shall be provided around concrete or masonry foundations retaining earth and enclosing habitable or useable space. 34. R406 Foundations enclosing habitable or useable space shall be damp-proofed in an approved manner. Areas with a high water table or severe soil-water conditions shall be water-proofed. ~ ~ R408 Provide underfloor ventilation at 1 sq. ftJ 1500 sq. ft. of underfloor space. Minimum openings shall be within 3' of each comer and shall provide cross ventilation. , R408.3 A minimum 18' x 24' unobstructed access opening shall be provided to all underfloor spaces. FLOORS '!il. R502.4 Joists parallel and under bearing partitions shall be doubled - or provide a beam/girder of adequate size. 38. R502.6 Ends of joists, beams and girders shall have not less than 1~' bearing on wood and a minimum of 3' bearing ...' on concretelmasonry. Joists meeting over a bearing support shall lap 3' minimum and be nailed with three 10d nails. 39. R502.8 Drilling and notching of joists and beams shall not exceed attached detail sheet. Engineered products shall not exceed manufacturers limitations. ' 40. R506 Concrete slab-ol1ilround floors shall be a min of 3~' thick; placed on a minimum 4' base course of sand or gravel, under 6 mil black polyethylene sheeting, lapped 12' at joints - or an approved equal. Consult inspector for exceptions. 'J ' , , . -3- ,( WALL CONSTRUCTION , ' 41. R602.3.2 & 602.11.2 Double top plates shall be offset at splices a minimum of 24" and naile(fwith .eight 16d nails (t per side). Top plates in braced wall lines shall have a minimum sixteen 16d (B per side). 42 R602.6 Notching of exterior or bearing walls shall not exceed 25% of its width; non-bearirig walls may be notched a' maximum of 40%; drilled or bored holes in any stud may be a maximum of 40% of its width. The hole shall not be closer than 5/8' to edges. 43. R602.6.1 Notching of top plates in exterior or bearing walls greater than SO% requires a minimum 1 Yo' 16 gauge steel splice across notch and nailed per listing. & R602.B & 602.B.1 Provide lire blocking as required. Materials maybe l' nominal solid wood; %' sheathing; 1/2' sheetrock; or unfaced securely packed insulation extending 8' above and below obstruction. 45. R602.9 Cripple walls supporting one floor may be 2 x 4 at 24' on center. Cripple walls greater than 4' high or supporting more than one floor shall be minimum 2 x 6 at 16' on center. Cripple walls less than 14' at exterior walls or interior braced wall lines shall be sheathed on one side from top plate to bottom. @ R602.10 Ensure adequate lateral wall bracing as depicted on plans or as required. Seismic design categories 01.02 & high wind requirements shall also comply with section(s) (603.8.2) and (603.8.3). . (See attached details.) WALL COVERING 47. R703.2 Weather-resistant asphalt-saturated felt or other approved membrane materials, free from holes and breaks, shall be applied over exterior wall studs or sheathing. Felt shall be applied horizontally. The upper layer lapped over lower layer a minimum of 2'. End laps (vertical joints) shall be minimum 6'. 48. R703.7.4 Masonry veneer shall be laid up with a continuous #9-gauge horizontal wire at 18' on center vertically in seismic categories 0, & 02. The wire shall be secured with approved metal ties spaced at 24' on center horizontally and shall not support more than 2 sq. ft. . 3~ sq. ft. in category C. Additional ties shall be spaced at maximum 3' on center around openings greater than 16'. Inspections are required for installations over 4' in height 49 R703.8 Provide flashing above window and door openings, at horizontal to vertical intersections, and as noted on plans. ROOF.CEILlNG CONSTRUCTION 50. RB02.10.1 Wood trusses shall be designed. manufactured, and installed, to comply with approved standards. Complete truss specifications shall be provided at time of delivery and remain on the job-site with the approved plan until final inspection. Approved truss lie-down devices shall be installed as required in Section (802.11). Brace gable ends at flat studs exceeding 6'high. "M' 51. RB06.1 Enclosed attics, to include rafter spaces at vaulted ceilings, shall have cross ventilation of a minimum of 1 sq. ft./150 sq. ft. of attic area. 1 sq. ft.1300 sq. ft. is permitted with the installation of a vapor barrier or ridge and eave vents with an approximate ratio of SO/SO. .,)- 52. R807 Provide a minimum 22 x 30 attic access opening in a readily accessible location such as hallways. A minimum of 30' headroom is required at access. 53. R905.2.4 Install asphalt shingles in accordance with manufacturers instructions and this section. 54. R905.3 Install clay, concrete, or listed roofing products per manufacturers instructions - verify proper dead load. 55. R905.7 &905.8 Wood shingles/shakes shall be installed as approved. #1 grade is required except when taper sawn. .4. , . .. CHIMNEY I FIREPLACE , ' 59;, The owner/general contractor may be required tol coOrdinate a pre-construction meeting with the mason and building inspector for the construction of new masonry fireplaces - (see attached details and code references.) , 57. R1001.8 & 1001.9 Existing masonry fireplaces fitted with a listed/approved fuel-buming insert shall have the masonry chimney relined with materials compatible with the type of fuel utilized per manufacturers instructions. ~ R1002 & 1004 Wood stoves and factory built chimneys and fireplaces shall be listed/approved and installed per C7 manufactures instructions. Installation instructions shall be on job site. @ R1005 Provide sufficient exterior air supply to ensure proper fuel combustion. ' ENERGY N1104 All heated areas shall comply with one of the prescriptive paths ( ) as designated in table N1104.1(1). @ @ @ N1104.2.1 Pro~eIinstall insulation baffles at eaves to maintain minimum l' clearance prior to framing Inspection. N1104.2A Recessed light fixtures installed in cavities separating heated and unheated areas shall be IC rated. The trim piece shall be gasketed or caulked to prevent air leakage. The fixture shall also be rated for no more than "two cubic feet air movement per minute' or be installed within an airtight box - (Consult inspector(see attached detail) 63. N1104.7 Slab-on-grade floors shall be provided with rigid R-15 insulation. - (See attached details.) @ N1104.82 Caulk and seal all joints and penetrations in the exterior siding - including overdriven nails. 65. N1104.9.1 Approved vapor barriers shall be installed on the warm side of insulation as required. 66. N1104.92 Provide 6 mil black polyethylene ground cover lapped 12' at joints and extending 12' up foundation wall. Conditioned slabs shall have the same or equal. 67. N110052 Heating ducts outside of the building envelope, Including HVAC register boots, shall have minimum R-8 insulation. MECHANICAL 68. M1305.1 Appliances shall be accessible for inspection, service, and replacement without altering pennanent construction. A 30' x 30' working space shall be provided at the contmVservice side. Attic installations shall be within 20' of attic access.. A 24' wide catwalk shall be provided to the appliance as needed. A9. M1305.1.3.1 A light and electrical outlet shall be provided at each appliance. The operating switch shall be at the access opening. ~ M1307 Appliances shall be listedllabeled and installed per manufacturers instructions, which shall be on job site. 71. M1307.3 Appliances located in garages shall have all sources of ignition located not less than 18' above the floor. 72. M1307.4 Furnace and water heaters installed in a garage(carport shall be protected from automobile impact by the use of a minimum 2' diameter concrete filled steel pipe embedded 12' through the slab or equal. (See attached detail.) , 73. M1401.4 &1403.2 HVAC equipment installed outdoors shall be listed for exterior applications and installed on an approved platfonn 3' above grade. ffi M1411.3 Condensate from appliances shall be piped to a conspicuous/approved location. An auxiliary drain pan LJ shall be provided where damage to any building component may occur. -5- , ,~ /il5.1 M1501 Clothes dryer ducts shall ve~tto the outdoors through rigid, smooth metal ducts. Joints shall be run in the l:../ direction of flow.' Duels shall be provided with a back draft damper. Maximum length shall be 25'. Note that 211.' shall be subtracted from the maximum length of 25' for each 45' elbow in system and 5' shall be subtracted for 90. elbows. ,. ~ M1502.1 & G2445 Range/exhaust hoods shall vent to the outdoors through a sin~le wall, airtight duct installed with a V backdrafl damper. Commercial cooking appliances shall not be installed within dwelling units. 77. Chapter 17 Provide adequate combustion air for fuel buming equipment while maintaining the building envelope~ PLUMBING @ P2702 The maximum water consumption used for new plumbing fixtures shall not exceed: Toilets - 1.6 gallons per flush; Urinals - 1.0 gallons per flush; Interior Faucets - 2.5 gallons per minute; Showers - 2.5 gallons per minute 79. P2707 Ponds, aquaria, fountains, and similar constructions with water supplies shall be protected from back- siphonage. ' P2708.2 Where fixtures come in contact with walls or floors, the joint(s) shall be made watertight with approved caulk. @ @ @) ~ ~, ~ @ @ P2710 Shower staf)s of any shape shall have a minimum finished interior of 1024 sq. in. and shall also be capable of encompassing a 3O'i,nch diameter circle. Consult the building/plumbing inspector for requirements regarding sile-built shower compartmen,. 82. P2711 Whirlpool bathtubs shall have a removable panel to access the pump. The pump shall be located above the crown weir of the trap and the pump & circulation piping shall be self-draining. P2715 All shower heads/control valves shall be equipped with a pressure balance or thennostatic mixing control valve set or adjusted per the manufacturer's instructions for a maximum mixed water selling of 120 degrees. ' P2805.3 Water heaters shall be provided with a combination pressureltemperature relief valve. The discharge pipe shall not be smaller than the outlet, shall not be trapped or threaded, and shall tenninate in an approved location. P2809 Water heaters installed in seismic design category 01 and D:1 shall be strapped to resist horizontal displacement. Straps shall be at 1/3 points with the lower strap a minimum of 4' above the controls. Fuel buming water heaters shall not be installed in sleeping rooms, bathrooms, closets or rooms opening into these areas unless listed & labeled as direct vent appliances. 86. 2810.7 Water heaters located in allies shall have a corrosion-resistant watertight pan installed beneath it with a minimum %' drain to an approved location.' , P2903.5.6 Hose bibbs shall be protected with a listed non-removable frost-proof backflow preventer. .. P2908 The minimum water pressure after allowing for friction and other pressure losses is 15 p.s.i. Approved pressure regulators shall be installed, with strainers, when the water pressure could exceed 80 p.s.l. '" 89. P3007 Cleanouts shall be installed as required. - (Consult inspector.) 90. P3107 Vertical wet venting is allowed under certain circumstances. - (Consult inspector.) 91. P3108 Island venting shall be installed as required. - (Consult inspector.) P3208.2 Stonnlrain drains shall be ASS Schedule 40, PVC DWV, or other approved materials. They shall not interconnect with subsurface sewage systems, foundation drains, or footing drains. If rain drains are interconnected with underfloor drainage pipe, an accessible backwater valve shall be installed. The connection shall be located at midpoint of driveway or other pre-approved location. Pipe shall be properly bedded or supported, sloped a minimum %'per foot, and be installed with an 18 gauge continuous tracer wire. -6- 'e.SsionaC Code SCl1tices . ~"(o) ... .r~ .. ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H 0 0 ...... FINAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST: Home is to be accessible for inspection. Address shall be permanently posted on the home and visible from the street. Slope grade away from home a minimum of 6" within the first 10'. Seal all penetrations in the exterior siding such as gas line, cable wires, & overdriven fasteners. Ensure penetrations in the common wall between garage & residence or residence & residence are properly sealed. Ensure all gas appliances are installed, pilot is lit, and they are ready for inspection. Temperature / pressure relief pipe from water heater shall terminate a minimum of 6" from grade or garage floor & be secured. All bathroom fixtures shall be caulked p,rior to final inspection. Ensure the 18" x 24" under-floor access is not obstructed by pipes or ducts. Crawl space must be clean of all vegetation & construction debris. No water should be detected in the crawl space. Under-floor insulation shall be dry, properly supported, & held up tight to the floor sheathing. Under-floor access is properly insulated. Under-floor HV AC ducts must be supported & required clearances maintained. VerifY all heat ducts are connected to registers and have been properly insulated. Provide a ladder on site for attic inspection and ensure that the 22" x 30" access is readily accessible. Water heater should be turned on and hot water available at time of inspection. Verify all stairs are constructed with proper rise & run. Ensure guardrails and handrails are properly installed or constructed. Provide barrier to protect appliances from vehicular damage. Ensure electrical permit has been approved and finaled. (prior to calling for building, plumbing, & mechanical finals) This list is a compilation of some of the more common corrections noted by'the inspection staff. It is intended to be a convenient reference for preparation of the final inspection approval. 2465 Corr'" Drive. Spri"9fieUf, Ore9on 97477 . Offiee: (541) 746-5484 . Fax: (541) 746-5431 PCa.n Review,. Inspections . Code ConsuCtin9 , . ' , . _'l~':JJ11Pr:1=(tI.~,:!;'~FllELD~" .' ',', ," " ' ,,' , ,',' ,'.. .,.....~ " ~ ..', ': . ',,', ", : ,.', ..'. : , i' , " .".:,' i". . :.: .:" ] :. '( ,WEBlQRSIDm ' ~ Manufacturers are now producing several different " 'types of exterior sidings. 'It is essential that each ,', '.' ,type of siding be installed accOrding to the " " , 'manufacturers installation instructions, . Many. manUfacturers have refused to warrarity any.siding, , " that is not installed to comply with their specific ".' ,,' installation requirements, For this reason we' , tequestthat the manufactUrer'ssidinginstallation " standards' be present aUhe tirne of inspection to ',' verify compliance, " ' " . , .... ;::J , [ , .. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT , ' , ' -"~-~~ ~' " ~' ., ., ,. ' ' 22S.FlFTH STREET .. -~~",: (541) 726-3753 ' FAX (541) 726-3689 '. June 15, 200l All Interested Parties BegiIming immediately, the Springfield ComTT11lnity Services Division, BuildiDg Safety will require a legible inSulation certificate to be left on the job site at the time of final ' building inspection. The building inspector will record th~ information of the company , who installed the insulation, the date of installation, and the person responsible for the installation as part of the p=ent record of the structure~ If the information is not legible, the final inspection may not be approved until the information is presented in a readable form. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any queStions, please feel free to phone either Bob Bamhart at 726-4652 or myself at 726-3790. Sincerely, , ~~~~ Lisa Hopper . Building Safety Supervisor ., ~. .. OREGON PLUMBING MINIMUM FOR ., , , __ SPECIALTY CODE 199'2 tARTHQUAKEANCHORAGE ALL WATtR HEATERS. - Anchorage Is required' on all water heaters having non-rigid water connections and over 4 ft. in height, ' measured from the base to the top of the case. #12 x 1.1/2" \ \. SCREW WITH ~u '\ WASHER THROUGH STRAP INTO STUD. 18 GA. MIN. GALV. STEaSTRAP , (PLUMBERS TAPE! MIN. 3" ABOVE OR BaOW CONTROL ACCESS PANEL - OPTIONAL ADJUSTlBLE FASTENER LOCATED WITHIN, TOP 1/3 OF TANK '" THICK NON-COMBUSTIBLE SPACER ATTACHED TO WAll. WHEN CLEARANCE FROM COMBUSTIBLES IS REQUIRED' BY THE HEATER MFGR.' OPTIONAL 4' LONG 2><4 WITH ;14" x 3-1/2" LAG SCREWS INTO STUDS. ATTACH STRAP WITH '12 x '.1/2" SCREWS WITH WASHERS. ~ ~ Notes: 1. If installed on a raised base, using the above strapping methods, the base will not be required to be attached to the floor. 2. A bottom strap is required on all raised platforms greater than 12ft, high, and on all heaters over 65 gal. capacity. Tanks having a capacity over 100 gal. shall have specific approval of anchorage methods by the administrative authority (Building Official). , DATE: f/,;l.719!; CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Dept. Building Safety Division 225 N. 5th Street !';nnnlriield. Ore",on 97477 WATER HEATER , ' ANCHORAGE i -! . , ~ GABLE END BRACE BLOCKING 3 BAYS' ., . . ROOF SHEAtHING , " '" PANEL EDGEB,LOCKING 2 x 4 MIN. BLOCKING 3.BAYS 400 # L CLIP GABLE~END WALL 4-,12d 2 x6 MIN. BLOCKING ROOF SHEATHING DIAGONAL STRUT GABLE END BRACE - PANEL EDGE BLOCKING 2 x 4 MIN. BRACE 4 -12d 2 x 4 MIN. BLOCKING '400#L CLIP GABLE-END WALL " ~ NOTES: 1. GABLE END Wfo.JJ...S THAT ARE NOT Bfo.JJ...OON FRAMED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF SHEATHING SHALl BE BRACED BY ONE OF THE METHODS SHOWN ABOVE, OR BY INTERSECTING PERPENDICULAR WALLS, AS FOLLOWS; A) WALLS WITH 2 x 4 DOUBLE TOP PLATE: @ 9' 0" MAX. OIC B) Wfo.JJ...S WITH 2 x 6 DOUBLE TOP PLATE: @ 15: 0" MAX. OIC 2. WHERE CEIUNG ADJACENT TO GABLE END WALLIS VAULTED WALL SHALL BE Bfo.JJ...OON FRAMED TO ROOF OR ENGINEERED. SPRINGFIELD REV. fJ/7196 GABLE END WALL BRACING " RAFTER ' , (2-16d TOENAIL@Il) .. ,.' .'*4(_) ,CEILING JOIST' , , (3-8d TOENAIL @ It.) EDGE NAJLtlG (l4 @ (;'oIc) FASCIA ' \lOARD ' (Cf'T1CIlWJ , El<'c-... ST\I) WAI.l. '. 2X IlLDCKtlG , ExreRIOll WAU. @ EACK SAY , SlEAUIHO @ .STICK-FRAMEO. ROOE' 'J RocFSlEATHIG r~----~-~--~'-'--~--' ,*ACCEPTABLE BLOCKING TYPES I '. '.: , : ( 11..,.11...':' I ". , ' . ~------------~---~ EDGE NALN; (84 @ 6" ~4(mB) , , , . . . P!lEHANl.F ACT1.JlEll1lOOF TRUSS ' '@ -rRUSSEO. ROOF TRUSS AnAOED TO TOP PlAll: IN Acr->,ANCE WITH SEcT1CN B02.IO 'c ., · ,. ,EX1ERICR ST\I) WAl.L - ; ~. FASCIA BOARD ( EXTERIOR WAIl. SIEA THIIF. PRESCRIPTIVE EAVE DETAIL ,< SPRINQFIELD r=~ '-'" =-- ~ ii:l iil!J19"' M. ~: OJr@fj@f!JlIfJJJ 11~~~,,, ~~ ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 WEST S ST. - Ill.l)G P SPRINGFIEUl, OR 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (5-'31) 726-9996 o1/l'~' 2~'<)" 2-1'-0' 12'~j" IX-5I" . 1l'-6~' 1'.01 ~'~~, ~.~~, 1'-0' 1l'-9~' ~KJ:I1f!) COM'05If1ON> '/1"'(0)I1<:UFUI\\1H~ ~2'/WAYl'll?Mll\AllIo>i 10'-0' " " ,1<<1 ama I'.troI6 ON 1WW,ou, WfII! FIOl:i CllrRNfWAY H - Ilel'Il7OM Cllat'l:% Cl'f H H - IlWIl:1OM A Cllat'l:%@ -lIn/$ ^,' -, ;:::::::;--t~ ro' ,L.\ ~Mi.w,ou, ~ . ""'" , t5 a:: . flt'. -:\. , ., \1 ~ ~ ~;- (~, P_~, .~~ <: 1 c . ti'.fUl.11)W/tlH1\.r~ C~Fmf(UIl~ \~~ I $1'1<< m.NG 15 HI 2 l1IA WoW ~A1~1I NKNe ~M/JH/2at' OI'w,ou,.!ASI'l!. flt't;Ij. . T " PROJECT TITlE ~RE~TV;OOIDJ IESTAll"IES TOVt'INIHOUSIE ~t1l1?!t1E)C:,) SITE ADDRESS 31730TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERVILLE. OR DRAWING TITLE FIRST flOOR ~lAN ~omr /(Cmft sJ)::l ama - Ql:e6r 9 1'-2"flt'.~III-'" -- ~ f- aEel1irIt 8011'5., 'IVa'IINlIeP_w,ou. (mllE5lm~IW\ (~ IlE Sl'1alI /(l.W!' 2~" "If:( N::LJJi'tti ~s , ONGW05l11!51'1:501'lIe ! :FW,ou, J-- F """ .~ ~ N'. \r. 9010 9010 6'-11" .~flt'. __________________________________J 6'-6~' 6'--6~' 1I'-i" 6'-11" ~, -4 ~CIil'/oefI\\1H l1OIIa5 FCJl F\l.I. \\t1IHOI' UIl.lIYIIXlM flt't;Ij. Q) FIRST FLOOR PLAN SCAlE: 1/8' = 1'-0' REVISION NO. DATE BY DATE 21WID!i SCAlE 1/811 _I'-{)II DRAWN BY CJS CHECKED BY SK PROJECT NO 02-41 SHEET NO. A2,~ ~ .. ~ '" - <=y/ ;::, \\.....\..111 <y I @-- 1\1'''' 'eY ~~Q~ . / ill / '~' t '" :'J!lJ"' 41.: :~: 1!r(Q;jIVffjj: . ~I~ ~ ~f^ ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 WEST S ST. - BLD6 P SPllDII6FIE\.I), OIl 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (541) 726-9996 ~ IO'~~' ""..9~1I "-6" 1'4." :18'-2" 1)'-lO\" 1'~1I 1O'1~' "-611 ""~II <D <D ill \ ~ 9'~o.\' '- k> - ~~~, 1;> /,i - ~ fHiWliPRlYWIU.!tWf' 'f A lm11XIM !:! ~ c;lle~W/"H1U"-1 f>WftXJM: "" Cl'I' s'~~, · 7'~~~ /l f-0 Cl'I' I , \ 0 ~P~,WX.( I;.: a: lm11XIM (, I ~ ~ Ifr/ c.. ~.~,8 =---0! 7 ~1I-1 ~> ~ fUN '" ~ '. '".- \1WlI. . Cl'I' ~ ~ \:i -t <e>- ~ ~ ~/ ~.~ a1 .~. ~~^' ~ ~~ " ----- - '" " ~'" n J . n """"" ~ """'....H/2.. ~ n..J IT\ =1~ M I"G.) ~, iW&'WK:lj-Atl:M! I I--! I~ ';[1 ~':~~". a.ec1llC 4- Cl'I"~ +-iI' r rJoN I~ ., ~ flim..la 1)'-2\" :: ~t nt6~~1 : !/rOfN :: Cl'I' ~'~B"~ t ,,-~ "f 1- A~:~ [:j~: f- Ii 'r_..... ....u'U ~ '-'~=...; ~ 0 C A ~~ .":' rooM ~ I WoM. I I VN'/I. 2'-0" 11 = ~\ @- n?, r ~.mnm~ : ~~nnn~n_____~_ ~ ~ <~ <JC ..- ----------.------ - '\.--.--------------~ I)'~' I)'~' .;.. ~ <E ~" f>WftXJM Cl'I' -0 WWON;~1'Il7tQiJ. wm H F,o $flff1'~_y <2> I I ,. (i) \.1 " , ~ L______ I I lJ ~ ([: '// ~.. t' .. PROJECT TITLE ~RIENl\.w'OOID [ESTAT!ES TOWN HOUSIE ro:OletlE~C../ SITE ADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERVlLLE, OR DRAWING TITLE SICCO~D flOOR Pft::AN 1'.()' !j'.qu <D <D <D'f:":' -\(D <D <D 2'-9f / .'~' I ...." /2',*, 2'-8f ~'.." l.'~' 12'4~.1 1 1 1 -, c",afl:1T11Ol. ~ fVal1 N!If PI<<l'YWJl.l;!wu lle ,sreallOJlf, - $ N>P ~ Of ~Jat> ^flt16f 2~" N'J!:U ~1lOJIf$~CPI'05I11'Slre5(J!!lfWIU. j ~ SECOND FlOOR PlAN SCAlE: 1/8' = 1'-0" REVISION NO, DATE BY DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. 21t.Vro!i NOrW CJS SK 02-41 A2,.2 411 a.tr-reR~ :lif1J"' M~~ [ ~f~%Jjjfj)J: ~IA7n,,, ~I. ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - Bl.D6 P SPRINGFIElJ), OIl 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9~ FAX (541) 726-9996 ------------, (6) -Wl\-veNf5 peR lNtf o I I I I I I I I I I I t/5, 0 4:1Z . I I 0 I I I I I I 0 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " I 4:1Z I I I o t/5. o PROJECT TITlE ~~IENTWOOD ESTAT!ES TOWNHOUSE DU~llEX SITE ADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAl TERVllLE, OR DRAWING TITLE ROar [PlAN I I L__________________~ \ I 4" aJr-reR / 4"C4l1rreR t/5. 4" aJrreR ftfveNf5Af12" OC. -' REVISION NO. DATE BY Q ROOF PLAN (AlL HIPPED ROOF) SCALE: 1/8' = 1'-0' DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. ZI~ NOfW CJS SK 02-41 [ft{2 , 3 I&fAl m 1-H1 f~OO1-aI\..INCi PO peR c.A fu..e fC!iZ40 T 4X6 Co ~ , :zxa PJ, letlaR WITH I/Z"X4" l-NA 9Jle.W5 ClIZ" OC. ZWV5 I l _ _ __________ _6~ Q 2 TYPICAl SECTION SCAlE: 1/4' = 1'-0" II II II , o 611 M1N ~t1 ROCK t, 11Ui5 mreM II II 2X4INreRlOR WAll5 . 1111109"' AI. [ 4&i@lIJIJ el~,,, '"I.~ ~lE#iTJrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - 8lbG p SPRINGFIEl.b, 00 97477 VOICE (541) 726.9995 FAX (e41) 726-9996 , PROJECT TlTllE -tt1 ~-aI..INC.; A$( PO peR c.A fl\..e fC!i240 ~ !ESTAT!ES TOW~HOU~IE cOO~(~ SITE ADDRESS 31730TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERV!LLE, OR DRAWING TITlIE S~CT~ON REVISION NO. DATE, BY DATE Zlwro!i SCALE NOrW DRAWN BY CJS CHECKED BY SK PROJECT NO 02-41 SHEET NO. A3J 4B" W/'J..lo (fIWM 5tCONI/ fl-OOR) ~'-!7" 3 C? "" -=", .T I- Rdv~ 0 -\0 tdliL ~r' 1 P f65t{1C. fO FIRSf Fl-OOR ~I/ROOM Q.Q5f:f o T "" STAIR SECTION FROM lANDING TO SECOND FLOOR SCALE: 1/2' = 1'-0" 4'-9" ~'-1" ~ WRN' 9' 5fAlR RAllo ~ \0 "t" fJI o H/'J..FW/'J..lo / C? "" STAIR SECTION FROM FIRST FlOOR TO lANDING SCAlE: 1/2" = 1'-0' :"1,)"' 41'.: :[ OJ([~~%~ffrJ/;J :&I:%J,,, ~I~: ~lE#iuIN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST II ST. - 1llJ)6 P SPRINGFIElJ), OIl 974n VOIce (541) 726-9995 FAX (5-'31) 726-9996 PROJECT T1TlE ~~~Nn~{OOD !ESTAT!ES TOWNHOUSIE ~ SITE ADDRESS 31730TH STREET SPRINGFielD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERVlLlE, OR DRAWING TITLE ~TA~R SIECT~ONS REVISION NO. DATE BY DATE Zlw.RO!i SCAlE NOreD DRAWN BY CJS CHECKED BY SK PROJECT NO 02-41 SHEET NO. A3.2 I N'PlI>>Jl1' 41.I't7lL~ />I'Pl.1.>'NQ; l)I:5CRIP11ON MJ<<eR P IWf NIJMtlI:R NGre5 AJR CCNtll11(uR ffAf I coo.. ROOM AJR CONtI, IWORlPIJCt I'CMIB'l)1.. p055Itlle lalR4)1..1 DIs-tNA5ffR tll9-M'ASffR R.OI'eR RW~ DISP05.'t- j!2 Ii' "lACtO" l:1ISP05I:R IWORlI'OCt a::2cx:x:JP1: i:1R\tR 9J',Of,elecf,i:1R\tR I'.tIlRll'OCt ~W648KQ i:1R\tR COIetI Pf#: Pf4002 e~ec, FIRePlIa CRe511'JIf !i!iCl: ffAf -N-Ul..O Cf!i!iCl: SIDJ, fO CONlmfOle /'Pf'WI P<. mJa ~" 5111~.AN fR5111NCi aec, I'.tIlRlPOCt Rf'i!iPXKW IWa COIetI Pf#: Pf400 m.Ja f'OOt7 ~" NON-veN-retl 'MiRll'OCt W6~ RefRIaRAfOle ~4 aU.,. FReeZ ON fOP R.OI'eR I?f1AnrYrIl I? H HA/oJ? SWItJ(, W~NCi WOlIN!: 9J'.Of, WASffR 'MiIRlPOCt ~ ro WN"~ u; ''''''' ",-;;;:::;;;;;r "' II? PlI.L\lJ'lINCi <r!.t'r1I I . flXm MJ<<eR tn:M ~R KOrt.tR C.ANCLN MOlIl:~: K-I!i97 I K-I~a ~Rfmf MaN CIV\-reflJ P05I--reMP vP<.ve,ANtl fRM KIf M: 6~20 ,ANtl1\.I~ WAfeR a.o.;ff CRI'Ne N!:W M.AXY~ltre M: ~-1B2 W/tleMl5 !iOOPRO ~Af 51NK emf ~~AVAfCliN M: 1-'i9 51NKfmf MaN ClV\reNJ 2-AA\l1? ~VAfCliN M: 64920 KlfCffN5It-t ReP~..K: 5fAJI.U55 5rea tlOI>>l-e WM. 511'-.lK M: MH:~~22 K, 51t-t fmf MaN CIV\-reflJ 1WO-w.NJ?U: ~0tl51iU K1-recffN fmf (WI SPRAY 1m) M: 61910 1W/~ KOrt.tR COMPt.1J&Nf tlA1l1 ANtI ~R M<it1lU K-I!i~27K-I!i~~ f/Sfmf MIJEtoJ 1-1I'MP VAl "" ...,., fRM KIf M, 6?'-'71'1 Al..Jl71t1i'l'1 tlOO15Cff17l L~ MM. 5IZ!: ~ I NOlII:~ 'rtN URill' l)I:5CRIP11ONI NOfe5 A !>06a 5f~Y~6Xl6 I ~'O"X6'a"X1-~1 'l"-6-P1'Na ex-reRlOR, 20 M1N fJCl1W 2-P-a fJ5. POle l)I:AtI tlCtf,ANtl PA5S.'a WI AtlA~ tlOO1 flfM & Vll'Affli15fRIP t1RI~ peep @60" fJ !>06a 5f~eY 5tlfXl6 I ~'O"X6'a"X1-!>1 411-flLlltn: ex-reRlOR, I'!ORetl2-~/ a tl5, fOle l)I:AtIWlf,ANtl PA5S.'a WI AtlA ~ tlOO1 flfM & Vll'Are~fRP wwe Ul..A55 c 266a tlOCJR.<Vft CCtONIP<. 2 6-Pl'Nell-~1 a" 2-!>1 a" tl5, fOle PRIVKY Ole PA5S.'a D 2B6a tlOCJR.<Vft CCtONIP<. ~ 6-PfoNa I-~/a" 2-~/a" tl5,fOlePRIVKYOIePA5S.'a ~ 206a tlOCJR.<Vft CCtONIP<. ~ 6-PPNa I-~I a" 2-!>1 a" tl5, fOle PRIVKY Ole PA5S.'a f !>06fl 5f~Y~6Xl6 I UHIJa PA5S.'a " 206a tll-fCttl - 6-PfoNa H !i06a <;LltleR - 6-PMIEL J 606a ~ltleR - wwe M.ZINiA I [ ?4~fl -n """A1 ? 6-1'AAlf'I. 1.'11 A" 2-!>/ A" 13 <;, fi'l? W1VArY i'l? pA4'.AI1' ARWItI; fJON-J "FEC"tI .xJINf NAllNCi I tlI.OO\lNC< tle5 6d l! 1" Oc. A 6d l! "Oc. 6d C/1" oc. 'wi 6dC/1" 6dC/1"0 N A 2"0 'NOre~: I, P<.~ iA)'l'5U'.\ WPU WfW NAll..INCi SWl-l use 6d a/&Nf COA-retl NAll..5 fOle fJASe ~A\'I:R 51MP5ON 5fRiI' ta05S f~OO1 N A N/A N A ,- ' - iIU;~l1ON ~ - -- fEW m:c: J?lNf ~ tlCt l1NCi tlOffOM PlA-re ~ *A1l1iN<A NA~ItJ(,1 NAI..INCi ' tll.OaINCi 1/2" X 10" J.l3. 16dNAll..5 5WIGl-J !i I all aNtl tlOIH 5Il)I:5 6dl!1"0C. 6d C/1" oc. NlA 4a" oc. 9" oc. ;5Wl02\ !i I all aNtl tlOIH 51t1e5 6d C/111 O,C, 6d@1"OC, N/A 4a"oc, 6"0C. "" :5WI0~\ !i I a" aNtl tlOIH 51l)1:5 6d C/1" OC, 6d III 1" OC. NlA 4a"oc, 6"01:., "" ~J 1/2" ClIXPlYWCXJrJ v.111i &I ilia" 01:.. &I@4I1OC. 'l/.b 4a"oc. 611OC. 1.,IAllmx 6d l! 111 IJL 6d ci '1" or N/A I 4a" Oc. 911 oc. I; .. "" NOfe5: I. PU iA)'l'5U'.\ WPU WfW NAll..INCi SWl-~ use 6d al&Nf COA-reD fW.5 fOle fJASe lAyt;,I( "" Ref~R5 1'0 tlASe ~A\'I:R Of aNtllN 2-lAYeR WP<.l f65'Y .' a10lP MN?! A tl C tI e f " N\1- R2!iI45 4X4 ~ I 4 flNl:I1 180 UA. 5fK, U5~ 200-liafA U5~ 4116tl0le461-ltl ~ a20tl ~AWReNa K~a5l:f Kl'.la5I:f fAYNOR 0' ~AWReNa Kl'.la5I:f U( [mQ 1I(jL SOWlLE ti'!:<nIP11ON W/?J. tIe'il'I'IP11ON MM. 4- 5L111'Aa MOlJoJfWU-lII11flNCi ~ (2) 411 fLOlJif<n'Nf IN 1I.!i1lX!i2" aw"'" IiOLNf CAf# 61~~ 'iEE eLUfRC.Al. CON111J1CfOle "Ole MMJ:R 9.WN..CAf#<;/IC W-tlII-lZOV .... 500'Aa MOlJoJflll1ffitJ(, fO'tl:R IQIQ) [;lA1Imt7M ffAf llCi1f1 f.AN CAf# 66692 5ee elWl1lCAl CONfRtCfOle fOle MMJ:R fM#, tlW702-tlLU3ffAf/veNfm J 1r. 15OO'Aa IiOLNftletlROOM ~laffiNC< [Q] 009.l:tI exreRlOle ~Ia!11NCi CAf# 662O!i ~e e~eCfflOi. CONfRtCfOle fOle MAI(I:R ~e aecfR(.Aj,. CONllXfOle 4c QoWoJDaleR S5 ' I ~NCile Pill tlIIv\MeR<.v.if01 M'tRlON tie -I105A #f!>02 -10 l 90680-W 6CXJN PRe~f 'iI.R?!' IIIMNeR CElL' I EX11:RNi'I- WPLl tI S, 51NCile ~ I r fOCicU ~01 CAf# 66~ 5ee eleCfflOi. CONfRtCfOle fOle MAI(I:R mveMAS'reR 600-W" CElL' tlA'Itf1OOM WPU MOl.NfW llCi1flNCi 4) 1II.J'U:l( ReCmNll CAf# 66!i9!i ~e aECfflOi. CONfRtCfOle fOle Mi'm1 mveMAS11:R ~~2-W CElL 120WWPU 5CON5[: 4). IIll'U:X aa 5ee aECfflOi. CONl11I'CfOle mveMAS11:R I !WI-W = I!iCXJN c..Aref ffAreR = 4' tlASel'!OfW ffAreR 5ee aECfflOi. CONl11I'CfOle 1'0 tle reRMlNW fJY mcfRlOi. CONfRtCfi'l? lAWReNa K~a5l:f fAYN{JK tlI04Bre 6~ fAYN{JK ':Y: ljiiY"' M\~'1 r: ~lut(BJj~JjgJ :1I&i~,,, ~I~~: ~lE#iTJrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 WEST S ST. - 8Ll>6 P sPRINGFIaD, OR 971,77 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (541) 726-9996 PROJECT TITLE ~RENn.;OO[J) ~STAT!ES TO'\fw'NHOUSIE l!DIU~[EX::; SITE ADDRESS 31730TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAl TIERVllLE, OR DRAWING TITLE SCHICDUllES REVISION NO DATE BY 21~ NONe CJS SK 02-41 DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. A~,~ 1X2~ 2XB f P6C1A Q) ~ A"PePR.ANa UR.Al1I: CCX-Pf5 Pl \WOOt1IN SOfflf R-~ fa.51taL, !il a" 1YI"e XaNtl5ffAl1 'l/.b 51W5 IiJ 24" 0 2X4 flAfWCWJf 12" CtIX ~Ci 11aJ55 2) 'l/.b fOl' PlA-re5 I I 511/1~: I etlCiI~! R-2 -/- <Jto.t~A'fi:ROf !ila" mxaNtl SOfflf flNI5H lWE'R CANTElEVER DETAil SCAlE: 1" = 1'-0' 91 a" fReAtI ~/4" KIa:. "r "- ~ .... 10" ~" 'i LI ____ U :zw f~OO1 D!:aJNCi ~Qi @@@ -~ 2X4lU\:X ~I a x 4 eX!' MlYOR@ 16" OC, STAIR DETAIL SCAlE: l' = 1'-0' /If ROOfINCi 51/1f50t.va 4 P05f CJI' 11aJ55 -!>O r tleAl1lNCi 'l/.b 91W5 l! 24" O.C, <;> ii\ Q BACK PORCH AND DECK DETAILS SCAlE: l' = 1'-0" ~ 1/2" X 1/:2" NOfCH H ~ r;r" PlASflNCi l.;'~f~ 51/1f5CN Jnl31l'1'. Ml/INCillNe ~ 2XB #2PJ,Hf~fSWatle,AM U--,X6PJ, #2 HflR 5I1.'P5ONJ3281't!', ::E ,''''' I I ~ I I ~ I ~:h:::::~(2) 2Yl3 #2PJ.H.fIRfSetla f;l!:,AM 9" 51/1f5ON ero 44 !il a" x 611 exr, MlYOR ~ (2) #4tlAR5CONf ~" 11-211 LJ6 R/5 NO- r, I I ~"m5ON If/f.6 ! ! !il a"X6" eX!' W.ANe co..UMN 6tlASe .AN5ICN MIYOR POST CONNECTION FOR FRONT END PATIO SCAlE: l' = 1'-0' Ijj""' MAl, ~: 4IfJ@fjlfj fili~,,, ~I~ ~lE#i'fJrN~ ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST B ST. - 8lbG P SPRINGFIet.O, OIl 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (5-'31) 726-9996 PROJECT TITLIE fBRIENl\VOOID !ESTAT!ES 10WN~OUSIE ~I!:IEX~ SITE ADDRESS 31730TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFF/Of ADDRESS 1'.0. BOX 117 WAL TERVILUE, OR DRAWING TITlE D~TA~lS REVISION NO DATE BY DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. 21~ NOfeD CJS 9\ 02-'11 A5c~ ROO' I/ZII R/5f-H c;Uf-reR "'" 1X2 fV6HINCi 1211 CtIX ?? ,,-:P .,; ~? / .,.~ / ? // / OJlK 51l11NiA 'l/.b RA"1'eR f fJl. 2XB fA5CIA CORNICE SCAlE: l' = 1'-0' ~ llM[;lf:115fRN\III RIM -=<:-< 't' -=sr 6'-IO~/411 me 5a: tllJWINCi aeVA'I1ON5 fOle 51I/1NCi tlef fJl. 5 ~ '^ ~ ~ WINDOW HEADER AND Sill DETAIL SCAlE:1' = 1'-0' Nsu..Al1ON r;m~~ p,e,1RI15S veNfI rwa 'l/.b fOl' ~-re 'l/.b ~fe 1/ Z" aNtl 'l/.b 51W5AfZ4" OC. I/Z"CtIX R-21 fltlf:mA55IN51.J... 1X6 MtIU tlASe flOO1 5Y5feM ( 5ee fRAMlNCi) ff.AOeR fflM Ole tlUXK5 4l1B 1l'I'tA- ~R 2" MtlIN5I.J..A11ON I/Z" aNtl ff.AOeR fflM CORNeR tleAJI WRN' ffIO I'NtI IN.II? ( aa:eN WfW) !i/4 mJO ~ll.H' Z" AfeNt/5 \\11H aNtl IX4 mJO (~/ 4" 111ICK) A"RaJ I '- -- o !i I all iA)'l'. 5ffAlHINCi eXreRlOIe fINISH 5ee 5ffN1 WX-l 5CfflllLe .ANtI Re~AveNf 51t11NCi Nares flOO15Y9reM: UA f # fC !iIZO ~ FLOOR CONNECTION SCAlE: l' = 1'-0' ~. ~ o MlIf tlASe ff~!6 PeR fRAMlNCi Pl.AN 4"X !i/4" MtlO ffAJI fffO JNm ~ DOOR FRAMING DETAIL NO SCAlE ~>- ~~ ~~ 9-1/ Z" fJI (5a: fRAMlNCi Pl,AN) l1M13eR5WNt1 RIM XlINf 5ffAl1iINC4 ON RIM 0] @) tlllXKlNCi HI a" flOO1 tleCKINCi ~~ ~~ -~ VlWa: MICHOR ~0~ 1" :11113\9"' M\~: ->> Z :~: 4@M~fIJjjJ: :W~~~,,, ~~~: ~lE#i'fJrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - BUl6 P SPIUNGFIEIJ), OR 97477 VOICE (541) 726-999!5 FAX (5-'31) 726-9996 I/Z" aNtl 2X4 51W WX-~ ou.K XlINf5 0Jl 4" X !>/4" JAMtl CA5lNCi SECTION THROUGH UNIT SEPARATION WAlL SCAlE: 1" = 1'-0' DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. 211.Vro!i NOIW CJS SK 02-41 1Af>> _ '2. tllJl..DINCi #: IZ" f;llla lemR5 ON VI+I!11: tll'CKtiROl.NtI 'MNtl0W5 ON eNtl Wfl-l ~ fKlNCi 5!m:f Ole '(Jf!Nf.WAY 4" fRIM 6Y6 COlUMN Wi'J'l'l'etl \\ffi11Y6 R/ 5 . PmJi f~ 5l.M ~aftl 1'0 tlRAN TOWNHOUSE END ELEVATIONS FOR BUILDING '124, 127, 128, _- SCALE: 118"' III 1'-0" 2XI0 fAXIA ( 5Pf) , I&f;/" RAB.. V1N'tt 5I1/1NCi 4Y6l1eCK 5lJ'P0Ief COlUMN 4" PA11O~flC I" tleWNtlOO1~va Q TOWNHOUSE END ELEVATIONS FOR BUILDING' 124, 127, 128, 402 SCALE: 118" = 1'-0" ReVl5lON5fOle ~: ,6WE:tI flNl~ NOfA11ON5 D os. os. o ROOf veNf5ll51NCi M511C 8# ROlW \\ffi15a.M CCM:R5 fO MAfCH ROOfINCi CO-OR Af ,:~ veNT' RA110 I..A.MW.-reD ~me ROOfINCi ffl-Ri\l.. . Y6 t1eCK 5lI'POIef Ca.UMN V1N'tt S1DINCi 4" PAllO ~ I" tleWNtlOOIe level Y6 WOOtI COlUMN 'MiW'PW VvI1H 1Y6 R/5~atlAR ~AMlNAfW ~1Na.e ROOfINCi ROOf veNT'5ll51NCi PL.A511C 8# RaW 'MlH 5<2I.m CCM:R5 fO MAfCH ROOfINCi COlOle Af I:~ veNT'RA110 'MNtl0W5 ON ew WPU 'M-tRe f fClNCi 51R1Xf Ole m.teWAY tlUII..l1lNCi #: IZII tll-Ia~~mR5ONl'.\i1tOtl~ 411 lRIM Af'MNtl0W5 1RIM: fRIM CO-OR fI- WulNCi WffOM Of eVE:RY 0\IeIilW0lCi LNIf %N (RefeR 1'0 SPeCL"lCAl10N5) tlOO1 (RmR fO 5Cffl/l..U) PORCH fWOIe ~flC ~aftl fO l?I?AIN :&jlffi9"' ~ M\~ :[ 1L(~jfJjI{fl~: . ~~~ h~/" ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - 8lbG P SP!UNGFIELD, 011 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (541) 726-9996 I'ROJIECT TITLE 1e~IE~TWOOD [ESTAT!ES TOW~HOUSIE cOt8alEX~) SITEADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAl TERVlLLlE, OR DRAWING TITLE ~X1'ICR~OR IEl8{ATIO~S REVISION NO. DATE BY DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. 21~ NoreD CJS SK 02-41 A5.3 tllIWlNCi NUI.'lleR DDD DDD DI9010lD DDD s. tI,. ONT ELEVAllON FOR BUILDING'~ \ lTI 6068 S. Q ~~ =EAR~AT1ONFORBUILDINGntS"5\\ SCALE: ita- = 1'Q ~.AMlNA-retl111~ ROOfINCi ROOf \Wf5l151NCi PlASOC 8# RC\W I'vl1'H 5C1\.Wif COv'eR5 fO MAf01 ROOfINCi caOle Af I:~ veNT' RA110 II'p"' M\~ t: ~(~1f1I!1JJ _A,,, ~I~ ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST II ST. - BLb6 P SPIUNGFIElJ), OR 97477 VOIce (541) 726-9995 FAX (5-'31) 726-9996 tllII-I/INtA #: IZ" ~KK lef-reR5 ON I'vI1l1'!: tl~ G D~ DD DD DI90101 DD V1N'r\. 51I/1NCi C 1INlf f1T'1Oi. LNH' 51C<N (RefeR 1'0 5Pl:CIfICAl1ON,) tlOO1( RefeR 1'0 5CfftllW PROJECT TITLE ~~IENn"tfOO[i) !ESTATES TO"w~ynNlHOUSIE ~ 'l!JL\Ullf=.tb.~-J SITE ADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERVllLE, OR DRAWING mLE DITIC~~OR IElCV A r~oNls L..AMINA-retl5liNCile ROOfINCi ROOf veNl5 U51NCi Pl.A511C 8# ROJ.U1I'vl1'H 5C1\.Wif cove5 1'0 MAf01 ROOfINCi caOle Af I,~ veNT' RA110 lJ[J emu f1I.IM: fRlM co..oR COIeNeR fRlM PeR tlefAl5 411 f1I.IM Af 1'.1NV0W5 V1N\1.. SltllNCi REVISION NO. DATE !BY DS. Poo:H fWOIe ~ ~rn:tI 1'0 I/'IiWN DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. 21~ NOfeD CJS SK 02-41 A5o~ . RAlset7 B~ (URANlte W fa' tI1': ", iAmJ BfCK5PL.rVlI URANlte WlJN'lt:RfOP \ ; 9~" \ \ " 6' .:;" , I' I' I II I I I T I I T i"c'I i"c'I I I I A cnN ovtR DD 2 WIN', 51NK 8" ;-,,, !:i" 'I - !@@ I , / , I I I B / rRPNCieHOOt7 P!;R 51'~5 <? OPeN ovtR - D - ~ C'l \ 1 'S\ " \ URANtre COUNreRfOP -' - -".. , CJCJ I@@@ @I I II I T II II i"c'I . \ I C -=", mJa L~FRlaRAfOR ~ -<? .iXJ @ KITCHEN ElEVATIONS AS.1 SCAlE: 112" = 1'-0' t715HWA;tER "L.AN1'Z" PROVIt7t:Na 5rrt.e a YIN'IC O,A,t:. NtL.AMIN~ wa l?ANt7 INteRIOR I&L.AMINJ: 'Milte L.IQlfR FINI;ti <? C'l <? 'S\ 00 o CABINET ELEVATION IN UTILITY ROOM SCAlE: 112" .. 1'-0' :lijlp"' ~: M\~ :~: OJf!jiifl: :rflfi~,,, ~I~~: ~lE#iTIN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST 8 ST.' IlUl6 P SPRINGFIElJ), OIl 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (541) 726-9996 PROJECT TITLIE ~~ENrvIOOIDl !ESTAlfES TO'tVNHOUSIE 00Pt1EX....... SITE ADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL T1ERVllLE, OR DRAWING TITLE ~R H00KLr5 ~iTCHlCINI [lEVA TIOINIS R'Yt':R vt:Nf REVISION NO. DATE BY I 105a'~ CJS 2 ~CJS DATE 21~ SCAlE NOfW DRAWN BY CJS CHECKED BY SK PROJECT NO 02-41 SHEET NO. A~J ~ C5" Cj " " I I I I I T T I I ii\ ~ I I OPeN ~R DD 2 COW'P, 51NK 8" -\ !:i" 'I co- 11\2>1\2> I / L-, r 7 / I? l?1:HWA5ffR lilp"' M\~~ (: 41r(f!Ji~filjiJ W~~~I" ~/~ ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - BU>6 P SPIUNGFIEIJ), OR 97477 VOIce (541) 726-9995 FAX (541) 726-9996 . RAl5tl? I3fR (tAR.ANlfe 9J1f KI; PROJECT TITlE 1a~IEN1V/OOD IESTATIES TOWNHOUSE W~[S{~ SITE ADDRESS 31730TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERVllLE. OR DRAWING TITlE ~TCH[~ [lIEVATIO~Si , ~ KITCHEN ELEVATIONS ~ SCAlE: 112' = 1'-0' ,I . C? OPI;N ~R , L..- D - ~ I \ ~ T I C? \tAR.ANtre COI.JNtl;~OP 10 ~ ~ - -> --- c=Jc=J 11\2>1\2>1\2> 1\2>1 I II I < ""ii: 0 II II , ~ -' ~r C~ -RE:FRlaRAfOR IWoJa RfN(z HOOll 5OFFlfel? !3f:M\ IN lHI5 N'mMJ::Nf " REVISION NO. DATE BY I IOSI:P~ CJS DATE 21~ SCAlE NOretl DRAWN BY CJS CHECKED BY SK PROJECT NO 02-41 SHEET NO. AS5.2 A ~ , . ~ c 5I'lQ'M:J:( ClJ(fAlN IWt? 5HOV\tJ:(/1W / f()V;i;L. I'.AR 5HOVItJ:( CLlRfAlN IWt? f,P, l?15PfN5!:J:( J 1'-6" J 2'-~" J SECOND FLOOR BATHROOM ELEVATIONS SCAlE: 112" = 1'-0' T 1<\ 000 ~'-6" , ~ 1W / 5f1:MtJ:( W,C, 5CON5e MWlCIf'.f ~IN~f MlRJ:(QR U1ZOUNl?W CJl.l1Uf UNt?eOOUNf SINK ~ Ii? <:'-l f !7'-o" 1'-0" -I' .f- I? D Elp"' d A\\~ ~: 4@ilJjj :ri~l~,,, ~I~: ~lE#i1'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 WEST S ST. - 8lbG P SPRINGFIE\J), 011 97477 VOIce (541) 726-9995 FAX (e41) 726-9996 B PROJECT TITLE rBRIEN1\\'OOID !ESTAT!ES TOWMHOUSIE COO~blEX ) SITE ADDRESS 31730TH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERVlllE, OR DRAWING TITLE ~AnIROOM !EllC'\/A TIONS REVISION NO. DATE, BY DATE 21~ SCALE NOretl DRAWN BY CJS CHECKED BY SK PROJECT NO 02-41 SHEET NO. A(8ofS 1'-0" f .( !:i'-o" A , -- c 8 SECOND FLOOR BATHROOM ELEVATIONS SCALE: 112' = 1'-0" ,f- 1W/5HOM':R W,C, 5CON5f fal/lCINE CAr7INEf MII(IWR uROUNl/E1/ 0U!1.-i:f UNI/~RMOUNf 51NK f.P, ISPE:N5fR 'r , [? 5;:> N JD 5HOM':R CIRf A1N ROll WM:R/1W 000 "-6" \ f~l..l?f'oR 5HOM':R CIRf A1N ROll f,P, 1/15P~N5fR k 2'-~" k 1'_6" k- ~ .~j!I~"' MI. [ OJ~twJfiJJ/jjJ ". ~i~1 , "~l1;r;;,,, ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST B ST. - 8LD6 P Sl'lUNSFIEL/), OIl 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (541) 726-9996 , PROJECT TITlE rB~IENn\'OOD \ESTATES TO'(mHOUSIE O~EX SITE ADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS 1'.0, BOX 117 WAL TERVlLLE, OR DRAWING TITLE ~ArHROOM IEllCVA TiOINS RIEVISION NO. DATE BY DATE 21~ SCAlE NoreD DRAWN BY CJS CHECKED BY SK PROJECT NO 02-41 SHEET NO. A~,tS A ~ J 1'-4~" ~ 1'-4~'1 ~ 2'-6" ~- C t/ FIRST FlOOR BATHROOM ELEVATIONS PROJECT TITLE SCAlE: 1/2' = 1'-0" IaRIEINTV..'OOID 5I1(JM:R ClRfAlN ReV ESTAT!ES TO'w"JNHOUSIE 5CQto.JSE: Y\)Il1JPlblEX-' 10OO~ 0 MI~ SITE ADDRESS 31730TH STREET ~ SPRiNGFIELD, OR 1W / ~OVveR OFFICE ADDRESS (9 P.O. BOX 117 iAROUN[I!;1I V MJI1Y WAL TIERV!LLE, OR DRAWING TITLE ounn . W,C, -\\f ~Al'HROOM B 0 'r \ [l[vAT~ONS fOv've1.. ~t'R REVISION f.P. IIIP ii? NO. DATE BY N DATE 21M!ro!i SCALE Norw A C t/ DRAWN BY CJS 1'-4~" 1'-4~" CHECKED BY SK 2'-6" PROJECT NO 02-41 FIRST FlOOR BATHROOM ELEVATIONS SHEET NO. SCAlE: 1/2' = 1'-0' A~,1 ......- 0 ~ . B 5CON=t ~ 001 MI~ 1W /WVvtR V MJI1Y UROUN[I!;II OIlnu , W,C, 'r o I fOM:1.. ~t'R f,l". IIIP 'r , \C\ i'b , N :liJP'" d 'M\~ :~: 4fJ/i/l/;iJ :fi~)~,,, ~I. ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - 8lbG P Sl'RINGFIE\.l),OIl 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (541) 726-9996 ~ ,-,< 'I" ON.. fRI ~" ON.. '!'RI Lam flNI5i 7 J X4 ON.. ~fCKlNlA ON..fOl' XOP l-ecr, 1/2Wfl-l- -=... f!RE:Pl-Pa T C;> \<'\ \<'\ CPr 51t1f:5 Of "51t:P-lP" C;> - 8'-I~" ~ 2'~" } ELECTRIC FIREPLACE FRONT ELEVATION SCAlE: 112" = 1'-00 IX4 ON.. ~fCKl ON..fOl' IX . -'!" -=IN T ;r, C;> \<'\ 1/2Wfl-l- W~Cf, fIRePl-Pa " ON.. fRIM " ON.. '!'RIM ~ amfINI5i~ C;> CPf 51t1f:5 Of "51t:P-Lf'" J 2'-~" ~ B'-I!" } ElECTRIC FIREPLACE FRONT ElEVATION SCAlE: 1fZ' = 1'-0' am lU fOl' CPf 1'-2" 2'-2" IXOP ijf,~"' MI. ~: otr@WJJlftfJJj ~l15%,,, ~!. ~lE#illJrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - 8lbG P SPIUN6FIEUl, OR 97477 VOICE (541) 726-999!l FAX (5-'31) 726-9996 5'MfCH Ol./11..ff ELECTRIC FIREPLACE SIDE ELEVATION SCAlE: 112' = 1'-00 IXOP 5'MfCH Ol./11..ef CPr 1'-2" 2'-2" lU fOl' am PROJECT TITLE ~~IENnVOO[) !ESTAT!ES TOVy'~HOUS!E dDIJ11P-DEX--=' SITE ADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OffiCE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERVllLE, OR DRAWING TInE f!RIElP'lAClE ICILD,'A liONS REVISION NO DATE BY DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. 21~ Norw CJS SK 02-41 ELECTRIC FIREPLACE SIDE ElEVATION SCAlE: 1/2' = 1'-0' AC8,9J '" ,,,< ~ ~ ... "'" Q 10'-0' 018''';1'' Z1'-I~' 10'-011 ~ 10 I I L I'~' "II:' 1, "",1"2\ I" '" I II'~' I I 12'.,;j" 1T.,;j" '...A5J' 1 ,1<0 I I ! ! I , I'" 'I ll~ -,11 ~ 11 II -+ --:Ulr I 1Lr;---- ::j+---, r i? r I I I I ~-------'I '--u 1"1 m I I 2'-0' : I I.:: 1.1'-6"l\1'. 4: I I I I I rF. 'll 1111 IF I II I I : i U? IIJ ___JL__~tl'=-'=-~~'=-'=-'=-'=-~11 II " ~ 11r:--=--------"'lr'" I II I I II I 111' 1',1 II I I I 11'1 1,,1 IIONOfOONfa 11,1 i : 11:1 11"11 I ,I ILl ___+-J IJ I rD II 1'1 V=,nTII ~tTr=-lI=l] I,ll ffi ~IIII 1'11 11I1 I I I II II 111, '~IIII 1111 ~=cLLJt:-j--l ,- I J..J...JL=~ 1,11 1I11 1'11 II-I] L -j- .J,- 1,I1 1111 I'I, w tC-j--l ,I-11 1''1 1111 """ I'I, ~ Ti (:::t::JJ 1''1 """ 11I1 I~I I \ I : I ~ I Bl" 1111 II I II I I 8~' .,~ 1111 <- _ _ _ -r~-,1 E-~---..l- I L----'3I~TII- - - - tt - ~ I;r? I'L ~_...J I 7 I -t-'-il,' . II II'I I I L- I I~ I1,1 ! J~~ :::: ~ I" 1,'1 I I 1" 1 I I" I ~ I ...J L _.: _ _}.... _ _ ...J II L - --' I r _ ., 1% I L1,-J!, ---- II .JL J ;. I ; fJ 1L J L .--....J L ~ J 6'-11" L 1.J _~ 6'-1~' .. I I I I I ,1<0 I , 1I'~'1 ~ !:; ~ '" , 'm"lQ2H~ra: WI '*'tMlS 0 12'1 OC. !:A. WA.Y "" !<<:He~";;; 1W 2" MIll. fla?M/l>a lWt1I. (2) !VaS (o(L ~e ~C FOUNDATION PLAN SCAlE: 1/8' = 1'-0' o IJG1$1"' d AI~ l: OJr@!fil!~J _l~,,, ~'~d ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - SUl6 p SPIUNSfIEU), OIl 974n VOICE (~1) 726-~ FAX (~1) 726-9996 PROJECT TITlE ~R1ENWw'OOD !ESTAT!ES TO'w\'NHOUSIE \OOfl8(~ SITE ADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OffiCE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERVllLE, OR DRAWING TITLE fOUNDATION PLAN REVISION NO DATE BY DATE 211NRO!i SCAlE NOfW DRAWN BY CJS CHECKED BY SK PROJECT NO 02-41 SHEET NO. ~i,i .;; ~' h\I:::HOR tl;Q(Sl'.AN Cf efOl 51MP5ON.P2B X1I5f WI (2) 5WP5ON~!i 1WJaR5 fII'. , I fII'~" ' , m 2 N5fPUAl1ON ," ~ 4XB#2 HJ'IR P.f, , . ' 2XB #2H,ftRP.f. \ r-;-.;;-';,;---;-,;;-' ~ fII'~' Cl24"0C.~-. .--.'eo._~ 2XB'#2H,flR~WaR ~ . M. li,!1I \fl.Jdi fOP & tlOffOM ~ ._._._._.J:r- ~r..,-r r-T-TI~-rrl-'Ijl..J::J._. ._. !II' - t-~~\4(O-' :f=-T-=r1~1-=r~rf=i~f1=1 ~(f: "~.or~"~==i ~tl48ftA'JaR cur 5fAJR S111JNei1:R5 our Cf 2 X II ~ 11 ' . ~ 'I-J/4'~9-112" lr.' . , '1' I 12t:Jf-\..#2, MIN,ReIMlNINCi :1 ..... II.gerl!24"0.c,"Tllli~ I MU5ftle !i-II211 I k- 9. -1/2" fJ\ PRO "':; , . .. :1: 11 it' : : ~~ 942" fJI PRO,-J 1l'I'@11260l!24"0,c"fF"=-'=- _ ~ ~ ~-,- _ ~ ~ _ IWJl-t.- .d-=--94, 260 l! 24." OD . II :: ) : I 7 T II. & 1,' \/4X91/211I1d3eR5rRANtl :1 11/4X91~211mR5fRANtl :~ 9-1/2"f~,PRO ~I\ . . ~1'H15WX-ltl/iWON ~l rlr'~l~ /9-1/2I1fJ1PRO'. ",261,0(124 pC~ r+-- fRM\WfOf~ u:t: ffa-MOINrJ:tl II . _ --+1:t- 260 24" OC, ;-?j I 1l'I' . . I lJ'PeR JeAJl fWURAflNfeRIOIetleAM _ _ 1 L. II ) 'II II 1 ~ _ I CONNecl1ON I "- _::-i1 II" 11 - I It:= J . -' I 2)1-!>/4 .9'1/2!:ge~~1(2)!-./4X9.-1/21.ge~ . - '.ANcHOIWQWVCfH/4X9-I/21Vl 1'H15WPUtlX-WON 1"-- '-'11 III T,I'I II TlllI'-' Il3IWv\fOWX-l51W5W/(2)51MP5ON 'fRMIWfOfl .. -':1, ' . 1'1 ., . ,f:' -' . 55f221!i5WN'5f11'lC.Ii LmRRA!. :: ~ '11 I I I I I :1: I I, I I".~ . ~ ' 1l'I'@ ~~~ T~ ~ " " I' i i :i: i. i I I I' f\/,~l' ..,~~/~ , - 9-1/2" :!nw. I: 9-1/2"fJPRo ' I 9-1/;/' t ffif~ ,0.. IWJlA .x:JI5ffROM 1-~/4 X 9-1/ 2 I 260 (I "OC.' /1, ' . 2601216" OC, .,. ' I 2600 4" OC, . ~ LVl~~:~~{;;~~5~0CL. JlL_~_J~J L.L.1.1Jtl.1.J.J .U ___ 1 ~ 1-~/4X9-1/21'ge?~~- L~~~i~iiii=u=- Ij--~/4X9-1/2I.gelVl ,'I 1l'I' 11/4X91/211~ ~,~9~~~~R1M . , ; ~e ~O\\recl\6'C\ 42eq O~ ~~~~. \ . ?IMPSON KU; P051' CAP ON our5lD!: f fa Of tlOlH l Vl' 5 1'0 CONt-UHO 6YIJ P051' MOW 11/ 4 X 9 1/ 211M13eR5fRANtl . <:"< !>-1/2XII-1182.oe fJ~ f'T1'\Ol.. X-l r:AJa ~ fll'1Oi. 51MP5ON Iff 29,~ fWoaR 1'111'H WI #10 tlY 11/ 2" N.AJl5 use fla-t.'OLNII:tI fWoaRAf INfeRIOR tleAM CONt-U11ON Q SECOND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCAlE: 1/S" = 1'-0" @.' ~ . :ilip'Y MI.' ~: 4{(~~i1trIJ W%l~/,, ~I. ~lE#iTJrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - 8lbG P SPRINGFIElJ), OIl 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (5-'31) 726.9996 PROJECT TITLE ~RENmOOD !ESTAT~S TO'NNHOUS~ {CJlJ!ElIEX SITE ADDRESS 31730TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAl. TERVlLLE, OR DRAWING TITLE SECOND flOOR IFAAM~NG ~LAN REVISION NO. DATE BY DATE 21~ SCAlE NOfW DRAWN BY CJS CHECKED BY SK PROJECT NO 02-41 SHEET NO. S2o~ o '.,p"' ~1 ' M\~' f: ~r@BJJf)l~J :If&i~,,, '"1~. ~lE#i'fJrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST 8 ST. - IlU>6 P SPRINGFIEIJ), OIl 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX ('541) 726-9996 0;> -<'I' 2X/0 tlARa Rfl'reR (Sl'f foPP[:fRiINQ: tRA-re /211 CCX Pf!i ~ YWOOrJ IN eAve eXfOSlJ(J; (P6 RWll~tI) 2X4 flAfWaOUf5l! 40" OC. ;i.~ ~e5 C<JNloUfOle5 fO al(ll!;R mJ55 P6 tll:5liAN:tlI'lYmJ55 WNlf K1lJ1I:R /211 CtIX ~ YWOOt/5ffA11-lINCi !i-PlY/ !i1-AY!:R w,n.. 8d@611 OC. ( lN3I-OCJ,W) Hi" mJ55 zxaeAve 8'-0" HIP mJ55 PROJECT TITLE ~RfE~1\VOOD !ESTAlES TO't"~HOUSIE --- '- (~~~, SITE ADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS 1'.0. BOX 117 WAL TERVILLE, OR DRAWING TITLE ROOr fAAMi~G Pfl;AN II II II II II II II -, II . _ .~I1.1W22,I_, -. -. II - :-.-: 4X/0 -- 4X/0 " . 2'-6" 2) ~ veNf5 12111l'1l'I'ICAl aNreRW ON flAY5 veNf tli.OCl(5 Af eAve /.1l REVISION NO DATE BY ~ ROOF FRAMING PlAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0' DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. 21~ NOfW CJS SK 02-41 S202 '" l' 1/2"CtIX P.f.~l 12"1WM. n~ 2" a~~LL~ P<X. \15OCY.ANIRA-re WfW ~ PeRll&reR (~) #!i CONf. .. , " ,-1 'l/.b 91W5 016" OC. -211N5lL. 1/211 aNtl ~ 5e,A/.eR IXB /oWO tlASe #4 tliR? l!2411 OC. ~A WAY ~!iOO P5I CONe, 5l~ 4" 5lJ>I? = '" o = :;,- 1/2XI0 J~fo4BIIO,C ,.." , LN..l:55 51'1:Cfletl IN 5.W. 5CfftllLe 'I> \<\ ~ COMPPC-retl RiXK 511iU:11.I?Ji. flU.. fO~ (611 M1N l!fOOONCi) see fOlWA11ON ~ ~ IN9rPU 6 ML MOI51U.'l:-tl,omeR tmR 5l~ (MOI5f -?fa' Ole W) PERIMETER FOOTING DETAIL SCAlE: 1" = 1'-0' ~" fAPCON ?CReW l! 24" Oc. 5rUi W,A/.l 'l/.b ~Afe 4" CQto.K;, 5l~ #4 tliR?@ 24"OC. t:A. WAY ... C> wc-retl~tI RiXK fU lWI511.m:tl5OIL IN9rPU 6 ML M0151U.'l:-tlAlil1l~R LmR 5l~ (MOI5f -?fa' Ole W) TYPICAl WAlL-SlAB CONNECTION (FOR NON BEARING WAlLS) SCAlE: l' = 1'-0' WW,A/.l 1/ 2" aNtl 4" tliR? 0 24" 0 C. eA WAY ~!iOO P5I CONe. <:;> \<\ , ... 1-I/211X10 M. see 5.W. 5CftW\.l..f: fOle Sl'PCINCi Ole 1/2 X 4 wwa MkJ'OR 411 SI-,Aj; 'l/.bMfe o (2) #4 W~ fa' & tlOffOM P"' d M~ r: ~~@IJjI &Ji~" ~I, ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - 8lbG P SPIlINGFIELD, OIl 97477 VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (~1) 726-9996 COMPPCfetl cra.mtl RiXK UNtlI511mtl eAR11i 11=111=111=111=111=11 ~ '~ e fOllNl?Al1aJ lN5fPU 6 MI.. MOI511Ja:-tlAlil1leR lmR 5l~ (MOI5f-5fa' Ole W) INTERIOR FOOTING AT BEARING WAllS SCAlE: 1" = 1'-0" t:eRf fOle 1/ ~ 5lJ>I? vt'P1H W11ti1N 24 I1OlR5 Of lN5fpt.~A11ON Ole use PRGfRIW",i 5Y5reM IN KCORtIfoNa Vv11H Iff lA 51'1:C, PROJECT TITLE ~~IENl'VlOOD !ESTAT!ES TOW~HOUSIE \DU~llEX-I SITE ADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERVllLE, OR DRAWING TITLIE STRUCTUAAl IDlICTA~lS 411 ReINfOleatl CONCliffe 5lJ>I? (]Jf ,A/.1mIA-re lliR? Af KeRf COMP PCfW Cll.l5tW RiXK tlASe REVISION NO. DATE BY lWl511.m:tl5O\l. IN9rPU 6 MI.. M0151UHlAlil1leR tmR 5l~ (MOI5f -?fa' Ole W) DATE 2111WO!i SCAlE NOreD DRAWN BY CJS CHECKED BY 5l\ PROJECT NO 02-41 SHEET NO. FLOOR SECTlON WITH CONTRACTION JOINT SCAlE: 1" = 1'-0' ~~ ~ '? ..0 1/211 aNtl 2X45fU1?5 l! 24" OC. 1l'I'IOi.,If.I11:RIOIe WPU o !iIB" mXaNtl R-21 fa.5INsu.. .;......--- 'l/.b 91W5 l! 1611 0 C. !i 1811 m X iA)'p. 5ffA1HINCi l!i# faf<NOf'lYV!:K) 51I/1NtA (HAW!-f'LJ.NK Ole peR eleV) eX1mOl1~, ()t.f L.A\'i:R ~I 8" 1i1'I' Xei'il'm ~ (~AfHN<A) APIUD PoWUa fO Zf.b WOCIJ 9IW516" Ot., I'I1lH W'i-VMlI2W Il?OFINa NM.5I-~/~" WNa. 0.128" ~ 1116" 1tW1. 8" Ot.. eX1mOl15Uil'1a ~D v.t1H 1'd:A1lf~ ellP05W Q.JOtlINa 011 flt-lSH %reM, INlm0l151t11:, ()t.f .A\'i:R ~/ 8" 1'IVPliltfA\:Y1i1'I' X a.ASS/Mf t:i'11'SUM 5lJl51fAre, a.ASS MAfWAre~-Il'5I5fMlf atl'5lI\\ ~!alNa IlOfW. ei'il'm W.'l.. IlOfW, WAreR-Il'5ISfMlf ei'il'm ~IQJ.JC< 1lONil1. 011 atl'5ll\\ ve~~!6I: Al'!'\.I'D PIM-~ OI1AfMif ma.e5f09lW51'11lH 6. COAlW t-W.5.1-11 8" WNa. 0,09I~" ~ 1/ ~" 1tW15.1" Ot., .xJINf5 Sf~ ON OPP05Ire 5It1I:5 (WAt1{l1:AI1!Na) 1l'I'ICAl eX-reRIOIe WPl-l 5ee CIA fl~e # Wp BI!>O ~t 4 91W5l! 24" OC. (I) ~AYeR5!i1 811 m X aNtl eA?lt/!: !i/8" RC OWJNa 1(-21 fa.51N51.J..A11ON NOfe: WJl aNtl 1'0 51W5 WI6d COA-retl J !i::z" J- NAL54!4I10C. ~ ------ - - " lNf.~N!Al1ON.w;.u;-5ee-CIA fU'WP ~2!>0 I '" .0 , & 51W5l! 16" OC. !i/8" m XaNtl .c R-21IN5l1.Al1ON ~N cowtI1ONW .ANrJ~tI Sl'1a ()t.f L.A\'i:R ~I 8" 1i1'I' Xei'il'm W~fW 011 ei'il'm ~ ~1s; mw PoWUa 011 Af Mif NoIGU5 fO i:IQi 5lt1I: Of Zf.b \\t?Ol191W516" 0'. \\11li H/~" 1i1'I' wrow~ 5Qil:W5AflZ" Ot:.. .xJINf5 Sf~ ON OPP05Ire ~5 (WAt1~ m'ICAlINreRlOle CAia WPU CIA fU # WP ~!i14 ~ WAll SCHEDULE 84.2 NO SCAlE ~ !il BII1l'I'e XaNtl ()t.f L.A\t~ ~I 8" 1i1'I' Xei'il'm W~fW 011 ei'il'm ~~!6I:!ffl.W PIM-la OI1AfMlf ~e5fO e!Oi5lt1e Of 1ll.l551'11lH 6.aMeNf<OAlW NM5. 1-118" WNa. 0.09I~" ~ I/~" 1tW15.1" Ot.. (foW) qmss_@_I'm'r'WP/rMfli:e-#-wp~'I0/ , Q flll Hr. 51W5 C! 2411 OC. 110N !Off5M 14" 5fAJl111ifiO 5fAJl15ffltaR aNtl AI" Q.O;l:f STAIR CONNECTION SCAlE: l' = 1'-0' II'"' 414'1 [ OJ(jfJflI/;J .j~/,, ~I~: ~lE#iTJrN' , ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST 8 ST. - 81116 P SPRINGFIELb, OIl 97477 VOIce (541) 726-9995 fAX (5-'31) 726-9996 ~ ~ PROJECT TITlIE re~lE~nNOO~ rESTATES TO\fm~OUSIE ~IEX::::___ ) SITE ADDRESS 317 30TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS P.O. BOX 117 WAL TERVlLLE, OR DRAWING TITLE STRUCTURAL IDrcTAilS ~ REVISION NO DATE BY DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. 21MAro!i NOfetl CJS SK 02-41 S4L2 1i .( '- ~-- \ I I c CA If> sz '.........---.. aECfflOi. PPNa 80 W fL.Ol.I1l:5a:N!' I!iOO WAff c..Aref ffAreR , , , , , \ \ P , I eLUf. CAia tlOO1 afRAfOle -0-- -w- 26 WAff PmJi ~m I I I I I L_______________J veN!' TYPICAL UNIT FIRST FLOOR ELECTRICAl SCHEMATIC SCAlE: 3116" = 1'-0' . c AIV aec. f~ o AI C LNIf ,@~ IE . / / Iii l . ----- - TV TYPICAL UNIT SECOND FLOOR ELECTRiCAl SCHEMATIC SCAlE: 3/16' = 1'-0' e- IsJp"' M\~1: :[ OJr@u~~flJl1ff!J :W~I;~,,, ~I~: ~lE#il'JrN' ENGINEERING L L C 188 weST S ST. - 8lbG p SPRINGFIEIJ), OIl 97477 !i ff tlASeWfW ffA-reR VOICE (541) 726-9995 FAX (5-'31) 726-9996 ff tlASeWfW ffA-reR 120 WAff au..INCi ~m Wr!:-tfAf fl'N 120NWPU SCONse c.Jf!j7p.a tllSl'05Ii 5551NK ReClRC\J..Al1NtA veN!' f.AN !>Oil IWa !iOO WAff c..Aref ffAreR ~211 IffRlaRAfOle crwa:aleR PROJECT TITLE ~~IENn'VOOD !ESTAT!ES TO'wVNHOUSIE ~l~:; SITE ADDRESS 31730TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR OFFICE ADDRESS 1'.0. BOX117 WAL TERVllLE, OR DRAWING TITLE ~lIECTRiCAl SCHEMA T~C REVISION NO DATE BY DATE SCAlE DRAWN BY CHECKED BY PROJECT NO SHEET NO. 21~ NOIW CJS SK 02-41 ~, , , fOOf tlASeWfW ffA-re~ \ I I , I I T 0 S1 rei" i