HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-5-12 ,/ .' .. RESIDalTlAL" ..<'" APPLICATI.PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 '.; Job Location: \\o~R \'\\Qf\UJ \'1 (')~~ '\~?:> dnnD' , -Ta:t: Lot) O\~CXJ ASOBaOOl'S Map N Subdivision: QJne",' \~ -\ ..N i. t' 0 I J.-.\'{i f\\ Addm.: \\ cA~ t'\\9, \\ U'J '(={ ~ City:,-~V~\~ NR ) ~, n Addi tic" n Remodel n ,l.fob~ le HomtJ '\'L\o- \4.~\ OtvVV \ P~""'e: Zip: DS8crribe h'ol'l~: ~ ~~, (( Date of AppUcation Contractors' General ~ i Plumbing \,~\\p ff('l~ . ~) \C\.I. I\l',( i Hechanical ~\,s-., \J\ ~ '-.J I Electrical Supervi.!lin!L.Elec t r.it: ian 6- \~ -8::J Value \'\IA Rco.,pt ~ \-~ () d---~ It \jW "' Sitmed: !late: -* (}\lQCU n- l? ' -'K.Y AddreRR Li~c~ 11 I .Bldrs Board R-g. EXD1res Phol"'p' ",..,l\-'1 '?l ?-l D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPEC'J'IDN: To be rTrlde arts,. a 1. t insu latiDn and .. required vapor- harmers are in pIaOB but b'fol" any lath, gypsum board 01" wU cov....ng i. appli.d, and b.fore any inoulation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be mads aft." all dl'ywll is in plac., but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel. location, boiuJ' beam3, grouting oz- vwticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415, O WOODSTOVE: Aftl31' installation i. ccmp'Leted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aft.r fornuJ are orB:Jted but prior to pouring aonaretB. D SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Pal' all con- crete paving within streot right- of-L)(1Y~ to be madB after all 6%0'1- vating complBtB & fo~ work & sub- base'material in pla:J.. D !"ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide gateG 01' movable sections th1'CUgh P.U,E.. o \\1l0!~ :~?'.0\~ Ie is the rssponDibility of th/1 P8rmit holdsr to 8.8 that all inDpBctions" arB mads at tM pJ'OpIIl' tiJM~ tl-.at ~h addre8s is re~daa:e from tlul at"est, and that the p."""t caN. is looatsd at the front of the pl'Op'l'tJi. 4Bui!.ding Dividor: approved plan shall remain on the Bu-!.lding Sits at all times. PROCSDURE FOR IN,~PECTION R"OUEST:CALL 726-3769 !"eco"derJ atat. YOUl' City d.signated job .......b'l', job ~ss, type of in'p.o:ic>l l'oqucstcd ar:d lJ,':en you uiL l be ready faT' inspcoti.on~ ContT'aotol'S OT' GUnezos name and phone numbCJ'. Requssts l'eoeivlld befor8 7: 00 iZ'f :..'ill be made th~ Bam6 day, requests made after 7:00 ~ LJiZZ ba mad6 ths nC%t :J01'ki~ day. . . y;"" City D.aigr.at.d Job Wer Is: " mO~ Rnmlirp..ti T'1~nl''1t':r.'1.Q D SITE INSPECTION: To be rrrld6 after e.rcavation, but pnor to Bet up of fornra, D, UNDERSLAB PWMJING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be mads before any work is 30vc1'ed. o FOOTING ~ FDUNDATIOII: To be mad. after trenches arB excavated and forms are ersctad~ but prior to pouring ccncret~, D UNDERG.WUND P!.UM!JINC. SEWER. W.4TER, DRAINAGE: To be made priOI' to fi. 'L- Zir.g trenchse. O UNOERFLOOR PLUI,!BING & MECHANICAL: , To be made priol' to inata'L'Lat'1.on of }1001' insuLation or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To be made p1'iOl' to ~:~~oor insulation 01' ~0Yfl1l PUP-!BIIIG. },.EC'l'R!CA!.. A MECH- ANICAL: No ," is to bc covered r.tit inspectior.s have beer. e and approved, FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing mate1'i.a'Ls and before framing inspec- tior:. FRAI~INr:: Must be 1'squeDted aftsl' approval of 1'ouah plUff bing, electri- cal d mechanical. AH '1'Oofi7UJ bracing ~ chimneys, et~. ~~st bs ; completed. No LXll'k is to be con- : coaled until thiD in3pection has 'bee:n made and approved. D D . I DEIIOLITIDN OR /.JDVED BUILDIIIGS =:J Scini~ e~er ::t~ed at p:opel't:,' lir.e ~ S.ptio tank pumpsa. and filled .,,: th 3"",aI J Final... When above items are completed - ar.d when demolition is complete 01' Btl'U~- tur~ lnOU.d ~ premises clsaned up, 'Mobi.le Hom6S :J Blocking amI S.t-~p :J Plumbing connect~ons -- scwer and wa-tel' :J Elootrical Connection ..." Blooking~ set-uF and plumbing cOMactions m'~st 1;8 appl'o1:ed beforo Nquesting elBo~ri~al inspec:ior: :J "AOOBSSOl"J Bui~:.ng ] f'inal - AftfJ1' pOrohBB~ skil'Hng~ decks, .to. are oanpl.ted. D :All project condition8~ ouch as the instalLation of street trees, c~lotion of trte.' "required landscapir.g~ etc., muB~ be satisfiod beloNl the BUILDING FINAl. ~~n..be rsqusBtad. fINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspeotion must bB requeotsd after tho Final Plwnbing Eleot1'ical~ and Mechar.ical, InBpectio~ h<wo be6n made and appl'OlJsd. c:g--;mAL PLUMBIIIG D FINAL MECHANICAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL o o \'.' . 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS'/lUST DE ACCESSIBLP., ADJUST/reNT TO BE IIADE AT ND COST TO Cr.'Y IPa~O! of ~ ~OB NO. Zone: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ of lot C.ou.rag. N of Stori.. Total H.;.ght T""t'...:1.....yhy I TTEM I ""'in I Cc.rt'OR I CarVQrot I ACCeS80l"'1I I I IS.D,C. 'SQ.FTG TOTAL VALUE S (VCl.uC) 1. :r: .' Building Penrrit .Stat. Surcharg. ,Total Charg.. lITEM '1 A'D. ?I I I I I Futu:res R..idential (1 bath) I Sani tary S(llJeft I Water PllJJ1lbing Penrri t Stat. Surc~.arg. Tcta 1 ChaM.. I ITEN I Res. Sa. fta. I N6W/E:r:t.nd Cil'CUlt. I Temporary SBl'IJic. I NO./ I I I I I I Electrical Penrri t State SU:Joahar(16 Total Cham.. I ITEM I PurMca HTU'S I E:r:1rau. t Hood I Vent Fan I I WOOdstOiJ6 I I I Ptn"mit ISBUanCS M.chaniaal Penrrit Statd SUrchimre rotn t r.ha7'lUtn Maintenanee I Pcrmi t I Total Charoo. I Cu1'bcu~ I Sid_lk IPc~e lEZectrical Label I Nom. Is Homs i ~~~ f'D()'\\ ~~~o _I TOTAL AMOUNT DUEt' SOLAR ACCESSREQ.- --.~- L-COG~ I OCCU/X11lCV C. . LOT TIPE, ,:':- I Lot Face. - "" .."1 I"t.l'io,; \"':'" I P L : ;,.,.,:." . . Cornsr :-..f. INorth Panhandl. IEc.t , 'I 'South Cut.-de-8~c West x Value I I I. -- ENCROACHMENT -- I, IS6C"'"roitk Dsoo3it. . :., .! ~I. . ,1 I 1" 1;.. "~'~-\tIIII\'NI'\ 1. l ""..,fl..... . \'r"'fI ; "I~" 1"" I -'1,1, l....""" 'I'" "".. I Storago , " FEE CHARCE ~() , ~) I /t l-98 :'3:) j i./~ 1;J~,{o~ . FEE CHARGE I: I ,I I I NO. FEE Cl/ARGE I I I I I I I I I L I IrG~ _~) I - 4\n.L~ I. T"tipe/Cor.st: . : I I A.cces8. I , Bedrooms: I enel"rt.F Sources I Heat I I I I II Ti(116 .....0 Setback. I Hou.. GaMq. Watl!l' Hl'!at"ro Rang(! Fil'CDlaec woodb to!"",q Fees I I I I, I' I. , . I I I , . I I I I I Building Value & Permit This permit in arontcd on tho oxproolJ condition thnf; the naid C01tDtruaUon shalt, in aU roopcatD, conform to the O,'<1i11(.J.1:c(1 adopt!';!.l })y LJU] City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crd1.nancc. ragulct.ill!J tha CCltD tru.:tiCll and UDo of buildings, and .m.:;.y bo sucponded- or revoked at CI:Y tim,z upon vie- lation of any provisions of oaid'~dinanceG. . !PLan Ch.ck Fee: 10at. Paid: I R.c<ipt, II: ISign.d,' Plumbing Permit No porcon ohall construct, inotall, alter or chango any new cr e=isting : plumbing. or drainage system in ~hole or in part, ul:lcos such peroon io the legaZ poooesRoro of.a valid plumber'o license, except that a pO:'8ml may do plumbing work to property which is awned, leased 01' opsrated by the appli- _t. . Electrical Perm it Jlhere State La1J requires tr.at the tJloctrical work be dons by ml Electrical Contractor, tho.oloctroical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electroical =ontroaator. I I , . Mechanical Permit Pla'l &:aminal' va (,11 , . I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED tM aompleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that alt i'!';fo:omation hereon is true and t:!orrcct. and I further certify that any ard alt wrk performod shall be do~e in accor- dancs r.1ith the Ordinances of tho City of Springfield, and th: La-.JO of tho State of Oregon pE;rtaining to the work cest:!I"ibad here!n, t:nd that NO OCCU- PANCY r.1iZl bo rrrzde of any stl'uctura' &.Jitho04t p3rmis3ion of tho Bui.lding Di- vision_ I further certify that cr.tly contraatoro ar.d e:npl.:Jyecs who are in compliance &.Jith ORS 101.05$ will be used on this PI"ojgct ~~I, 5 -/7....-x-'1 Date j! Ii I I I I I .- ii.&7Af-_. I: IF. ~~<=-<->0/e ~~&--S /.d<' /0 ~~~ ;~ ?G1'"/'7cr ;:;'-X /t;;;2e>. ~c&> L~>;' I :!/r/7 . #.~29C& 7~c- ~ ~"'/'--'? ;1~~PF_ Mr~ ?G;>t"~t:";:r-. JJ~cf?>#' .:6?~cP q &Af ;?~~/"c::> I! .-- . . ---...----.-r----. .-. -- ----. .--.----~i? 1t~----,?r:~ /?x~/f'2.5 x/,s=':::::. ;r--;5 -20 i: ., . r:~c> . p??'-c , Z0-:w - . i' _ . l:.....'=-:d/j!-C'LL.- :: :1 _.__.._,_~__ ___: !_u_.~ ._ . " 'I :! _'__'__""__'_ :1.---.-- _.. ..._._ _.__._ __. __ ii " -.--.----- i 1-'- I, '., ,', .~: ".: .:::. .:.......\.: ....'... .. '::. , ... . . " . \'~' :.' . ,". '. . '.. , , , , .." " . ~ '- . ," ,-'- ;" . ,".",.".. ,,:..,.." "" "",':"/", ';-;:-";:-.', ':,. c. ".. ',' . , , , " " . .' . ,",', ," . "." . , .' ,',. .', . '. ,", :" ,'. . .~ ..}.:" ' .::...... .' : .:::. ~ :,. " -. . ~. .; ., :' ", . ~: . .r:; ,... .,'1. ..... '. . ..... .' " ----- <2 ;::)C> /15 :;;?;2 ~ "-' If tjG-13