HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-10-5 r/ ., . . ~i;);/hlf(fmi/:=f~~!) , \1000 STOVE/INSERT INSPE<rn~!'lE:4,tW-3RAli!ONp"RE 1FT ' CITY OF SPRINGFEILD E:)( HE WORK BUILDING SAFETY DIVISIO~UTHOR'ZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT 225 Fit thS tl'ee t COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR Springfield, Ol'egon 974 ~o/y 180 DAY PERifl(). ' SPRaNCF'ELO Office:. '726'-3759 INSPECTION 'LINE;- 726-3769 - Job Location: J'f ?Ii; , /11t: lAP'" SA (/(7,v/2r- ~PA:"'/.1..:.'?:h<""L.ol , " / ~. Assessors Hap ~: I,' B.?J :J. '7 I'=?, Ta>: Lo t' ~: 0 ii?' I iJ1) ,- , Ovnel': (74/?~eL. 'Yf/? f/.~ !Jet:: ?l. r)o j, /V f(7/t/ , ' ' '~,' Addres;ICf~r/Jj;'/;r;'!/,')4 r?du~7 Phone: ~:-::;:'Y"j~ik-s"'O" City::;: f,1?''/''j h'....~n St"te: OR Zip Code:'? 7?";:7 Value ~f \lood St~ve/Peliei:'~tove/lnsert: JP)m '. - . .~ '. '. __,P.reiiniinal'y Inspection isSI5.00_'pl"ior to installation..oJ; .insert), ,'.......u....... . '... \lood ,Stove/Pellet/I(lsert Permit is S15.00 + S. 75 s""tr<E/$l.1Io;t>vr~gortlaWf5 administrative fee + SlO.OO'lssuance '= S26.20 total . fo"owrulesadoPtedby'theeoqUlresyuO~!O , N 'f' , regon 'trilty " . Otl IcatlOn Center. Those rules are set forth ' JnOARQt:;;?~nnof."I"H"".'__:_' . _._ .""f"t ...._....~.I vnn ::10.c:::"UU1- ?090. You may obtain copies of the rules by , -"",ng t~Q ::~::.-. ;N";,,, u It, Itl'"pnOne' , , numb~tJ8l;!.h~9reg<ln Utiliiy Notification 1B 7-:- Y (,(fj' , t;enFer IS '-OVV-,j,j~-~:$44). " ' ZipC;ode:, . Type of Inspection 'Reques ted: , , t-le>c. 'Gh-t,. ... Contl'actor: +", b~ ~ I?..feti"..,/ved Add ress ,- "p,() , IO~ Cit'y: ~' , I State: (') /(:- ft: ~tfJ!J 73fl>{" Expires: ' 6-Q'7 Const,ruction Contl'actors 'Regi'stration ,By signing ,this pemi t'tapplication, I agree to call for inspection(s) as required (726-37,69). I state that all the information ,on this permit/application is correc't and .that I Vas' provided \Ii th the Yood Stove Safety' information for \lood burning appliances arid preliminary inspection standards. I 1;urther ,s tate., tha t- the appliance I am installing'meets 'smoke .emission standards 'as set by the Oregon Department. of, ' Environmen tal, Ouali ty or the' ,Federal Environn.en tal Pro tection Agency and I agree to , provide the, testing approval number to the inspector at the time of inspection. I also understand that if ,I am requesting a preliminary inspection, the \lall covering ~-a:;j2;~ cOeT! /~m R .s:>Signature, ,,;,'7 ',", " . ./"Date ' ~ccC==~===============ri=======~=~==========================~=========~=~==========~==== FOR OFFICe USE REQUIRED INSPECTION(S): \lOODSTOVE/PELLETIINSERT ' / PRELIMINARY -, .. Date of Application: Ib -"\- qC/, :Jp~Ct,,~ Job'lI: , q q I J.."Lt Total Amount Collected: Re<:cipt II: 017t:j{~: Issued By: ct< LV ' "Checked for Deliquencies: Checked for Ilistori,cal Status: