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Permit Correction Notice 2009-2-18
H-~~~"'I("'.~,....~;tJn..~-~~~""t'r''''''''l.,;,l'''1I'''''%' ~""'~_t',~~"I'I"f"1"'~- ~ "-'-~;~..41'","JJ(~~l'';;''J;W*,,~~;IlV'''~,-''''''"-' . -. I h ~i"..,_,r~:'~l.:;~~i t,1A~;ct-~:-i.;Ji1r ~i\~ SPRINGFIELD I /' V v Date: Z I ~I D7 Job# {j-j - "Do 0"1'1' ,,' ,/ Address: 1"7 0 .d'- S?.ii:.,Jf, Inspecti~n Type:_ ~l.. ~{ ( , / L ( .iuL . j~ ./1.4 ~r tJd/mz-- ./ / t .~ -" .~... ,',' ". City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street .M " TO: / j P;tdr~ ~~ t hA"v.u1b..l aIL b;l:. I;; . (Jiu)..~ 'iii 1\,01, / ) ff;U~ 2, 4.~R.~~~, /t;;'~",-~ I 'Jrl/~o1 t((Lk \ \.. j- ..t~ c.. [.J .;)- J~ ./ ~ / J ~,/'4 ,,?' if -.,-:-:;:.'" ~t?L~,~L .~9~ ~' ! \ ,/ , ~. '.,' ,", ' , ," .,<:~ , '\ - /: ~:-~:,- ~:y.~~: :,<::.'.:':*:'~~.}r:-:'~r{,:.:~'\:~~~"! ::~:. .;.::~~ , "rf' .' ,~_": ~~- . (:;<,;i~;:; ;,~? ': .~. ~~~ . g.~'- . , "~;'~',""'\~~ ,...;",.,r..,:"'. '-'~,..J",/~,,"~',:"''';;';:', ',:..i'_': .",..:'.\,,~.,'"<'.__;}iv,,<.t"<",,'r:._,,~..-.,:>;c..: 1 ~'w_;..-.j\~:~l)~'~\: "i ,- ~f'.:.. \ ...;' ,\ Comictio'n's anltreinsp~o~rirequestsl\iinbe;made,wit:hin:::>O ~ calendar. days:" , ' ,'..'" : "callfiir;'E!inspectioii';l!~]ie~'DNo'l:'nSPE!ct~r,,:~..,'.i,: ,:',',d,:', '.~Date:; ,:,-, " " ~ ~""'::~"':N~'~;"";~"';;'~allfoi" inspection'726"37,69;";;"';.,,,,":'~~~,,!;;:'''!,Questions 726-3759~'Y"''''~';'''';'''''' " ' . '" .~,:' ,;,:,': _" ;. '~,. ~<" :~:. ~ " ~:;. ';".<; -:+~"~t~'" :'1 ~<1i, .,"- -.), I;;, ;.: . 1':<1-,,,,,,, ,(,.;-j ,,''!:~''''i~;;': ",,..~;;,.r ~.'~ '., -"'.~ '.,. :'.-..:- :'~,.', ,f:..; .tp, : ';.,'~"" :.~,.~j . _:>'.. ;.:" ,.,.':.:. ,..:,,~ '. r..," . "" ' .t,!. 'It:,':~l:r,,cq:, J:"'I'}11{;.::;~;~..l.V)~';.~:!~!:'i~~~1~....'\;.,~....~~~';M''''_.~r..~:=..u;\.,j.1{~!.'j~J.ri.f.:,"~;j~~i~;~i.:J.!'~,~_"'\J(l'i~:~'t..:~tj.;:~trzl'~';Jir:tf;;ii~,;~1:r~,~dV~ i.'."1f;""~':'N\::[.ti'.'11-,:.l~"')I,"l,,,I~!i~:i'\l.{~i~'i'.:,...,:..f,;.;,,~;';:.L~;' '.f>:;':,::,,,,;'~'j.t.'.;.'.:,,'.;:~'\~":}'l',l,::,