HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 10/4/2007 DO \~ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: 10/4/07 Total Number of Pages: 1 Regarding: Williams Bakery Fuel Station (DRC2007-000S2) To: Planning Solutions Inc. Linda Pauly, Planner City of Spri ngfield Development Services 225 5th Street . Springfield, OR 97477 Architecture Interior Architecture landscape Architecture land Use Pianning Environmental Planning Development Consulting Certified Arborist Graphic Arts Items Attached: COPY. 1 We Are Sending You: 1:8J. Attached 0 Under Separate Cover VIA: Fed Ex PSI Job Number: 071070 DATE. DESCRIPTION,., .,,' .,>,,- Set of Plans and Summary for LightinCJ . . J". ",,' Items Transmitted As Checked Below: o FOR APPROVAL 0 APPROVED AS SUBMmED ~ FOR YOUR USE 0 APPROVED AS NOTED ~ AS REQUESTED 0 RETURNED FOR ODRRECTIONS o FOR REVIEW AND ODMMENT o RESUBMIT FOR APPROVAL o SUBMIT COPIES FOR DISTRIBUTION o RETURN CORRECTED PRINTS o Remarks: Linda - I believe these were requested by the Building Department. Please let me know if you require further information. From: Debbie Mumford Copy: p:\2007 ptOjects\1070-wllllams bakery\1.D general\1.Ol communicatlons\lD70 t 100407 IIncla pauly.doc 1601 Broadway Street, Vancouver, Washington 9B663 Phone: (360) 750-9000 Fax: (360) 750-9201 Email: psi@planningsolutionsinc.com Oct 03 07 10:21a ]0-03-'07 08:27 F~ 23-2272944 p.1 T-955 1'~~Z/~~L l'-[(~ Form 2a SUMMARY Project Name:/ Williams Bakery Fuel Island J Page: I 1 Project 1. Project Name Williams Bake,v Fuel loland 2, Projee! Address 2000 Nugget Way 3, CllyfTown Sprindield. OR 5, County Lane 4, B\lildlng, GrOSll Area (1\2) N/A 8, No, 01 Floors N/A 7, Construction S~e Elevatlon Above 2.000 II? aYES ftl NO Attached Chaplet' Type ID DGscrip6on, Altach Forms and Suildlng ~/lVelope Form 3a Building Envelopa - Generlll a Worksheets 3b PraseripWe,Palh - All Climate Zones D . CodeComp Report ,for Simpliroed TIlIde-off 0 '/nHeuof3b . Floppy dlO(; w<<h .oee CodeCompfile a Check bo><os to . Wor1<sIleet 3a Wall U.laclor D indicate anachso 3b Roof lJ-lactor D forms and 30 Floor U-fector 0 worksheets 3d Window/Skylight Schedule D Systems Form 4e Systems - General D 4b Comp/aJC Systems D Worksheet 4a Unitary Air Conditione;;;. AJr CoOled 0 4b Unitary AJr COnd, - Waler & evapCoolcd 0 4c Unitary Heal Pump - Air Cooled 0 40 Unl1ary Heat Pump, Wator Cooled 0 4e Packaged Terminal A,C. - Air Cooled 0 4r Packaged Terminal Heal Pump - Air Cooled 0 4g We~ Chilling Pkgs - Waler & Air Cooled 1:1 4h Heat Rejection Equipment 1:1 4; Boller - Ga.-Fim and Oi~Fired 0 4j Fumace & Unit Heeters - Gao and Oil-Fired 0 4k Simultaneou'; Healing and Cooli"ll 0 41 AJr Transport Energy 1:1 4m Natural Ventilalion 0 Us"t/ng Form 5e lIgl1ling - General ~ 5b Interior Lighting Power - Tenant Method Se Inl, LIng. Power - SpBCll-by-Spaee Method D Work"heet sa Lighting Schedule 0 5b Inlerior Llghllng Power 0 Applicant, 17. Name IT"""")' Moreno 110. Telephone f50J-7Jl-S67 : 8. Company Williame lIak.ery 11_ Date 10/03/07 19. SKmature I.J....v.,AM.lryy!~) ID !3/.D..~ I Attached INt of Pages Description of llocumentBllon Document- Form 5a ation , I vUlll1oH1d111A, WWlUl U~ul... "..IIl.:LUloItl U IlU IJUJ Form 5a Project Name: I Wil1i.qtnQ 'R!;llra,..y P:.aliRgT~l~.ri;:~ j,1 page:1 LIGHTING - GENERAL Exceptions Discussion of qualifying exceptionslninstruclions section Plans/Specs Show compliance by Including a drawing sheet, detail number, and/orspecification section and subparagraph Exterior Build- ing Lighting Is lighting directed 10 iflumirialelheexleriorofthe building and adjacenl walkways -and loading 'areas with Qf without canopies. Clock Switches shall be astronomic {seasonal cOlTecting) type with separate programs for each day oflhe weElkand shall store energy tomainlairilimekeeping dUrjngpoweroutages ~-I 1. Interior Exceptions (Section 1313.1) D No Interior Lighting: The'building plans atld'specifications do not call for new or altered interior lighting, Skip 10 ilem 5, Exterior building lighting - General, below. o Exceptions. 1. The building or part of the building qualifies fOf an exception from code IJghling requirements. Applicable code exception is number: I 2. lighting equipment that qualifies for an exception ~ in '~ddition to general lighting and is separately controlled. Applicable code exception is number: I Areas' of the building and equipment that qualify for any exceptions: 2. Local Shut-olT controls (Section 1313.3,1.1) o Complies. At least one local shut-off lighting control for every 2,000 square feet of lighted floor area and for all spaces enclosed by walls or ceiling height partitions. This control is detailed in the building plans on drawing number: I I o Exception: The building or part of the building qualifies for an exception. Applicable code exception is Section 1313.3.1.1, Exception: Portiol1s of the building that qualify: 3. Automatic ShutolT Controls (Section 1313,3.1.2) o Not Applicable. Office floor area is not over 2,000 square feet of contiguous office floor area or permitted space,is not over 5,000 square feel. No offices less than 300 square feet, meeting or conference rooms, or school classrooms. o Complies. All interior lighting systems are equipped with a separate automatic control to shut off lighting during unoccupied periods. Offices, less than 300 square feet, meeting and conference rooms, and school cl.assrooms are equipped with occupancy sensors thatcomolv with Section 1313. Compliance details in plans/specs: . I o Exception. The building or part of the buil( Ing quallnes Tor an exceptIon. Applicable code ex~ption is Section 1313,3.1,2, Exception: I Portions of the building that qualify: 4. Dayllghting Controls (1313.3.1.3) o No classrooms. or atriums.with.skylights or window to wall ratio greater than 50%. o Complies. All classrooms and atriums with window to wall ratio greater than 50% and/or skylights are equipped with automatic daylight sensing controls, as required by Section 1313. and Section 1313.3.1',3.2, The daylight sensors specified comply with Section 1313: Compliance details in plans/specs: I 5. Exterior Lighting (Section 1313.5), . )( Compiles. The pl~ns do not call for use of incandescent ,or mercury vapor lamps for use on building exterior. o Exception. the,building.plans indicate.luminaires with incandescent or mercury vapor lamps, but are specified for use in or around swimming pools, water features, or other locations subject to requirements of Article 680 of the 2002 National Electrical Code. 6. 'Exterior and Canopy Lighting Controls (Section 1313.3.2) ]tl. Complies. The building plans and specifications include photoelectric and/or clock switches on aU exterior lighting systems which are designed and programmed to extinguish lights when daylight is present, as .required by Section 1313.3.2. 7. Connected Lighting Power (Section 1313.4) Dcomplies. The lighting power does not exceed the power allowance established in eith~r the Tenant Space Method (Form 5b) or the Space~by-Space Method (Form 5c). o Tenant Space Method (Form Sb) 0 Space-by~Space Method (Form 5c) V2.4,1 - Compliance w~h 2007 OSSC I I l