HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/13/2007 . City of Springfield 0 Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Application, Type II. o 't'"'~''''' '=""",_.~..l~ -, i'o1c~" 1 ';,l'\"'"'" '.'" .~~~ . 0J, , ;;~ ;'if '1; '''''if~ 4ft' ,. ,..-4f'<~ Application Ty,pe "! . ". . ~ (Applicant: check one). . ':', " . . . ' ,-. .. <0' Site Plan Re\iiew: . 0 . -. . :.Ma~or Site Plan Major Modification ~ ' . Applicant Name: Company: . Address: 7O/J1.D1Y~/J I WI U,//'M15 ~tn2V 1340 Ale Phone: SOd -73/-5679 Fax: I '/7P3- 731- 567<:5' '17232.. S tv n 6t/u-1t!.-r 50J I Pille AoI2.F? I Fax: 1360-578'-3"144- 1'''8/ mu//11g.,;?- /5!..VJ), UW6V1tJif/,,(,f/k 9t3b~;2. _ _.____0' "..__ ...._ ....... m .m.__.;'j' _ _....._.,.. _ ....._____..;' ".. .' ~ , << ;~~perty Owner: (Jill .;;0-5;;>>';:\ "W~'~"'" '" "-J;~~n~-;'I;b~'/;~;~-;6;~ =.. Company: I tv"Allre:P Sl~ .~ IFax: Iso3-7JI-S-67d" J :~~:~~;~ ~:;I!:;-f;l7F~:~~ L~;~:~~~,~,..,c"".;;;i .,. , Property Address: 2~ /l'tlflbrf wH - 0')00 (v-r) ! Size of Property: 14 ~ _ Acres ~ Square Feet 0 ~ropo~l:!~~.ame of~r.()ject;....f~ ~ V:;:77:'7V/ /t1)/)/Y7tJ/I/' .- _~;';:';;:;";''';''T''''_''',_;,-;,-:::::,,;;:~-:,:::,.._. ,_, ,,:':0:---..:-. ;c_."..... .".:.' . ..:"'--:...,c:." ...:.. _.. ",,';:''':'''.'... . -'-:::"L___...., __," _:..:.:,:,',:::::_,. ...,;,::;.'::":"-',..:;"'....",;,.,,.,., .:",':..:::'f ..,.....'..:i':-'.":::,,--, ,'--':'..", "..._, Description of ItJ!t}II7.A-FVen- SI;'.f7"f;Wl .~~ Proposal: ..e-va,";Q Of'- ~/t.,L,I/W1~ ~'T'~, # of Lots/Parcels: Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: sf Density: New Impervious Surface Coverage: sf Bldg. Gross Floor Area: ,~,';,'i:;~'F'1s:'::'':'n,:':;':'!;'.h,,::''':::Pi,::'''''' :;::;;i!::'::;~0":~::'rn;:"::<T?t-i'>,f"f,':~:;'i~--:f:;,,m;L~:'Jf;:::',':~!':'::..::-,C::~~~:j~i.;,: "'--' ,ci"'".i" "':v"d:;r:::~~~~"W"'~.'''f~0ffi::,.~~~'!;?t:'r''f'''::'::::':':0E0''~,:::'3i'':iff,__,_" . .' "'::,'. ';""= "=_~," Applicant's Rep.: Company: Address: ;1 II I . -. du/acre sf Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits 0 Associated . Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 :'_;::'::'"t-~:T,;;:,;::..,.-''':'''_ ~:::.""'::.".,:...".";;.-,,,:,,,,:,,,-.:..:.." Pre-Submittal Case No.: f!<.'2b>7- ~3Cf Case No.: Application Fee: _$ TOTAL FEE'S $ ~ PlitrZOo5-oooo4 Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones 5\JB Pi!::J ::ioO"-OOO~J Date: r;,/rs!a---:r Date: Technical Fee: $ Reviewed by: tc--~ Reviewed by: Postage Fee: $ ~(j ~ "" /-ZC./01 (1 ~ &\::) (\M 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ,. . .~... ~, ..,..,.....-- .-'. -, City of Springfield Official Receipt . evclopment Services Department . Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200700000000000391 Date: 06/13/2007 11:29:37AM Paid By PACIFIC NORTHERN ENVIRONEMENTAL GROUP Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tj 7732 In Person Amount Due 325.00 $325.00 Job/Journal Number PRE2007.00039 Description CTY Site Plan ModifY., Major Paymen's: Type of Paymeot Check Amount Paid $325.00 Payment Total: $325.00 . i...: cReceintl Page I of I 6/13/2007 I ..."t.l{".:~ ,..;j \' =",' 03~ 1\ :;:# IIOO,4t /2Ull i 41' 3G>~, ~ 3'ID), "I( :3qC>O I '1f lfrJ1JO ?'0:3'I2."",,7~O , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUN 1 3 2007 AFTER RECORDING. RETURN TO: UNTIL A CHANGE IS REQUESTED, SEND ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: JeffreyH. Keeney, Esq. Tonkon Torp LLP 1600 Pioneer Tower 888 SW Fifth Avenue Portland, OR 97204-2099 United States Bakery PO Box 14769 Portland, OR 97293-0769 WARRANTY DEED WILDISH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, an Oregon corporation, Grantor, conveys andwarrants to UNITED STATES BAKERY, an Oregon corporation, Grantee, an undivided 48.39 percent interest in that certain real property located in Lane County, Oregon, and more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto, free of all liens and encumbrances except those set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto. The true consideration for this conveyance is $1,019;816, (i) paid from proceeds ofa tax-deferred exchange under Section 1033 of the Internal Revenue Code, and (ii) paid to a qualified accommodator as part of a tax-d...K..,,,j exchange under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON~S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REOULA TIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO T?E PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. DATED this 1st day oOune, 2006. GRANTOR: Wll..mSH INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, an Oregon corporation livision of Chief Deputy Cler:-k .ane County Deeds and Records 2006-038519 Bv (2~ /l /Ji iL1 !7es A.,Wildish, President 111111111'1111111111 III IUI 111111 11111 11111111 $51,00 08119002006003 :5190060064 . . 06/02/200603:51:41 PM IPR-DEED .'Cnl=l Sln=9 CASHIER 04 . ;30.00 $11.00 $10.00 STATE OF OREGON ) ) 55, County of Lane ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on the 1st day of June, 2006, by James A. Wildish as President of Wildish Industrial Development CV<l'v.."tion, an Oregon corporation. ' . lfIlaAI.SEAI. . UNOA L HElIE . , NOTARY PIJlU:. 0Ral0II ~ COMMISSION NO.3974S9 MY COMMISSlDN ElIPIRBl 0CIll8Bl29, 2009 N~~~~ My commission expires: IC:Y Z ~/ t? q 000632\00194\681021 VOOI EXIllBIT A Legal Description of Parcel A Beiinnmg at the northwest corner of Lot I, Block 2 of Wildish Industrial Tracts as platted and rec<,Jrded in Book 56, Page II of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the west line of said Block 2 South 00002'25" West 723.16 feet to the'southwest corner of Lot 4, Block 2 I of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving said.west line and running along the south line ofSaid Lot 4, Block 2 South 89"57'35" East 183.25 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 4, BI~ck 2, said point being in the westefIy margin of Nugget Way, 25.0 feet from, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of Nugget Way; thence leaving the south line of said I:.ot 4, Bldck 2 and rnnning along the westerly margin of Nugget Way South 00002'25" West 166.26 , feet and along the arc of a 70.00 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 14"25'45" I ' EaSt 34.98 feet) a distance of 35.36 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 5, Block 2 of said Wildish IndUstrial Tracts; thence leaving the westerly margin of Nugget Way and running along the south lin~ of said Lot 5, Block 2 South 61 006'00" West 152.59 feet to the southwest corner of said Lot 5, Block 2; thence leaving said south line and running South 36006'25" West 273.98 feet to a pofu.t on the northerly boundary of the AsWand Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way, said point being 30.0 feet northerly of, when measured at right angles to the centerline of / the:AsWandLine of the Southern Pacific Railroad'right of way; thence along said northerly bo~dary the AsWand Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way North 53054'33" West 148048 feet to a point marking the intersection of the northerly boundary of AsWandLine of the , SOlithern Pacific Railroad right of way and the east line of the C.B. Sweet D.L.C. No. 38 in To~hip 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence along the east line of the C.B. Sweet D.L.C. No. 38 North 00010'26" East 71.66 feet to a point marking the intersection of the!east line of the e.B. Sweet D.L.e. No. 38 and a line parallel to and 88.0 feet northerly of the ceriterline of the AsWand Line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way thence leaving the east line of said C.B. Sweet D.L.e. No. 38 and running wong the northerly line of said AsWand Lirie of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way North 53054'33" West 291 040 feet to a point which is 75.0 feet easterly of when measured at right angles to the "Y Line" of the South Pacific Railroad; thence along a line parallel to and 75.0 feet easterly of the centerline of the "Y Line" of . thel Southern Pacific Railroad along the arc of a 500.00 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears North 2052'21" West 777.55 feet) a distance of 890.76 feet to a point marking the int~rsection of the easterly margin of the "Y Line" of the Southern Pacific Railroad and the south mai-ginof County Road No. 443, said point being 30.0 feet southerly of, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of County Road No. 443 as said centerline is established in C.S.F. No. 27798; thence leaving the easterly margin <if the "Y Line" of the Southern Pacific Railroad and I11I\ning along the southerly margin of County Road No. 443 North 89059'02" East 277.32 feet to, . a p~int marking the intersection of said southerly margin and the east line of the C.B. Sweet D.L.C. No. 38'in Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the WiIlametteMeridian; thence along the' eaSt line of said e.B. SweetD.L.C. No. 38 North 00010'26" East 6.77 feet to a point marking th~ intersection of the east line of the e.B. Sweet D.L.C.No. 38 and the south margin of County Ro~d No. 443, said point being 30.0 feet southerly of when measured atright angles to the ceriterline of County Road No. 443 as said centerline)s establjshed in the plat ofWildish Industrial Tracts as platted and recorded in Book 56, Page I I of the Lane County Oregon Plat , . i . . Records; thence leaving the east line of the C.B. Sweet D.L.C. No. 38 and rnnn;ng along the south margin of County Road No. 443 North 64"41'10"East 243.99 feet to the point of beginning all in Lane County Oregon. ' Legal Description of Parcel B BeJummg at the northwest comer of Lot 1, Block 2 of Wild ish Industrial Tracts as platted and recbrded in Book 56, Page I I of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the west 'line of said Block 2 South 00.02'25" West 426,66 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence No~ 89"20'24" East 183.26 feet to a point on the west margin of Nugget Way, said point being 25.00 feet from when measured at right angles to the centerline of Nugget Way; thence along the we~ margin of Nugget Way South 00002'25" West 298,74 feet to the southeast comer of Lot 4, Bl~k 2 of said Wildish Industrial Tracts; thence leaving the west margin of Nugget Way and runhing along the south'boundary of said Lot 4, Block 2 North 89"57'35" West 183.25 feet to the soJthwest comer of said'Lot 4, Block 2; thence North 00"02'25" East 296.50 feet to the True' Poiht of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. < , . EMiUUT B Permitted Exceptions 1. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the, City of Eugene, recorded December 15,1967, Reception No. 8194, Lane County Official Records. 2. Easements as shown on the recorded plat ofWildishlndustrial Tracts; except that portion of the railroad easement along the Westerly boundary of Block 2, vacated by City of Springfield Ordinance No. 6139, recorded April 5, 2006, Reception No. 2006-023042, Lane County Official Records. 3.: Easements for utilities over and across the premises formerly included within the boundaries of the vacated railroad easement vacated by City of Springfield Ordinance No. 6139, recorded April 5, 2006, Reception No. 2006-023042 Lane County Official Records, if any such exist, as reserved therein. 4. WildishIndustrial Park Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, including the terms and provisions thereof(but omitting covenants or restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state. or federal laWs, .except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law) recorded February 29, 1996, Reception No. 9613731, Lane County Deeds and Records. 5. Declaration of Easement for Access, Utilities and Provisions for Maintenance, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded October 4, 2005, Reception No. 2005-078938, Lane County Official Records. ' 6. Glenwood Urban Rene",al Plan, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded December 14,2004, Reception No. 2004-095229, Lane County Deeds and Records. 7.' Modified Improvement A6<......=ent Including Notice of Potential Assessment Lien, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City of Springfield andWildish Industrial Development Corporation, .recorded June 6, 2005, Reception No. 2005-040666, Lane County Official Records. 8. Public utility easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, recorded June 6, 2005, Reception No. 20p5-040668, Lane County Official Records. 9. Public utility easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, recorded June 6, 2005, Reception No. 2005-040669, .Lane County Official Records. 10. Public utility easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, recorded June 6, 2005, Reception No. 2005-040670, Lane County Official Records. ' . . . ~ II. Public utility easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, recorded June 6, 2005, Reception No. 2005-040671 ,Lane County Official Records. 12. Public utility easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, recorded May 5, 2006, Reception No. 2006-031288, Lane County Official Records. . ~, ~ .i' , , '..', "', '," e, . Cleatedh n ical . .'" .-' "': :,In:V~sti,9'~ti:~)~'' PRE~S4B~mALRECID'. .' JUtt13"tOO? ",' ",'- :., , ...., ';"", '-" ,:,- 'W,illiarn~:~~'ke~i:lvVI6qSite) . ,'.- .'Sp.ri ngfiel c1> qregq rr "" ',-.,'" -'-'-,, . .. "., 'r. "'," " ",,-. 1_.' "';. ',;. , .'~'." ';, .... Prej:>'cireci,f.Qr: " -, , ~.-., ., -;', .:>- ,i, ..... i;' '. :.1 .' VYildish;Cphstru c:tiod '.C,6rr:lr>ciI1Y" Eog~ne'iO~eg()n .... ....,., .- .'," " " ','-' ',.' .. , , " '.' "" .1VI~y:1'7)'200!;) : :.:~. :-:"":.. " ':.: . .', .' -....... : ,... -. ".".~.. ".", ,.."....... ."", ,....~. ~"".. ..F()tirlaati6hitrt.gi#~~fihg,'Ihc~ " '. . . .... .': 't - .... .':, .!" -". :~. .,; :~ " " ;-,' 'f' ~. " Ili'iiUh ulil]~1 . .... FOllndationEngitleering, Inc. . . ':' " .:. .:. :" .,' ..,.'" . Projessiont!IGe6tec.h1icqlServices . '. ' . '~'. " . I'" .. , RandyHledik vitildi~hConstriJction Company P:d:Box742Si", '. Eugehe/OR9740E0448 " ,:-' ;"'", ~. " May 1'z, 2005 <', " . . ",.,.",- .,,<;- .. . . '. wiliiain~BakerY:{WI(}o.Site) . ..... ,G~otechhi6<1llnv~stigilii<>~' . ,Spdngfi~i~;dregpn' .' " , . . .. '- - - . 'Proiect205<1023.. '; '/ '''.,-. . ,. . ,', . -.'. ".-.,.," DeafMr.,'Hledik: ;., ~ ' -. .. ....; We haVe compl\lted th''e, requested Bakery :in 'Springfield, Oregon, ., ':' ..., .-, fo'undatidninvestigation for th'e,rieVvWilli'8rTl; .... '--:-:,". ': ',-. ~'" -", '-.' '. .. <. .' .:..." - '< '...- ::>", . ":" .~ . . 6ui;epo;i'it1clud~sadesCr'ipii~n 6fourvVo;k;adiscus~ion ;of the site66r"ditio~s,'il .' " summary'.of' laboratory:.. testirig~fi~ ,a' 'Cliscussio~' . oft;lnginee}ing:aiiaiyses. , ',:_' " _ . . " --' _'h -',' .' . . _." .' . ',', .," t. ..... '.j . _"', '.'.'..'._ _ ~. . . . _ . Recommendations' for' site'preparation,'seismic'desigri, 'fburidatiof'i,design. and coristrudiori;and,c6h~tr8Gtib~'0fpavei'nents~r~encI6sed. ". . .' ., .... . .', ". , -, .... ;. :.. ~ . . . ~'. ''-' .~. . '. ,. ,. . - '. ", ,.' . ' ' . "'. . .- - . " . ,::,--:'",:" ,," :".;, . Ii:; h~~ ;be~ri'il'pleasur~assist'i~gyoU vVith, thi~pha~e . 6f VOtiiprCljeCt: rleasedo: not . hesitate t9 contact.i'isity~u, hayeahyquestibrjs Clr if'YOlJrequire fyrther a~sistance; , '. -'.:. ...',' :,-. .,. , .. " , '.- ',: .- , . . ,.... - ".; "". " . , "SincereIY,'; .' ;' j; FOUNDA TIONENGINEERING,INt. ,'. .. "'- ,.. -. ',... ' -..' . . ~ ,'- . ", , lJd 11" - - -'" ,"', ;". ,.~ . ~ c ~/); .......'.'........;q';E"'.' ,'.: . )Ifr/;; " ", '.. '. ", . '. '.... fU~' , - , , . - -- . . " . , '.. . "," .. . . .. . ,- . 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GEOTECHNICAL INVESTlGA TlON WILLIAMS BAKERY (WIDC SITE) SPRINGRELD,OREGON BACKGROUND Williams Bakery plans to build a new facility in Springfield, Oregon, The site includes several parcels southwest of the intersection of 19th Avenue and Nugget Way. The :t 20-acre property is currently undeveloped and includes Tax Lots 1100, 1200, 1300, 3600, 3700, 3800, 3900 and the southern half of 4000. Foundation Engineering, Inc, previously conducted geotechnical investigations of the northern portion of the site for Wild ish Industrial Development Corp. The findings of those investigations were summarized in two separate geotechnical reports. The northwest portion of the site is addressed in a report for Wild ish Industrial Park North Site (Site A) dated February 7, 2001. The northeast portion of the site is addressed in a report for Wild ish Industrial Park North Site (Site B) dated January 19, 2001. We also prepared a brief memorandum dated September 28', 2004, summarizing geotechnical considerations for the feasibility of the project. The proposed' development includes a :t 120,000 SF industrial building and associated parking and truck loading/unloading areas. The building will have a finished floor elevation (FFE) of 440.5 feet and will include dock.high walls at several locations. The foundations are expected to include perimeter strip footings and spread footings. We understand that some of the equipment will be supported on mat foundations, The design effort is being lead by Thompson Viavoda & Associates Architects (TVA). The parcel was owned by Wild ish Building Co. (Wildish) who is conducting the preliminary site grading and building pad preparation. Foundation Engineering, Inc. was retained by Wild ish to provide geotechnical services through the design phase. FIELD EXPLORATION We dug 8 exploratory test pits on February 16, 2005, using a conventional backhoe. The approximate locations of the test: pits, as well as the previous exploration at'the site, are shown on Figure 1 A (Appendix A). The test pits extended to maximum depths of :t 6 to 11 feet. Disturbed soil samples were obtained for possible laboratory testing. Undrained shear strength measurements were made on the test pit side walls using a Torvane shear device where it was possible, however, the soil was typically too friable to obtain representative test results, The soil profile, sampling depths and strength measurements are summarized on the appended test pit logs (Appendix B). Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield, Oregon 1. May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 WiJdish Construction Company DISCUSSION OF SITE CONDITIONS Site Topoqraphv and Veqetation The site is relatively flat with ground surface elevations ranging from :t EI. 437 to 440 over most of the proposed development area. The site also includes fill that appears to have been end-dumped in piles at various locations across the site. The fill is comprised of various soils and construction debris, The northern portion of the site slopes up slightly to the adjacent road (19th Avenue E). Vegetation across the site is limited to grass and short brush. Scattered trees occupy the northern edge and western border of the property. Subsurface. Conditions Subsurface conditions vary with location. The general soil profile encountered during our exploration includes: Fill. StockJJiled .fill was noted along the southern and western portion of the site above native grades. However, our exploration at the northern half of the building area encountered fill material at various locations below the existing vegetated ground surface, The consistency of the fill varies with location and includes granular mixtures of sand, gravel, silt and clay. The fill material consists of sand, silt or clayey silt, similar to the surficial alluvium at some locations. Therefore, the contact between fill and native alluvium was not always able to be clearly identified. Topsoil, A topsoil layer was encountered in most of the test pits with the exception of Tp.1 and TP-2, which contained surficial fill. The topsoil is typically :t 1 to 2 feet thick and consists of dark brown, low to medium plasticity silt to clayey 'silt with some organics. The topsoil was damp and soft to medium stiff at the time of our exploration. Silt. The topsoil is underlain by medium stiff, low to medium plasticity silt to clayey silt. The thickness of the silt varies across the site from :t 1.5 to 6.5 feet, with depths as great as :t 7,5 feet encountered at the northern extent of our exploration (Tp.3). This stratum typically grades to sandy silt within the bottom :t 1 to 2 feet of the layer. The silt was damp at the time of our exploration. Sand. The sandy silt transitions to medium dense, fine to medium coarse sand below a depth of :t 3 to 7 feet. The thickness of the sand ranges from :t 1 to 2.5 feet and extends to depths ranging from :t4 feet (TP-8) to 10 feet (Tp.1). ~he sand was damp at the time of our exploration. Gravel. The sand and silt are underlain byderise to very dense, sandy gravel and cobbles. The gravel and cobbles are rounded to subrounded and fine to coarse. Cobbles as large as :t 10 inches in diameter were noted. The gravel and cobbles extend to'the limits of our exploration (:t 1,1 feet). Williams Bakery (WlDC Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield, Oregon 2, May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 Wildish Construction Company Ground Water Ground water was encountered.in Tp.1 and Tp.2 at depths of :t 9.8 and 10.5 feet, respectively. Based on our 'observation, we believe that the ground water table was located close to a depth of :t 10 feet throughout the site during our exploration. The water likely fluctuates seasonally and with periods of wet weather. FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTING In-situ Permeability Tests In.situ infiltration tests were performed at the site, on July 19, 2004, to estimate the relative permeability of the soils within :t 1 to 2 feet of the ground surface. The tests were conducted at two locations (P.1 and P-2), The approximate test locations are shown on Figure 1 A. A :t 3.inch ID PVC pipe was installed in each test hole with the tip at or slightly below the desired test depth. The pipes were filled with water to saturate the soil at the test depth and the tests were subsequently conducted by recording the change in the water level over time, The soils encountered at the test depth in the explorations typically consist of medium stiff silt to clayey silt. These soils are consistent with the soils encountered in the other test pits throughout the site. The test data suggests an in.situ permeability of :t 1 . 7x1 O' cm/s at P.1 and :t 2.8x10'3 cm/s at P-2. Based on the variability of the silt, we recommend assuming a nominal permeability of :t 1 .Ox 10'5 cm/s for the silt which is expected in the upper :t 5 feet of the soil profile, Laboratory Testinq Laboratory testing was limited to index testing including natural water contents and Atterberg limits on selected soil samples to classify the soils and estimate their overall en'gineering properties. The test results suggest the surficial fine.grained soils consist of low plasticity silt and clay. Results of the laboratory testing are summarized on Table 1 C (Appendix C). DISCUSSION OF: GEOTECHNICAL ISSUES Excavation Conditions The bulk of the site preparation has recently been completed. Excavation is being conducted during wet weather months and exposing medium stiff silt and clay alluvium over much of the building pad. It will not be practical to compact these soils, therefore, the work has included measures to minimize soil disturbance throughout construction. The excavation work will require the use of a tracked excavator equipped with a smooth bucket operati,ng outside the excavation area. Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield, Oregon 3. May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 Wildish Construction Company The exposed subgrade will be susceptible to disturbance including softening due to exposure to wet-weather and rutting and pumping under construction traffic. Therefore, it will be critical. to cover the excavated subgrade soils as soon as practical and to prevent construction traffic on the subgrade. Our exploration suggests that the soft surficial topsoil extends to depths of :!: 1 2 to 24 inches below grade. Therefore, we have assumed a nominal stripping depth of 12 inches will be required over the entire building pad area, We understand that , this material along with the fill stockpiles will be hauled from the site. The stripping depth may be adjusted at isolated locations depending on the depth of the building pad fill, organic content of the soil, and consistency of the exposed soil. However, this determination will have to be made in the field at the time of construction. Our current and previous work encountered deeper fill deposits on the northern portion of the site. Therefore" approximately the north half of the building will require deeper excavations to mitigate the existing fill. Our exploration did not encounter extremely soft or organic deposits within the fill areas. However, the material is variable and does not appear to have had consistent compactive effort applied during initial placement. Therefore, we believe that it is prudent to remove the upper portion of the fill and construct a thickened building pad in this area. For purposes of preliminary grading, we believe that it is prudent to assume that the northern portion of the building pad excavation will extend to :!: EI. 435 to mitigate the existing fill. We anticipate that the actual depth required to remove unsuitable fill materials will vary over the excavation area. Therefore, ex<;:avation of the northern portion of the building will require continuous geotechnical oversight to evaluate the required depth of excavation to mitigate the fill material. Construction Access A significant volume of construction traffic is anticipated during preliminary site grading to import the building pad fill and remove the existing fill materials from the site. Construction access in areas to be used for future pavements or structures may include a built up haul road to minimize disturbance to the underlying silt and clay subgrade. We anticipate that construction access will require, a minimum of 2.5 feet of granular fill material over a geotextile fabric constructed over the stripped ground surface. . ~ Buildin,q Pad Section and Construction The building pad should be constructed as the work progresses to minimize the exposure of the subgrade to wet weather conditions. Asubgrade geotextile fabric should be utilized to provide separation between the silt and clay subgrade and' imported granular fill. We have assumed that 6-inch minus, bar-run gravel will be used to construct the lower portion of the building pad fill. The bar-run gravel may become overly wet and impractical to properly compact during periods of heavy rainfall. Therefore, work may have to be suspended during extended wet weather. Alternatively, a higher quality, crushed gravel or angular quarry rock may be used during periods of sustained heavy rainfall. Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield, Oregon 4. May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 Wild ish Construction Company We recommend placement and compaction of a thickened initial lift of granular fill to minimize disturbance to the subgrade, The initial lift of granular fill (bar-run gravel) should be placed in ,a loose lift, :!: 18 inches thick and compacted. Construction traffic on the initial lift of fill should be limited to compaction equipment and minimal truck traffic to continue placement of fill. Areas of repeated truck traffic should be built up to provide a minimum of 2.5 feet of granular fill over the subgrade. Additional lifts of granular fill should be placed and compacted in :!: 12-inch thick, loose lifts as needed. Adequate compaction of the bar-run gravel should be documented by periodic ,observation of the compaction procedure ,and proof.rolling of the gravel surface using a loaded 10 yd.3 dump truck or other suitable piece of construction equipment. The granular fill should be capped with a nominal 12-inch thick lift of crushed % or 1-inch minus gravel. The crushed rock should be compacted to 95 % relative compaction (ASTM D 698). ENGINEERING ANALYSIS We understand that the building is expected to have relatively light foundation loads, however, some portions of the structure may be required to support moderate equipment loads. It is assumed that the building area will be raised slightly above the surrounding ground surface to facilitate surface drainage. Bearinq Capacity We estimated the bearing capacity of conventional (i.e., spread, or coiltinuous) footings placed:!: 18 inches below the ground,surface, on granular fill underlain by native soil. Torvane measurements were difficult to obtain due to the friable nature of the soil. One Torvane measurement was taken in the clayey silt and indicated an undrained shear strength of 0.4 tsf. Drained and undrained shear strengths were estimated in order to determine an allowable bearing pressure. Our calculations suggest an'allowable bearing pressure of :!: 2,500 psf with atypical factor of safety of 3 is appropriate for the new structure. This analysis assumes that the continuous (wall) footings will have a nominal width of 18 inches and will bear on a minimum of 12 inches of compacted granular fill. Spread footings should have a minimum width of 24 inches and be underlain by a minimum of 12 inches of compacted granular fill. In addition, we assumed that the granular fill will extend a minimum of 12 inches outside the footprint of the footing. Similar assumptions were made'for isolated mat foundations, Settlement We did not perform a formal analysis of foundation settlement because of the relatively modest foundation loads, the observed stiffness of the fine-grained soils and the presence of shallow gravels. We recommend assuming nominal values for total and differential settlements of :!: 1 ,inch and % inch, respectively, if site preparation' and foundation design recommendations provided in this, report are followed. Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnicallnvestig?tion Springfield, Oregon . 5. May 17, 2005 Proi.ect 2051023 Wild ish Construction Company Pavement Ana/vsis We conducted analysis for the truck driveway/loading dock and parking lot areas. The base rock sections in these areas were constructed concurrent with the building pad over an uncompacted subgrade. We also conducted analysis to account for additional truck traffic on 19th Avenue. We understand that U.S. Bakery estimates for truck traffic include 21 triple-trailers (105,000, Ib/GVW) per day. We assumed a nominal 100 route trucks (12,000 Ib/GVW) per day would be used for delivery, Our analysis suggests that a section consisting of a minimum 5 inches of asphaltic concrete (AC) over 6 inches of base aggregate (Select Fill) and 18 inches of subbase (bar.run gravel) will be appropriate for the truck driveway and loading dock areas. If a rigid pavement is preferred, we recommend using a minimum thickness of 7 inches of Portland cement concrete (PCC). The PCC should be underlain by a minimum 2 to 4 inches of base leveling course over 18 inches of subbase. Based on the size of the proposed parking lot, we estimated a daily traffic of 400 cars and light pickup trucks and 2 medium size delivery trucks (36,000 Ib/GVW), We also estimated 1 to 2 heavy trucks (80,000 Ib/GVW) per month to represent extreme loading condition (e.g, fire truck). An M, value of 10,000 psi was assumed for analysis based on our observation of sandy gravel subgrade material in the parking lot area. This M, value assumes that any soft to medium stiff silt'soils would be removed. Our analysis indicates that the new parking lot' should have a minimum flexible pavement section consisting of a nominal 3 inches 'of AC over 12 inches of base rock consistihg of Select Fill. The base rock may be reduced to 9 inches in ancillary drive aisles and parking spaces, where larger vehicles are not permitted. Analysis for a pavement overlay on 19th Avenue was based on the assumed traffic including the additional truck traffic generated from the new bakery. Our evaluation used traffic data for 19th Avenue provided by David Evans and Associates. The projected increase in traffic volumes suggests that the structural number of the pavement section would need to be increased by ,0.43 to accommodate the additional traffic expected on 19th. Therefore, an overlay thickness of 1 % inches would be adequate to accommodate the increase in traffic at the current level of performance for the pavement. A 20-year design life was assumed for the analysis. However, a nominal 2-inch overlay should be planned at about 12 years. The Asphalt Institute (TAl) recommends overlaying flexible pavements whe'n 60% of the structure life is used. Research has shown that overlaying pavements at that time is more cost-effective than a full-depth repair after the pavement has failed. The pavement should be inspected by an experienced engineer every 5 years to determine its condition and need for rehabilitation. Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield, Oregon 6. May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 Wildish Construction Company Retaininq Wall Desjqn We understand that the proposed building will include dock-high walls that will act as retaining structures. Lateral earth pressures for these walls were estimated assuming at"rest (Ko) conditions, An equivalent fluid density of 55 pcf is recommended for retaining wall design based on the assumed rigidity of the wall and the method of backfill compaction. This value, assumes that the walls will be backfilled with Select Fill. Drained conditions were also assumed. We have assumed a minimum uniform surcharge of :t 300 psf will be acting on the building slab adjacent to the retaining walls. Therefore, we recommend a nominal uniform lateral pressure of :t 130 psf be considered acting on the wall. RECOMMENDATIONS Material Specifications and Compaction Reauirements 1. Select Fill as defined in this report should consist of 1 or %-inch minus, clean (i.e., less than 5% passing the #200 U.S. Sieve), well-graded, crushed gravel or rock. We should be provided a sample of the intended fill for approval, prior to delivery to the site, , 2. Granular Site Fill should consist of 6-inch minus sand, gravel or rock, or mixtures of the above that are free of plastic clay, organic matter or construction debris. It should be understood that the use of sandy fill with rounded particles (i,e., bar-run gravel) may delay construction during wet weather if it cannot be adequately compacted. We should be ,provided a sample of the intended fill for approval, prior to delivery to the site. 3, Fine-grained Site Fill should consist of approved soil that is free of organics, construction debris, or expansive clay. Unless approved by us, silts or clays should not be placed under foundation areas or under settlement-sensitive structures. 4, Drain Rock should consist of 2-inch minus, clean (less than 2 % passing the #200 sieve), open.graded gravel or rock. 5, The Separation Geotextile should have Mean Average Roll Value (MARV) strength properties meeting the requirements of an AASHTO M 288-2000 Class 2 geotextile. The geotextile shall have MARV hydraulic properties meeting the requirements of AASHTO M 288-2000 (geotextile for separation) with a permitivitygreater than 0.05 sec'-' and an Apparent Opening Size (AOS) less than 0.6 mm. Williams Bakery"(WIDC Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield, Oregon 7. May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 Wildish Construction Company 6. Filter Fabric should consist of a non-woven geotextile with a grab tensile strength greater than 200 lb., an apparent opening size (AOS) of between #70, and 100 (US Sieve) and a permitivity greater than ,0.1 sec", 7. Compact the subgrade, where recommended, and all impOrted fill to 95% relative compaction. The maximum dry density of ASTM D 698 should be used as the standard for estimating the relative compaction. Efficient compaction of predominately fine-grained materials (i.e., subgrade) will require the use of a pad foot or kneading roller. Fine-grained soils may also require moisture conditioning prior to compaction to adjust the natural moisture content to within :!: 2 % of its optimum value. Moisture conditioning may include ripping and aeration for soils too wet of optimum or ripping and wetting if the soils are too dry of optimum. Efficient compaction of granular fills will require a smooth drum, vibratory roller. Field density tests should be run frequently to confirm adequate compaction of the subgrade and imported fills. Granular fills should be proof-rolled using a loaded, 1 0-yd3 dump truck or other approved vehicle. Efficient compaction of the section should be evaluated by an FEI representative. Areas of pumping or deflection observed beneath the truck wheels may be reworked, or overexcavated and replaced with compacted Select Fill and proof-rolled again, 8. Place and compact all imported granular fill in loose lifts not exceeding 12 inches to the standard specified above, Thinner lifts may be required if light or hand-operated equipment is used. An initial thickened lift is recommended for construction of the building pad fill over uncompacted subgrade. ' 9. Overexcavate all test pits that extend under buildings and pavements. Replace the test pit backfill with Select Fill placed in maximum 12-inch thick loose lifts and compacted as specified above. 10. Provide' contractors with a copy of this report to review recommendations for wet weather site preparation and foundation construction, and the soil and rock conditions encountered in the test pits. We should be provided an opportunity to meet with the contractor prior to construction to discuss the site conditions and the contractor's approach to site preparation. Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnicalln'vestigation Springfield, Oregon 8. May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 Wildish Construction Company Site Preparation (Buildin,q) , Site preparation will occur during wet yveather. Prepare the building area as follows: 11. Strip the existing ground as required to remove all topsoil, The stripping depth should accommodate a, minimum 36cinch thick building pad. Dispose of all strippings outside of construction areas, 12. Overexcavate all test pits and replace the test pit backfill with compacted Select Fill. 13. Excavate for utilities to the required grade. Inform contractors that water infiltration may be encountered at shallow depths during the winter, months, based on the infiltration encountered in the test pits. ,Trenches should be pumped dry prior to placing the backfill. Trench backfill that extends beneath the new building, pavements and hardscapes should consist of Select Fill placed and compacted as specified above. Shore all excavations to protect workers from sloughing or caving soils according Oregon OSHA requirements for Type C soils. 14. Stripping during wet weather should be completed in sections with a hoe equipped with a smooth bucket to minimize exposure to weather and disturbance of the subgrade. The excavator should operate from 'outside of the excavation or from a thickened rock section extending into the excavation. Do not expose more subgrade than can be covered with granular fill the same day and do not compact the subgrade. Do not permit vehicles or construction equipment on the subgrade unless they are supported on a minimum of 24 inches of compacted granular fill. I , 15. Place a Separation Geotextile on the prepared subgrade that meets the requirements specified above. : The geotextile should be laid smooth, without wrinkles or folds in the 'direction of construction traffic. Overlap adjacent rolls a minimum of 3' feet. Pin fabric overlaps or place the building pad fill in a manner that will not separate the overlap during construction. Seams that have separated will require removal of the building pad fill to establish the required overlap, 16. Place a minimum of 36 inches: of granular fill to construct the building pad. If desired, the bottom of ~he pad may consist of Granular Site Fill capped with a minimum of 12 inches of Select Fill. Initial loads of rock should be placed by end-dumping adjacent to the excavation and spreading the rock onto the fabric using a light dozer. Subsequent loads may be spread from a thickened access ramp that extends onto, the fabric. The initial lift should beet 18 inches thick and compacted using a large vibratory roller. Do not allow co~tinuous construction traffic on the rock section until a minimum of 24 inches of rock is placed. Williams Bakery, (WIDe Site) Geotechnical.lnvestigation Springfield, Oregon 9. May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 Wild ish Construction Company Foundation Desiqn and Construction 17. Design all continuous wall footings, isolated column footings, and mat foundations using an allowable bearing pressure of 2.5 ksf, This value may be increased by one-third for analysis using temporary live (wind and earthquake) loads, 18. Assume that all the buildings could experience total and differential settlements of :t 1 inch and :t % inch, respectively, if the footings are designed and built as specified herein. 19, Provide a minimum footing width of 18 inches for all continuous footings and 24 inches for all ,isolated column footings. Place at least 12 inches of compacted granular fill beneath all footings. The fill under the foundation (if not continuous) should extend at least 12 inches , beyond the edges of all footings, Place the base of all footings at least 18 inches below the subgrade, except for thickened slabs or turned-down slab edges. 20. Design the building assuming the seismic parameters provided in Table 1, These values are based on IBC 2003 (Section 1615). The corresponding response spectr~m for the IBC 2003 General Procedure (Section 1615.1) is shown in Figure 2A (Appendix A). The response spectrum is based on the most recently updated USGS maps. The liquefaction potential of the foundation soils is negligible because the stiffness and plasticity of the fine-grained soils and density of the underlying sands and gravels. Table 1. IBe 2003 Seismic Design Parameters Site Class Ss S, F, F, SMS SM' Sos so, C 0,65 0,32 1,14 1.49 0,74 0.47 0.49 0,31 Notes: 1. 5s and 51 were established using USGS 2002~maximum considered earthquake spectral acceleration maps for 2 % probability of exceedence in 50 years. 2, F. and F, were established based on IBC 2003. Tables 1615,1,2(1) and 1615,1.2(2) using the selected 55 and 51 values. 3. 50S and SOl values include a 2/3 reduction on SMS and SMl as discussed in IBC 2003 Section 1615. 21. Excavate for footings using a hoe equipped with a smooth bucket to reduce subgrade disturbance. the excavations should be deep enough to accommodate a minimum of 12 inches of compacted granular fill beneath the footing. Excavations terminating in native silts should have a minimum undrained shear strength of 0.4 tsf that should be verified byan FEI representative. Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield. Oregon 10. May 17.2005 Proiect 2051023 Wildish Construction Company 22. Overexcavate any fill encountered in footing excavations, The overexcavation should extend to native silt or sand, Backfill the overexcavated areas using compacted Select Fill. 23. Dewater the excavations prior to placing backfill. This may require the use of temporary sumps to keep the excavation dry during backfilling. 24. Use a modulus of subgrade reaction, k" of 250 kcf for floor slab design. This value assumes that the slabs will be supported on a minimum of 12 inches of compacted granular fill underlain by undisturbed subgrade. Reinforce all floor slabs to reduce cracking and warping. 25. Provide a suitable vapor barrier under the slab that is compatible with the proposed floor covering and the method of slab curing. The type and placement of the vapor barrier depends on the method of slab curing and schedule for installing the floor surfaces. Therefore, this item should be reviewed by the flooring manufacturer, contractor and project engineer and/or architect. 26, Provide a minimum of 12 inches of compacted select fill under all other isolated concrete slabs and sidewalks. Draina,qe for Buildin,qs and Loadinq Docks 27. Install foundation drains along the perimeter of the building. The drains should consist of 3 or 4.inch diameter, perforated or slotted, PVC pipe wrapped in a Filter Fabric. The flowline of the pipe should be set at least 18 inches below the ground surface. The pipe should be bedded in at least 4 inches of Drain Rock and backfilled to within 6 inches of the ground surface with Drain Rock, , The entire mass of Drain Rock should be wrapped in a similar filter fabric that laps at least 12 inches at the top. 28. Provide subslab drainage under the deepest portion of the loading dock pavement. The drainage system should consist of two or more trenches running the width of the pavement. The trenches should be at least 12 inches wide, 24 inches deep, lined with Filter Fabric and backfilled with Drain Rock. The top of the trench backfill should extend to the bottom of the base rock. A 3-inch diameter, slotted or perforated pipe should be placed in the bottom of the trench and bedded in at least 4 inches of Drain Rock. 29. Provide clean-outs at appropriate locations for future maintenance of the drainage systems. 30. Discharge by gravity flow into the nearest storm drain. If necessary, discharge the water into a common sump and pump it into the nearest storm drain. Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield. Oregon 11 . May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 Wildish Construction Company Retaining Walls The following recommendations are appropriate for the design and construction of retaining walls: 31. Use an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf for the design of retaining wall footings. 32. Provide a minimum of 12 inches of compacted Select Fill beneath the footing of retaining walls. 33, Provide drainage for the retaining walls as discussed in Item 27. Drains should be placed behind the face of the retaining wall, above the footing. 34. Use compacted Select Fill for the balance of the wall backfilL 35. Use an equivalent fluid density of 55 pet to represent lateral earth pressure for retaining wall design. 36. Assume an additional uniform lateral load of 130 psf to account for surcharge loads acting on the retained soiL 37. Use an allowable coefficient of friction of 0.45 to estimate the sliding resistance between the retaining wall footings and underlying Select FilL Sub,qrade Preparation and Pavement Construction (Wet Weather) The subgrade preparation for the truck driveway/loading area and the parking area will occur when the subgrade is too wet for compaction and to support construction traffic without a thickened base rock section. We recommend subgrade preparation and pavement construction be completed as follows: 38. Strip the existing ground :t 6 inches, or as required to remove roots and sod. Dispose of all strippings outside of construction areas. 39. Excavate to the required subgrade elevation using a hoe equipped with a smooth bucket. The excavation should extend to the depth required to provide a minimum of 24 inches of base rock and subbase. Overexcavate areas of plastic clay, organic soils, or materials that are soft or have been disturbed by construction traffic. Do not expose more subgrade than can be covered with the geotextile and base rock the same day. . 40. Do not attempt to, compact the subgrade. Haul trucks and other construction traffic should be staged from a thickened access ramp to protect the subgrade from disturbance. Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield, Oregon 12. May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 Wildish Construction Company 41, Place a Separation Geotextile on the prepared subgrade that meets the requirements specified above. The geotextile should be laid smooth, without wrinkles or folds in the direction of construction traffic, Overlap adjacent rolls a minimum of 2 feet. Pin fabric overlaps or place the building pad fill in a manner that will not. separate the overlap during construction. Seams that have separated will require removal of the base rock to establish the required overlap. 42. In the truck driveway/load dock, place a minimum of 6 inches of base rock and 18 inches of subbase. The rock should be end-dumped from a thickened access ramp and spread using a light dozer. The initial :t 18-inch thick lift (subbase) may consist of Granular Site Fill and the final 6-inch lift (base rock) may consist of Select Fill. Alternatively, the entire section may consist of Select Fill. 43, The employee parking area will consist entirely of Select Fill. Place a minimum 12 inches for the base rock section. 44. Proof-roll the base rock prior to paving using a loaded 10 yd. dump truck. Overexcavate and replace any areas observed to be pumping. Do not allow loaded trucks or heavy construction equipment on the finished base rock prior to paving. 45, Provide a minimum flexible pavement section of 5 inches of AC for truck driveway and loading areas. 46. Provide a minimum flexible pavement section of 3 inches of AC for the employee parking areas. 47, Provide a minimum pavement overlay of 1 % inches of AC for 19th Avenue. 48. Compact the asphalt cement pavement to a minimum of 91 % rei'ative compaction according to the theoretical maximum density calculated from the Rice specific gravity. CONSTRUCTION OBSERV A TION/TESTING We should be provided the opportunity to review all drawings and specifications that pertain to site preparation, foundation construction and pavements. Site preparation will require field confirmation of excavation depths and mitigation of site fill. Mitigation of any subgrade pumping will also require engineering review and judgment. That judgment should be provided by one of our representatives. Frequent field density tests should be run on all engineered fill, subgrade and base rock. We recommend that we be retained to provide the necessary construction observation and testing. Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield, Oregon 13, May 17, 2005 Praieet 2051023 Wild ish Construction Company VARIATION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS. USE OF THIS REPORT AND WARRANTY The analysis, conclusions and recommendations contained herein are based on the assumption that the soil profiles and the ground water levels encountered in the test pits are representative of the overall site conditions, The above recommendations assume that we, will have the opportunity to review final drawings and be present during construction to confirm assumed foundation conditions. No changes in the enclosed recommendations should be made without our approval. We will assume no responsibility or 'liability for any engineering judgment, inspection or testing performed by others. This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Wildish Construction Company and their design consultants for the new Williams Bakery in Springfield, Oregon, Information contained herein should not be used for other sites or for unanticipated construction without our written consent. This report is intended for planning and design purposes. Contractors using this information to estimate construction quantities or costs do so at their own risk. Our services do not include any survey or assessment of potential surface contamination or contamination of the soil or ground water by hazardous or toxic materials, We assume that those services, if needed, have been completed by others, Our work was done in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. Williams Bakery (WIDe Site) Geotechnical Investigation Springfield, Oregon 14. May 17, 2005 Proiect 2051023 Wild ish Construction Company ill&Jillli Appendix A Figures Professional F d. E. . I Geotechnical ,oun atlOn nglneerIng, nc. Ser;ices / L.._~_.,.,. '\ ! 11 ~ \tJJ :l- ';,0 ~ Co .. In , -'/'-.. 2 C_n' ~~J \V "-\..... 10 , I LEGEND v ~ TP-3 III T.1 @ P-1 , TEST PIT lOCATION AND NUMBER , I TEST P:IT lOCATION AND NUMBER (PREVIOUS) ,I PERMEABILITY TEST lOCATION AND NUMBER 440,17 Te "39.6~ ~'!t li1 F c~ 7 SCALE: 1" 120' I o ,60 120 I 240 - , NOTES 1. TEST PIT lOCATIONS WERE ESTABLISHED BY PACING AND ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY 2 SEE REPORT FOR A DISCUSSION OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS, 3, BASE MAP WAS PROVIDED BY THOMPSON VAIVODA & ASSOCIATES, ARCHI TECTS INC. \" . LA~OUT ~ " DA TE WRlIlIlli SITE FIGURE NO, ~. FOUNDA lION ENGINEERING INC, DWN,~ > PROFESSIONAL GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES APPR AND TEST PIT ~OCATlONS 620 NW CORNELL AVENUE REVIS WilLIAMS BAKERY; (WIDC SITE) 1 - CORVAll.lS. OR 97330-4517 PROJECT NO, BUS (541) 757-7645 FAX (541) 757-7650 SPRINGFIELD, f OREGON 20S1()23 - , . . . , ./ Foundation Engineering, Inc. Williams Bakery Project 2051023 Notes: 1, The Factored Design Response Spectrum is based em IBC 20~3 using the following parameters: Site Class: C Damping = 5% ~ Cl - 0.4 r:: o :;::. ra ... ell ell u 0.3 u <l: '- ra ... - U ell C. en 0,1 0,0 0,6 , 0,5 , , , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - -,- - - - - - -- , , , , , , - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - -, - - - - - -. , , , , , , , , _ _ _ _ _L _ __ , , , , , 1 1 I 1 , , __1_______1_______,_______1_______,_______,______. 1 1 1 I , 1 'I . , , , , , 0,2 , , , , , , , - - - - - - I- - - - - - - ~ , , , , ------,-------,-------.-------,-------..;-----_. , , , , , , , ..------1-------,-------," , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . - - - - - _,- - - - - - _,- - - - - - - - - - - - - _,- - - - - - - - - - - - -- , , , ------------.------~------------- , , ,. , o 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 Period (seconds) 3 3,5 4 Section 1615 Ss = 0,652 1.49 S,= SMS = 0.315 0.74 F, = 1,14 SM1 = 0.47 Fv = 2, The Ss and S, values were established based on the USGS 2002 mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral acclerations for 2% probability of exceedence In 50 years, Figure 2A. Design Response Spectrum Based on IBC 2003. Williams Bakery (WIDC Site) Springfield, Oregon '. ull@ ~ Appendix B . , . ."..., Test Pit Logs Professional Geotechnical Services Foundation Engineering, Inc. / DISTINCTION BETWEEN FIELD LOGS AND FINAL LOGS A field log is prepared for each boring or test pit by our field representative. The log contains information concerning sampling depths and the presence of various mo'teriols such os grovel, cobbles. and fill, and observations of wound water. It also contains our interpretation of the soil conditions between samples. The finol Jogs presented in this report represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs and the results of the laboratory examinations and tests. Our recommendotjo~s ore bosed on the contents of the final logs and the information contained therein and not on the field logs. VARIATION IN SOILS BETWEEN TEST PITS AND BORINGS The finol log and related information depict subsurface conditions only at the specific locotion and on the dote indicated. Those using the information contained herein should be aware that soil conditions at other locations or on other dotes may differ. Actual foundation or subgrode conditions should be confirmed by us during construction. TRANSITION BETWEEN SOIL OR ROCK TYPES The lines designating the interface between soil, fill or rock on the final logs and on subsurface profiles presented in the report ore determined by interpolatio~ and are therefore approximate. The transition between the materials may be abrupt or gradual. Only at boring or test pit locations should profiles be considered os reasonably accurate and then only to the ~egree implied by the notes thereon. SAMPLE OR TEST SYMBOLS SH-3-4 r 1 L-Somple Number Boring or Test Pit Number Sample Type Top of Sample Attempt ~. S - Grab Samples 55 - Standard Penetration Test Sample (split-spoon) SH - Thin -walled Shelby Tube Somple C Core Sample CS - Continuous Sample Recovered Portion Unrecovered Portion (large circle indicates no recovery) Bottom of Sample Attempt . .l Standard Penetration Test Resistance equals the number of blows 0 140 lb. weight falling 30 in. is required to drive a standard split-spoon sampler 1 ft. Practical refusal is equal to 50 or more blows per 6 in. of sampler penetration. . Water Ca'ntenl (%), ~ UNIFIED '~Oll CLASSIFICATiONSYMBOLS/ G - Grovel W - Well Graded S - Send P - Poorly Graded M - Silt l - Low Plasticity C - Cloy H - Higfl Plasticity Pt - Peo.t 0 - Organic . ~-~.----:_----.---_..-:-----------...., I FIELD SHEAR STRENGTH TEST Shear strength measurements on test pit side walls. blocks of soil or Shelby tube samples .~ ore typically me.de with Torvane or pocket penetrometer devices. , -t = ~ (( -----.- '" WATER TABLE ....I,. Water Tobie location (1/31/00) Date of. Measurement ~ Piezometer Tip Location (if used) j ~ ..-- - -- " , SYMBOL KEY BORING AND TEST PIT LOGS TYPICAL. SOil/ROCK ~ Sand ~ Clay ~ Basalt till SYMBOLS ~ r.;;J ~ ~ o Silt Gravel Siltstone ; . . ,,rllll . FOUNDA TION ENGINEERING INC, . PROFESSIONAL GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES 620 NW CORNELL AVE. CORVAWS. OR 97330-4517 BUS. (54t) 757-7845 fAX (541) 757-,7650 r Explanation of Common Terms Used In Soil Descriptions r Field Identification EasIly penetrated severol inches by fist. I Eosily penetrated several inches I by thumb. Can be penetrated several inches by thumb with moderate effort. Readily indented by thumb but penetrated only with great effort. I 'Readily indented by thumbnail. llndented with difficulty by ~ thumbnail. . Undrained shear strength I Cohesive Soils .. 'T Gran-~I~r- s;;ils'--"1 I SPT Suo e tsf) Term SPT Term I I o - < 0,125 Very Soft I o - 4 Very Loose I 2 - 4 I 0,125-0.25 I Soft I 5 - 10 Loose I 5 - 8 I I Medium Stiff I 11 - 30 Medium 0,25 - 0,50 (Firm) Dense I 9 - 15 10.50 - 1,0 I Stiff , 31 - 50 Dense I I 16 - 30 I 1.0 - 2,0 'I Very Stiff I > 50 Very Dense I I 31 - 60 I > 2,0 I Hard I J 1 Term- - Soil Moisture Field Description I Dry Absence of moisture. Dusty. Dry to the touch. I Damp Soil has moisture. Cohesive soils ore below plastic limit and usually moldable. 'I Moist Groins appear 9orkened. but no visible water. Silt/clay will clump_ Sand will bulk. I are often at or near plastic limit. l Wet Visible water on larger grain surfaces. Sand and cohesionless silt exhibit dilatancy. Cohesive silt/Clay can be readily remolded. Soil leaves wetness on the hand when squeezed. "Wet" indicates that the soil is wetter than the optimum moisture content abave the plastic limit. ~ ~ 'I r Term PI I Plasticity Field Test I Nooplastic 0 -.3 I Cannot be rolled into a thread. I low Plasticity .3 - 15 I Can be rolled into a thread with some difficulty. I Medium Plasticity I 15 - .30 I Easily railed into thread. \- High Plasti~_L Easi~~. ra."ed and rerall~d into~~ead. j j ond J Soils , " I I )) Term Soil Structure Criteria 'I f Term ISoil Ce~entation Criteria 'I I Weak I Breaks under light finger I pressure. Moderate I Breaks under hard finger I I pressure. l Strong I Will not break with finger I pressure. , ~ Strot;f;ed I I I I II I 'Alternating layers at least 1 inch thick ..,.. describe variation. I I I I I Laminated Alternating layers at less than 1 inch thick - describe variation_ I I glossy or striated. I Fissured Slickensides Contains shears along planes of Partings appear and partings weakness. Blocky Breaks into lumps - crumbly. Contains pockets of different - describe variation. lensed soils d- . . . ,,11111 . FOUNDATION ENGINEERING INC, d!illliI PROfESSIONAL GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES COMMON TERMS SOIL DESCRIPTIONS 820 NW CORNELL AVE. CORVAWS. OR 97330-4517 BUS. (541) 757-7645 FAX (541) 757-7650 , , . .. Comments Surface; short grass, trace filL . ~ " 1i . o -0 " ~ . ~ . .9 ~ 0. " ~ E 0 . 0 G ~ ~ 5-1-1 J 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 5-1,2 . 6- 7- 8- g- Ground water encountered at i:9.8 feet 1 O~ Project No,: 2051023 5-1-3 I 11- 12- Surface Elevation: 438,0 feet (Approx,) Date ofTest Pit:. February 15, 2005 Comments - Surface: grass. Ground water encountered at :1:10.5 feet. Project No,: . 2051023 ;; . . " ~ 1i . ~ . ~ . ~ ~ " 0. . ~ . ~ 1i E . ~ . . . i 0 ~ G oS 1- 5-2-1 1 2- 5-2-2 3- 4, 5-2-3 . 5- J 6- 5,2-4 7- 8- 9- 1(}---- 11- 12, Surface Elevation: 438,0 feet (Approx,) Date of Test Pit: February 15, 2005 ~ ~ ~ oS -0 " ~ ~ Soil and Rock Description VJlA~ Dense, silty GRAVEL. some sand and clay; brown to grey, :p~~A/ damp, some high plasticity clay, fine to coarse, angular to o~ j":~# rounded gravel. (fiJl). ~ ./ --------------------------- Medium stiff SILT, trace gravel, cobbles and clay; brown, damp, low 10 medium plasticity, (possible fill). ....~I ___________________________ :.:..:. ,:';:"j':. Medium dense, silty SAND: light brown, damp, fine to medium ~':il~ b~~~:t~~~~ry~I~~~~;~ndy GRAVEL andCOBSCE8; grey,-wet,-' ~. coarse sand, fine to coarse, rounded to subrounded gravel, \@Uuvium}. I BOTTOM OF TEST PIT Test Pit Log: Tp.1 WIDC Site Springfield, Oregon -0 " E ~ ~ Soil and Rock Description Stiff, clayey SfL T; light brown, damp, medium plasticity, (fill). ..... :,'.:',,; Loose to medium dense SAND, trace silt; light brown, damp. fine .:?::.:':lIO medium coarse sand, (fill). .~o..:;;~o~: Medium dense. sa;:;-dy GRAVEL; grey to br~w--;:;,d~p, fin; t~ -- t:~.:..::.:.:::{:; coarse sand, fine to coarse, rounded to subrounded gravel, (fill). 00:0, q8'l . '.:<.~.'...': ~...:.:.:..::..:,.',1-MedTum de~e SAND; Ifght brow~ damp~ fi~eto medium coarse - ,::"'.:.::'. s~n~ @1!!:!v..!..u!:!!L__ _ ~ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ __-' ! ';5>~ . Dense to very dense, sandy GRAVEL to COBBLES; grey, wet. ,.z....gf.: fine to coarse sand, fine to coarse, rounded to subrounded ~~. gravel, (alluvium). ~4' )~~ . "@'lbj ~n:.:.:~J BOTTOM OF TEST PIT Test Pit Log: TP.2 WI DC Site Springfield, Oregon Comments Surface: grass. No ground water encountered to the limit of excavation. Project No,: 2051023 Surface Elevation: 437,0 feet (Approx,) Date ofTest Pi!: February 15, 2005 Comments - Surface: grass. No ground water encountered to the 9- limit of-excavation. Project No,: 2051023 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 10- 11- 12- Date of Test Pi!: February 15, 2005 Surface Elevation: 438,5 feet (Approx,) ~ " ;. . o 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- g- 10- 11- 12- . . ~ " ;. . o S-4.2 . . " ~ ~ 5,3,' . 5,3-2 I . . " E . ~ a' ~ e [ .~ en ~ ::: " . .3 0 S-4-1 j a ~ [ ~ . ~ 13 ~ ~ >- oS a ~ E ~ ~ Soil and Rock Description Soft to medium stiff, clayey SILT; dark brown, damp, medium to r Jo.!!' QI~tigj~,itqp~i!l....". _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Medium stiff to stiff, clayey SJL T; light brown, damp, m'edium plasticity, (alluvium). Becomes sandy below :!:6.5 feet. ~u~~';?J-DensetoverYd;nse~SandY GRAVEi:som~ cobbles; wey, ;e-t,- f:.g:,~ fine to coarse sand, fine to coarse, rounded to subrounded ;.6~: gravel, (alluvium), BOTTOM OF TEST PIT Test Pit Log: TP.3 WIDC Site Springfield, Oregon ~ ~ >- oS a ~ E ~ ~ Soil and Rock Description Soft, clayey SILT; dark brown, damp to moist, low to medium plasticity, (topsoil). ." { Medium stiff, clayey SILT; light brown, damp, medium plasticity, (alluvium). DAD Becomes sandy below :t3.5 feet. ---------------------------- Medium dense SAND; light brown, damp, fine to medium coarse sand, (alluvium). Y>f~\eA -Oensetovery dense~sandy GRAVEL to COBBLES;grey:-WeC- \fine to coarse sand, fine to coarse, rounded to subrounded maveJ, (alluvil.!lJl1. __ _ _ BOTTOi'vlur 1t:t)Il-'lf Test Pit Log: TP-4 WIDC Site Springfield, Oregon '0 . D . . E ;; ~ ~ " . ~ ~ ~ "' " . . ~ Comments 1i E . ~ . . " ~ 0 ~ 13 u' Surface: grass. I 1- 8-5-' , 2- 5-5-2 . 3- I 5,5,3 .. 4- 5- 5-5-4 . No ground water encountered to the 6- limit of e_~cavation. 7- 8- 9, lO- ll- 12- Project No.: 2051023 Surface Elevation: 439,0 feet (Approx,) Date ofTest Pit: February 15, 2005 Comments - Surface: grass. No ground water encountered to the limit of excavation. lO- ll- 12- Project No.: 2051023 Surface Elevation: 439,0 feet (Approx,) Date of Test Pit: February 15, 2005 . . ~ "' 1i . o '0 D . c t . .2 ~ " . . E 0 . . " 0 13 ~ ~ 5-6-1 . 1- 2- 3- 4- 5-6-2 . 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- '0 D t ~ Soil and Rock Description "J Soft, clayey SILT; dark brown, damp to moist, low to medium " plasticity, (topsoil). --------------------------- Medium stiff, clayey SILT, trace sand; light brown, damp. low plasticity, (alluvium). ~ _B~cQC"@~s~nQyJl~o~ !.215 LeEl!. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . '. ,.( Medium dense SAND; light brown, damp, fine to medium coarse ..... 5~Q, @:I~vl!1I!!L___ ________ __ _ _____-' ~t(~~, Dense to very dense, sandy GRAVEL to COBBLES; grey, moist f'KStJ. to wet, fine to coarse sand, fine to coarse, rounded to ~~~~ subrounded gravel, (alluvium), (" 0' BOTTOM OF TEST PIT Test Pit Log: TP.5 WIDC Site Springfi!lld, Oregon ~ ~ ~ u' '0 D t ~ Soil and Rock Description Soft, clayey SILT; dark brown, damp, tow plasticity, (topsoil). Medium stiff, clayey SILT; light brown, damp, low to medium plasticity, (alluvium). " , c ) . , ) ! .,..'-" , ~:Med~um dense SAND; light bro~r1. damp-;- finele medium coarse- ~. . sand, (alluvium). . , I$lY-:;\Vi -Dense to~;ry dense~sandy GRAVEL ta COB8LES;grey~ moist - Ita wet, fine to coarse sand, fine to coarse, rounded to I subrounded qravel, (alluvium t BOTTOM OF TEST PIT Test Pit Log: TP.6 WIDC Site Springfield, Oregon Comments - Surface: grass. No ground water encountered to the limit of excavation. Project No.: 2051023 lO- ll- 12' Surface Elevation: 440,0 feet (Approx,) Date ofTest PIt: February 15, 2005 Comments - Surface: grass. No ground water encountered to the limit of excavation. Project No.: 2051023 4- 5- 6, 7, 8- 9-- 1()--- 11- 12- Surface Elevation: 440,5 feet (Approx,) Date ofTest Pit: February 15, 2005 . ~ " a . Q " . D ~ c E ~ ~ . .9 ~ ~ .;;. " . . E u . " . 0 . ~ J U ~ $-7-1 . 8-7-2 l1li 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- S,7,3 . 7- 8, 9-- " . ~ " a . Q " D [ ~ : . u ~ . ;;. E . ~ 1- 8-8-1 j 2- 3, S-8,2 ~ ~ ~ oS '0 D E ~ ~ Soil and Rock Description Soft to medium stiff, clayey SILT, some gravel: dark brown, damp to moist, Jaw plasticity, (possible fill). Medium Stiff to Sliff clayey SILT: Ilght brown, dam~ lOw - - - - plasticity, (alluvium). ~." , lr~ ' Grades to sandy silt below :f:4 feet. Medium dense SAND; light brown, damp, fine to medium coarse sand~ (~lIuvium). }' o. Dense to very dense, sandy GRAVEL to COBBLES; grey, moist ho wet, fine to coarse sand, fine to coarse, rounded to I Lsubroundeq qravel, (alluvium). BOTTOM 0" TEST PIT Test Pit Log: Tp.7 WIDC Site Springfield, Oregon " D ~ Soil and Rock Description '" '~. -;.1f Medium stiff to stiff, clayey SILT, some gravel: dark brown, - . J: I ft damp, low plasticity, fine to coarse, rounded to subrounded :., .,::. JJ@~r~e9~i~e~m._ _ _ _ _~ _....:._ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Stiff, sandy SILT to silty SAND; light brown, damp, low plasticity, fine sand, (alluvium). ~ '" ~ oS fo.':.;;~q -6;;n;eto-V;ry dense~sandy GRiVEL;grey'" moiSt-:-fineto-coa~e- tJ~tol ::::: :Fc:~::, ~~:nded to subrounded gravel, (alluvium) WI DC Site Test Pit Log: TP-8 Springfield, Oregon uilll11 Appendix C . . ,. ...~ " . " ...' I, Laboratory Test Results Professional Geotechnical Services. Foundation Engineering, Inc. Foundation Engineering, Inc, Williams Bakery (WI DC Site) Proiect 2051023 Table 1C. Natural Water Contents and Atterberg Limits Sample Sample Natural Water USCS Number Depth (ft) Content (percent) LL PL PI Classification S-l-l 1,0 - 1.5 15,1 S-1-2 3,5 - 4.0 15,8 S-1-3 10,0 - 11.0 23.4 S-2-1 0,5 - 1.0 27,7 S-2-2 2,0 - 2,5 27.7 S-2-3 4,0 - 4.5 4,9 S-2-4 6,0 - 6.5 23,9 S-3-1 0.5 - 1,0 33.4 S-3'2 3.0 - 4,0 32,9 47 27 20 CL S-4-1 1.0-1,5 29,2 S-4-2 2,5 - 3,0 32,7 S-5-1 0,5 - 1,0 30.4 44 28 16 ML S-5-2 2,0 - 2,5 31,1 S-5-3 3.0 - 3,5 24,3 S-5-4 4,5 - 5,0 3,0 S-6-1 0,5 - 1,0 29,5 S-6-2 3,0 - 3.5 32,3 44 25 19 CL S-7-1 0.5 - 1,0 22,2 S-7-2 2,5 - 3,0 32,0 S-7-3 4,5 - 5,0 29.4 S-8-1 1.0 - 1,5 27.1 S-8-2 2,5 - 3,0 23,1 lL.- ''',''., ; AAI.assGCi,Il..., PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JUN 1 3 2007 . ' ~ ST;Ru,crU'RAL ,CALCULATIONS -~.~ PROJECT:: 'Williams .Bakery PROJECT No.-: AO,7104 DATE: June'~ 1.,2007 PiE:~M,IT S:U:BM;ITIAL 26' X 24' iCANOPY Lg!<f'IRES:'12J31/0"f-'.f / . Client: iPNE 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 300 I Beaverton, OR I 97005 503,620.30301 tel 503.620.55391 fax ww w . aa i.e n 9 . C 0 'm .' Ds:,\C;-\,-...\ \I~FO'. f"l-....Ie. ~ \,,1 \ L\..\ t\ VI ::;, I (p', (pI' I, 'I e,Ak E i2'f /\DDI2.EO:::'S: d--CO:J I-....\UC1C--,er klp..y & !.J C'i E'IJe, O/2!3'G,O'J: El(pOSU/z'S 13 , '6 -o-2S"= p",~ 'SNOW LoA\:':, -'-- 2-S \,,,;= WI!"-ID S'\'E",\:::.~ 6::>'0'\1'- ___p::; ICoLl (P"p 'p _ ( _ 1- 0 -:" .__ - '--t- ........f fj lvJ:;:""'.j I'SVlf7 f':;,' Q'&-lp ),.5 X\(o.~ Ji'\::; :x.',-iG D,\..-oo<;, psp FAC1/\' bL~\D \"SF ~ ?".sr::' \ S'I'U' ~ , "- ,-,:-.... /110,1(" "' ..,.:ls "'''-'0 PsI" I p.L -t-L .l :; C NY? \ 1'- . ,.:522.,\ ho!n(p l' 3:>13 1---- --.--.--/- L/' q' ----,,/----~------/ \1 4' " ;). IS- j. I D. l .,..L-L ,; 30 f'"f" I I 0-=-~IhLl L 51- r 1&::'. II)' -1 t 'I Z';Cl co '" I 'l-=>,-->. llr ~:~;:~~;::~I \S" J, DL -+ L ., 3 II.)" P.)l~ ________1 1- -'-.C'l--':~l-I:--l-:;:"- I 1~- (llCj " 1-nL\,s- T~c,,-"1 /1 Lf 1\ tn5' I U'L ~). L-rl. 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"'[ 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 300 I Beaverlon, OR 197005 503.620.30301Iel 503.620.5539 I fax www aaieng. com By: ,/2-T Date: .;! y.!c- 7 Project No.: ACFI,) 0"1 Sheet: 21 of: ,0 ~ l' l^ll IVD -.::- 3D ,-11.,::> r->~ F 10 ~ r ,f M = Zoic>, I \v\AA Ib-C'!{f 1 '2.5'l.1. lZ3':!> , 1226 n ~ \'31.(,,-, Ib-PIC-f- f\t,1i-\.,'1_ ~-_._-...----, ---/- 41 q' I .<II L IGr\--\ 1 C,A.C---,E DECk: Fy ~ 40 kS\ F.,.. '" (" Iy; )-4 k,,\ c 2 '. --~ -\ ;:; D. _-:;. ~ ~ \Vl -"'1'-' P'Ol'- l-) '''''\0''''\ i;'r-1 '\ __~ R. H2:-~ \ ;-.") -\'8, r"\ -:- ~Ot'_\ '::)L":' ~.3. S:~'33 '~n '" .~.... I., (""r') I, -----'> 4 , Co....-, PR E. :s (1)~ ~ "2-1)( 0-7:::~ S--, := 6.."11\ kJ;. '.-/r, ..... r " 0, j~&'O \.( _l!- Ir ,t' ' . '_ ~ 0,,- ALL.ow ) ~/, l~~ '" ,~ " .2,~'\^o"ZS3'1. t'., :: 6 .-\'0 lI, ,_ __I i~ 'L T-' r . \- ' '>, ()j LOCP v'~~~/(.:- O'k Fo\2.. ~.-..\ II'--.ID 1/,,1/ ,'3 It...i C~E .rl,,",Sr:.;;:, \"\' :;; 2-DCo ,\, (i; .OF', .c,,;. < 'lOG" \,:; '" 9 It, ,3 \, f 1-/ ,..--~, r:" \'1 _ 3 Go Ib.f-llr!- (4,\,,,\,3 '!oil,} \6- C+!~" , U5E -, ..:> !--}f _ iZii3 ).0 CT~IG,E OFC 1,- '~AA:I'lgh.nas"Ci.t",inc. ENGINEERING ;::~'f'/iO::;; " - , ., /" c 1/,;' CL 1/,\, .', -' By /Z.-r Date: 5' /30/v1 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 300 I Beaverton. OR 197005 503.620.30301 lei 503.620.55391 fax /-3;y-f j;.. ,r?--'/Z Y Project No.: AO'l\o<1 www.aaieng.com 'l Sheet: ""'"'-- of: ""'NO \,~ DI' \1"'''\ : P'S,;c Ccep . ,.. G =O\o,p~..,. \4 = D,,::,>(::L'5' "VI..:: 11,')., p",p 3;:::-:- -1 \--'d.-" 6-"':' V).G \12(".-\'10 -.I,S- ::: I, (O?. \:. \. = l--,\ \ I-.lD k)L\(L\) ='''6; ?I",^ \ \0, s I,) I f(: -" 0, c"- c+ 1. Pd ;- 01)( }.S'. -" II,) \'SF < 2)' _v5G 2., I~F- Ie, _, PC- - II,,) 101 \-'Io~ 7'5" \ ,"'1, .:: .:: b' '6 - \\ ,7 ') \i,7'{' \oc./~, '> CJ':l.. -> OIlIF, .~ "'c. >~b = 0 I I "'IS- _ \,b\ ::0 6 L\"1 -"> hJ.:: \. d--I _ o <'1"'I.;cC.--ns- t\. < I"c -=-? c IAI = -4 h, . <] Xoillo '3,\ _ ~,\.. S''''1' 3 C> - IJ= Y, h.l:: n.2J.-(o.Tl)~ \'3, "3 Co psp !~AAJI'fYh,nass"i,tes,inc. EN GIN EE R I N G YI'-.IE __ IAIILL\I\\'/j'S r::.cA,k. I;\i:.Y By iC --r Date 5/30/07 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 300 I Seal/ertan, OR 197005 503.620,3030 1 lei 503.620.5539 I fax Project No.: ,LVF( \ () 'l www.aaleng.com Sheet:::; of: 121-.) (IS- PLF", l<li"'!,)j):: /Z7')-I'o CA.:s01 J l 322- ,I ,. -r- 1''\ ""-0..' _,.1;) ~ t4313'b T ~2, \~.(p ~'\ ::: 11031 'tv'A/. Ib-H -1--- ,., / --------. --/ 1'):1.5 J I 0') 12,0,6 I 13' (b,yl IJ.,S \60,S J I L ~ !2.2 in l. M =- d.-\ &6, S Vlr>./. \b-~ l,- I",.. (t, I ) r 3:',51,<=1 '32-2 . \ 1 I r ::, -::'6'1,9 \'" -"' 4&,){),' \~I.(" \'0." \12""1-- S- (A:..J:. L 13'22. I I 1'00.6 I --.--t 3'2;,85 I I .----- t ~:o,5'b 32'2,' 1 I I"'\T V'^-l,_\ - " t'I,"I\" ",103"1 \b-C ~ 12, .) J I 322.l 1660 112.1'') 'V I \"'\' '\'~\ft,,,- = 0 'I 43\<1 6 'I 'VI ='c~,sLo \.....\L.]'_ _ ,-~~ 2"'1 &,1 D~.'S\L.\\"-l 0\: 1"1- ~_ ~-f . S MAY - k.. \ \- L , . \ 33 ry~'5L> ko\ TiC'll ~JI;).xl!O L =\,33 < fL" 2.(" ,"\ ~'I S <- /""1. = ",'j I,,' G:::0.\:;LS- .Ai C"i'JTILEvE/Z-- E,-..IP ~ /(11, 0J.~1 T/c'r' IAl 19, >( ILl /lu.; ~do. '7 I.:,::, 1VIF- "" "Ii k,/ '>- 1, <; L:: 6./"1 ih ~ .J!1";<:r ~AA:I'lgh'""'''i'I'',inc. ENGINEERING PrJE.- V,IILLIAh/\", By: iC- I Date s- he-hi 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 300 I Beaverton, OR 197005 503.620.30301 lei 503.620.55391Iax ,:'",A K.IZe c.Y Project No. IS rn 104 www.aaieng.com Sheet .d of: \ I'1VE::",C,,~TE. VO\e_ \,:,+) '\ n ~ '2.."2. 1,-' l.., ::; 13 3;Z/lC (Vb, A" f-II/D POII,lT ---'iY 12" c= Co,S' I \'12-',' I,J \)__.x 1'"'1 ;> L ::; iJ-^("S::; 0;J.. \ Y'" 0.9 '5' CiQ-:;\ -----1 \ \/10;) x/OZe", '" ''is" Fy ~,_...~,..~---'" " \ '~5t(;J Y,!(;-cG l(.it v- -, - . F" , ! C.{'~' " 1- -' 10 ( ~ {/sE ;= ,. L., L 1"'1-6 -<> '\ " ..-,. r L r;,,::; I ~;.> F.::/ ( Llf, ') j I'" / Q,(P "'y '- y ":- )'S3,0 X\0L6, \-- b - L '<3 - z. SOXBz,\ ]XSD : c::>,.q4"5D::;z.z.,--", <!....:,C) IS'3.ol<"} ..:---- CoN--nZ6L-5 F6 ::; ? ;J." \OJ C. b L d.. I"-L' / 0 . l';O f", -'= ~ \ Id-W.D I ~I ;: I ,J '" c;,,)X1,;t,,\:,,'S AC--rUAL 1'6 ::; 1"'\ _ '& ;-2-,:l. >:' {?- _ 1,1\ 1<--0\ - -< 22.,3 0,"<.. /Lj,q /,Ji/)^ l"'l I L lJ:,6 I31ZI'1 CIIJ{" A '( /'110 f'oluT iii"'1 \r-\ \ 0,1. I'"!-, , ! I~V .- . ';.~ "( ...,,;; Lv - A ~. I I t) , , ~~' .. '" 10' I'.Ao.JI '-. - ,I.... '?':;' ."..... .. , }.(..,. ! 1'.. (J,,\1i ::; Zu , h...... " \1 C) k.. L\ , ,1'I--(i,&S") - .n" \ I 'f-/l!U)'{ \1-1#<'11:1'.:,.. e/~58t,a. ok. US1~ 1',[1,) 'II '! ~ '. i ..... -r 't f' &1'1 .....---=~'-.__....-.-...--..... ".. "'AA11i1fg~allilSSllciilteS.inC. ~ ENGIN:EERING P f'Ji;: _ hi I LLll,!v\ c:'.~ By: IZI Date: 5/'2,c;/0-, i?3 ~ ,C \~, i 1. '.( , Project No.: I~\ 0-1 \ 064 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 300 I Seaverton, OR 197005 503.620.3030 I lei 503.620.5539118)( www.aaieng com Sheet: 5 of: DE:5IL11'-1 \2:.8A 1'C, PuR UPLiFT: es- 16 (10 flFJ< l T J, r 251,'L - i ^ \ 13no 1 3;2 (Po M= 5.. I g. ~ (P.c; \'-\ " r~,/ I~l \:L K \ <1 l. _ ))."(,,., _ 6'2,\ or, 0. '1 , 8Y 1-\;....=.71. ::. ~ I Fv-' \\. S'lo '::l, , ~ ~ '-\~\,et ..= F,,, h.Js,r-sc.. 6~ OC), ,., o'>C Db.SIC,N \'2,2.', 5.\ 'I?. &s):; 6;; 16 4 k',1 0"-. eASEl l;;lol\, t 1 J IS'" l,,!.,+3,S); '1 -Z:'l::1 (p . PL.F T :3; I 1 " ! 3e I. k. (,.,$' 13 Co,S 1:;10 1:;10 1 10 I. 'I , \0\ J (t15S 'l.- I I Goc,,(p 1 t T 15 k. b I<.. , \, -_._-/-"----_.. -.--.'----_.---- .~.-./---~------r I:;LO ~ [ \?-o r I ("LP 1.0 I I' \ (PiP J. ~ --;1 , J- CA)c ~' v 1 /1 1,56 bc" ,..- -, AA' 'I '.~ .a.:L,'" - i afghan~ssociales,inc. LJENGINEERING 1;).01);, 1'11: = o \\ =0 SI..P 'L - / 6.'~ C]. (P, T. " \"\ =o(p "'.' \,"\ ~ 2> k_' 6::. '2.,1 T. \Vi' :::. M :; .q, '5 "--, I::::, :; ./0'/ -r PI',; 1'=,.. \/-11 UI 6. \' ') ";.. i::, (~_ k: p: f? \-{ 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 300 I Beaverton. OR 197005 503.620.3030 I lei 503620.5539 I fax www.aaieng.com By rz. 1 Project No.: Sheet: ..lo Date: c;-/ "",IIr:, '7 ACi /04 of: C/GE '" 8:::> J 1 J3 IOJ(EI"'DO . t . ,....----~..".---..-....--..--......-'-1' Z3>3, I \VI"- 0:; L)A k~' J: ,I 3 1'1 :;; c>':s?-- k..' 60-.:: :;." ~L G'RI>F-fL PES\G,U'. 4. 31 k.. ><. '3, \ J"'l3\k. 1''1': '31 ,)6 k.._' Cto:'E \ : 1 1 l \\.lC -----.--/ 1 I I' B' 3,2f:::,t:.. C A"X 'l- : T 3k:. r I-'~ . 3,"26 1 ,'-./T -:; 2'1 ()~ Ie- I k. ,,9,5'2- Lc~ ( k I \'-'\MA'<:= 31.'5'& 'SA,!' -::'c, .- , L",,5 \' ey 1;;L,>(;;li" ........ ""'1'2.= "12. Lu -.:: ("", ~;;. ( i="b'" \ ) ~ I ":.', ~ 5S. eo <., J S\O >( \~ L'o '"" 10 \ i= '( -:- I I.- [?/::, _ t y ( 7.;) -, 1-=7' <. C,(~;::-1' -=0 26,2 <.. '3 0 I"..... ..., r~ \. '" " ) .::;,.0 x\6'CQ-: \ =') t... " r, '(''''XI?'' \''l-, ~ j ';:'. ....., \.0 C\. .., LcJ ....._, P,,~, {,. D.b ~ 1-,./ , -:> :.25",;l -< 30 " L, -= ,L1<1 Co 1:.. . "'i LJ 10 = 20 Lj 3.0>(\'.l. : l?'i" V-oj 2,3"'1 0.:;2 IE, ',n::; -€/4-'lO .( 2..0,'2.. O'V~ ACTwlL t', '" ..b-~ co s '.,AA,lalghanassociates,inc,. ENGINEERING pl\J '''' _ I~ j\ L.\ \ I"', k/\c:., By f2i Date 6/1/01 \;;"'-:. P.,.,..v.:.!=- If '...( Project No.: /\ ()! 10 .:-::! 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 300 I Beaverton, OR '97005 503.620.30301 lei 503.620.5539 I fax WWW.aa.leng.com Sheet: 7, \ of: . ,';-:--rr "._- .:"...,. ..,."","-". . 2002 Lat/Lon Lookup Outputl Page 1 of 1 II II~. ""'1, j"",..ll LOCATION 45,04 Lat. -123,03 Long. The interpolated Probabilistic ground motion values, in %g, at the requested point are: 10%PE in 50 yr 2%PE in 50 yr PGA 16,70 34,23 0,2 see SA 39.44 81,66 1,0 see SA 15,20 34,30 ~. AA'lafghanaSsociates,inc. ~ ENGINEERING 'P d'-.l Iz. _ \,0 \ lLl~ 'VI s By: \l~"\ Date 6/i /07_ P:, i~ 'L\::: ''Z-'-f Project No.: A u l I CD it' 4875 SW Griffith Drive 1 Suile 300 I BeavBrtofl, OR I 97005 503.620.3030 I tel 503.620.5539Ifa~ WWW <lB.ieng..com Sheet~ I,). of: Comply wltl1 Seismic Design Category D per ASCE~7,,,, Equivalent lateral force procedure MOMENT.RESISTlNG FRAME SYSTEMS ,Basic Seisinic Force Systems 1-9,5.2.21 Special steel moment frames C1= 0.028 Hn= 19.25 (R/IErT Min C, = .044Sos1E = 0.028 Use C. = 0.256/ Design base shear V=- 0.25'6(W) SimplWed Seismic base shear, 1617.5 ../ Voo~ 1.2Sos(W) =0.308 R = O.308(W) Seismic force for Architectural, Mecl1 and Elec components per 9.6 , _ OAa~SosWo(1 +2z/h) ;r - (R~/lp) Sos = 0.641 IBCl003, EARTHQUAKE LOADS (5, 151 Soil Site Class 1 D I... I Response Spe::tral Acc. (0;2 see) S. = 82.00%9 Response Spectral Acc.( 1,0 se::) S; '" 34.00%g SiteCoefficient.Fa= 1.172 Site Coefficient F,,'" 1.720 Max Considered EarlhquakeAcc, SMS'" Fa.S, Max Considered Earthquake Acc. SM' = F..S, @ 5% Damped Design S D5 '" 2/3(SMsl SOl"" 2/3(SM1) Building Categories! II, Stmdarcf Design Category Consideration: I Flexible Dlaohragm Seismic Design Category for 0.1 see D Seismic Design Category for 1.0sec 0 81<:759 NA Since Ta < .8Ts (see below). SOC = 0 Building ht. G..=~ Approx Fundamental period, Ta = C,(hn)' Galculalee--+-sllali-flei-exGee&-:f ~.,+a. 0.8Ts =- 0.8(SOl/S0SI Is structure,Regular &:f 5 stories? I Yes 1...1 Response Spectral Acc.( 0.2 sec) S, = 0.820g Response Spectral Acc.( 1;0 sec) S1 = 0.340g @5% Damped Design Sos = %(F..Ss) So,= %(Fv.S,) Response Modification CoeL R = 2.5 Over Strength Factor 0.,.= 2 Importance factor IE = 1 Seismic Base Shear V'" C" W SOE RilE = 0.256 C,' or need not to exceed. C, = SD' 8r= 1 z = 20 lp= 1 fp'" O.308Wp Bearing wall, Shear wall and,anchorage lp= OAOIESosW\.. = 0257(W) or = 40050sl" Anchorage of Concrete or Masonry,Walls (flexible diaphragm) F~'" O.8Sosl;::(Ww) =- O.513(WJ Max'Seismic Load E,.~= naE +/- 0.2Soso Where 0." = 2 0.2Sos0,= 0.129(0) Deflection Amplification factor Cd =- 5.5 Nonbuilding structures, Section 9.14.4 Response Modification CoeL R = 3 Importance factor I'" 1 For flexible non building, Cs'= Sosl/R Min C, '" .14 Sos I or C,"= 0.8S,I/R V = O.214(W) For rigid nonbuilding, C. = 0.3 Sos I '" 0.192 V = 0.182VV Table 1615.,1.1 (Default=Ol '" 0.820g Figure 1615(1) =0.340g Figure 1615(2} Table 1615.1.2(1) Table 1615.1.2(2) = 0.961 Eq.16-38 '" 0.585 Eq 16-39 =0.641 Eq.16-40 = 0.390 Eq.16--41 1.../ = Seismic Use Group I Table 160"l.5&Sec.1616.2 1...1 Table 1616.3(1) Table 1616.3{2) Note a. T-1616.3(1).(2) Control (exceDtion of Section 1616.3 does not apply) I~I x'" 0.8 T- Limited Building Height (ft) = NL feF-S~ef 0.390g Table = 0.298 sec. . Eq. ~ UseT=Ta= 0.298 see = OA87 Control (exception of Section 1616.3 does not apply) << ASCE F."'1.17 F,,= 1.720 = 0.641 = 0.390 Eq.16-40 Eq.16-41 ASCE7, T- footnoteg Table 1604.5 Eq. Eq.9.5,5.2.1-1 = 0.523 Eq. t--~ '? '-- Eq. 7 P'st 0-'::'. Control 1'32 w f~ ;C:' Z. Eq. (16.-56) Eq. Rr::: 2.5 Table h = 20 Category B,C,D;E,F 9.526.2.8 '" 256.25 Ibs per linear fl of wall Category C;D,E;F Eq, Eq. Eq. Table Table ::0 0.214 = 0.090 = 0.091 Eq,9.14.5.H Eq. 9.1~.5.1-2 Eq ~. f\S!..,[. '/_U;' /).1 . '- 1'2., Co/\/ul A 0-/ \0'1 8 LiI\iEIZAL 'D1;,.'S\L"t-<..)., SA\2..T\-\O\.I!\V-.E' , Z 2 ~ vJ o ;:LS-6 \,,\ :; 6\~;{~~ 1'4 .../.. ,,-:'2- V:;.~h\ >> V :6'I~W SE'l2. -6L Pp,L -;; 2-"'1 X 2-(P;( 3 -t /0 l ?-:><2'"1 -t:;1.0(;2[,,) ;;: -ZSk.. PoL = 1"1)()' (P X 3 = \ \ k. D5Ck. BEAV\ ::> ' C~ I< I.r:-,L-;; ;L",X l(pXL s".u::>?- ~ljCDErc:. k.. PDL-;; 15' X 2"lS" x l?-x:;l.",\ --+2/2(,,) S "'1,\ FACIA - c: ~ 6' - "- \~= 2.PD.C;;: )..t:>+I.\-t-o.t:>32.-i'.Lf,I::: 0 ~ ,AI /1- 1<-. v.: 0 . \.~2. x is, B'~ IAp'c..,;2. .0 I ,..~. ( \(. ."" Co> \'0 '" 000 I ,0 k... , .., "7.... LA~\2-j.\,L LoAD i-"G.'\L U,'-.\l!"'q.J. ),-J \ I\J \) P: '':301!.o PSi=' _.""v~36"b).<2,T) X 2-(,,-0. ,;/,).1<. It '<. ;;!..). .:-- 'L -;; \. \ LA TE.',2 A L- LOf., Q Pi? i2-, CD LLH"H'-.I \.-J \ r',ID Cc l'-.t -1"\2.0 L'~ . COLU \-..",\ '1\, \ <;::;;'.\7; 'S\ G.-d"'.J. l'\"(.y IOXIO ;( \/"1 -,e. \ \,...l I k. M::.3.\ \ UNef\Ll\hJCE \~"\OI"\E'..J\ ',. t""1 '::" ~ { 3D 7l f.&, X \ 0 \ ,I I (~. ~f ) --I. -, --- J.2 . - -t... :: 3. (':3 ,....' r--1",::;:. \,Ix \i,p,S -;.. i'D.!) "'. -' , i.......\:: 31 I< -, ~2 1..- \ C Ie- -t- ...;; r'::' -\;". O. '::. ::; 2L\ :75' , '~A.AlalghanaSSociales,i"". ENGINEERING '';> I',)C.,~ kJ I ( I ,(1., r'\ "'- \"'2..-:..(...\.~":'. r:: If' Y 4875 SW Griffilh Drive I Suite 300 I Beaverton, OR 197005 503.620.30301Iel 503.620.5S3911ax www.aaieng.com I I Co ,> , 'k. lv'\=3\ III k.. I P"II.12' ,~.~I,\"- "" 30.'IIF "- -"- By f2i D~te::O) I /c-7 Project No.' A (J---i \ 0 ..c:.:\ Sheet: c I of: Axll\L kL =' \" ').\ >( \(",) ,,12 ~ 5 / \\1 Co - 10-" ' = c.c. ::, 910 1- 13.s 3 ~ ""l (p ) := I;). LI~ k.~ I ~-" SO =) \-.-"'- ;0 00'1 < 0 ,,- -=:-' vS!: 137(~11-3) - f'", ~ 'PI .- \1 .1,1- .;: I J.) k,,', Fo-. " - 9,,- "\ eE,,1 [) }IJt, h/J. = c 10. 3l 1,<\) .0 1/4 3'1-- )- 23 6 I , IIib = ';SS-, \ \IF [1- 5"0,3 1 (b,(f)v;:: J ('b b 2-S3-t. e.7 (:: .::0 l'.. A t'/\ _ -r-- OS \ITe. "\, '50, 7--1,'1:) " \ L -= 1\ 0 6 =~ ~ :; '3, -.=;3 -r ?;;.c..... \ be;; 2_S"::...x.f:),z.':;- f' L \- ..., \ , ..., -,' /--. -?, j ~~ :, J......5,.-:;.;~tj ('~D' '3 :;. \0, (0'5'0,) - 1\ , . 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' I D-L+L'L b.L..,--IJ4L.L' l j I Z'14 " Tloe"s 1<10,9 7 / /~--.,- -"I' 9' , -"\' J 11?--','- \ 2-:t-- :> J 12" L Z"I L\ 1 r 1 . 39SD 3c.ls-a \),0 \ ).,0 1 ], 524. J \"'1\ 1 i\C\Y3 i \ C\ 33 \ I? " II?- " J J 3' l 1066 I, .., , " 11S'2c" T I<:;,Z1o "'1 )"0 \qS'~ 152Co k-' k._f G/12-PE',?, ; J J J 3\.0> \<1.\G => C J I, L\ 30 T i 5' , "'1 I 1'1--I\S \S \''105\ ClZ.\\\CAL COI.JDI.TiOI'-\, Foe. COLUI~\J,I WFCS\(-'1I'.1 f:::,,,~ 'VI I = ..:i.L =, o,?-- ?-D-'I ~AA\I'lg~.n"SDCi"""inc. ENGINEERING .p,01::' L-J I LLI A \V1.". ? -r' By: /~, I Date {e/, /(}7 y:2, t4. ~_ ~-=- \C':/ /. '" A Project No.: ~ rl I i /) --I 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 300 I Beaverton, OR 197005 503.620.303011031 503.620.553911ax WWW. a a I e n 9 ..c 0 m Sheet: \::L of: k-.I '2,9,1 V) -rJ II t T G. '- G\ --r 62 l' r),,3. G,::> - O.Dc,:1 101\ - - r~ -, =) t::.-~ L.6<.;::; o,c,q~ + 0- &z.. ~ D.g I .-€( ~ ",,\'1 -.:- :;- C3. z:~ '2.. i '" r~, ~ ~,.::i FOQ'T)NL, jSA'.O>c PLATE "'- ~3, "- '33, :r lc.~( n -=3"1,\ '....10~\ I 39,\ k~1 ><\2_'33S 74-' -<1-1:3"'- " "",6" UPUF'I, T " t..JPL-,F'T 3? -ii.PJ( '?4x--Zi.P -" 19,2 k. I' t ,I 10 I I J 1 ? ,1.. "- j..o 1(. ICl 7 -. I', ) c.q,,[, -I" -;-\'_ _ 9 . G " :J;i) .: ,~. G I, bG./~ W G'" I<. 'c. DL_ 86 r ill '01 -----')o/, .I '" 86 ..:.\ --z"Z) , 2'2 s(;,\ 3D(~ II J T " , ~ L ill, )'1--=" r ,;~b1. I I k... L-c.. - ',VI 1"1.:0 310, ;< Z .:0 ,2'2. b"iO",2XZ\)z -" '';.1,,'5 I , So" \--'\ b.. z '2 X ~ rZ. -' I' ,3 II'" .... b.:C 5 (., I, -?--t-"\.,"\K(,,, .... 07 F _....'~~I ) , b~, '...... 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" uENGINEERING FUEL TAI-.lK 'By ()7f/EI<.S ~ ", " ", "~ II ?J\ /rr/......'...... SLAB SECTIVI'-.I www.aaieng.com 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 300 I Beavertofl, OR 197005 503.620.3030 tIel 503.620.5539 J fax ~- .~ I " 34 (jJ 1<'Ai1/( BoL-73 : I" wi 10 iZ. r=118FbMEAIT (iOTfll.. Or /2.) Ii ..1 o , N , - 't. '~"....\///// : J~;r- (2) #0 ~ COi>JT. l,l3" G\.R. '1'1 liP, . " '" ...1 <J -r<) ADD (3) #5U' /2" O.C. 'boTTOM AT SADDLES PJ.JI: - WILLIAMS BA!(~RY TAN k. St..AB SU1LE: N.T.$, A. "A ' k /'{)7 By: ."",,", Date: \L'l.' X.~ :l- ~"O" Project No, j., () I { -r Sheet: z of: 2