HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 7/8/2008 , . ~d/I^- RECEIVED AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE JUL 0 9 ZOD8 STATE OF OREGON) ) ss. Gounty of Lane ) By:~~ I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: . 1. . I state that I"am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. , fiR ~Joo'8 -e:oo'l-5" .. . 2. I state that in my ca acity as, Program T!lchnician, I prepare~ and caused to b!l mailed copies of_ f Sb1_" de /IR..I~(~ ~ ~--;t;.;. .. ~{)5 - wlu:l:z..- 0 (See attachment nAn) on ,7/ q. . v2008 a1ftcftessed to (see ( M b S' Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box with postage fully prepaid thereon. , . ,4<~ rYtt~ KA~N LaFLEUI~ 'L' " . STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ,~ , I ~/ q . 2008. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Pr' ra Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary ac . Be re me: ~--.------~~:~ii=-"~ 1 l .. NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON . I ' , COMMISSION NO 385725 I MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV 12,2008 i 'J . ~_~_~__ ......~" ~":'-.......-.... ... --~'----- ~ 'onAMJ I 1//;212001, My Commission Expires: <1 , '. 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us DEVELOPMENT SER,VICES DEPARTMENT. Rev, William White ' 3805 North Street Springfield, OR 97478 July 9, 2008 RE: Relocation of the Congregation and Minimum Development Standards Dear Reverend White, Thank you for working with Planning staff to facilitate the move of your church congregation to the new location at 14th and Main Street. After our discussions and research of the available ' information we have aetermined that a Minimum Development Standards Application will be sufficient land use review to allow the move, Below is my summary of the decision making process, The Proposal: As discussed, we understand the proposal to include moving church facilities and a congregation of approximately 50 people to an existing commercial building, using approximately 3200 square feet of the larger retail structure primarily for Sunday services and weeknight religious education, Upon visual inspection of the structure and subject site, it appears that the landscaping, parking and access do meet current standards for retail and church use. The Code: The proposed church use is a permitted use in the .Community Commercial District (SDC 3,2-310), subject to development standards for screening, landscaping and arterial street location (SDC 4,7-130), As discussed, the Springfield Development Code provides three tiers of review procedures to determine compliance with the approval standards: 1) Site Plan Review for new development or substantial expansion of an existing development (detailed application, 120 days and approximate $4200 fee), 2) Minimum Development Standards (MDS) which minimize review procedures for permitted changes of use in an existing structure (application and minimum review information, 3 weeks and approximate $762 fee). and 3) a Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) check off sheet that is used when a change of use occurs at a developed site which has gone through a recent MDS or Site Plan Review and is in compliance with previous approvals (application form, site inspection 3-5 days and approximate $280 fee), Applicability: The LUCS letter is not an option because no record of recent site plan review or MDS can be found for the subject site and a review' of minimum parking, landscaping and access standards is necessary to update the site. Full Site Plan Review is not triggered because substantial expansion of the structure or parking areas is not proposed, , , Determination: TheMDS application is the middle ground and the correct tool for review of the proposed change of use as stated at SDC 5,15-110(A)(3.d.), The code section further goes on to provide the ability to review a site and assess the required updates proportionally based upon the tenant infill, The MDS decision will outline the responsibilities of the congregation and the owner's . responsibilities as other changes of use occur at the site. Where We Are Now: Staff understands the concems of afford ability and timely continuation of services for the congregation, Staff is willing to assist you with compilation of the plot plans and other materials necessary to complete the application packet picked up yesterday, and apply the standards in a pro~ortional and reasonable manner, making every effort to meet the desired timeline of July 27 for church services if the application is retumed as soon as possible. - , In closing, I wish to thank you for your appreciation of Planning's responsibilities for development review ill the community during a pivotal and presumably stressful time in the life of your congregation, It is our sincere desire to be of service to you during this time and ensure your ongoing presence in the community, I believe that our goals to serve the community in our respective ways are inclusive and compliment one and< other, I hope this letter is of assistance to you and I encourage you to always call on us in a time of need, , , I We look forward to assisting you and we are available to:discuss the matter further at your convenience, I Cordially: ~~ O~~~ J es p, Donovan, Supervisor ity of Springfield, DSD Urban Planning Division Cc:Jeff Towery, Ass!. City Manager UPD Planning Staff .' SPRINGFIELD ~. . :j:r;/h'~lfi1Ir');/:f<l"N~ DEVELOPMENT SERVICES .' ~" ~ 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ~ Rev. \.::.~.J.iam White 3805 North Street Springfield, OR 97478 ..O,~ . ,