HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1997-4-11 '-:;, BRAUN'M INTERTEC Braun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541.746-9649 Fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Scientists Serving the Buil, and Natural Environmenfs , April 11, 1997 Project No. EBXX-97-OO77 Report E-59020 BP: '1lD-\5l.D4 Ms. Lee Nielsen Koll Telecommunications 7535B NE Ambassador Place Portland, Oregon 97220 Dear Ms. Nielsen: Re: Springfield Tower Springfield, Oregon D.P. 96-1564IP.O. No. 2307-A 1)tO ~. \ fSili PL . High Strength 'Bolts '-April'lO, 1997 "'"L',,,';'.' :,':".~I j,'- '-'- .", I ' ."' '....; t~' ".,' "\': . \,... David Smith Ken Porter I Met on-site with Ken Porter (Westower) to perform final inspection. Pal nut installation " from 0 to 60' elevation. previously not .completed on March 17, 1997 is now completed on the bolts in the x-bracing, x-bracing to tower legs, and tower leg to tower leg connections, I Tower leg flanges previously noted in our report no. E-58840, dated March 18, 1997 has a gap around the edge of flange connection from 1/16" to 1/8". This'issue was addressed in a transmittal from Scott Wenk of Rohn. (See attached transmittal). This condition exists in the tower leg to tower leg connections. Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. S incerel y, . rIJL.rYJ~~(~)... '....-/2: 'V()A'/J~'--.7~J - . .-- < Michael L.'Meyer,}rmclpal .., , . ....,.. -"_- RaymOnd~~rtl"Supervlsor _._,_____ .. Willamette ValleY-Operations Manager' : ,,: ~ Eugene Branch ;. ,(,t .' ":: t": c: .', " . City of Springfield _ ."j ."1 .. :;11""'. Attachment: Transmittal, c:\wp51 \repurts\welds\kuI59020.spr APR -09' 97 (WED) 09: 10 WESTOWER COMM. . 'Q-VOG/97 WED 07:39 FAX 309897GU2 , TEL:206 ]50 9354 p, 002 Ii1l001 UNR-ROHN . PRODUCTS FOR A GROWING . WORLD OF TECHNOLOGY ROI-l N .'.~.., ~::,:,' '~\ ~ . '" ~~~.., ;~:.' :;', p,..l,,....,(.:~ "_. iCJ'<'t:y:!' t';'- , FAX MESSAGE 671 a West Plank Road, P.O. Sox 2000 Peoria, 1I1inoi:s 61656 USA PH: 309-697.4400 FAX: 309-697-5612. Ernail: mail@rohnnet.com lAJorrd Wide Web: WWW.rohnnet.com - - TO: If"e,; ,tgrJey /"/W- ~ir FAX NUMBER: PHONE: sjl?- 7f'?;- C;J~y FROM: SCOTT WENK DAT~: . V:-#'-9? Er?} SUBJECT: 5",Rt'Mf 1'1'1d ((J. PAGES (including this one) I /Ccm J: ,ftt/~ 1J&t" reh~ .--6 Yk ~ fft'/t?tJ./ / d C2?Ml!vAd.f. A-:r' (ntl ' aj f'^/ & ~o ~g';:'P ~ - , / )/:~ l/f t'.k '-c/.~ ~ .1! ", rt-r< ~ cvrlr e~~ tf p7a-d d-' ~ ;1~/l! ~Id.. 0['/' " . TOWERS POLES ANTENNA, MOUNTS. SHELTE~S CABINErs INSTALLATION BRAUNSM I NTERTEC Braun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541.746-9649 Fax: 746-7163 I Eng;neers and Scientists Serving the Built and Natural Environments March 18, 1997 Project No. EBXX-97-0077 Report E-58840 Ms. Lee Nielsen KolI Telecommunications 7535B NE Ambassador Place Portland, Oregon 97220 . Dear Ms. Nielsen: Re: Springfield. Tower ~ ~. \ ~ st-. Springfield, Oregon . . B.P. 96-I564/P.O. No. 2307-A 1!~~kl!!~~Qf~:::.:mt...... High Strength Bolts March 17, 1997 David Smith I!f~~tj~!~t!~t~tlf~ti! Ken Porter Met on-site with Westower representatives to verify snug-tight conditions as defined in the .1 November 13, 1985 AISC ,manual. The 5/8", 3/4" and 1" A-325 high strength bolts in the x-bracing, x-bracing to tower legs, and tower leg to tower leg connections from 0 to 150' elevation were checked. Snug-tight condition was met except for the I" A-325 at 20', 40' and 60' elevations of tower leg to tower leg connections. Spoke with Ken Porter (Wcstower) by phone and he stated that work was to continue on those connections to draw tower leg flanges together to allow for a snug fit between planes of metal. Pal nuts installed throughout tower except from 0 to 60' elevation, Contractor was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed, . . (-\tb" nClpaJ ') erations Manager ~,~. (1 OI.D~'~ Raymond V ~i, Supervisor Eugene Branch c: City of Springfield c :\wp51 \reports\welds\ko158840.spr BRAUN'M I NTE RTEC Braun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541.746-9649 Fax: 746,7163 Engineers and Scientisfs Serving the Built and Natural Environments l March 17, 1997 ' , Project No. EBXX-97-0077 Report E-58833 Ms. Lee Nielsen Koll Telecommunications 7535B NE Ambassador Place Portland, Oregon 97220 Dear Ms. Nielsen: Re: Springfield Tower w.::> ~. \ ~ "St-, Springfield, Oregon . B.P. 96-1564/P.O. No. 2307-A March 14, 1997 David Smith I i Ken Porter Ken Porter (Westower) to verify snug tight condition as defined in the November 13, 1985 AISC manual. The 5/8" and 3/4" A~325 high strength bolts in the . "X" bracing to tower leg connections from 0 to 40' elevation were checked visually and by manually tensioning with a 12" wrench. No movement was noted and no gaps were visible between members indicating bolts 'are in a snug-tight condition. Snug tight condition was met. Additional site visits connections will continue as work progresses. Sincerely, \1\l. \f\~ (\t>~ Michael L. Mey r Pr cipal Willamette Valley. p rations Manager q,~. (\ JA'0~' Raymond 'V'. ;:;i;e~ supervis~ w0 Eugene Branch c: City of Springfield c :\wp51 \reports\welds\koI58833 .spr 0.' BRAUN'M I NTE RTEC Braun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541.746-9649 Fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Scientists Serving the Built and Natural Environments March 14, 1997 Project No. EBXX-97-0077 Report E-58827 Ms. Lee Nielsen Koll Telecommunications 7535B NE Ambassador Place Portland, Oregon 97220 Dear Ms. Nielsen: Re: Springfield Tower ~ ell Springfield, Oregon 1$t::C>'5. \ l)'t"" . B.P. 9ii~I5641P.O. No. 2307-A ...'...............,'..,.,'.....',-,'...-.....-,..,'.',...-',....',',',' .............,..."..............,-......... ......................'.........., !n~p~l!9~.Qt1 ...._....,.,...,.....,-',-.:.,.,...,.:..,'.,..".... .,.;.,.,.."":.-,:,-,-,.,,.--,..,,-,.,,::,.,::..:,::, :.,.:.:.:.:'.'-...'-.-:.:-;..-.'-..:......;...-:'....:',": .........-...........,.. .........................-.......,............,.....,... .................,..... .;-:.:-:-:-,:,.,:,::-:-:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.,.:.:.:.;.;.;" ........'.......,.-...................,...,..... ....-.............,... High Strength Bolts March 13, 1997 David Smith I f~~tj~t~tiit1Itfij;t~t; Ken Porter ~et on-site with Ken Porter (Westower) to perform bolt installation verification. J co:tacted Scott (Unarco-Rohn) to verify Drawing # A790135R2 referencing ANSI/EIA- __I 222-E section I. L3.2 tensioning bolts to a snug-tight condition, Bolt installation progressing and periodic inspections will continue until completion of operations, Sincerely, \YI.l.~.0L (Hfl) Michael L. eyer, incipal Willamette Va erations Manager Q \ r. !1 ~ illffitb' / ttfJ \ ~a~m~nd Y."Aiiperi, supervisor:! Eugene Branch c: City of Springfield Attachment: Bolt Assembly Installation Drawing c:\wp51 \reports\weld.s\koI58827 .spr ---_."."--.-----"_.. -----.; <. . 4 ~:1.:-r "';.'~ .." .:'. L , /./.t:". , . . ~/:"A'SSE~BLYBodn~STALLATlON: .' . ,,',';j" ,':ALL'ToWER ASSOOL Y BOLTS ARE TO BE INSERTED OUT ANDIOR UP (I.E. wrrn " - ~ . ,. NUTS 'AND PAL NUTS ON OUTSIDE OF TOWER FACE ANDIOR ON TOP OF FLANGE PLATES) UNLESS PROHIBITED BY LACK OF a.EARANCE ALL ASSEMBLY AND ANCHOR BOLTS ARE TO BE TIGHTENED IN ACCORDANCE WITII M!SIJElA-222-E SEcrtON - (WHERE HIGH-STRENG1H BOLTS ARE USED FOR BEARING-TYPE CONNEcrtONS, AS A MINIMUM. 1HE BOLTS SHALL BE TIGHl'ENED TOA " SNUG TIGlIT' CONDmON AS DEFINED IN 1HE NOVEMBER 13,1985, AlSC, "SPECIFICATION FOR STRUcruRAL JOINTS USING ASTM A325 OR A490 BOLTS".) ',\ '. ~:' {~ :, . ~~. FLAT WASHERS ARE TO BE ii,S-i~ALLEI: \vrrn BOLTS 0\'ER SUi, 11::,1) HOLES. CAUTION: Do NOTOVER,TORQUEl GALVANIZING ON BOLTS, NUTS, AND STEEL PARTS MAY ACf AS A LUBRICANT, THUS OVER-TIGHTENING MAY OCCUR AND MAY CAUSE BOLTS TO CRACK AND SNAP OFF, ~J'lUTINSTALLATlON PAL N!ITS ARE TO BE INSTALLED AFTER NUTS ARE TIGHT AND WI1H , EDGE LIP OUT. (SEE ;;PICTIJRE) PAL NUTS NOT REQUIRED WHEN SELF-LOCKING NUTS ARE PROVIDED. /~ "- - ..~,; :' } " ~ t/. .> Rz 'UPGRf1D€ ';.cOR:C.I.,q, gEV E .B.I._ UPG-RADE FOP. E I A REV. 0 .. "_", &<f:C9Z I~~" 12-29-871 FH7;<JHDI ." " l' No.' Revision Description 10ale ABy Unarco-Rohn 6 , ,~ . ~ '{ ,~ ;. Division of Unarco Industries, Inc, Tille -' ". " dOLT r4SSi.:-;tI8LY hYS7/lZL/7T/ON Scale . NONE " ..~ -~-..-~, .::.' ,.-:~ :" .'1"" - -~:' ~~-ll/.. . .,~, ...:. '... ...y ._:::(.rt,~:{< . ... ''''''1..l!~,;.. ':., ".'.' ':.;~ ~~:'~;:~~.> ,~' ...,...~:,. ...' ,........ . :~.~, ~...."..... ....~ - ,......."{f. 4.' .'}f: ';..,,:~:. :;\, . ~~:~: ,.. - . .__~J'/!/ ., .I..~:; 01" .i:.~7Ct~ Drawn by . e# Checked by./.. Dale .,4.:P/f '7-5-;>7 A'pproved by Engineering Date. ~' -r:r 7-S-7' Approved by Production Date Date .7-..5=.7.9 Unless otherwise specified. dimensions are given in inches. Tolerances Decimals .Fractions Angles '. ~ ~ ~ Material Finish Weight This drawing is the property of Unarco-Rohn. It is no1to be repr~duced, copied or traced in whole or in part without our . written consent. File Number ApprQved by Sales if> LU ";"~ ~ Dale ,_~.r.wl", Number '-",';.. A 790/3SRz .J 7~ ID-7T , ...~-"...": BRA, U N INTERT!E'~C NORTHWEST Inspecting Engi~eers--Chemists 2285 NUGGET WAY EUGENE', .OR 97403 Phone: (503) 746-9649 FAX: 74'6-7163 CONCRETE COMPRESSION TESTS TESTED FOR:Koll Telecommunications CAST BY:our rep, D. Craig '. PROJECT:Springfield Tower ADDREss:s~n3field, Oregon '(SOU s. \ <6'-'" 5t: TYPE OF SPECIMEN:6x12 cylinders 3000 psi, 3/4" MAX SIZED AGGREGATE ADDITIVES:AEA SOURCE:Morse Bros., Inc. ,: PRODUCT CODE:80050-1 CONDITION OF STORAGE:ASTM PROJECT NO.:EBXX97-0077 REPORT NO:12-037-7250 P.O. NO:PO 2307-A PERMIT' N0:96-1564 l.-, _, .~~DATE ~~DE:03107197 DATE REC'D:03/08/97 SACK MIX5000 psi placed SLUMP:5 1/2" TICKET NO: LOAD NO: LOCATION OF 748704AIR TEMP: '51 1 CONC TEMP: 61 POUR:Utility Slab - TIME:3:40 WEATHER: Fog Sampled from pm CU. YARDS:8 % AIR :.3 . 9 center of slab. Test Date 03/14/97 03/14/97 04/04/97 '04/04/97 Mark, . Weight Pounds 28.1 28.1 Load- lbs. per sq. in. 4.250 .4:280 Averaqe 4265 Age Tested 7 day 7 day 28.3 28.3 4990 4920 4955 28 day 28 day insp Note: Dave with western Telecom advised of on-site test results. cc: Koll Telecommunications,Lee Nielsen city of Springfield, Morse Eros., Inc. ',.' :.~;' r" _4__.'__'__' ___'__._ '~..2':;:?~::.~:~'. .'J:" ':;G[~H: ...~..,..... td -: : '.r. -:-~ ~:'~/~ ~~J~j-" .- ....:-(:T~ -:;~"'TT. 0:..... ~ ....ri.. - r)/ f;~7J_'-;.L.. 0:, r:::t'.frJ~ <~' 'r. ."'-1': :' - " -. . - - - - . '. THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OUR CLIENT AND IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF OUR CLIENT ONLY. NO OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY MAY UTILIZE THIS REPORT OR ANY PORTION THEREOF WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. .:, .:.,;1;r.\; . ,- BRAUN'M I NTE RTEC Braun Intertee Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541.746.9649 Fax: 746.7163 Engineers and Scientisfs Serving the Built and Natural Environments DAILY FIELD REPORT Project: . Springfield Cell Tower Project #: EBXX-97-0077 Report #: 12-Q37-7250i ,P.O. No.: 2307-A Pennit No.: 96-1564 Weather: Foggy Date: March 07, 1997 Tested For: . KolI Telecommunications Job Address: Springfield Quarry . '&:D ~, \~\\ Sh Springfield, Oregon Type of Inspection: Reinforced Concrete Type of Structure: Slab on grade Specific Placement Locations: Utility Slab NOTES: Reinforcing steel was checked, in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable. There were no slab reinforcement requirements available. Reinforcement in place was #4 each way at 12" on center. Cancrete was placed by ~hute and mechanically consolidated. One set af four (6 x 12) cylinders were cast. Dave with Westower was notified af on-site test results. v KolI Telecommunicatians Project EBXX-97-OO77 Report 12-037-7250i March 12, 1997 Page 2 II Supplier Morse Bros., Ine I Mix Number 80050-1 I SlumplFlow 5.5" I Air Content 3.9% .~ Materiai Temperature 61' I Ambient Temperature 51 ' I Time Placed 3:40 pm I Number of Samples 4 (6 x 12) I Design Strength (PSI) , 3000 I T olal Cubic Yards Placed 8.0 Inspectar: David Craig Number: leBO 98448 I I I I J If you should have any questions regarding thi~ report, please call, Raymond Aliperti at (541) 746-9649. Thank You. c: Kall Telecommunications - Lee Nielsen City of Springfield As a mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all reports are. submitted as the Confidential property of-clients and are intended"for the use of our clients oofy. No other person or entity may ,utilize the report or any portion thereof without our written.authorization. c:\wp51 \reportB\insp\kol7250i .spr BRA U N _ ~,_i 'i, I N T E R T'E,C NOR T H W Inspecting Engineers~-Chemists 2285 NUGGET WAY EUGENE, OR 97403 Phone: (503) 746-9649 FAX: 746-7163 EST CONCRETE COMPRESSION. TESTS TESTED FOR:Koll Telecommunications CAST BY:our rep. D. smith PROJECT:Springfield Cell Tower ADDRESS:behind springfield Quarry . . 1S.:P ';:). \~ &-. TYPE OF SPECIMEN:6 x 12 . 5000 psi, 3/4" MAX SIZED AGGREGATE ADDITIVES:AEA SOURCE:Morse Bros., Inc. PRODUCT CODE: 080050-1 CONDITION OF STORAGE:ASTM PROjEcT NO::EBX){9700?7 REPORT NO:12-037-7234 P.O. NO:.23,O}-A .. PERMIT.,NO:,9 6':'156]- DATE MADE:03/05/97 DATE REC'D:03/06/97 SACK MIX SLUMP: 6" TICKET NO: 748571 LOAD NO: 1 LOCATION OF AIR CONC POUR: Tower TEMP: 42 TEMP: 57" footings. TIME: 11:35 am CU. YARDS: WEATHER: Overcast % AIR: 5.7% sampled at southeast. footing. 7.0. Test Weight Load - lbs. Age Date Mark Pounds per sq. in. Averaqe Tested 03/12/97 28.0 4210 7 day 03/12/97 27.9 4280 4245 7 day 04/02/97 28.1 5240 28 day 04/02/97 28.1 5310 5275 28 day cyl only Note: Advised superintendent of on~site test results. cc: Koll Telecommunications-L. Nielsen, City of Spr~ngfield Morse Bros., Inc. &- '.'. ~ - .' ':' '>--' ....,\ .- _.1. i ,." . "; ,..- THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OUR .CLIENT AND IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF OUR CLIENT ONLY. NO OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY MAY UTILIZE THIS REPORT OR ANY PORTION THEREOF WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. BRAUN'M I NTE RTEC f:;" '!'lAP. 1 3 Braun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541.746.9649 Fax: 746.7163 788; Engineers and Scientisfs Serving the Built and Natural Environments March 06, 1997 Project No. EBXX-97-0077 Report E-58748 Ms. Lee Nielsen Koll Telecommunications 7535B NE Ambassador Place Portland, Oregon 97220 Dear Ms. Nielsen: Re: Springfield Cell Tower '&::D s. I ~+1 s+. Springfield, Oregon B.P. No. 96-1564 I P.O. No. 2307-A Project Information . Reinforcing Steel . March 04 & 05, 1997 M. Meyer ICBO# 73472 " ': Westower Communications " Overcast Report 03/04/97 - Performed inspection on reinforcing steel placement in three (3) tower footings. Rebar size, spacing, quantities and clearances are in conformance with submitted detail drawings by Andrew Martin, p, E" dated 0 1/22/97. Anchor bolt size and length conform to requirements specified by UNR-Rohn. Rebar and bolts were secured with tie wire andlor templates. Westower representative was advised to clean loose, saturated surface soils from base 'of footing area prior to placing concrete. Advised by Westower representative that concrete pour is to be re-scheduled for 03/05197 at 10:30 a.m. 03/05197 - Arrived on-site at 10: 15 a.m.. Westower representatives cleaned base of footing areas. Concrete arrived on-site at approximately 11: 15 am. Cast one set of four (6 x 12) concrete test cylinders and completed field tests. D. Smith ICBO# 87332. Sinc~r!ly , K,~ . , Raymon'd V. Ah erti, supe~J Eugene Branch c: City of Springfield c; \wp51 \report8\insp\koI58748.spr BRA U N ,I NT E R T ~;C NOR ~H W EST Inspecting Engineers--Chemists 2285 NUGGET WAY EUGENE, OR 97403 Phone: (503) 746-9649 FAX: 746-7163 CONCRETE COMPRESSION TESTS ~f' ./e 7.9.9,,> TESTED FOR:Koll Telecommunications CAST BY:our rep. D. Smith PROJECT:Springfield,Cell Tower ADDRESS:behind sprin~field Quarry '802>u. \~ s.. TYPE OF SPECIMEN:6 x 12 5000 psi,3/4".MAX SIZED AGGREGATE ADDITIVES:AEA SOURCE:Morse Bros., Inc.' PRODUCT CODE: 0'80050-1 CONDITION OF STORAGE: ASTM .,.. PROJECT NO. :EBXX970077 REPORT NO:12-037-7234 P .0,.. NO : 230 7.-:A _ L PERMIT iio:9'6-1564) . DATE MADE :-03/05/9 7 DATE REC'D:03/06/97 SACK MIX SLUMP: 6" . . , TICKET NO: 7485.71,. A-IR .TEMP:. '.'42 - LOAD NO: 1 CONC TEMP: 57 LOCATION OF POUR:Tower footings. TIME.: 11 : 3'5'aiTi' '.: CU;. 'YARDS': '7",0 WEATHER, Overcast % AIR: 5:7% Sampled at southeast footing. Test Date 03/12/97 03/12/97 Weight Pounds 28.0 .27.9 4245 Load - lbs. per sq. in. 4210 4280 Mark Averaqe 04/02/97 04/02/97 cyl only Note: Advised superintendent of on-site test results. . \ u~, \" cc: Koll Telecommunications-L. Nielsen City of Springfield- Morse Bros., Inc. ,'.. ,~...:":J ::~~ ~ ~<. \ t"', ;'-:"(-'dl":';::;-:--"i.'-~b-C:~>~: f(J".;:;-:-_ j:-:,,}..:~..::.3;~', _"'f -,: ,.' ",: '.c'Jr:u':;:;.~.f..._..:yo~[t.'J' . ,. '.' '\. r.. ...'.' "~"'. - _0__"'_' "':',.' . - .., . (.'1 :",': ,OJ '''''~..'' "'). '\. ;':;'r:.~...~.~':"5~ .~ .(.~..~: .,~:..Ml'S~:':': ".'.~' " ;. ~ .'.\"'. ~-.__., ,: ,.. ,'-;".THIS REPORT 'IS -SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL':PROPER'TY OF OUR . '. . . . ... CLIENT AND IS INTENDED FOR THE' USE OF OUR CLIENT ONLY. NO OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY MAY UTILIZE THIS REPORT OR ANY PORTION THEREOF WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. Age Tested 7 day 7 day 28 day 28 day . :':;"-" BRAUN'M I NTE RTEC Braun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way. Eugene, Oregon 97403 541,746-9649 Fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Scientists Serving ,he Sui/, and Natural Environments DAILY FIELD REPORT Date: February 28, '1997 Project: Springfield Cell Tower Project #: EBXX -97 -0077 Report #: E-58728 P.O. No.: 2307-A Pennit No.: 96-1564 ' . 1 Weather: Overcast TeSted For: KolI Telecommunications Job Address: Springfield, Oregon ~'ID€>=~ t:*-. Type or Inspection: Reinfarcmg Steel Type of Structure: Rock Anchors . Specific Placement Locations: Tawer faundatian NOTES: Reinforcing steel was checked, in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable. The no. 11 x 24' rebar were installed in 21/2" diameter pre-drilled holes with Sonogrout IOK shrinkage-campensated non-metallic high strength grout. The grout was mixed an-site ta pourable cansistency in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. The grout was consolidated by vibrating the no; 11 rebar with a mechanical vibrator. The no. 11 rebar was embedded approximately 17'6" from the bottom of excavations. No tests were requested per Eric Appleo. Inspector: Number: Steve Wilder ICBO 72031 If you should have any questions regarding this repart, please call Raymond Aliperti at (541) 746-9649, Thank You. ' c: City of Springfield KolI Telecammunications As a mutual proteCtion to clients, the public, and ourselves, all reports are submitted as the confidential property of clients and are intended for the use of our clients only. Na ather person or' entity may utilize the report or any portion.thereof without our written authorization. c:\wpS 1 \r<ports\insp\kolS8728 ,sp'