HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1997-3-30 :- " " . '.~ ~_:.j".. -.:~ ~~;'~l'.' :.:-.~ '\~' , ..' . "~,.".\" ".' . ...~ . , , " ';' . . , -, ),. ~- . '. ..- . .".. '. ~;"';""::~~::~::.>;'>.~/';I:',c::"I':~:,~,~:>,:,.,,;:,,:,.\,.>,~:...:,:.>,:~ ":::'i'.:'>!.:. ~::.: ,...,......':.;,:. ,h.". " . id:;.'~", OREGON "G" .. ....' L. .. " .,", ,.,,' " '.00'; ;,L'-', '..",::[<,. ,.,.. "",:.;',:,EOTECHNICAL/ :s. .,.:.......-.. .:';,.... ,. .' '" ;,'(" ':::',0,:,: ':, .,/.. ':. ,:'.'~ : :>> .', '"", "':\'..", ',' ERVICES ;., ,> .<, ' '.".,.. . S . ".: ,::'., ':".",., ", :," .,' '"', ""V :...;....., '. ,': ":," J;'~"'.' ..~~:~ ;.:.:. \,' ...- ,", !\, .... ..s:;...:.. -"'.:':\.' _ . .... " T' .o:'.:,'City' orSprinn:i'jeld'.....'.:.., ..","".,,:. . "."..'.,,:: ,.., ""...,.!',~'"..: ::- '''March'30 1"997 '. ' .' ~ .' :;.~ .' . '. ". .. .5~l, ".~" .... ""u '-":i '-," '-'. \;" ,),:.._ /: .;:.\.',: . .f"',-: :'-: .' ,,- ;" "'. ~ .~'. r, . . . 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'" ': . qeotechnical,Servi.ses staffprovided,!nsp~ct!o~ of the fill placecJ:[or the buil~ji1g pa.d at the .., :~ ' . . abov~, mentioned property, and,to qocum,eilt conditions arid provide, certification of the " , .., ". :.; c6nstructed fill,. arid subgrade exposed in the footing,trenches, ''riils'work:wa~~erfomied by: '..:.. : :" paxid,E:iRe.ich,CertifiedEI}g1n~ering (:ie~l(Jgis,t'(OJ<..\ic;jt'E I:Zi7)of Oregon Geotechrlibal> ' '"" ',." .:,.Services;'3840l: Place Road, Fall Creek;Oregon" Thi(work con~.isted ofvisuaJ. inspection and " " " maI}ua(testirigor'ihe,existingsubgrade.at'the5~IIding site, and testing,and,inspeCti.ohoftkfill: ,'!'. cohstructedin tli,ebuilding_ar,ea ,to ,verity com'pac90Jt~ndc..erti'!y' .the sit~ :as suitablefor t~e. , \.:: - ',:' " proposedbuilding constructioh:".:'.>.' :':. t. '.,:'. '." .'.':' '" '",,' '" .., ,I' + ',;.~'."'+.,",:,...,.."'" ",.'~"::. 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"',:., ;Thefill,wis,pla~ed and'rriachinetompactedwitlia (J2Tdri)vibratdry.roller cornpacietin4 to 6- - :,' . . - ,". ". ", . - ..', . '_ " ,~. '_ ".f: _ . ,- :, _' '.' -' ,,\ . '. '. . ,'. . '., .," ,..,..;: inch lifts; 'where:applicable,'to finishedgrade.,The fill vanes in thickries'sJromappioximately 18, ,,' .., . '," "." --~', . " ...." ,..' .'. ,,', , - ,-.... .. . <, ". >, - '. + '-- ".'" .., :. .... ',"', --,'. ,,' --<. " . . ;:.:. : '::.>i~.ch~s'ol}the non;h sideof.th~ fill; .to apprp~iinate,ly24 iilchespnthe's,o!ltlpideofthe,fill:The, ' .. '.'. ' ";'.,..,:,.. lower pOrtiorr9[th.e:!P!wlJ~:~onst~cted.,\vit~}'Iz,~nch,mi'1~~ ~ateri~r(l- 1 .~. feet)apdth~n .., '.:.f: "~,::' ..'. ..,.~....;,:.~.,::-.....:< "-.'.}... ..:::.....~?:.! .,- ',. .~ . .; ~ , . . ,', ,.', . . .. ,.." . ~ .' . .' , . ~ . . .", '':--.-~'-' .-.'. TCBYJnSpLct3/9.7<'~:. ",,'~ ,,;." ..d,. ......!.". ., ,~. ~: '_:.-,"\"~~g~~.~t~hni~"'~fi,~~<;-~".- >:'.:'.'~.-;' ',I~. "",~'.: 1. '.~ '.~' . .':~..~:~,,'" .....'. " j,,,~. .~:" :', ''I' . , ~ .' .'.~ ':'.l:f <. ' '_ ':., ,.' , :'~, ,. . " ',. , , " " , '.. . " .. ~ " "', , .".' :,:~ ,; ',,' ..""'". ._~,...- ..::'. ~'" ~ -~,.':.,t.'.: :...~.,':).:.... " ,;', ',".\'. '.. .~, ~ :..' . ,','.,1" ':-', ..' " :" " , ". '- '. , ".,' .., .," , '. '. '" . . . '.' ... ',', .,. '. '.; ,:l.:, . ,"'. ,,' - -. ~ ,. , ':,' :38401 .P'iace,Ro~d;:Fall'Creek; OR 9,7438 . . .' :,.~'" ' '. ~ .' "-".'''~ .', ~.'., ~' ,.,". .._.. . " " ":'.,:" ,_"..' .-.... .f.., . . "':: " "" . 0 (54'1)937-8747 ,. .1'. , ' "'";': . ~. .- ..j' " capped with % minus crushed rock, Proof rolling of the building site was performed during and after placement and compaction of aggregate fill. The site was tested frequently as the fill was being built up to grade, and again after the final lift was placed, and showed no significant (greater than y.. inch) deflection or rutting in the building area and verified that the building site is well compacted, on adequate 'strength subgrade and fill, and is sUitable for (the proposed) building construction, Proof rolling was performed with a 12 ton vibratory roller. In addition to the proof roll, relative density tests were performed at the site after placement and compaction of the fill to determine if the required density and strength had been achieved, and to ensure that the aggregate was evenly compacted throughout the fill. Testing confirms that the fill is evenly compacted, and that the density of the fill increases with depth into the fill. Tests indicate that a relative compaction of greater than 95% (ASTM 0 1557) has been achieved in the aggregate fill. Maintaining drainage away from the footings is important in order to avoid differential settlement of the foundation pads. Construction plans for the site indicate that drainage will be controlled by placing the buildings at a level above the native grade and sloping the parking area to a drain away from the building, In addition, roof drains (downspouts) will be piped to the storm sewer. Ground surfaces and any impervious surfaces should be sloped or designed to drain all storm runoff away from the structure and to the municipal storm system, These drainage control efforts should minimize any ponding of "Yater on the site. Limilalions: This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Q St Investors and its authorized agents. Professional services were rendered in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical services, and using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by firms or individuals practicing in similar locations, Analysis, conclusions and recommendations included in this report relate to conditions at the time the services were performed. Data was accumulated from overall site reconnaissance and limited subsurface exploration in select locations, In the event that changes in the nature, design or layout of the project are made, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and verified in writing, and no warranty is expressed or implied, If you have any comments or questions please give me a call at 541-937-8747 TC8Y Insp Let 3/97 Oregon Geotechnical SerVices 2 Sincerely, ~~_Ge~technif~l. S,~i~es ~c~PY:W'-- City of Sprlnglield COlllmullity Services Division 225 'FII\h Streel Springfield, OR 9'/4"/7 1'elephono: (5<t I) 726.3759 Pux:(541) 726-J689 SIlccinl Inspection And Testing . . To uppllcanl!l ofproJCCfS roqultlng specirillil.pection or testing 115 I'er Section 1701.5 of tho Oregou Structural Speclolty Code. Please ruvlow tile infonllation below. When YOll hovo finIshed, acknowledge on undel'stnn~lInll oflhe Inforlllfltlon by signing below, nnd relnm this form 10 Ihe City_ . . llRFOIm A Pl!:IlMlT CAN 13~ ISSUED: The owner or owner's represenlatlve, 011 the advice of the respollslble J'roJect E1Igluecr or Archllccl, shall complete, sign, nnd submit 10 tho elly for review and npl'rovlIl tllis f01'1I1 eoniplotw 011 both the fronlum! back, Boilding Penn it II Dote Project Title Project Address Tho OWoer und Oenol'ol COlltractor, where applicllble,,.shllll also noknowledllC tho following condllions npplicnblo to SpociullllspecUou 1II1d/ol' Testing. I. Contl'uclor Is I'Cspollslblo lor Ilfopor 1I01il1cnllllil 1'01' tho luspectlou or TosUug of items listed. ~ 2, TesUng la~ollltnl'Y shnlllnke nplII'Oprlale sOIllples nnd lronsl'ott them 10 lbolr laboratory for proper ovnlunlloll or tostlng. . Copies Ofllllluboralol'Y l'epol'ls,;lil<llnspecllolls are 10 bo gOlIl to tho City by tho Tesliug Agoney, , 3. SpeclllllnSllccl!om Agoucy Is to sublllji 1U1I\1OS and 'InullOcutlons of on-silo SpeciallnBpoclol's 10 Ihe City for approval. I 4. Speclnllnspeclor sllllll provide hlSP9'ctloul'01'0l'ts to Ihe building omcinl of ull inspectiollllclivltlos. 5. Coulmclor Is res]lonsiblc 10 review tho City llJllll'oved pInus for nddltlolllll'lnspeclion or lesling l'cqolroinonlS Illat IllIlY bo nolod. BEFOltE ^ CEltTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL IlIlISSUED: Tho SpociullnsjlocllOll Agolloy sllllll sllum!ll() 1110 llulldlllg Onlcllllu Slu\olllellllhnt ullltems rcquh'lllll Insllcctlell huvo boonll1lnlled nud l'CjlOlied ~nd WDI'O 10 tho bost of the 11Is1IOe101"5 knowledge, hi coufomlRllcc wllh tho oppmvod plllns, specifications nnd llpplicnblo 1V0rkmaJlship provisions, Those items 1I0ttesled andlol' inspectod Bhnll be nOled In the stalemelll, 1110 report is to be submillcd to the Cily prior to R roqnesl for final inspecUoJls,. ACKNOWLEDGMEN'I'S "':)11 ~~~ rl'J ~'>~..ir\S Ownol' Name (Printed) R'lOffiT 8ml.W 'I.RCllr.rn::::r Bngllleer or Mehitecl Fll'llI (1'I'IUloll) Tostlng Laboratory Nnme (Printed) r'lr .mm'll (")1'J<o<mrl("J'T,)l\I ThIr' (Jen. Conlmctor Film Nnmo (Printod) 4~ -L T...t/~ -- Geneml. Contractor Signature ~1'~v~PaaJLA- peclollIlSP, Agenoy Rep Sl~n. . MlEGcIJ (,~€.c;n;;J:...llio.i,LAL- ~lilL6..i Speolnllnslloetion Ageucy NOllie (Printed) Eligineer or Architect SlgllUture Testing Labomlol'Y Itel) Slgnotore Duildlng OffieIn' Nalllo (Prllltcd) Bnlldlng Offielal Slgllalure STllUCTUIlAL WOOD: , I Shenr walln"lIlnl!, InsJ}eclion Shellr wall ellchors Inspection of GlII-lem fnb. * TIC p,~! Inspecllon of II'USS joist fnb, Sample llnd leSI comllonents .Fahrication weldlnfi ofsleel nccessorles MASONRYl Speclallll~pecllon slresSes used. rm f'g, Preliminary acceptance leslS (masonry unils, wall prisms) Subsequent lesls (morter, groul, field wall prisms) Placement Inspection of units, end reinlbrcemenl Mosonary, morter, grout, and reinforcing sleel certlficauis , . SnCIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE RelnSorced Concrete, Goulle, Grout and Mortnr: ~efe GlInlle 1-.J1m1l1 -~ GRADING, EXCAVATION, AND FILL ::I::. Acceplance tests · -2000 PSF ESIIl blish final grade ~ Fill placement inspecrloll/colllfnllolls .:f:=. Soli Density All~D.lill" nfMlx ~n R~inrnrd"n Te<::t ~lll8!ll1jllhnull.Cllrt * ll~nf\lIllnll,Plu~Wllln\ CllIlllnllolls Bnlch.elllnUUl'n Insl)ecI Plw;in. r.~I~' S!!lllnkllP~(" r.t\'1lpresslon 1'0"* STRUCTURAL STEI1J,JWELDING: Saml1le and lest (list specific mcmbcrs below) Shop malerinlldentifieatlon (mill ce11) Weld IlIspectlon ' ShOll Ultrosonte InSpCCllOll Shop High strength boiling Shop A325 N X A490 _ N .._ X Mclal deck welding inspection ReInforcing Steel welding IlIsllecllolI Reinforcing Gleel mill ecrtlfir,nte Metal Slud weldlllg Inspection COllcrete Illsert wcldlng Inspeclion Moment reslsllng sleel fromes Prccasl/Pre-stressed Conerete: Plies PQst-l'ens Pre-Tens Clnddhlll l I A.gllWRlllltThSlS 1l~infw:lililIlIcsI' T\:Jllllln.l'l:<t Mlx.Dllailll" · !lainfur~1l Plllceme"t Itlsert PllIcome"t ('dIlJj;rele natohinff C"'Im:lltl:.~D1ent Inslallatlon [lIsp,erlm, ('~lSnlllllle. ..--Elclr.nn SlJDJpk< ('&ln~llllLT~I< SMOKE CONTROL: Leakake testing COlllrol verificatllln FmRPROOFING: Plocemcntlnspectlon Dellslty Tests 1lllckncss tests . Inspecl balchillg ROOFING Insulation InslallnlionIR-vnllle* Tesl strips/seams . Field Field Field F F AJ>DlTIONAL INSTRUCTIONS, OTHER Tl~ST. & INSI'ECTIONS: F&rm com"pleled. by: l}:,4 t .lletck..-P8Ie.:tja/'-JIr ,I. f)""-.r ~oI-ec[.j,(l{~1 Se,rc.Jeus +I'ROVIDF. STRENGTH RI':QUIRED.IlV ARCIUTECT OR ENGINEER Oi\.CONTRACT DOCUMENT LOCA TION OF VALUES J