HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1997-11-5 BRAUNS. INTERTEC Braun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541-746-9649, fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Scientists Serving the Built and Natural Environments DAIL Y FIELD REPORT 19iit~i>II.;:. ,/,. . ~(~)\~:":'i::,r I~ ~(; I ~~ ~s7 1~:;t;~;;tt,;,r,;;;J~::ir;,:):,':' :I")I~~:~;; ~7 -04 20 11~~;:d::~'~'hICdO]l Place 1;~;;1;~~UJ;~~\::'~irt(~~}n;;;h:\~)',~.~]1213 Springfield, Oregon 1\\'~~(th~J':", t," ':':(." ,,',' '. .. >jClCllf m~~:Rf;.~;:?tHryIit~5r!E~I;;\/'-:' - ~-?~ F~po:\y Anchprs rr~'I)~-.~,f:'~trli~tl'-~~,:,: IWalls 11~)~:ff1,~:~,::::~:t~;E~IW~~L~~:m~' _ ,Snlllh w1111 \\'eS1 of garagl: and south \\'<111 cast oj' \\'cstern-most \\'i~1dow. , Ficl,~I.oh.~:t:';'\':l!i(,i"ils' and Coiilllll'nls "':.':"w:,' ~bser\'ed the instnllatioll or six! 2" :\ 3/4" all-thrc,ld bolls in arcus liSll'd above, l)']on brush and comprL',,~,"t:d ;lil'. Verified <l minimum clllhl'ddmclll or () inches. (ICTJO#ERS279).to insl<1!1 Ihl' holls. I ___.___,_____ ,':,;::;....;.,:.,:. ..,':-:-:~-,.. I ",J I The holes were pn.>drilkd and cleaned with C{)lllr~](;LOr llSl'd the Simpson Set-Pac InspCClnr: R. Crawrord . IC13011 88323:1-8X If YOll have any qU:stiollS n:{lardillg Lhis rq)()r1, please t'eel t'n:c to call R:l~'I11{llld V. 1\lipL'rli ut (54l) 746.9()49. c: City or SpringficJd/ Sovereign 8uildns - C;:tr~' Mcrkdloll I II As a Illutllal protection 10 l:liclIIS. thl' puhlic. :\J1J ollrst..'!\'l'.<;. all J"l:pOr1S Ufl: :>lIblllith:d ;l.<; the cOIl!idcl1li,d prup"'ny of l:lients and <:Ire intended for the use of our clients only. No olher pCI'snl1 or'\.'lIlit~, 1ll:1~' lllilizl' Il1l' repl)r!llr allY ponil-1I1 lIK''I"l'P[" wilhnul (lUI" wril1l'n al~lhorizali(Jn. . r; ,"' .' ,. . ~: ~ -; ...., ,; I,~"i ;1'-.., '..II-I r;{f~~,'!~\IJ"~ ..,);.: ',n:lJo: ilL;,! tc LI~(' I;;., ...., ':'\1'.. "~~\~C':'F "j~ '.;". i.: _-t(:.~~~IJ~, !. I ;::"H.: '1' ~ '....11,',1: ~ }('t";-,Y; ? f\groupS\pllh.da\a\wpdoc\r,;-rons\illSpiSOy{j()72 7 .r~'s