HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1997-12-1 BRAUNS~ I NTE RTEC Braun I"tertec" Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon_ 974.03 541.746-9649 fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Scientists Serving the Buitt and Natural Environments December 1, 1997 Project EBXX-97-0359 Report 12-107-7989 Me. Derek Easton Big Valley Concrete 597 Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 c?~ {' f> ',t l.9.9,.> Re: Shelley Street Storage 597 Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon RP.;No~ 97-1012' 10.06.97 MASONRY INFORMATION ~~l'~f~ECiiiYE~i' 111-07-97. " 'i"''::''<'., l 'I I I I 7" .". ",' .' 3000 required 3500 pln~ed 3x6 grout 3/8" Nations Mini.Mix 1 ,'20N[,:' O~:~l;oR'A'(;k ,? ASTM 490 "60~';7_'~+'-;'~""'':.;.'~:'+_ '0;-:" __ 10:15 mil 3.0 -:" Overcast COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ., 10-13-97 131111 7 day 10-13-97 1340 1320 7 day I 11-03-97 .. 171111 28 day "u::;y!),-OI.97 ',.;:.;?.+n ~S70 ;' '!," ..1 .S.6~ay'." il ~,,,~~':~~'::"'h, - .:. " .1 '!iy . I \,;,." . }:J:~ .4;..~!I. "1 ""0 :i &. , '" 'City of. Springfiel(J_,._.__._.______~___... .. -.- .-----.- ------------ T--' -..-...------..-.--..-jl !:.~~~~r~aion~~Mthipi~-.::;~:.;r;-~-:-~;;-:;::.;-.----!<;:~l ':~!_~~ :1,;;;~--..: _:._________._____. ,I Thi~ reportJLs~tll~1_illl.ldas.thc co~lid~nlinl property of our c1illnl and is inl.':!1dcd for the use of our'clicntonly:-No-othi::'r person ~f entity may utilize this report or ailY portion thereof without ~ur:wdl1h:n ~ulhorization. . " __ __ _ , - :-', -. .-.- ~ ':" .-- ----.-- f:\groups\pub:dala \~pdoc\cylndcrs\hig 7989. she BRAUNSM INTERTEC :,".' . t' Braun Intertec 'Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541-746-9649 Fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Scientists Serving the Built and Natural Environments November 21, 1997 Project EBXX -97 -0359 Report 12-107-8082 Mr. Derek Easton Big Valley Concrete 597 Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: Shelley Street Storage 597 Shelley Street. Springfield, Oregon. ]!.P. No. 97-1.012. MASONRY INFORMATION 1':~o~";o~"~o~lG";'> Oo'l.s'-;; '.' ".. ," (DATii:RECiiIViiIi/...'.'.,.,..... 10-24-97 3000 6.5 0800612-G , 968840. 10-23-97 3x6 grout 3/8" . 9 1/2" .- SO" 68" I I I I I I I -I 'MorseBrOs:~ Joe: ....., !1 . 8:35am 3.0 1 Cloudy R. Aliperti ~ti~N;~~;:QQii. East and West eMU WaIIs- from 8' to 14'2.5" (top of wall). COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS 10-30-97 2050 7 day 10-30-97 2110 2080 7 day 11-20-97 3340 28 day 11-20-97 3030 3185 28 day J . City. of.Springfield -' " .; 'Morse Bros., Inc. . (' ... __~..:.. _h_':-__ _ _._._.~_+.~__._.._.+. ---_.____"'". -,- . -...... -- -~. ..h" -- _._...._,~-- .__.- - -'--"--"-;'t ; 'r~' i;;\t.", !q:" ," \. ~ <II:' ': ' "\"~;'. ." 1f~:r.~p.2.~.j_~2IJP_~jj!~.~_!l~~~_e_c_~nfidential property of our client and, is. intended for the-use.ofour client only:--No'other person'.' ;;: or entilYJrnay utilize.this report or any portion th-ereofwithout our wnUlen.auLh.ori7.atio.n,'.. .., 1 iJ'~ Ii iO ~, ::..__,.._..._.__.,.._._."____.. --,-._"~.".."-"' -. . .-."-' - .'.~i.~-"-'-._-...~.-,.,~::.-:-:~.~-:-.'-------~..---,....l ~: \g'roups \pub-data \ wpdoc \cylnders \big8082. she c: - ..," '-' BRAUN'M INTERTEC Braun InterteC Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541-746-9649 ,fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Scientists Serving the Built and Natural Environments November 3, 1997 Project EBXX-97-0359 Report 12-107-7989 Mr. Derek Easton Big Valley Concrete 597 Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: Shelley S~reet Storage 597 Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon B:P:No.~97-1012 MASONRY INFORMATION 10-06-97 3x6 grout 3/8" ~i"J I. 'f..;.+...' -"f " o-t- ... .-',""",...-'. ~~...., ~", Nations Miui.Mix .,ASTM , ..49: 10:15 am I I eMU Block Wall- 4' to 8', west and east structures. Sampled at west structure. I J COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS I I .' .,',.;:., "_' :; ~" "J.. . . /.' ...... ~. I.'.: ._: ,,", ( '0:-:', ~:,:~ciiy:bfSp~irigfi~I'd J-,';--- --- .--- . - -~-----...;..... ..--.-. ,i lif~<;:.N~tJ?~::irl; ~i~ ~';~:;~:::~: ;,:- ____ __.~ ..~~:~~;~:~:;'~~;;~.:. __':+_:-..__..__ _____,_ __ ..) lrn},~~-r~~,o~:,is~ su.b.mil,te~'a~ 'the~~~n~~.dential'.pr.op..:rty' uf o.ur 'clien~ ap~~}s -irylcfide~ /?~ ~he.use' of our,client, only ....No other. person; .01' entity may utilIZe llus repOlt or any portion thereof Without our wntttcn authOrizatIOn. .. ~ ..,...- -..-...... _...~-.. - -~- ........ - ....- ",~"..... '...... .f- f: \groups \pub -d~'ta \ wp doc \c y I nders \b ig ~9 8 9 . ~he 10.13-97 1300 7 day 10-13-97 1340 1320 7 day 11.03-97 1700 . 28 day ~2-.?I-97 56 day BRAUNSM I NTE RTEC , ~ ' ' Braun Intertec C;orporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541-746-9649 ' fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Scientists Serving the Built and Natural Environments October 30, 1997 Project EBXX-97-0359 Report 12-107-8082 Mr. Derek Easton Big Valley Concrete 597 Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: Shelley Street Storage 597 Shelley Street Spri'ngfleld, Oregon .-'RP"Nn: 97,1012,:." 10-23-97 MASONRY INFORMATION DA+~ilECEIVE~ ..,. "," 10-24-97 . r.- - .-J:' 3000 3x6 grout 3/8" 6.5 '9 Iii,; , . ,.' 0800612-G ("., ...,: ~ : - . ,,-l);1~):rj;~: nr~s':,: ,ilC.:.:-'~ I-.:fj'-;',~~ 968840 ASTM '..~. 1:;1:'.',:\; ":'i'l.- . 'j.. \lq!:1. !u;.;;;.- "SilO 680 I I, I I I 8:35 :uu 3.0 1 Clotldy~ ;- ",R. Aliperti E~lst ~wd West eMU Walls - from 8' to_14'2.5" (top of wall). COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS I 10-311-97 21150 7 day I 111-311-97 " 21111 211811 7 day I 11-20-97 . ' 28 day l 11-211-97 28 day :c:~;;~;":~'~~;t~ OfSpririgfie'ld;-'/-'-~- u..J "._ '__"n. ~~'~._ __hO _ ;;:;{~;~~(~'~;rt~;~;~~: ,.1 n1.-:i.~~:.-;-_._._ . - - ~ --,. ! - '7~~.:,'-; :~: ~~~~:>' _. ' ,.-! _~.:~ . ~_' -;~" ,::::_:. ~:'~:,; .tThis rCI)oiTissubmill~d~as'lh~".;ontidcntial'property.of.llur~cIienl,llnd_is intended for the llseof'ouf client only. No other person !~ ~i.en~ity n{ay utilize thi~ n:ponfof' ;;:;y pb~1~g~'lh~renr without our"\vi'il1;~'~ ~~Ih;;f.;I~~;~:'--'h~'""~~~.;~~',~- .:~....~.---:-----_. -;; .-:'~ ,.,'t~'-'-:'-"'--'';'-''''-''''i-';',:,:',:-''''-----~--' ....__ '._..... "........._.t:ti,'...to.' ;, f:\groupS\pl;b-dala\wpd()c'cylnders\big80~2.she - ( .;-.:: . - 'I . ',..- -.'. '. .-'., . . . BRAUN'M I NTE RTEC ,,'t Braun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541.746-9649 fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Scientists Serving the Built and Natural Environments Big Valley Construction Shelley Sl. Storage 597 Shelley Sl. ., Springtield,Oregon DAIL Y FIELD REPORT ~9j~tNq!ti~~tXilI'.. EBXX-97-Q359 R~P9tttl@jp~tj:;;;;i;}i,'.. 12-107 -SOS2i nla !!~!ldi[iiCg~t!tiitN~!ti~~t:;;197 -[ 0 I?- w... " ..~.'."".',".t.,h,..."..'e'.'.',.'r,'...'."...",'.....:'.....'.'.:,':.,'.:.',:....:,..', .,."".".,...,.,."."."". '..'....,'...IC- loudy :~ .' "'~,' >>~::;:';(~/.~:g'::;;: ;'." , !MiX, N~inbe~",,:: Ll, . 1~~7:~~t;~:':,'::"':'" '.' . h1,llI:iI#pLI~l!ip~tat,Url! IMaledillTemperature .' f.,O::':"-.;.;........-..,.,.:.:_:_:.""';,_oo_._.__._...,.,:.....<.;.",__:<.,.,.,.,.,__,.,.:.'_.'_' rrimePI~ce.~:.:: ':, . NUn,1b~(9f.Sll'niiles"...,'.:': . iI>~ig~?tre~gth,rSI!::ii . rrot~I<::ubicXil~dsPIa~e~,. .' Reinforcing Steel, Structural Masonry I~R~Ef-!-i98H9r(~HiI East and west CMU walls from S' to 14' 2 1/2" (top of wall). I :,..': .,..,......~.........,' ......,.. .,..",X<;::!:""" Fiel~ ()b~ervationslln~. ,2.~inments ',';". . ...... "'." j Performed visual inspection of reinforcing steel in the above listed locations, Reinforcing steel was checked. for . " size, lap, and clearances 'where applicable. Rebar ~as placed and maintaine~ in.ac.cordance .with the approved 'd'" fc'obsite'iJlans oated ApriliS; 1997 and -plan' review comments' dated August 'Os', 1997 (#4). ' erforll1.~d; con~J[1~:?:~s !n~pection duri.ng placement of grout. Grout was placed by pump and manually consolidated. Cast oneset'of four (3'x 6) grout cylInders. . _. ;. ~ . -, . - '.' " '. ," .j.1 tl'YP~~XiM~t~[j~!:;,>,r' .. .'. .... Grout '~J ."C.:', <"'. .'. ~'"'' Morse'Bros., Inc.' j I I I I I ',,' OS00612-G 9 1/2" ,- ~-, :,......-. ". I I .1 I u'. .... ..j 500 6So /. 8:35 a.m. 4 (3 x 6) 3000 3.0 ";,';.. .,,;.. ....... ...." ,", . ,-,"'...,.."..-"-', '-' ::.::/;::,;()?::::(8..:.:::, .....:..A.:4t:/ ...,.....':i11. .......,' ..;-,..'::",...:....... Inspector: R. Alipeni - ICBO# 90S29 Ito~:.have anyquestio~ r~~~~~:;;~.:~;~.ieJl()~t,uPJea.~_e_.fe~I_;re~:to_;alldRaymond. V... AI'ipe~ti:ai:(541) 746-9649.- d.. "_, ;;~--:~;; ;:!~~..:-=:...~,-.-._.:- - ....~ - .' ,",>, c:::"- -..:BigoValley'Co:rtstructioii"'-"DereK"Easron " .,.,~~~= -:: =~=-,-,,,,.,,.<=~- .,,~=~:==.~."-.,,-~~ ,. ",. ~~. . ... >-:i:' r" -, '"':; ",r ,H;l : " t' .;:.Jd... C., \ j(j':.l" ;.'..-'" 'Cltyot'SpnnafIeld."/ .,' '. '0. . -. .-,'.,..,-n..' .....", ""'r"~'- ,,' .".,,';'" ", ,'t. ....... 'c"~'0"..b, .'n'~",,,,..,,, t"r",. ..O:,....jj'...l...! '-.;Jtll /,\'GJ,f"'_,,. '}"~''':'"'..;l''' ":0';.,, ,I'..J l.f....'" .,'. ..~ .j.. ,\ \:. ~~~ ,:~ -....~:. ;..~ ~ . ~:::',:: :';: _:J~ '~~'".:".; ~~ II ::. -:: ~ ':,.; f..... ;,' ,:~:=.~"..; :,J" ;Wl.~'~~ ; :::~ :(,!>~;# I . ".:_ 4 ~'_ ,: As a'mutual protection to 'c1icnts, 'the public,,-and ou'~c1vcs, all !"CRorts.arc submitted us thc.confidcntial propertvof clients and.are intended for the: . . ~ _. -.. ....- ,. - ~ .... _'. .-~. ". . ...~, "'. ',.' ..' ,,' ',1 t. .~ . u~e of our 'clients 'only.' N.o.'o.t~cr p~n:on or entity may utilize thc' rc.port' or any portio.; l,hcreof ~ithout our written .authonzation. f: \group s \pu b.data \ wpdoc \r.:po rts\ i nsp \b i g 808 2i . sh.: BRAUN'" I NTE RTEC Braun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon: 97403 541-746-9649 fax: 746-7163 Engineers. cnp Scientists Serving the Built and Natural Environments October 06, 1997l()jiiYl'f4ilik~t:} . .............. EBXX-97-0359 Valley Construction 'B~~?t!l'f4ili~et;/} '12-107 -7989i Shelley Street Storage "~q;N4ilik~h}\}ln/a Shelley Street . i~.4imi.!1gg~tili!Jl'f4ili~~t}i97-1012 Oregon lYX~m~t;..}......... ........................}v.......\..\; jOvercast 5:~:~' li~~~~1~r:i~r:i!~~f .;.../i/walls 1~~1n5~!iWJ~~2\;r<\ICMU~\'alls from 4' to S' on west and east structures. 'i Ili\i!i;;iif1~I~q~~etyllt!p~~A.~~.g.p.mm.~~t~.i;.ii...; I ' erformed visual inspection of reinforcing steel. Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, placement and' clearances where applicable. Reinforcing steel in accordance with on-site plans except for the following exceptions; ond beams have either one #6 or two #5 at 4' level and vertical reinforcement has one #5 or two #4 from 4' to 8'. ' elevation felt paper was used across block webs to prevent grout from filling non-reinforced cells. Performed continuous inspection during placement of grout. Grout was manually consolidated. Cast one set of four, ,~ grout test cylinders. Contractors representative was advised of on-site test results. J rr!~~p.E.M~!~r.!fl!.......\...)....)......... . .................))}}\;; I Grout '. ~H~p!i#t} .. .... .................1 Nations Mini Mix DAIL YFIELD REPORT --~ I I ! I 7" I~::~~~;i:nt:r:~~~c~~........ .... ...... ..... . - -"":';:'-.:'::': '~://);;:;}h:: "'m. ." ....... .... ..... ....1 49' 60' 10:15 a.m. 4 (3x 6) 3.0 2S I' i 11 Inspector; D. Smith' ~ ICBO# 74615 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to call Raymond V. Aliperti at (541) 746-9649. c: Big Valley Concrete - Derek Easton City of Springfield ./ As 8 mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all ~ports are suhmitted as the confidential property of clients and arc intended for the use of our clients only. No other person or entily may utilize the report or any portion thereof withoLit our written authorization. f: \groups\pubdala \ wpdoc \reports\i nsp \b ig 7? 8 9 i . she BRA U N, I N T E R T E C NOR T H W EST Inspecting Engineers--Chemists 2285 NUGGET WAY EUGENE, OR 97403 Phone: (503) 746-9649 FAX: 746-7163 O~'l" I~l CONCRETE COMPRESSION TESTS TESTED FOR:BigValley Construction CAST BY:our rep. S. Wilder PROJECT:Shelley Street Storage ADDRESS :597 'sheileis~reet, Springfield, Oregon TYPE OF SPECIMEN: 6 x 12 2000 psi, 3/4" MAX SIZED AGGREGATE 6.0 ADDITIVES: SOURCE: Mini-Mix PRODUCT CODE: CONDITION OF STORAGE: ASTM PROJECT NO.:EBXX970359 REPORT NO:12-097-7874 P.O. NO: PERMIT NO:q~~ DATE MADE:09/12/97 DATE REC'D:09/13/97 SACK MIX 4000 psi placed SLUMP: 7" TICKET NO: 101795 AIR TEMP: 70 TIME: 5:00 pm LOAD NO: 1 CONC TEMP: 78 WEATHER:PtCloudy LOCATION OF POUR:CMU walls building A - east wall B ~ west wall finished floor to 'I.... (: '.; ;.~d. ,',; ":::;:~~.,..l." .~..:.. _1'4' . CU. YARDS: 2 1/2 % AIR:, finished floor to 4'; building 4' ; Test Date 09/19/97 Mark Weight Pounds 28.5 Load - lbs. per so. in. 2210 Averaqe Age Tested 7 day 10/10/97 10/10/97 28.8 28.8 3640 3730 3685 28 day 28 day insp Note: Advised superintendent of on-site test results. cc: Big Valley constructJion City of Springfield . , . " -~_. .:.. _ '.I ,., . ,~-, ~:. '. 'J.- . ~-.'1'd:J '; " !.~ - ::' ,~.;, " ~. .,.~ THIS REPORT IS,~UBM~TTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF OUR CLIENT AND'IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF OUR CLIENT ONLY. NO OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY MAY UTILIZE THIS REPORT OR ANY PORTION THEREOF WITHOUT OUR WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION. BRAUN'M INTERTEC Braun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541-746-9649 fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Sdentisfs Serving the Bui't and Na~uraf Environments DAilY FIELD REPORT 2, 1997 1 Big Valley Construction Shelley Street Storage 597 Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon Reinforcing Steel, Reinforced Concrete walls at building A east wall from finished tloor to 4', building B at west wall finished floor to 4'. Pf()jC~I.l'Jiiflihcr:}, ~,~W!fr~1J'l1h~r:/. ";C:;':'8'::::::::;: tit EBXX-97-0359 12-097-7874i nla ~giJ~i\jgJ)#fhE!N9hj'j~t: i ?7 -1012 Partly cloudy Walls Performed visual inspection of reinforcing steel. Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicahle and was placed in accordance with approved jobsite plans. Performed continuous inspection of the grouting of vertical cells only at locations listed ahove. The grout was placed by bucket and consolidated manually. Concrete Mini~Mix 7" l~m.~J..~2tI.#mp~ryf\it~. .,'," 1~.e!~tI~}T#hip~t~.~Et~\. '.! tIimc.Placcd" . '.. r!"iun1her of Samples,': 780 700 5:00 p.m. 3 (6 x 12) I, I Inspector: S. Wililer - rCBO# 74615 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to call Raymond V. Aliperti at (541) 746-9649. c: Big Valley Concrete - Derek Easton City of Springfield As a mutual protl'clioll to l..'licnts, the publk, and ollrsdws, all ro:ports an: submitted as the <:onlidcntial properly of clients and arc intended for the l;SC of ollr clients only. No olll.l'r pcr.'>ol) or c}ltity ~ay utilize the .!:.cPC\rt or anYlx)rtiOl~ t1.1.crco.f witl~out ollr.wriHC'l1.alllhorizali?l.l. !.". ". '.i .r.; --~ .t". '.;'