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Permit Field Test & Inspection Report 1996-8-26
. SEP 05 '95 19'39 FR P51-PTL-EUGENE qlo - a:1SI 503 344 2735 TO 725358'3 \11>1 \ S~~. . tri:;~ En: ,;, ".'" ,,,1I1eIJta1 . ~" Geotechnical I'!!.,..,... Consfruction Consulting. Engl" ~ ;., ,.,: '.;. . Testing REPORT .OF INSPECTION SERVICES TESTED FOR: Charles Hodge~ 1237 Is13nd Street Springfield, OR 97477 I?kOc..1 Eel' Special :ee.'1ll1 Inp8t'ct.lon DATE: i\ugust 26', 199t: REPORT NO. = 722-6017?~] .~-~---- n. _ ----""_._._.~~-,- ....--.-...,.-------..- -". --~'---_.' ,.~ REHARKS: A representative of PSI was on site to inspect the placement nt bolts into a.masonry wall by using epoxy. The bolts used are 1/2" threaded A307 SAE 1018 bolts. The holes drilled were 4 3/4" de~"_ and were observed being cleaned with a bottle brush. The epoxy used was Simp.gon brand epoxy, Model ET 1. 7KT. The epoxy was placed according to directions. We were informed by' contractor on site the brackets to be hung on the bolts were fabricated at Wilderness Machine works by a certified welder Isee attached welder cert=.i t ication) Other Notes: Springfield City Job Number 960951 8ranch Engineering ~roject number 96-201 Inspecto:r. : Jason Boehland. Respectfully submitted, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. lnformation To Bulld On PSr. 545 Conger Srr~tl~T. Eugene, OR 97402 ~ Phone 5411484--9212' Fax. 54l/344-2735 ./ /. 'yJ~U7 {)~\It ~ : . k....\ cp Fw -= (0- ..,<;)l~, Co~)C ro). _. (0.107)( ij.y)Lif.i C<;'0-~ ~I~'; 1:... i, C\LrC85\ . \~~1'~'q~S}. i;r';r-Gdr17 .' SEP 0S '95 lS:45 FR P5I~PTL-EUGENE -o>&TIQ^-\ 'V -,..........""'- 503 344 2735 TO 7263689 -.... - i '1 8.Q' _bF's~ (I.) . , . C K-e'(.'{.;...~1Z M.l::n\.~ cp e O'L= (cP F~)CA;~-.;A c:;....'Z\~<-\1O 'S~--A,~ ' = (o,:>{) ( ~~ 'i.(0 "'.' ~:J..H~;,~)J!6 l6::5)c..~.17 0)[ T"j ') z,43 .!::ll? IN r? A- 0; c: k-t:;-n\-L' c..:.,;}~I..' ~kV )..<.;"~ p~ IN<:* c'1'- 0:\0::1...1:>: ~,C.4 ~(p 'r. '. , I' . LC~b~ W-CW- 12~' 7' Z3G,o .I::.,~ q L ,\V v ---"-- ". p /' 2'.4~ r-- ~ - (uie- l'n-j/~'. TtU.,;u-iJ> ~l> ,If- ,A 3~7 5AlO 1016. . E"MBC.c. '&-'1,;,." """'(1\1"'" . "!J"'" 2 l>RlL.(.. p,,;,.. etA... Ib : '. (ilL';=-' 1970 -.3") . ~ ~ UI-:.E- "~fl>JC:!-TIE" br .f3 ~ " 'C" I'SI_I'<.o~'''l2-. E:~"'~":"") : '. .~~. ,.... :::". u_'. ~f3\ . ~1~. -;~~..~ ....... "":'\V . ~A ')" .. \ 'k~ . ~~;j;.~~;:~'"~ . . (,r:, .)-.. , . ."',' ,...'0 . \ \ ~ ,. .. .. v.S6 (2) -. I,?-'1>,"" "ln1U1-' FI.....l< .' CT/kd"14) . ~x/Z 3fllP)( I-S. , , :' .::: I::r:> Ir\ 60 'tt> i': l:.>::L.( ne~ 2.01... wl!1-e. I'-\'YI,,\'\\-IM 1"2>;;6 ,--ph.d" / " .'J4 1l\12..-p<\ " ~. .ft. /j ","'---- '.~ . ,(j)' / , / , '" -.........,..,-:o:--;---c_.. ...~-~,.'-:- -""7"----"c-T "." -L~:.~~~{;~~'-i:~:~~7;.= ~~- :....t--."'.----;-:......~~_-- \ ' SEP 06 '96 1 Sf: 46 FR PS I-PTL -EUGENE IF :e::1 rrUI~I\J'Ol'Cll' -""'"1.'--- ..._-_.....-. ...-- . WELDER PERFORMANCE QUAUFlCA nON TEST RECORD W'jlc.li"lI f'rOC;6&::;; GMA.W Dll.!B" 4-1 ')-9] 503 344'2735 TO ~LrCFI51 7253689 P.04/04 12310 ts\.~ s+ . o Pipe ergctrodO: _ ER70'i-6 Xl P'~ta r?--'J.--GDIT) ~nal Service Industries, Inc. Testing Laboratory Division Ma'lt.Mt1I: _fi.-O;'T'M. 11.-36 W" (>drtily tIlar lltlio fCllff IIIffidB ,",Oltl preparDd rJl'Id leSlBd in gtlnl;lfa] DOOCtthlol'.e8 ..Ilj, AWS Dl.1-90. 1%ld1J{6) and ollo&ld OrlIl'lEl&EllIlSlI'tl!lUltb ttlls .....oldor Is Qulloli,lwl ID ~rform Gr. & 1-"'11"1 \II"Ldli In F-OH ____ Steel n~4" ~"'""~' P'Q~IJOI'Illll\ ... L __ C-. .r~.h1 -~~c.llIrr;lUlllJ'lOS.ln:. ~~~NLlmtl6~ PSfl!'"~_(~l." .. '__'q' no;;,...,.....U..-WCI;11I:t1 ~D WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT TesTE> FOR: Wilderness Machine 1567 Main Street- Springfield, Oregon 97477 PROJECT: Welder Certification DATE: April IS, 1991 . OUR REPORT NO.; 722-18020-1 W.i.1..rjWelC-er -Op.l,.arorsName- R. Bruce Greene Wolder ldentificatlon No. 160-40-2290 P""",... GMAW Wold Progression QUI' Dew o Doom 0 CON =-" Welding Code (10 80 Jeel) Client Order No. AWS 01_1-90 N/A 88.. lAalllrIaJ Spaclllcatlon Qlemow I WaI Th.Id<Iless ASTM A-36 N/A PnO":rhead I OPS. 'r:J;;:~ B. Welding ProaIdUrD No. R... No. W-l Woldlng Pr-oco<luro Data by: 0 PSI Wnne.* (TtlCtl~ _.. __~_"C".'="",,"_..._"_ __ I Sped,,*, PSI lab. No. I[]PIa... OPt"" I JoIM . [I Gtoovo 0 Allet I ~~.an 00== Rv ICUmlm OAC lIlac AMPS: 130 Gn;q !1oehJar1 PIoto Thldv'"". 3/8 'T'1\ItolrNl't.tllI~f'}.I"!If''''''''''1 3/4" . POIar1ty o OIreel Cll R.v..... o Othonl: ='""1 ) OL"'R ORtaL FILLER METAL SpIIClfic;otlon No. AWS A5.18 C1aaol1lcatlCJn ead<lna Yes llI8""'lllfJF No. Shloldlng IXI Clu: M~ s te rm i x 0 FI"" Trade Nomo ER7Q5-6 .035 F-4 Lincoln VISUAL INSPECTION (AWS ONLY) Appeare""" ~ IU~~ None Piping ~. ;..... None TYPE Overhead Face Bend Root Bend GUIDED BEND TEST RESULTS RESULTS -TYPE RESULT!> Pass Pass FILLET TEST RESULTS ,. W.1d Appoa,Onal OP- o Fall ' "'BOO Etx:l\ T1I51 Roau"" 01'- OF'" FlIIot_ Leg: In. " In, 0 Ccnca'1\y: In. 0 Conv8X!ly. In. Fra....... Toatll_ [Ooaalbe ~"_.. na""" I slze 01 Ally cneka 0; bwlng 01 the aped","n) FILM IDENTIFICA nON RESULTS REMARKS RADIOGRAPHIC TEST RESULTS FILM I . IDENTIFICATION ReSULTS l REMAAKS . I I . QUALIFICATION RESULTS I Tho Welder/Operotor identified a/)oV8 IX] DOES 0 DOES NOT ..- .,.. porfllm\ance quaJlflc.ationa apedfted In the Code Identified abovo 1(>' the variables stated, IIEIIUJIJ($: 545 Conger Street . '":'~Jl. ......:........_. Eugene. OR 97402 . Phone: 503/484-9212 l'""'"f~"b~-~~ /1lc. P'8I~lQ