HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1998-1-19 BRAUNSM I NTE RTEC DAILY FIELD REPORT Braun (ntertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541-746-9649 fax: 746-7163 Engineers and Scientisfs Serving the Built and Nafural Environments ::\'):~:.\\::::/::::;r;:..:.:; ::}/:\:::':\L:,',::: January 19, 1998 I Eugene Water and Electric Board Hayden Bridge Chlorination Facility 395TH~yden Bridge Rd. Springfield, Oregon' ,Hi Reinforcing Steel, Structural ............................. Masonry .................;;;;......... .,......... ................... :'.))i:: All interior and exterior 8" CMU walls from slab to 4'. ~.~ojec(.Nuil1~~f:Hi/ Re odNtimoer: .........!l........n.......,. ......... ....};jEBXX-97-0424 E-61426 II I 75445 > 971475 ICloudy rails Q-,--1315 ?iiFieldOhser.vatioiis'aiid "CommentS)}':;?";; Hili I erformed visual inspection of the. reinforcing. steel in the above listed locations. Reinforcing,steel was checked for . , . . ,&. ." H '" ~.-.. ..... . .',." , .. - ,,~. .. -,"..., ..,. . .' rad\" size..l~p, pIacemenLand,c1ea",~ces. where. applicable. _'Reba.r was secured with wirelbar..positioners and}was:placed 'n confonnance with approved plans. Observed,th,e pla,gem,ent of.apprq~.imately'.9.5 cu. yds. of 4000 psi grout placed at the above listed locations. All ertically reinforced cells.were grouted solid with the exception 'of the end cells at the slider door openings. Cast one set f four (3 x 6) grout speCimens. Bob with Brown Masonry was notified of on-site test results. [Yp~~IMllf~:r.!aI.:.':":"':::'" Grout Eugene Sand & Gravel 40 ',.i " "..~ I I. , ' . 9" I I I I I 450 60' 7:00 a.m. 4 (3 x 6) 4000 9.25 . ,. '.' ;.:: . ., ;' ': '".' '. ': 1, ~, . ,.J'. .0,;, '.~.:f(~" ':': . ,.;~. ,t . . &' 'I'.: ;1.': ,. ::.- ", :;:. ~.' I~,t. 1:...'1 ,r. ," :.' , As a mutual,protec~ion to .c1ie':L5:, th~.public, fl!ld C!urseh:,es,'~.1I1rcp~r~~, are submi~~cd as the confident,ial ~~?perty.of.clierits an~ are intend~ for,the,use of, our 9lie~ts onl~.. No other.per~n or ,entity m~y.~ti.lize the report or any portion thercofwithou~ our written authorization. . f:\groups\pub-data\wpdoc\reports\inl:ip\ewe61426:hay -,