HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1999-3-24 .~ ;. - - BRAUN INTERTEC A Division ofl...~;'6Inforrnorion I"'VJ1tl (To Build On e-",..,. .,.,.Con:suftIng.~ PSI has acquired the Oregon assetS of Braun Intertec, Inc. .. March 24, 1999 Project EBXX-98-0065 Report E-66388 Mr. Robert Atkinson Gateway Mall Partners c/o General Growth Properties 110 North Wacker Chicago: Illinois 60606 , ,.a;td). C'lCltl.uJo....J,'~+. Gateway Mall Entrance Relocation '. U J " \~ _ _Gmeway _S"-re~t M Spl"ingiiciu, Oregcll B.P. No. 97I675/Contract No. OOS-COl' \.. - .~ --- . HAR ~ 1 1999 Rc: Subjcct: Results of field density t6sts 'perfonncd by our reprcsentati~e at 'th~ above referenced project on March 22, 1999. . Ficld Dcnsity Tcsts - Nuclcar Dcnsimcter - all tests perfonned at finished 'grade of base rock in dliveway and parking lot locations listed 'below. i~,~~[fl:~:e; '.;~t~~i~1fi'J ,Rcport: ,J I S side - front of entrance 131.9 5.7 98.4 I S side - S of front entrance 129.2 I 5.4 96.4 I S side - N of front entmnce 127.6 I 4.9 95:3 I W of Cinemark and E of islands - N end 133.5 I 4.9 99.6 I' W of Cillemark and E of island~ - middle 131.5 I 5.2 98.1 I W of Cinemark and E of islands - Send 137.5 I 6.4 100+ I VV of Cillemark ami 'vV uf islands - S did i32.0 I 4.1 98.5 I I I " I I W of Cinemark and W of islands - middle 129.8 5.4 96.9 ~ W of Cinemark and W of islands - N end 132.2 I 4.7 98.6 I J Notes: MoisturelDensity Relationship of 134.0 Ibs.lcn.ft. at 11.5% mOisture was furnished by 'c supplier. (Egge Sand & Gravel '!3/4"-0 cnIshed aggregatc). Sincerely, , j{ y t/JipM1)J~) Raymond. V. Aliperti, Supel\'isor Eugene Branch ,', 2G Constr,ction - Dave Colemm;: Robertson'Shel\vood Architects )l'ty of Springfield f:\groups\pu b.data \ wp doc\rcports \f d ts\gen6G3 88: gat c: Professional SelVice Industries, Inc. .1040A Shelley Street .,Springfield, OR 974n. Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 541/746-7163 ~. -, BRAUN'" INTERTEC ~raun Intertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon' 97403 541-746,9649 Fax: 746,7163 Engineers and Scientists Serving the Built and Natural Environments December 7, 1998 Project EBXXc98-0065 Report 12-118-0047 Mr. Robert Atkinson General Growth Properties 110 North Wacker Chicago, 1L 60606 Re: Gateway MaD Entrance Relocation', 3000 Gateway Springfield, Oregon Il:P,"No. 971675-I"Contract.No. OOS:COI .< .' ~ .o(..:..i:~""4; .',......."'.:.... CONCRETE INFORMATION 11110/98 11109/98 6 x ]2 cylinders 4000 3/4" 6,0 6" Mix 185 I' I' Eugene;Sand ~ Grayel 159302W i I I I I' I -, " ASTM' 46' 68' 8:30 a.m. 9.0 Partly Cloudy R. Aliperti I' . I West half Of. concr.et~, alley between theatres and Gateway MaD. Load 1 p.laced in south 40 feet. Duane with}G Const. was advised of on-site test results.. . 5.75% .. il . ~ . COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS 11116/98 I I 28.2 3270 11116/98 I I 28.1 3200 t2/07/98 I I 28.2 4160 12/07/98 I I 28.2 4170 c: hugene ~and Ii Gravel 2G Construction - Dave Coleman Robertson Sherwood Architects . ~ty of Springfield 7 day 3235 7 day , 28 day 4t65 28 day . . I' i' . This report is submitted as the. confidential property ofodr client and is intended for the use afour client only. No other,person or entity may utilize this repon o.r a?y ponian thereof wi~o~t our writtten authorization. - f: \groups \pub~data \ wpdoc \cy lnders \gen004 7. gat ----- , /-",\ \ 1 BRAUN'M INTERTEC 1 November 18, 1998 Mr. Robert Atkinson General Growth Properties 110 North Wacker Chicago, IL 60606 Braun I~tertec Corporation 2285 Nugget Way Eugene, Oregon 97403 541,746-9649 Fax: 746-7163 Engineers and SCientists SelY;ng the Built ~nd Notural Environments 'i- , Gateway Mall Entrance Relocatio~ 3000 Gateway 'E'pr4!gfiel~" Oregon, . _ ,,_ _ I B.P. No. 971675 I Contract No. 005-COI Re: CONCRETE INFORMATION t1/09/98 6 x 12 cylinders 3/4" 6" . l Eugene,Sand & Gr~vel ASTM 46' 8:30 a.m. t Project EBXX -98-0065 Report 12-118-0047 NOV 23 1998 ~.~ t1/10/98! 4000 6.0 ' Mix 185" i59302W 68' 9.0 Partly Cloudy 5.75% R. Aliperti West h. air of concre~.'.~e.alley between theatres and Gateway Mall. Loa~ 1 placed in south I 40 feet. Duane witli 2G Const. was advised of on-site test results. ' .' I i' COMPRE~SION ,TEST RESULTS 1I/16/98 t1/t6/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 28.2 3270 28.t 3200 28 day Eugene ~and & Gravel . 2G Construction - Dave Coleman Robertson Sherwood Architects J <2ity of Springfield / c: 7 day 3235 7 ~ay 28 day This report is submitted as the confidential property of 9ur client-and is intended for the use of our client !July. No other person or entity may utilize this report or any portion thereof without our writtten authori#ation. f: \grou ps\pu b-da ta \ wpdoc \cy I nders\gen004 7. gat