HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 11/29/2007 PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: 11- :l q ~o 7 / Dave Pu~nt ~ Building / Gilbert Gordo.n/Melissa Fechtel- Fire ~ Gary McKenney - Traffic . , 0/ Matt. Stouder- Public Works/Engineering v Les Benoy - Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Jon Driscoll, Surveying Planner, ,~. City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR, 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax \ Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned: PRE2007-00083 Date Submitted: 11/29/2007 APPLICANT: IRISH GLEN LLC PO BOX 2266 EUGENE OR 97402 Proiect Name: Project Description: ARAMARK SPR Pre-Submittal for 25,000 sf office/industrial building in Hammer Industrial Park, Application Type: Job Address: Site Plan Review Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702304400100 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the time ofth;, Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. . A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. PlanJobPrint.rpt 11/29/2007 2:08: 14PM Pre-Su )mitta Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL l\1EETINGDATE: Friday, December. 7, 2007 \ ... . 1. PRE.SUBMITT AL MTG #PRE2007 -00083 (SITE TENT) IRISH GLEN/HAMMER Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-44 TL 100,200 ARAMARK Existing Use: Vacant Sub Lots 5 & 6 of Hammer Industrial Park Address: 1210 & 1230 40th Street. Applicant submitted plans to construct a new 25,000 sq ft office/industrial buiI(iing - Aramark Distribution Center Meeting Date/Time: Friday, December 7, 2007 DSD 61611:00 - noon Planner: Steve Hopkins . , wec;lnesday, November 28,200712:57 PM p.02 Cily of Springfield Development Services Department 225 FIfth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . Site Plan Application, Type II . "...., Major Site Plan Major Modification 0 . 1 ,. . ~'t Site Plan Review: t& Applicant Name: Company: . Address: /I(IS;..I =1Le..,.) LLt!.-. Phone: s41-U3-/I&(P, $Il-YhE/ IFax: 6+I-hJ'3-;;.,ffl PO 60Xd-?-~ft, W0.e.Ne.. q14o~ , :J;t-1N I N--AY,'IlfYI.e-R-,lI1etll~fL Phone: 6''-fI-bf.3-//ft>t;, / ~/5J.1 Gu;J LLr!.... Fax: S<fI-&J'3-;;'#9 P () 60x ~d..I?~ . E:uGC.NE:.- Q'140::J- OA-I<.WAY (;OLF aNC-.- Phone: 64l -/;J'3-//(,,(,p S}}IYI.c:.. Fax: 64'I-fpl3-a#9 f 0 60)1.. a.~lJ,(p JiJ.L""-e-JJe... Q140d-. .. . . ,L /, .' (ID1'5) CloH) I ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: /1-()~-3() - T( ~ TAX LOT NO(s}: ()O/()()~CJO:;J,()O Property Address: ILIt>.. /2-30 'IO"i8.S-r: SPI?,)JG,Fl&LD, OIU.60,.J . ._/ Size of Pro"erty: 1/ 4, 5lp;).. .r:i. 2...b.... Acres 0 square Feet [B'I Proposl!d,Naml!ot,Project::, -ELf?A VIA A rz 1<; DI.5 T 1'111..5\4..'71 DAJ C. ~tJ:rr. R Description of ,;)5.. J 600. J;zf OF"Ac..s I/AJ'DUSlIZHlL. d UILbli)fi Proposal.: I ' 0 # of1l.otsIParceis: .a.-Avg'. Lot/parcel Size:lJ:i....p(,. Z sf Density: .U/A- du/acre New Impervious Surface Coverage: :lq,n'{.e, sf Bldg. Gross Floor Area:a~ 000 sf Applicant's Rep.: _ Company: , Address: PropertY Owner: Company: Address: '. . , Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: CIty LImits 0 Associated Applications: Pre-SubmU:tal Case No.: 1:-'I"Cjlbl - em€>; Date: Overlay District: ", Plan Designation: , Urbiln Growth Boundary 0 11/27/D ~ Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Postaae Fee: k- Case No.: Date: Application Fee: $ TOTAL ref'S $ Technica,1 Fee:, $. $ II "doted 121812006 nrenda Jon... (-;YJ ~l- ru \.)3 ~ nO f, T L....e /J/J:1tr . )1 '_ou Wednesday, November 211, 2007 12:57 PM p.03 Steps In the ProcesS: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application Is mandatory. Please refer to the Springfield Fe!:! Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submIttal package must conform to the application completencss checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit Nine (9) c::opies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review, pre-submillal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon, We wIll strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meetIng within five to seven working days of receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting, The mcetlng will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering Clnd Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for Xto 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the Items required to make the application complete-if it Isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you haye addressed "II of the it~ms on the Pre-SubmIttal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collectcd at that time and the 120 day calendar review period wIll begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for. their review. At the sppllcant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate stsff If certsin Issues need resolution before the final land use decision is Issued. Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are requIred at both stages In the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. I2f Cas. Number: Prr '7.fb1 Ztih'l". Date SubmItted: The undersigned acknOWledges that the information in this spplication Is correct and accurate for scheduling of he Pre-Submittal Meeting. '" Owner: Date: lL. rdq ?J)(YL tia~.fu( UpdlltJod 12I8!7.006I:lrencla.Joncs CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP . PRE2007 -00083 1210 & 1230 40th Street 1~~~~~'o~~;:W~::<",>>. ".. {~',:0f1 ': :~...~:I...:~~. 1ft;, SITE Map 17-02-30-44 Tax Lot 100, 200 North : .,. ::l' }t il.,' ~;,,: ~ ~NDUSEP~NN1NGANDCONSUITlNGSERVIC~ 370 Q STREET SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 (5411 302-9830. fAX 1(54 II 610-1 805 SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR ARAMARK PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 2 9 Z007 Propel1y Owner: Oakway Golf, Inc. PO Box 2266 Eugene, OR 97402 Tel (541) 683-1166 Applicant: Aramark Project Coordinator! Applicant's Representative/ Architect: Robert L. Shaw 656 CharneIton Street Eugene, OR 97401 Tel (541) 485-4963 Fax (541) 342-2909 Surveying/Engineering: Olson & Morris clo Scott Morris, PEl LaITY Olson, PLS 380 Q Street, Suite 200 Springfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9790 Plannirig: Metro PlaIming, Inc. clo Robert Stevens, AICP 370 Q Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 302-9830. Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-44 Tax Lots: 100 & 200 Zoning: . HI (Heavy Industrial) Plan Designation: Heavy Industrial Area: 114,357 Square Feet (2.63 Acres) Aramark Site Plan Review November 29, 2007 Page 1 Back!!round ' This application is for Site Plan Review approval for one new industrial building and associated parking lot for Aramark. Aramark isa commercial laundry cleaning company that will be relocatinl! its existinl! facilitv~ and 45 emolovees from EUQ.ene to Sorinl!field. The subject site for this proposed development is zoned HI (Heavy Industrial) and platted in the J.P. Hammer Industrial Park as Lots 5 and 6. The J.P. Hammer Industrial Park was platted and recorded on April 17, 2002. This industrial subdivision created three public streets (Kathryn Street, 40th Street, Industrial Avenue). The proposed Aramark building will have frontage and access on 40th Street. Adjacent to the Aramark facility will be the existing Mount Hood Beverage Company building. When the J.P. Hammer Industrial Park was created, all of the necessary public utilities necessary to serve the proposed development were constructed and are available in the public right-ot~way. The proposed building in this Site Plan Review application will be located across the existiJ:lg. platted line separating Lots 5 and 6. To allow this development, a deed restriction is proposed to require that Lots 5 and 6 remain in common ownership. This written statement addresses the Site Plan Review approval criteria found in Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.l7~125, SDC 5.17-125 Site Plan Review Aooroval Criteria A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, andlor the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Developmen.t Plan. The Metro Plan Land Use Diagram designates the property as appropriate for Heavy Industrial. The Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram also designates the property for Heavy Industrial uses, These plan designations are consistent with the current zoning of HI (Heavy Industrial). Per SDC 3.2-410, in the HI zone 'cleaning and dyeing plants' are 'pemlitted uses. The Aramarkfacility will be a commercial laundry (cleaning) facility and thus is allowed in the applicable HI zone and consistent with the heavy industrial plan designation. The proposed development also meets the development standards for tne HI zone per SDC 3.2-420. Both of the existing lots are each over I acre in size; thus meeting the minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet. The existing Lot 6 has about 174 feet of frontage and Lot 5 has about 131 feet of frontage; thus exceeding the minimum lot ti'ontage of75 feet. In the HI zone there are no interior yard setbacks for buildings, but there is a minimum 10 foot front yard'setback, The proposed building will be setback over 130 feet from 40th Street; thus exceeding the minimum front yard setback of 10 feet. Per the same section referenced above, there is a requirement for landscaped setbacks of 5 feet around the parking . lot/driveway. There will be proposed landscaped planters around all of the driveways and parking spaces and the minimum width of the planters is 5 feet. Based on the above facts, Aramark Site Plan Review November 29,2007 Page 2 the development standards ofSDC 3.2-420 are met and the new Aramark facility will be consistent with the HI zoning designation. Further, since the proposed building will be located across the common lot line between Lots 5 and 6 of the J.P. Hanmler Industrial Park a deed restriction is proposed that will require both lots remain in common ownership while the building exists on-site. 8. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but n.ot limited t.o, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilitics; and streets and traffic safcty controls shall not be excecded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided f.or by this Code and .other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues, The existing public improvements including the 8" wastewater line, 24"/30" storm drainagc system, and 40'h Street were constructed during the platting of J.P. Hammer Industrial Park. Other utilities (i.e, electric, water, phone, and gas) are also' already constructed and stubbcd to the two existing lots of the industrial park. These utilities are located within the existing 10 foot PUE (public utility easement) located along the entire frontage of 40th Street adjacent to the proposed developmcnt. There are no traftic lights or other safety.devices adjacent to the proposed subdivision. There are existing street trees and street lights already installed in the public right-of-way. All of the existing public improvements are delineatcd on the attached drawings. These public improvements were sized and constructed to accommodate the type and intensity of development proposed with this site plan review application. All pertinent details about the existing public improvements are shown on the attached utility, _grading and paving, and civil detail sheets. The project engineer at Olson & Morris l~s also carefully sized the private utilities (wastewater lines, storm drain lines) tha(will be constructed on the subject site to serve the proposed building. These private utilities have been sized to handle the capacity from the proposed building. The private utilities will be connected to the existing public lines. All . proposed utility lines and connections are delineated on the attached utility plan. C. The pr.oP.osed devel.opment shall comply with all applicable public and private design . and c.onstructi.on standards contained in this C.ode and .other applicable regulati.ons. The public improvements necessary to serve the proposed development were constructed as part of the original J.P. Hanlmer Industrial Park, The applicant is proposing to construct . private improvements that connect to the existing public improvements, A utility and grading/paving plan are included with this site plan review application, The private improvements include the proposed private utilities/parking lot necessary to accommodate the new Aramark facility, All of the private design and construction standards of this code are complied with in regards to the private improvements, Please refer to the attached utility and grading and pavillg plans for applicable details. Aramark Site Plan Review November 29,2007 Page 3 D. Parking areas and ingress-cgress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicyclc and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collcctor streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. The existing public street network, 40lh Street and Industrial A venue, provide sufficient and safe vehicular access to adjacent streets Kathryn and Olympic Streets and 42nd Avenue. This street connectivity also provides for connections between the proposed development and the neighboring residential area. 40111 Street proVIdes existing sidewalks for safe pedestrian access to the proposed development site. In addition, there are already two existing 36 foot driveways that will provide safe vehicular and pedestrian access from the public right-of-way to the Aramark building that will be constructed on the development site. No new ingress- egress points are proposed; thus controlling access onto the adjacent street .nctwork and minimizing the number of curb cuts onto the public streeE The proposed parking area on the subject property has been designed and cqnstructed to blend in nicely with the existing shared driveways to ensure vehicular and pedestrian circulation remains safe and convenient. The parking lot design conforms to the dimensional requirements of SDC 4.6~ 115. The parking space dimensions are shown on the attached plans. The parking lot will be paved, as required, and the storm water run-on from the parking lot will flow through one oftlu'ee bio-swales. The bio-swales will be located within the landscaped setbacks along the north and east property lines and in the southeast corner of the site. These bio-swales will pre-treat the storm water runoff prior to discharging into the existing public storm system in 40lh Street. Where necessary, due to landscaped planter widths wheel bumpers will be provided. The parking lot will also be clearly striped to indicate pedestrian crossings and parking spaces. Regarding the minimum number of parking spaces, a cleaning and dyeing plant use most closely falls under the primary industrial (manufacture/assembly) category that requires I space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area. The proposed building will be approximately 24,800 square feet. There would be a requirement for 50 parking spaces and 68 spaces are being provided thus satisfying the minimum parking space requirement. The parking lot and ingress-egress poi illS meet the applicable requirements of the SDC and thus this criterion is satisfied. . E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or. geologie conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant .c1ustcrs of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associatcd riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic andlor archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Aramark Site Plan Review November 29, 2007 Page 4 There are no physical features on the subject property; this includes trees, shrubs, watercourses, riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings, or historic features. Given the absence of any physical features on the site; this criterion is not applicable: This proposed Aramark facility in the J.P. Hammer Industrial Park on 40'h Street clearlv meets all aDDroval criteria of the Sorin!.!fidd Development Code. The applicant respectfully requests that the Planning Director approve this site plan review application. If there are any questions about this written statement, please do not hesitate to contact me at Metro Planning via email (robertrwmetroDlanninu.com) or phone (541-302-9830). For questions relating to the project.'in general, please contact the project coordinator/architect. . Respectfully, r'~ U r.r;^-I. 11n .j){~- Robert Stevens, AICP Metro Planning, lnc ~ Aramark Site Plan Review November 29, 2007 . Page 5