HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/29/2007 ./ Wednesday, November 28,200712:57 PM p,02 CiLy of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Application, Type II- ii2~ ;'_'~ :..' .' . n...' .',.' ,'" ""'., ' . ~;". -, ,.. _____:_________ . ' ' ' Site Plan Review: ~ Major Site Plan Major Modificat,ion 0 . , , Applicant Name: !/tIS;.J ~Le..;) LL~ Phone; 541-4,/3-114>(P Company: if It r'h e:...- I Fax: 6+1- hJ'3 - ;;(449 , Address: PO 13 ox ~~~ (p we; e:.AJe.. q -r4o~ , Applicant's Rep.: _ ~ t-1 N I N-A n1 (Y[ e-12-, iMeil1llU- 'Phone: 'F"'( - (PM - 1 / (PC:> Company: / tZISf! 6u.;:J LLc.- Fax: S4-l-4>J'3 -.,x+!q Address: P () f) 'Ox .;;).&-.1. fR '[1~C.Ne.. Q'140;;- Property Owner: OA-I<J,V/lY GOLf:: dtJ~ ~Phone: .f54{ -~.?3- //h(,? Comp,,"y: S.*1l1.6 !pax: 6tP/-!uJ>3-a#9 Address: f () 60x a.~Ic{P ~4e-.uL: Q140:J-.. " ' ,(,I C101"s) (/.t'~ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: /1-0;]-30 - Tf _TAX LOT NO(s); ()OIO() c:y CiO.;I,OO '. Property Address: /2.) 0 .~ J2.3P''ft5'f1'S -r: S PI?I;\~ Fl &L b, Qf<.Ui o,.J '_ Size of Property: I1~S(P,;).. ti 2....I:LAcres 0 square Feet u::r/ ~rQP()~~ctJN,~,I):1~,()foPl'9J~~:~ --ELf?A V\.J\ A q 1<: DI ST all3l4:I1..rn) c; ~ tJ)C R ~:~~~::~n of ,;)5,600 J;zf OFAC-C/ltJ/)(j~/~HIL. DUILD/;J6 #,oQf.1I;Qt.!iJ:,Pa.I'l:el!j: a AV9" Lot/parcel Size; ~5" Z_ sf Density: ,~du/acre New Impervious Surface Coverage: ':I O{R- sf Bldg. Gross floor Area:a~, 000 sf .,. "". .,. "'. .... . Zoning: Overlay DI5trl~t; Applicable Refinement Plan: Plan Designation: location: City LImits 0 Urban Growth Boundary 0 Associated Applications; Pre-Submjl:tal Case No.:YYC ,:2l:t>1 - B:;DV~ Date: II/Z'j/D 1-- Reviewed by: ~ Case NO.: Date: ReviewCld by: Application Fee: $ Technica.l Fee: $, Postaae Fee: $ TOTAL fee's .$ _ '_ I !pdorcd 121812006 nrend. Jone. (IV" J ~7 - ctci \:)5, V\I1 rv.,J2..-,:; ...-' 12.lo~Ic:;r \l~ Il'1cS~ l~ ~ n'_ou ,/ ' _ Wednesday, November 211. 2001 '~:57 PM p,03 Steps In the ProcesS: 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-SubmIttal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application Is mandatory. Please refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submittal package must conform to the <lpplicat.lon completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit Nine (9) copiolS of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submIttal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon, We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of. receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting, The meeting wlll be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering Clnd Transportation, Community Services (Building), Flre'Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for )~Jo ,60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the Items required to make the application complete-if it Isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you have addressed illl of the Items on the Pre-Submittal Chockllst, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff If certain Issues need resolution before the final land use decision is Issued. Owner's SIgnature This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required Clt both stages In the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. l2f Calle Number: Pre '/-6"1::;1 _iJ5M?<. Dllt.. submlttad: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application Is correct and accurate for scheduling of he Pre-Submittal Meeting. ' Date: 1L d€1_ ')OD"L Owner: Ik~.fi(- Updated 121817006 Ilrenda Jones 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone &...-r. R(N,Q."~"~~.' ........ .. .'...... '~'J~~., : Iii:. ,i ',." J .;. _"___..._"'...".......n. ~ity of Springfield Official Receipt .Jevelopment SerVices Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200700000000000784 Date: 11129/2007 1:50:55PM Job/Journal Number PRE2007-00083 Description CTY Site Plan Rvw Tentative Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard Paid By JOHN P HAMMER Item Total: l:heck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number. How Received tj 00374c Cn Person Payment Total: Amount Due 336,00 $336.0U Amount Paid $336,00 $336.UO cReceintl Page I of I . 11/29/2007 / '"' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2007 -00083 '1210 & 1230 40th Street SITE Map 17-02-30-44 Tax Lot 100, 200 North + 1 10/08/2007 08: 28 ,FAX 541 736 1:021 10/04i2007 09 :37 FAX 541 4Sf ~53 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW OLSON & MORRIS I4J 002 ~UUl ." . <;C. PUBLIC WORKS DEl' ARTMENT I Engil1eering Division Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ___ (.4.,ea.below tJil.f Ilnefilll!d oul by Applicant) ...:... (Please ,_10 lIfatlSlouder@City 01 Springfield Public Works Englneerlllg; Fax # 736--/011, Phone U 736-/035J , Project Name: A"... ,",~IL. Applicant: c> (s..- .. JLf.",-",.~ Assessors Parcel #: 11.-'02 _ ;0 - 44 - II>> <! ~o Date: I() /4 I/J' Land Use(a): H-:t - 1+e'1W'J' 1..0"'>""",",,-- Phone#: '~./>- ',,~.. Project Size (Aeres): 'Z.c.':t. Lkro"- Fax#: 4'0;- ~7.q Approx. Tmpcrvious, Area: '2.''Z,'\ ,Q.:.~" Email: <"fr.fl nI5.~_I{J"",""'I<,. 1':.__ Project DescriptioD (hlclude a copy of Assessor's map): . Ice C"",..J,...~L J. /.14.'-" F7k. I. t-, fi,... n--.,....r' ....11'.-... ,...... t.1 "Vi oci.> , PT ~ ( Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) jf necessa!)': '\ \ ",' ~.....4 r=..... ~ t.II-.,~ ~o % "f- ',......I~' fJ.-;<...., ""..../ ~ "'....~4'V"'...d"'" D.e... .) ~ . , . IJ' I' ",'j s,,J, ',' ./to 1'1".'(,..-'1--) 'e)<r$/-,:', /'0...,,1.. 711t I-II'" 130""'" ,Q,,,,,..,..) 7;"''''-' ~"'~ . , l!-I.....".l, (},o.ll;~...J 'To I'h.,;'J,,e. AI.a......., ~-k_J..'~ ~ -r,";~ ''''j.",,_.i. Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: e,oj-~L.. ',;-..... 5"0 % P.....,,"'), iZe"A:~'i 4,,-....... Pv..1 Ct...._-'...- C'~k "- 13,,"~'~4 ,..."f/..' r; 14-..- f"$~'Js. . _ f,4rflo below II,is line ("leI/ 01/1 hllllll' Cli!' m,d Returned 10 II'I! A,,,,lic:o'll)- (At a minimum, '1/1 boxes checked by Ihe City On /hefronl and back qflhis sheel shall be submi/red for an application to bl! compl.ra/or submlnal. ai/hough oth., ,.qul,.,,,,,enls may be neces"ary,) Drain9.l!S Study TvlJe (EDSPM Section,4.03;2\: /Note. {ill may be ~uhstituted for Rational Method). o Small Site Study - (use Rational Method for calculations) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method fur calculations) Ii Full Drainage Development Study...., (use Unir Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: s -10 ' __ t\..-: Ii Wellhead Zone: ~ -<......-lL ~ \ 1'l'4L , I!il HHlside Development: ~ Wetland/Riparian: I>> FloodwaylFJoodplain: ~ ,Soil Type: : iii Other Jurisdictions: Downstr.eam AnalYsis: III NI A o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to uSe for starting water sw.face elevation: o ManholelJunctiontotake analysis to: Retllm to Matt Stouder ((i) City ofS\Ii'in2fi"ld. em'lii: m.touderr.tl~.!$;:;)1i:iitt:i'cl(lff.fi.!u~FI'\!Jt'l>(54n 736-1021 Ff;~ ,""",WI'f1l ,it: l\t.\iU NOV 2 9 Z007 Ul'dalcd 121812006 Br03lda Jones . 10/08/2007 08: 29 FAX 54i 736 1021 10/04i2007 09:37 FAX ~41 48 ~53 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW OLSON & MoRRIS ~003 14\002 ........r _.<~. COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I F", Offi<JRllJ" Only: 1\II.lII:';: j * fJa".d upon rhe informal Ian provided on Ih. fronl oflhls sheet, the following rep"s0l1l!i " minimum qfwhal is neededior an application 10 be comple,efor submittal with respect 10 dra/l!t2S(e: however. IhisliSl should nal be used in lieu ofrh. Spr/ngtle/d Development Code (SDC) or the City '., Engineering Design Mem",l, Complianco wllh these requirement., does nOI cansllf1<le sile approval; Addlllonal site spec!flc Information m~ be required, Nole; UpOI! scoping she.t submittal, enSllr. completedform has been sis<ned In Ihe space provided below: ' Interim Design S13nda<dslWater Qllallty (EOSPM Cbapter 3) -~~ ' Iil 0 All non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered eat.chbasin w/oil filtration media) tor stormwater quality, Additionally, a miaimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surfllce shall be treated by vegelated method.. iii 0 Where required, vegetative stQT1T\water design shall be consistent with inwim design standards (BDSPM Section 3,02). set forth by the Bureau of Environroemal Services (BES) or Clean Waler Services (CWS), o 5; for neW NBR impervious alea less than 15.000 square feet, a. simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the BE$ for vegetative trea1J11ent. ' It 0 lfa stormWllter lrellCmenl sWllle is propo.ed. submit calculations/specifications for sl2'lng, veloctty, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requil'ements. I!i 0 Water QllQ.1ity calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 Oflh. EDSPM, 1'j 0 All building rooftop moumedequipment, or other fltlld contalnlng equipment locared outside ofthe building, shall be provided with secondary, containment or weather resietant enclosw-e, General Study Requirement>< (EDSPM. Section 4.03) , III ,0 Drainage study prepared by a ProfessionllI Civil Bogineer licensed in the stllte ofONlgon, iil 0 A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4,03,1, including a hydrological study map. Ii 0 CalculOtions showing system capacity for a 2-year storm event and overflow offoetsofa 25-year storm event. ,. 0 The time of concentration (Tc) shall b. detennined using a 10 min~te stal'ltlme for developed basins, . Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Seotion 4-03.4..C) . " o 1i A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4,C. On-site drainage shall be govemed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Cod. (OPSe). o Ii Elevations ofthe.HGL and tlow line. for both crt). and private systems where applicable. D...ign or Sto<nt Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) .. 0 Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations. pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan .et. PM 0 Minim~m pipe cover shall be 18 IncllOs for Teinforoed pipe and36 incbes for plain concrete and plastic pipe milterials, or propel' engineering calculatIons shall be providod when less. The covel shall be s~fficient to support an 80,000 Ib load without failure ofilie pipe srructure, o ~ Manning's "n" values for pipes shaH be consistent with Table' 4-] of me EDSP. An storm 'pipes ,haH be designed to achieve a millilnum velocity ofweo (3) feet per second at O.S pipo full based on Table 4-1 as well. Other/Mise iii o Existing and proposed contoulS, located at one foot interval. Jncl~de spot elevations and site grades ,showing how site drains ' .' 0 Priva~ stonnwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stollllwater flows from one property to another o IIIi Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surfllce wlo being treated by on. or mOTe BMl's, with the eKception of ",sid.ntlal building l"(lQ/S (EOSP Section 3.03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ, Refer to the website: www.dea.!;:rme.ol".us/waJ!!rollndw:l/uichome.hcrn for more.information. o III Detention ponds shall be d~.i!!l1ed to limit runoff to p",.d""~lopment <ale. fOr the 2 through 25-year storm evenlll "17llsfl}rm shall In! indll.ded a.t; an a1J.ochment, inside the/wmt l."tJVt!r, oftht! ~tD,.mwuter stu.dy * fMJ>ORT.4Nr.. !i'NGfNF:F.R PI.F:ASe RF.A/) 81';1-01/1 ANI) SIGN! As the engineer of record,. I hl!in!iby certifY the -above required items are compJete and if\l:lucUd with the submitted storrnwarer study and plan set, ' SiiYlature: Date: . Updated 121S/'l006 Brenda Jones ~""ii',,, (IF'''''' ".. '-'-~.'" .~. ,'.-.t' -.g.g:;" " -.'r-, ~',',',';"",,','S;'.":.',"'..~"~.':,.~:,'L. 'l""t'~,~'.".'.".',:"'..,'-'",f,"'",.,:,i,.',..'...',:',:-.",.",' " "'~,.,--,... ;;J;i;~i~'v~~ .0" '.' lAUD USE PlANNING AtlD CONSULTING SERVICES 370 Q STReeT SPRINGfiELD, ORICGON 97477 15411 302,9830' fAX 115'1116101805 OOtl~ 1/'O-e- onj~I\"\ SITE PLAN ,REVIEW APPLlCA TIONFOR ARAMARK PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO NOV 2,9 Z007 Property Owner: Oakway Gol(lne. PO Box 2266 Eugene, OR 9740.2 Tel (541)683-1 166 J Applicant: Aramark Project Coordinator/ Applicant's Representative/ Architect: , Robert L. Shaw 656 Charnel ton Street Eugene, OR 9740.1 Tel (541) 485-4963 Fax (541) 342-290.9 Surveyi nglEngineering: Olson & Morris c/o Scott Morris, PEl Larry Olson, PLS 380. Q Street, Suite 20.0. Springfield, OR 97477 Tel (541) 3D2c979D , Plannillg: Metro Planning, Inc. c/o Robert Stevens, AICP 370. Q Street Springfield, Ol~ 97477 Tel (541) 30.2-9830. Assessor's Map: 17-0.2-30.-44 Tax Lots: 100. &,20.0. Zoning: HI (Heavy Industrial) Plan Designation: I-Ieavy Industrial Area' 114,357 Square Feet (2.63 Acres) Aramark Site Plan Review November 29, 20.0.7 Page 1 r '. ,f; .., Backl!rouild This application is for Site Plan Review approval (or one new industrial building and associated parking lot [or"Aramark, Aramark is a commercial laundry cleaning company that ",ill be relocatinl! its existinlllncilitvand 45 el11IJlovees from Eugene to SIJrinl!lIeld, The subject site for this proposed development is ,:oned 1-11 (Heavy Industrial) and platted in thc .1.1', Hammer Industrial Park as Lots 5 and 6. The .1,1', Hammer Industrial Park was platted and recorded on April 17,2002, This industrial subdivision created three public strects (Kathryn Street, 40'11 Strcet, Industrial Avenue). Thc proposcd Aramark huilding will have thll1tagc and access on 40'11 Street, Adjacent to the Aramark jllcility will be thc existing Mount I-Iood Beverage Company building. When the .1,1', Hanllper Industrial Park was created~ all of the necessary public utilities necessary to serve the proposed development wcre constructed and arc available in the public right,ol~way. The proposed building in this Site Plan Review application will be located across the existing platted line separating Lots 5 aud 6, To allow this,development, a deed restriction is proposed to require that Lots 5 and 6 ren1ain in common owni:~ship, ' This written statemcnt addresses the Site Plan RevIew approval criteria lound in Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.17-125. I , SDC 5.17-125 Sitel)lan Review Approval Criteiia A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro. Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram,.Plan District map, and Coneeptual,Development Plan. , The Metro Plan Land Use Diagram designates the property as appropriate for Heavy Industrial. The Mid-Springlield ReJinement Plan Diagram also designates the property lor I-Ieavy Industrial uses, These plan designations are consistent with the current zoning of HI (Heavy Industrial), Per SDC 3.2-410, in the Hi zone 'clem;ing and dyeing plants' arc permitted uses. The Aramark facilitywill be a commercial laundry (cleaning) facility and thus is allowed in the applicable I-II zone and c!:msistent with the heavy industrial plan designation. .. ) . The proposed development also meets the development standards for the HI zone per SDC 3.2-420. Both of the existing lots are each ove!' I acre in size; thus meeting the minimum lot ,size of 10,000 square feet. The existing Lot6 has about 174 feet of frontage and Lot 5 has about 131 feet ofJi-ontage; thus exceeding the 111inimum lot !i.ontage of 75 feet. In the HI zone there are no interior yard setbacks for buildings, but there is a minimum 10 tool Ji-ont yard.'setback, The proposed building will bc setback over] 30 fecl ii-om 40'10 Street; thus exceeding the minimum ji-ont yard setback of 19 feet. Per the same section referenced above, thcre is a requirement lor landscaped setbacks of 5 feet around the parking lot/driveway. J There will be proposed landscaped planters around all of the dri~eways and parking spaces and the miliimum width of the planters is 5 feet. Based on the above lncts, I Aramark Site Plan Review November 29,2007 Page 2 I.." ,~I < " , , . . the development standards of SDC 3,2-420 ar" met and thc ncw Aramark facility will be consistent with theHI zoning designation, Further, since the proposed building will be locatcd across thc common lot linc between Lots 5 and 6 of the .1,1'. J-Janlmer Industrial Park a deed i"estriction is proposed that will rcquire both lots remain in'common ownership while the building exists on-site, B. Capacity req'uiremcnts of public and private facilitics, including but not limited to, watcr and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater managcmcntfacilities; and strcets and traffic safcty controls shall not bc exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. Thel'ublic Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. I , , ' . , Thc existing public improvements including the 8" wastewater line, 24"/30" storm drainagc system, and 40"1 Street were constructcd during thc platting of .1,1', l-lamn1er Industrial Park, Other utilities (i;e. electric, water,phone, and gas) are alsoalready constructed and stubbed to thc two cxisting lots 6fthe industrial parle These utilities are located within the existing 10 foot pUE (public utility cascment) 10cated~long,the entire li'ontagc of 40'" Streetadjacclit to the proposcd dcvelopment. Therc are no tratlic lights or other safety deviccs adjacent to the proposcd subdivision. There are existing street trees and streetlights already' installcd in thc public right-ol~way. All of the existing public improvcments are delineatcdon the attached drawings, These public improvements were sized and'constructed to acconlmod<ile , the type and intensity of developmcnt proposed with this site plan review application, All pertinent details about the existing publiC improvements arc shown on thc attilched utility. grading and paving, and civil detail shects, I . Thc projectcngineer at Olson & Morris has al5,o carcfully 'sizcd the private .utilities (wastewater lines, storm drain lines) that will be constructcd on thc subject site to serve thc proposed building. These private utilitics have been sized to handle the capacity from the proposed building, The private utiiiti'es will bd connectcd to the existing public lines. All. proposed utility lines and.conncctions are delilleatcd on thc attached utility plan. . j" C. The proposed develop~ent shall comply with all applicabl~ public and private design and constructio'n standards contained in thi~ Code and othel' applicable regulations. ' ' The public improvement's necessary to serve the proposed development were constructed as part of the original.l,P, I-lammeI' Industrial Park, The applicant is proposing to construct private improvcments that connect to the existi,ng public improvements. A utility-and grading/paving plan are included with this site,plan review application, The private improvements inelude the proposed private utilities/parking lot necessary to accommodate the new Aramark facility, All of the private design and construction standards of this code are complied with in regards to the private improvements, Please refer to the attached utilily and grading and paving plans for applicablc dctails, " , Aramark Site Plan Review November 29. 2007 Page 3 .. J .~ D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development at'ea and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood. activity centers, and eommCl"eial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways On arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code oi- other applicable regulations and comply with the 0001' access management stand,inls fOl; State highways. The existing public street network, 40'h Street and Industrial Avenue, provide suftieient and sate vehicular access to adjacent streets Kathryn and Olympic Streets and 42"0 A venue, This street connectivity also provides for connections between the proposed development and thc neighboring residential area, 40'h Street providcs existing sidewalks for safe pedestrian access to the proposed development site. In addition, there are already two existing 36 foot driveways that will provide safe vehicular and pedestrian access from the public right-ot~way to the Aramark building that will be constructed on the development,site. No new ingress- cgress points are proposed;- thus controlling access onto thc adjacent street network and minimizing the number.of curb cuts onto the public street. The proposcd parking area on the subject property has bt;en designed and constructed to bleild in nicely with the existing shared driveways to ensure vehicular and pedestrian ' ,circulation remains safe and convenient. The parking lot design conforms to the dimensional requirements ofSDC 4,6-1 1.5, The parking space dimensions are shown on the attached plill1s. The parking lot will be paved, as required, and tl]e stoni1water run-off from the parking lot will flow through one of three bio-swales, The bio-swales will be located within , the landscaped setbacks along the north and east property lines and in the southeast.comer of the sitc. These bio-swales will pre-treat the storm wafer runolTpriorto discharging into the existing public storm system in 40'h Street. Where necessary, due to landscaped planter widths wheel bilmpcrs' will be provided, The parking lot will also be clearly striped to indicate pedestrian crossings and parkilig spaces, Regarding the minimum numbel' 61' parking spaces, a cleaning and dyeing plant use most closely falls under the primary industrial (manufacture/assembly) category that requires I space for each 500 square fcet of gross floor area. The proposed building will be approximately 24,800 square fcet. There would be a requircment for 50 parking spaces and 68 spaces are being provided thus' satislying tbe minimum parking space requirement. ' " 'The parking lot and ingress-egress poiills meet the applicable rcquirement';' of the SDC and thus this criterion is satisfied, ' E. Physical features, including, but not limited t\l: steep slopes with unstable soil or : g~ologie conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; signiticant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outeroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/Ol' . archaeological significance, as may be speCified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. ' , AramarkSite Plan Review November 29, 20'07 Pagc 4 ,~ -' :. There are no physical features on the subject propcriy; this includes trecs, shrubs, watercourses, riparian areas, wetlands,rock outcroppings, or histol'ic features. Given the absencc of any physical features on thc site; this criterion is not applicable, This proposed Aramark facility in the,J,P, Hammer In'dustrial Park on 40lh Street c1earlv meets "all annroval criteria of the SDrin~tield DevclolJll1ent Code, The'applic,)nt respectfully requests that the Planning Director approve this site plan review application, If there are any questiohs about this writtel1 statement, please do not hesitateto contact me'al Mctro Planning via email, (robert({{)ll1ctroDlannil1l.~,eoll1) or phone (541-302-9830), For questions relating to the project in general, please contact the project coordinator/m;,ehitect. Respectfully, ,,') IlJ A--c/!..L. F ~r-,. . {J. jJtt.J-V\/L-_ Robert Stevens, AICP , Metro Planning,'lne . '.. j " ~t Aramark Site Plan Review November 29, 2007 Page 5 " 3 "r_"''"c. ~-/.-:- Preliminary Storm Drainage Analysis r Aramark Development November 28, 2007 PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'D NOV 2 9 Z007 ) . By: , Olson & Morris '. , , <~.'";~;~ k"""\"""":'(':~ ""':"':;;'~:'ii''''':'': '<i\', /'-.;'''' ,",,,, ~ " ",;,' \ JVil"" i .:;:J ~~ . r--' " , .~EGON / ~ ~i %;YUtY15 ,cfj> ('~/ 'Yu/:' ~- \>Y "Ii'i'DER ~f,\\; , ~r G-3CJ-Oi Prepared for: John Hammer '., 'The pr.opased develapment is lacated on lots 5 & 6 .of the J. P. Hammer Industrial Park plat. Site is lacated within Tax Map 17-02-30. This analysis was created by the use .of the Ratianal Methad. Existinp Svstem: Th~ site is flat with an earthen berm along the west boundary and 40th Street alang the eastern baundary. The lat ta the sauth .of the subject property is developed and has an internal drainage system for its drainage area. (Mt. Hoad Beverage), The Ian, ta the narth of the site, has similar tapography, which is flat and is bound by the earth berm and 40th Street. The lats have .one 12" storm sewer stub each, which were installed during the roadway construction process. , The site runaff enters the public system within 40th Street and is directed ta the existing private detentianpands ta the east. These detention ponds were designed to accammadate increased storm runaffthrough develapment .of the lais within the above stated plat. ProDosed Svstem: The propased system will consist .of a pipe system ta callect the Stormwater runoff and direct the flaw inta the existing 12" storm pipe stubs along the 40th Street right-af-way. The site has been divided inta five (5) drainage basins based an propased site grades. Theseareas are as fallows: , · Area A = 6,827 sf .of paved area . Area B = 24,996 sf of paved area · Area C = 4,831 sf .of paved area . Area D= 18,249 sfofpaved area · Area E = 24,922 sf .of building roaf /1''1l '6~ ~ , Area A cansists of paved surface that is graded to sheet flaw inta prapased bio-swale A, which will provide pre treatment tei the runoff priar ta entering the piped system. Area B cansists of 24,996 sf .of paved area, which is graded to enter the pipe system through catch basins as well a sheet flow into bio-swale B. Swale B will pravide pre-treatment of the runaff priar ta the flaw entering the public system. Area C consists .of 4,831 sf of paved area, which is graded ta sheet flaw inta bia-swale C, which will provide pre-treatment .of the runoffpriar to the flow entering the public system. Area D cansists .of 18,249 sf .of paved area; this area is graded ta enter the pipe system thraugh catch basins which will be equipped with filtering media to provide some pre-treatment ta the ' runaff. This area then is piped to the existing 12" stub at the 40th Street right-af-way. Area E cansists .of 24,922 sf .of building roof area that is callected by roof drains and canveyed ta ~ the piped system for Area B, This area is routed through swale B. The proposed system will have 77 % of the impervious area directed into vegetated treatmenf swales prior to entering the public drainage system. The other 23 % of the runoff will be treat~d by mechanical facilities as stated above, I I, , Calculations: The calculations for this system were calculated the Rational Method where: A = runoff area in acres C = runoff coefficient 1 = rainfall intensity in inches per hour Q = runoff volume in cubic feet per second System Flow Summary: Area to SwaJe A:, A = 0.1567 ac C = 0.90 WQ Year Event 10 Year Event 25 Year Event - r = 0.25 inlhr - r = 2.10 inlhr - r = 2.40 inlhr Q = 0.04 cfs Q = 0.30 cfs Q = 0,34 cfs Swale A consists ofa 2 foot bottom with 4:1 side slopes, a longitudinal slope of 0.5%, and a length of 104 feet. The contact tiine and depth of flow are as follows: Flow velocity = 0.42 fps WQ Year Event - Te = 4.1 min. d = 0.04 ft The required contact time.is 9 minutes, we have added rock check dams at intervals of20 feet along the length of the swale to provide additional contact time. Area to Swale B: , A = 0.5738 ac C = 0.90 WQ Year Event I 0 Year Event 25 Year Event - 1= 0,25 inlhr - r = 2,10 inlhr - 1= 2.40 inlhr Q = 0.13 cfs Q = 1.08 cfs Q = 1.24 cfs , 'I ! ;1 :1 :i i , ,I ,I " 'I ~ ), Swale B consists of an average bottom width of 14 feet, 4: I side slopes, a longitudinal slope of I 0,5%, and a length of 110 feet. The coptact time and depth of flow are as follows: , Flow velocity = 0.32 fps WQ Year Event - Tc = 5,8 min. d = 0,03 ft The required contact time is 9 minutes, we have added rock check dams at intervals of 20 feet along the length of the swale to provide additional contact time. \ Area to Swale C: A=0.1109ac C = 0.90 WQ Year Event 10 Year Event 25 Year Event ' - 1= 0.25 inlhr - 1= 2.10 inlhr - 1= 2.40 inlhr Q = 0.03 cfs Q = 0.21 cfs Q = 0.24 cfs Swale A consists ofa i foot bottom with 4:1 side slopes, a longitudinal slope of 0.5%, and a' length of 115 feet. The contact time and depth of flow are as follows: Flow velocity = 0.42 fps , WQ Year Event - Tc = 5.21 min. d = 0.04 ft The required contact time is 9 minutes, we have added rock check dams at intervals of20 feet along the length of the swale to provide additional contact time. Conclusion: The proposed development has been designed to provide water quality and conveyance for the runoff generated by the different drainage areas, the BMP facilities provided within this design will meet both water quality requirements and covey the runoff without adverse impacts to adjacent properties and the public drainage system. r : 'I I I ,11 .1 I Worksheet for Swale A Flow Element Friction Method: Solve For: Trapezoidal Channel Manning Formula Normal Depth fUft Left Side Slope: fUft (H:V) Right Side Slope: 4,00 fUft (H:V) Bottom Width: 2,00 ft Discharge: 0,04 ft3fs ~ 0,10 ft' Wetted Perimeter: 2,36 ft Top Width: 2,35 ~ ft Critical Depth: 0,02 ft , Critical Slope: 0,04691 fUft Verocity: 0.42 fUs Velocity Head: 0,00 ft Specific Energy: 0,05 ft Frauds Number: 0,36 Flow Type: Subcritical Length: Number Of Steps: o Profile Description: Headloss: 0,00 ft Downstream Velocity: Infinity fUs Upstream Velocity: Infinity fUs Normal Depth: 0,04 ft Critical Depth: 0,02 ft Channel Slope: 0,00500 fUft !I , ., .1 Worksheet for Swale B :1, " Flow Element: Friction Method: Solve For: Trapezoidal Channel Mann.ing Formula Normal Depth Channel Slope: 0,00500 ftlft Left Side Slope: 4,00 ftlft (H:V) ./ Right Side Slope: 4,00 ftlft(H:V) Bottom Width: 14,00 ft Discharge: 0,13 ft3/S Normal pepth: 0,03 ft Flow Area: 0.40 ft' Wetted Perimeter: 14,23 ft Top Width: 14,23 ft Critical Depth: 0,01 ft Critical Slope: 0,05450 ftlft Velocity: 0,32 ftls Velocity Head: 0,00 ft Specific Energy: 0,03 ft Fraude Number: 0,34 Flow Type: Subcritical . Length: Number Of Steps: 0,00 o Profile Description: Headloss: 0,00 ft Downstream Velocity: Infinity ftIs Upstream Velocity: . Infinity ftls Normal Depth: 0,03 ft Critical Depth: 0,01 ft Channel Slope: 0,00500 ftlft " Worksheet for Swale C ~~~)~,~2j:i'r'~i':'~Voi~~~~V:~l;!;I~'?"'.' ~"'~"'~W~~"!.'~,~tl!.l".., -.~;;'~. ~"I"~;:~m:I:t!~-lJi""~"':!<1i,t"j:l' f?,rC?jl~fc,t, l?E!sc;:~jp.t!ol)r.~r.~M~~1,tTf%~J:~~~~'n:fl~" . ,_ ~':'~;~~tg~i~~.~~~iJ1:~i~~!~~~::t{>[&~'%-~J;:!;-~W:ffJj~tYrr.;~:f;l i\i1,"1oO,,,,,J.fl.\.t,...;,~,~..;;1;;1,~~~!~~'!,~.,,~~..~,,..v.;R:J,j. = . . " 1::"......~1'~~..,..;~~'-'..,"~",'~...'l'_,."{'t}"...""M':'i~j<,/~.-.'''~$.<,,,:'."10:-;,..."1;;'41 Flow Element: Trapezoidal Channel Friction Method: Solve For: Manning Formula Normal Depth ~1<'C=t'O'~t ":ID~'llNI~li~'lM~lI1;:~~"""''''~t:!4,'n''''''''''Y<l4i1i!~'lm1i'''~\r.?-ill u~L_!~~~i;t~~m~~ffr~!'1,' '" .;:illi:fi'ri,~~~~~~~l~iJ Roughness Coefficient: 0.030 Channel Slope: 0,00500 ftlft Left Side Slope: 4,00 ftlft(H:V) Right Side Slope: 4,00 ftlft (H:V) Bottom Width: 2,00 ft Disch~rge: 0,03 ftS/s :ResuH~>:""~tli,"'"';;~}l'~""~tm'i.t:I#.J:l!lii1?"l!*ili~~~~tt':1f3il11iit:iI'~~\l'ijl%~,,~~!l'l.~1 u,~.~-_.il2i~,~<':~!ty~, ~,i'i~"I{,\. ~:.'.m-'. __"'",,;.<C... ~"'~'dZl:~' . - ;'*A:it.'tt."":h -~~~i",-;,,,,,,"~_"<7J~~ Normal Depth: 0,04 -' ft Flow Area: 0.08 fit Wetted Perimeter: 2,31 ft Top Width: 2,30 ft Critical Depth: 0,02 ft Critical Slope: 0,04992 ftlft Velocity: 0,37 ftls Velocity Head, 0,00 ft Specific Energy: 0,04 ft Fraude Number: 0,35 Flow Type: Subcritical 'GVF.'f-'t'D:ml!i!IllWl.~r,f~tt."'4e'i1-@;~i.i>..r""Jik~'iiiwx.!_-_.l"""_~~~~'l!w.i1 t-",-#&JJP1L:...;..aa _....~~itf4(K.~,'~~Jt_~\J,~~m?l{i~~~pi1: -:~~n . Downstream Depth: 0,00 ft Length, 0,00 ft Number Of Steps: 0 v 'GVF.'Outi!utData~~!I''''Jffi<'j,'''''o.-,llt,'li1L''Si.1.\''''';;:~1!G~~~~~~~:,:!.\'-ml~f.'.@''j;,"'''''',''~~,il,l;fl ~_ __+-,_,.....,.'(tW.l~:!,,~~~!i:"'?~~~*"-''''';a.<.lI;<E- ~'l~ii~?;!.al~~~~_~__.~~,\"'-_~, Upstream Depth: 0.00 ft Profile Description: Headloss: 0,00 ft Downstream Velocity: Infinity ftls Upstream Velocity: Infinity ftls Normal Depth, 0,04 ft Critical Oepth: 0,02 ft Channel Slope: 0,00500 ftlft ,. _4 .J '. ' I . i I ~eOA 1 " 6,827 SF _., ' 1 ,_ ' ~" " . , - - ) '111' i i - , :0"~''''~ ,~ " \ r ,__n_ ~"~ I Iii 'I }" ,~,,,,,,~,,,,,~~~~.r"'~~=,""'."""""'" ') :!f. -f':[~1Jjrl I I ri II: I , , " ", , ' _ _ ' ' ,I ' f // ,.... I I I , , ' , ' , , : _ _' _,_ ..L _ :L//Vj I I I ' " ' , , ' , , , ". "' _ _ __ . _ : 'L ,I ~ I'I II " " , " " " ' . ~ STalP /' -,'.: - '-I I 1-- III , """ " J" " .. No / / / " .'~ n' 'm> -, _..~ -!;.....':-"''''':' ..>..:.- om, . .,\,' _ 1""":-.':"". r // ,I II:! 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'\\ \ \ \ \ \ "\ -Il'9>:\ \ \\ \ \\ \ I~ \ ,\ \, \ ~'.17 \ ' '\ \ ''l 12' I1.N tl:: \~ \~ ,,\ ~~:',*,~D \ / \\\ \~ ,,'.;4>'\ \ \ \ ~ \ \\ \ \\\ \~ \ \ \ \ '\ \ \ \ \'\ ~\~ \~' '~~, 'l. " \ ' "' ,\, >>\ \ ~\ '~~\. )( \\, "~"" ,,/~"" ,,' " .f: ~"" ,,,,, _=- '7'" ~ _ '.ofr '\ '\ '- ',', '-.. ';:: ~, _ _ "-\.1',,,, "\ "' ' ..... ~ _ --:,<"," ,17', "' ..... '" - -" ~", ~ ,...... ".A- ," "- "'" "'- " ~ ~"" ''''-., , ,,'" , ...... , # ,., ':,1 '-..,.. " I ': ,. ,',I ~' ", ,~.,; ! I , i , ~ ~ I , , I I - - - - - - - - ....---- /' /" / STa> - - ;I .: - - ~ -..., -... L 1 ltJ' 9:JrEt"-2r;' o ,'>>' r" ~sn::.. Lf(;END . b ElIlSIIIl:" lUIr . EJISJIrC aJRB N.ET IlJ.EXIS'TtIOTD1J'HOtE I<8iElllSllll~UA= - E-jD:I5IJGClJ'I'N<<::tt:R'ALU ~ElIlSIIIlPlJlERP<U OIElllSllll _ SlRfETTRE ~IElIlSIIIl""",",", @!ElIlSIIIlSlDlDl ........ ! 0 I ElIlSIIIl DDIOII tINf01 DRAINAGE IIASIN AIlKAS NlfAA . U21 Sf'tD SWALEA MEA B .2 UNSf'tDswua NIfA C . 4,IJ1 Sf'tD SWALE C IlIfJ. D .. 18,248 SF :;:C~ -.24.122Sf'toSWALEA JIB MEA -7lI,825Sf' I TROOED In' S'M.f3 lREmD S'l' S'IAlfS .. 8t,51l SF .. 11.1 I "T='''~ -3 ~ ~ li ~ 8~: .\ ~.;!3 !!~h6 '0 t:..~l!lllg; <5 ~ i(ffJ <D' ... I J:~1 Ii '" .. 1-, o i=1 cd ......... p... ~ ~ ~ OJ ..l.! 8 ~ ~ Cl/ bD .. c' ~ cd .e, t:: '"'l i=1 tl cd !-- :::E ~ '>f S ~ ~ .f "l "c;> ~ c; .~ la~';!~~~ "~~ ~ n "" a I!I I!! ~..: >>~< . ~~~8 :1' . -~ " ' <ij z o in :> w "', SHEET C3 of . 'f Noyember2,2007 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O NOV 2 9 2007 tvlr,JoM,H\lriJmef , JOM p, Himuner bLC P,O, Box 2266 Eugene OR 97402 , RE: PREtI1vlINARYFbtJNbATIONAsSESSMENT; PROPQSED AMMARK SITE. bear ~Ir. Hainiliei": : I am ,,'riting this letter to report the findings of our assessment Of foundation conditions at the site proposed for development with the new Aramark bllilding, on the west side,ofIndustrialAvenue, immediately:north,ofMt Hood Beverage (Figure I), Geology andS(jils (p\ibliSbedInf(jrmation)' The site occupies the wesiem'portion of an approximately 40-acre'parcel fonnerly used as a mill- pond tor storing togs The Geologic Map of the Eugene-Springfield Area, SOli/hem WiIlamelle Valley. Oregon (USGS Water Resources Paper 2018,1973), indicates thaI the site is underlain by Quaternary younger alluvium. :The ,Soil: SllA'ey of Lane Coimly Area, Oregon (USDA Soil .', - 0" _ . .. Consen'ati6it,SerVice, 1987))ndicatesdiai.thesiie is underlain by MalabonUtban Land Complex, which is' reported to befOrine'don bi"oad vllll.~JY terracesiri sHty and clayey alJuvium. The undisturbed Malabon soilisdescribedasafollo\Vs: . "Typical I\', the surbce layer is very dark brown and dark 111'0\\11 silty clay loam about 12 inches thick. The subsoil is dark brown. and,brown silty, clay loam and silty clay about 30 inches thick. Thesuhstratumis brown:elayloamtoa depth of60inchesomtore. Stratified sand and gray~1 are' at a' depJhof40 inches or more in places;'! The Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)groupnamesforihesoiiare: 0-12": ML, ] 2-42"iCL; and 42-60"; ML. ' Field Observations The site was v,isited ()~ O~t~b,eig~,;290!1lIidsiX testpi~wei'eexc\l\,atedusinga.small rubber-tired Jolm Deerebackhoe.withan 18-inch bucket. Test pit!ocatioIisWe,rede\erinined approximlltely,usij1g alOO-foot fiberglasstape,measure from lhe-ioeofthe benn to-the'West and from the edge of the landscaped area oflhe Mt. Hood Beverage Co, lotto the south, P.O. Box 2238, Eugene, OR 97402 ' (541) 607~570i> FAX: 607"5'701 , CCB # 127073 .,.... Mr. John Hiunmer November 2, 2007 Page 2 Soils encountered in the test pits were classified according to 'the uses using ASTM Method D- 2488 (Visual-MailUal Procedure) and the WlCOnfined compressive strength of cohesive soil WIltS was measured using a pocket penetrometer. A total of four fill units and two soil units were differentiated on the basis of color, gradation, and material content. Fill Units Fill unit FU-l was found only in TP-WM. The unit consists ofa brown silty sandy gravel with an admixture of 5 to 10 % organics (wood and bark chips). The unit was 1.5 feet thick and compact. FU'2 was also found only in TP- WM, It consists of a brown silty sand similar in composition to SU- D (see below, Soil Units). In TP-WM the unit was hard, with an unconfined compressive strength (DeS) of more than 9,000 psf. ' , FU-3 was found in TP- WM and TP-NW. This unit is dark gray to black arid consists mostly of wood waste. The extent of the unit is not known, but the thickness ranged from 1 foot in TP-NW to 1.75 feet in TP- WM. FU-4 was found in all test pits except TP- WM. The unit consists of a brown silty sandy GRAVEL with isolated cobbles up to 10 inches in long diameter. The unit ranges in thickness from 1 to 2 feet. The consistency of the unit ranged from sOft to medium. Soil, Units Two soil units were identified, SU-C was found in TP- WM only, at a depth of 4. 75 to 5 feet (bottom of that test pit). SU-C consists of a gray silty sand with rapid dilatancy, low dry strength, and low toughness. The estimated gradation is 55% very fine-grained to fine-grained sand and 45% fines. The fines are probably ML. The overall soil is classified as a silty SAND (SM). The unit was saturated, above the plastic limit (APL) and the consistency was medium. SU-D was found in all test pits except TP-WM. SU-D consists of a brown silty sand, with an estimated gradation of 55 to 60 % very fine-grained to medium grained sand, and 40 to 45 % fmes. The unit has low toughness, low to medium dry strength, and rapid dilatancy. As a result, it is likely that the fines consist of ML material. The overall unit is classified as a silty SAND (SM). The thickness exposed in the test pits ranged from 1 to 2,feet. In-plaCe, the unit ranged from slightly moist and below the plastic limit (BPL) to moist and APL. The ues ranged from 5,000 to more than 9,000 psf. Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in TP-WM at 4.75' and in TP-SW at a depth oD.5 feet. ~ \. Mr. John Hammer November 2, 2007 Page 3 Discussion The site is located in the western portion of an old mill log pond. The western portion of the berm remains (site photos). The western and southwestern part of the site was utilized as a staging and office trailer site during construction of the Mt. Hood Beverage building. Based on the test pits, the entire site has been covered with a layer offill which ranges in thickness from I to nearly 5 feet.. Over most of the site, the fill ciJnsists of a silty sandy gravel, the matrix of which is APL when moist. This unit (FU-4) has been variably compacted and portions remain relatively soft. If well-compacted, this unit would be suitable for structural fill. However, in the western and northwestern portion of the site, granular fill units (FU-2, -4) are underlain by a layer of wood waste ranging in thickness from I to 1.75 feet (TP-NW and -WM), .. This unit is located above the seasomi.l' low water table and has been and is subject to degradation from the rotting wood. As a result, this material along with FU-I must be removed from beneath bearing portions of the site, and should, ideally, be removed from beneath all portions of the site. The areal extent of the area underlain by this material was not delineated completely during this assessment. However only two of the six test pits were found to contain this material. It is most likely located only in the west-central and northv.~';~m portion of the building. The underlying soil units (SU-C and SU-D) are well suited for placement offoundationsor structural fill. At the time of the assessment, the unconfined compressive strength ofSU-D ranged from 5,000 to more than 9,000 psf. If the smaller value is used the ultimate bearing 'capacity of the unit is '10,000 psfand, using a factor of safety of3 for dead and live loads, the allowable bearing capacity is 3,300 psf (Bell-Casagrande Method). ' None of the native soil units encountered at the site were under-consolidated. BiJthSU-C and ,-D . appear to represent overbank deposits of the McKenzie River. An old slough has been docwnented in the easternmost portion of the former mill site, but there is no evidence that a similar feature extends onto the subject site, Given the native and fill stratigraphy, two possible courses of action appear to apply: · Strip FU-4 and. F{j-2 from the entire and stockpile the unit for future use andlor recompaction. StripFU-l and c3 and remove from the site due to organic content. Then recompaet FU-2 and -4 in very shallow lifts (" to 6-inch) using a smooth-drum roller without vibration, Using a vibratory roller may cause groundwaterto pump into the underlying SU-D resulting in progressively worse subgrade performance. ' · . StripFU-I, -2, and -Jasnecessary to remove organics. Proof-roll FU-4 with a loaded dwnp , truck and over-excavate areas deflecting more than Y, inch to SU-D. Then import select fill. Mr. Jolm Hammer November 2, '2007 Page 4 In the interest of rapid development of the site and ensuring that all organic-rich material is removed from the site, it may be advantageous to, utilize the first option. Excavated FU-4 and FU-2 could be stockpiled at other lots in the industrial park and utilized as structural fill during the 2008 dry season, The Ararnark site could be brought to subgrade elevation,by placement of select fill. If this work is to be performed during the wet season, only small areas ofSU-D should be exposed at anyone time ,and the select fill placed and compacted in thin lifts (no more than 4 to 6 inches. It is not recommended to use vibratory compaction methods as these are likely to result in degradation of the finer-grained native soil units as a result of pumping groundwater. ' The seasonal low water table appears to be around 3.5 to 5 feet below current ground surface. Therefore, the location of the seasonal high groundwater table may preclude use of infiltration systems ("dry wells") for disposal of roof drainage. Conclusions The western portion of the former Booth-Kelly mill pond is proposed to be developed with a building for Ararnark. The building is proposed to be 125' (E-W) by 200' (N-S). The rest of the parcel will be developed with'paved parking areas. Based on six backhoe test pits, the site is underlain by a native, fining-upwards alluvial sequence. The upper portions of this sequence consist of silty sand (SU-C and SU-D). At the time of the field assessment, the moisture content ranged from slightly moist and BPL to moist and APL. The unconfined compressive strength of the native soil ranged from 5,000 to more than 9,000 psf. No evidence of the presence of under-consolidated slough deposits was found. The native soils have been covered by a layer offill ranging in thickness from) to 4.75 feet. Most of the site is covered by') to 2 feet ofa silty sandy gravel (FU-4), which is variable compacted and ranges inconsistency (compactness) from sofho medium. In the west-central and northwest portion of the site, this unit and other fill units are underlain by a layer of woo.dwaste (FU-3) which 'ranged in thickness from] to 1.75 feet. Groundwater was encountered in two test pits at depthsof3.5 (fP-SW) to 4.75' (TP-WM). Recommendations Foundations At the current moisture content the native soil units are well-suited to placement of foundations (shallow spread footings, concrete slabs-on-grade) or structural fill. If the units are not disturbed an allowable bearing capacity of 3,300 psf can be' assumed. This could be increased if compacted granular fill is placed on SU-C or -D. , Mr. John Hammer November 2, 2007 Page 5 The non-organic FU-4 is variably compacted. The unit should either be removed from the site and re-compacted elsewhere in the industrial park or it should be proof-rolled Wld softer areas identified during that process over-excavated and replaced with select fill. Removal of the fill wlits is required in the areas affected by the presence of wood waste (FU-I Wld FU-3) in the western Wld northwestern portion of the site. Removal of the fill should be initiated there Wld the entire'fill section stripped ,until the margins ofFU-3 are reached. .Compaction of FU-4 or other imported select fill should be 'performed in relatively thin lifts (not exceeding 4 to 6 inches) and using non-vibratory methods only. Use of vibratory compaction equipment is likely to result in degradation of underlying SU-C or -D by "pumping' of groundwater. Compaction CWl be verified by proof-rolling with a loaded dump or water truck. If fill is to be stripped Wld replaced when significWlt precipitation is likely, it is recommended to strip no more of the site than can be covered with compacted fill the same day. If subgrade performance degrades nonetheless, use of geotextile may be required, Excavation and Grading All units encountered at the site can be excavated using conventional methods (backhoe, dozer, scraper). During the dry season temporary cuts in the native soil wlits can be installed essentially vertical to a depth of 4 feet. Deeper cuts and cuts made during the wet season should either be shored or installed no steeper than I H : I V. Fill slopes on either of the two units should be installed no steeper than 2H : I V. During dry weather the,native soil units are expected to perform well under traffic loads. If exposed to significant precipitation, the units will loose strength unless protected by compacted fill. Under areas which will experience heavy construction traffic during the wet season, it is recommended to place geotextile Wld at least 18 inches of crushed rock. .Use of Materials With the exception of FU-I ,Wld FU-3, which contain significant organic matter, all units encountered at the site are suitable for use as structural fill. SU-C and -D cannot be compacted during the wet season, due to moisture control issues. Similarly, compaction of portions of FU-4 may be problematic during the wet season as a result of the content of silty sand matrix. During the dry season, thi~ is not an issue. Slope Stability The site is essentially level Wld there is no indication of natural slope stability issues. If recommendations regarding cut Wld fill slopes are followed no slope stability issues are expected to arise from the proposed development. ,"..-' '- Mi-, j~hnHammer N'ovember2/iOO7 Page 6 Drainage I3ased onthe.ioeationof the,seasQria.llow WlItertilb~e{3;S "t/)5feetbelow current ,ground level)" it .aPFthat Useofdt:yWells l1lliynofbCfeasibleftirstcil'mWatert!isposai, 'lIe<;liilSetljcseasQiialhigh', watedilble,is expected to be too'cl6se,to,theinvert elevaiion of such systems. ltis.possible tliatthe seasonalmgh water table will rise 10 withii1:inches of the CUlTent low portions of Ihe site. It is also ,probable that these portionswiU need to be raised in order to achieve the elevations required for flow 'ofsfonnwaterfromrOQfandparki~~lotrono()ff. Th..dv.",theelevationofthewaler table lllaY riot bean issue; JftJie sireeleva,tionisr.lised by12to18in~hesabovethecurrentelevation;groundwaler will probllbly'notbe an isstie. H()wev~r;iu1l~ssdllCper, f()url<j"iiRndrilitiS,~lljstalled; ,calculations , regardingbearing,cap.acit)7and'settlementi'shouldtake.theelevatioti.ofthe seaso!lai'high,watertable intoaciJount; It ispeyond.thesCQpeofthisreporttopro"i-iderecommendationsfor such systems. Limitations Thlsreport 'Was..prepated. for th~" t1i;eoflohPHa,. ",'ti-, 'l!rid,hislluthoriZerJagen~for'planning and deSignpurposes;Oilr profession:l1services werepenormed, andoutrecOnUnelldationS provide.:! in acc~idiUii:e \\lith ,geiietiIJlya~ep~ PrlnCiplesandpracrlces. Theanalyscs, ,conciusions, and recommendations in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and assume that Ihe limited number of points investigated are generally representative of subswface conditions, The reportisrioJ aWlIITIIIlty ofsubsurface,CQnditions., If, in the future, conditions are found which.differ signifiCantly~m~ose PresAA~!1er~, (J~Scien~1nuStbe !idvis\\d.atoncesothatthese,conditions andoUl" recommendations ,can bereviewedand,reviSed,jf~~s~;, S~ould.asubStantiall(lpseof tillle.occurbet\VeenthisinVllStigation and future SitellCtivity,or ifconditionshavechanged due to riearbY'cohstrtictiop'oritatutal CililScs; the,d8ti1 ciqiltaihedin this repol't'shouldbe reviewed to determine its continued applicability. This report is not iritended 10 provide a seismic risk evaluation .of the subject property, The report should be made available to potential contractors who will perfonn,thecOl)St!.l1c~i.on W()*'<3CQ$cjen,~ CIlJ)notheresponsible for any deviation from Ihe recommendedcOriStructionmeth~oI'~~liiSCtiSSediri tliisr~)'iort;lik~wise; ourfinn cannotbe .respoilsillleforconstruction a.ctivit)7 on other sites whichneigl1bor of ablltth:e"subJecl'"."";,,.;y refetenl;ed in thiS tepof(. [fyou have any questions about Ihis report, please do not hesitale 10 contact me at (541) 607-5700, Respectfully.submitted, C};:;~ ' ~ 8chliecter, Ph~D.,CEG /, / " r L fj' 17.i: !' " Name:.5l'RlN,Gl'IEU) Oale, 1fI212007 Scale:iinch~.2000 f8e!' ~: 044' 03'24,8" N 122'58" 10."""" c8pliOn;F"~:I:LoCatii>tiMsi> ' ~(C).1997.'Mapteeh, Inc. !,Puf~I+I-II:-I~~l-'F'tfr I':r--I- 1~1--j~1 'I (~I_d~-/~_---~.~-~'-~,::t ' "~' I~ ~~ I "~ .1 I: --~ - T ,; if iii' 1 , ------', I, f - '--',:.lb ',.";"']'.3,,' ::_',~_:~.-,.~',.,-. ..._~.-,..'_. ".='fP...N-,I\lrJ:4 "",,1, ':' .. I!IIE'--- , _ , \J I TP-NE ~= , . .h'"P-NW iii j Ii i Iii , , Ijl 'it l' Pi ;.1fTP-WM III ' iHi ~~ i j~i ,Iii l!!! "" - 'Ii 'I' , ,dITP-SW, I!, . ill . if I, ~ ' ::j ',,',,'..1 !! -'---- - - --' _____m._____._______________ 'j iii' .....1 i).. ~,~- j...i."-" -......, OJ ----+ I " Y 'IJ ," 1 ~: , ':!,) ~ ~- -' "-Co-,.-L- . ,> i..._ , ==:Ji ,- I _TP_Sd~" " , ..r.~.:,~. , \ ! i , , tDl '" , \ \ ,~ . ;:,__""'=_~_.:':::-_,.=.,=.,=,.~ f "-jirr.!. ...:..' " , ~ [!: ; ; t~~ ~ .~L~ ~r '_~ lU2;~J: . If,,++ti_''I-I--H-II'~I--11 ~~ "-"'I'''~ -- --- -.." . '''''- ---.. :-.:~-~~~-= . j..../ , -+-' , \ \ \ , : :~ ,H- A N \ ~Z:7t:::i;7.T~~LZZ;;~~:~:.. I, I.; -: r , " " '", -,",,'-' .--.. Proposed Aramark Site, Hammer Industrial Park, Industrial Avenue, Spfld. Figure 2: Site Map and Test Pit Locations 10/24/07 Base Map from Robert Shaw, Architect; Scale Approximate: I" = 60' DeltA Lith. Sy:alol Um Haa.. ~ I TP-SE Page 1 of 1 E~UlP.: lob Dun BuUoe. 18. D_ ADDRESS: I:abstrial A"ft.lAruurtt w"........:ACTOR: Baaatr LOCATIOH: H13O*, E 240" \CI.IEHT: B.uul.er Dt'ftloJaeBl. LtC LOGGED BY: G....... Se)Jiehr' P ,.D. ,CEG I DATE: 10-24-07 . h" "......__ * '" _._ .__" IGraL Est. ChI'_ 'Cillies) P-.l-...~J.,L.'......eter I G 8 lUcK Pl C Co lJ8C8 (psi) '1'_ (JsC) Deseriltio:a - 1 ~:o:():.. :..;.0:0.:.0;0 ~.;9r9;:~:;':9... :'9.i.i9. .. ~9:9:'?:9~.;.~ ,0 ~.i9~'?~... .......9..iS1t~ FU-4 .... i;"T":~.~.~..~\~.:t"":~~!t\.~ ..,.,.........,.,u....,. . , '\~';;;';;\~\-,\:.'''T\:';\ SlM) .. Si;;\;},~.;\\~~i!:~\l. - ~.:::\:::\~.~~~~:::~~::-:~:: 0-1' SiltysendyQRAVElfUl,gn\W!to 10". Mad.toSoft. .___________4~------- - - - ---- ---- ----------_..._---.---- - 1-2' l3IlwInsiltySANl). Very~edtomtdlUJll1ll'llined. - 60 <lO ~t BPL Han C SM 2 -----------.,,------.- ,__~?l'~~_____ __mo. Bottom of Hole @ 2'. No wsler encountelli!d. - 3 - .. - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 . D~ 1 - 2 3 - 4 - :I - 6 - 7 - - 8 !I - 10 11 12 < I.id. ~ol Ud Baae FlJ.4 SU'i> Des~ri:ption TP-NM Page 1 ofl EQUIP.: Job. lntft BuUoe, 18'" B. .&.,...........: hhstrial":n.lJ1na.uli: COIl'lBACT02: Baa.er LOC.6J:IOB: B 350', B 140" lCUEH1': B'aIiuIl.er De'ftlq.dI,:u.c LOGGEJ) BY: G__ 8e'lUe&r PLI>_ CEG I DATE: 104:4-8"1 . .., ~ ,...,_.~ ...t= ."",,,,,...... a....... Est. Clar. 'filles) l....._. .em a 8 HIe. PI C Co USeB '(pst) ~ . - '" .'. ._ - ill- To~ (!Sf) 0-2' SlltyftlldyGRAVEl till, grawl to ,10.. Soft, ._-...--~-...__.... ..._-..._~- ._-...-.~-----._---_..._- . ............ ----..-. ............... -- r 2 -3,5' Bl1Iwn silty SAND , Veryfinellruined to mediumllruined. - ,60 40 Mlist A PL Stiff C SM __ _ _ ?"O~~ _ __ _, "m _ m Han:I ) 9,000 Battam af Hole@3,5'. Na wmerencauntered. ------~----- -------- . D~ - 1 - 2 - 3, - 5 - Ii - 8 - 10 - 11 - 12 LiO... SylUol 1hit B_e TP.NW Page 1 of 1 Eq1J1P.: lob.])em Daeldcnl. 18- D. 1 AD......"Q.S: l'aI'UtrU1 .6:'fIl.lAnaark COHTRACTOR: llut.aer LOCArIOB: B %50"# E 4lr C1.IEHT: lluuaer De......aeat. LLC LOGGED BY: G'II.1II:Ur SeMfA!hr P ,.D. CEG I DATE: 1044-87 ., ._-"."."""...." - m.. _MO. '_.0..,.. _."., Gn.L Est. cw. (Chu) G DilleN PI C Co tmCS PelUt~ter (ISQ T_ (!sf) J) _.....;.,~.:..... 4 ?';'9.;9.:9.i9~~.8. .;.9 . ?....o.i.i:>:.....s>.;.....;.9.9''*O.;.<? . ?.;,,<?~.i9~~i,'?;~ ?.;,,9~~....1$1<?~<? - . ~~9~Y~ ~~ .9~. ?';'9-'9;t.~ . ~~.;g.. - ~ ?";'<:Ydl,.t..;~~.~..i.Y..:.~ ?..92;1~c~,'o:o.9'"o; :111 ) 9,000 0-2' SillyssndyGRAVElfill,gravello to". Mad. to Sell. FU-"l , , ------------~-------- ------.....-....... -------- ......................-...., -..----'(- FU-3 _ 2 -3' Weodw8Ste, dllllc grayteblllCk ------------. -------- 3 -~' Bl'Dwn siltySAND, Veryfineijrained to mediumijl'llined. SU-O - - 60 ~o Moist A PL I Stiff C , Hard 8M 5,000 Bottom of Hole @ ~'. No waler encountered. -----------~.,-------- ------------. -------- 7 : ------------. ------. 9 ------------ .-------- ------------,,-------- ------------. -------- - -- __ ___ __ _ _c'____ ____ , . ,- 1 ~e' ;2:s>::m....'?~,;~ ~ ""~...9~~.i9. .. ~R"'~~';'~+y':, FlJ.4 .. t ~9t9~~t9;s>.:.; ..D~~.;.~...."" "'-, ~;"';,,:>;.)rl!t\'i:: ~1~.~\~;~,~:~;~;~,~; SU~ . ~ ~:::~:::~:::~:::~::;~::;t::;t::;~;:t:r -u . - 0-1.5' Silty StlIldy GRA va fill, gre.wl to 10". Mild. toSo/t. TP-NE Page 1 of 1 I EQUIP.: Job ])tm B_flbt. 18'" B. I AJ)])2E8S: bl'astrialA"I'e.lAruurfl: I C....'..a.ACroR: Baaaer, LOCATION: N 230'. E 240' ICLII!RT: Baaatl'DtftJo,aUl. LI.C LOGGE]) BY: G'IUl1ID'Se:Mithp P-_]). CEG I ])ATE: 1ll-24-tl7 ...... - ".. .~..,. - .--..--.,.- - '.,~,.. Gm. Est. ClaP. tl:Iu!$) Ptutmaeftf' G If lUC.. PI C Co lJ8CS bsQ TorvW (pst) Dt~ Lid. SylUol Uait lfaa. t_~... .:,.tio1l ----._-----_._--~--~- ---..--....----. --............- - 2 1.5-2$l3rownsiltySANl). Veryet," ......il'ledto medium-gl'8ined. - 6040 Mllsl BPl H$l1 c 8M --..--------.-....--...... , ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... -,' ..................... - - - 3 ~D((DmDr MOle IS? ~ . I~D WBlerenCDUn[erea. > 9,000 -----------. -------- ------------ -------- ------------. .------- - 4 ... - ... ...... _.- ...... ... ... ... ", .- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - :; ------------. -------- --------------------- -----------_.,-------- - 6 -----------_._-~----_. ------------. -------- 7 - 8 ___U___UU, Uh___. ------------. ------- , , ------------..-------- g ------------. -------- ------------ -------- ------------.-------- - 10 ------------. -------- 11 ------------. -------- ------------. -------- ------------, -------- 12 ------------.-------- ------------.-------- ~ Deptll. tith.. 8yJa)01 - 1 2 .................... . , ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.. ..................... ....................-. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. _._._._._._._._ '_'_'L . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . -. ...................... ...................... ,-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.. ..................... ...................... .................... 3 . - ~:;~.;~:;~:;~:;~::~:'));;(;; - +,:'2;'2;'~~2.:'2'2:'2;'2,:'\ - 'Y - - ~:m:~~::~~::~~::~~::~;::~;::~;::;EH' 4 - 5 - Ii - 1 - 8 !I 10 - 11 - 12 . UlIit lfaae TP-SW Pagelofl E~UJP_: lohDeen BuUoe.IS- B. .A&.....u...o:.: bI'Utrial Ave.l.Anaarli: C'\oI............a.crOR: lIaa.laer tOCATIOR: RIaD'. E 40" CI.IE1IT: Jla"aaer De'ftlopaot. ttc LOGGED BY: GUlW' SeMi.ehr, PlLD_. CEG DArE: 10-iZ4-87 ... .._._. D ".".,,,,,,,.w """"',_. ,_,_"" ""_'""''''_''''''''' ,,,,,....._, ., "b'_",_,_, ... ",_.. __""""'." Grat. Est. CWo "fiaes) Pe:aetroJll.eter G S lft( M PI C Co uses (psf) -, DescriJtfOa Tornu (1st) o-z Si!tySelldvGRAVEL fill,gnI.~to1D'. RJ.4 ..-..--................ ............,.- _______a.............___..__ 2-4' BrownsillySAND, Madium. Mlisl,;'PL. Very tineilrained to mediumiln.;ned, I - 55 45 '\'leisl ;.PL Stiff C ~:::::::::::: ::::::. 5,000 SM SU-D - - 60 40 Wet ,l,PL M!d C 2,000 8M Bellomof Hole@4',WlIlerlll3,S' ------------. -----_\- DeltA - 1 - 2 - 4 - 6 -7, - 8 - 10 11 12 l.in.SJ1Uol U'aiJ: Naa. .. .~1 TP- WM Page 1 of 1 EQUIP~: .lob Dun :BAI:Uoe, 18" B. ADD:REB8: Idutrial Aft..lAruurl COB'IBACT02: .....r . ..-' , LOCATION: Nl90', It <ICY ICJ.IEHT: mu.:;erDeftloJa.lIt. UC' LOGGED BY: G'lIlUtU' Se~r P ...D_ CEG DATE: 1044-07 ' , I GftL'E;: - -Clar. 6:aes) L~:: :.~~ '~~~e Dum)tio>>. I G 8 1lIl:.. PI C Co 'OBCS . (PSf) Osf) 0-1.5' SiltysandyGR..wa liB,11Illh 5-10S1S b8rk/wood chlps. ............_.._-_..._~ .......""..-- FU.1 '. ~. . .' . .. ......................... .... """ '" ... ....... -"- 3 ~ ~.. ~7-r'7T__:"f"_._hr~~ .~ ~~~:::~ ,:,:""-:",:,;,,,,-:,,"-:.':::,':::"-~ FU-2 ".0 ~:~:~:~;~:~:~:~.;.~~~ '".:...~3.:...~.:..~.:..~.:..~.:..~.:..~.:..~.:..~~ . > g,DDD. ,~~ ~~~~~~~~~:~ ~ ~~~~. 1.5 -3' Brown slltySAND. Hard. Sl.lI'loist, BPL. J -4.75' WoodwQste ,dlll'k gray to black. ". -<,", FU-3 5"':. :::::...'......~:...:.,::::::::::~::::' SU-C 4,7::' -::" (;lravslltY~ANli. ReDid dllSlBncY,low touahness. -=- 55 'l!... Moist APL Vl!!d...&. 8M Bottom of Hole @5'. WBlerBl5' ------------. -------- ---------------------. ------------. -------- 9 --------------------- , ' , , ;*~ "'.'-"- C:'~U-.I W ",,'1100 .r..';jttl p...p.r1y, VI...S'I'I',-rr.8W.. I., ir~WMI" ..Iddl., TP-NW.... N...~ lb... <kb,.. (I. I. .m'!......"}' d~bti$'f:FV.3).~' ~." ~",r <- tI<f,1i...:.,' ,~'" !~~~~ "'",-- , ."<""- 'II;j.;,...'"'},-',.......~,,-:'__. t;;, ~,,,.~ . (!4l) "7.5700 A..ama..k Site Foundation Assessment, IndustrialAve. Spnd. Spovlls rroln TP-NE, FU.4(L.iOO~ ..d SU-D Ul .kIO-or pl1.j, M'- ;:!,,~' - "",'1"'-'.,,, ~" "'~~jt;;::'~.l';I~-'5I".:2..._ ~~.;.~~~-_-=.-~)>..:- (54ll U7.5700 "'olIlY 'lI~$ .b(I Sl'.I)_ N~iljll-,,, "V.l. Aramark Site Foundation Assessment, Industrial AVe. SpUd. .. "" ~ ". Date Project Name Project Number Project FHe Group Name Power Density Oct 03, 2007 Aramark 100207 Aramark.PZP <All Groups> 0,05 Watts/Sq. Ft Project Area Summary , IAREA NAME , ,lSite . . Prepared By: Steve Carpenter I/O OUT DIMENSIONS 417.60x359.40Ft LUMS/ASMS SI (Asm) WI (Lum) Project Area Summary -...) Prepared For: 18 Electric Generated by LitePro version 2.024, which is provided and supported by Columbia Lighting, Afera, and Prescolite. Calculations are performed' in accordance with IESNA procedures Columbia; Alera, and Prescolite are not responsible for the light output of lamps and ballasts, or design variables not shown. . . WATTS/SQ FT IQTYI (6)0,051 'I (12) , / PRE-SUBMiTTAL k: C 'D NOV 2 9 2007 n 0 J ~lte_ ro I Date Project Name Project Number Project File Group Name Power Density Project Calculation Summary Oct 03, 2007 Aramark 100207 Atamark.PZP <All Groups> 0.05 Watts/Sq. Ft Pmject Calc Summary IAREANAME II/O IDlMENSIONS I Site lOUT 1417,6Ox359,40Ft / Prepared By: Steve Carpenter IGRID/lYPE/GROUP I' #PTS I-SPAC] Main/H.H/' <+> 816 10,00 Generated by LitePro version 2.024, which is provided and supported by Columbia Lighting, Alera, and Prescolite. Calculations are performed in accordance with IESNA procedures. Columbia, Alera, and Prescolite are not responsible for the light output of lamps and ballasts, or design variables not shown. I Prepared For: JB Electric I 1- I 1 1 AVE MAX MIN MxlMD Av/Mn 2,00 7,92' 0.32 24,58 6,22j , . . LitePro Date Project Name Project Number Project File Group Name Power Density Luminaires Used TYPE QTY TEST# C 6 L9665CRl WI 12 HP07232 Project Schedule Oct 03, 2007 Aramark 100207 Aramark.PZP <All Groups> 0.05 Watts/Sq. Ft DESCRIPTION Spaulding, CRI-P40-ID-HS General Site Lighting CIMARRON RECTANGULAR AREA LIGHT LAMPS: ( J) MS400/H75/ED28PS, 40000 LUMENS BLST: STD, WATTS= 453 Hubbell, PGL400H-x2x c Wallpack ARCHITECTURAL - PERlMALITER II LAMPS: ( J) MH400/U, 36000 LUMENS BLST: STD, REF. BALLA, WATTS~ 460 Assemblies Used ASSY QTY DESCRIPTION S I 6 single @ 25' SSS 22,5' 2.5' concrete TYPE MIlT OR! TILT ROLL BRKLEN BRKROT C 25,00 0 0 0 0,00 0 LitePro 2.024 Point-Dy-Point Results PROJECT: Aramarkl100207 GROUP: Site AREA: Site GRID: Main PREPARED BY: Steve Carpenter VALUES ARE FC. SCALE: I IN= 60.0FT, HORZ GRID (U). HORZ CALC, Z~ 0.0 Computed in accordance with IES recomnlcndations Statistics 1 1(+) .~= llBo ''''0 JU.l. 101lO m,. ~11.'. m.Jo ~)l.lO ~'l,l. lU]. lll." 112.)0 "'1.)0 191.30 111.'0 '''J.o lllJu "'.:Ill m.JO IlBO Iln. JODO "',l" lUO n... u. lU" .no lB' "12'. GROUP MIN 0.32 MAX 7,92 AVE 2,00 A VEIMIN 6,22 MAXIMIN 24,58 ",,'1 J~~ '1';~1-:1;;TJ~II-,~r';rSl.l-;tJ-';~' I. .1,1, ,I, . . . "0"" 1"' 1141 IU'I ,~, \.71i "t 1'1' I}' ,OJ -. - . ... IUl PI 1.\0 ,.~ 1# 1'9 HI ll9 )." I.lJ 1 n;;1;;;r:;I'rrrfSi-n;'li~-II':i ." ", ", .. \." II~., I~' II.~' 2:~ ':'j I; T .C r" ( l:I~:r '.30 101 ,.. u. "1 Ul III '" 1.61 1..7 ::." I.n l.!1. ""'0.11' nO.n_ 0'" 10' , . '~; I" I:' 1.01." . 1,:6 'C' 19' :':: ::: Q~ ~:: :i:; ~'~'-.T~~~-=~_.".-"n-"OO-""-1.l! W :.C' 110 III "'1 '"1 I. I~ III ,~ 05 Oil o~ ,], (U I~ II' I'l I~ l~ lH ,,' 1)0 I)' 1:11 ~" 10l Ii; 11' 1.11 0\1\1 '. ! . -~----- '~i.] j." l.'1 1.1. '" ______l. 0"' ..1 [" I,. 'u, \VI WI r:' l.oJl,1 lOl '" 1.1. II, I, II:' H. l11 I" ," '" II' 101 UI '" WI 1.)1 I... Jjll.;\ ., IDo '.'1 ul Jlo l.1 100 ,. ~..1 'II III ll~ ll. I 01 ~.., 'l' , ;~, !l~ ", 1" '" J.JJ ltJJ> H! ~" '.11 ,. III '14 '71 100 II' In JM I, 'e 1.16 "I WI i: ~ 1" " ,.. 'J' /, PI "0 WI ',~" I.J1 ," 2.;1 IT' Z 01 , .]1 .'lll.. ll' III 1... Zl' ).1' H', )11 In " ~1 1.7] n. l1' 11. 1 ;,' '"111. ,.. I" ,,. I.. , ',1. "I )11 HI )" III ) ~l II' III 1,,1 1.5 WI ,,~ '11 141 "1 ,,,. 1" .' WI o!:o '11..1 I.. "5 1.71 III l.'~ II' 1.7l >II ", ).1 III 1.11 1'7 Z.. HI II' ~.Ol 1'1 nz III llO "' I. 1.1 1:',^'1 -~IWI~I , l.ll'lIl.. , , j.,----.-.- 1.<0 '"7 .01 I.~ 19' III 1'1'" ~~, I"' I.... 1., ,I. '" I, ~" ,,, ,~. I I" ';" HU )11 ~.1. I..o_i,. ,--~WI I" 1.1) III 1>1 II' 1.11 :=::!Wl~lJ"J'J7\" L>l\~911').O ,WI ~ 19 '1'J "1 1" 1.11 IlO I" 1.11 l~l ". 1'0 I;; I.. \~7 110 1 Ii 117 I.?l BO" I.M IlO III J), I.. Lll 11. ,." ::l6 no l"61,7 1 ~I 1 ~l '.1\ D. I~ III ~." 111 l.~ III 114 u. I~ I~ 19. In l~ ," U9 \16 n.o.:O- 1"<1 III I" III II. 111 i.lO 1.;1 l.ll I.. 171 1.l1 I." '11 IN I.jg ".' ll' ,.7 U. '" I;! "<il HII.IJ ~:...' ~ 17'0 . 1l 'l>lI .uo U. 0"; 07. '~~:"._~j1> I" 1<1 10\1 "." u7> '1' "10 ol" .il ",! ,;. """'00,, on ... 1.0' 'u 'UI II) L." '. LJ" '.1' ]1: L'. !J' !1'. III '" '" 61. ~Sl ~ :s C~ -; o en <l- N ,10/3/2007 'I, I' I' ,. I I: II' Ii l_ ( Page J ", .N~-28-2007 15: 14 Cascade Title 541 485 0307 P.02 ,,-.-- . . ~. -.--.- .. . ---- Division s' Chle' Deputy Clerk Wla878182 Lane Col.lnty Deecla and Racarda '" !]![m~lli UI~~!1~1!/~1 03:31::': RPR-DEED ental St",,3 CASHIER ea $3.80 $U.00 $1111.08 .; PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NOV 2 9 2007 N~-28-2007 15:14 ,.,Cascade Title CD REtUIlN 1'0 CASCADE TITLE CO. U'2J..'101'i\ [.001- "f'iD' lib .. - AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: OAKWAY GOLF, INC., ,2000 CAL YOUNG ROAD, ~ 541 485 0307 EUGENE, OREGON 97402 UNTIL REQUESTED OTHERWISE SEND ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: OAKWAY GOLF, INC., 2000 CAL YOUNG ROAD, EUGENE, OREGON 97402 wARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM P.03 ; j COMES NOW JOHN P. HAMMER, Grantor and bereby conveys and warrants to OAKWAY GOLF, INC., an Oregon corporation, Grantee,tbe following described real property free of encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein, situated in Lane County, state of Oregon and described in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and by this incorporated berein. Tbe above-described parcels encumbrances, except easements,' restrictions of record. of property are free covenant s " condi t ions of and '. The true consideration for this conveyance is cash plus other consideration. THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSO~ ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR C..u...u PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. DATED this 2...L day of ~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss: ) .- ~ '""' ,..- \dXI' l JOj' County of Lane , 2001. iiiimmer, Grantor This Warrant~ Deed-Statutory Form was acknOWledged before me on the~/,*,day of '-1'1~ , 2001, by John P. Hammer to be his voluntary acta~d d~ed: \ D. LJ -I r.;--"".W,~~ ~"~ . , IIOWlY PlJ81JC. 0REGlIIl . 'o"' COMIIIS$lOIIIlO.:\27200 Notary Pub11c for Oregon lIl'___lIC\8Rl!,lIIII My Commission Expires: I b -/"7-0<1-3 1____ 1 - WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM .,..."....'...... '--"-l,-,~",;"_d. ~---- - ,NOlJ-2B-2007 15: 15 ~ascade Title 541 485 0307 P.04 " , , '. , .... our NO: cr.22~078 page, 5 '\ PRv.....:o"... L DESCRIPTION PARCE~ :. ~ Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block, 1, MORROW PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book 19, page 6. Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane county, Oregon; thence along the Northerly line of old Southern Pacific company's Railroad Industrial Spur North S40 24' 00' West 870.00 feet being the true point of beginning. thence leaving the said Northerly line, North S' 36' 00' East 655.00 feet; thenoe Bast 200.9S feet to a point on the Northeasterly right of way hne of county Road NO. 2218S said road was 6urveyed in August, 1~54 b)' I:hat survey being Lane County Surveyors File (CSl"1 Index No. 518; thence along the said Northeasterly right of way line, along the arc of a 552.~6 foot radius curve ,left (the chord of which bears South 42' 19' 4S" East 265.73 feet) a distance of 268.26 feet; thence South 560 14' 00" East 54.20 feet; thence along the uc of a 696.20 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears south 64' 13' 00' East 1~3.38 feetl a distance of 194.01 feet; thence leaving said right of way line, South 72' 22' 02" East 130.94 feet to the southwest corner of that parcel of land conveyed to the City of Springfield as recorded in Reel 289'0, Reception No. 4~400, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane County, Oregon, BS said wa5 surveyed in November, 1997, by that survey being CSF 28106; thence along the Northwesterly line of said parcel, Nortb 48. 29' 2.. Sast 53.62 feet to a point on ths Southwesterly, line of 42nd Street being that cereain trect conveyed by WeyerhaeUBer Company to Lane county recorded in Reel 140 'S90, Reception No. 78397, Lane county oregon ~eed Reco~ds, in Lane County, O=ogoni thence along the said Southweeterly line, North 41. 25' 41. West 1262.36 feet; thence along the arc of a 1512.39 toot radius curve right (the chord of which bears North 40' 54' 28" west 27.47 feetl a distance of 27.47 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way of the above mentioned County Road No. 221; thence leaving the Southwesterly line of said 42nd Street and along the Northerly line of the said County Road No. 221, along the are of a 258.73 foot radius curve left lthe chord of which bears North 6~' 52' 37" West 29.24 feet) a distance of 2~.26 feet; thence North 73' 07' 00" West 78,57 feet; thence along the arc of a 5709.39 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears North 710 JS' 00' West 305.S5 feet) a distance of 305.59 feet; thence North 700 03' 00. Wesl: 242.64 feet; tbence along the arc of a 771.11 foot radius curve lefe (the chord of ~hich bea.s Nort~ ~So 47' 21" West 114.58 feet) a distance of 114.58 feet 1:0 the Southerly line of Kathryn Avenue in the FIRST ADDITION TO ADAMS PLAT as platted and recorded in Book 15, page 2, Lane county Oregon plat Records, if said line is extended North 57' 03' East; thence South 67. 03' 00" West $3.91 feet to the corner of said Plat on the Southerly line of Kathryn Avenue; thenee following the southerly and Easterly line of said plat, South 670 03' 00" West 73.77 feet; thence along the are of a 517.45 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 69' 30' 13. West 44.31 feetl a distance of 44.32 feet; thence South O. OS' 30' Sast 1157.05 feet to the southeast corner of the Pressley Comegys Donation Land Claim NO. 80. same township and range: thence South O. 41' 00' Wesl: 251.89 feet to the southeast , :. , COl'u:.inued. EXHIBIT I PAGE--l ". NO>J-28-2007 15: 16 Cascade Title .' 541 485 0307 P.05 " , ,,: -, Our No: CT-229078 Page: 6 Property De5cription continued- corner of the eeid FIRST ADDITION TO ~ PLAT being on the Northerly line of the said old southern pa"ific COmpany's Railroad Industrial spur:- thence along the said Northerly line. SOuth 84. 24' 00. East 915.21 feet to the true point of beginning. in Lane County. Oregon; ALSO: Lots 1 to 12, inclusive, in Block 12, FIRST ADDITION TO ~S PLAT. sa platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 2, Lane county ~--.,_.. plat RecordS. in Lane CouneYj Oregon: EXCEPT all that portion conveyed by John P. Ha_er to sundance Lumber comPany, Inc., in property line adjustment deed recorded March 06, 2001, Reception No. 2001-012167. Lane County Official Recorc1s . ALSO: Lot 6, Block 13, FIRST ADDITION TO ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book 15. psge 2, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon: ALSO: Starting at the Northeast corner of Lot 5, Block 13, FIRST ADDITION TO ADAMS PLAT, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 2, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence North 84. 23' West 94.48 feet along the North boundary of said lot to a point which is south O. 33' Weet 80.31 feet from the Southwest corner of Lot, 11, Block 12, said,platl thence North 84. 23' West , 14.2 feet along said boundary; thence South 5. 37' West 373.56 feet to a point which is on the North right of way of the southern Pacific company's Industrial Spur and the Soutb boundary of LOt 5, said plat; thence South 8'. 23' East 141.80 feet along said right of way and boundary to the Southeast corner of LOt 5, said plat; thence North O. 33' BaBt 373.03 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane COWlty Oregon: EXCEPT all that portion conveyed by John P. Ha_er to SWldance LUll\l)er Company, Inc.. in property line adjustment deed recorded March 06, 2001, Reception No. 2001-012167, Lane County Official Records. ' ALSO. The vacated streets as follows. 40tb Street which lies Bast of Lots 1 to 12, inclusive. in Block 12; the Bast one-half of 39th Street w~ich lies south of the Westerly projection of Lot 9 and which lies West of LOts 9, 10, and 11. Block 12; the North one-half of Industrial Avenue which lies South of Lots 11 and 12: Block 12; ~be South one-hal~ of Induserial Avenue which lies North of Lot 6, Block 13 and the Soutb one-half of Industrial Avenue which lies North of the East 94.51 feet of Lot 5. Block 13. all ~ithin the FIRST ADDITION TO ADAMS PLAT, aB platted and recorded in 800k 15, Page 2, Lane County Oregon plat Records. in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT all that portion conveyed by John P. Hammer to sundance ~umber Company. Inc., in property line adjustment deed recorded March 06. 2001, Reception No. 2001-012167, Lane County Official Records. continued- EXHIBrr { PAGE-? .N~V-28-2007 15: 18 Cascade Title 541 485 0307 P.06 ., ., ...~ . .. our No: page: 7 CT-~2907S PARCEL 2: Beginning a~ ~he Sou~hwe.C corner of Block 1. MORROW PLAT. as plaeeed and recorded in Iloole 19. Page 6. Ioarie COWley oregon p1ac RecorCl8. in.Lane coun~y, Oregon; thence along ene Norcher1y line of the old Southern Pacific Company's Railroad induserial spur, North ~40 24' OOR West 8?O.OO feet, thance leaving che said. Nortberly line, No~th S. 36' 00. Ease 655.00 feet; thence Ea=t 200,88 feet co a point on the Northeasterly righc of way line of County Road No. 221 at: said road was surve~d in August, 1954 by thae llUrvey being Lane County surveyors file (CSf) Index No. 518; tbence along ebe said Norcheasterly right of way line. along tbe arc ot a 552.96 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears South 420 19' 4S" East 265.73 feec) a distance, of 268.26 teet; thence South 56' 14' 000 East 54.20 teet; thence along che arc of a 696.20 foot radius curve lett (the cllord of wllicb bears South 64. 13' 00' East 193.38 feet) a distance ot 194.01 feet; thence leaving said right ot way line. South 720 ~2' 02" East 130.84 feet to the Southwest corner of thaC parcel of land conveyed to the City of Springfield as recorded in Reel 288'D. Reception No. 49400, Lane County OJ;egon Deed Records, in Lane Couney, Oregon, as said was su- '_. _01 in November. 1987 by cbat'survey being CSP ~8106; thence along the soucherly line of said parcel, Soueh 720 08' 49. East 45.87 feet; thence along the arc of a 306.48 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears Souch 680 36' 38" East 38.80 feet) a distance of 38.83 feet to a point on the Bast line of the ,Lucinda Comegys Donation Land Claim No. 81, in Township 17 south. Range ~' West of the Willamette Me~idiani chence along the ..aid Eaet line, South O. 15' 00" West 358.24 feet to the point of beginning. in Sprin'ilfield. Lane county. Oregon. PARCEL 3: t.ot 2. Bloek 1, MOlU!OW PLAT. as platted and recorded in BOok 1', Page 6. Lane County Oregon Pla~ Records, in Lane County. Oregon; EXCEPT 'IHEREFROI1 that po~tion which waa conveyed to the City of Springfield by that deed recorded OCtober 19. 1'79 in Reel 1030R. lleception No. 71'63100, Lan" County Oregon Deed Records, in Lane COuney, oregon. EXHIBIT PN"c I ."< TOTAL P.06 NOV-29-2007 10:57 ~Chad Cord" 11 541 485 0307 P.0l/03 .. .'" .'1\ IIIII~ I!~~! II~I !llllilll~1 mllll! ( ~ =m CASCADE; TITLE CO. PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL CASCADE ESCROW ATTN: SARAH VAIL 811 WILLAMETTE STREET EUGENE, OR 97401 November 29; 2007 Report No, 0255450 Your No. EU07-2535 Seller: OAKWAY GOLF, Buyer: TO COME PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D NaV 2 9 2007 INC, PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR, owner's Standard poliey (SUBDV) ST/C PREMIUMS: Owner's Standard Premi urn: (SUBDV) Government Service Fee: Temporary Billing: $T/C $25,00 $22$,00 We are prepared to issue 2006 (6/17/06) ALTA title insurance poliey(ies) of CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of OREGON, in the usual form insuring ehe title to the land described as follows: Lots 5 and 6, J,P, HAMMER INDUSTRIAL PARK, as platted and recorded April 17, 2002, Reception No, 2002-030122, Lane County Deeds and Records, all in Lane County, Oregor. Vestee: OAKWAY GOLF, INC., an Oregon Corporation DATED AS OF: NOVEMBER 21,' 2007 AT 8:00 A.M, Schedule B of the policy(ies) to be issued will concsin che following general and apeeial exceptions unless removed prior to issuance: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS . (Standard Coverage POlicy Exceptions) : I. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessmsnts on real property or by the Public Records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in' taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such sgency or by the publie Reeords. 2. Fasts, rights, interests or claims which are not ehown by ~he Public Records bue which eould be ascer~ained by an inepection of the Land or by making inquiry of ,persons in p05~ession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of e.sement, not shown by the Public Records] reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. No liability is assumed fU1reunde/' until policy has been issued andfilll polic)lpremill~1I has been paid NAIN OFFICE. 811 WILLAMBTTE ST. 'EUC~, ORBGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687-2233 FLORENCE * 1901 HWY 101 . S, 2 * FLORBNCE, OREGON 97439 * PH' (541) 997-8417 BUGENE FAX, 485-0307. E-NAIL: infoecaacadetitie.eom * FLORENCE FAX I 991-8~46 NOV-29-2007 10:68 'Chad Cord..ll 641 486 0307 P.02/03 Order No. 0256450 Page 2 4. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variationl or advers~ circumst~nce affecting the Title that "ould be disclosed by an accurate and complete lan<;l survey of the Land. ' 5, Any lien, or right to a lien, for services; labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensacion heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Recorde, SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 6. Easement, inclUding the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, recorded June 20, 1986, Reception No. 8622936, Lane county Official Records. 7. Easements for utilities over and across the premises formerly included within the boundaries of, 40th Street, now vacated, if any such exist. 8. Easements, conditions, restrictions and notes shown, set forth or delineate<;l on the, recorded plat. 9. covenants, eonditions and restrictions, including the terms and prOVisions thereof (but omitting any covenant condition or restriction based on race, color, religion. sex. handicap, familial status or na~ionel origin unless and only to the extent that said covenant (e) is exempt under Chapter 42, Section 3607 of the United Statee code or (b) rela~es to handicap but does not discriminate against handicapped persons) in Declara~ion recorded April 17, 2002. Reception No, 2002- 030124, Lane County Official Records. 10. Improvement A.sreement, including .the terms and provisions thereof, Notice of Potential Assessment Lien, between Oakway Golf, Xnc., and the City of Springfield, recorded April l~, 2002, Reco~de~'e Reception No. 2002-030595, Lane County Official Records. NOTE: The East line of the Plat of 1" Addition to Adams Plat was vacated by City of Springfield Ordinance No. 6012, recorded May 12, 2006, Reception NO. 2006-033112. Lane County Official Records. NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 1688S87, Assessor'S Map NO. 17 02 30 4 4, #100, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, in the amount of $2.970,61, PAID IN FULL. Taxes, Account No. 1688603, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 30 4 4, #200, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, in the amount of $3,065.~2, PAID IN FULL, NOTE: The premium amount' has been reduced by .application of aBub divider's rate. NOTE: The policy to be issued may contain an arbitration clause. When the Amount of Insurance ill: less than t.he amount,' if any, set forth in.,~.he "arbitration clause, all arbitrable matters shall be a~bitrated at the option of'either the Company or the Insured as the excl~siv~ remedy of the parties. NOV-29-2007 10:58 ~ . '. . Order No, 02S6~50 Page 3 '<::had Cordg 11 c, 541 485 0307 P.03/03 ThiS, report is preliminary to the issuance or a pOlicy or title insurance and shall become null and void unless a pOlicy is issued and the full premium paid, kd: Title Officer: JIM HIGGINS ee: JOHN P. HAMMER P,O, BOX,2266 EUGENE, OR ~7402 Ccsacde Title Co, ." Q,J 7- - [/ ~ ,TOTAL P.03