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Correspondence Miscellaneous 11/21/2008
11/21/2008 15:22 54130282% JB ELECTRIC PAGE .01/03 "Desig nerlAnd lllstallers Of auallty EI~ctrlcal Syst@ms" - - FAX#: Ct"fy ./ ~Fb 5-- f/ i~ / <P.1I..p ./ '7.;2, - _~ 9' FACSIMJLE COVER SHEET FROM: .=.-r.:; k...--' f5, if /;2//61 48BS Isabell, St. . E'ug,;ne. Oregon 97402 Phone (541) 687-5770 Fax (541) 302-e:;:98 info@Jbelecl'~nc. cOrn LIcensed . 8ond~d llns lJ red ocbl04929 , TO: A T1'ENTION: DATE': JS JOB: PHONE' II: o Urgen\ 0 Reply ASAP c:::r;ease Comment 0 Pleese Review . 0 For yeur Infermetien Total pages, including cover sheet: . 3- (Pha.. notify Immediately If all paga" .r. not r.oalvad. THANKSI) REFERENCE: . . .fh>tW\ Mf::. fdlrJ, , - COMMENjS: . [A,Ptr.l ~ lJ)~{1 ./19.:d?- II/~ Ct~~ -M-?L ft~-1d 5#t~d'.i4T q#~ ~ ...J-.f- ~t1ln J>. /r-fJP.....lr {VIti' {)/,r:::eu ?ad..R/ . II In ,7 ~// !/}IJ* Jkb<-' ~. ~ 78 . - rZ~ .,..b.o /II-A , "'-iff, *""'- cyu-<-- ('-<"6>;Hc !;j (fttf)tt~cfls (!JjjJw~ 3-,1/.~)' . Iff~~ ;fr-~' Date Received: ~. II! '7 r Planner: SH 11/21/2008 15:22 5413028296 Di!'!-(ast Wall Packs,Jss Refractor JB ELECTRIC Ar~ TWH Ordering Information -- . "..I.,,,..,,,,,,,,,. bi!,~~~ii\i.~+1(f Ifuh.m:s~ IIYH 70S TWH 100S I\IlH ISOS TWIt ~IIDS TWH 250S TW" ~S MmlJ!iII!k lWH 1011M IWH 150!l' TWH I7SM TWH 200M' IWH 250M' IWK l2oM' I\IlH l50M' TWH 4DDMlJ MmlirmM! TWK 100H IWH 175H IWK 25D11 ~~BlIh'SOdfum THW 35(' ~.!1l IHW lOOI'" . .....:.Mt~fi~dij~~,\;:,,>:\,.. / For outc1cor srorage areas, warehouse andfacro_ ry perimeters and loading docks,ConlaCl; wIlh a dlrocr fO"'eM spray ofwoterdurlng operation Can ....sult In glass breakage. Not recommend_ ed for car wash appllcallons. ".,:: ,';",.:';:"i~:J:~~~~g~~~j,'<<'::~::/i,,' ..: :,:<~,',~~~:rij; -:'.?' Housing - Rugged. dle-cau aluminum housing, Cotro5ion~reslstant captive external hardware in. c1udes slotted hex-head fasteners, Standard finish Is dark bronze (DDS) corrosion.,..sislant polyester poWder. Orher architectural colors ~vailab'e; Optics - Reflaetor is specufar anOdIzed alumi- nUm. Refractor Is prisrnatic borosIlicate glass. Lens '$ sealed and gaskE!ted to Inhibit entrance of Outside contamlnants_ electrical - 70-1S0W HI'S and 100-150M: High- "acrance, high-POwer factor. Ali olhers: Con- stant-wa(tage autolransfortner, BaHasts are I ;~~~~;'i~~;:~ .1211 2Il8" Z..,. 271 l47 I8Ilr 18' TBV' .,:_:,~~lni.....: ~~:ff1:;;@~{};}. :::,":',,' ': IoiIlIl<d SF Of l<; QRS Q lIlT Pf PEl! F5 lWHWa TWIIVG SlWA RHP R~P SIngle fuse. '2IIV, my. 347V In/aIB 0' ISV) Doubl, fule, 208V, /40V, 4.0V (nf, IS "lBV) Em~t:!llcydrcuirlnl1 Quartz restrftt:! systemlO.11 Enhan<,ed mrrosion reslstiffJa Non-S(/drpmreCfiv~(!latlngl~ Pho[Ol!Jectric cell- burron t)lpc (ora iO, mv or 480J NEMA twln.IDa r~cl!rmd~ 1) FuJlshiefd W1r"guardl~ ""mf"'guirrdl~ 51<"" ~A pul" ,~rt baR,,! (15<lM-4DOM on~: nla 11lM ) Rl!ilc:ror high-power (aaorballan iMPS 150W & below [)Illy) R~aaO( hfl'lTh1l-pow~r faaOJ' bailoUt (}'IPS J50W & belflw ollly, l~OV .only) XHP R'''taore hlgh-poW"~"'f ball.., IHPS 'SOW. below '"~) (SA CSA Cenlfied1S NOM 110M Ct:rtlfied (consult fal:tory) I'll Lampill'dudl!d'~ IJ1.P lOJ' lamp' Rived" TP Tam"'IJl",ffosl..",Date ece fO"P'Io"'I'''''''",~oolo"''''''9'S4'Planner: SH \\ ) 2/\ Dir\1l!n~Dn~ue5hownlnlDdll!sf(.ntl_.I'j:)unl~llllh@rwr5l!Nl~. Height: 1.5-l/4(4!)), Width: 16-1I4{-1'J,J) llr/'ilh: 8120J) Weight: 26-<11.1b~112-Hb;1l I~~ L.:""" . .. .....:>....J.""Pl!iXft!liM~'<:;~;;_}::;.:i r' W'''';gt ,..' ..,:Slllaii;':':.. :. ,:i.lmpllii"... >]j',fWi!,;.'. :.: IT'.\,ll~ 'M!~lh,n<IPfrrilJllll~)IiiI'o'IJlan, : "j' < :'i,.,~."",,,,,::::,..,. i;" . "'5~;':::'..,: '-':':::~lx4iPi .,:".~.~:> ':~ Elf; ".. h','::.~~M#.,f'~,'.'.: :;:;~~:6:;{1:~tt':~~l..:,,:~i(;:: ,~ urHDNM UDH'I7NC" - . .WWW.lithoni:il.Com.keywolo:!Wl:!. PAGE 02/03 .. ;', ~'::\" , copper wound and 1 00% factory . listed. Electrical componen[s me hinged front cover lhat includes pr, secondary electrIcal disconnect. . Sockel - Glazed porcelain (mogui,ba, and above;medlUlTl based: 150M, 150 low), horlZtlntally oriented wlrh cOPI nlcke/.plah!d screw shell and center co Listed 660W, 600V for medium bose. 600Vfor mogul base. 4KV pulse rated, Installation - Back housln9 is separat front housing. elimInatIng ballast "Vei promoting easy handling. Top 314" threa ;ng access, Back access through remova knockout. Mount on any flat, "on~coml vertic:al surface. ~"...' .'::L~,i~tj~~~S;::,~ti,;~};}{f~; UL Listed (standard), CSA or NOM Certin Opticns). UL listed for Wel locations, IP, (250W and below) or IPS4 rated (400W). oample: TWH 2505 . ~<<esS(lries ~K1PfBl RklPEB2 RKI PEBl CSA QRlPfBJ (SA BKI TW~GLFS Pfl PO PEo Pf' IDnl~, PhOMI!fedrlCCD1ltl'tllklt.uav PhCl(ol'lectrltwnltolkit,2llBV,2411V,2n PhotDeJet:trlcMntmlklL.llIJV Photoelecnic;controlkit,347V fI'ldin"".blefuR>I1I''',~'{lJI'ff NEMAtwfst-lCl(kphotorontrol,120V,~08 riEMAtwiS'(-loc~ph[)CtlCDlJl1'DI,347Y'1 NEMA"'i!t."<l:p~'''''n'''t480V'' NEMA Mist-Iod: photoCDtltrol, ~71V11 NOTES~ 1 ^,iyb~ordl!l'('d\lllr"scw", ~ MunbeDrdmdwlthscwA.. 3 Ill:!QUJIT:5EDDrB12&rnlluC(tlJadctramp, 4 NII!mll.bleIIIUhrB.. 5 120VlIn/y,iI21Jamp. Ii C11l1SultfaCh;!'}'(OlilnllablftTylnanida. 7. ((1nsuftr;,l;tUryfomaftcbllltylnC~nar:ll,Ma150M, I 6 ~~rmuftj.tlpbi!&,q02O\l,~lI3V,141v,2rm.In~121JV, shlpu$120V/341V. ~ OptfnnaIHapbaOIlS~(12tW,~03V,240V,17JV,4IlOVJ:1 II Lamphatllldud~d, n QlJ~rtzlillnpWirltage~~fwo:ceto1b.lll.ulw~mger~11n9. tl 61acU11lIlhonly, 13 Phl1tocl'lIna'lndlldell', ' 111 RequlreHaClot)'m.Odlncatlan. 15HG[mJ/llbtewllbTBV, )i NoU~alrabfewlthln'lJlIdl:l(enl fl PfArnustbeDldvedwrrhflmlft. 11 Oth<<ballartlype'~vallable. lightqulck'XD Express delivery plOducts, S..p,gel1 for "raio ,bout Llght(Juick XD, C>I!SO"iQtloo TWH 150M "8 LPI lW" "OM III LPI 11/21/2008 15: 22 .. 5413028296 ~Lj.1,~~;ll:1970 EOFF ELE(TRll I~ ) ,. ~J- _ - ~ . , :::;-.~.. C ;- -=-= "/J(II/I jB ELECTRIC A~ TWHITWP FS . ~ \. --1., , "L.. "".' ".... ''''.'' '.."--'.". ....:-:. '. : "' -''''--:'-."..'\/._ ~ '(11, . I . Internal Full Shield Full Shield can be ordered asFS opllon on frxtur. catalog number. or ordered as a "'pair kit. Refer 10 repair kit ordering information. Ear use with: TVIn-I TWP Dimensions and speciRcalions on this page are based on the mosl current available dala and are subject to change without notice, t f I ~ale: I Author: I File' PAGE 03/03 :40p.m. 11-21-2008 2(;. r )~ .~~' , . . -._" . . .... ~ \=.-l ,,-,'Lr I 9/25/02 J KlM t TVIn-I-TWP FS DETAIL :1 -, ..-: 1ft~:: , ': '}',i"", r;;ecelved PI~~~er: SH II/V \ " , / .' /